Historical List of BBSes in the 914 Area Code --------------------------------------------- Created by TEXTFILES.COM From Many Sources 914-221-0035 | The Phortress System =THG=, The Phortress System I, The | Phortess! | (1990) SYSOP | The Freeze, The FREEZE SOFTWARE | Telegard, Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-221-0379 | Maranatha | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-221-0774 | RBBS IBM PC Hopewell Junction, The Sports Network BBS | (1984-1987) SYSOP | John Giberson COMMENTS | For-Pay System ($30) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-221-0980 | Sports | (1985) SYSOP | John Giberson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-221-2248 | Eclectic | (1985) SYSOP | David Hunter --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-223-7413 | The Inn of the Last Home BBS | LaGrangeville, NY (1994) SYSOP | Chris Ferry --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-225-0501 | DSNY NET Mail HUB, SENY Southern HUB, The Wincomp OPUS BBS | Lake Carmel, NY (1991-1996) SYSOP | Jimmy Winson SOFTWARE | FidoNet, Opus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-225-2245 | Wincomp OPUS BBS | Lake Carmel, NY (1990) SYSOP | Jimmy Winson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-225-2374 | Cemetery Ridge, Pain ST BBS | Lake Carmel, NY (1993-1995) SYSOP | Len Linkens SOFTWARE | Forem ST --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-225-4973 | The Foundation BBS | Kent Cliffs, NY (1992) SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-225-7629 | Design System BBS | Lake Carmel, NY (1995-1996) SYSOP | Steve Gerardi SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-226-3249 | The Flashover BBS | Wappingers, NY (1995-1996) SYSOP | Tom Walker SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-226-3435 | Nuclear Wasted | Hopewell Junction, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-226-8208 | Nuclear Wasted, Star Board BBS | Wappingers Falls, NY (1990-1994) SYSOP | Kelson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-227-4402 | Tholian Web BBS | Hopewell Jct, NY (1994-1997) SYSOP | Thomas R Walker, Tom Walker SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-227-5856 | DUTCHESS WINDOWS | Poughquag, NY (1992-1993) SYSOP | Nick Riale --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-227-5938 | Dark Sun World | Poughquag, NY (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-227-6503 | Horse Head, SENY Northern HUB | Poughquag, NY (1989-1994) SYSOP | Karl Hoedl --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-227-6840 | M & R Concepts BBS | Poughquag, NY (1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-227-6847 | The Phortress System II, The Phortress System Node #2, The | Phortress System (node 2) | Hopewell Junction, NY SYSOP | Mephistopheles SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-227-7889 | Ultra Tech BBS | Poughquag, NY (1995) SYSOP | Robert Alphonse --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-227-8064 | Garden of Stone | Hopewell Junction, NY SYSOP | Matt Fury, Uncle Meat SOFTWARE | Telegard COMMENTS | "Hey quite a comprehensive list you have!! I run into a | lot of people in my field that have no idea what a BBS is | and have no concept of a modem so this is awesome. I ran | a BBS back in the late 80's to early 90's in Southern NY | at 914-227-8064 using Telegard for the most part. I knew | a lot of the guys you have listed. I ran it under a | couple of names like "Garden of Stone" which was early | 90's of course... Pearl Jam reference. Back in the late | 80's I can't quite remember but I went under the handle | "Uncle Meat" (another music reference :-) ). Started out | on a 300 baud modem before I hosted. Well from 2400, | 9600, 14.4k, 38.4, then finally 56k! I had a blast being | able to admister it and create a community. Loved being | able to see people actually log on and off and do things. | Also remember being able to mess with them sometimes with | fake line noise using the function keys LMAO. Anyway, | I'm sure other things will come to me but thanks for | putting the site together." - Matt Fury --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-227-8496 | The End of the Universe BBS | Hopewell Junction, NY SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-228-4321 | Infinity ACI BBS | Carmel, NY (1988-1992) SYSOP | Bret Ancowitz COMMENTS | "Hello! My BBS number was 914-228-4321. The only | mention I have found of my BBS here in the | Google/internet age was in an archive of FidoNet boards | here: http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/athena/reference/net- | directory/host-tables/FIDONet-Hosts.txt. There is also | an entry into the FidoNet History Project here: | http://ambrosia60.dd- | dns.de/fidonet/nlarchive2.php?e=Infinity+ACI. Here is my | history below: "I was the SysOp of the Infinity ACI BBS | in roughly the 1988-ish to 1992 timeframe. It was an | Amiga BBS and it felt like I changed BBS software every | few months, given the fact that Amiga BBS software was, | in general, the product of mostly amateur efforts of | middling stability and almost no support. I absolutely | adored BBS'ing, especially growing up as a teenager in an | obscure rural area (Putnam County), with obscure teenage | interests (Sci-Fi, history, politics, science), using an | obscure computer system (the Amiga). So the universe of | BBS'ing was for me a proxy way to explore both the world | and myself. The power of computers to connect people and | communities that we take for granted today was new and | intoxicating during that era, especially for teens, and | it had the additional allure of feeling very forbidden | and "underground." Enjoying BBS's as I did, starting one | became a no-brainer in high school once I convinced my | parents to purchase some additional phone lines. I can't | praise my parents enough. They poured time, money, and | effort into helping me start what almost became a round- | the-clock enterprise despite their occasional concern and | their incomplete understanding of what I was doing. How | perplexed (and patient) they must have been to see my | Amiga running 24 hours a day, the CPU fan audible around | the house, as modem connect tones punctuated the quiet at | all hours of the day and night! In the middle of dinner, | a connect tone would ring out and I would jump down and | run to my room to see who was on my BBS and what they | were doing. I don't remember why I named the BBS what I | did. I vaguely remember that the Infiniti car brand was | about to soon launch in the US (which they later did in | 1990) and remember feeling that the name did indeed sound | somewhat upscale but I disliked Nissan.s silly, | deliberate misspelling with the .i. at the end. So I | thought I would beat them to the use of the name and | spell it correctly. The infinity symbol was great fodder | for a logo as well. The ACI? I have no idea. Acronyms | seemed very adult and official. I don't know if the "A" | was a play on my last name or Amiga. The "C" and "I" are | lost to the dark recesses of my memory. The most fun I | had was in doing animated and elborate ANSI menus for the | BBS, a feature most users viewed once, praised, and then | promptly turned off in favor of simplified text menus. I | had some active forums on my site, especially relating to | the Amiga, Star Trek, and some regional issues. I tried | emulating the America Online thing in vogue at the time | by joining FidoNet and, I think, ICN (see The Brewster | BBS). In fact, I joined what felt like every available | message network and it often felt like my BBS spent as | much time doing timed dialing out to exchange messages as | it was available for people to dial in. In fact, I have | vague memories of one phone line being exclusively used | for networking and another being used for dial-in. In | short order, my BBS rapidly developed a reputation for | being *the* place to go in my zone of the 914 area code | for networked message forums, something that was helped | by the fact that Amiga BBS software at the time seemed | far ahead of its PC counterparts in forum organization | and management. I even tried doing updated local | weather, a local visitors guide (something I started long | before when I had a Commodore 128), something resembling | journalism for my local community, and opinion pieces. | At the BBS's peak, I probably had 2 or 3 phone lines and | several users per hour and a few even paid me for | "upgraded" access. I, for about 5 minutes, tried to | establish an Amiga "warez" scene on the BBS which | immediately failed due to my lack of cred in that | community and due to a general lack of Amiga users in my | area code. I got to know several of my online users very | well and even met one or two in the real world. My | experience keeping the BBS cobbled together, attractive, | and operating became increasingly difficult as the | technology, boardering the proto-internet age, started to | zoom ahead. I rapidly hit the ceiling of my self-taught | technical knowledge at the end of high school and was | keeping things going by trial and error, the advice of | generous experts on help forums, and by sheer will. It | was increasingly apparent that computer-based | connectivity was professionalizing, separating the truly | knowledgeable from us mere tinkering hobbyists. The best | BBS operators started to become people who did IT for a | living or were purposefully taking computer networking or | graphics design courses to keep themselves relevant as | BBS.s became websites. Like many, I shut everything down | before leaving home for college, which was less an event | than I had imagined it would be, as my user base began to | dwindle as the overall Amiga and BBS communities both | entered their twilights. At the end, I ha d maybe 3 or | 4 daily users. While I'm still amazed that the average | American lives in a society that is drenched in a style | of 24/7 connectivity far outstripping anything of my BBS | youth, I can't help but feel sad that something from that | BBS age has been lost." - Bret Ancowitz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-229-0197 | Solutions BBS | Hyde Park, NY (1992-1996) SYSOP | Chris Hawkinson SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-229-1678 | *I*M*A*G*I*N*E* | Hyde Park, NY (1994) SYSOP | Tony Thompson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-229-2996 | F/X by FiRe (Node II) | Hyde Park, NY (1993) SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-229-6282 | *I*M*A*G*I*N*E* | Hyde Park, NY (1994) SYSOP | Tony Thompson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-229-6439 | Blue Knight BBS, BlueKnight BBS | Hyde Park, NY (1992-2005) SYSOP | Bill McKay --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-229-8483 | F/X, F/X by FiRe (Node I), InFiniTy I, Infinity Node #1 | Hyde Park, NY (1991-1995) SYSOP | Tim Winnard SOFTWARE | Renegade COMMENTS | "NEUA World Headquarters" --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-234-0484 | The Great Escape | Bedford, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | Duke SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-234-1284 | Stromi's Place | Bedford, NY (1992-1996) SYSOP | Anthony Arcadi SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-234-3260 | The Central Office | Bedford, NY SYSOP | The Datamaster SOFTWARE | Citadel COMMENTS | Run as a continuation of the efforts of the OSUNY BBS to | educate. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-234-3453 | The World's End | Bedford, NY (1987-1988) SYSOP | Spell Binder SOFTWARE | Genesis Deluxe COMMENTS | "The original. Ran on an IBM PCjr for awhile." - Spell | Binder --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-234-9674 | The Keg BBS | Bedford, NY SYSOP | Six Pack --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-235-3930 | Teen Alliance BBS, The Unforgiven BBS, The Unforgiven | BBS/2 | New Rochelle, NY (1994-1999) SYSOP | Randy Locklair SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-235-4957 | The Stand , The Stand BBS | New Rochelle, NY (1989-1994) SYSOP | Scott Edgar SOFTWARE | PC-Board, PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-235-9524 | The Clearing House BBS | New Rochelle, NY (1993-1998) SYSOP | Phillip Schein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-236-3146 | The Pirate's Cover | Marlboro, NY SYSOP | Dana Nuccitelli, Aaron Nuccitelli --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-236-3265 | Acorn I BBS | Marlboro, NY (1991-1996) SYSOP | John Repke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-236-3609 | The Acorn II BBS | Marlboro, NY (1993-1994) SYSOP | Steve Hegyi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-237-3664 | The Ricochet BBS | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Jim Greenawalt SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-237-6405 | Excalibur, Excalibur BBS | Yonkers, NY (1984-1988) SYSOP | Mac Campbell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-238-4251 | Chappaqua Remote, RBBS IBM PC Chappaqua Remote | Chappaqua, NY (1984-1985) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-238-5196 | Stuffed-Node E-MX RCP/M | Chappaqua, NY (1985) SYSOP | Andy Rubin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-238-5833 | Programmer's Workshop, Programmers Wkshop | Chappaqua, NY (1987-1991) SYSOP | Mike Lepp SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-238-7970 | Perp Motion | Chappaqua, NY (1990-1994) SYSOP | David Richards --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-238-8195 | The Works BBS | Ferretville, NY (1986-1991) SYSOP | Jason Scott, Terror Ferret SOFTWARE | PCBoard, Ferret BBS (FBBS) COMMENTS | BBS Run by the Now-Webmaster of TEXTFILES.COM when he was | 16. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-241-7008 | Blue Mountain BBS | Mt Kisco, NY (1995-1996) SYSOP | Scott Conkling --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-242-0691 | Shadolands | Bedford, NY (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-242-4724 | Linguini BBS | Bedford Hills, NY (1997-2002) SYSOP | Greg Peffers SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-242-5123 | Insomnia BBS | Bedford, NY (1992) SYSOP | Chris Lowman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-242-8227 | New York MetroChat, NYM Chat BBS | Mt. Kisco, NY (1994-1996) SYSOP | Lyssa Wess SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-244-3252 | UNCENSORED! BBS | (1996-1998) SYSOP | IGnatius T Foobar --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-245-2455 | Amawalk Premium, Amawalk Premium PCB, The Amawalk BBS | Amawalk, NY (1989-1996) SYSOP | Richie Cawley SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-245-4034 | 11PM TO 7AM | (1985) SOFTWARE | Forem ST --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-245-9115 | Amawalk Premium PCB | Yorktown, NY (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-245-9281 | The Genesis BBS | Yorktown Heights, NY (1993-1995) SYSOP | Brian Swan (The Byte) SOFTWARE | Renegade, Telegard and Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-245-9770 | The Fly Fishing Network BBS | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-246-2885 | The Tank | Saugerties, NY (1994-1996) SYSOP | John Elliott SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-246-3107 | Mega-City One | Saugerties, NY (1992-1993) SYSOP | Derek Balling --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-246-3139 | Guido's Palace | Saugerties, NY (1995) SYSOP | Derek Shocklee --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-246-6906 | Data Plus, Data-Plus | Saugerties, NY (1987-1994) SYSOP | Harry Kaemmerer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-246-7605 | RBBS IBM PC S.U.E., RBBS IBM PC S.U.E. Saugerties | Saugerties, NY (1982-1987) SYSOP | Robert J Demkowicz SOFTWARE | RBBS-PC COMMENTS | "A second phone line added 1984 for rollover dialin, and | scheduled store and forward of mail/files. Host files | for MHVPC, mirror directory listing for NYPC, Capital PC | and C - Users Group. Site moved to Rhinelan in 1988." - | Robert Demkowicz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-247-9601 | Starbase: Red Dwarf | Saugerties, NY (1994-2000) SYSOP | John G. Dragun --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-248-6737 | BartGuy Online | (1995-1996) SYSOP | John P. Barti SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-255-2340 | PC Paradise System, PC Paradise System ><, The Jungle | New Paltz, NY (1990) SYSOP | Drakkar SOFTWARE | Wildcat, Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-255-3016 | Joes' Burp & Slurp II | New Paltz, NY (1993) SYSOP | Scott Teilhaber --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-255-3142 | Highlander's Castaway | New Paltz, NY SYSOP | Freelove --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-255-3616 | The Holodeck BBS | New Paltz, NY (1994) SYSOP | Eric Hauptman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-255-4350 | The World BBS | New Paltz, NY (1994) SYSOP | Rob Henderson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-255-8154 | PC Paradise, PC-Paradise | New Paltz, NY (1989-1994) SYSOP | Eric Barkie SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-265-4824 | The Country Road BBS | Cold Spring, NY (1990) SYSOP | Jim Benedict --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-266-4706 | Infinity III BBBS | Clinton Corners, NY COMMENTS | The "NEUA Vault" --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-266-8472 | Frenchy's Hideout | Staatsburg, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | Edward Hudock SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-271-6433 | Hotspot BBS | Croton, NY (1998) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-271-9366 | Croton Computer Club, The Croton BBS | Croton, NY (1989-1994) SYSOP | Martin Glynn SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-271-9407 | 2" by 4" BBS, 2" x 4" BBS, 2x4 BBS, Downstate NY NET BBS, | 2' x 4'sHideout | Croton, NY (1991-2000) SYSOP | Christopher Adams, Chris Adams SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-273-8618 | Terminal Frost BBS | (1993) SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-277-8030 | The Somers BBS | (1985-1991) SYSOP | Steve Haase SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-278-4438 | The French Connection | Brewster, NY (1995) SYSOP | Jean Roberts, Jean Beit-Halahmi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-278-6266 | The French Connection | Brewster, NY (1994) SYSOP | Jean Beit-Halahmi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-279-2514 | The Brewster BBS | Brewster, NY (1991-1996) SYSOP | Richard Durso, Rick Durso, Rick Durso / Richard Durso SOFTWARE | Wildcat , Wildcat! BBS COMMENTS | "I was the sysop to The Brewster BBS during my high | school and early college years. It started on a Radio | Shack TANDY 1000 with a internal 2400 baud modem and a | 10MB MFM Hard Card (hard disk on a ISA board -- no native | hard drive was offered). Overtime I upgraded to an | external US Robotics 9600 HST modem through the SYSOP | program (US Robotics put a name plate mounted to the | modem that it could not be resold). That was later | upgraded to 14.4K, 16.8K and 28.8K. It was operated | using Wildcat BBS 2.x single-line under MS-DOS 2.x and | 3.x, later used to DESQView to "multitask" and not take | it off-line when I used the computer. Then ran it under | OS/2 3.x after a computer upgrade and Wildcat BBS 3.x | multi-line (added second node 914-279-4987) this was very | stable and ran this way for a year or two. This system | had over 1.3GB of SCSI storage at the time which was very | rare when other large BBS had 300MB storage. Then I was | invited to join the Wildcat! Beta Team (we even had t- | shirts) for the Windows NT 3.1 version. It was a bumpy | ride but still impressive. I ran a 16-port Digiboard | with several lines. I gave a demo to a room of other | sysop's where with multiple users on-line and downloading | files I formatted a 1.44MB floppy drive and the UART | didn't drop a single character. This was so impressive | people's jaws dropped to the floor - floppy drive access | and modems were incompatible prior to this (even under | OS/2). [If you tried to use the floppy the modem would be | paused]. I was a member of FidoNet in 1:272/xx (not | positive of exact number). I also started my own network | called ICN (Interactive Communications Network) which | offer less red-tape then FidoNet. Grew to be | international (Canada and Europe) with nearly 80 nodes | but slowly fell apart during my college years. I offered | my users internet e-mail addresses and the BBS could be | reached via Telnet. I supported RIPTerm graphics (text | tags used to describe a graphical interface used before | HTML was available). By this time my bedroom had several | computers linked via LANTastic Ethernet BUS (remember | troubleshooting Ethernet terminators?) My skills running | my BBS helped land my first job during my senior year of | college with Prodigy & IBM in Yorktown, NY. They were | amazed I knew how to use edlin (single line text editor | in DOS) and troubleshoot IRQ conflicts between modems and | mouse. The networking skills learned in my bedroom BBS | setup helped land my second job with General Foods | (KRAFT) as a network admin (converted their network from | OS/2 1.x to Windows NT 3.1). I learned more practical | knowledge from running a BBS than I every learned from | college. The good old days." - Richard Durso --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-279-4987 | The Brewster BBS | Brewster, NY (1996-1997) SYSOP | Rick Durso --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-279-5693 | Brewster RBBS, RCP/M RBBS Brewster | Brewster, NY (1982-1983) SYSOP | Paul Bosshold & Carl Erhorn SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-292-0670 | The Space Station | Liberty, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | Anthony Furgison SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-292-6503 | Data Avalanche BBS | Liberty, NY (1995-1997) SYSOP | Richard Yaun --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-294-7264 | The Monroe Electronic Mall | Monroe, NY (1993-1995) SYSOP | Anthony Grillo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-0334 | Ninja's Palace BBS, Ninja's Place | Wappingers Falls, NY (1990) SOFTWARE | WWIV, Emulex/II --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-0665 | BBS IBM PC Poughkeepsie, Mail reg., PC-Rain Node #1, PC- | Rain Node1, Rasputin Compute's, Rasputin | Computes Node #1, SouthEast NY State HUB | Poughkeepsie, NY (1984-1996) SYSOP | Ray Hyder --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-2039 | The Dutchess CoCo Node #2 | Wappingers Falls, NY (1994) SYSOP | Chris Serino --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-2915 | SMBBS Network | Wappingers Falls, NY (1993-1997) SYSOP | John Simons SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-3008 | Rasputin Computes Node #2 | Wappingers Falls, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | Ray Hyder --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-5616 | Software City BBS | Wappingers Falls, NY (1987-1991) SYSOP | David Burkart, Dave Burkhart SOFTWARE | PCBoard COMMENTS | 40mb of Storage --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-5623 | Magical Mystery Tour, Simons Board Network, SMBBS Network | Wappingers Falls, NY (1992-1997) SYSOP | John Simons SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-5971 | The Club BBS | Wappingers Falls, NY (1994) SYSOP | Mike Stach SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | "The Club BBS was the "official" BBS of the oft-renamed | BlueApple+ computer club, of which my father and many of | his friends were members. The SysOp was one of his best | friends, and his name was Mike Stach, if you'd like to | add that to the listing. I was still in elementary | school at the time, but The Club BBS was my introduction | to the BBS world, which, by the time I was in 7th or 8th | grade, had introduced me to an entire gloriously 'elite' | world of warez, phreaks, anarchy... (is "lol" appropriate | here?!) not to mention network and modem communications, | programming, and the Internet in general. Sadly, Mike | passed away last year, logging into the big BBS in the | sky, i guess. I remember him being a really sweet, | friendly, and smart dude, though. After maintaining | Telegard BBSs went out of style, he got into rebuilding | Crosley automobiles. Hope you find a touch of interest in | this bit of history, and have a great day!" - Jason | Conklin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-6651 | Danger Zone | Wappingers Falls, NY SYSOP | PC Kid --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-8810 | The 5-K BBS | Wappingers Falls, NY (1989-1994) SYSOP | Rick Kramer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-297-9971 | The Purple Rose of Cairo | Wappingers Falls, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rob Flor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-298-0158 | Southeast Hub, The World's End BBS | Wappingers Falls, NY (1994-1997) SYSOP | Ken Davis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-298-0527 | The 5-K BBS | Wappingers Falls, NY (1988) SYSOP | Rick Kramer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-298-1319 | USS Starcross | Wappingers Falls, NY (1978-2001) SYSOP | Tony Denizard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-298-7881 | Erasmus Siladron BBS | Wappingers Falls, NY SYSOP | Frosted Flake --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-298-8205 | MHVN NEC, Southeast Hub, The Dutchess CoCo Node #1 | Wappingers Falls, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | Chris Serino SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-298-8415 | Rasputin Compute's Node 1 | Wappingers Falls, NY (1995) SYSOP | Ray Hyder --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-328-9078 | The Wrong Number ][ | West Harrison, NY (1986-1998) SYSOP | Al DeRosa COMMENTS | "Wow, Like someone else said, I can't believe my old BBS | made a list! This thing started out as a way to exchange | warez and became a way of life for me for 12 years. | Started out on a Commodore 64 with a floppy drive, and | ended as a Pentium 75 with 5 Gigs of HD Sheesh! Now all | of that seems small. Something that has to be mentioned | is that WE (us sysOp's) were the pioneers of the WWW. We | made it possible for "users" to send email across the | country (though sometimes it took days) we made it | possible for people to write messages like todays | newsgroups, and all this took place when AOL was known as | QLink, and AppleLink. Thanks for including my BBS, who | knows maybe one day I will get the bug back and put it on | the web. Thanks again.." - Al DeRosa --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-332-1983 | Tele Tech, TeleTech IES BBS | N. Tarrytown, NY (1991-1995) SYSOP | Al Adourian --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-332-7633 | Cyber-Space Highway | North Tarrytown, NY (1995) SYSOP | Douglas Zolkind --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-334-9245 | The Wright Choice BBS | Kingston, NY (1994-1997) SYSOP | Steve Wright --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-335-2373 | Brentwood | Harrison, NY (1995) SYSOP | Guy Cappello --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-336-4582 | MHVN NEC, North Country BBS, Northwest Hub | Lake Katrine, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | George E. Williams SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-336-8269 | Fly With The Eagles | Lake Katrine, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | Scott Glass SOFTWARE | SuperBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-337-3021 | The Basement BBS | Yonkers, NY (1991-1994) SYSOP | Adam M Greenwald SOFTWARE | Spitfire COMMENTS | "The Basement BBS was located in the basement of my | parents house in Yonkers, NY. My parents really didn't | understand what I was doing so they only let me put it on | from 10-11 at night until the morning. It was fun while | it lasted. I remember upgrading to a 14.4 modem and that | speer was just unbelievable!" - Adam Greenwald --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-337-5068 | CAMELOT | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-338-2143 | JO JO's BBS | Saugerties, NY (1993-2003) SYSOP | Joanne Valentine --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-338-6495 | The Mega-City One BBS | Saugerties, NY (1993) SYSOP | Derek Balling --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-338-8837 | Spectrum 007 bbs, The Spectrum 007 BBS | Saugerties, NY (1989-1994) SYSOP | Albert Sorbello SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-339-1793 | OUTBACK NODE2, The Outback Node #2 | Kingston, NY (1993-1995) SYSOP | Thomas and Kathy Maines --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-339-1816 | Northwest Hub, OUTBACK, The Outback Node #1 | Kingston, NY (1991-1995) SYSOP | Thomas and Kathy Maines SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-339-2140 | SAGELINE | Kingston, NY (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-339-4210 | Supra Image Center, SupraBBS | Kingston, NY (1988-1991) SYSOP | Thomas Majewski SOFTWARE | Odyssey BBS COMMENTS | "We had a network of affiliated BBSs that would dial each | other up each night and pass on emails. Network never | made it past the Hudson Valley. My user list, however, | was worldwide. Attraction was one of the largest | collection of GIF pics on a small BBS around at that | time. No one ever heard of spam. People were happy to | get messages!" - Thomas Majewski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-339-6818 | The Ucon | Kingston, NY (1987-1988) SYSOP | Arnold Fischer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-341-0136 | Terminal Maddness, The Forgotten Realm | Wawayanda, NY (1990-1991) SYSOP | Mike Berlin, Mike Berlin (Paffuto) SOFTWARE | PCBoard, Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-341-1128 | Red Onion Express | Wawayanda, NY (1997) SYSOP | Steve Fleckenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-342-3259 | Computer On-Line Node 2 | Wawayanda, NY (1994-1997) SYSOP | Joe Schiavone --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-342-4585 | South East NY, The Red Onion Express, RedOnionExpress | Wawayanda, NY (1991-1997) SYSOP | Steve Fleckenstein, S. Fleckenstein SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-342-4941 | Luv at First Byte | Wawayanda, NY (1989-1996) SYSOP | George Armstrong SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-2434 | Banana Republic | Middletown, NY (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-3791 | Solomon's Portico | Middletown, NY (1988) SYSOP | Bryon Dayton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-5004 | Terrapin Station Node 2 | Middletown, NY (1994) SYSOP | Nick Layman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-5065 | Ouan BBS | Middletown, NY (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-5076 | TI-NET BBS | Middletown, NY (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-5915 | PowerSurge! | Middletown, NY (1991-1992) SYSOP | Karl Weckstrom --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-7540 | The Prism Node #2 | Middletown, NY (1992-1994) SYSOP | Janis and Ron Kracht --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-8292 | The Beta Projections BBS | Middletown, NY (1985-1989) SYSOP | Chuck Newman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-8681 | Pc Prison | Middletown, NY (1995-2002) SYSOP | Eddie Warren --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-9013 | Buckaroo Bonzai's BBS | Middletown, NY (1991) SYSOP | Eddie Warneski SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-9050 | AppleCore BBS | Middletown, NY (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-9540 | PRISM BBS (PDN HQ) #2 | Middletown, NY (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-343-9836 | Bernie's BBS | Middletown, NY (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-344-0053 | Data Net Node 2 | Wurtsboro, NY (1997) SYSOP | Ted delaMare --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-344-0140 | Data Net Node 1, The GameRoom Deluxe | Wurtsboro, NY (1993-1997) SYSOP | Ted de la Mare SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-344-0350 | << Prism BBS, < | OPTIK, TEXT2COM, CBOOT, very good shareware utilities --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-623-1471 | Apple Pit I | (1986) SYSOP | Torino Man SOFTWARE | AE/CatFur/BBS, Ascii Express COMMENTS | 10mb of Disk Space --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-623-4248 | TELEPORT 64 | Pearl River, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-626-4637 | High Peaks ACOA, MetroLink Editor, Seacom Systems RBBS | Accord, NY (1988-1989) SYSOP | Don Schryver, Dona Hall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-627-5212 | Innovation BBS, Satan's Workshop | Nanuet, NY (1992) SYSOP | Richard Kaminer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-628-0535 | Dark Side of the Moon | Mahopac, NY (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-628-6851 | Twilight File Exchange | Mahopac, NY (1992) SOFTWARE | Telegard COMMENTS | "Open daily from 10 p.m. until 9 a.m." --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-628-7578 | Prodeus Electronics BBS, U.S.S. Enterprise | (1988-1989) SYSOP | Joseph Grimont --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-631-7825 | Jamie Ferrara's BBS, PC Net, PC-Net BBS | Tarrytown, NY (1991-1994) SYSOP | Jamie Ferrara --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-633-0043 | E.B.B.B.S. Relay 3 | (1988) SYSOP | Fabian Gordon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-633-2019 | Programmer's Forum BBS | (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-634-1268 | APPLE TREK I, NET-WORKS Pirate's Lodge, NET-WROKS Pirate's | Lodge 201 202 203 204 205, Pirate Trek | BBS, Pirate's Lodge, PIRATES TREK, | PIRATE'S TREK | New City, NY (1982-1985) SOFTWARE | NET-WORKS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-634-7855 | Alesis Systems | (1990) SOFTWARE | Cit68kv3.31 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-634-8385 | D.A.T.A. | (1985) SYSOP | Dennis Friedman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-634-8692 | The Dragon's Lair | West Nyack, NY (1982-1989) SYSOP | Dragon Master, Mike Spike SOFTWARE | Customized TBBS?/CatFur/AE Line -- 20 MB online COMMENTS | "My brother and I ran the Dragon's Lair at both: 914-624- | 8692 914-624-8888 (later number -- mostly AE). The first | experience was using commercial software -- we came home | one day and some jerk hacked the BBS and deleted the | software off floppy disk. So, we went back to the drawing | board and took parts of other BBS software and customized | it. We would love to hear from the "old school" people | that were on our BBS. Funny anecdote -- when I went to | high school, my typing teacher accused me of taking a | typing class already :) I couldn't really tell her I was | running a BBS at home. Funny anecedote (2) -- I received | a call from some guy at home saying he was from the New | York Times -- Science Section on a weekend and they were | running a story on the BBS phenomenon. I thought it was | total BS so we called the New York Times on the other | phone number and asked for this guy....They transfered me | to his desk and we got his voicemail. Needless to say, | the short interview was very tame and not a lot of | information was passed along to the New York Times :)" - | Dragon Master --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-635-1059 | BOARDwalk, The Boardwalk BBS | Pleasant Valley, NY (1989-1994) SYSOP | Ed Hosier SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-635-2712 | Central Hub, Dental Information (272/59), Dental | Information Service BBS, PRN/DIS Network | Pleasant Valley, NY (1992-2000) SYSOP | William Baker SOFTWARE | Wildcat, RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-635-3303 | The Dolphin BBS | Pleasant Valley, NY (1995-1998) SYSOP | Phil Bernstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-635-3942 | The Link BBS | Pleasant Valley, NY (1990-1992) SYSOP | Mark Long --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-635-9501 | Ghandeel's Fortress, The Network BBS | Pleasant Valley, NY (1992-1995) SYSOP | James Dunn --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-636-0649 | Docs R' Us II BBS | Westchester County, NY NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-636-1455 | Advanced Computer Concepts BBS, AdvComp | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Skip Ross SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-637-0057 | Instant Global Access | New Rochelle, NY (1995) SYSOP | Richard Ploski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-638-3712 | The Lagoon | New City, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-639-4173 | MiD-NiGhT RuN, The Midnight Run BBS | (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-639-6564 | Clarkstown HS North BBS | (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-647-1115 | Space Station | Spring Glen, NY (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-647-2951 | Camelots Return | Spring Glen, NY (1996) SYSOP | Dan Irwin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-647-4947 | The Space Station | Spring Glen, NY (1995-1997) SYSOP | Anthony Furgison --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-647-7280 | Ghandeel's Fortress | Spring Glen, NY (1992-1995) SYSOP | David Campbell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-647-7903 | Fanta-Z Network | Spring Glen, NY (1997-1998) SYSOP | Suzie Koledi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-651-5048 | Channel XPress | Flordia, NY COMMENTS | ALF World Headquarters --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-654-0721 | Advanced Computer Concepts Node #2 | New Rochelle, NY (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-654-1981 | Advanced Computer Concepts, Advanced Computer Concepts | Node #1, Adv'dCompCpts | New Rochelle, NY (1989-1996) SYSOP | Skip Ross SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-654-8082 | The World's End, World's End BBS | New Rochelle, NY (1992-1998) SYSOP | Spell Binder SOFTWARE | WWIV COMMENTS | "Last of many incarnations before dying." --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-654-9601 | The Lions Den | New Rochelle, NY (1995-1997) SYSOP | Lenny Garry --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-658-3284 | The No Cheese! 2 BBS | Ulster Park, NY (1995-1996) SYSOP | Seth Lerman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-658-3748 | Joe's Bar n' Grill, Joe's Burp & Slurp I | Ulster Park, NY (1993-1997) SYSOP | Scott Teilhaber (Alias Bob/Fred, Alias Joe) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-658-8839 | No Cheese! BBS | Ulster Park, NY (1994-1996) SYSOP | Seth Herman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-664-1181 | The Voice | Mount Vernon, NY (1995-2002) SYSOP | Tim Strom --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-664-1844 | The Voice | Westchester County, NY SYSOP | Debbi Westchester --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-664-4409 | Skara Brae | Mount Vernon, NY (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-664-6765 | The Voice BBS | Mount Vernon, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | Tim Strom --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-665-1725 | Go Diamond! BBS, Lower Westchester NY, Mount Vernon NET, | Parad. Shift E, Paradigm Shift East , | Paradigm Shift East BBS | Mount Vernon, NY (1992-2002) SYSOP | Curtis Brewington, C. Brewington SOFTWARE | Magpie , TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-666-3997 | The Perfect World BBS, The Spies in the Wire BBS | Mount Kisco, NY SYSOP | Andy Rubin COMMENTS | 8 Line BBS running in 1984, UNIX Interface, Allowed free | BITNET E-mail! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-667-0363 | Aquaiel Online | Mount Vernon, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | John H. Reid III SOFTWARE | MajorBBS 6.21 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-667-1841 | Access Data Connectivity Board | Mount Vernon, NY (1991) SYSOP | Marc Mauss SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-667-2607 | Amer Herald BBS, The Herald | Mount Vernon, NY (1987-1988) SYSOP | Rich Craparo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-667-4567 | Exec Net, Execnet BBS, ExecNet,LAN, Executive Network, The | Executive Network, Executive Info Network | Mt. Vernon, NY (1987-1996) SYSOP | Andy Keeves SOFTWARE | PCBoard COMMENTS | Continues to run in present day as an ISP in Mount Vernon | (www.execnet.com)

Interlink Netmail National Host - | Multiline PCBoard System --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-667-4684 | Executive Network | Mount Vernon, NY (1991) SYSOP | Andy Keeves SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-667-4759 | Brightwork Development, Brightwork Development Inc, | Brightwork Development, Inc., Executive | Network | Tinton Falls, NJ (1991-1995) SYSOP | Andy Keeves SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-667-9385 | Brown's BBS, DSNY NET NEC, HUB 100 EchoMail Coord, Interim | Host SENY, Joe Brown's BBS, SENY Echomail | HUB, SENY GATEWAY, SENY OGATE, SENY | Southern HEC, South East NY Net, | Brown's,LAN | Mount Vernon, NY (1989-1998) SYSOP | Joe Brown, The Gatekeeper, The Ogate SOFTWARE | FidoNet, QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-668-0515 | The Open Door BBS, The OpenDoor | (1988-1994) SYSOP | Tom Doyle SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-668-1635 | Alex's Place BBS | (1990-1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-668-3664 | Doc's "R" Us | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-669-5582 | Raven's haven, Raven's GS Tavern | (1988-1991) SYSOP | Brad Johnson, Nightraven SOFTWARE | GBBS Pro --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-677-5890 | Camelot II BBS | Millbrook, NY (1989-1994) SYSOP | Richard Shankman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-677-6948 | Bear Heaven BBS, Northeast Hub | Millbrook, NY (1992-2000) SYSOP | Debbie Bodin, Walter Bodin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-679-4602 | SENY NEC, The Mad Scientist's, The Reading Room | Woodstock, NY (1995-1998) SYSOP | Eric Angell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-679-6559 | Bearsville Town SJBBS, RBBS Bearsville, RBBS IBM PC | Bearsville, RCP/M SJBBS Bearsville | Bearsville, NY (1980-1986) SYSOP | Hank Szyszka SOFTWARE | RBBS, SJBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-679-8010 | Woodstock Fido System | Woodstock, NY (1985) SYSOP | John Doak --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-679-8734 | RCP/M RBBS Woodstock, WOODSTOCK CP/M, Woodstock RCP/M RBBS | Woodstock, NY (1982-1985) SYSOP | John Doak --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-681-0658 | Kashmir BBS | (1991) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-681-1769 | Kashmir BBS | (1987-1991) SYSOP | Jay Goldstein SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-682-0404 | Dead Deckers Society | White Plains, NY (1991) SYSOP | Jonathan Block --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-682-1965 | Cloud 9 Online, Cloud Nine On-Line, Silver Arrow BBS | White Plains, NY (1990-1996) SYSOP | Scott Drassinower, S.Drassinower, S. Drassinower SOFTWARE | PCBoard COMMENTS | Continues to Run as an ISP in White Plains, NY | (www.cloud9.net) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-682-1975 | Psycho Terminal BBS, PSYCHO TERMINAL | White Plains, NY (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-682-7927 | DTCS | White Plains, NY (1991) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-682-7958 | OVER THE EDGE BBS | White Plains, NY (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-683-3665 | Entertainment Consultants | Valhalla, NY (1995-1998) SYSOP | Pat Reale --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-683-3788 | Skywave One BBS, The Virtual Escape BBS | Valhalla, NY (1995-1997) SYSOP | Larry Spinner SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-683-5537 | BIG HOUSE BBS | Valhalla, NY (1990-1991) SYSOP | Victor Carpenter --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-683-6926 | Inner Sanctum | Valhalla, NY (1990) SOFTWARE | Gen. Delux --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-683-8912 | FIDO, The Fido Video Music Education BBS | Valhalla, NY (1989-1991) SYSOP | Ricky Finn SOFTWARE | FidoNet COMMENTS | Focuses on Music Education --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-684-0188 | New York State Fireline | White Plains, NY (1994-1995) SOFTWARE | PCBOARD --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-684-8530 | KAB BBS, Sunset South BBS | White Plains, NY (1989-1990) SYSOP | Darin Prill SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-686-8091 | Pub Info Exchange, Pub Information Exchange, The Public | Info Exchange BBS | White Plains, NY (1991-1995) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-691-2117 | The Double Nickel BBS Node 1 | Highland, NY (1994-2000) SYSOP | Fred Nickel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-691-3652 | The Double Nickel BBS Node 2 | Highland, NY (1994-2000) SYSOP | Fred Nickel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-691-7914 | The Broken Lands | Highland, NY (1992-1993) SYSOP | Joe Saland --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-692-0465 | Hysteria | Middletown, NY (1992-1993) SYSOP | Ken Dippold --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-692-0785 | Power Surge | Middletown, NY (1990) SYSOP | Karl Weckstrom --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-692-2064 | The Devils Mansion | Middletown, NY (1995) SYSOP | Daniel Lorber --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-692-2488 | BBS Express BBS | --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-692-4523 | Hysteria | Middletown, NY (1994) SYSOP | Ken Dippold --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-693-5679 | Innocent Exile GS | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-693-9100 | The Image Center BBS | DobbsFerry, NY (1992-1996) SYSOP | Larry Clive SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-695-1443 | The Light Speed BBS | Middletown, NY (1989-1994) SYSOP | Scott Vogt SOFTWARE | Telegard, SearchLight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-695-2060 | Onesty & Associates, Onesty and Associates BBS, Onesty | Techn | Middletown, NY (1990-1994) SYSOP | Patrick Onesty SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-698-2271 | AE Line: COTTON, AE LINE: COTTON | Mamaroneck, NY (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-698-5044 | House Party! BBS | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-698-5965 | Circus Maximus AE | Mamaroneck, NY (1986-1988) SYSOP | The Disk-Bomber SOFTWARE | AE/Catfur/BBS, Ascii Express COMMENTS | "Co-Sysop was The Gremlin (that's me). Real name of the | board was Circuits Maximus (not Circus... Circuits was my | brilliant creativity). The Disk-Bomber and I actually | ended up going to college together at Boston University. | We were both users on your board. And you and I met | several times years later at various 2600 meetings in | Boston, iirc, and through the various projects that came | out of the l0pht.

"It's pretty funny. The Disk- | Bomber and I met because I CNA'd him, looked up his | mother's phone number and showed up at his house one day. | 15 years later I was the best man in his wedding and | we're still great friends."

"The board was amazing | for its time because he had a 20mb Apple Sider ][ at a | time when 2 HD floppy disks was standard. He also had | the Apple Cat with the full 1200 baud (I only had the one | that did the half duplex 1200 baud). That hard drive | sounded like a helicopter taking off. Thanks for | bringing back the memories (and thanks for archiving a | couple of my old t-files!)" - The Gremlin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-698-7641 | LMC-PC BBS | Mamaroneck, NY (1995) SYSOP | Robert Spier --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-698-9166 | Mamaroneck High School | Mamaroneck, NY (1994-1996) SYSOP | Greg Zimmerman, Robert Spier --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-721-2653 | Scarsdale Middle School | Scarsdale, NY (1993) COMMENTS | FrEdMail System --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-723-3397 | On The Beach, SEX ON THE BEACH, Sex on the Beach BBS, Sex | On The Beach BBS | Scarsdale, NY (1992-1995) SYSOP | Lyssa Wess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-723-4010 | SB Online, Inc. | Larchmont, NY (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-725-4060 | NET-WORKS 201 202 203 204 205 206 207, OHIO SCIENTIFIC- | OSUNY, OSUNA Scarsdale, OSUNY, PBX | (1982-1988) SYSOP | Frank Roberts SOFTWARE | Citadel, Cit86 2.17 COMMENTS | One of the most famous Phreak BBSes, mentioned in | Newsweek, very Popular --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-733-1647 | Ghandeel's Fortress | Bloomingburg, NY (1991-1992) SYSOP | David Campbell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-733-5697 | Johnny Boy's PC-Mania BBS | Mount Kisco, NY SYSOP | John Gady --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-734-1370 | The Point BBS, The Point BBS | Montrose, NY (1996-2002) SYSOP | Laura Weathers SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-734-7045 | The Laser BBS | Cortlandt Manor, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | Brian Sweeney --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-734-7155 | The Laser BBS | Cortlandt Manor, NY (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-734-8455 | The Laser BBS | Cortlandt Manor, NY (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-734-8473 | Sunset Systems BBS | Montrose, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | Sean Heverin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-735-9362 | Electronic New York, Electronic NY , ENY | Pearl River, NY (1987-1998) SYSOP | Farokh Irani SOFTWARE | Cit286 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-736-1253 | Dark Side of the Moon BBS | Crompond, NY (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-736-2235 | Dark Side of the Moon BBS | Crompond, NY (1994-1997) SYSOP | Peter Cacchioli --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-736-3186 | The Dark Side of the Moon | Crompond, NY (1991-1996) SYSOP | Peter Cacchioli SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-736-3714 | Dark Side of the Moon BBS | Crompond, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | Peter Cacchioli --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-736-6268 | Blue Mountain BBS | Peekskill, NY (1995) SYSOP | Scott Conkling --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-736-7101 | Classified Ads Online | Peekskill, NY (1996-1997) SYSOP | Craig Lido --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-736-9409 | The House of Music BBS, The Hall of Music | Peekskill, NY (1989-1998) SYSOP | Paul Newman SOFTWARE | Wildcat, T.A.G. COMMENTS | "Hi. Interesting reading. I did use the name "Paul's | Porno Palace & Smut Emporium" for my adult board. It was | a seperate system for a couple of years but eventually it | was accessed as a backdoor from my main site (node 4) | with a second copy of my BBS software. I also ran my site | on 914-528-3030 for about four years which was really an | echomail hub with Frontdoor but was set with everything | the same except for local messages. I still have my | entire BBS on tape including local & state wide bbs lists | as well as Fidonet, Adultnet, etc., echomail lists if you | are interested. Was great going through your list and | seeing a lot of the names. Wonder how many (like myself) | now have websites? Reminds me whats really missing from | the Internet!" - Paul Newman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-737-2539 | The Final Encyclopedia, The Financial Encyclopedia | Peekskill, NY (1992-1995) SYSOP | Chris Peters --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-737-3848 | Obsessions BBS | Peekskill, NY (1994-1997) SYSOP | Lou Mauriello --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-737-6770 | Cutthroats | Peekskill, NY (1985) SOFTWARE | Mouse Exchange --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-737-7879 | Sunset Systems | Peekskill, NY (1990) SYSOP | Sean Heverin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-737-7942 | Sunset Systems | Peekskill, NY (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-738-2109 | Elysium | Pelham, NY (1991-1993) SYSOP | Lodin SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-738-6857 | M & M's Pelham, M & M'S PELHAM PUBLIC, M&M Pel-HAM BBS | *W2MAC*, M&M Pel-HAM BBS *WA2TGO*, M&M's | Pelham BBS, M&M's Pelham Public, The M&M | Pelham BBS, The WECA BBS WB2ZII | Pelham, NY (1987-1998) SYSOP | Mike Ciferri, Eddie Maselli --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-738-7218 | Voyetra Technologies | Pelham, NY (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-739-8274 | Laser | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Brian Sweeney --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-744-3520 | The Sportsman's Shack | Pine Bush, NY (1995) SYSOP | Gary Dykstra --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-744-5085 | Farby's Funhouse, Farbys Funhouse | Pine Bush, NY (1995-1997) SYSOP | Gary Farbman SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-744-5937 | Heidi's Hot Li, Heidi's Hot Line | Pine Bush, NY (1996-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-747-2694 | Nova Com | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-747-2836 | Seven Keys BBS, The Seven Keys BBS | Thornwood, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | Jim Condon SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-752-7349 | Promethium, The Bard's Minstrel Lodge | Annandale, NY (1993-1995) SYSOP | Frederik Foure, Michaelian Ennis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-752-7572 | Interzone BBS | Bard College (1993) SOFTWARE | HERMES --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-753-8241 | The Lanalyst's Asylum | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-754-7472 | Future DOMAIN, Future Domain BBS | Forestburgh, NY (1993-1998) SYSOP | Joseph Novak SOFTWARE | DarkStar --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-758-0918 | The Red Hook On-Line Bulletin Board | --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-758-2485 | Sun Vacations BBS | SYSOP | Michael V. Zucco --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-758-3055 | Wizard's Tower | Red Hook, NY (1992-1997) SYSOP | Michael Comeau --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-758-3209 | East Coast Connect | Red Hook, NY (1995-1998) SYSOP | Michael Munnis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-758-4133 | Hudson Valley BBS | Red Hook, NY (1995) SYSOP | John Perz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-758-8773 | The Playroom BBS | --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-761-6877 | The Uncensored BBS | Westchester County, NY COMMENTS | Uncensored BBS has continue to function as an ISP and | Internet BBS. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-762-4679 | Sing Sing Sing Studios, Sing Sing Studios BBS | Ossining, NY (1989-1996) SYSOP | Ira Lichtenstein SOFTWARE | Spitfire COMMENTS | Conveniently located near Sing Sing Prison --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-762-6954 | The Implosion BBS | Ossining, NY (1992-1994) SYSOP | Don Fischer SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-762-8055 | P.A.L. Software, Pal Software, PAL Software BBS, PAL | Software NY Inc, RBBS PAL S/W | Ossining, NY (1987-1994) SYSOP | Robert Tolz SOFTWARE | RBBS, PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-764-0415 | The Ranch BBS | Olathe, NY (1986-2000) SYSOP | Bill Barnhart COMMENTS | "The Ranch went the way of the old cowboys was out dated | and not needed any longer. Bill is still in computers on | the WWW. So rest in peace BBS's of the era it was fun | and can never be replaced." - Bill Barnhart --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-764-5934 | ECIDO AE/Catfur | Bedford, NY SOFTWARE | AE/Catfur/BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-769-2970 | S D V RBBS RCP/M, S.D.V. RBBS RCP/M, SDV RBBS RCP/M, | Thornwood PCBoard | Hawthorne, NY (1984-1991) SYSOP | Richie Cawley SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-769-7249 | The You-name-it BBS | Hawthorne, NY (1989) SYSOP | Jim Angiello --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-774-1350 | Technisoft BBS | Monroe, NY (1994) SYSOP | Frederic Breitwieser --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-774-8784 | Technisoft BBS | Monroe, NY (1994) SYSOP | Frederic Breitwieser --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-774-8947 | Access TV BBS, AccessTV, AccessTV BBS | Monroe, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | Bruce Greenberg --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-776-7410 | Land Of the Unicorn, Land of the Unicorn BBS | (1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-778-3969 | The King's Corner BBS | Walden, NY (1992) SYSOP | Mark Thomas --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-778-4252 | Camelots Return | Walden, NY (1995) SYSOP | Dan Irwin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-779-2708 | The Westcon BBS | (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-779-4273 | Activity Bulletin Board Service | (1990-1991) SYSOP | James Spinelli SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-779-5886 | Eyes of KH, The Eyes of the Kwisatz Hadderach | Bronxville, NY (1985-1989) SYSOP | Muad'Dib (aka: Antryg Windrose) SOFTWARE | C-Net COMMENTS | "Just some notes. Ghormenghast Manor (Unicorn, in Dobbs | Ferry) was an off-shoot of this site as was one by The | Tower Guard (Eyes of the Kwisatz Hadderach 2, Yonkers, | NY). Dorian Hawkmoon (dammit what was the name of his | BBS in Elmsford)was instrumental in the formation of this | BBS even if he didn't know it. KH was well known for its | "Never Ending" discussion room that was started with the | simple line "I was an egg salad sandwich in a former | life. It didn't do much for my karma though..." - Bweltd --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-782-0125 | Technisoft BBS | Harriman, NY (1992-1994) SYSOP | Frederic Breitwieser --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-782-2080 | The Idle Hour BBS, The Idle Hour Premium BBS | Monroe, NY (1991-1996) SYSOP | B&B Hassler SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-782-7605 | MONROE CAMERA SHOP, ST80-PBB Monroe Camera Shop | Harriman, NY (1982-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-782-9472 | Technisoft BBS Node 2 | Harriman, NY (1992-1993) SYSOP | Frederic Breitwieser --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-783-0343 | GREENE MACHING Hillside BBS, Hillside BBS | Chester, NY (1985-1996) SYSOP | Bob Biegel SOFTWARE | PCBoard , GREENE MACHINE --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-783-0992 | Monroe Electronic BBS, SENY NEC BBS, SENY Northern HEC, | The Monroe Electronic Mall | Monroe, NY (1989-1995) SYSOP | Anthony Grillo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-783-2106 | The Turtle's Pond, Turtils Pond, Turtle's Pond BBS | Monroe, NY (1992-2003) SYSOP | Rich Wonneberger --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-783-2455 | South East NY, The Particle Board 3, The Particle Board | III | Monroe, NY (1992-1997) SYSOP | Navarino/Cupano, Vincent Navarino, Joe Cupano SOFTWARE | Searchlight BBS COMMENTS | "Sequel to "The Particle Board II." - Joe Cupano --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-783-3751 | FirstClass NY BBS | Monroe, NY (1994-1996) SYSOP | Danny Kasow --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-786-3705 | Unix Bulletin Board | (1984-1985) SYSOP | Bruce Boardman, John Walsh --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-793-1168 | THE APPLE-WIZE BBS | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-793-5060 | Applewize, The Apple-Wize BBS | Bronxville, NY (1994-1996) SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-793-6086 | The Wine Shop BBS | (1991) SYSOP | Peter Marrero SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-794-1576 | Digital Paradise BBS | Monticello, NY (1994-1997) SYSOP | Scott Waschitz SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-794-8904 | MHS BBS | Monticello, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | Scott Waschistz and Mike Zier, MHS:BBS Staff, Scott | Waschitz SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-795-2630 | Galt's Gulch, Galt'sGulch, Galts Gulch | Milton, NY (1990-1994) SYSOP | Larry Pieniazek --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-795-5092 | Software Cellar | Milton, NY (1990) SOFTWARE | Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-795-5199 | KRYNN BBS, SENY NORTHWEST HUB, The Dragon's Den, The | Wyvern's Lair | Milton, NY (1991-1994) SYSOP | Keith Dombrowski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-796-1136 | CPU BBS | Wurtsboro, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | James Oppenheim SOFTWARE | PCBoard COMMENTS | For Pay BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-796-1260 | Monticello Players | Wurtsboro, NY (1995-1996) SYSOP | Dennis Rundle --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-796-4295 | The Leading Edge Node #2 | Wurtsboro, NY (1993-1997) SYSOP | Joe Germann --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-796-4566 | The Dirty Hacker BBS | Wurtsboro, NY (1991-1994) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-831-0466 | The 5-K BBS | Wappingers Falls, NY (1989) SYSOP | Rick Kramer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-831-2663 | World of Tiers BBS | Wappingers Falls, NY (1991-1994) SYSOP | Rei Santovenia SOFTWARE | RBBS COMMENTS | "We were the Hub for SKYNet (Systems Konnected Year- | Round)..." - Rei Santovenia --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-831-3379 | Chicago Fire BBS | Wappingers Falls, NY (1993-1997) SYSOP | Dominic Bruen SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-833-1473 | Powerboard HQ | Larchmont, NY (1995) SYSOP | Scott Brown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-833-1479 | Nuiq Software Inc Technical Support, Nuiq Software, Inc. | BBS, PowerBoard BBS, Powerboard HQ, The | Powerboard Support BBS | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Scott Brown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-833-2746 | Welcome to the Machine BBS, Welcome to the MACHINE! BBS | New Rochelle, NY (1992-1994) SYSOP | Chris Trifari --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-833-6612 | The Machine BBS | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-834-2973 | Powertest BBS | Larchmont, NY (1993-1995) SYSOP | Mark Hennessy --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-834-3517 | The Phantom BBS | Larchmont, NY (1994) SYSOP | Eric Harper --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-834-7366 | Welcome to the Machine! BBS | Larchmont, NY (1995-1998) SYSOP | Chris Trifari --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-834-7830 | PowerBoard BBS, The Powerboard HQ BBS, The Swing BBS, | NuIQ, NUIQ Software, Inc | Larchmont, NY (1991-1997) SYSOP | Scott Brown COMMENTS | Product: Powerboard BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-835-1315 | The Brentwood BBS | (1988-1994) SYSOP | Guy Cappello SOFTWARE | PCBoard, Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-835-2373 | The Brentwood BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Guy Cappello SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-835-3627 | APPLE TREK ///, PIRATE'S TREK III | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-835-4919 | HELL | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-835-7898 | Brentwood BBS! | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Guy Cappello SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-838-0577 | Ultra Tech BBS | Lagrangeville, NY (1995-1997) SYSOP | Robert Alphonse --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-838-2319 | Hacker's Hideout | Lagrangeville, NY (1990) SOFTWARE | Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-838-2423 | LAVIATHAN BBS | Lagrangeville, NY (1994) SYSOP | Rocco Villani --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-838-3073 | The Country Road BBS, Toon Town USA BBS | Lagrangeville, NY (1991-1997) SYSOP | Jim Benedict --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-838-3760 | The Addicted 2 Jesus BBS | Lagrangeville, NY (1996-1997) SYSOP | Chris Reiche --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-856-5309 | The Bridge of Death BBS | SYSOP | Brian Collette --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-856-9625 | On A Deadly Board!! | Sparrowbush, NY (1995-1996) SYSOP | Grant Miterko --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-858-2704 | Pokey's Place BBS | SYSOP | Thomas Rigano --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-858-2879 | The Chatterbox BBS! | Eldred, NY (1993-1994) SYSOP | Gloria and Art Call --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-858-8722 | WEST END BBS | Eldred, NY (1990) SYSOP | R Vanhouten --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-1004 | Time Warp BBS | --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-1065 | The Dark Tower BBS, The Dark Tower (62 megz) (NEW BBS) | Rhinebeck, NY (1990) SYSOP | Michael Munnis (Phantom Phlegm) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-1450 | The Hudson Valley BBS | Red Hook, NY (1992-1997) SYSOP | John Perz SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | Boasted of Lots of Windows 3.0 Files --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-1540 | Hudson Valley BBS | Rhinebeck, NY (1995) SYSOP | John Perz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-2237 | Assistant RC - Mid Atlantic, Druids Collective, Elected | REC - Mid Atlantic, MHVN NEC, Mid Hudson | Valley NY, R13 Echomail Coordinator, Reg | 13 EchoCoord, Regional Echomail Hub, | Regional Election Coordinator, Regional | Mail Gate, Rhinebeck Hub, The Druid's | Grove BBS | Rhinebeck, NY (1992-2003) SYSOP | David Calafrancesco et al SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-3469 | The Gaming BBS | Rhinebeck, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | Nathan Nordfelt SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-5375 | The Wizard's Domain | Rhinebeck, NY (1996-1997) SYSOP | Benjamin A. Hunter --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-5580 | Lord Wolfen's Castle | Rhinebeck, NY (1990) SYSOP | Lord Wolfen SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-5639 | Rhinewan | Rhinebeck, NY (1988-1994) SYSOP | Robert J Demkowicz SOFTWARE | RBBS-PC, Citadel COMMENTS | "Move from Saugerties User Exchange (S.U.E.) continuing | to run RBBS-PC. Migrate to CITIDEL86e in 1988,then | CITIDELUX 1990 on XENIX moving to AIX PC 1992. A second | phone line took calls from other systems twice a day and | called out twice a day." - Robert J. Demkowicz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-8907 | The Druid's Grove II | Rhinebeck, NY (1995-2000) SYSOP | David Calafrancesco --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-876-9609 | The Druid's Grove III | Rhinebeck, NY (1995-2000) SYSOP | David Calafrancesco --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-878-3112 | The People Power BBS | Patterson, NY (1992-2002) SYSOP | Joe Ross --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-883-5016 | The Machine Modena NY BBS | Modena, NY (1993-1994) SYSOP | Greg Aldrich --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-883-6612 | The Machine | Modena, NY (1991-1994) SYSOP | Greg Aldrich SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-883-9054 | Infinity II BBS | Clintondale, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-887-4651 | The Summit Data BBS | Long Eddy, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | Lyle Carey SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-887-5104 | Future System BBS | Hortonville, NY (1996-1997) SYSOP | Franck Dumas --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-888-4138 | The Leading Edge Node 3 | Wurtsboro, NY (1994) SYSOP | Joe Germann --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-888-4295 | SENY CENTRAL HUB, The Leading Edge BBS | Wurtsboro, NY (1990-1997) SYSOP | Joe Germann SOFTWARE | QuickBBS , PCBoard , Remote Access 2.02 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-889-4437 | The Link BBS Node #2 | Staatsburg, NY (1993-1994) SYSOP | Mark Long --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-889-8361 | The Intercourse BBS | SYSOP | The Torquer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-889-8379 | Mid Hudson Valley NY, North Hub, SENY NORTHEAST HUB, The | Link BBS | Staatsburg, NY (1990-1996) SYSOP | Mark Long SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-896-0049 | The Game Frame | Fishkill, NY (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-896-0321 | The Hobby Shop BBS | Fishkill, NY (1993-1994) SYSOP | Walter Eikner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-896-5194 | MicroTech BBS | Beacon, NY SYSOP | The Ace --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-896-5547 | Mosaic Ministries | Fishkill, NY (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-897-2265 | The Hackers BBS | Fishkill, NY (1987) SOFTWARE | Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-897-2857 | Programmer's Edge | Fishkill, NY (1995-1996) SYSOP | Brian Cohen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-897-3127 | Intoxicated Roadkill | Fishkill, NY (1990-1992) SYSOP | Chris Shorter (Mainman) SOFTWARE | Teleguard COMMENTS | "I just can't believe this thing made it to your list.. | Anyway, the info above is correct. It was just a good | time in life, trading warez before you had to endure porn | pop-ups to do it." - Chris Shorter --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-897-3727 | Intoxicated Roadkill | Beacon, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-897-4106 | Pace BBS | Beacon, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-897-9775 | Touch of Evil BBS | Beacon, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-921-0885 | The Harbor House BBS | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-921-3476 | The Overlord's Castle BBS | Rye, NY (1994-1997) SYSOP | Jay Remsen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-921-5468 | The Fishing Hole BBS | Rye, NY (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-928-7890 | Contractors Den | Central Valley, NY (1994-1998) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-928-8191 | Laser Light BBS | H'land Mills, NY (1991-1996) SYSOP | Edmund Czerwonka, Ed Czerwonka SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-928-8660 | The Monroe Woodbury High School BBS | Highland Mills, NY (1993-1997) SYSOP | David McTamaney --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-928-8712 | ..iNSOMNiA.. | Highland Mills, NY (1994-1996) SYSOP | Kerri Adams aka Phen, David Matera SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-934-5922 | The SDynalogic Product Support BBS | Rye Brook, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jack Radigan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-934-8125 | The Gateway BBS | Rye Brook, NY (1992-1996) SYSOP | Marc Steinberg SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-941-2246 | Sing Sing Sing BBS | (1993-1996) SYSOP | I. Lichtenstein SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-941-2890 | Spies In The Wire | (1987) SYSOP | Andy Rubin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-942-2638 | R A C S III, RACS III BBS, TUCBBS | Stony Point, NY (1982-1987) SYSOP | Tuc SOFTWARE | Remote Access Computer System (RACS) COMMENTS | racsiii.net - The story of bringing it back online. Know | anyone that can align drives?? ;) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-946-4146 | Wizard's Den | White Plains, NY (1989-1990) SYSOP | Ozzy Cerzon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-948-2349 | Over The Edge BBS, Stealth Operations BBS | White Plains, NY (1991-1992) SYSOP | John Samuel SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-948-3389 | Last Homely House , THE LAST HOMELY HOUSE, The Last Homely | House BBS | White Plains, NY (1988-1994) SYSOP | John Hall SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-961-0398 | The Intimate Inn, The Intimate Inn Resort | Eastchester, NY (1994-1996) SYSOP | Steve Studly, Steve Sambor SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-961-0399 | Lotu!, The Intimate Inn | Eastchester, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | Steve Sambor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-961-0663 | AppleWize Online, The Apple-Wize BBS | Bronxville, NY (1994-1995) SYSOP | Mike Baumann --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-961-7032 | DataShack BBS, The Data Shack, DataShack (Home of the | DataShack Super Image) | Eastchester, NY (1990-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-961-8494 | The Carriage House BBS, Apple House, The Apple House | Eastchester, NY (1987-1988) SYSOP | Rotten Apple SOFTWARE | GBBS Pro --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-961-8749 | Hardgoods East BBS, Hardgoods-East | Eastchester, NY (1988-1996) SYSOP | John Fix SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-961-8959 | DataShack BBS, The Data Shack | Eastchester, NY (1992-1994) SYSOP | Judah Holstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-962-1282 | Philosophical Perceptions | Yorktown Heights, NY (1995-2002) SYSOP | Sergio Esposito --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-962-3853 | The Math Power BBS | Yorktown Heights, NY SYSOP | Charlie Marion --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-963-2321 | Sniper's Den | Yonkers, NY (1990-1994) SYSOP | Aaron Schlesinger SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-963-5344 | The Invention Station BBS | Yonkers, NY (1996) SYSOP | Matthew Drobnak --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-963-7187 | Hole In The Wall BBS | Yonkers, NY (1983-1988) SYSOP | Kid Curry, Optimus Prime SOFTWARE | C-Net COMMENTS | "A BBS me and my father ran on our Commodore 64 back in | 1983-1988(?) It started with a commodore 64 and one 1541 | disc drive running on c-net. It eventually grew to about | 4 1541 disk drives and 2 brand disc drives which I cannot | remember that actually were 2 disc drives in 1 (equaling | 4 additional drives in total).. I was only about 10 | years old I believe and was the co-sysop. We were one of | the more popular BBS's on the C64 scene and had a | dedicated line just for the BBS. The line was alywas | busy and we have near 1,000 users. It was one of the | greatest experiences of my life in regards to computers | and something I hold dear to my heart till this very day. | The WWW. Has nothing on dial up BBS!" - Optimus Prime --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-964-0419 | THE LOST CARRIER, The Lost Carrier BBS | Yonkers, NY (1992-1996) SYSOP | Gerry Schechter SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-965-1972 | Codenoll, Codenoll Technical Support, Codenoll Technology | Corp, Codenoll Technology Corp. | Yonkers, NY (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-965-4980 | The Special Appointment BBS, Spec Apptmt | Yonkers, NY (1991-2002) SYSOP | Dan Bermejo, Dan Bermijo SOFTWARE | QuickBBS , RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-965-5320 | bbs line traveler 2, BBS Line Traveler 2 Yonkers N.Y. | Yonkers, NY (1997-2002) SYSOP | Don Robinson SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-967-1553 | Apocalypse Now | (1995) SOFTWARE | RENEGADE --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-967-2917 | APPLE TREK ][, PIRATE'S TREK, PIRATE'S TREK ][ | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-967-9578 | APPLE CIRCUS | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-968-2205 | Dome Ideas BBS | Yonkers, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | John Downey SOFTWARE | Magpie , TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-968-8511 | The Main Line BBS | Yonkers, NY (1989-1990) SYSOP | Vincent Scaramuzzo COMMENTS | "I am the former SysOp of the Main Line BBS out of | Yonkers NY. Funny to see my name on the list. I was | about 15 when I ran that site for a year, forgot the name | of the software I used, I think it was QuickBBS, a great | shareware program that was similar to TBBS if memory | serves me right. I ran it on a PC with (2) 20 meg hard | drive and a 2400BPS modem... How cool I thought I was and | what a system I thought I had. I was clued to the | Computer 12-18 hours a day. I think I spend more time on | my BBS setting things up then actually letting it run! | My first BBS experience was with another on the list, | M&M's in Pelham, NY...One of the first BBS in Westchester | county. I first logged onto that board with my 300BPS | modem that I got for x-mas...... What I thought I was | doing that x-mas morning as I connected to a ASCII text | welcome screen of a Christmas tree...I think the | asterisks actually blinked in color! I later spent a lot | of time on Joe Browns BBS in Mt. Vernon. Joe is a Ham | Radio Operator and Mike from M&M's Pelham (also a HAM) | both gave a young kid great guidance on how to run a | BBS.... I even got involved with FidoNet and other mail | systems... Our way of sending messages across the country | in 24hrs! Faster than the post office at the time, and a | precursor of E-Mail to come. Little did we know what was | to come. Back then my PC booted up quicker, we did | everything in DOS. Became the kings of .bat files and | ASCII files, and I hardly remember my system locking up | or having to reboot.....As for Viruses?????? never got | one.... We were the pioneers, blazing across the west on | Horseback, only to have trains, then cars, and eventually | planes pass us by. Eventually got the keys to a car at | 16 and gone was my lust for the BBS. Soon to follow was | the Internet when I turned 18 and found it to be a sneaky | way to do well in college! Now, the Internet is the | wild west, and is only limited by imagination. Back then | we had the imagination, just not the technology. I | wonder what we will think of the Internet now, in another | 15 years... Thanks so much for the memories!" - Vincent | Scaramuzzo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-969-1266 | T.R.E.K. + BBS | Yonkers, NY (1993-1996) SYSOP | Steve Bowers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-969-3213 | The Swamp of Illusion | Yonkers, NY (1994) SYSOP | Ben Hertzberg --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-976-8787 | DOWN-TIME! | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-985-7309 | The Sky And....Beyond | Grahamsville, NY (1995-1997) SYSOP | Steve Komorsky --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-986-9341 | The Mind of WEM BBS | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Bill Muller SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-993-6232 | The Virii BBS | Westchester County, NY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 914-997-6018 | The PC Dimension BBS | White Plains, NY (1991-1994) SYSOP | Oswaldo Cerzon --------------+-----------------------------------------------------------