816-228-1719 BLUE SPRINGS, MO |
PowerTrain, Powertrain BBS (1989-1994) |
Dave Witt, Justin Schick, Shawn Ralston, Kyle Mitchell, Brad Melton, Adam Bagwell | |
816-228-2882 Blue Springs, MO |
The Brainstorm, The DX Logbook (1984-1987) |
David Wallace, David Wallace and LaDawna Howard | BBS 64 Written by Tom Wheeler, BBS 64 (Written By Tom Wheeler) and BIZ 64 (Written by Bill Atchison) |
"DX Logbook was Ham Radio/Techie oriented. It seemed to be well recieved. I had a lot of help from people like Tom Wheeler and Jim Howard who had already made names for themselves in the early 80's Kansas City BBS community. The Brainstorm was a shorter lived bulletin board but became very popular with 40 - 50 callers a day during the Summer and Fall of 86. Really a place for anyone to go and express their ideas. Political, Philosophical, Religion, etc. Computer use was a Commodore 64. The software was BBS 64 then switched to then BIZ 64." - David Wallace | |||
816-228-9552 BLUE SPRINGS, MO |
Text, TEXT bbs, TEXT bbs (1988-1994) |
Tracy Mickley | |
816-229-1841 BLUE SPRINGS, MO |
KCM FIDO, Passport System, The Passport (1986-1996) |
Gary Wood | FidoNet, PCBoard |
816-229-8686 BLUE SPRINGS, MO |
GCOMM (1989-1992) |
Scott Cohan | |
816-232-3096 SAINT JOSEPH, MO |
CRC Wildcat! (1989) |
Wildcat | |
816-232-3153 SAINT JOSEPH, MO |
NET-WORKS The Silver Tongue (1983-1984) |
816-233-1357 St Joseph, MO |
Cmos, CMOS Opus BBS, Far North Connection, The Midland Empire Net, To Be Deleted See Net 294, CMOS OPUS BBS (1988-1996) |
Michael Fuson, St Joseph MO | Opus , Opus/Maximus |
816-233-9186 SAINT JOSEPH, MO |
Cmos Opus, CMOS OPUS BBS, Far North Connection (1988-1991) |
Michael Fuson, Mike Fuson | |
816-241-1012 KANSAS CITY BEN, MO |
N0AJI, N0AJI BBS (a/c 314?) (1988-1994) |
N0AJI | |
816-241-8869 Kansas City, MO |
KC Mail Connection, Tech Talk, Transient Technologies (1987-1994) |
Joe Taibi, Joe Taibi Jr. | |
816-246-5253 KANSAS CITY LEE, MO |
The Guru Zone (1989-1994) |
Ken Schenke | |
816-252-0232 KANSAS CITY IND, MO |
PMS - Apple Bits (1983) |
816-257-2502 EAST INDEPENDEN, MO |
KCCUG PET/VIC20/C64 (1989) |
816-331-0021 Belton, MO |
The South Pole, The Newsroom (1984-1986) |
LaDawna Howard, Jim Howard | C 64 |
816-331-3782 BELTON, MO |
Howard's Notebook, Howard's Ntb., Howards Notebook (1989-1996) |
Jim Howard | Wildcat |
816-331-4267 BELTON, MO |
PC Interconnection, PC-Interconnection (1988-1992) |
David Reinsel, Dave Reinsel | |
816-331-5868 Belton, MO |
Howard's Notebk, Howard's Notebook, Howard'sNotebk, Howards Nb., Howards Notebook, Howard's BBS (1986-1995) |
Jim Howard | QuickBBS , RemoteAccess, Wildcat |
816-331-7023 BELTON, MO |
Online II Ham Radio (1988-1994) |
816-353-0442 KANSAS CITY RAY, MO |
Tom's Computer Room (1989) |
816-356-2382 KANSAS CITY RAY, MO |
PET BBS KCPUG (1982-1983) |
816-356-6538 KANSAS CITY RAY, MO |
816-358-3204 Raytown, MO |
KC Area Net, KCArea Net, The Power Board, The Power Board - CBCS, The Power Board - Dual, The Power Board - HST (1987-1997) |
Fred Armantrout, F. Armantrout | |
816-363-1663 KANSAS CITY HIG, MO |
SAM'S (1985) |
AMIS | |
816-363-5199 KANSAS CITY HIG, MO |
SpaceNet (1988) |
Red Ryder Host | |
816-364-1035 SAINT JOSEPH, MO |
Mega Link, MEGA-Link BBS, To Be Deleted See Net 294 (1989-1994) |
Michael Brunkow, St Joseph MO | |
816-436-2843 KANSAS CITY NAS, MO |
Maple Woods BBS, Maplewoods, The Maple woods, The Maple Woods (1988-1994) |
David Blackwell, Kevin Burke | |
816-436-4516 KANSAS CITY NAS, MO |
Sound Advice, Sound Advice BBS, Sound Advice PCB10 OLG (1988-1998) |
Roy Timberman | PCBoard |
List of BBS List Keepers: Kansas City Area 816/913/Roy Timberman | |||
816-436-9074 KANSAS CITY NAS, MO |
KC 99'er (1989) |
Gary Burns | |
816-452-0005 GLADSTONE, MO |
MCE Ltd KCMO (1986) |
Phil King | |
816-452-1397 Kansas City, MO |
The Arkham Asylum (1988-1991) |
Hotblack/Professor Deziarty/Philip Robinson | Biz 64 |
"Was laid out like a 'create your own adventure' with hidden menu options and approx 12 message boards. MAterials were mostly dedicated to philosophy and consciousness expansion (ala Robert Anton Wilson/Illuminatis, Thornley/Principia Discordia, and various oddities) Central theme was the Arkham Asylum (NOT the one used by Batman DC Comics creators, but my own personal vision per writings of H.P. Lovecraft). Had 3 'levels of insanity' that a user could choose- each progressively harder to navigate- but also more rewarding once 'mapped' out. The HARDEST level [dubbed 'INSANITY'] had an area called "Hotblack's Brain"- it was a tesseract [hypercube/5th dimensional cube]. Dave Potter (syso pof '64th Dimension') and Dave ? (another local sysop) had actually mapped out the section and figured it out that the area was indeed a drove them nuts while they were mapping it.. :) I still have the computer [Commodore 64] and software [Biz64] to start the bbs up again, but no time or energy to bother..." - Philip Robinson | |||
816-452-2522 GLADSTONE, MO |
North Of The River (1989) |
Wildcat | |
816-453-0954 GLADSTONE, MO |
Shilo BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
816-454-4448 GLADSTONE, MO |
The US-BBS (1987-1991) |
Larry Clouse | PCBoard, Wildcat |
816-454-5042 GLADSTONE, MO |
Pegasus BBS (1988-1989) |
Doug Loughery | |
816-459-7327 GLADSTONE, MO |
Kitty Hawk PCBoard, Kittyhawk (1989-1996) |
Jim Boling | PCBoard |
816-459-8772 GLADSTONE, MO |
Freedom BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
816-461-4119 KANSAS CITY IND, MO |
IM BBS (1989) |
Paul Bailey | |
816-461-8419 KANSAS CITY IND, MO |
IM BBS (1989) |
Paul Bailey | |
816-468-5114 KANSAS CITY NAS, MO |
Abatis, The Board Room BBS #1 (1989-1993) |
Jim Spiegelhalter, H. Donaldson | |
816-468-5374 KANSAS CITY NAS, MO |
Abatis Files (1989) |
Jim Spiegelhalter | |
816-468-6789 KANSAS CITY NAS, MO |
The Hotline (1989) |
Jeff Higgins | |
816-474-1052 KANSAS CITY MCG, MO |
Mebbsie (1988-1991) |
Lee Willoughby | |
"The site ran on an Apple Lisa computer with an Apple Profile hard disk at University of Missouri Kansas city Medical School." - Jim Luther | |||
816-483-2526 Kansas City, MO |
ABC, NET-WORKS ABC (1982-1985) |
816-483-3648 KANSAS CITY BEN, MO |
Nickeltown, Pegasus Point (1988-1989) |
Doug Loughery | |
816-523-0304 Kansas City, MO |
Abug, Apple Bits UG, Apple Bits UG PMS, PMS - Apple Bits UG (1984-1991) |
Sandy Brockman | PMS |
816-524-3044 KANSAS CITY LEE, MO |
Distar's Swap Shop (1988) |
Distar | SuperTac |
816-525-2515 KANSAS CITY LEE, MO |
The 64th Dimension BBS (1989) |
David Potter | |
816-532-0946 KANSAS CITY NAS, MO |
Midland Technologies (1987-1988) |
Phil King | |
816-537-7675 KANSAS CITY LEE, MO |
"The Data Bank", Data Bank (1989-1994) |
Dennis Franklin, D. Franklin | PCBoard |
816-563-4326 KNOB NOSTER, MO |
The Dark Castle BBS (1982-1998) |
David Abell | |
816-587-5360 Kansas City, MO |
Amiga Central BBS, Christian Word, Multitasking Systems BBS (1989-1995) |
Bill Hirt | |
816-587-9543 Kansas City, MO |
AMIS Kansas City, BBS Atari AMIS (1983-1985) |
AMIS | |
816-625-8874 OAK GROVE, MO |
The BABY BBS (1989) |
Ted Burris | |
816-734-2717 KANSAS CITY NAS, MO |
KAY-PER NET (1984-1985) |
Ron Smith | |
816-737-1031 Kansas City, MO |
Kansas City CBBS - EMS (1980) |
CBBS | |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue) | |||
816-761-2190 SOUTH KANSAS CI, MO |
Elysium (1989-1991) |
Ronald Lyman | |
816-761-3070 SOUTH KANSAS CI, MO |
FT/FFRF (1987-1988) |
Dave Hallas | |
816-761-4039 Kansas City, MO |
KC Area Net, Rampart General BBS, Reg 14 SDS Coord, Reg 14 SDSCoord (1988-1995) |
Mike Reardon | |
816-761-6428 SOUTH KANSAS CI, MO |
Fire Net(280/305), Fire-Net (1988-1989) |
Tom Spahr | |
816-763-0650 SOUTH KANSAS CI, MO |
PAGAN BBS (1987) |
816-763-3912 SOUTH KANSAS CI, MO |
KCArea Net, PC Interconnection, PC-Interconnection (1987) |
David Reinsel, Dave Reinsel | |
816-765-9306 Kansas City, MO |
Barsom BBS, Barsoom BBS (1986-1995) |
Michael Jordan, John Carter | |
816-767-1488 Grandview, MO |
Sector 0 BBS, The Oan Citadel, The Oan Citadel, Sector 0, TOC-BBS (1988-1996) |
Brian J. Stewart | WildCat 3.x |
816-781-7121 LIBERTY, MO |
The WORD (1988) |
Bob Sadler | |
816-781-7467 LIBERTY, MO |
C Spot Run (1989) |
Byron Green | |
816-796-0475 Independence, MO |
Apocalypse BBS (1986-1992) |
Scott Brown, Ed Brown, Michael Welsh | VisionX, PC-Board, CNet, EBBS |
"Ran a BBS on and off for many years starting in 1986 on a commodore 64 and later on an IBM PC." - Scott Brown | |||
816-796-5954 EAST INDEPENDEN, MO |
AAMIGAville BBS, AMIGAville BBS (1989-1994) |
Roger Walker | |
816-796-6857 EAST INDEPENDEN, MO |
The WORD, The Word (1987-1988) |
Bob Sadler | |
816-796-9622 EAST INDEPENDEN, MO |
STAR BASE 3 (1985) |
AMIS | |
816-827-3027 Sedalia, MO |
Commodore Exchange Net (1986) |
Eric Bartlett | |
816-833-0537 KANSAS CITY IND, MO |
Independence Exchange (1989-1990) |
Dave Reimer | |
816-833-3410 KANSAS CITY IND, MO |
Artificial Insanity, Artificial Insanity Writers (1989-1991) |
Mark Browning | PCBoard |
816-833-3427 KANSAS CITY IND, MO |
Ham, Ham BBS, Kay-Cee Pee-Cee, KAYCEE-PEECEE BBS, KCPC (1985-1994) |
Bill Bell | |
816-861-7040 Kansas City, MO |
FORUM-80 Kansas City (1980-1983) |
Bill Abney | Forum-80 |
Believed to be the home base of the Forum-80 BBS Software package, creator, Bill Abney. Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue). | |||
816-891-8072 PARKVILLE, MO |
The WORD (1989) |
Russell Martin | |
816-924-0301 KANSAS CITY WAB, MO |
Pro Board Plus, ProBoard Plus, ProBoard Plus FIDO, ProBoard+ (1989-1994) |
Craig Howard | |
816-931-1726 KANSAS CITY WES, MO |
Co-works, CoWorks, EupheMystic (1989-1994) |
Ted Kihm | |
816-931-9316 Kansas City, MO |
FORUM-80 Kansas City, MO (1982-1985) |
FORUM-80 | |
816-941-4233 Kansas City, MO |
The Doctor's Inn BBS (1984-1992) |
Brian J. Stewart | Future Systems Software |
"Future System Software (C-64) which I had coded myself with the help a few other local coders. I had two phone lines, with a total of (4) 1541 drives online featuring games, text/chat boards and plenty of downloads." - Brian J. Stewart | |||
61 Sysops currently listed. 80 BBSes Listed. |