"The name and phone number of this BBS changed in 85 to The Crystal Caverns. CC ran until late 88 in the same city and area code but the prefix changed from 232 to 847. In six years this system was up it recieved over 10,000 calls. In its prime, ER/CC recieved over 50 back to back calls a day. In 1992 I set up a Wildcat BBS called Electromania. Its life span was short lived however because me and my Co-Sysop of The Crystal Caverns, Dan Newman (The Starchief) decided to set up a multi-node system called The Void (Netherland Express) which ran from 92 to 96. We had four phone lines on The Void and ran The Wildcat BBS System. The main number was 817-838-7560." - K. Brad Holder
817-232-8372 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
MAGICK! (1994) |
| Wildcat |
817-232-9479 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
Advantage Point (1994) |
| |
817-236-2007 FORT WORTH EAGL, TX |
STATIC RAVE ZULU (1994-1995) |
| |
817-236-3243 FORT WORTH EAGL, TX |
EchoMaina PCBoard, EchoMania PCBoard, The Cowtown Net (1994-1997) |
Pete Cervasio | |
817-236-3304 FORT WORTH EAGL, TX |
Anchor Bay, Barbed Wire Dreams, The Fountains, Wellington Estates (1991-1993) |
Robert W. McKee | TAG |
"Years from now it will be unimaginable that people actually dedicated their entire phone line for the purpose of receiving calls to their BBS, one person at a time -- but from the great friends and people I've met through my own, it was hardly a sacrifice. I ran it out of my room when I was 16 and, it was a great way to socialize with all sorts of people of all ages. The message boards are what I was most interested in... the debates got really heated and really silly, over crap like the $25,000 Pyramid vs. Jeopardy, etc... The logs are priceless.. Those were the days.. =]"
817-237-0527 FORT WORTH LAKE, TX |
Savage Little Mail Machine, The Savage Little Mail Machine (1996-1997) |
Debbie Savage | |
817-237-1789 FORT WORTH LAKE, TX |
Flight of Fancy (1991) |
| XPRE |
817-237-3113 FORT WORTH LAKE, TX |
Teen's Talk, THE LION's DEN (1988-1990) |
Stephen Hurst, Steven Hurst | |
817-237-4624 FORT WORTH LAKE, TX |
EchoMania PCBoard (1997-1998) |
Pete Cervasio | |
817-237-5459 FORT WORTH LAKE, TX |
Da' Shack, Da' Warez Shack, Serenetys BBS (1994-1999) |
Harold Roberts, Robert & Sherri Burgess, Robert Burgess | |
817-237-5712 FORT WORTH LAKE, TX |
Rainbow's Digital Disaster (1995) |
Aaron Goldblatt | |
817-237-8141 FORT WORTH LAKE, TX |
M C T II (1992) |
Oly Graham | |
817-237-8223 FORT WORTH LAKE, TX |
Rainbow's Point (1995) |
Aaron Goldblatt | |
817-237-9934 FORT WORTH LAKE, TX |
Time Starts Now (1995) |
Dale Hopkins | |
817-238-0718 FORT WORTH LAKE, TX |
Phaenix Rampant (1997-2000) |
Asher Densmore-Lynn | |
817-241-2314 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Genesis (1995-1996) |
James Sparks | |
817-242-3088 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Chatterbox (1994-1996) |
Jim Edmondson | |
817-243-0245 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Dis-Net BBS (1993-1994) |
Erich Ephraim | |
817-243-1403 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Golden Triangle Mail Hub, Golden Triangle Net Mail Hub, Golden Triangle Net MailNode, The Bunkhouse BBs, TX Triangle (1993-1998) |
Roger Etheredge, Texas Critter, TEXAS CRITTER | |
817-243-1506 Fort Worth, TX |
The Zepp (1986-1990) |
Steve White | Opus |
"I started out in 1986 (it might have been 87') with an IBM PC with a V20 (BIOS modded to an XT), and a 10 MEG full height HDD, and a 300 baud external Hayes modem. The 63 Watt power supply used to overheat with the HDD, so I used to have to keep the lid off of it and a fan running into it to keep it up. I eventually went to a 286 system and 1200 baud with 2 20 MEG drives. I didn't have a case for my system, so I just ran it all on a cardboard box by a chair in my living room. I used to run OPUS BBS software. I originally started off with the name of the BBS being The Led Zeppelin BBS, but one of the users thought up the name The Zepp, so me and everyone else started calling it that. I met a lot of them, and we had parties, and some of them are life long friends. I didn't know we were the precursor to the internet." - Steve White
817-243-1509 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Imageless Thoughts (1993-1994) |
Michael Baggett, Micheal Baggett | |
817-243-3119 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Puff's Revenge (1997-1998) |
Michael White | |
817-243-5110 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Bard's Tavern
, The Bard's Tavern BBs (1994-2003) |
Michael Lynn | |
817-243-5505 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
ShadowLands BBS (1994) |
Scott Young | |
817-243-5816 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
No Carrier BBS (1993-1994) |
Rick Joyce | |
817-243-7493 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Golden Triangle Mail Hub, Golden Triangle Net MailNode, Network Dynamics (1980-1999) |
Garry Walker | |
817-244-0134 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Spatula City (1992-1993) |
Steve Crager | |
817-244-0926 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Falcon's Lair (1995) |
Jay Chapman | |
817-244-3850 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Fort Worth Mailbag REL (1990-1991) |
Scott Fritz | RBBS-PC |
817-244-3885 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Westside Citadel (1987-1990) |
| Cit |
817-244-4151 Ft Worth, TX |
NET-WORKS Track II, TCBBA Track II, TRACK 2, Track II, TRACK ][ DBS (1984-1989) |
Richard Bilyea | NET-WORKS |
817-244-4245 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
VETLink #36 (1995-1996) |
| Wildcat
817-244-4258 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
The John Galt line (1989-1990) |
Peter N Glaskowsky | |
817-244-6788 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
The Country Club BBS (1996) |
Randy Brown | |
817-244-7136 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Bone Box, The, The Bone Box (1990-1994) |
John Rose | OPUS |
817-244-7524 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Bowl of Chili! (1996) |
Danny Brigance | |
817-244-7799 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
The Party House, VideoDrome, X-Factor (1985-1987) |
The X-Man (Paul Jadlowski) | CNET |
817-244-8562 Fort Worth, TX |
Return To Forever (1994-1997) |
| |
817-244-8739 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Broken Chair (1994) |
| |
817-244-8818 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Bowl of Chili! (1994) |
Danny Brigance | |
817-244-8985 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Falcon's Lair (1994-1995) |
Jay Chapman | |
817-244-9363 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
The BBN (1999-2000) |
George Braswell | |
817-246-0959 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
Ft Worth Opus (1989) |
Jeffrey Locke | |
817-246-1279 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
Ft Worth SEAdo, The Key (1986-1988) |
Jeffrey Locke | |
817-246-3058 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
Alpha Zeta (1993-1994) |
Chris Boyd | |
817-246-3295 Briar, TX |
The Nimbus BBS (1995-2000) |
Ralph Smole | Spitfire, Shotgun |
817-246-3775 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
The ShadowCat BBS (1996) |
Mark Gibbs | |
817-246-4703 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
FTW's 600 Hub, The Mudshark, The Mudshark BBS (1991-1995) |
Les Diefenbach | |
817-246-7435 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
Lone Eagle Opus (1989) |
Ronald Fisher | |
817-246-8657 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
ShadowCat BBS (1994-1995) |
Mark Gibbs | |
Brightwood Node3 (1995) |
Bill Miller | |
Turtle Island (1995) |
Richard Villegas | |
Brightwood, Brightwood Node1, Gatesville Hub (1995) |
Bill Miller | |
Brightwood Node2 (1995) |
Bill Miller | |
817-249-2099 FORT WORTH BENB, TX |
Robert Abbott | |
817-249-2521 FORT WORTH BENB, TX |
Hillbillys (1995) |
Robert Abbott | |
817-249-4174 FORT WORTH BENB, TX |
The Crystal Palace II, The Mirage (1994-1996) |
Brian Emert | |
817-249-5215 Fort Worth, TX |
Citylites, FTW's 600 Hub, The Cowtown Net (1992-2009) |
Joe Knapp | |
817-249-6261 FORT WORTH BENB, TX |
CyberVille (1991-1994) |
Mike Nealey | |
817-249-6515 FORT WORTH BENB, TX |
Flightline BBS (1995) |
Chuck Stewart | |
817-249-8857 FORT WORTH BENB, TX |
Bowl of Chili! (1994-1995) |
Danny Brigance | |
817-261-2010 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Taj Mahal (1991) |
| PCBoard |
817-261-2407 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Diver Down of Arlington (1991) |
| GT Powercomm |
817-261-4466 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Taj Mahal/the Gap (1989-1991) |
David Agarwal | |
817-261-4700 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
| |
817-261-6061 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Mandelbrot's Chaotic BBS (1989) |
| Wildcat |
817-261-6292 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Starship Phoenix (1994-1999) |
Ron Brown | |
817-261-6309 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
DD Connection (1991) |
| OPUS |
817-261-6641 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
DFW National Space Society (1990) |
Edward Nicol | |
817-261-6642 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Why Telecommunications Inc., Why? Telecom (1995-1996) |
Matthew Wright | TBBS
817-261-8309 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Alternative, The (1991) |
| Wildcat |
817-263-1482 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Grand Illusion (1996) |
James Hard | |
817-263-4875 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
FTW's Hub 200, Rainbow's Point, The Recovering HUB (1993-1994) |
Aaron Goldblatt | |
817-263-5809 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
ComputerCraft SupportLink (1986) |
David Lovrien | |
817-263-7712 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
GIFS and GAMES BBS (1992) |
Bubba Hathcock | |
817-263-8442 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
EE-BBS (1994) |
| |
817-265-1300 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Rose Palace BBS (1994-1995) |
Joe Hamzeh | |
817-265-4859 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Arlington FIDO, Automation[Opus] (1986-1990) |
John W Richter | FidoNet |
817-265-5483 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Stadium Club! (1991-1992) |
Ted Sorrells | |
817-265-8220 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Telcom I/II (1984) |
| |
817-265-8555 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The House On The Lake (1990) |
Shawn McGauley | |
817-265-8938 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Gas Company (8:930/7), GasCompany,med
, The Gas Company (1988-1996) |
Michael Henderson, Mike Henderson | RBBS |
817-265-9997 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
MatchMaker (1991) |
| |
817-267-1446 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
DAD'S FINAL FRONTIER, The Final Frontier (1991-1994) |
Eric Gardner | |
817-267-2728 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Havok BBS (1994-1996) |
| QuickBBS
817-267-2839 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Sky's info Exc (1987-1988) |
James Sample | |
817-267-4623 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
People's (1986) |
Boyd Roberson | |
817-267-5874 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Enchanted Forest (1998) |
Rhett Lawrence | |
817-267-6033 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Little Bits BBS (1993) |
Chris Molnar | |
817-267-8952 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Night Lights BBS (1994-1995) |
Jim Wilson | |
817-267-9945 Bedford, TX |
Beer World (1994-1998) |
Jim Cahill | IIne Net 3.2 |
817-268-0871 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Joshua's Cavern (1996-1997) |
Terry Chandler | |
817-268-1058 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
TSGS #2 (1995) |
Ken Branch | |
817-268-1059 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
TSGS #2 (1994) |
Ken Branch | |
817-268-1422 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
EchoMail Machine, Texas Online, The Information Age, The Metroplex Mailbox Node 1 (1992-1996) |
See 130/1008, Kyle Hearn | |
817-268-1812 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
System Control (1994) |
Bob Wolverton | |
817-268-1914 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Savage Jungle (1994) |
Cindy Savidge | |
817-268-2204 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
System Control (1992-1993) |
Bob Wolverton | |
817-268-2237 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Peer 2 Peer (1993-1994) |
Robert Crockett | |
817-268-6445 Fort Worth, TX |
H-E-B BBS II, CHG-NT CBBS (1980-1997) |
Duane Totty | CBBS |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue)
817-268-6637 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
System Control (1994-1995) |
Bob Wolverton | |
817-268-6807 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Programmers Oasis BBS (1990-1991) |
Tim Knox, Tom Knox | |
817-268-6840 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
FTW's 700 Hub, The Last Star Fighter II (1994-1995) |
Glen Shelton | |
817-268-8107 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Attitudes (1992) |
Rob Couch | |
817-268-8634 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
The Metroplex Mailbox Node 2 (1994) |
Kyle Hearn | |
817-273-2237 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
ME-BBS (UT Arlington) (1991) |
| FIDO |
817-273-3966 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
CussNet Texas (130/5), CUSSNET UTA (1986-1989) |
Dick Schoech, Social Services | |
817-274-1920 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The State of Confusion (1993-1998) |
Andy Lang | |
817-274-3030 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Rose Palace BBS (1996) |
Joe Hamzeh | |
817-274-9361 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Possum Joint, Possum Joint BBS (1993-1995) |
John McNeely | QuickBBS
, RemoteAccess |
817-275-5769 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
NRU BBS (1990) |
Bill Koenig | |
817-275-5977 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Missing Time BBS, The GIF Spot BBS (1990-1991) |
Kyle Pritchett | |
817-275-7000 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Can of Worms (1991) |
| QuickBBS |
817-276-8473 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Aviation Line (1993-1994) |
Jean Hart | |
817-276-8477 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Aviation Line (1998) |
Jean Hart | |
817-277-0443 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
SOME PLACE ELSE BBS (1995-1996) |
The Carltons | |
817-277-0867 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Mystic Seaport Inn (1990) |
Gary Chambers | |
817-277-5403 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
National Gay DB (1992-1996) |
| |
817-277-6321 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
| |
817-277-6989 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
D D Connection (1991-1992) |
Carrie Brown | |
817-277-9042 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Emporium, Emporium, The, The Emporium (1991-1994) |
| RemoteAccess |
817-279-0257 GRANBURY, TX |
Dutch Flodstrom | |
817-279-0685 GRANBURY, TX |
The Junk Drawer, The Junk Drawer Node 1 (1994) |
Kevin Jarrett | |
817-279-0911 GRANBURY, TX |
Ice Link Mailer (1994-1995) |
Matt Bradbury | |
817-279-1215 GRANBURY, TX |
The Junk Drawer Node 2 (1994) |
Kevin Jarrett | |
817-279-1701 GRANBURY, TX |
Starship Cavalier (1994) |
Brandon Campbell | |
817-279-1979 GRANBURY, TX |
Greek Style node2 (1994) |
Tom Goodman | |
817-279-1983 GRANBURY, TX |
Granbury Area, Greek Style (1994-1996) |
Tom Goodman | |
817-279-7353 GRANBURY, TX |
Dream Park (1996-1998) |
Hosea | |
817-279-9438 GRANBURY, TX |
FTW's 600 Hub, Scholium Variorum (1994-1995) |
Greg Sanders | |
817-280-0370 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
H-E-B BBS (1994-1998) |
Duane Totty | |
817-280-0472 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
MIC (1990) |
| Wildcat |
817-280-0487 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Joshua's Cavern, The Mother Load BBS (1991-1996) |
Terry Chandler | |
817-280-0871 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Joshua's Cavern (1996) |
Terry Chandler | |
817-280-0973 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
FTW's 200 Hub, FTW's 700 Hub, The Last Star Fighter (1992-1997) |
Glen Shelton | |
817-280-9943 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Ocean Breeze (1989-1996) |
| Auntie |
817-281-0612 North Richland Hills, TX |
Mount Olympus, The Tower Of Babble, TOWER OF BABBLE (1986-1990) |
Darin Arrick, Darin Arrick (Apollo) | C64 |
"I ran 3 or 4 BBSes on that number from 1986 or so until 1990. First Mt. Olympus, then one I can't remember the name of, then the Tower of Babble (a FidoNet node). There may be another BBS in there somewhere, too. I ran the first couple on a Commodore 64. I ran 6485 and then (I think) Ivory, and then Ribit for a short time. Then I upgraded to an IBM PC XT Clone with a 10MB full height 5 1/4" hard drive. The Tower of Babble was reasonably popular, and dedicated to languages." - Darin Arrick
817-281-5460 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Dungeon Matrix (1994) |
Joe Kemp | |
817-281-7390 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Incognito (1997) |
Randall Gorman | |
817-281-9559 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Sysop's Toy (1990) |
Dan Smith | |
817-282-0862 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Realm of the Dragon (1994) |
Deborah Winner | |
817-282-1007 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
The Lions Den (1994) |
John Guthrie | |
817-282-1465 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
The Dominator II (1989) |
Sean Willeford | |
817-282-3889 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Metamorphosis BBS (1994) |
Michael Bird | |
817-282-4518 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Blarney Stone, The (1991) |
Xanth & Shally | OPUS |
817-282-5346 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
P£¤k R¢‡k ’GgrSsv¤Ss (1993) |
| Renegade |
817-282-7317 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Peer 2 Peer (1992-1993) |
Robert Crockett | |
817-282-9911 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
The Metroplex Mailbox Node 2 (1994) |
Kyle Hearn | |
817-283-0843 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Spare Parts (1994) |
| |
817-283-9167 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Poor Man's RCP/M (1985) |
Terry Carroll | |
817-283-9586 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The CommLink (1994-1995) |
David Addington | |
817-284-0794 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Ft. Worth Heath U/Group (1991) |
Lonnie Gillian | PCBoard |
817-284-1520 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
FTW's 800 Hub, Gene System, Genesys I, GENESYS I BBS, GeneSys I BBS (1990-1994) |
Frank Kubat | RemoteAccess |
817-284-2551 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
The Bare Facts (1995-1996) |
Brad Pruden | |
817-284-3670 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
NeoPhyte Systems, Underground Society (1994-1995) |
Clayton Harris, Hurst TX | |
817-284-5725 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
| |
817-284-8501 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Rooster's Place (1995) |
Bruce Krueger, Hurst TX | |
817-285-7040 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Dragon's Weyr BBS (1993-1994) |
Robert Womble | |
817-285-8141 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
The Kids Palace (1992-1993) |
Richard Warren | |
817-285-8523 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
MacExchange/DFW (1996) |
Tom Fitzsimmons | |
817-285-8609 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
CounterPoint (1995) |
Renny LeVally | |
817-285-9131 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
The Metroplex Mailbox (1992) |
Kyle Hearn | |
817-287-4409 FORT WORTH, TX |
Blackjack Chaplain BBS, BlackJack Chaplain's BBS, The Army of God, The Army of God BBS (1992-1994) |
Rick Michalek, Dave Wright | |
817-287-4811 FORT WORTH, TX |
DOIM BBS, DOIM FT. HOOD (1989-1990) |
Carlton Tucker | Wildcat |
817-287-5896 FORT WORTH, TX |
Army of God BBS (1994) |
| |
817-287-6255 FORT WORTH, TX |
3rd Finance Corps BBS, The 3rd Finance Group BBS (1992-1993) |
Hank Bragg | |
817-287-8991 FORT WORTH, TX |
Sorcerer's Wildcat BBS (1991) |
Jim Hankins | |
817-288-2990 FORT WORTH, TX |
Hell On Wheels (1989) |
| Wildcat |
817-288-3095 FORT WORTH, TX |
III Corp Bulletin Board System (1989) |
Rod Prince | |
817-292-1337 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Rainbow Castle (1994-1999) |
Connie Exner | |
817-292-1375 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
GR-Systems (t) (1992) |
James Hard | |
817-292-3931 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Spock's BBS (1992) |
| |
817-292-4193 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
FTW's Hub300, The Afterburner (1994-1996) |
Jeff Herman | |
817-292-4651 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Janis II OSAKA (1991) |
Sam Spiteri | PCBoard |
817-293-0575 FORT WORTH EDGE, TX |
The Midnight Hour (1993-1995) |
David Balnites | |
817-293-1134 FORT WORTH EDGE, TX |
The AIDS Chat Line (1990-1994) |
John Pfeifer | |
817-293-9592 Fort Worth, TX |
Rainbows End (1994) |
| |
817-294-0804 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
| Wildcat |
817-294-1212 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
FTW's 300 Hub, Rainbow's Point, The Recovering HUB (1994) |
Aaron Goldblatt | |
817-294-1351 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Mike's Mania (1988) |
Mike Exner | |
817-294-2607 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
The Dream! (1992-1995) |
Scott Hammack | |
817-294-4566 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Silicon Ally (1991-1993) |
Mikel Moore | |
817-294-7383 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
FIDO #314 One Particular Harbour, One Particular Harbour (1985) |
Cpt. Utley | |
817-294-7588 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
ACROPOLIS, The Acropolis BBS (1986-1992) |
Mitch Hill | |
817-294-7645 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
CounterPoint, Magnetic Domain Hub (1994) |
Renny LeVally | |
817-294-8347 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
The ShadowCat BBS (1996) |
Mark Gibbs | |
817-294-9876 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
ParadigmOnline (1996) |
| |
817-295-7957 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
Firehouse (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
817-295-8376 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
Farpoint Station, The Atomic Cafe (1995) |
Andrew Miffleton | |
817-295-8571 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
The Promise (1996-1999) |
David Shumate | |
817-295-9558 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
Tele Vortex, TeleVortex, Televortex BBS (1990-1994) |
Carl Shawn | |
817-295-9975 Burleson, TX |
Club CPU (1991-1994) |
Brian Collins, Brian Collins & Barry Smith | RA BBS |
817-297-0067 FORT WORTH CROW, TX |
The Writer's Den BBS (1992) |
Frank James | |
817-297-1853 FORT WORTH CROW, TX |
Private Mail Drop (1994-1996) |
Patrick Collins | |
817-297-2023 FORT WORTH CROW, TX |
DataBoard ][ Node 2 (1994) |
Marvin Blackburn | |
817-297-3078 FORT WORTH CROW, TX |
The Force BBS (1992-1993) |
James Shelton | |
817-297-3969 FORT WORTH CROW, TX |
Air Foil BBS (1993-1996) |
David Golleher | |
817-297-6222 FORT WORTH CROW, TX |
Databoard II, DataBoard ][, DataBoard ][ Node 1 (1991-1996) |
Marvin Blackburn, M. Blackburn | PCBoard
, Wildcat |
817-297-6319 FORT WORTH CROW, TX |
S.U.B.A.R. (1991) |
| Wildcat |
817-297-9967 FORT WORTH CROW, TX |
The Writer's Den BBS (1992-1993) |
Frank James | |
817-314-3279 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
MacExchange/DFW (1997-1999) |
Tom Fitzsimmons | |
817-314-7258 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Rainbow's Point (1997) |
Aaron Goldblatt | |
817-314-7259 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Rainbow's Point (1997) |
Aaron Goldblatt | |
817-315-2946 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Rainbow's Point (1999) |
Aaron Goldblatt | |
817-315-6128 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
The Gas Company (1997-2000) |
Michael Henderson | |
817-320-1222 ARLINGTON, TX |
ShadowLands BBS (1994-1995) |
Scott Young | |
817-321-2138 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Dream Realm (1992-1993) |
Kyle Lewallen | |
817-321-3123 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Alpha Drive (1992-1995) |
Casey Romanski | |
817-321-3213 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Lake Cities, TX TriAngle (1992-1994) |
Art Geary | |
817-321-4516 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Andromeda Galaxy Node 2, The Andromeda Galaxy Node 2, TX Triangle (1994-1995) |
Danny Brown, Gary Brown | |
817-321-4702 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Andromeda Galaxy Node 1, The Andromeda Galaxy Node 1 (1994-1995) |
Gary Brown, Danny Brown | DarkStar |
817-321-5488 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Pegboard (1998-1999) |
| TriBBS |
817-321-6370 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Rogue Trader BBS, TIC BBS (1994-1999) |
William Looney | TriBBS |
817-322-1535 FRISCO, TX |
Cold Fire (1992) |
Bob Lennard | |
817-322-5488 FRISCO, TX |
Diamond's Mine (1996) |
| |
817-322-6368 FRISCO, TX |
Norman's BBS, Red River PCC (1993-1995) |
Randall Simpson | |
817-322-8726 FRISCO, TX |
The Land of Myst (1995) |
Shane Watson | |
817-322-9811 FRISCO, TX |
Affordable Computing (1991) |
| Wildcat |
S&J Happy Hour (1995) |
Jerry Langston | |
817-326-3339 Granbury, Texas |
Cyber Chaos (1995-1997) |
Sysops: [fURY] & Spin96 | Renegade |
817-326-4101 ACTON, TX |
Chaparral BBS, Granbury Mail Hub (1991-1994) |
Mark Martin & Jesse Baker, Jess Baker | |
817-326-5352 ACTON, TX |
G&G Surveying (1993-1996) |
Tom Goodman | |
817-329-0534 GRAPEVINE, TX |
FTW's 200 Hub, Outer Limits BBS (1994-1997) |
Jim Meldrum | |
817-329-1125 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Outland STation BBS (1991-1993) |
John Stiborek | |
817-329-1614 GRAPEVINE, TX |
FTW Gateway, FTW's Naked Hub, The Cowtown Net, The Dew Line (1991-1994) |
Dewey Thiessen | |
817-329-3010 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Southern Crossroads, The Cowtown Net (1992-1995) |
Dean Lachan | |
817-332-5336 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Time Starts Now (1994) |
Dale Hopkins | |
817-334-9947 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
C.E.S.W.F. (1991) |
| |
817-335-7964 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Hillbillys (1994-1995) |
Robert Abbott | |
817-336-2835 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Tom & Amy (1988) |
Tom Ichiki | |
817-336-3999 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Call For Papers, CyberSpace Online (1993-1994) |
Mark Robbins | |
817-336-7742 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Million Dollar
| |
817-338-0902 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Dos Ex Machina (1990) |
Craig Howell | |
817-341-0068 WEATHERFORD, TX |
Bowl of Chili! (1998-2001) |
Danny Brigance | |
817-341-8773 WEATHERFORD, TX |
DFW-SciFi Fans (1991) |
| HRMS |
817-346-0525 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Midnight Hour, The Midnight Hour (1992-1993) |
David Balnites | |
817-346-0948 Fort Worth, TX |
DFW SKYNET, Skynet BBS (1991-1994) |
Manny Mendoza | Renegade |
817-346-1038 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
I. J. C. R. (1990-1991) |
John Hill | |
817-346-1322 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
DFW SKYNET Node 2 (1993) |
| Renegade |
817-346-1860 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Robin's Nest (1992) |
Vince LoPresti | |
817-346-8305 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Camarilla (1992-1993) |
Richard Schulz | |
817-346-9552 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Six MACs (1987-1993) |
Henry Wolanski | |
817-346-9569 Fort Worth, TX |
The Matrix (1994-1996) |
Tom 'Dreamshadow' Tjarks | Renegade |
"I ran the Matrix for over two years, named for the William Gibson novel 'Neuromancer'. It was mostly friends who logged into play LORD or Tradewars, as well as chat on the boards. It was run from my home for a period, then sponsored by a friend's father for the majority of its two year run where he actually had an extra phone line for it." - Tom Tjarks
817-354-1318 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
InfoMall (1991) |
Rick Tyler 160meg. | RBBS-PC |
817-354-6750 Euless, TX |
EE-BBS (1988-1994) |
David Johnson | Opus, later Maximus |
"The BBS started off as the "Student's Late Night BBS" with David operating it on RBBS software, then FIDO, then on Opus and finally on Maximus. During the Fidonet days the BBS name changed to EE-BBS. The node was 130/19 and later on 130/54. The BBS had over 450 registered users, and featured echomail and "file echoes." - David Johnson
817-355-0194 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
AppleCorpsDallas (1993-1995) |
Fred Sheffler | |
817-355-0724 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Swizzle Stick (1995) |
Richard Bollar | |
817-355-1326 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The Stadium Club! (1992-1993) |
Ted Sorrells | |
817-355-1484 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
I2000 (1994) |
Donn Dubuque | |
817-355-1813 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The Daigoba System (1996-1998) |
Chuck Bradford, Euless TX | |
817-355-1994 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Genesys I BBS (1994) |
Frank Kubat | |
817-355-6083 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The Paraklete (1993-1994) |
David Singleton | |
817-355-6194 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
FTW's Hub300, The CrashPad (1994-1995) |
Dave Buchanan | |
817-355-6600 Fort Worth, TX |
MatchMaker BBS (1993-1995) |
| |
817-355-9215 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
FTW's 1000 Hub, Swizzle Stick (1995) |
Richard Bollar | |
817-355-9242 Euless, TX |
The Contrails BBS (1991-1996) |
Joe Richter | |
817-355-9252 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The Contrails BBS (1994-1995) |
Joe Richter, Joe Richler | |
817-355-9284 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Out Of Doors (1993-1996) |
Boyd Roberson | |
817-355-9363 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Apple Corps of Dallas (1991-1994) |
| GBBS |
817-367-0401 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
Automation Opus, Automation[Binkley-Maximus], Automation[Binkley-Opus], FTW's 600 Hub (1990-1994) |
John Richter | |
817-367-0723 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
Master of Puppets (1994) |
Joe Copeland | |
817-367-1684 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
Gates Of Asgard (1992) |
| |
Independent Member BBS
817-367-2241 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
Eagle Nest (1991) |
| CNET |
817-367-2517 Fort Worth, TX |
KloneZone Mac BBS (1992-2009) |
Daniel O'Leary | AMUG |
"The original KloneZone, was named after my handle (KloneMeister and later KloneMan) on old boards that was in turn, named for my old apple II clone. It was a TANO (Technical Associates of New Orleans) computer, using a Hayes 110/300 BPS internal modem that I brought with me from Louisiana by way of a multi-year layover in Rantoul Illinois. I replaced the computer with an Apple //gs, but the handle stuck. I played around with GBBS on it. I came from Rantoul Illinois to Benbrook Texas, armed with a 7 page printout of the Texas area BBSs, and was connected to a system from our hotel room and downloading software from it before I had even completely unpacked the car, much to the astonishment of my brother-in-law Rick Pearce, who was so impressed that had to stop on his way back to Louisiana to pick up a modem for his computer. There were a few other boards that I hung out on as a user, prior to starting my board. "The Zepp", Sysop'd by Steve White, and "Planetfall", sysop'd by Chris Ayres. (I think the last name is correct but I may be wrong). There was another, sysop'd by Brad Williams, AKA "Fallen Angel" and "ACE" that I cannot recall the name of - sorry Brad) I enjoyed these so much that I wanted to start my own. I toyed with GBBS, but did not want to spend lots of money on the software. In 1990, I picked up a pair of Apollo DN330 Workstations, wrote and operated an after hours unix-based BBS for them that had a unique feature - You could call into a modem connected to one of them, and through it, call out of another modem connected to either that system or one connected to any system on the local area network to which they were attached. Unfortunately, I only had one line that did double duty as a voice line. This inherited the KloneZone name from the Apple //gs Computer. I had planned on expanding it, when I stumbled on a deal I could not refuse on a Mac II and a newer Apollo. Once I got the mac and a modem for it, I started looking for area BBSs that catered to the mac. I found one called Metroplex Mailbox, that had the first graphical user interface I had ever seen. My work on the UNIX software ceased. The KloneZone Mac originated in November of 1992 when Kyle Hearn ("Metroplex Mailbox" Sysop) sold my his copy of TeleFinder Software for the Macintosh, along with a copy of Tabby Fidonet email software, an NEC CD ROM drive, a copy of AMUG BBS IN A BOX, and some other software for immediate installation on an old Mac II I picked up from a user of "Rainbows End" (R.E. ran GBBS software and was sysop'd by Marshal Norris, who wrote a network package for it.) When I relocated from Benbrook TX to White Settlement, I joined Fidonet, and had various node numbers. I also went to full time operation of the BBS with a pair of dedicated lines. I eventually made a connection with an ISP, and used one of the dialups to put my system on the internet where it exists to this day, right alongside my dial-in connection. The TeleFinder Software evolved in the right direction, by providing better transfers using X and Zmodem, and an improved protocol that supported resumption of failed downloads which could be made in the background of other accesses, Fido connections via an improved 3rd Party mailer called MacKennel (Craig Vaughan), and Internet capability, including multi-user chat, system and user websites, and Email using SMTP and POP3, as well as an internal method of exchange between TeleFinder systems called TFNet. There were also a pair of 3rd party NNTP clients to import Usenet - NNTP Sucker (Daryll Turner) and Lollipop (Jim Smith) that I used too. Later I moved again, this time to Fort Worth, TX. but I kept the same phone number pairs. I tested the line quality and found that one was better than the other, and I swapped my dial-up and dedicated connections at that time. This is the reason my numbers changed. Somewhere along the way, I helped my brother Dennis O'Leary obtain a copy of TeleFinder, and start "Krawfish Kastle" in Covington, Louisiana. It is operating now, I think, as I recently brought it back up. Sorry for the rambling, but I think this a bit of almost lost history that could go in your database." - Daniel O' Leary
817-367-2543 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
The 200 Club (1989-1990) |
James Ellison | |
817-367-2554 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
CyberCulture, Tree On The Hill (1994-1995) |
John Ware | |
817-367-2579 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
Flown The Coup (1995) |
Jason Klamt | |
817-367-2712 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
KloneZone Mac BBS (1993-1994) |
Daniel O'Leary | |
817-367-3346 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
Aviation Line (1990-1993) |
Jean Hart | |
817-367-3828 WHITE SETTLEMEN, TX |
FTW's Naked Hub, The Mail Drop (1990-1994) |
Barbara Tucker | |
817-370-0453 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
FTW Police Code Blue BBS (1995) |
Derrick Conner | |
817-370-1519 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Castle of Sundoc (1994) |
Joey Capps | |
817-370-2070 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
High Voltage BBS (1994) |
Scott Smith | |
817-370-2364 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
The C.I.A. BBS, The SunSet Strip (1990-1997) |
John Tippett | |
817-370-2827 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Lone Star Mac (1994) |
| |
817-370-7304 Fort Worth, TX |
Monty's Place (1991-1995) |
Craig Dobie | Telegard |
817-370-7991 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Quantum Leap BBS (1993-1994) |
Heidi Crow | |
817-370-9591 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Crystal Palace (1993-1994) |
Lisa Mashburn | |
817-377-8915 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Psychic World (1992) |
| |
817-377-9430 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
G. Stuteville | |
817-377-9446 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Fort Worth Police Code Blue BBS, FTW Police Code Blue BBS (1995) |
Derrick Conner | |
817-379-6197 KELLER, TX |
Castle Ravenloft, The Dirty Closet (1992-1993) |
Joe Kemp | Renegade |
817-379-9269 KELLER, TX |
Den of Procrastination (1994-1997) |
Sharon Allsup | |
817-380-0704 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Electric Cafe (1992) |
Darren Loher | |
817-380-1303 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Stabbin Cabin
, The Stabbin Cabin BBs (1995-2004) |
David Miller | Maximus |
817-381-1024 Denton, TX |
The Lighthouse BBS, TX Triangle (1990-1994) |
Jaret Lehman | |
817-381-5022 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Back Brain BBS (1994) |
Cody Saunders | |
817-381-7123 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Chatterbox (1992-1993) |
Jim Edmondson | |
817-381-7905 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Moose's Den, TX TriAngle (1991-1994) |
Van Holland | |
817-382-0584 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Ace BBS (1993-1994) |
Peter Oelschlaeger | |
817-382-1665 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Bilskirnir (1994) |
Dan Owsley | |
817-382-2839 Denton, TX |
Fess's Tower (1992-1994) |
Randell Miller, Fessilonious (Randell Miller) | TAG |
817-382-4388 Denton, TX |
Golden Triangle, Golden Triangle BBS (1993-1995) |
Kevin Carr | QuickBBS
817-382-4993 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Dan's Bar and Grill (1991) |
Danny Brown | |
817-382-5023 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Virtual-FX BBS Node 2 (1994) |
Paul Bowling | |
817-383-0310 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Alert Center, The Manor (1992-1995) |
Michael Bourg | |
817-383-1584 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Electronic Pharmacy (1992-1993) |
Arthur Bach | |
817-383-1903 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Acme BBS (1993-1996) |
David McGill | |
817-383-1953 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
North Texas BBS (1989-1991) |
Dave Molta | |
817-383-2462 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Daddy-O's BBS (1995) |
Jim Hull | |
817-383-2707 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Dark Spire ][, Virtual-FX BBS, Virtual-FX BBS Node 1 (1993-1994) |
Paul Bowling | |
817-383-2982 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Twilight Zone (1990) |
Eddie Baldwin | |
817-383-3269 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
MacIntosh User's (1991) |
Kent Kingery | |
817-383-3284 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
DBT BBs (1996) |
Chris Boyd | |
817-383-3286 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
DAMUG BBS (1988) |
| Red Ryder Host |
817-383-3320 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Back Brain BBS, t h e d r a i n (1994) |
Cody Saunders | |
817-383-7457 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Eagle's Nest (1991) |
Gordon Beresford | |
817-387-0834 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
HTE ++ Data Link, HTE Data++Link, Michael's Obsession (1990-1992) |
Harold Liles, Michael Nance | |
817-387-1426 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Colossus, TX TriAngle (1990-1991) |
William Hubbs | |
817-387-4237 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Moose's Den (NODE 1) (1991) |
Van Holland | |
817-387-5155 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Big Book BBS (1990-1994) |
Chuck French | |
817-387-5548 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Moose's Den (NODE 2) (1991) |
Van Holland | |
817-387-8454 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Visitor's BBS, Visitors (1990-1994) |
Chuck Reed | |
817-387-9587 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Houses of the Holy (1991) |
Robbie Campbell | |
817-396-4230 CRESSON, TX |
Europa Base H.Q. (1989-1990) |
David Baines | |
817-396-4274 CRESSON, TX |
Bill's Place (1994) |
Bill Plunkett | |
817-416-9489 GRAPEVINE, TX |
The Goat's Pen (1998-1999) |
Larry Rink | |
817-421-1303 GRAPEVINE, TX |
MacExchange/DFW (1994-1995) |
Tom Fitzsimmons | |
817-421-2293 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Mac Exchange (1992-1994) |
Tom Fitzsimmons | |
817-421-6097 GRAPEVINE, TX |
MCS Online (1994) |
L. Johnston | |
817-424-3052 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Spare Parts (1988-1997) |
Larry Mundy | Opus
817-427-1817 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Rainbow's End (1998-1999) |
Charles Claypoole | |
817-428-0767 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Secret Society Too! (1994-1995) |
Dan Robinson | |
817-428-1642 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Night Lights BBS (1997-2004) |
Jim Wilson | |
817-428-6818 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
smokin' (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
817-428-6824 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Max's 304 (1993) |
Caspar Hughey | |
817-429-0130 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Sinister Inc.
| |
817-429-0508 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
D D Connection, DD Connection, DD Connection (130/10), DO Connection (1992-1995) |
Doris Lake | OPUS |
817-429-2269 Fort Worth, TX |
Garden of Eden (1992-1995) |
Adam Gerety | Renegade |
"The Garden of Eden (later reincarnated as the Back From The Dead BBS, circa 1996.) was a strong community in the early to mid 1990's, with over 300 registered users at one point. Regularly listed in the local Computer Currents newspaper and advertised across Fort Worth. Eventually closed it's baud doors for ever, in favor of the Internet." - Adam Gerety
817-429-2667 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Bare Facts (1994) |
| |
817-429-2723 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
King's Place (1989-1990) |
Jerry King | |
817-429-2933 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Diver Down Arlington (1993-1994) |
| |
817-429-3299 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The Bare Facts (1994) |
Brad Pruden | |
817-429-4158 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The Griffin Inn (1991-1992) |
Tim Smith | |
817-429-4636 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Club Baby Seal (1994) |
Jay Brownlee | |
817-429-4860 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Necropolis (1993-1994) |
Kelley F Wright | |
817-429-5327 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
C-CAD Online (1991) |
| PC-Board |
817-429-7022 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Computer Jobs (1991) |
| QuickBBS |
817-429-7300 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
DFW Gateway, The Puddle (1986-1990) |
Bill Cleaver | |
817-429-7494 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The Carltons | |
817-429-8715 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Speedway, The Blues Board (1993-1995) |
Howard Dearman | |
817-430-1305 ROANOKE, TX |
Asylum (1986) |
Scott Spears | |
817-430-3760 ROANOKE, TX |
Inventor/Author (1985) |
Lee Murrah | |
817-430-3968 ROANOKE, TX |
N. Tx Ballooning BBS, North Texas Ballooning BB, NTBA BBS (1994) |
Jim Whitesell | Wildcat |
817-430-4087 ROANOKE, TX |
BCS BBS (1992) |
Bob Fudge | |
817-430-4169 ROANOKE, TX |
The Abyss (1994-1996) |
David Moses | |
817-430-5131 Roanoke, TX |
The Dandy Tandy BBS (1990-1995) |
Perry McClintock | OPUS |
817-431-0424 KELLER, TX |
Rebels Outpost (1992) |
Robert Burgess | |
817-431-2342 Keller, TX |
The Serial Port (1982-1997) |
Stu Jackson | TBBS 2.2 |
From the January 1996 issue of Boardwatch: Stop by for a few files from our 11+ Gig storage. Many ADULT listings for the over 21 crowd as well. On-Line Games, Messages, On-Line chat Low monthly fee via MCNISA/Discover for instant access. If you're looking for adult information, this is the place!! We'll leave the (modem) light on for ya'.
817-431-3635 KELLER, TX |
Depeche Node (1992) |
Andy Miffleton | |
817-431-3779 KELLER, TX |
Night Owl (1991) |
| Wildcat |
817-431-6484 Keller, TX |
FTW's 200 Hub, The Last Star Fighter (1997-2004) |
Glen Shelton | |
817-433-5118 FORT WORTH WEDG, TX |
Big John's (1993-1994) |
John Pannell | |
817-439-1814 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
Wonk's World BBS (1994-2000) |
Steven Thomason | |
817-441-5638 FORT WORTH ALED, TX |
The Space Age BBS (1993-1995) |
Brad Murray | |
817-441-6397 FORT WORTH ALED, TX |
Bowl of Chili! (1996) |
Danny Brigance | |
817-443-6023 FORT WORTH BENB, TX |
R We Related, R We Related? (1996) |
Carl Linde | |
817-444-0027 AZLE, TX |
FTW's 800 Hub, StarBase 90, Starbase 90 Phoenix, The CowTown Net (1989-1995) |
Alan Feemster | Phoenix |
817-444-0155 AZLE, TX |
Azle Connection, Cowtown Net, FTW's 700 Hub, FTW's 900 Hub, The Cowtown Net, The Foundation BBS (1991-1994) |
CR Hamilton | QuickBBS |
817-444-1995 AZLE, TX |
ShadowCat II, ShadowCat! (1994) |
Stephen Patino | |
817-444-2107 AZLE, TX |
EE-BBS, EE-BBS FW (1991-1993) |
David Johnson | OPUS |
817-444-3023 AZLE, TX |
The Foundation BBS (1988-1990) |
Charles R Hamilton, Cr Hamilton | |
817-444-4049 AZLE, TX |
The Cowtown Net (1994) |
CR Hamilton | |
817-444-5828 AZLE, TX |
Teen's Talk (1988) |
Van Stokes Jr | |
817-444-7263 AZLE, TX |
FTW's 500 Hub, The Starduster (1993-1998) |
Robert Douglas | |
817-444-8312 AZLE, TX |
Insomnia BBS (1994) |
Vickie Stubbs | |
817-446-6864 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
One Small Day (1994-1996) |
| PCBoard
817-447-0281 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
The Speedway (1992) |
| |
817-447-1619 Burleson, TX |
FrontDoor Help, FrontDoor Registrations, FTW's 200 Hub, FTW's 800 Hub, Recovery Corner (130/911), The Cowtown Net, The Ratz Nest BBS, The Recovery Corner, The Recovery Hub, The Recovery Nest (1993-2004) |
Barb & Gary L. Murphy, Gary & Barb Murphy | RemoteAccess |
817-447-1969 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
ARChive BBS, FTW's 200 Hub, The ARChive, The Archive (1991-1995) |
Jim Beeler | |
817-447-2598 Burleson, TX |
Da Goober's Nest, FTW's 600 Hub, Hub 800, Incredible BBS, My Mail Machine, The Burleson Hub, The Other Burleson Hub (1992-1995) |
Don Teague | |
817-447-3527 Fort Worth, TX |
Speedway, The Speed Way (1988-1995) |
Howard Dearman, Harold Dearman | QuickBBS |
817-447-3580 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
Ka-Lyn Systems, Murphys Law, The Burleson Hub, The Cowtown Net, The Ratz Nest BBS, The Recovery Corner II, The Recovery Hub (1992-1994) |
Gary L. Murphy, Gary Murphy | RemoteAccess |
817-447-6361 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
The Pipeline BBS (1995) |
Steve Hindman | |
817-447-6413 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
Weirdness Inc (1993-1994) |
Mike Gill | |
817-447-6625 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
The Pipeline BBS (1996) |
Steve Hindman | |
817-447-8505 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
Burleson OPUS (1989) |
Jim Culver | |
817-447-8508 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
Depeche Node (1992-1993) |
Andy Miffleton | |
817-447-8705 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
FrontDoor Registrations, The Ratz Nest ][, The Recovery Corner (1995-2003) |
Barb & Gary L. Murphy, Gary & Barb Murphy | |
817-447-9226 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
Shadow Realm (1991) |
| |
817-447-9234 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
The Recovery Corner (1996) |
Barb & Gary L. Murphy | |
817-447-9555 FORT WORTH BURL, TX |
One Small Day (1994-1996) |
| PCBoard
817-448-8194 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Rainbow's Digital Disaster (1996-1997) |
Aaron Goldblatt, DArtagnon | |
817-448-9762 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
R19 InterNet Gate, Rainbow's Point (1995-1996) |
Aaron Goldblatt | |
817-448-9765 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
time starts now (1995-1996) |
dale hopkins, Dale Hopkins | |
817-451-2815 Fort Worth, TX |
Million Dollar Saloon (1993) |
Scott Simpson | |
817-451-3310 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Suzie's Room BBS [Node2] (1995) |
Garth Rudy | |
817-451-5177 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The Powerline (1987-1988) |
Kelvin Armstrong | |
817-451-6748 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Den of Procrastination (1994) |
Sharon Allsup | |
817-451-8817 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The Inferno (1995) |
Cody Russell | |
817-453-9653 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
The Nocturnal Underground BBS (1994) |
Lenny Jennison | |
817-457-0227 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
SOME PLACE ELSE Node 2 (1998) |
Todd Carlton | |
817-457-0399 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Altair (1988) |
Leslie Guinn | |
817-457-0858 Fort Worth, TX |
Altair (1991-2003) |
Leslie Guinn | |
817-457-1888 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Multicomm III Gay (1991-1994) |
| |
817-457-4737 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The AmERICan B, Virtual Xtnsn (1986-1988) |
Eric Ewanco | |
817-457-7435 Fort Worth, TX |
Antilepsis (1995-2004) |
Mike Clapp | |
817-457-9800 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
CTR Company, TeleVortex (1987-1994) |
Cecil Rutledge | |
817-459-5345 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Code-3 Arlington Police, Code-3 BBS (1991-1996) |
Bob Johnson | GT Powercomm |
817-460-1382 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Angel's Haven (1991) |
| Telegard |
817-460-4657 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Binary Addiction (1992-1993) |
Michael Smedley | |
817-460-5889 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Aviation Line (1994-2000) |
Jean Hart | |
817-460-7001 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Deep In The Heart (1990) |
Bill Pogue | |
817-460-7330 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Party Ball (1991) |
| Telegard |
817-461-0904 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
MetroPlexer (1991) |
Gary Schwartz | TBBS |
817-461-3714 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Ocean Deck (1988-1989) |
Wayne Pullum | |
817-461-4003 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Spatula City (1994-1995) |
Steve Crager | |
817-461-5790 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Liberty Bell (1994-1996) |
Sam Khoury | |
817-461-7338 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The House On The Lake (1992) |
Shawn McGauley | |
817-461-9949 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Why Telecommunications Inc. (1994) |
Matthew Wright | |
817-465-1233 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
AE Line: (HIT RETURN), AE LINE: (HIT RETURN) (1984-1985) |
| |
817-465-1392 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Lost Cluster (1992-1996) |
David Luong | Renegade |
817-465-2761 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
FTW's Hub300, Suzie's Room BBS (1996-2004) |
Biff Johnson | |
817-465-2976 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Arc, The ARC OPUS/SEADog 130/12, The ARChive (1986-1991) |
Jim Beeler | |
817-465-3271 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Atomic Café
| |
817-465-3338 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Digital Sound (1994-1996) |
Chip Dunaway | PCBoard
817-465-3519 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Skynet Central BBS (1993-1996) |
Gary Strain | |
817-465-5337 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Wizard's Keep, The (1991) |
| QuickBBS |
817-465-6127 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Crystal Palace III (1994) |
Mark C. Hopp Sr. | |
817-465-7530 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
CounterPoint (1994) |
Renny LeVally | |
817-465-8747 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
FTW's MidCities Hub, The Doghouse (1991-1994) |
Bob Womble | |
817-465-9193 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Earth Club (1992-1995) |
James Young | |
817-467-1175 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Second Sanctum (1994-1996) |
Mark Robbins | |
ListKeeper: Dalls Fort Worth BBS List
817-467-2212 New Arlington, TX |
CYBERIA BBS (1994) |
Belinda Rodgers | Major BBS 6.2 |
CYBERIA BBS, 817.467.2212 All free! Sysop Belinda Rodgers, Offering Sysops on easy way to fund their BBSes.New Arlington TX BBS running Galacticomm's Major BBS 6.2 with 2 lines, Chat on-line games, forums.new files daily, e-mail, QWK mail, Rip graphics. 24 hours. US Robotics 14400 bps. - BBS Magazine November, 1994
817-467-2799 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Night-Life Express, The Night-Life Express BBS (1994) |
Michael W. Tucker | |
817-467-3134 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Wrong Number (1993-1994) |
Chris Voth | |
817-467-3612 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
TCBBA Astroflyer (1984) |
| |
817-467-4239 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Grendel's Lair (1991-1993) |
Mark Peterson | |
817-467-5110 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
RCP/M Ft. Worth-Metroplex KUG (1984-1985) |
| |
817-467-6461 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Grand Illusion (1996) |
James Hard | |
817-467-6622 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Electronic Mall (1990) |
Jason Norwood | |
817-467-6630 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Electronic Mall (1991) |
Jason Norwood | |
817-467-7103 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Blasted Trumpet!, Knight's Honor, Starfleet Region 3, The Blasted Trumpet (1991-1996) |
Clayton Melanson | FIDO |
817-467-7134 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Animal Farm, Big Bird Board, Big Bird Channel, Big Bird Online (1994-1995) |
Mark Robbins | |
817-467-7322 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Renaissance (1991) |
David Pollard | PC-Board |
817-467-9319 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Amiga Does It Better (1992) |
| |
817-467-9550 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Grendel's Lair (1993-1995) |
Mark Peterson | |
817-468-0622 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Steven Wendal | |
817-468-2486 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Web's (1994) |
| |
817-468-4441 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
A Momentary Lapse of Reason BBS (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
817-468-4508 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
CONNECT! (130/801), CONNECT! BBS, FTW's Third Rate Hub (1992-1995) |
Kelley Smith | SUPER |
817-468-8001 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Madhatters World (1994) |
Scott L Fox | |
817-468-8429 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Phoenix Excalibur (1998) |
| |
817-468-8677 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
PrimeTime Spor (1995-1996) |
| Wildcat
817-469-1626 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
ABBS Teledunjon I (1982-1983) |
| |
817-469-6106 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The House On The Lake (1989) |
Shawn McGauley | |
817-469-6524 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
BidForum (1994) |
Keith Mitchell | |
817-469-7114 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Wall (1991-1992) |
Robert Anderson | |
817-469-7275 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Glass House (1992) |
Sean Willeford | |
817-469-8352 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Workshop (1992-1996) |
David Bradley | |
817-469-8640 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Pulse (1991-1992) |
David Gunn | |
817-469-9002 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Club Changez Arlington, Club Changez BBS, Larry Huegele's BBS (1991-1993) |
Larry Huegele | |
817-472-0952 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Excalibur BBS (1995) |
Rich Lewis | |
817-472-5142 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX | (2001-2002) |
Jason Smedley | |
817-473-2089 Mansfield, TX |
We Do Windows (1995-1996) |
Scott Boyd | TBBS
817-473-2390 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
FTW's 100 Hub, The Dyslexic Chicken Parade (1997-2000) |
Kevin Berry | |
817-473-2578 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
The D.C.P. (1997) |
| |
817-473-3621 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
The Graphix Connection, The Nemesis BBS, The Nemesis BBS! INT DiST SiTE 1:130/61, The StarGate BBS (1991-1994) |
Mike Murray | Renegade |
817-473-4306 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
The Elite Circle #3, The Elite Circle Node3 (1993-1994) |
Debi Rhea | |
817-473-6800 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
The Walnut Creek BBS! (1991-1992) |
Dave Jackson | Phoenix |
817-473-6923 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
Wave of the Future (1991) |
| Wildcat |
817-473-7724 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
The Elite Circle (1992) |
Mike Boulter | |
817-473-7846 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
The Elite Circle #2, The Elite Circle Node2 (1993-1994) |
Debi Rhea | |
817-475-3634 GLENDALE, TX |
The Technoplex (1991) |
David Conger | |
817-477-2707 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
Walnut Hill (1991) |
| Phoenix |
817-477-3282 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
The Elite Circle Node1 (1992-1994) |
Debi Rhea, Mike Boulter | |
817-477-4824 FORT WORTH MANS, TX |
Elite Circle, The, The Elite Circle (1991-1994) |
Mike Boulter | Phoenix |
817-478-0744 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
GEMINI, Gemini BBS (1990-1994) |
Allen Kuehler, Allen Kuheler | Phoenix |
817-478-1606 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
MicroBit (1991) |
| |
817-478-4132 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
The Window Pane, WINDOW PANE (1992-1996) |
Jim C Smith | |
817-478-4774 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
Free Water BBS (1998-1999) |
| TriBBS |
817-478-7149 Arlington, TX |
The Punter Exchange (1984-1986) |
Marcus Patman | Hal BBS / CNET 1.0 |
"This BBS ran HAL BBS software for it's first 6 months or so in existance. CNET BBS software was aquired from a trade on the west coast and it ended up being the first CNET BBS in 817 oo online. The CNET code was so slow you had to compile the BBS code to get it to run at a reasonable speed even at 300 baud." - Marcus Patman
817-478-8143 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
EchoMail Machine (1996) |
See 130/37 | |
817-481-0097 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Argus I.S (1991) |
| MJBB |
817-481-3458 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Southern Crossroads (1995) |
Dean Lachan | |
817-481-4263 GRAPEVINE, TX |
FTW's Naked Hub, The Dew Line, The Dew Line
(1987-1994) |
Dewey Thiessen | |
817-481-6334 GRAPEVINE, TX |
IBM AT (1985) |
Mark Sehorne | |
817-481-8984 GRAPEVINE, TX |
FTW's 1000 Hub, Reg 19 EchoCoord, Reg 19 SDS Coord, Southern Crossroads, Swizzle Stick, The Cowtown Net (1991-1996) |
Dean Lachan, D Lachan, Richard Bollar | |
817-483-1264 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
Good News BBS (1989) |
| |
817-483-2283 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
Cache Flow (1992-1993) |
Kevin Cook | |
817-483-3922 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
The H&I BBS (1995) |
Brendon R. Holt | |
817-483-7717 Forest Hill, TX |
Free Water BBS (1991-1997) |
Sadie Allen | TriBBS |
"I ran Free Water BBS, first as a part-time night only Bulletin Board, and then as a full-time BBS with one dedicated telephone line. It was quite primitive but lasted for about 6.5 years. With the advent of the internet's popularity, membership declined and I finally closed the board down in March of 1997." - Sadie Allen
817-483-8677 Arlington, TX |
PrimeTime Spor (1995) |
Doug Ditto | |
817-484-1407 BURLESON, TX |
Nightmare BBs (1995) |
Christain I Holston | |
817-484-8270 BURLESON, TX |
Autonoman (1998) |
Edgewalker | |
817-485-0806 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The AFM Connection (1992) |
Dave Cardoza | |
817-485-4022 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The AFW Connection (1992-1994) |
Dave Cardoza | |
817-485-7042 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Animals By Nature (tm), Critical Systems Group (1994-1995) |
Ken Rucker | |
817-485-7597 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Ruck's Place/2 (1993-1994) |
Ken Rucker | |
817-485-8042 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Ruck's Place/2 (1991-1993) |
Ken Rucker | |
817-485-8193 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Tattooine, Texas Trails (1994-1995) |
Randy Gorman | |
817-485-9969 Dallas/FW, TX |
Laugh Connection BBS (1993-1995) |
Chuck Abernathy | |
817-488-3164 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Southern Crossroads, The Cowtown Net (1995) |
Dean Lachan | |
817-488-4241 Grapevine, TX |
Desert Rats Sanctuary (1990-1992) |
Tom Kisner | AmigaBBS |
817-489-1977 Newark, TX |
OverByte Ltd (1989-1995) |
James Muddy Hudson | Telegard/Renegade |
817-489-1983 Newark, TX |
OverByte LTD (1988-1998) |
Muddy, James Muddy Hudson | Telegard, Renegade, Telegard/Renegade |
"Multinode BBS started out running Telegard and switched to Renegade in the early 90's. Mostly a Hacker/Phreak/Warez BBS. Also had a lot of door games, Fidonet mail and a very extensive set of files. One of the first in the area to adopt early bidirectional downloading protocols like HSLink. Extremely cool Sysop Muddy was one of the areas most admired hackers." - Mdibin
817-491-0386 ROANOKE, TX |
The Oil Leak BBS (1995) |
Freddie Main | |
817-491-1184 ROANOKE, TX |
Silicone Valley (1994) |
Alan Ginsburg | |
817-491-1516 Roanoke, TX |
Dr. Jekyl's Hyde, Global Information Network, HI-Tec Solutions, The Alternative Adult (1991-1995) |
Steve Loeckle | |
817-491-2249 ROANOKE, TX |
Black Market (1986) |
| |
817-495-2212 DALLAS, TX |
Loonie-Bin (1993-1994) |
Jason Baker | |
817-496-0157 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The Syndicate, Vortex Of Insanity, Û The Vortex Of Insanity -=Node 1=- Û (1992-1993) |
Corey Bryant | Renegade |
817-496-1309 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Renegade Support Node, Û The Vortex Of Insanity -=Node 2=- Û (1992-1993) |
Corey Bryant | Renegade |
817-496-1503 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Xanadu (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
817-496-1777 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The Center of Eternity BBS
| |
817-496-3209 Arlington, TX |
John's Program Exchange, Scavenger's Island (1984-1986) |
John Evans | CCGMS BBS |
"Scavenger's Island ran on a 64 and two 1541's, but I don't remember which BBS software. My handle was "Red Rebel" at the time. John's Program Exchange ran on the same 64 & 2 1541's, and CCGMS BBS software purchased from Craig Smith and Aaron Hightower (who lived nearby) for $30. Modems used through the years were an automodem (1650), a HESmodem(?), a 1660, and eventually a 1670. My CCGMS board was one of three boards in the 817 area code at the time that formed a "Sysop Alliance" where we shared the same user list, so people could log in using the same credentials on all three boards. The other two boards in the alliance were "Rigormortis" and "The Wall."" - John Evans
817-496-8011 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The Madhatters World (1994-1996) |
Scott L Fox | |
817-497-4110 FRISCO, TX |
The Andromeda Galaxy (1991-1994) |
Gary Brown | PC-Board |
817-497-4581 FRISCO, TX |
Alpha Drive (1992) |
Casey Romanski | |
817-497-4849 FRISCO, TX |
Dream Realm (1992) |
Kyle Lewallen | |
817-497-6325 FRISCO, TX |
Lake Cities BB, OPUS Lake Cities, TX TriAngle, [NEC]/[SDN], [NEC]/[SDN] (1988-1994) |
Art Geary | |
817-498-0181 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Sales Force BBS (1993-1994) |
Ronnie Oldham | |
817-498-0760 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Stadium Club! (1994-1995) |
Ted Sorrells | |
817-498-2010 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Goldstar Management (1990) |
Ken Golba | |
817-498-2030 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
FTW's 500 Hub, FTW's 800 Hub, Many Shades of Gray (1995-1996) |
Toby Moore | |
817-498-2344 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Digital EFX, FTW's 1000 Hub (1994) |
Tom Hall | |
817-498-2741 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Dark Side of the Moon (1991) |
| GBBS |
817-498-2957 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Lambda Ranch (1993) |
| |
817-498-3980 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Foreplay 2: OrgasM (1995) |
| TriBBS |
817-498-4938 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
TeleVortex (1992-1993) |
Carl Shawn | |
817-498-6130 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Final Approach (1991-1995) |
Gib Akers | |
817-498-7578 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Highlander OS/2 (1994) |
Joseph Lowe | |
817-498-9113 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Flightdeck, The Flight Deck (1992-1994) |
David Harrington | |
817-498-9456 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Texas Overnight (1996-2000) |
Jerry Mason | |
817-516-0975 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
EchoMail Machine, MidCities Hub, The Cowtown Net, The Doghouse (1999-2000) |
Bob Womble, See 130/41 | |
817-516-0991 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
The Doghouse (2000) |
Bob Womble | |
817-516-8323 Arlington, TX |
EchoMail Machine, MidCities Hub, The Cowtown Net, The Doghouse (2000-2003) |
Bob Womble, See 130/41 | |
817-518-2261 FORT WORTH, TX |
HUB Copperas Cove, The Khitomer Outpost 1, The Khitomer Outpost 2 (1994-1996) |
Vic Guerin | |
817-518-2263 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Khitomer Outpost 1, The Khitomer Outpost 2 (1995-1996) |
Vic Guerin | |
817-518-2425 FORT WORTH, TX |
Cyber-Net-One, The Dog House (1996-1997) |
Stephen Wells | |
817-518-2497 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Magical Kingdom (1995-1997) |
Denise and James Fallon, Denise Fallon | |
817-518-2864 FORT WORTH, TX |
MegaByte BBS (1994-1995) |
Craig LaCoss | |
817-518-3701 FORT WORTH, TX |
The DownUnder Club BBS (1996) |
David Rossbach | |
817-518-3770 FORT WORTH, TX |
Texas Connection (1995) |
Rich Demorest | |
817-519-1179 DALLAS, TX |
Paradise Island (1997-1998) |
Jeremy Paradis, Jeremy Paradise | |
817-519-1648 DALLAS, TX |
NC Fort Hood Area Net, Net 395 EchoStar, the River Styx, The River Styx BBS (1997) |
EchoMaster, Steven Williams | |
817-519-2683 DALLAS, TX |
TNT, Under Orion's Eyes (1994-1995) |
Tamera Pierson, Richard Crumlich | |
817-519-3461 DALLAS, TX |
Terminate Distribution Site (1994) |
Allen Cox, Allex Cox | |
817-523-4492 SPRINGTOWN, TX |
Shadowdale (1992) |
Mike Wilson | |
817-526-0246 BURLESON, TX |
Master Caution (1992-1996) |
Bob Smith | |
817-526-0449 BURLESON, TX |
BarB'S (1993-2004) |
Barbara McNay | |
817-526-0458 BURLESON, TX |
The Loaner BBS (1996) |
Michael Berger | |
817-526-0814 BURLESON, TX |
Dragon's Lair (1995-1996) |
Toby Herring | |
817-526-1064 BURLESON, TX |
Land's End (1996) |
Bradd Berdelman | |
817-526-1255 BURLESON, TX |
Central Texas College (1992-1995) |
Ben Hamilton | |
817-526-2524 BURLESON, TX |
CENTEX Power Connect! (1995) |
Jim Riedmueller | |
817-526-2941 BURLESON, TX |
Bill's Try, Central Killeen Area, Killeen Hub II (1989-1994) |
Bill Brooks | |
817-526-4009 BURLESON, TX |
DarkSide (1994) |
| |
817-526-5005 BURLESON, TX |
Mag Man's (1994-1995) |
Bill Maggard | |
817-526-5217 BURLESON, TX |
Berean Bible Quest II (1994) |
| |
817-526-6423 BURLESON, TX |
The Loaner BBS (1996) |
Michael Berger | |
817-526-6546 BURLESON, TX |
Wizard's (1980-1997) |
Scott McNay | |
817-526-6971 BURLESON, TX |
USS PACMAN (1995) |
Richard Getz | |
817-526-7015 BURLESON, TX |
Mixed Blessings (1996) |
Vanessa Schirripa | |
817-526-7087 BURLESON, TX |
Unknown, Viking BBS (1992-1993) |
Don Camfield | |
817-526-8637 BURLESON, TX |
Come Consult with Us (1996-1997) |
Bill Brooks | |
817-526-8972 BURLESON, TX |
Bereans Bible Study (1995-1996) |
Fred Alvarez | |
817-526-9505 BURLESON, TX |
Alan Ornstein | |
817-531-4761 FORT WORTH JEFF, TX |
PCB Packet-radio, Department of Electronics, Dept of Electronics, Dept. of Electronics Tech, DOET (1990-1994) |
Mark Hicks, KC5WE | PCBoard, PC-Board |
817-531-8395 FORT WORTH JEFF, TX |
The Rich Niche (1989-1990) |
Alan Rich | |
817-532-2459 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Computer Connection (1991) |
Richard Guy | PCBoard |
817-532-2509 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Computer Connection (1991) |
Richard Guy | PCBoard |
817-532-2981 FORT WORTH, TX |
CENTREX (1985) |
| Forem ST |
817-532-3386 FORT WORTH, TX |
Dream Catcher (1994) |
Daniel Cretella | |
817-532-5007 FORT WORTH, TX |
RCP/M Magic Crystal (1985) |
| |
817-532-5194 FORT WORTH, TX |
Out There Man! (1994) |
Eric Biggie | |
817-532-6371 FORT WORTH, TX |
Dragon's Den (1996) |
Jason Bergmeier | |
817-532-8629 FORT WORTH, TX |
Contiguous Data (1992) |
David Corradini | |
817-532-9061 FORT WORTH, TX |
Enigma X (1996) |
Robert Ogden | |
817-536-2429 FORT WORTH JEFF, TX |
Metamorphosis BBS (1994) |
Michael Bird | |
817-536-4977 FORT WORTH JEFF, TX |
The Rebel's Outpost
The Rebel | |
817-538-5587 HENRIETTA, TX |
Shakedown (1993) |
| |
817-538-6766 HENRIETTA, TX |
Homebody's Pad (1993) |
| |
817-539-0541 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Com Zero (1989) |
Kevin Devin | |
817-539-0714 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Byte Site Renegade, The Outer Limits (1993-1996) |
Steven Johnson | |
817-539-0786 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Volcanic Ash (1994) |
Darryl Sleighter | |
817-539-0881 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Lode-Star (1995) |
Edward Trosclair | |
817-539-1110 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Mustang BBS I (1993-1994) |
Charles Travis | |
817-539-1289 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Computer Playroom Line 2, The Computer Playroom Node 2 (1994-1995) |
Robert E Burgett | |
817-539-1615 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Mystic Mansion (1993-1994) |
Dean Price | |
817-539-2384 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
NC Fort Hood Area Net, Net 395 EchoStar, The River Styx BBS (1996-1997) |
Steven Williams, EchoMaster | |
817-539-2406 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
FireBird BBS (1993-1996) |
Daniel Brown | |
817-539-2758 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Shooting Gallery Node II (1995-1997) |
Geoffrey S. Harris | |
817-539-3166 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Bandit's Hideout (1992-1993) |
Paul Bandel, The Bandit | |
817-539-3403 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Hyper-Space (1993-1996) |
Robert Hare | |
817-539-3688 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Carlos Badillo, Hyde's Laboratory (1994) |
Fort Hood TX, Carlos Badillo | |
817-539-3789 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Aristophanes, The Dugout BBS of Killeen (1992-1993) |
Darryl Sleighter | |
817-539-3897 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The River Styx BBS (1994-1996) |
Steven Williams | |
817-539-4042 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Cloud Nine BBS (1995) |
Robert Seitz | |
817-539-4751 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Renegade's Roost (1993-1994) |
Jeanne Weber, John Weber | |
817-539-4811 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
USS PACMAN (1994-1995) |
Richard Getz | |
817-539-4995 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Death's Gate Node 1, Fort Hood Hub (1995-1996) |
Jim Rush | |
817-539-4996 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Death's Gate Node 2 (1994-1995) |
Jim Rush | |
817-539-5119 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Fort Hood Hub, HUB Fort Hood, The Shooting Gallery, The Shooting Gallery Node I (1995-1997) |
Geoffrey S. Harris | |
817-539-5309 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Dragon's Lair (1993) |
Debbie Timmer | |
817-539-5339 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Fort Hood Hub, The Computer Playroom Line 1, The Computer Playroom Node 1 (1992-1995) |
Robert E Burgett, Robert Burgett | |
817-539-5423 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Panorama (1992) |
John Suttle | |
817-539-5495 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Loaner BBS (1993-1996) |
Michael Berger | |
817-539-6006 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
TRACKM USA Registration Site (1992) |
Tim Flynn | |
817-539-6594 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Wild Thing (1995-1996) |
David Stokes | |
817-539-6736 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Valley Of Dragons (1996-1997) |
Kai Steinmann | |
817-539-6742 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Gunny's BBS (1994) |
Albert Brabazon | |
817-539-7558 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The WALL BBS (1994-1995) |
Matthew Manuel | |
817-539-7637 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Nexus (1993-1994) |
Robert Johnson | |
817-539-8015 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Bits & Bytes BBS (1992-1994) |
Mark Griggs | |
817-539-8228 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Conqueror Connection (1992-1995) |
John Curtis | |
817-539-8258 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Sugar Or Spice, Suger Or Spice (1992-1994) |
Patti Chapman | |
817-539-8475 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Sorcerer's Wildcat, SORCERER'S WildCat BBS (1990) |
Jim Hankins | Wildcat |
817-539-8478 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Ricks Sports Bar, Top Gun BBS (1994-1995) |
Rick Henry | |
817-539-8562 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Larry's OutPost (1988) |
Larry Nevinger | |
817-539-8734 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Dark Side (1995-1996) |
Michael Rovers | |
817-539-8863 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The River Styx BBS 2 (1994-1996) |
Steven Williams | |
817-539-9000 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Mustang BBS II (1994) |
Charles Travis | |
817-540-1494 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Spatula City (1993-1994) |
Steve Crager | |
817-540-1835 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Texas Connection (1989-1994) |
| |
817-540-2379 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
FTW's Naked Hub, The Dew Line (1990) |
Dewey Thiessen | |
817-540-2794 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
System One, The Walnut Creek BBS! (1992-1993) |
Dave Jackson | |
817-540-2881 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The Griffin Inn (1989) |
Tim Smith | |
817-540-3073 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The Earth Club (1995) |
Bill Singleton | |
817-540-3527 Bedford, TX |
FTW's Third Rate Hub, Spare Parts, Spare Parts
, Spare Parts 1:130/38 (1989-1994) |
Larry Mundy | |
Windows Distribution Network - Windows utilities/files
817-540-4183 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
FWKUG MBBS & RCP/M, Ron's (1985-1991) |
Ron Lane | |
817-540-4690 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Spatula City (1996) |
Steve Crager | |
817-540-5419 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The InfoMall, The Infomall BBS (1992-1994) |
Rick Tyler | |
817-540-6411 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
PARADOX Online BBS (1995-1996) |
Keith Bratton | |
817-542-0000 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Wolf's Den (1994) |
Matthew Williams | |
817-542-1307 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Texas Connection (1995) |
Rich Demorest | |
817-542-2405 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
mediacom USA, TERMINATE Distribution (1994) |
Dietmar Kneidl, Jim Smoot, Allen Cox | |
817-542-2406 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
mediacom USA Terminate RegSite, TERMINATE RegSite USA (1994) |
Jim Smoot | |
817-542-2594 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Chief's NOID ZONE (1994) |
Rick Ford | |
817-542-3007 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Northern Borealis, The Alaskan Outpost (1995-1999) |
Rick Ryan | TriBBS |
817-542-3244 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Nirvana Achieved! (1994) |
Jason Kirk | |
817-542-3275 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
CenTex PartyBoard, NEC Fort Hood Area Net (1992-1997) |
Earl Hilton | |
817-542-3416 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Cop Shop BBS, Hawaiian Magic (1994-1997) |
Clarence Fung | |
817-542-4973 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Keepers of the Night, The Zero (1996) |
Greg Woodruff | |
817-542-5008 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
HUB Copperas Cove, S.R.O. BBS, S.R.O. BBS 4 (1994) |
Jim Smoot | |
817-542-5024 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
S.R.O. BBS, S.R.O. BBS 3 (1994) |
Jim Smoot | |
817-542-5034 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
S.R.O. BBS 2 (1994) |
Jim Smoot | |
817-542-5099 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
S.R.O. BBS 1 (1994) |
Jim Smoot | |
817-542-5579 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Moiraine's Playground (1992-1993) |
Dorothea Hoelzl Eyster | |
817-542-5920 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Texas Micro Warehouse, The Limits BBS, The Limits BBS I (1994-1995) |
Scott Weems | |
817-542-6103 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Moiraine's Playground (1994-1995) |
Dorothea Hoelzl-Eyster | |
817-542-6466 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Limits BBS II (1994) |
Scott Weems | |
817-542-7353 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Death Star BBS (1994) |
Gregory Clark | |
817-542-7388 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
ALLFIX I'ntl RegSite, ALLFIX Int'l RegSite, ALLFIX USA National RegSite, ALLFIX-GEcho I'ntl RegSite, Fort Hood Area Net, HUB Copperas Cove, NC Central Texas & Fort Hood, NC Central Texas & Fort Hood Net, NC Fort Hood Area Net, S.R.O. BBS (1995-1997) |
Jim Smoot | |
817-542-7604 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Hyde's Laboratory (1994-1995) |
Nayda Badillo | |
817-542-8011 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
ALLFIX I'ntl RegSite, GEcho I'ntl RegSite, IST SoftNet I'ntl RegSite, NC Fort Hood Area Net (1996) |
Jim Smoot | |
817-542-8013 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
GEcho I'ntl RegSite, GEcho USA National RegSite (1995) |
Jim Smoot | |
817-542-8759 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
TDM/2 (Node 2), TDM/2 II, TDM/2 [2], Top's Diamond Mine 2, Top's Diamond Mine II (1996-1997) |
Arthur Stark | |
817-542-8783 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
HUB Copperas Cove, Sparky's!, TDM/2 (Node 1), TDM/2 I, TDM/2 [1], Top's Diamond Mine 1, Top's Diamond Mine I (1995-1997) |
Arthur Stark | |
817-543-0322 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Computer Ventures (1992-1993) |
David Conger | |
817-543-1951 Arlington, TX |
Rainbow's End GS (1994-1996) |
| |
817-543-4250 Arlington, TX |
The Emporium BBS! (1988-1994) |
Henry Buchanan | |
From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: Arlington, Texas since 10/88. Sysop: Henry Buchanan. Using Remote Access 2 with 20 lines on MS-DOS 80486 with 6000 MB storage. US Robotics at 19200 bps. $75 Annual fee. One of the largest collections of adult files! Over 17,000 adult files online. Adult games online, with online chat and messages! ADULTS only! Must be 21 years of age or older! Immediate adult access w/valid credit card - VISA, Master-card, Discover, AMEX
817-543-4297 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Emporium BBS! (1995) |
Henry Buchanan | |
817-545-2182 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Rat's Nest (1991) |
| CNET |
817-545-3378 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Alternate Reality BBS, Dragon's Breath (1991-1994) |
Dax Davis | |
817-545-3416 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The Cess-Pool BBS, The CessPool BBS (1992-1993) |
Steve Bryant | |
817-545-6206 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Night Lights BBS (1996) |
Jim Wilson | |
817-545-6889 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
ChurchMouse (1991) |
| MTRO |
817-545-7317 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Stallions Coral (1993-1996) |
| |
817-545-9506 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Stallions Corral (1994-1996) |
Lee Heidenheimer | |
817-545-9546 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Stallions Corral (1993-1994) |
Lee Heidenheimer | |
817-547-0119 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
FidoNet-ToadNet Gate, FidoNet<->ToadNet Gate, FidoNet<=>ToadNet Gate, NEC Central Texas & Fort Hood, NEC Central Texas & Fort Hood Net, NEC Fort Hood Area Net, The Games BBS, The Games BBS, Toad Hall VETLink #63 (1991-2003) |
Chris Pollock | FidoNet |
817-547-1259 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Paladium Inn, The Black Hole II (1993-1995) |
David Casey | |
817-547-1688 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Grinder's Creek, Uncle Dudley's (1992-1995) |
Doug Odom | |
817-547-1734 Copperas Cove, TX |
CC Maximus OS/2 Node 1, CC Maximus OS/2 Node 2, Comp Connection, Computer Connection, Computer Connection OS/2 BBS Node 1, Golden Gate, HUB Copperas Cove, Net 395 EchoStar, Net 395 NEC, Net 395 UUCP Gateway, Reg 19 EchoCoord, Virtual Reality BBS (1991-1996) |
Ben Hamilton, EchoMaster, UUCP | QuickBBS
, XPRE |
817-547-2927 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
The Tiger's Cage BBS (1994) |
Deborah Trosclair | |
817-547-3012 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Gimp's Inc, Gimp's Inc II, HUB Copperas Cove (1994-1995) |
Joe Sterling | |
817-547-3632 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Virtual Reality BBS (1991) |
Ben Hamilton | |
817-547-4219 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Paradise Island (1996) |
Jeremy Paradis | |
817-547-4994 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Flyin Shop, The Flyin Shop (1994-1995) |
Steve Adams | |
817-547-5032 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Centex Matchmaker, Central Killeen Area (1992-1993) |
John Debbie Doty, John Doty | |
817-547-5228 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
The Cave (1995) |
Ronald Becerra | |
817-547-5634 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
The Baseboard (1988) |
| Red Ryder Host |
817-547-6128 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Haven (1996) |
Brian Jones | |
817-547-6293 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Centex Matcher, Centex Matchmaker (1992-1993) |
John Debbie Doty | |
817-547-6751 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Imagine That! (1992-1994) |
Will Osborn | |
817-547-6795 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Arctic Zone, Fire and Ice BBS (1995-1997) |
Chris Gunn, Shayla Lang | |
817-547-6899 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Brightwood, Brightwood [24:00-06:00], Brightwood [24:00-07:00] (1994-1995) |
Bill Miller | |
817-547-7711 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
CC Maximus OS/2 BBS, CC Maximus OS/2 Node 1, CC Maximus OS/2 Node 2, Computer Connection OS/2 BBS Node 2, Net 395 Internet Gatway, Net 395 Services, Net 395 UUCP Gateway, The Computer Connection, The Computer Source (1992-1996) |
Ben Hamilton, UUCP | |
817-547-8890 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
RCP/M RBBS Copperas Cove (1984-1985) |
| |
817-547-9140 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Under Orions Eyes II (1995-1996) |
Tamera Crumlich | |
817-547-9605 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
The House of Death (1992-1993) |
Robert Johnson | |
817-547-9744 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Casey Sarver | |
817-547-9777 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Central Killeen Area, Central Texas Killeen Mailer (1992-1993) |
Gary Dewrell | |
817-547-9930 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Under Orions Eyes (1995-1996) |
Tamera Crumlich | |
817-547-9977 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
The Barbarian's Hut (1980-1997) |
Bob Toth | |
817-548-0034 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Vanbo's Place (1991-1992) |
Van Blize | Telegard |
817-548-7008 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
NWCS BBS (1999) |
Ben Shiplet | |
817-548-7477 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Computer Ventures (1992) |
David Conger | |
817-549-2010 EULESS, TX |
Nightmare (1986-1988) |
Paul Witherspoon | |
817-551-1474 FORT WORTH EDGE, TX |
FTW's 300 Hub, Kingdom of Nyrond, The Doctor's Hub (1994) |
Randall Bales | |
817-551-1626 FORT WORTH EDGE, TX |
The C.I.A. BBS (1989) |
John Tippett | |
817-551-9363 FORT WORTH EDGE, TX |
C.N.S. (1991) |
| |
817-552-5450 FORT WORTH, TX |
CyberSpace Gridpoint (1995) |
Billy Glover | |
817-552-7904 FORT WORTH, TX |
Joe's Game Board (1995) |
Joe Wallace | |
817-553-1235 FORT WORTH, TX |
Info Net BBS! (1995) |
Paul Conn | |
817-553-1253 FORT WORTH, TX |
Info Net BBS! (1995) |
Paul Conn | |
817-553-3848 FORT WORTH, TX |
CyberSpace Gridpoint (1995) |
Billy Glover | |
817-554-0574 EULESS, TX |
Texas Pine Tree (1995-1996) |
Walter N. Reihle Jr., Walter Reihle | |
817-554-0944 EULESS, TX |
Better Than Life!, Better Then Life! (1994) |
Bruce Hoins | |
817-554-2515 EULESS, TX |
The Land Beyond (1991-1994) |
Kevin Bales | |
817-554-2732 EULESS, TX |
Disk Cache BBS (1991-1992) |
Michael Kelly | |
817-554-2733 EULESS, TX |
Disk Cache BBS (1991) |
Michael Kelly | |
817-554-3788 EULESS, TX |
Bytes By Nyte (1992) |
Gary Dewrell | |
817-554-5331 EULESS, TX |
Wizard II BBS, Wizard's, Wizard's II, Wizard's II BBS (1992-1994) |
Scott McNay, Scott Mcnay | |
817-554-5760 EULESS, TX |
Disk Cache BBS (1991) |
Michael Kelly | |
817-554-5904 EULESS, TX |
Bytes By Nyte (1992) |
Gary Dewrell | |
817-554-6077 EULESS, TX |
Might & Magik (1993-1994) |
John McDaniels | |
817-554-6369 EULESS, TX |
Mind's Eye (1995) |
Chris Jackson | |
817-554-8293 EULESS, TX |
Dungeon (1995) |
Terry Lewis | |
817-554-8737 EULESS, TX |
Genesis Node 3 (1993-1994) |
Joe Deleon | |
817-556-0004 CLEBURNE, TX |
Game World, The Polar Cottage (1990-1991) |
Kevin Keathley | |
817-556-4774 CLEBURNE, TX |
The Mizpah Gate (1990-1991) |
Randy Bell | QuickBBS |
817-557-0330 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Microbiol BBS, The Microbiology BBS (1995-1996) |
Scott Sutton | MajorBBS
817-557-2761 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Trade's Training (1994-1995) |
| Wildcat! |
817-557-4783 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Key BBS (1994) |
Jeffery Locke, Jeffrey Locke | |
817-557-5222 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
HeartBreak Hotel (1993-1996) |
Mark Gilbert | |
817-557-5511 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Town Hall BBS (1992-1993) |
Matthew Wright | |
817-557-9638 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
FTW's 100 Hub, The Key BBS (1996-1997) |
Jeffrey Locke | |
817-558-2430 CLEBURNE, TX |
The Chaparral BBS (1993-1995) |
Jess Baker | |
817-558-3668 CLEBURNE, TX |
Christian Fellowship Online (1995) |
Robert Tilton | |
817-558-3739 CLEBURNE, TX |
Deep Space Nine (1993-1994) |
David M Smith | |
817-558-4600 CLEBURNE, TX |
Ziggyuken (1993-1994) |
Curry Taylor | |
817-558-9638 CLEBURNE, TX |
The Key BBS (1996) |
Jeffrey Locke | |
817-559-1236 DALLAS, TX |
U.S. Logic BBS (1994) |
| Wildcat |
817-560-0006 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Atavachron (1991) |
Dave Clark | |
817-560-1129 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
The Inner Circle (1995) |
Shane Glaister | |
817-560-9058 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Insanity (1994) |
| |
817-560-9165 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
Bob's Bear Line (1989-1994) |
Robert Botzer | |
817-560-9618 FORT WORTH WEST, TX |
The Apex BBS (1989) |
Don Schaefer | |
817-561-0713 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
FTW's MidCities Hub, The Cowtown Net, The Doghouse (1994-2000) |
Bob Womble | |
817-561-7732 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
EchoMail Machine (1997-2000) |
See 130/41 | |
817-565-0315 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Strawberry Furps (1990) |
Kurt Grutzmacher | |
817-565-0537 Denton, TX |
The Forest (1991-1992) |
Isabella Chang | |
817-565-1500 GRAPEVINE, TX |
-144 Midnight Information, -144 Midnight Information Systems, House of Minus (1989-1991) |
Eric Lipscomb | QuickBBS |
817-565-1575 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Denton Area Amateur Radio (1992) |
Matt Clement | |
817-565-3461 GRAPEVINE, TX |
VAX UNT (1991) |
James Shoffit | |
817-565-4591 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Colossus (1990) |
William Hubbs | |
817-565-5043 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Dorm Room BBS (1991) |
Rob Butler | |
817-565-6185 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Dorm Room BBS (1991) |
Rob Butler | |
817-565-8363 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Network Dynamics (1996) |
Garry Walker | |
817-565-8437 GRAPEVINE, TX |
Network Dynamics (1996) |
Garry Walker | |
817-565-9165 GRAPEVINE, TX |
, The Mezzanine BBS (1985-2004) |
Walter Bowen | |
817-566-0459 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Toybox BBS (1994-1996) |
Rob Mullins, Robert Mullins | |
817-566-1907 FORT WORTH, TX |
Moose'sDen, QBBS Moose's Den, The Moose's Den, TX TriAngle (1989-1994) |
Van Holland | |
817-566-2813 FORT WORTH, TX |
No Carrier BBS (1992-1993) |
Rick Joyce | |
817-566-2895 Denton, TX |
The Dog House, The Dog House BBS, TX TriAngle (1991-1992) |
Jason Johnston | |
817-566-3323 FORT WORTH, TX |
Mars (1994) |
Denton TX | |
817-566-6146 FORT WORTH, TX |
ALPHA, TX TriAngle (1988-1989) |
John Hasemeier | |
817-566-6746 FORT WORTH, TX |
House Of Dave (1988) |
| |
817-566-8756 FORT WORTH, TX |
Envision Online (1993) |
Wesley Davis | |
817-567-6366 KELLER, TX |
NAK Attack, NAK-Attack, NAK-Attack VI, NAK-Attack VII (tm), NAK-Attack(tm) VII (1987-1992) |
Bill Cherryholmes, Bill Cherryhomes | |
817-568-1344 FORT WORTH EDGE, TX |
Bowl Of Chili!, FTW's 800 Hub (1992-1996) |
Danny Brigance | QuickBBS
817-568-2084 FORT WORTH EDGE, TX |
The Writer's Den BBS (1993-1995) |
Frank James | |
817-569-0946 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Chuck's Cage, EduTech Online (1993-1994) |
Charles Cage | |
817-569-1317 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
EduTech Online (1995) |
Charles Cage | |
817-569-2080 Wichita Falls, TX |
The Compu-System (1986) |
| |
817-569-3280 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
The Nine Hells (1993) |
| Renegade |
817-569-3439 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
The Texoma Connection (1994) |
Glenn Hull | |
817-569-4075 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
The Cheetah's Lair (1993-1994) |
Don Cheatheam | |
817-569-4342 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
COMTAP RCP/M (1985) |
Bill Lewis | |
817-569-4794 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Jason's Fantasy Mailer (1993-1994) |
Jason King | |
817-569-5388 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
1001 Arabian Nights (1993-1994) |
Virgil DeArmond, Virgil Dearmond | |
817-571-0318 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The I/O Port (1993-1995) |
Michael Smedley | |
817-571-1327 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
EPC BBS (1988) |
Andy Siegel | |
817-571-1373 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
FamilyResearch (1991-1996) |
Marv Woolard | |
817-571-3869 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The I/O Port (1995) |
Michael Smedley | |
817-571-7951 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The Edge of Time (1992) |
| |
817-572-0295 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
EchoMail Machine (1996) |
See 130/37 | |
817-572-0297 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
FTW's 700 Hub, The Gas Company (1995-1997) |
Michael Henderson | |
817-572-0749 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
ACA Intergroup BBS, DFW COM Shop, DFW ComShop PCB QMail 120m (1989-1991) |
Sonny Maxwell | PCBoard |
817-572-0835 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
Zen's Palace BBS (1991) |
Mark Myers | |
817-572-1924 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
Texas Satellite Club! (1991) |
Ken Stovall | Wildcat |
817-572-2044 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
King's Place (1991-1995) |
Jerry King | |
817-572-3235 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
AppleCorpsDallas GBBS APPLE (1990-1991) |
Warren Trammell | |
817-572-3560 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
Skara Brae Sys (1987-1988) |
Mark Wright | |
817-572-4867 Bedford, TX |
The Olde West (1980-2002) |
Douglas Rhea, Doug Rhea | Phoenix RCS |
"I AM the Sysop of this BBS. That was the old number from about 1990 to 1999. I started "The Olde West" om Feb 15, 1980 and I STILL run it today. The current number is 817-277-5544, and it STILL runs on the old DOS Phoenix RCS (no even Y2K compliant) I am currently porting it over to WildCate WIN32. I also hosted the GameMaster's Realm and Mist of Oblivion on the same computer (had a front end package written for Phoenix caleld: PreNm (Pre Net mailer) and it allowed the selection of multiple BBS software from the connection menu. The GameMaster's Realm was actually started on Sep 01,1990 and is also still run today (the Mist of Oblivion was started about the same time, but was a role play message board and was a replacement for Kingdom of Nyrond). Anyway, just to set the record straaight, thought I would drop you a line. We are still kicking today and on of the oldest BBS in Texas (actually the Chrysalis in Dallas is/was older)" - Doug Rhea
817-572-5181 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
Home Connections (1991) |
| SpitFire |
817-572-6027 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
Skara Brae Systems (1991) |
Mark & Matt Wright | PCBoard |
817-572-6397 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
Good News, Goodnews (1991-1994) |
| CUST |
817-572-6535 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
Star Palace BBS (1996-1999) |
David S Lund | |
817-572-6676 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
King's Place (1990) |
Jerry King | |
817-572-7510 FORT WORTH KENN, TX |
The WarZONE BBS (1994) |
Ron Phillips | |
817-573-0075 GRANBURY, TX |
The Dark Realm (1994) |
Brad Hunstable | |
817-573-0155 GRANBURY, TX |
Turbo AT! BBS (1991-1993) |
Michael Twiselton | |
817-573-0156 Granbury, TX |
Granbury Area, Granbury Mail Hub, Turbo AT! BBS (Node2) (1991-1995) |
Michael Twiselton | QuickBBS |
817-573-0955 GRANBURY, TX |
Franks Place (1992) |
Frank Cobb | |
817-573-1244 GRANBURY, TX |
Fallout Zone (1996) |
Phillip Huddleston | |
817-573-4139 GRANBURY, TX |
Granbury Hub2, The Total Concept, TOTAL CONCEPT (1989-1992) |
Mark Martin | QuickBBS |
817-573-5018 GRANBURY, TX |
Franks Place (1992) |
Frank Cobb | |
817-573-5640 GRANBURY, TX |
Entreprenuer On Line, The Night Owl BBS (1992) |
Dutch Flodstrom | |
817-573-6700 GRANBURY, TX |
Granbury Area, Greek Style (1991-1994) |
Tom Goodman | |
817-573-9827 GRANBURY, TX |
Starship Cavalier, The Logic Hut (1992-1994) |
Brandon Campbell | |
817-573-9835 GRANBURY, TX |
The Power Peak BBS (1991-1994) |
| GAP Development |
817-577-0259 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Programmer's Planet (1991) |
| Wildcat |
817-577-0579 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Dark Side of the Moon (1987) |
| GBBS Pro |
817-577-1146 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Texas Genealogy Unlimited (1996) |
Doug Branch | |
817-577-1871 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Integrated Computing Systems (1994) |
Roy Clemmons | |
817-577-2600 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Sysop's Toy (1990) |
Dan Smith | |
817-577-3363 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Talon, THE WINDSOCK BBS, Windsock (1990-1992) |
John Johnson | Wildcat |
817-577-3609 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Oilpatch Opus (1989) |
Joe Dougharty | |
817-577-3618 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Starbase Lambda (1996) |
| |
817-577-3733 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Secret Hub, The Secret Society (1991-1995) |
Dan Robinson | |
817-577-3812 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Griffin Inn (1989-1991) |
Tim Smith | |
817-577-8742 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Building of Knowledge (1994-1998) |
Steve Toft | |
817-577-9180 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The P.O. Box (1994) |
Larry Hale | |
817-577-9959 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Final Outpost [Node 2], The Final Outpost [Node2] (1993-1995) |
Matthew Smith | |
817-579-6040 GRANBURY, TX |
Digital Matrix, The CyberTron, The CyberTron BBS (1994-1995) |
James Gollehon | |
817-579-6062 GRANBURY, TX |
The Junk Drawer (1994-1996) |
Kevin Jarrett | Wildcat
817-579-9022 GRANBURY, TX |
Granbury Online (1994) |
Dutch Flodstrom | |
817-579-9350 GRANBURY, TX |
Deep Space Nine, Digitalis (1995) |
Dennis Kaiser | |
817-579-9555 GRANBURY, TX |
Scholium Variorum, Scholium Variourum (1994) |
Greg Sanders | |
817-581-0481 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Stadium Club! (1993-1994) |
Ted Sorrells | |
817-581-6790 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Final Outpost [Node4] (1994-1995) |
Matthew Smith | |
817-581-7147 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Final Outpost [Node3] (1994-1995) |
Matthew Smith | |
817-581-7966 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Final Outpost (1992-1995) |
Matthew Smith, Matt Smith | |
817-581-9938 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Propeller Head BBS (1992-1993) |
Dave Mann | |
817-588-2880 Arlington, TX |
Prospects (1994-1995) |
Franz Gletscher | MajorBBS 6.2 |
817-588-2915 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Digital EFX (1993-1994) |
Tom Hall | |
817-589-0283 Fort Worth, TX |
The Cell (1992-1993) |
Gregory Hempel | RA |
817-589-1517 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Computer Works BBS (1994) |
| Wildcat |
817-589-2118 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
City Limits Proboard HQ, The City Limits. MainLine BBS HQ (1992-1993) |
Scott Green | |
817-589-2525 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
ComputerGallery, The Computer Gallery, The Gallery (1992-1996) |
Larry Short | PCBoard
817-589-2588 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
COMPUTALK I (1985) |
| AMIS |
817-589-7667 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Amiga Underground, Electric Beach (1992) |
Albert Wiersch | |
817-589-9270 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Rooster's Place (1996) |
Bruce Krueger | |
817-591-1164 ROANOKE, TX |
Silicon Implant (1994) |
Lawrence Urban | |
817-592-0327 FRISCO, TX |
Woodbriar BBS (1980-1997) |
Wayne Booth | |
817-592-2849 FRISCO, TX |
Marshall Law!, Marshall's Law! (1991-1993) |
John Marshall | Wildcat |
817-592-2960 FRISCO, TX |
Fire Point, Hub 1000, Hub 3000 (1992-1994) |
Joe Noel, J. Noel, J. Marshall | |
817-592-5889 FRISCO, TX |
Majik Shoppe II (1997) |
Jim Tuttle | |
817-592-9414 FRISCO, TX |
Fire Point, NorTexNet NEC 3805, Star Of Life BBS (1993-1995) |
Joe Noel | |
817-595-0128 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Europa Base H.Q., Europa Base Hdqtrs, Europa Base Headquarters (1991-1992) |
David Baines | Phoenix |
817-595-0975 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
The Corner (1994-1996) |
Pat Hatton | |
817-595-3195 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
| AMIS |
817-595-6148 FORT WORTH ATLA, TX |
Ka-Lyn Systems, T.A.D. (1996) |
Gary L. Murphy | |
817-596-2827 WEATHERFORD, TX |
Leeches Anonymous (1991) |
| SBBS |
817-596-3296 WEATHERFORD, TX |
Bowl of Chili! (1997-1998) |
Danny Brigance | |
817-596-4500 WEATHERFORD, TX |
BBS In The Boonies (1992) |
Mark Klemens | |
817-596-5269 WEATHERFORD, TX |
Bob's Bear Line (1994-2000) |
Robert Botzer | |
817-596-5574 WEATHERFORD, TX |
EXOTiC Blue iCE Labs, The Blue iCE Beta Labs (1993-1994) |
Tommy Harvey | |
817-599-5892 WEATHERFORD, TX |
Lower Cretaceous (1986) |
Jim Aldridge | |
817-613-0153 WEATHERFORD, TX |
The 8-Ball Cult (1995-1997) |
Peter Carroll | Renegade |
817-613-1834 WEATHERFORD, TX |
The Country Club BBS (1995) |
Randy Brown | |
817-613-1844 WEATHERFORD, TX |
The Loft (1995-1996) |
Tommy Harvey | |
817-613-9002 Weatherford, TX |
The Oasis BBS (1996-1999) |
Frank Starns, Weatherford TX, Frank Starnes | |
817-618-5823 FRISCO, TX |
The River Styx BBS (1996) |
Steven Williams | |
817-625-0091 FORT WORTH MARK, TX |
Tribes (1995) |
Ben Ringwald | |
817-625-6271 FORT WORTH MARK, TX |
The Crystal Palace III (1994) |
Mark C. Hopp Sr. | |
817-625-8744 FORT WORTH MARK, TX |
Simon's Brain (1993-1994) |
Simon Gasca | |
817-626-3417 FORT WORTH MARK, TX |
, YC-1,Windows,gif (1991-1996) |
Yann Cortina | Spitfire
817-626-8119 FORT WORTH MARK, TX |
Truckers Place BBS (1998) |
Eldor C Luedtke Jr | |
817-626-8124 FORT WORTH MARK, TX |
The Micro Chip BBS (1990) |
Chance Slisz | |
817-627-8037 FRISCO, TX |
Mission Board (1994) |
| |
817-628-0056 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Mount Olympus (1992-1993) |
John Maddox | |
817-628-1277 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Central Killeen Area, Central Texas Killeen Mailer (1992) |
Bill Brooks | |
817-628-1761 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Kronos Information Center (1995) |
Carl Beckom | |
817-628-2057 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
PBMOVE (USA) RegSite (1996) |
Walter Reihle | |
817-628-2940 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
IceLand (1995-1996) |
Marc Johnston | |
817-628-8869 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Kronos Information Center (1995) |
Carl Beckom | |
817-628-8927 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Common Cents BBS (1989) |
Dave Hommel | |
817-628-8992 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Dark Star (1995-1997) |
Daniel Lanham | |
817-628-9026 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
God's Word, God's Word BBS (1994) |
Shawn Haverly | |
817-633-3943 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
Mailing List Systems BBS (1994-1995) |
Arvel Hathcock | |
817-633-6388 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
Skid Row (1993-1995) |
Daniel Richards | |
817-633-8242 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
AntiVirus Rock (1996) |
David Smith | |
817-634-1092 DALLAS, TX |
The Outer Limits, The Outer Limits BBS (1996-1998) |
Steven Johnson | |
817-634-1636 DALLAS, TX |
Abacus, Abacus Online (1994-1997) |
Larry Black, Mark Matthews | |
817-634-1695 DALLAS, TX |
-=Low Tech=- Users (1990) |
Gary Dewrell | |
817-634-2026 DALLAS, TX |
Armchair Adventurer, The Armchair Adventurer (1994) |
David Vance | |
817-634-3469 DALLAS, TX |
Emergency Room (1995) |
Hansford Collins | |
817-634-3647 DALLAS, TX |
MBS BBS (1988-1990) |
Felix Castillo | |
817-634-4568 DALLAS, TX |
Stalker's Alley II (1996) |
Vickie Arena, Vincent Arena | |
817-634-4573 DALLAS, TX |
NDR, NDR BBS (1992-1995) |
Dan Pressnell | |
817-634-4578 DALLAS, TX |
NDR BBS (1992) |
Dan Persnell | |
817-634-4579 DALLAS, TX |
Stalker's Alley, Stalkers Alley (1994-1996) |
Vincent Arena | |
817-634-5768 DALLAS, TX |
Tag BBS (1991) |
Troy Murrey | |
817-634-6323 DALLAS, TX |
Wizard II BBS (1992) |
Larry Black | |
817-634-6375 DALLAS, TX |
SuFari Land (1993-1994) |
Pat Lussier | |
817-634-7727 DALLAS, TX |
The Apple Cart
| |
817-636-2029 RHOME, TX |
Automation[Binkley-Opus] (1991-1992) |
John Richter | |
817-636-9043 RHOME, TX |
The Fortress (2002-2003) |
Rick Gordon | |
817-638-2029 RHOME, TX |
Autmomation[Binkley-Opus] (1992-1994) |
John Richter | |
817-638-2748 RHOME, TX |
Autmomation[Binkley-Opus] (1995) |
John Richter | |
817-638-5083 RHOME, TX |
Autmomation[Binkley-Maximus] (1995) |
John Richter | |
817-640-1282 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
Arlington (1985) |
Carl Burge | |
817-640-2758 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
The Night-Life Express BBS (1994) |
Michael W. Tucker | |
817-640-4008 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
The Moose's Den 2 (1991) |
Jean-Claude DeMars | |
817-640-4124 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
High Pinnacle, The High PINNACLE BBS (1991) |
The Carltons, Todd Carlton | SBBS |
817-640-5485 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
Automated Operations (1991) |
| Phoenix |
817-640-7880 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
D D Connection, DD Connection (130/10) (1988-1992) |
Carrie Brown | |
817-640-8221 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
Sales Force BBS (1994) |
Ronnie Oldham | |
817-640-9602 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
The Moose's Den 2 (1989-1991) |
Jean-Claude DeMars | |
817-640-9778 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
SCRIBE-DFW (1995) |
Stephen L. Wiles | |
817-641-0133 CLEBURNE, TX |
SEA CHEST (1994-1996) |
| RBBS |
817-641-3272 CLEBURNE, TX |
Chisholm BBS (1987-1989) |
Jim Culver | |
817-641-4842 Cleburne, TX |
Cleburne BBS (1987-1994) |
Bill Owens | |
817-641-5114 CLEBURNE, TX |
Sea Chest (1994-1996) |
| RBBS |
817-644-2247 FORT WORTH, TX |
Rainbow's Point (1996) |
Aaron Goldblatt | |
817-644-2714 FORT WORTH, TX |
Rainbow's Point, time starts now (1996-1997) |
Aaron Goldblatt, dale hopkins | |
817-645-8774 CLEBURNE, TX |
Tom's Place (1990-1994) |
Thomas Mullen | |
817-645-9976 CLEBURNE, TX |
Tom's Place (1989-1990) |
Thomas Mullen | |
817-648-0439 CLEBURNE, TX |
Down Home BBS (2003-2004) |
| |
817-648-2599 CLEBURNE, TX |
The Chatterbox (1992) |
Jim Edmondson | |
817-648-9115 CLEBURNE, TX |
echomail.fidonet.ws, Golden Triangle Net, Net 393 Mail Machine, Region 19 TCP/IP Only Net, The Chatterbox (1996-2004) |
Jim Edmondson, Net 393, Steve Quarrella | FirstClass |
817-649-0011 Grand Prairie, TX |
Idylls of the King (1991-1992) |
Roy Ferguson | |
817-649-1207 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
The Rainbow Room (1994) |
Chris Molnar | |
817-649-2058 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
The Blues Zone, Vulgar Display of Power (1995-1997) |
Billy Roberts SR | |
817-649-2857 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
D D Connection, D D T L (1986-1988) |
Carrie Brown | |
817-649-5534 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
Gamemaster BBS (1995) |
Gary Christopherson | |
817-649-7027 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
Gamemaster BBS (1998) |
Jessica Fox, Gary Christopherson | |
817-654-0066 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Otherside (1991-1993) |
| |
817-654-1406 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The DFW SciFi Fans BBS (1991) |
Bill Christmas | |
817-654-2029 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Dwayne's World (1992-1993) |
Dwayne Archer | |
817-654-2420 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Masquerade (1991) |
Jeff Ciemny | Telegard |
817-654-2921 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The Cracker Box (1989-1991) |
Bruce Goode | Phoenix |
817-654-3459 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
The Second Foundation (1993-1994) |
Toby Moore | |
817-654-3666 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
FTW's Cowtown Hub, P.P.bbs (1990-1991) |
Cecil Rutledge | |
817-654-3821 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Technical Ecstacy (1992) |
| |
817-654-3957 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Texas Flea Market (1991) |
Don Fowler | RBBS-PC |
817-654-4318 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Suzie's Room BBS (1994-1995) |
Garth Rudy | Wildcat |
817-654-4802 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
R/C Jetstream (1991) |
| Wildcat |
817-654-9256 FORT WORTH GLEN, TX |
Suzie's Room BBS [Node2] (1994-1995) |
Garth Rudy | Wildcat |
817-656-0444 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Europa's Shuttle BBS, The Power BBS (1991-1993) |
Guy Snodgrass | |
817-656-3082 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Flightline BBS, FTW's Hub300 (1994-1996) |
Rick Hinebaugh | |
817-656-3241 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
DJ's Computer Outlet (1992-1995) |
Jim Sansom | |
817-656-4282 Fort Worth, TX |
The Back Door (1991-1995) |
Tom Dobbins | |
817-656-4291 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
CONNECT PC (1992-1993) |
Rod Marsh | |
817-656-5947 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Telegraph Road (1994-1996) |
Rod Marsh | |
817-656-7200 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
The Final Approach (1995-1996) |
Gib Akers | |
817-656-7620 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
CONNECT PC, The Third Eye BBS (1991-1994) |
Rod Marsh | |
817-656-8093 Fort Worth, TX |
FTW Gateway, FTW's MidCities Hub, Gallery, The, The Gallery (1989-1995) |
Tom Dobbins | RemoteAccess |
817-656-8152 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Digital EFX (1994) |
Tom Hall | |
817-656-9293 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
ASGARD (1989) |
Ernie Runyon | |
817-656-9498 Fort Worth, TX |
WordForce BBS, WordForce Mail-Only System (1994-2002) |
Sarah Nunez | |
817-662-0508 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Morgue (1986) |
| |
817-662-1476 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Scoutlink BBS, The Milieu (1994) |
J.D. Duncan | |
817-662-2361 Waco, TX |
File Quest, FileQuest (1990-1998) |
Jim Ray | QuickBBS
817-662-2487 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #22 (1985) |
David Jung | |
817-662-2696 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
The Neon Border (1996) |
Jeannette Dunn | |
817-662-2854 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
File Quest (1994-1997) |
Jim Ray | |
817-662-3177 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
File Quest (1994) |
Jim Ray | RemoteAccess |
817-662-3592 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
DiscWorld, Waternet (1991-1994) |
Steve Ash | |
817-662-4048 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
DiscWorld (1994-1995) |
Steve Ash | |
817-662-4356 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
The Clubhouse BBS, Virtual Key<->Board (1991-1994) |
Ronnie Deaver | |
817-662-5170 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Amiga Quest (1992) |
William Tye | |
817-662-5463 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
DiscWorld (1992) |
Steve Ash | |
817-662-5478 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Starfleet Command (1992) |
Stan Brink | |
817-662-6427 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
Feet First BBS (1991-1992) |
Ken Gittens | |
817-662-6847 DALLAS (ALLEGIA, TX |
MUGS (1995) |
Steve Ash | |
The Mother Board (1992) |
Mike Anderson | |
Amiga Information Center (1992) |
Ryan Dobson | |
DPM ACCESS (1989) |
Ken Gittens | |
The Twilight Zone (1993-1994) |
Jim Smith | |
The Keyboard (1990) |
Jim Collier | |
The Motherboard II (1994-1996) |
Doug Scoggins | |
The Twilight Zone (1994) |
Jim Smith | |
Net388 MailCenter, Old Net388 MailCenter (1994-1996) |
Net 388 NEC, Richard Wheet, Bob Brown, Richard Shiflett, Net 388 MailCenter | |
Old Net388 MailCenter (1991-1994) |
Bob Brown | |
817-666-4436 Hewitt, TX |
The Fissure, The Parallel Port (1991-1993) |
Dean Elliot | |
Waco-Net (1987-1988) |
Daryl Smith | |
Tour de Force (1987) |
Patrick Hykkonen | STadel 3.0c |
817-666-5137 Waco, TX |
HOT NET Waco, The Unicorner BBS, Unicorner Q-BBS (1989-1995) |
Bob Brown | |
The Twilight Zone (1995-1996) |
Jim Smith | |
Back Stage (1990-1991) |
Darrel Ross | |
Alcatraz 2 (1991) |
Aaron Abernathy | |
817-666-9054 Waco, TX |
Quark BBS (1991-1992) |
Bryan Curry | |
The Solar Wind (1994) |
Billy Latham | |
International Data Link, The Back Roads BBS (1994) |
Justin Russell | |
817-668-8552 DALLAS, TX |
Rabbit Habbit (1988) |
Jim Roe | |
817-680-3409 FORT WORTH, TX |
DOSC: Eden (1995) |
Erik Dice | |
817-683-2429 FORT WORTH, TX |
San Angelo Apple User's Group BBS (1988) |
| Red Ryder Host |
817-683-4987 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Information Resource BBS! (1995) |
Mark Faris | |
817-684-1720 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
CyberSpace Gridpoint (1993-1994) |
Billy Glover | |
817-685-0073 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Madhatter's Wld, The Madhatters World (1992-1996) |
Scott L Fox, Scott Fox | SuperBBS
817-685-2737 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
CompuServe (1991-1992) |
| |
817-685-9227 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
The Fourth Dimension (1992-1993) |
Robert Roszkowski | |
817-685-9675 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Panther BBS (1995-1998) |
Rob Armstrong | |
817-690-0094 FORT WORTH, TX |
Fort Hood Area Net, Infoboard, InfoBoard 2 Lines, InfoBoard 3 Lines, InfoBoard Line 1, NC Fort Hood Area Net (1993-1995) |
Tim Flynn | |
817-690-0343 FORT WORTH, TX |
Dungeon, The Dungeon (1994) |
Terry Lewis | |
817-690-0890 FORT WORTH, TX |
Gearcomm Datalink (1994) |
| |
817-690-1440 FORT WORTH, TX |
TDC's Lambda (1994) |
Thomas Jean | |
817-690-1500 FORT WORTH, TX |
Wonderland!, Wonderland! BBS (1994-1995) |
R.C. Hicks | |
817-690-1564 FORT WORTH, TX |
House of Golem II, House of Golem ][, The House of Golem II (1993-1994) |
Hank Bragg (Merlin) | |
817-690-2358 FORT WORTH, TX |
High -N- Allmity BBS (1992) |
Mike McCue | |
817-690-2528 FORT WORTH, TX |
MBS BBS (1988) |
Felix Castillo | |
817-690-3582 FORT WORTH, TX |
Mickey's Castle, Mikey's Castle (1994-1996) |
Richard Rogers | |
817-690-4477 FORT WORTH, TX |
Cybermedia (1995) |
Mac Mccatherine | |
817-690-4625 FORT WORTH, TX |
Comm-Port2 (1992-1993) |
Mike McCUE, Mike McCue | |
817-690-4901 FORT WORTH, TX |
Screaming Eagle (1994-1995) |
John Mcque | |
817-690-5077 FORT WORTH, TX |
Amiga Revolution, Amiga Revolution -=DS=-, Central Killeen Area, Killeen Area, MBS BBS II (1988-1990) |
Marc Wolf | |
817-690-5286 FORT WORTH, TX |
FX NET HQ, The Siamese Network (1993-1994) |
Rangson Poosua | |
817-690-5527 FORT WORTH, TX |
House of Golem, The House of Golem (1992-1996) |
Hank Bragg, Hank Bragg (Merlin) | |
817-690-5859 FORT WORTH, TX |
Bill's Try, Come Consult with Us, Come Consult with Us BBS, HUB Harker Heights (1993-1996) |
Bill Brooks | |
817-690-6249 FORT WORTH, TX |
HUB Copperas Cove, HUB Killeen, Sphinx's Domain, Sphinxs Domain (1993-1996) |
Michael Cannon | |
817-690-6655 FORT WORTH, TX |
Mustang, Mustang III (1995) |
Michael Evans | |
817-690-7389 FORT WORTH, TX |
Daves BBS, The Armchair Adventurer/Amiga Resource (1993-1994) |
David Vance | |
817-690-7688 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Vertical Smile, The Verticle Smile (1992-1993) |
Andrew Rhoades | |
817-690-7711 FORT WORTH, TX |
Mike's Place (1992-1995) |
Michael De Marco, Mike De Marco | |
817-690-8101 FORT WORTH, TX |
Net 395 Internet Link (1995) |
Tim Flynn | |
817-690-8114 FORT WORTH, TX |
Penitentiary (1995-1996) |
Sandra Carleo | |
817-691-0603 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Mist, TheMist Genesis (1989-1994) |
Tom Baddley | Wildcat |
| Click Here to Browse Artifacts for 817-691-0603 | |
| |
817-691-4602 FORT WORTH, TX |
Predator (1991) |
| WWIV |
817-691-7311 Wichita Falls, TX |
Hacker's Heaven, Hackers Heaven (1991-1993) |
Dan Walters | Renegade |
817-691-7315 FORT WORTH, TX |
21century.com (UUCP) (1994-1995) |
Chuck King | |
817-691-8113 FORT WORTH, TX |
Computerland (1988) |
| |
817-691-8460 FORT WORTH, TX |
Beside The Point (1992-1993) |
Robert Gouldy | |
817-691-9251 FORT WORTH, TX |
21century.com (UUCP), 21st Century (Mailer), 21st Century Comm (Mailer), 21st Century Node1, Jason's Fantasy Mailer, NorTexNet Mailer 3805, Silverado Online Node1 (1980-1999) |
Chuck King, Jason King, Jack Cross, Mail Carrier | |
817-692-2409 GLENDALE, TX |
Magic Carpet (1988) |
| |
817-692-4315 GLENDALE, TX |
the eXchange (1992-1993) |
Robert Phillips | |
817-692-4378 GLENDALE, TX |
Air Patrol, Hub 2000, Wichita Falls Area (1992-1999) |
Curt Harrelson, C. Harrelson | Wildcat
817-692-7656 GLENDALE, TX |
Cold Fire...Files! (1992) |
Tom Baddley | |
817-692-8814 GLENDALE, TX |
No Holds Barred (1991) |
| WWIV |
817-692-9251 GLENDALE, TX |
21century.com (UUCP) (1994) |
Jack Cross | |
817-692-9919 GLENDALE, TX |
Martin's MAC MESS (1993-1996) |
Martin Pingree | |
817-694-4014 DALLAS, TX |
Biz Link, Whitney Texas Online (1992-1994) |
Jerry Mawhinney | |
817-694-6287 DALLAS, TX |
Whitney Texas Online (1995) |
Jerry Mawhinney | |
817-695-0058 Arlington, TX |
ClipBoard Home, The ClipBoard (tm), The Clipboard (tm) (1991-1995) |
Vernon Six | |
817-695-1643 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
W.A.ST.E Land BBS (1991) |
Joseph Ondesko | |
817-695-1722 DALLAS MIDCITIE, TX |
The Pulse (1992-1993) |
David Gunn | |
817-696-0229 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
High Reaches Weyr (1995) |
Lane Young | |
817-696-0347 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
Hub 1000, The Workshop (1992) |
David Bradley, D. Bradley | |
817-696-0506 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
Storm System (1992-1993) |
Scott Storm | |
817-696-0791 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
The White House, White House,polt (1991-1996) |
Terry Morton, Terry K. Morton | WWIV
817-696-0818 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
NorTexNet Mailer 3805, NorTexNet NEC 3805, Storm Sys (Mailer), Storm Systems BBS (1994-1997) |
Mail Carrier, Scott Storm, Net Mail Coord | |
817-696-0874 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
FirePlug, The Fire Plug (1992-1995) |
Steve Vaughn | |
817-696-2231 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
Lightspeed Chronicle, The LightSpeed Chronicle (1993-1994) |
Jeff Duke | |
817-696-2644 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
Shangri-la, Shangrila, Texas Tornado (1991-1994) |
Eric Cook | Telegard |
817-696-5007 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
Storm Sys Node2, Storm Systems, StormSystems (1994-1995) |
Scott Storm | |
817-696-5163 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
Majik Shoppe II (1996) |
Jim Tuttle | |
817-696-5322 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
Storm Systems (1994) |
Scott Storm | |
817-696-5550 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
The WFAMUG BBS (1994) |
Ray McCaffity | |
817-696-5651 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
Oasis (1991) |
| |
817-696-5771 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
Cold Fire, Hub 3000, Wichita Falls Area (1992-1996) |
B. Lennard, Bob Lennard, Robert Lennard, J. Cross | |
817-696-8119 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
21st Century Node2, PowerBBS, Silverado Online Node2 (1994-1999) |
Chuck King | |
817-696-8711 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
TheEdge RyBBS (1990-1991) |
Dewayne Anderson | |
817-696-9617 FORT WORTH WESTLAND, TX |
NEC Net 3805, The ID/ST Vortex, Wichita Falls Area (1991-1994) |
Sean Dorsey, S. Dorsey | |
817-697-2740 EULESS, TX |
Sergeant Mike's, The Pointed Edge! (1994-1999) |
M Morgan, A Martin | |
817-698-1624 Nolanville, TX |
The Pauper's Menagerie (1991-1993) |
Shane Trammell | Wildcat! |
"I was stationed at Ft. Hood, TX from 1988 - 1996. Spent 7 months in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. When we got back, I decided to move off-post. I enjoyed connecting to other BBSs so much I decided to run my own! Bought the latest copy of Wildcat from Mustang and went to town. The name "The Pauper's Menagerie" translated to "The Poor Man's Zoo" because I was in the military with little pay trying to run this BBS. I had a 14.4 modem. And I eventually bought a second phone line to dedicate to the BBS. I still remember after I had advertised on some local boards that I got my first caller about 10pm (ish). My girlfriend and I were already in bed and I saw the computer screen light up in the other room. I ran to the computer and watched my first caller work his way through my site... Again, thanks for the memories.. and I saw a lot of other BBSs on your site that I used to frequent at the time." - Shane Trammell
817-698-2590 FORT WORTH EDISON, TX |
Infinite Possibilities (1996-1997) |
James Lathrop | |
817-698-3922 FORT WORTH EDISON, TX |
The Midnight Run, V&A's BBS (1992-1994) |
Allen Cox | |
817-698-6397 FORT WORTH EDISON, TX |
Wild Thing (1994-1995) |
David Stokes | |
817-698-6810 FORT WORTH EDISON, TX |
Crystal Cavern Sft, Crystal Cavern Software WHQ, Fire & Ice, Good Times Cafe, Good Times Cafe!, HUB Harker Heights (1993-1996) |
Blake Barr, Bill Brooks | |
817-698-7024 FORT WORTH EDISON, TX |
Gary's Mailer, Harker Heights Hub, NEC Fort Hood Area Net (1996) |
Gary Dewrell | |
817-698-7155 FORT WORTH EDISON, TX |
Bytes By Nyte ][, Gary's Mailer, Harker Heights Hub (1995) |
Gary Dewrell | |
817-699-1433 KENNEDALE, TX |
TNT (1994) |
Tamera Pierson | |
817-699-2131 KENNEDALE, TX |
SuccessLine Business Systems (1994) |
Jeffurs Johnson | |
817-699-2254 KENNEDALE, TX |
Knights of the Round Table, Young Blood (1994-1995) |
T.J. Gohl | |
817-699-3137 KENNEDALE, TX |
InfoBoard Line 2 (1994) |
Tim Flynn | |
817-699-3865 KENNEDALE, TX |
Fire 4 Effect (1995) |
Robert Butler | |
817-699-4253 Killeen, TX |
Riches World, Riches World BBS, Riches World, Riches World BBS, Richues World BBS (1994-1996) |
Richard D. Kerschner III, Richard D Kerschner III | |
817-699-4890 KENNEDALE, TX |
Thomas Teeter | |
817-699-5033 KENNEDALE, TX |
SuccessLine Business Systems (1994) |
Jeffurs Johnson | |
817-699-5399 KENNEDALE, TX |
Bell PC's Online (1994) |
Dave Bell | |
817-699-6505 KENNEDALE, TX |
Outlaws (1993-1995) |
Lloyd Luecke | |
817-699-6544 KENNEDALE, TX |
Outlaws (1994) |
Lloyd Luecke | |
817-699-6546 KENNEDALE, TX |
Kronos Information Center (1995-1996) |
Carl Beckom | |
817-699-6791 KENNEDALE, TX |
Misplaced Cajun (1994) |
Roland Bramblette | |
817-699-7296 KENNEDALE, TX |
Wizard's (1995) |
Scott McNay | |
817-699-7655 KENNEDALE, TX |
Bobs Mess (1993-1994) |
Bob Centerbar | |
817-699-9687 KENNEDALE, TX |
Star Base 10 BBS (1993-1994) |
James Churchheus | |
817-714-1281 Waco, TX |
Dragon's Lair, Forbidden Taboo (1990-1997) |
Michael Peck | Telegard |
"Dragon's Lair was a fun local site with tons of files, message bases and lots of ANSII games online. Forbidden Taboo started off several years later more on the Adult side, but never made it anywhere do to the lack of descent ANSII Graphics, but it was fun because it made for a great conversation piece at our Monthly Meetings. Thanks for the chance to see a lot of the old gangs sites listed! It used to be a BLAST!! The web is so much more individualized. We had our own click back then." - Michael Peck
817-723-2707 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Cobra's Pit (1995) |
Bob Kerr | |
817-723-2915 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Surf Board, Wichita Falls Area (1991-1993) |
Jimmy Irby | Wildcat |
817-723-4012 FORT WORTH, TX |
Chatter Box (1994) |
Howard Sucher | |
817-723-4300 Iowa Park, TX |
Marshall's Law! (1991-1992) |
John Marshall | |
817-723-8021 FORT WORTH, TX |
Walden's Want Ads (1994) |
Rick Walden | |
817-726-3592 FORT WORTH, TX |
Laser-Link (1992) |
John Hasemeier | |
817-731-1754 Fort Worth, TX |
FTW's 800 Hub, Obscured By Clouds, The Cowtown Net (1991-1995) |
Marvin Poynor | |
817-731-3790 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Nomad's Nook, Nomads Nook (1987-1988) |
Jack R Smith | |
817-731-4225 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
PS Software Support BBS (1990-1991) |
Sean Howard | |
817-732-0933 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
The Caern (1994-1996) |
Cory Smith | |
817-732-1588 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Bowl of Chili! (1996) |
Danny Brigance | |
817-732-1767 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Revelstone (1992-1996) |
Bill Wynne | |
817-732-1787 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
NET-WORKS Computer Pro (1982-1983) |
| |
817-732-2021 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Boggy Creek BBS (1994) |
Jack Matthews | |
817-732-4990 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
CyberByte F/X BBS, Texas MotorSports BBS (1995-1996) |
Johnny Green | |
817-732-5157 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Crystal Harbor BBS (1994-1995) |
Bryan Lucas | |
817-732-6157 Fort Worth, TX |
Shadowdale (1991-1995) |
Mike Wilson | QuickBBS |
817-732-6313 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Bit Exchange (1991) |
| Phoenix |
817-732-6861 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Mercury BBS (1994-1995) |
Eric Davis | |
817-732-8813 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
AE Line: COVE (1985) |
| |
817-735-1626 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Bowl Of Chili!, FTW's 800 Hub (1990-1994) |
Danny Brigance | RemoteAccess |
817-735-4221 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
CyberVille (1994-1995) |
Mike Nealey | |
817-735-8006 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
FTW Gateway, FTW's Bit Hub, The BBN (1986-1999) |
George Braswell | |
817-735-8166 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
FT WORTH ONLINE! (1994-1995) |
Dutch Flodstrom | |
817-735-9473 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
RevelStone Node2 (1993-1996) |
Bill Wynne | |
817-737-5436 Fort Worth, TX |
The Cracker Box (1994-2002) |
Bruce Goode | |
817-737-6986 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Monty's Place (1992) |
Craig Dobie | |
817-737-7223 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Hillbillys (1996) |
Robert Abbott | |
817-737-8640 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
TCBBA Com-Wire (1984) |
| |
817-737-8781 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
TCBBA USS Nimitz (1984) |
| |
817-737-8947 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Revelations BBS (1992) |
James Edmonds | |
817-738-1693 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
TCBBA Airport (1984) |
| |
817-738-2878 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Texas Phoenix BBS (1994-2000) |
James Wright | |
817-738-3321 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
FTW's 700 Hub, Kleio BBS (1991-1994) |
Jack Matthews | |
817-738-3454 Fort Worth, TX |
Pulse, The, The Pulse (1991-1995) |
David Gunn | |
817-738-6831 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
On The Hill (1991) |
| Wildcat |
817-738-9310 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
The Second Foundation (1994) |
Toby Moore | |
817-741-6671 KELLER, TX |
Snipe's Castle (1995-1996) |
Richard Shiflett | |
817-741-9056 KELLER, TX |
Liquidator Commerce Central (1994-1995) |
Charles Barnett | |
817-751-0177 FORT WORTH, TX |
Liquidator Commerce Central (1996) |
Charles Barnett | |
817-751-0246 FORT WORTH, TX |
Cyb*R*Cade, The Fifth Dimension (1995-1996) |
Mike Hancock | |
817-751-0941 FORT WORTH, TX |
LIVEWIRE (1993-1994) |
John Shepard | |
817-751-7110 FORT WORTH, TX |
City Connection 1 (1992) |
Daryl Smith | |
817-751-9300 FORT WORTH, TX |
Empire BBS (1992) |
Rob Ables | |
817-751-9356 FORT WORTH, TX |
LIVEWIRE II (1994) |
John Shepard | |
817-752-0978 FORT WORTH, TX |
Alternate Reality (1993-1994) |
Judy Brink | |
817-752-1939 FORT WORTH, TX |
Park!, The Park (1993-1995) |
Tommy Howell | |
817-752-1976 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Starship BBS (1989) |
Orvis Meador | |
817-752-3038 FORT WORTH, TX |
Alternate Reality 2 (1994) |
Lonnie Brink | |
817-752-3301 FORT WORTH, TX |
TechMania (1996) |
Sammy Bounds | |
817-752-3507 FORT WORTH, TX |
Isolator's Domain (1988-1990) |
Ken Opersteny | |
817-752-3874 FORT WORTH, TX |
Never Land, Paradise Island (1990) |
Brent Allen | |
817-752-3875 FORT WORTH, TX |
Stone Henge (1995) |
Alex Nordhus | |
817-752-4999 FORT WORTH, TX |
Feet First BBS (1991-1994) |
| |
817-752-5034 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Dungeon (1991-1992) |
Lynn gustafson, Lynn Gustafson | |
817-752-8131 FORT WORTH, TX |
Waco North Side, Waco Northside (1991) |
Randy Umfleet | |
817-753-0277 FORT WORTH, TX |
Conundrum BBS (1996) |
Martin Lee | |
817-753-2831 FORT WORTH, TX |
Diamond Caverns (1991) |
DAvid Bestor | |
817-753-3454 FORT WORTH, TX |
Bloom County BBS (1991-1993) |
Ernie Devore | |
817-753-4999 FORT WORTH, TX |
Feet First BBS (1992) |
Ken Gittens | |
817-753-5299 FORT WORTH, TX |
NEUROTICA (1995) |
Christopher Schneider | |
817-753-5902 FORT WORTH, TX |
Dream Machine (1992) |
Paul Millsaps | |
817-753-6468 FORT WORTH, TX |
Galaxy Nexus (1992) |
Rob Darwin | |
817-753-7970 FORT WORTH, TX |
CenTex Genealogy Connection (1996-1998) |
Wayne Stinson | |
817-753-8348 FORT WORTH, TX |
Dragon's Lair BBS (1991-1992) |
Mike Peck | |
817-753-8921 FORT WORTH, TX |
Dream Machine (1992-1996) |
Paul Millsaps | |
817-753-9131 FORT WORTH, TX |
Texas International (1994-1996) |
Bill Oxner | |
817-754-1568 Waco, TX |
CONNECTION-80 Waco (1984-1985) |
817-754-2524 FORT WORTH, TX |
Phoenix BBS, The Phoenix (1991-1993) |
Rob Carpenter | Renegade |
817-754-2838 FORT WORTH, TX |
The File-Eater (1992) |
David Swift | |
817-754-2999 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Celestial Woodlands (1991-1992) |
Ben Frazier | |
817-754-4249 FORT WORTH, TX |
Aminas BBS! (1992) |
Carey Sullins | |
817-754-4643 FORT WORTH, TX |
Darrel Owen | |
817-754-5307 FORT WORTH, TX |
The North March (1994) |
Sloane Cochran | |
817-754-7758 FORT WORTH, TX |
Waco Info Net, Waco Info-Net (1), Waco Information Network (1991-1994) |
Daryl Smith | |
817-754-8052 Waco, TX |
The File-Eater (1991-1992) |
David Swift | |
817-754-8124 FORT WORTH, TX |
Waco Info-Net (2) (1991) |
| |
817-754-8521 FORT WORTH, TX |
The ABYSS (1990-1997) |
Richard Leslie | |
817-755-1582 FORT WORTH, TX |
Confucious MAX (1992-1993) |
David McCallister | |
817-755-3891 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Bear Pit BBS (1988-1991) |
| Red Ryder Host |
817-755-6813 FORT WORTH, TX |
Homey Hideaway, Schwing BBS (1991) |
Tyson Sawyer | |
817-755-6847 FORT WORTH, TX |
The RC Trading Post (1994-1999) |
David King | TriBBS |
817-755-8859 FORT WORTH, TX |
Echoes of Calvary (1995-1996) |
Dan Hubert | |
817-756-1032 FORT WORTH, TX |
By Appointment Only (1995-1999) |
Bennie Prnka | TriBBS |
817-756-1502 FORT WORTH, TX |
HOT-NET Waco, STARRSYS (1988-1990) |
Greg Bell, Greg Bell (NC) | |
817-756-2464 FORT WORTH, TX |
Mental Design (1990-1991) |
Bill Doyle | |
817-756-2961 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Blood Bank (1992-1994) |
Larry Foster | |
817-756-3123 Waco, TX |
The Blood Bank II (1991-1995) |
Larry Foster | |
817-756-3210 FORT WORTH, TX |
STARRCO Q-BBS (1988) |
Becky Bell, Greg Bell | |
817-756-3638 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Original MTF BBS (1990-1992) |
Greg Bell | |
817-756-3806 FORT WORTH, TX |
STARRSYS (1990) |
Greg Bell | |
817-756-6302 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Bear BBS (1992-1994) |
Cecil Searcy | |
817-756-6515 FORT WORTH, TX |
Galaxy Nexus (1991) |
Rob Darwin | |
817-756-7343 Waco, TX |
Blood Bank, The, The Blood Bank (1990-1995) |
Larry Foster, The Med Tech | Telegard |
817-756-7565 FORT WORTH, TX |
Mule Barn, The, The Mule Barn (1990-1997) |
Bobby Posey | |
817-757-0008 DALLAS (TELIGEN, TX |
NEUROTICA, T*E*R*R*A*! (1993-1995) |
Christopher Schneider | |
817-757-0169 DALLAS (TELIGEN, TX |
Snipe's Castle (1991-1995) |
Richard Shiflett | |
817-757-0567 DALLAS (TELIGEN, TX |
The Outlaw Technology Zone (1992) |
| |
817-757-0868 DALLAS (TELIGEN, TX |
BreakAway Point (1995) |
Ron Hancock | |
817-757-1109 DALLAS (TELIGEN, TX |
The Sports Wire (1996) |
Brian Blansett | |
817-757-1133 DALLAS (TELIGEN, TX |
City of Waco (1991-1992) |
Devin Kluk | |
817-757-1333 DALLAS (TELIGEN, TX |
American Pride (1991) |
Mike Anderson | |
817-757-3584 DALLAS (TELIGEN, TX |
Slipstream (1992-1993) |
Aaron Alexander | |
817-761-2641 ALVARADO, TX |
Neon Citadel (1996-1998) |
Neon Knight | |
817-761-2960 ALVARADO, TX |
S.O.A.P. (1991-1993) |
| WWIV |
817-761-3092 ALVARADO, TX |
W.F.P.D BBS (1994-1999) |
C.R. Harrelson, Jerry Simpson | |
817-761-3119 ALVARADO, TX |
Michael's PTO, Tullamore (1993-1999) |
Michael Ayres | |
817-761-7735 ALVARADO, TX |
W.F.P.D BBS, WFPD, WFPD BBS (1992-1996) |
C.R. Harrelson | Wildcat
817-761-7738 ALVARADO, TX |
WFPD BBS (1994) |
| |
817-761-7989 ALVARADO, TX |
Crime Stoppers (1994-1999) |
Melvin Joyner | |
817-763-0410 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Bone Box (130/33), The Bone Box (1989-1994) |
John Rose | |
817-763-5583 Fort Worth, TX |
The Fortress, The Fortress
(1994-2002) |
Rick Gordon | RemoteAccess |
817-763-8979 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
The Crystal Palace (1994) |
Derrick Conner | |
817-763-9429 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
The Cracker Box (1991-1992) |
Bruce Goode | |
817-763-9648 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
South Pole (1994) |
Jim Ames | |
817-763-9776 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Lower Cretaceous BBS, Lower Cretaceous Sci/Tech. BBS (1991-1994) |
| PCBoard, PC-Board |
817-763-9784 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Cracker Box (1987) |
Bruce Goode | |
817-766-1131 FORT WORTH, TX |
Storm 2 (1992-1993) |
Scott Storm | |
817-766-1983 FORT WORTH, TX |
A Touch Of Madness (1995) |
Scott Swalwell | |
817-766-3042 FORT WORTH, TX |
Empire (1991) |
| WWIV |
817-766-3274 Wichita Falls, TX |
The Lab (1986) |
| |
817-766-4608 FORT WORTH, TX |
Board of Roses (1993) |
| |
817-766-4969 Wichita Falls, TX |
Desert Storm, Storms Computer Service (1991-1992) |
Scott Storm | |
817-767-3728 FORT WORTH, TX |
N. Texas Clip Haven (1991) |
Wayne Lee Horton | PCBoard |
817-767-5847 Wichita Falls, TX |
COMNET-80 Wichita Falls (1982-1985) |
| COMNET-80 |
817-767-6604 FORT WORTH, TX |
Texas Beacon (1993-1994) |
Paul Nash | |
817-767-7746 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Shipyard, Wichita Falls Area (1992-1994) |
Scott Kisner | |
817-770-0275 DALLAS, TX |
The Pyramid QBBS (1989-1991) |
Clyde Marsh | |
817-770-0524 DALLAS, TX |
Sluggo's Domain (1991) |
| |
817-770-1015 DALLAS, TX |
After Dark, Bytes By Nyte BBS, Bytes By Nyte NODE-II, Central Texas Temple Net, Temple Mailer (1994) |
Gary Dewrell | |
817-770-1036 DALLAS, TX |
Bytes By Nyte BBS (1994) |
Gary Dewrell | |
817-770-1217 DALLAS, TX |
Empire of Pern (1992) |
Mark Roland | |
817-770-1445 DALLAS, TX |
The Graphics Connection (1993-1994) |
Anthony Stevens | |
817-770-3380 DALLAS, TX |
Short Circuit BBS (1994) |
Greg Lange | |
817-771-0233 Temple, TX |
LAN Master Technical Support, LanMaster BBS, Vestra-Subco, LANMASTER Div. (1990-1995) |
| |
817-771-0892 WEATHERFORD, TX |
Bell On Line (1994) |
Gary Dewrell, Mike Cannon | |
817-771-2132 WEATHERFORD, TX |
Texas Pine Tree (1996) |
Walter Reihle | |
817-771-3059 WEATHERFORD, TX |
Fantasy Realms (1994-1996) |
Lewis S. Proctor, Lewis Proctor, Scott Proctor | |
817-771-3586 WEATHERFORD, TX |
The Texas Clan BBs (1996) |
Jack Schuster | |
817-771-4008 WEATHERFORD, TX |
(NEC) NET 3829 EchoStar, HUB Temple, NET 3829 EchoStar, Temple Net TX Host, Texas Pine Tree BBs (1996-1997) |
Walter Reihle, EchoMaster | |
817-772-0625 DALLAS 1, TX |
American Pride, The Warp Zone (1991-1992) |
Mike Anderson | |
817-772-1032 DALLAS 1, TX |
DiscWorld (1991) |
Steve Ash | |
817-772-1036 DALLAS 1, TX |
DiscWorld (1991) |
Steve Ash | |
817-772-1218 DALLAS 1, TX |
The Maildrop (1991-1992) |
Colin Fallwell | |
817-772-1932 DALLAS 1, TX |
DiscWorld (1991) |
Steve Ash | |
817-772-2130 DALLAS 1, TX |
Das Hauptquartier, Der Hauptquartier, DER STAB (1991-1994) |
Joe Pyland | |
817-772-3786 DALLAS 1, TX |
TRANS-242 (1994-1995) |
Julian West | |
817-772-4550 DALLAS 1, TX |
Monster's Hideaway (1991-1993) |
Lisa Bridges | |
817-772-5601 DALLAS 1, TX |
Asleep at the Keyboard, MOD House BBS (1992-1993) |
Julian West | |
817-772-6603 DALLAS 1, TX |
The Citadel (1991-1993) |
Joseph Rappe | |
817-772-6620 DALLAS 1, TX |
Abyss, The, the ABYSS (1989-1991) |
Richard Leslie | |
817-772-7197 DALLAS 1, TX |
Techno-Net '90 (1991) |
Rick Burnette | |
817-772-7909 DALLAS 1, TX |
Waternet (1994) |
Steve Ash | |
817-772-8437 DALLAS 1, TX |
The SANITARIUM BBS (1992-1993) |
Peter Groman | |
817-772-8799 DALLAS 1, TX |
Century Alpha (1992-1996) |
Phil Roberts | |
817-773-0952 DALLAS, TX |
Lab Animal (1991) |
| |
817-773-1473 DALLAS, TX |
Fulton Manor (1991) |
| |
817-773-1685 DALLAS, TX |
Apple T.R.E.E., Apple Tree (1991-1994) |
| |
817-773-5848 DALLAS, TX |
The Fun House, The Fun Palace (1994) |
Avery Lawson, The Clown | |
817-773-9138 DALLAS, TX |
The Dugout BBS (1992-1993) |
Shawn Haverly | |
817-774-6809 CLEBURNE, TX |
Texas Instruments Technical Support (1995) |
| |
817-774-7881 CLEBURNE, TX |
Animal House, Central Texas Temple Net, Digital Dialog (1994) |
David Wong | |
817-774-8388 CLEBURNE, TX |
Hub Temple, The Tavern, The Tavern BBs (1997-1998) |
Thomas Teeter | |
817-776-0130 FORT WORTH, TX |
Dragon's Lair (1992-1993) |
Mike Peck | |
817-776-0135 FORT WORTH, TX |
Private Ear (1), Private Ear (3), The Private EaR III (1990-1991) |
Fred Horner | |
817-776-0291 Waco, TX |
The Private EaR III (1991-1995) |
Fred Horner | |
817-776-0332 Waco/Elk, TX |
Brazos de Dios (1990-1992) |
Wayne Martin | |
"Found your site, was really nifty and a surprise to see some of these old BBS and Sysop names that I used to use and e-mail with. If you make notations for some BBS sites, you might want to make one for "Brazos De Dios" BBS (Sysop Wayne Martin) -- this BBS system operated from the now-famous Waco Branch-Davidian compound outside of Waco, Texas (the compound was actually located near Elk, Texas). It should probably be noted that the Christian BBS gave out spiritual info from Davidians to the BBS community, but never actually tipped its hand to who was running it. That BBS, along with Wayne Martin, burned and died in the April 1993 fire that killed the remaining Branch Davidians. It was a tragedy for some local Sysops who had actually met Wayne Martin at some of our local gatherings. He seemed very much like a normal guy, a Harvard attorney with quite a few friends. In the end, I guess the wrong friends.... I was Sysop of ModHouse and Asleep at the Keyboard, and thought you might want to know that interesting little bit of Waco BBS history. Those were some really neat days in the pre-Internet." - Julian West
817-776-1236 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Home Office (1991) |
Miles Locke | |
817-776-1267 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Home Office (1991-1992) |
Miles Locke | |
817-776-1767 FORT WORTH, TX |
Frame 313 (1994) |
Cory Tucker | |
817-776-1773 FORT WORTH, TX |
Techno-Net '90, Technonet '90 (1991-1992) |
Rick Burnette | |
817-776-2267 FORT WORTH, TX |
Bloom County (1991) |
| |
817-776-2294 FORT WORTH, TX |
CenTex Genealogy Connection (1995) |
Bill Doyle | |
817-776-2426 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Private EaR III (1991-1992) |
Fred Horner | |
817-776-2551 FORT WORTH, TX |
DoyleSoft Development (1996-1997) |
Bill Doyle | |
817-776-3179 FORT WORTH, TX |
Call Waiting (1994) |
Terry Bilderback | |
817-776-3458 FORT WORTH, TX |
4 Past Midnight (1994) |
Cliff Hodge | |
817-776-4537 FORT WORTH, TX |
Twilight Zone (1992-1993) |
Jim Smith | |
817-776-4643 FORT WORTH, TX |
-Delete-, Bizzbum's House of Ill-Repute, Heart of Texas Net Wacko, Heart of Texas Net Waco, HOT NET Waco (1991-1999) |
Richard Wheet, Richard Wheat | |
817-776-5062 FORT WORTH, TX |
Net388 MailCenter (1996-1999) |
Net 388 MailCenter | |
817-776-5141 FORT WORTH, TX |
Mental Design (1991-1993) |
Bill Doyle | |
817-776-6041 Waco, TX |
Private Ear (2), The Private EaR II (1990-1995) |
Fred Horner | |
817-776-6420 FORT WORTH, TX |
Dragon's Lair (1992) |
Mike Peck | |
817-776-6529 FORT WORTH, TX |
Dead End BBS (1988) |
Steve Sparks | |
817-776-7027 FORT WORTH, TX |
Palindrome Q-BBS (1988-1991) |
Terry Bilderback | |
817-776-8103 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Machine (1992-1993) |
Chris Schneider | |
817-776-8187 FORT WORTH, TX |
Call*Waiting (1994) |
Terry Bilderback | |
817-776-8189 FORT WORTH, TX |
Call Waiting (1994) |
Terry Bilderback | |
817-776-8278 FORT WORTH, TX |
Call*Waiting (1995) |
Terry Bilderback | |
817-776-8284 FORT WORTH, TX |
Horner's Corner, The Private EaR II (1992) |
Fred Horner | |
817-776-9416 Waco, TX |
Diamond Caverns (1991-1992) |
David Bestor | |
817-776-9564 FORT WORTH, TX |
Caustic Contagion (1993) |
Changing Alias Boy | |
817-776-9877 Waco, TX |
The Private Ear, The Private EaR (1989-1995) |
Fred Horner | |
817-778-0474 FT. WORTH, TX |
Bytes By Nyte, Central Texas Temple Net, Temple Mailer (1994) |
Gary Dewrell | |
817-778-2288 FT. WORTH, TX |
The Construction Zone, The Construction Zone BBs (1997) |
Robert Brearey | |
817-778-2506 FT. WORTH, TX |
Telephone Co. (1991) |
| |
817-778-2828 FT. WORTH, TX |
Central Texas Temple Net, HUB Temple, Rusted Shut, Rusted Shut BBs (1994-1997) |
Eugene Lee | |
817-778-3435 FT. WORTH, TX |
HUB Temple, Ward 609, Ward 609 Loonie Bin, Ward 609 The Loonie Bin (1994-1996) |
Ed Johnson, Mr Rush | |
817-778-4793 FT. WORTH, TX |
Incubus Primus (1992) |
Brian Hurd | |
817-778-5021 FT. WORTH, TX |
Hollywood (1990-1991) |
Bobby Williams | |
817-778-6305 FT. WORTH, TX |
Centex Fido (1986-1987) |
V Subramanian | FidoNet |
817-778-7754 FT. WORTH, TX |
Central Texas Temple Mailer, The DreamZone (1993-1994) |
Brett Pany | |
817-778-7759 FT. WORTH, TX |
The Wall BBS (1992) |
Brandon Whittle | |
817-778-9497 FT. WORTH, TX |
Rusted Shut (1994) |
Eugene Lee | |
817-782-7585 FORT WORTH PERS, TX |
Flightline II (1995) |
Chuck Stewart | |
817-783-3171 ALVARADO, TX |
The Technoplex (1991) |
David Conger | |
817-783-3211 ALVARADO, TX |
Silent Running (1989) |
David Conger | |
817-784-1178 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Second Sanctum (1991-1996) |
Mark Robbins | PCBoard
List of BBS List Keepers: Dallas/Ft Worth Area 214/814/Mark Robbins
817-784-1179 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Second Sanctum (1993-1994) |
Mark Robbins | |
817-784-1636 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Planetfall (1991) |
| GBBS |
817-784-8250 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
Asylum BBS (1991-1992) |
Gary Raper | |
817-784-8993 FORT WORTH ARLI, TX |
The Town Hall BBS (1993-1994) |
Matthew Wright | |
817-788-2422 North Richland Hills, TX |
Skull Crusher's Haven (1993-1997) |
Kenneth McCall (Skull Crusher) | Renegade / RoboBoard |
"I ran this while I was a teenager." - Kenneth McCell
817-788-3038 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Call Direct, MATRIX Telecom, Matrix Telecom (1994-1995) |
| |
817-788-5985 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
BroadLands, The Dungeon Matrix (1995) |
Joe Kemp | |
817-788-8175 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
Insomnia (1998-1999) |
| TriBBS |
817-788-9816 FORT WORTH N. R, TX |
CounterPoint, FTW's 600 Hub (1994-1995) |
Renny LeVally | |
817-790-6647 ALVARADO, TX |
The King's Castle (1998) |
David Williamson | |
817-791-0254 DALLAS, TX |
(USA) RegSite (1996) |
Walter Reihle | |
817-791-0255 DALLAS, TX |
HUB Temple, Texas Pine Tree (1996) |
Walter Reihle | |
817-791-0654 DALLAS, TX |
The Cage BBs (1997) |
Marc Bollinger | |
817-791-1281 DALLAS, TX |
HUB Temple, MegaByte BBS (1995-1996) |
Craig LaCoss | |
817-792-3975 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Galt's Gulch Texas, Galt's Gulch, Texas (1993-1995) |
Alan Andrews | |
817-793-2944 ARLINGTON, TX |
Midnight Run (1995-1996) |
Allen Cox | |
817-793-3558 ARLINGTON, TX |
Wizard BBS, Wizard BBS, Wizard's, Wizard's BBS (1991-1994) |
Larry Black | |
817-793-3581 ARLINGTON, TX |
Goat Ropers Chicken Ranch (1996-1998) |
Larry Black | |
817-793-3908 ARLINGTON, TX |
Sky's Place (1996) |
Scott Weems | |
817-794-0126 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Carltons | |
817-794-0930 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Carltons | |
817-795-1700 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
HeartBreak Hotel (1992-1993) |
Mark Gilbert | |
817-795-2100 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Cartell (1992) |
The Jaguar
| |
Independent Member BBS
817-795-2409 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
DFW National Space Society (1990) |
Edward Nicol | |
817-795-4767 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Night-Life Express (1997) |
Mike Tucker | |
817-795-5722 Arlington, TX |
Mad Laboratory (1987-1993) |
Mad Scientist | WWIV 4 |
"I was just a kid with a BBS. I leeched all of the g-files from Cult of the Dead Cow from a California BBS and put them online. I ran tw2k, Pimpwars, Solar Realms Elite. I didn't run BRE after I finally paid for the SRE key. I also had a 261 prefix for a while, and ran voice first on a metro 265 prefix. I really wanted to be Elite, but I didn't have a budget. I did get a few calls here and there. I tried Emulex / LSD / other Forum mods, TAG, Telegard, Renegade. Overall, I always fell back to WWIV, and for a while was on WWIV-LINK and WWIV-NET. Temporarily, I was "Wasted Lands" BBS, Sysop Radiation Master; Midnight Shadow, etc. I was Mad Scientist for a long time. When I was 8, I wanted a "Mad Scientist Dissect an Alien" kit and used that for my handle on commie (c64 / c128) boards. For 8-char handle, I used omnimax because Omnimax is better than Unimax, a guy who I felt had ripped my parents off when I was 8 or 9. Anyway, eventually, Mad Scientist gave way to Omnimax, even on the Mad Laboratory (Lah-BOR-uh-tor-ee). I always had to have a BBS presence. Somehow, this seemed more permanent. Eventually, I lost interest, and and got a dial-up account in 1994. I continued with omnimax mostly, and 'generic' once in a while. In 1996, I registered Omnitech.net. I tried to resurrect WWIV on TCPIP there. Again, not much there. Just a place for my stuff, but a handful of people were regulars. Eventually, messaging, blogging, etc all took over, and omnimax was overloaded (projector technology) so I inverted my nic to xaminmo. I don't consider myself to have run a BBS in earnest since 1993, though I guess, technically, FTP + SSH + HTTP multi-user could be considered a BBS. This is what happens when you start modemming at age 6." - Mad Scientist
817-795-5730 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Million Dollar Saloon (1992) |
Scott Simpson | |
817-795-9141 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Dominator, The Glass House (1991-1992) |
Sean Willeford | |
817-796-6857 FORT WORTH, TX |
The Word
| |
817-799-1217 DALLAS, TX |
Intermittent (1992-1993) |
Brad Engel | |
817-799-1570 DALLAS, TX |
TSTI INFO NET, TSTI Infonet (1991-1994) |
Greg Bell | |
817-799-2056 DALLAS, TX |
The Glass Dragon (1992) |
David Durkee | |
817-799-2399 Waco, TX |
Final Approach (1991-1992) |
Aaron Alexander | |
817-799-3620 DALLAS, TX |
Lost in Cyberspace (1994) |
Jeff Messec | |
817-799-5877 DALLAS, TX |
The Mother Board (1995) |
Mike Anderson | |
817-799-6439 DALLAS, TX |
Alcatraz, Cool World, RPGBBS (1991-1992) |
Jeff Messec | |
817-799-6792 Waco, TX |
Pat's R&D System (1991-1992) |
Pat Hykkonen | |
817-799-8731 DALLAS, TX |
Random Access Q-BBS (1989) |
Teddy Iglehart | |
817-799-9361 DALLAS, TX |
Rocky Horror BBS (1992) |
Walt Burge | |
817-799-9512 DALLAS, TX |
Federated Softworks (1992-1994) |
Chris Cummings | |
817-799-9646 DALLAS, TX |
Joe's Place, The Citadel (1991-1994) |
Joseph Rappe | |
817-799-9722 DALLAS, TX |
Upper Room (1994-1997) |
Russel Ross, Russell Ross | |
817-831-2066 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
| Wildcat |
817-831-6601 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
G. Stuteville | |
817-834-0143 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Star Base ]I[ (1991-1993) |
Gene Dunn | |
817-836-1181 FRISCO, TX |
Tonto's Trading Post (1993-1994) |
Randee Johnson | |
817-836-4507 FRISCO, TX |
The Wild Hare, Wild Hare, The (1991) |
Kevin VanVleet | |
817-836-4809 FRISCO, TX |
Cavern BBS (1994-1995) |
Thomas Blumenstetter | |
817-836-9524 FRISCO, TX |
Wonderland BBS (1993-1994) |
Tim Prefume | |
817-838-1974 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Mark Robbins | |
817-838-7570 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Netherland Express (1995) |
Brad Holder, Dan Newman | |
817-838-7760 FORT WORTH TERM, TX |
Netherland Express (1995) |
Brad Holder | |
817-840-2140 DALLAS, TX |
Hello World (1991-1994) |
Ken Peck | |
817-840-2188 DALLAS, TX |
The Nexus (1991-1992) |
Chris Erlanson | |
817-840-2410 DALLAS, TX |
'hello, world', HELLO;WORLD (1990-1991) |
Ken Peck | |
817-840-3867 DALLAS, TX |
Forbidden World (1992-1993) |
Rusty Sykes | |
817-840-4906 DALLAS, TX |
DC's Castle Realms (1993-1999) |
Dalton Kidd | |
817-847-0117 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
Tandy MTC (1989-1991) |
Stan Henderson | |
817-847-1142 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
Interactions BBS (1991-1995) |
Joel Neill, Ernie Joel Neil | SBBS |
817-847-1412 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
Dragon's Lair (1991) |
| SBBS |
817-847-6849 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
Atlantis BBS (1990) |
Johnny Henderson | |
817-847-7249 Fort Worth, TX |
Brave Neuro World (1993-1998) |
David Pickard | |
"Wow! Great site. I can't believe these lists actually exist! I started the board on an Apple II and eventually migrated to a Apple II GS. I still have them both (with software)in my attic. Most of the software and games were custom written by myself and The Wabbit (mainly him). It was one of a kind and a great place to meet women!" - David Pickard
817-847-7749 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
Other Side (1991-1994) |
| |
817-847-8045 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
Autmomation[Binkley-Maximus] (1996) |
John Richter | |
817-847-8577 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
Gamemaster BBS (1996) |
Gary Christopherson | |
817-847-9211 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
$ales Force (1992-1996) |
Ronnie Oldham | TBBS
817-847-9255 FORT WORTH SAGI, TX |
Sales Force BBS (1994) |
Ronnie Oldham | |
817-848-5037 FT. WORTH, TX |
Pod Net, Podnet BBS (1989-1994) |
Ken Gittens | |
817-848-5643 FT. WORTH, TX |
--BLANK--, Temporal Vortex (1994-1997) |
Dean Elliot | |
817-848-5840 FT. WORTH, TX |
Back Stage (1991-1994) |
Darrel Ross | |
817-848-9344 FT. WORTH, TX |
Temporal Vortex II (1995-1997) |
Dean Elliott | |
817-851-6306 FT. WORTH, TX |
The Cobra's Pit (1996-1999) |
Bob Kerr | |
817-851-6512 FT. WORTH, TX |
C-D BBS (1993) |
Bill Spencer | |
817-851-6909 FT. WORTH, TX |
Chess Master, Chessmaster, ChessMaster BBS (1991-1994) |
| Wildcat |
817-851-7829 FT. WORTH, TX |
The Power Surge (1992-1993) |
Tom Stewart | |
817-851-8558 FT. WORTH, TX |
Distant Lightning (1994) |
Chan Weinmeister | |
817-851-8590 FT. WORTH, TX |
Majik Shoppe II (1995) |
Jim Tuttle | |
817-851-9422 Wichita Falls, TX |
Rhythm & Gold, Rythym & Gold (1991-1992) |
Paul Kozak | |
817-853-2329 MANSFIELD, TX |
The Trading Post BBS (1992) |
Betty Reeves | |
817-855-0141 DALLAS, TX |
Command Post (1991) |
| Wildcat |
817-855-0613 DALLAS, TX |
PCS & OS/2 (1994-1995) |
Mike Hammers | |
817-855-1526 DALLAS, TX |
21st Century (Node#2), 21st Century Comm (Node#2), 21st Century Node#2, 21st Century Software Support, Hub 2000, Night Shift, NightShift, The Phoenix, Wichita Falls Area (1992-1995) |
Jack Cross, J. Cross | |
817-855-2291 DALLAS, TX |
Running On Empty, Wichita Falls Area (1991-1992) |
Scott Jordan | RBBS-PC |
817-855-3787 Wichita Falls, TX |
The Attic (1985) |
| GBBS |
817-855-3916 Witchita Falls, TX |
FORUM-80 Wichita Falls (1980-1983) |
| Forum-80 |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue)
817-855-4958 DALLAS, TX |
Sports Page II, Tim's Texas Twilight (1992-1994) |
Tim Longley | |
817-855-5420 DALLAS, TX |
Maximum Overdrive (1992-1994) |
Kenneth McAbee, Michael Ayres | |
817-855-5936 DALLAS, TX |
Stogie's Place (1993) |
| |
817-855-5950 DALLAS, TX |
TNT (1991) |
| ProLine |
817-855-6515 DALLAS, TX |
Jake's Place BBS, Red River PC Club BBS (1994-1996) |
David Read | |
817-855-6754 DALLAS, TX |
Dark Realm, Red River PC Club BBS , Zone, The (1991-1993) |
Justice Holland | WWIV |
817-855-7557 DALLAS, TX |
Gambler's Castle (1991) |
| TBBS |
817-855-7727 DALLAS, TX |
Dax BBS, La Cantina Del Diablo, Light Without Heat, Tijuana Yacht Club (1992-1994) |
James Hall | Renegade |
817-855-7955 DALLAS, TX |
Chessmaster, ChessMaster BBS, The Chessmaster BBS (1991-1996) |
Nelson Newman | Wildcat
817-855-8014 DALLAS, TX |
Homebody's Pad (1991) |
| WWIV |
817-855-8027 DALLAS, TX |
The Workshop, Workshop,hm repr (1991-1994) |
David Bradley | Telegard
817-855-8067 Wichita Falls, TX |
Dawghouse, The, The Dawghouse (1991-1992) |
Jay Sellers | Wildcat |
817-855-9429 Wichita Falls, TX |
The Zoot Suit (1986-1987) |
| GBBS Pro |
817-857-3101 DALLAS, TX |
Jim's Private Board, The File Drawer (1991-1992) |
Jim Deeds | |
817-857-3523 DALLAS, TX |
Phantom Zone, Ye Ole'Bullshit Shop (1989-1993) |
Doug Vick | |
817-857-3707 DALLAS, TX |
The Home of Who Only Knows (1990-1991) |
Fred Horner | |
817-857-3734 DALLAS, TX |
Twilight Zone (1991) |
| |
817-857-4241 Waco, TX |
--BLANK--, Fissure, The, The "Fissure", The Fissure (1990-1995) |
Dean Elliot, Dean Elliott | Telegard |
817-857-4515 DALLAS, TX |
TWILIGHT ZONE (1990-1991) |
| |
817-857-4915 DALLAS, TX |
The File Drawer (1992-1994) |
Jim Deeds | |
817-857-9008 DALLAS, TX |
The Muckraker BBS (1995-1996) |
Brian Blansett | |
817-857-9700 DALLAS, TX |
The Twilight Zone (1996-1997) |
Jim Smith | |
817-858-6563 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |, Computer Connection BBS (1999) |
Ben Hamilton | |
817-858-9896 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
EchoMail Machine, Texas Online, Texas Online (tm) (1996) |
See 130/1008, Kyle Hearn | |
817-860-3105 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Why Telecommunications Inc. (1995) |
Matthew Wright | |
817-860-3773 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Counterparts, Planet Texas, The Mail Drop, The Texas Connection (1994-1995) |
Becky Needham, Reba Needham | |
817-860-3858 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Late Nite (1993) |
Lann P. Bolding | |
817-860-5843 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Jandel BBS (1993-1994) |
John Nguyen | |
817-860-6810 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Starbase 193 BBS (1991-1992) |
Justin Turnage | |
817-860-6983 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
S&J Happy Hour (1995) |
Jerry Langston | |
817-861-0079 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The House On The Lake (1991) |
Shawn McGauley | |
817-861-2832 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Bear Cave (1994-1998) |
Bruce Overton | |
817-861-4488 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Matchmaker (1991) |
| |
817-861-4575 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
Salvage Lust (1993-1994) |
Bill Tran | |
817-861-5841 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
THE DOMINATOR (1988-1989) |
Sean Willeford | |
817-861-8735 FORT WORTH CRES, TX |
The Sparrow's Nest, Toastmasters BBS (1997) |
Jim Rogerson | |
817-862-5500 FORT WORTH PERSHING, TX |
Stealth System BBS (1993-1995) |
Stephen McClymont | |
817-863-5252 FT. WORTH, TX |
Brazos de Dios (1992-1993) |
Wayne Martin | |
817-863-5880 FT. WORTH, TX |
BreakAway Point, The Clubhouse (1994-1995) |
Ron Hancock | |
817-865-4167 DALLAS, TX |
Recovery BBS, Recovery BBS! (1992-1993) |
Larry Carnes | |
817-865-6352 Gatesville, TX |
The Gate (1986) |
Bennett Hamilton | |
Starbase 193 BBS (1990-1991) |
Justin Turnage | |
Mission Control (1992) |
James Miller | |
Starbase 193 BBS (1991) |
Justin Turnage | |
TECHNIPLEX (1989-1990) |
T.S.T.I. | |
Merlyn's Castle (1988) |
Chris Brown | |
The Mother Board (1992-1993) |
Mike Anderson | |
The Edge of Darkness (1995) |
Mike Davis | |
TSTC INFO NET (1994-1995) |
Greg Bell, Darrel Ross | |
TSTI INFO NET (1990) |
Greg Bell | |
Mission Control (1992) |
James Miller | |
Mission Control (1991-1992) |
James Miller | |
Davy Jones' Locker (1993-1994) |
William Smith | |
John Summers, NEC | |
Diamond Caverns (1991) |
David Bestor | |
Kopz & Robberz (1994-1995) |
Joe Campos | RA |
817-868-1128 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Genesys I BBS (1995) |
Frank Kubat | |
817-868-9043 FORT WORTH EULE, TX |
Texas Online (tm) (1997) |
Kyle Hearn | |
817-870-1060 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
The Cell (1992) |
Gregory Hempel | |
817-872-5469 FORT WORTH, TX |
ProChat (1994-1998) |
Terry Shirley | |
Grandpa's Dominion (1994-1996) |
Gary Bradshaw | |
The Labyrinth (1994-1995) |
John Diem | |
817-877-1686 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Hillbillys (1995) |
Robert Abbott | |
817-877-1691 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Robert Abbott | |
817-881-1641 ARLINGTON, TX |
Waco-Info-Net (1989-1990) |
Daryl Smith | |
817-881-1753 ARLINGTON, TX |
T.D.TELECOM (1992) |
Tyson Sawyer | |
817-881-1865 ARLINGTON, TX |
Waco-Info-Net-L2 (1988) |
Daryl-Smith | |
817-881-2057 ARLINGTON, TX |
Waco Info-Net, Waco-Info-Net (1988-1989) |
Daryl Smith | |
817-881-7073 ARLINGTON, TX |
T.D.TELECOM (1992) |
Tyson Sawyer | |
817-882-6983 FORT WORTH EDIS, TX |
Texas Trails (1993-1994) |
Randy Gorman | |
817-897-7085 GLEN ROSE, TX |
HogWild (1994-1996) |
Randy Hensley | |
817-898-0208 DALLAS, TX |
Sandman's Castle (1989) |
James Miller | |
817-898-1514 DALLAS, TX |
Lori's Frustration (1989) |
Leslie Hays | |
Somewhere Over Rainbow (1996) |
| |
817-921-2464 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
The Dragon BBS (1994) |
Morgan Wolfe | |
817-921-2581 Fort Worth, TX |
Casa Jorge, The Cowtown Net, The Last Star Fighter temp (1994-2003) |
Jorge L. Villarreal | |
817-921-5411 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
GIFS and GAMES BBS (1991-1992) |
Bubba Hathcock | |
817-921-6106 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
Universal Connection (1994) |
Mike Russell | |
817-921-6279 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
FTW's 600 Hub, Scholium Variorum, The GAS Station (1991-1994) |
Greg Sanders | |
817-921-6823 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
FTW's 200 Hub, Weirdness Inc (1994) |
Mike Gill | |
817-922-0305 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
DataMex BBS (1994) |
Lee Thurburn | |
817-922-8900 Fort Worth, TX |
Electric Knights (1990-1994) |
Larry Coble | Wildcat |
"4 line door game and game download site." - Larry Coble
817-923-0009 Fort Worth, TX |
Fort Worth Forum 80 (1980) |
| Forum-80 |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue)
817-923-0540 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
Krytons Rift (1994) |
James Hard | |
817-923-0776 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
The Serial Port! (1994) |
| Wildcat |
817-923-2681 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
The Rich Niche (1991) |
Alan Rich | OPUS |
817-923-8888 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
Branching Out, The Gas Station (1989-1991) |
Gary Coulter, Greg Sanders | |
817-924-0709 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
Kryton's Rift (1991-1992) |
James Hard | |
817-924-5442 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
The Kingdom BBS
| |
817-924-7567 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
Trucker's Place (1999) |
Eldor Luedtke Jr | |
817-926-2549 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
Tandy Model 2000 (WORKSHOP) (1992) |
| |
817-926-3032 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
The Pulse (1991) |
David Gunn | |
817-926-6222 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
BALL POINT (1990-1991) |
John Ball | |
817-926-7037 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
Grendel's Lair (1991) |
Mark Peterson | |
817-926-8125 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
Dilithium Cham (1995-1996) |
| Wildcat
817-926-8746 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
Bowl Of Chili! (1989-1990) |
Danny Brigance | |
817-926-8922 FORT WORTH WALN, TX |
Nomads Nook (1986) |
Jack R Smith, Jack Smith | |
817-933-2563 RENO, TX |
Kronos Information Center BBs (1997) |
Carl Beckom | |
817-933-2704 RENO, TX |
Cen Tech BBS (1993) |
Jim Hankins | |
817-933-7305 RENO, TX |
Kronos Information Center (1996) |
Carl Beckom | |
817-933-7928 RENO, TX |
The Pet-Net BBS (1994) |
Ed Mcgory | |
817-933-9498 RENO, TX |
Dark Skies BBs (1997) |
Terry Ilton | |
817-938-7638 FORT WORTH, TX |
Express BBS (1991-1992) |
Richard Esqueda | |
817-939-0447 FORT WORTH, TX |
Bereans Bible Study BBS (1994) |
| |
817-947-8899 DALLAS (TELIGEN, TX |
Comland PC-Board BBS, Comland PcBoard BBS (1991-1994) |
Don Carroll | PCBoard |
817-949-2120 GRAPEVINE, TX |
The JUNGLE! (1996) |
| |
817-964-2421 ARLINGTON, TX |
The Techno Realm BBS, X-Caliber (1993-1994) |
| Wildcat |
817-964-2548 ARLINGTON, TX |
Star of Texas, The Programmer's Retreat (1993-1994) |
| Wildcat |
817-965-5590 ARLINGTON, TX |
S.C.U.G. BBS (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
817-965-6649 ARLINGTON, TX |
Carpe Diem (1995) |
Tommy Randall | |
817-965-6994 ARLINGTON, TX |
HOOKS BBS, Telegard Hooks (1990-1991) |
Carl Sturmer | |
817-968-3784 NORTH RICHLAND, TX |
The Iron Kingdom (1994) |
Tommy Randall | |
817-968-5224 NORTH RICHLAND, TX |
Ultimate Power (1994) |
Tommy Randall | |
817-983-5181 ARLINGTON, TX |
The Dragon's Gate, The Dragon's Gate BBS, The Dragons Gate (1993-1994) |
Cory Daehn | |
817-989-1930 Fort Worth, TX |
Rainbow's Point (1999-2002) |
Aaron Goldblatt | |
817-995-2018 ATLAS, TX |
The SHADOWS BBS (1995-1998) |
Jim Inman | |
817-995-7151 ATLAS, TX |
The Majestic BBS (1995) |
David Smith | |
1290 Sysops currently listed.
1483 BBSes Listed.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |