Historical List of BBSes in the 812 Area Code --------------------------------------------- Created by TEXTFILES.COM From Many Sources 812-231-5287 | ATTEL BBS 2/A | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1990) SYSOP | George Bowles --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-232-1216 | ABCS | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1995) SYSOP | Bob Pruiett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-232-1404 | Deep Space 9 | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1992-1996) SYSOP | Shadow Rider/Adam Thompson SOFTWARE | WWIV 4.24 COMMENTS | "May have been the first BBS in Terre Haute to run | "Legend of The Red Dragon", but I can't remember for | sure.DEFINITELY the first BBS in Terre Haute to run | "Barney SPLAT!" :)" - Adam Thompson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-232-1453 | Bear's Licorice Disk | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1989-1990) SYSOP | David Hicks --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-232-1821 | SpellSinger ][ | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1994-1996) SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-232-2492 | FreePort | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Arie Fraza --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-232-2611 | Online Arcade | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-232-3441 | Starbase 74 | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Rob Allen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-232-3492 | FreePort | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Arie Fraza --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-232-4089 | Hometown.Net | TERRE HAUTE, IN (2001-2004) SYSOP | Jan Eglen SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-232-4136 | Dragon's Lair | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Rick Taylor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-234-0091 | "The 'Deli", Psychedelicat | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1995-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-234-0460 | Late Night BBS | Terre Haute, IN (1989-1994) SYSOP | Brad Myers SOFTWARE | WWIV and RBBS COMMENTS | "Specialized in Sound Card Software (specifically Sound | Blaster 1.0) Started the BBS when I was in 8th grade | until I left for college, then my brother took over." - | Brad Myers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-234-1198 | The Data Exchange | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1990-1991) SYSOP | Mike Stanfield --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-234-1401 | Deep Space 9 | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-234-3538 | Short Time | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Bill Cotton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-234-4819 | The Death Chamber | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-234-6394 | The Locker Room BBS | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1995) SYSOP | Tim Brooks --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-234-6630 | Family Focus BBS | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Tim Brooks --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-234-7246 | Short Time | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1995) SYSOP | Bill Cotton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-234-9954 | The Data Exchange | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1989-1990) SYSOP | Mike Stanfield --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-235-0307 | Cyber City | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1995-1997) SYSOP | Leighly Penrod --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-235-0909 | GABBS Mindstore | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-235-1127 | Intuition BBS | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1990-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-235-1568 | 1st Amendment, The 1st Amendment | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Charlie Kuhn --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-235-4963 | Starbase 74 | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Rob Allen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-235-5815 | Nightmares & Dreamscapes | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Shaun Richey --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-235-6487 | Primetime, The Primetime BBS | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Jeff Kyle --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-235-7284 | The Bit House | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1995) SYSOP | Monte Ward --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-235-9254 | Starfire, The Star Fire BBS | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Bill Martin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-237-3362 | Some Sunny Day | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Steve Read --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-237-3385 | ISU BBS | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1988-1990) SYSOP | Jeff Harvey, John Abbett, Keith Brown, Paul Williams --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-237-7172 | Cove | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Chad Swank --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-238-9295 | WVAU BBS | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1990-1993) SYSOP | Kevin Bell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-238-9298 | Electronic Realities | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Dan Smith --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-238-9921 | Software Plus | TERRE HAUTE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Tom McCoy --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-246-5393 | Southern Star, The Help Line | SELLERSBURG, IN (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-246-8032 | The Point, The Vantage Point | SELLERSBURG, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-251-6117 | FIDO<=>Devilnet | (1995) SYSOP | Andry Fridman SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-254-9601 | Junk Yard BBS | Washington, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Barry Hauser SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-273-2893 | Country Corner | MADISON, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-273-4414 | The Downtown BBS | MADISON, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Kevin Mefford --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-273-5443 | COUNTRY CORN | MADISON, IN (1985) SOFTWARE | Forem ST --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-275-4013 | The Backwood Realm BBS | Bedford, IN (1996-1999) SYSOP | Tim Wray SOFTWARE | Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-275-4689 | H S T Express, H.S.T. Express, HST ExPress, HST Express , | H.S.T. Express. | BEDFORD, IN (1990-1996) SYSOP | Mike Allen Jr SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-275-5600 | Tiny Town BBS | BEDFORD, IN (1995-1997) SYSOP | Tim Brown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-275-8114 | Future World, Future World BBS | BEDFORD, IN (1992-1997) SYSOP | Brad Kirkham, Brad Kirkhan, Brad Kirkman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-277-1912 | Highlander BBS | BEDFORD, IN (1995-1997) SYSOP | Kent Pritchard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-279-2143 | 2230 NEC, Hotseat, Hotseat,files, NET 2230 NEC, The | Hotseat, The Hotseat BBS | BEDFORD, IN (1991-1997) SYSOP | Brian Mathis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-280-0987 | Derby City Net NEC, Net 2320 File Safe, Sunny Side | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1994-1997) SYSOP | Dewayne Cox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-280-0988 | Sunny Side | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1997-1998) SYSOP | Dewayne Cox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-280-1110 | Derby City Net, Sunny Side | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Dewayne Cox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-280-1112 | Derby City Net, Sunny Side | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Dewayne Cox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-280-1113 | Net 2320 File Safe | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1996) SYSOP | Dewayne Cox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-282-3837 | Elmer T's | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-282-7931 | Cobra Development, Cobra Devpmt | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Adam Seay --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-283-5182 | The Micro-Board System | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-283-5755 | G.A.P.O.I. | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1994-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-284-1321 | Geneva Convention, Geneva Convention Adult, | GenevaConvention Adult BBS, TGC Adult | (Node 1), TGC BBS, The Adult BBS, The | Genesa Convention | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1989-1996) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-284-5465 | Geneva Convention Adult, GenevaConvention Adult BBS, TGC | Adult (Node 2) | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-285-1836 | P.C.S. | JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-299-0401 | Einstein's Reality | TERRE HAUTE SOU, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-299-2855 | Misty Mountain, The Misty Mountain | TERRE HAUTE SOU, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Mark Mayfield --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-299-2983 | 4th Dimension, Party Palace | TERRE HAUTE SOU, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Gary Figg --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-299-3805 | The Thunderdome! | TERRE HAUTE SOU, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-299-5862 | Dark Tower | TERRE HAUTE SOU, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-299-8621 | God Only Knows | TERRE HAUTE SOU, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-299-8835 | The Lion's Den | Terre Haute, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Brett Sebring SOFTWARE | WWIV COMMENTS | "Sister site to Spellsinger ][." - Brett Sebring --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-299-9306 | Ivy Tech State College BBS, Ivy Tech's, Ivy Tech's BBS, | IvyTech Online | Terre Haute, IN (1993-1998) SYSOP | Philip Brown SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-323-0067 | Sir Deps Dungeon, Sirt Deps Dungeon | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1992) SYSOP | Sir Dep --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-331-1271 | Macsimizing BBS | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-331-1519 | S.I.P. BBS | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1995) SYSOP | Chris Dick --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-331-1796 | The Gate BBS [ASV/GSA] | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Nate Cosier, Joey Richards SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-331-3065 | Connecting Point BBS | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1989-1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-331-7371 | Magic Glass | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1987-1988) SYSOP | Hilda Stubbings --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-332-0573 | BL.A.ST, BlAST, BLAST BBS | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Steve Johnson, Jim Lang --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-332-7227 | Indiana On-line, IndianaOn-line, Indiana On-Line | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1985-1996) SYSOP | Taylor/Rumple, John Taylor, WB9LWQ SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-332-7379 | The Wrong Number BBS, Wrong Number | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Joseph Hillenburg --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-332-8159 | Dude's Bait & Sushi Shop, Dude's Bait Shop | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-332-RBBS | Indiana On-line, IndianaOn-line, On-line shopping demo | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1985-1993) SYSOP | John Taylor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-333-1912 | Electronic Male | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-333-3439 | Community Service Net | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-333-9476 | Cogito | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1986-1988) SYSOP | R.G. Stubbings --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-333-9508 | Ultimate Discs | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1989-1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-333-9721 | Pixel Palace, Taco Hell | Bloomington, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Derek Cahill SOFTWARE | WWIV COMMENTS | "Gary Figg's 4th Dimension was the original WWIV board in | Bloomington. As he was leaving for Terre Haute (roughly | 1991-1992), my BBS (Pixel Palace) and Dude's Bait Shop & | Sushi Bar were starting up. Pixel Palace was taken down | and renamed Taco Hell to clean up its image from warez to | more serious discussion boards. It eventually became the | main WWIVnet node connecting Bloomington with the rest of | the world before I moved in 1994." - Derek Cahill --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-334-0418 | The Portal Dolmen | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-334-0442 | The Tradin' Place | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1991-1995) SYSOP | Bennie Sexton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-334-0609 | Bloomington RCPM/RBBS | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1983-1984) SYSOP | Bob Jacobs --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-334-0920 | The Anduin | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1994) SYSOP | Bryan Strawser --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-334-1521 | Offline BBS | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1997) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-334-1852 | Continental BBS, The Continental BBS | Bloomington, IN (1987-1996) SYSOP | Doug Thompson SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | "Started as a single line bbs in Bloomington, Indiana. | Moved to Annapolis, MD in 1989 then to Atlanta, GA in | 1991. Flinally shut down in 1996 due to the internet... | naturally!" - Doug Thompson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-334-1853 | The Rat Trap | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-334-2522 | CBBS Bloomington, Tho. Hogan's System | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1980-1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-334-7071 | Second Foundation | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-334-8453 | C Guild | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1986-1988) SYSOP | Kenneth Larimer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-335-0370 | Hell's Corner | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-335-1463 | REDI Fido | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1986-1988) SYSOP | Kingsley Haynes, Alice Eads SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-335-1780 | Electronic Male | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-335-3575 | Good News | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1994) SYSOP | Pixel Place --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-335-5803 | PC-Link Central | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1991) SYSOP | Robert Cole SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-335-5804 | PC-Link Central | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1991) SYSOP | Robert Cole SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-335-7252 | Indiana University, PC-Link Central | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1987-1991) SYSOP | Robert Cole, Robert Kohl SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-335-8863 | Frenzy! [ASV] | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-336-0600 | BloomNet, CRC Board, CRC Opus | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1986-1988) SYSOP | R.G. Stubbings --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-336-5182 | Midwest Graphic Exch. | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-336-6377 | CRC Two | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1987-1988) SYSOP | Leith Anderson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-342-0826 | Whiskey's Place | COLUMBUS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Dave Ammerman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-342-0859 | Late-Nite BBS | COLUMBUS, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Mike Dicken --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-342-6546 | AdeptSoft Support BBS, The Fret Board BBS | COLUMBUS, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Julie Strietelmeier --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-342-7078 | CrossRoads BBS | COLUMBUS, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Julie Streitelmeier, Julie Strietelmeier SOFTWARE | Genesis Deluxe --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-346-3080 | Yankee Connection | NORTH VERNON, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | James Arnold --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-347-2939 | Grin'N BareIt, Grin'N BareIt BBS, ToolNet Grin'N BarIt | RAMSEY, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Barrett Flowers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-357-6423 | Farpoint Station | SAINT MEINRAD, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jonathan Guidry --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-358-3500 | The Pig's Eye BBS | BROWNSTOWN, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-362-8511 | River City Echo Hub, River City Echo Hub -=28.8=-, River | City Net, The Red Griffin Inn | CHRISNEY, IN (1995-1998) SYSOP | Jim Trulock --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-372-3260 | Aircomm BBS, AIRCOMN BBS | COLUMBUS, IN (1988-1992) SYSOP | David Myers, Dave Myers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-372-7944 | Tazmania BBS, Trekers Haven | COLUMBUS, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Joshua Bunton, Josh Bunton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-372-8290 | Revolution BBS, The Chaos Connection | COLUMBUS, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Bobby Crider --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-372-9638 | Dr Lizardo's Opus | COLUMBUS, IN (1987-1988) SYSOP | Ken Conway --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-372-9968 | The Realm Of Fyre | COLUMBUS, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Chris Bradley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-376-3375 | The Shack BBS | COLUMBUS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Greg Prewitt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-378-4673 | The Wolf's Lair | COLUMBUS, IN (1991) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-379-1162 | MHz BBS (P.A.C.E. of SE Indiana), P.A.C.E. | Columbus, IN (1980-1991) SYSOP | Jim Burgan SOFTWARE | AMIS, AMIS/Forem XE/Forem-ST --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-379-1865 | Dark Castle BBS | COLUMBUS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Brian Innie --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-385-5030 | MAB | PRINCETON, IN (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-389-2457 | Dubios County Online, Dubois County Online | BIRDSEYE, IN (1995) SYSOP | Robert Bowles --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-392-2637 | Lonesome George | SCIPIO, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-421-8011 | Digital Dreams, Digital Dreams BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Dave Worley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-421-9257 | Doctor's Inn, The Doctors Inn, THE DOCTORS INN | EVANSVILLE, IN (1986-1996) SYSOP | Gene Flick SOFTWARE | PCBoard COMMENTS | Conferences, Online Games, Six CDROM's, Qmail Door --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-422-1106 | The Alpha Complex BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1992) SYSOP | Donnie Walker --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-422-3043 | DigicomII | EVANSVILLE, IN (1990) SYSOP | Geoff Rupe --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-422-4821 | Disk Bank BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-422-5510 | Future | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-422-9403 | Ya! Webecad (Subscribr) | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-423-3394 | E D S Development Technical Support, E.D.S. Development, | American Banking Systems, E.D.S. | DEVELOPMENT | EVANSVILLE, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Eric Scales SOFTWARE | PCBoard (PPE) COMMENTS | Programmer's Oriented BBS 201 202 203 204 205 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-423-9621 | THE OUTCAST BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Raymond Edge --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-424-1099 | COURIER ONLINE BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Evansville Courier COMMENTS | Evansville Courier Newspaper Online, News, Scripps Howard | News --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-424-1258 | THE OBJECT ELEMENT | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Loser & Zaphod COMMENTS | 2 Hours Online Daily, New High Quality Downloads --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-424-2757 | The Objective Element, The Objective Element (TOE) | Evansville, IN (1995-1999) SYSOP | Chris Griffin, Courtney Biggerstaff, Aaron Tanner SOFTWARE | TriBBS, TriBBS 5.1 COMMENTS | "Just to let you know that The Objective Element had 3 | Sysops. Chris Griffin (which is listed), Courtney | Biggerstaff, and Aaron Tanner (which was a sysop for a | little over half the time). They all went by the handles | Zaphod (Chris), Gambit (Courtney), and Loser (Aaron). | Just thought it would be nice if everyone could be noted | since all worked equally as hard on the project. Just | for fun trivia as well. There was a short lived zine that | was released by the BBS, also called The Objective | Element. There was only a couple issue released in early | 1996 (if my mind serves me right)." - Chris Griffin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-424-3614 | THE HAM STATION | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Steve Doty COMMENTS | Ham radio software, technical support, radio | modifications, utilities --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-424-3781 | THE BLACK REALMS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Matt Elzer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-425-6950 | Eagle's Nest BBS, The Eagle's Nest | EVANSVILLE, IN (1988-1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-425-7302 | GRAPEVINE BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1989-1995) SYSOP | Steve Masterson COMMENTS | Dedicated to the Free Exchange of Information --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-425-7700 | Carnage BBS, Husky Den BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1995-1999) SYSOP | Brent Fraliex SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-425-9847 | Athena's Apple, ATHENA'S APPLE | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Ken Staub COMMENTS | Macintosh Graphic BBS w/Fidonet,EchoMac,Apple | Lic.Software, Many Files --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-426-0477 | Graphic Statio | EVANSVILLE, IN (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-426-7400 | WNIN ONLINE | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Dave Jenkins, Herb Wilburn COMMENTS | Education and Information Services free to the community --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-428-0928 | Evansville Library | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-428-3352 | KA9LQM Ham Shack BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1992-1995) SYSOP | Mike Anderson SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | Ham Radio, WC Support, Internet, Planet Connect Satellite --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-428-3370 | YA! WEBECAD! | Evansville, IN (1995) SYSOP | Don Habegger --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-428-3743 | Seawater | EVANSVILLE, IN (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-428-3870 | "YA! WEBECAD!", "YA! WEBECAD!" BBS, Ya !, Ya! WebeCad!, | Ya! WeBecadd!, Ya!WeBeCAD! | EVANSVILLE, IN (1990-1996) SYSOP | Don Habegger, Don Hebegger SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | 33 CD-ROMS, New Files Daily, BW Top 100, --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-428-3926 | Whiskey Bar | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-428-4985 | Chameleon's Castle, Chaneleon's Castle, Dragon's Bane, | CHAMELEON'S CASTLE | EVANSVILLE, IN (1989-1999) SYSOP | Jesse Cates SOFTWARE | TriBBS COMMENTS | Many message bases, including free InterNet access. Over --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-428-8394 | EPCAT | EVANSVILLE, IN (1990-1995) SYSOP | Evansville Libraries COMMENTS | Research book titles, find out which libraries they --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-428-9076 | STARBUCK'S WORLD | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Starbuck --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-429-0017 | EKUG, Evansville KUG | Evansville, IN (1986-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-438-4523 | The Mountain BBS | RISING SUN, IN (1998-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-442-5354 | Attel, ATTEL BBS 1/A, Brazil hub, Southwest Indiana Net, | The N9LKG BBS | BRAZIL, IN (1990-1994) SYSOP | George Bowles --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-442-6673 | David's Dominion | BRAZIL, IN (1991) SYSOP | David Martin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-443-5706 | Palantir BBS | BRAZIL, IN (1995-1997) SYSOP | Bob Chandler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-443-5805 | Palantir BBS | BRAZIL, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Bob Chandler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-446-2881 | ATTEL BBS 1/A | BRAZIL, IN (1990) SYSOP | George Bowles --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-446-7003 | The Game Screen | BRAZIL, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Corey Shields --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-448-1232 | End of Serenity BBS | BRAZIL, IN (1995) SYSOP | Jeremy Evans --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-461-0207 | NeverMore BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Alek Benedict SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-464-8181 | THE COLD TURKEY | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-466-3076 | Far Side BBS, The Farside, The Farside 1 | TERRE HAUTE NOR, IN (1993-1996) SYSOP | Kyle Clark SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-466-3118 | No Man's Land | TERRE HAUTE NOR, IN (1994) SYSOP | Andy Curry --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-466-4222 | Insomnia BBS | TERRE HAUTE NOR, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-466-6505 | The 1st Amendment | TERRE HAUTE NOR, IN (1994) SYSOP | Charlie Kuhn --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-466-6912 | Death Row | TERRE HAUTE NOR, IN (1994) SYSOP | Nick Murans --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-466-9778 | The Windsong BBS, Windsong BBS | Terre Haute, IN, (1987-1995) SYSOP | Sysop: Stormwind~ SOFTWARE | WWIV COMMENTS | "System ran by Stormwind~ Cosysops: The Kegler, Parapuke, | Sexy Lady and Andy Curry (of NoMansLand BBS. Modded | alittle by Ethereal Cereal and a few notable others. I | ran it from my room starting as a Junior in High school. | It moved with me several times. It died when the internet | became HUGE and no one was calling local BBSes anymore. | The local BBS scene was a great place to get a hobby that | became my professional life later (and still is). I still | talk to quite a few old bbsers. And have some fantastic | memories of going to the WWIV get togethers in St. | Louis, Carbondale Il. and alot of them here in Terre | Haute called TNDS. It was nice to find this site.." - | Stormwind~ (Curt Carpenter) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-471-1033 | RECRUIT'S MANOR | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | DJ Huebner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-471-2705 | Windows Source Node 2 -=28.8=- | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Craig Kohler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-471-3040 | River City Net, The Source BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1992) SYSOP | Ron Freson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-471-5939 | Homer's Palace | Evansville, IN (1994) SYSOP | Jeff Willaims --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-471-5944 | THE ABYSS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rick Pierson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-471-7185 | Rustic Inn BBS | Evansville, IN SYSOP | Ronald Benjamin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-473-3445 | The Dragonfire Dungeon | EVANSVILLE, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-473-5250 | KA9LQM Ham Shack BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-473-5357 | Cave of Wonders | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Eddie Brown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-474-0918 | Digicom | EVANSVILLE, IN (1992) SYSOP | Gary Barr --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-474-2263 | Digicom, River City Net | EVANSVILLE, IN (1992-1996) SYSOP | Gary Barr --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-474-2265 | DigiCom (Subscriber) | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-475-0434 | Rustic Inn BBS | Evansville, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Ronald Benjamin SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-476-1426 | EVSC (Node 2) | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-476-3553 | ABOVE BOARD | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Tod Thomas Price COMMENTS | 24 hour Christian files and messages - very --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-476-4534 | The Windows Source, Windows Source Node 1 -=14.4=-, | WINDOWS SOURCE | EVANSVILLE, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Craig Kohler SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess COMMENTS | Windows 1993 CD-ROM Online, Lots of talk, Great --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-477-0766 | The Amiga Advantage BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Paul Laudeman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-477-5343 | National Server, NATIONSERV, NationServ Network | EVANSVILLE, IN (1989-1994) SYSOP | Ben Nation SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-477-8813 | Highlander's, HIGHLANDER'S VIEWPOINT | EVANSVILLE, IN (1993-1996) SYSOP | Will Duncan SOFTWARE | Magpie COMMENTS | Free Internet, 20+ Doors, C.F.A. Member and 100+ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-477-9607 | MinorityOpLine, OpLine BBS | EVANSVILLE, IN (1990-1994) SYSOP | Harvey Wyche SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-479-1029 | Wolf Pack | Evansville, IN (1994-1999) SYSOP | Tim Brown SOFTWARE | TriBBS COMMENTS | "I was bored and thought that I would search around to | see what the name was being used for these days and what | do I find! This is very interesting to see! The BBS was | named, because I had a Hybrid Timberwolf at the time. | The BBS was built for fun mainly. Anyway, very good | learning experience that lead to bigger and better | things. Thanks to everyone who participated!" - Tim | Brown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-479-1310 | DigiCom, Digicom BBS, Eagle Soft Technical Support, | EagleSoft, DIGICOM BBS | Evansville, IN (1985-1996) SYSOP | Gary Barr SOFTWARE | QuickBBS , RemoteAccess, QBBS COMMENTS | List of BBS List Keepers: Technical Support BBS List/Gary | Barr

ListKeeper: Technical Support BBS List Satellite | Connection, Fire/EMS/Police, RA-Beta Site, News 4U | Magazine --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-479-2414 | Evans-Serv | EVANSVILLE, IN (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-479-5440 | The Stock Shop, THE STOCK SHOP | EVANSVILLE, IN (1994-1999) SYSOP | Jeff Stocker SOFTWARE | TriBBS COMMENTS | 7PM-7AM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-479-6505 | HOMER'S PALACE | EVANSVILLE, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Yoda COMMENTS | RIME, 6 CDs, Adult Files, Online Chat, 49 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-479-6902 | 64th Dimension | EVANSVILLE, IN (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-479-9645 | Empire BBS | Evansville, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Matthew Byers COMMENTS | "I purchased the BBS from Donnie Walker who ran The Alpha | Complex BBS here in Evansville in 1992. I ran it for | about 2 years under the Empire BBS name. The board mostly | dealt with role-playing games of the period." - Matthew | Byers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-481-2420 | NET 2230 NEC, Southern IN Net, The Last Stand, The Last | Stand BBS #1, The Last Stand BBS #2 | JASPER, IN (1995-1998) SYSOP | Tim Tooley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-482-1439 | The Last Stand | JASPER, IN (1995) SYSOP | Tim Tooley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-491-8490 | Hogbone | EVANSVILLE, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Lysdexia SOFTWARE | Citadel/UX --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-497-3618 | Down-Home BBS | FREETOWN, IN (1992) SYSOP | Ron Ward --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-522-5399 | 2205 Echo Coordinator, Bits Bytes & Nibbles CBCS, Bits | Bytes and Nibbles, Bits Bytes and Nybbles, | Net 2205 NEC, South/Central Indiana Net | SEYMOUR, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | John Hill --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-522-5474 | Phredd VI BBS | SEYMOUR, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | James Daily --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-522-6965 | 2205 Echo Mail Hub, Dennis' Pointe, Info World, Info World | BBS, Info World CBCS, Net 2205 NEC, The | Mail Room | SEYMOUR, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Dennis Eshelman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-522-7371 | Bits Bytes & Nibbles CBCS, Bits Bytes and Nibbles, Seymour | hub, South/Central Indiana Net, Southern | Indiana Hub, The DBN BBS, The Derech Ben | No'ach CBCS, The Derech Ben No'oach CBCS | SEYMOUR, IN (1991-1995) SYSOP | John Hill --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-523-1162 | Norm's Tradin Post, Seymour hub, The Genealogy BBS | SEYMOUR, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Norman Morris --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-523-1575 | Temple Square BBS | SEYMOUR, IN (1994) SYSOP | Dennis Eshelman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-523-1908 | Genealogy BBS | SEYMOUR, IN (1994) SYSOP | Norman Morris --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-523-5153 | Bits Bytes and Nybbles | SEYMOUR, IN (1995) SYSOP | John Hill --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-523-6615 | Just 4 Fun BBS | SEYMOUR, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Robert Caudill --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-523-7529 | Ezy Does It BBS, New Sysop Application, South/Central | Indiana Net | SEYMOUR, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Hutch Zimmerman, FIDOnet Sysop --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-523-8372 | CommStar, CommStar BBS, South/Central Indiana Net | SEYMOUR, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Curt VanNatta, Curt Vannatta --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-526-2629 | Thunderware BBS, Thunderware BBS One, White River Valley | Net NEC | Columbus, IN (1994-2002) SYSOP | Chris Bradley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-526-2898 | Fantasy Island | EDINBURG, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Nick Whited --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-526-3028 | Digital Aspects | EDINBURG, IN (1994) SYSOP | Chuck Breazeale --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-526-5831 | Goofey's Place, White River Valley Net NEC | EDINBURG, IN (1995-1997) SYSOP | George Raley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-526-6022 | Goofey's Place | EDINBURG, IN (1997-1998) SYSOP | George Raley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-526-6771 | Dark Castle, Thunderware BBS, Thunderware BBS Two, White | River Valley Net NC | Columbus, IN (1996-2002) SYSOP | Marvin Bradley, Chris Bradley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-526-9023 | Wilstar BBS | EDINBURG, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-537-2945 | Mick's Point | LAWRENCEBURG, IN (1994-1999) SYSOP | Jim O'brien --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-537-9423 | Southeastern Indiana Online | LAWRENCEBURG, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Brian Teeters --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-591-2331 | Johnny's Place BBS | WESTPORT, IN (1995) SYSOP | John Gahring --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-591-2353 | Comm-Link | WESTPORT, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-597-1138 | Injun Ditch, Injun Ditch BBS | MORGANTOWN, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Scott Blaydes --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-597-4091 | The Labor Board | MORGANTOWN, IN (1989-1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-623-4633 | Wizard Tower BBS, Wizards Tower BBS | SUNMAN, IN (1995) SYSOP | Matt Anderson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-637-6751 | Wizard's Tower BBS | Bright, IN (2000-2002) SYSOP | Matthew Anderson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-663-6642 | Mac's World | GREENSBURG, IN (1994) SYSOP | Justin McKinley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-685-2623 | Silver Fox BBS | WICKLIFFE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Robert Bowles --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-729-1645 | Keeping Pace BBS | OWENSVILLE, IN (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-752-2131 | Unplugged BBS | SCOTTSBURG, IN (1994) SYSOP | Wade Lykins --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-752-5523 | Unplugged BBS | SCOTTSBURG, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Wade Lykins --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-752-6398 | Unplugged BBS | SCOTTSBURG, IN (1994) SYSOP | Wade Lykins --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-752-7388 | Zips R Us BBS | SCOTTSBURG, IN (1993) SYSOP | Martin Morgan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-779-3812 | Gibson County Connection, GIBSON COUNTY CONNECT | PATOKA, IN (1992-1997) SYSOP | Mike Barrett SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | Planet Connect, FidoNet, InterNet Email, Multiple CD's --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-779-3813 | Gibson County Connection | PATOKA, IN (1994-1997) SYSOP | Mike Barrett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-793-2237 | Magpie BBS, Magpie BBS , Net 2205 NEC | CROTHERSVILLE, IN (1993-2000) SYSOP | Steve Kelly SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-794-4190 | Zapped BBS | AUSTIN, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Mark Robinson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-794-4508 | Data City BBS | AUSTIN, IN (1997-2000) SYSOP | Chad Morris --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-824-7887 | Hal's Ranch | SMITHVILLE, IN (1986) SYSOP | Harold Schneider --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-824-7990 | PC-Link Central | SMITHVILLE, IN (1985) SYSOP | Robert Cole --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-824-8682 | SupremeSoft, The Top of the Hill, The Top of the Hill BBS | Easton, CT (1992-1996) SYSOP | Steve Fichtner SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-825-4777 | Acme on Line, Acme On-Line | Bloomington, IN (1992-1998) SYSOP | Ray Murphy, Chris Corns SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | "Although your information was very good, it was not | totally correct. Actually Acme On-Line was in | Bloomington, IN and was up until December 28, 1998. That | is the day my Dad, Ray Murphy, passed away. Thanks for | remembering the good old days. It's nice to know that 6 | years later my Dad's favorite hobby is still floating | around cyberspace. Makes me think I should dig out the | old 8mm backup tapes and just look around the old BBS. | Thanks for the list." - Chris Corns --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-829-6436 | Owen Valley Online!! BBS | SPENCER, IN (1995) SYSOP | Jeff Snodgrass --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-836-4343 | The Last Outpost BBS | SAINT MARKS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Toby Davis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-838-2460 | Daves World: The Nothing Much BBS | MOUNT VERNON, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-838-9053 | BR-Ranch.com, Bufkin Ridge Ranch, Bufkin Ridge Ranch BBS, | BUFKIN RIDGE RANCH | Mount Vernon, IN (1992-2002) SYSOP | Michael Deig, Michael W. Deig SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | "Hello and thanks for this list. Bufkin Ridge Ranch BBS | started out in 92 using Dos and wildcat 3.0. We was the | first BBS in the Tri-State area that offered internet | email to our users. I would make 4 calls a day to holonet | to transfer the mail packets. We used to have group meet | ups after the game food fight was won. We had a large | file database with 3 6 changer CD-rom drives. I was the | 3rd largest BBS in the tri-state with 5 incoming lines | and full time internet link. I had switched over to NT | and winsever by this time with 5 servers that was to off | load the system and keep the spead up for the users. As | the internet took off the BBS become an ISP and tried to | stay with the bigger companies in the area that was | getting into the ISP service. It was a hard thing to take | my system down. I still think of all the people that I | meet over the years and miss running one to this day." - | Michael Deig TEC-Net, CCNet, Horse Owners Conference, | Christ Connection Network --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-849-2020 | The Diverse BBS | MITCHELL, IN (1996) SYSOP | Jeremy Gaddis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-849-5731 | Late Nite BBS | Bedford, IN SYSOP | Matthew Abel SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-853-7640 | Mercury Networks II | Newburgh, IN (1983-1984) SYSOP | Stan Brown SOFTWARE | Home Made using Apple IIe COMMENTS | "This system ran on 2 floppy disk drives under an Apple | IIe with 1 phone line and a 300 baud rate modem, using | custom software written in Apple BASIC." - Edward Stanton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-853-9496 | Windows Source Node 2 -=28.8=- | NEWBURGH, IN (1995) SYSOP | Craig Kohler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-855-7252 | Ind Univ PC-Link, Ind Univ PC-Link , Indiana University, | Indiana University PC Link, PC-Link | Central | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1986-1996) SYSOP | Indiana U., Ed Brill SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-855-9757 | EDINFO BBS | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1991) SYSOP | Douglas Eck --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-857-0069 | Electronic Male | BLOOMINGTON, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-858-5405 | NET-WORKS (BASE UNIT), NET-WORKS Nick Naimo | NEWBURGH, IN (1983-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-858-7331 | Windows Source Node 1 -=14.4=-, Windows Source Node 1 | -=28.8=- | NEWBURGH, IN (1995) SYSOP | Craig Kohler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-858-9995 | THE FILE DEPOT | NEWBURGH, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Scott Klassen COMMENTS | CDROM Drive with Night Owl CD Online --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-867-7675 | The Northern Ghetto!, THE NORTHERN GHETTO! | MCCUTCHANVILLE, IN (1992-1995) SYSOP | Dean Becher COMMENTS | ModemNews Magazine NewsStand, MegaChip Computering | Support, 50+ doors --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-876-3522 | The Enhancer | ELLETTSVILLE, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-876-3925 | Small Town BBS | ELLETTSVILLE, IN (1988-1994) SYSOP | Mike Clawson SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-876-8185 | The Mystic Forest BBS | ELLETTSVILLE, IN (1995) SYSOP | Sandy Robertson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-877-2030 | The Resource Center | Terre Haute, IN SYSOP | Parapuke SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-877-3488 | Kingdom of Melnibone | TERRE HAUTE EAS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Wayne McDaniel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-877-4034 | Southwest Indiana Net, Terre Haute Area Hub, The Data | Exchange | TERRE HAUTE EAS, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Mike Stanfield --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-877-4342 | The Resource Center | Terre Haute, IN (1990-1996) SYSOP | Parapuke SOFTWARE | WWIV COMMENTS | "A location for disemination of information and files, | was also a network hub for use around the country by | several networks. Open until the internet became so | popular as to only have had one phone call in one week | with all outgoing expenses the same, paid out of pocket | as BBS's were for the most part run voluntarily." - | Parapuke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-877-4412 | Southwest Indiana Net, The Data Exchange | TERRE HAUTE EAS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Mike Stanfield --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-882-0644 | Electronic Warfare | VINCENNES, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Nicholas Loch --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-882-6598 | Data Resources Inc., Forgotten Realm | VINCENNES, IN (1990) SYSOP | Brian Lane --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-886-0629 | THE ENQUISITION #1, THE ENQUISITION #2, ENQUISITION,THE #1 | VINCENNES, IN (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-886-8199 | Penny Lane | VINCENNES, IN (1995) SYSOP | Jody Hall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-886-9049 | Digital Underground | VINCENNES, IN (1994) SYSOP | Brad Herrold --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-894-2273 | The Dark Shadow | RILEY, IN (1994-1997) SYSOP | Eric Holt SOFTWARE | Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-897-5751 | COMPUTER FREAKS BBS | BOONVILLE, IN (1993-1995) COMMENTS | CDROM Drive, with lots of doors, Home board --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-897-8757 | The Data Connection, THE DATA CONNECTION | BOONVILLE, IN (1993-1997) SYSOP | Billy Sargent COMMENTS | CD-ROM, Networks, .GIF's! Swimsuit CD! And Much Much --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-898-2561 | Flaming Star | Terre Haute, IN (1993-1996) SYSOP | April Brown SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-925-1949 | Edge of the World, Edge Of The World BBS | Chandler, IN (1988-1998) SYSOP | Tom Mitchell SOFTWARE | TriBBS, TriBBS 5.11 to TriBBS 11.1 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-925-6879 | Evansville Hub, Nightlog BBS, Nitelog BBS | Chandler, IN (1996-1998) SYSOP | David Marshall SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess COMMENTS | "RemoteAccess running under Windows 95. Six online CD | drives. 33.6 modem. Evansville Fido Net Hub. Just reading | some of the names of the boards and sysops in the | Evansville area brings back some great memories. Thanks | to all the helped and supported me while Nitelog BBS was | running." - David Marshall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-925-7864 | Paradis Connection, Paradise Connection BBS | Chandler/Newburgh, IN (1990-1996) SYSOP | Stan Brown SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | "This Wildcat BBS ran on 3 - 80386 computers using | Lantastic Network software, and 1 - 80486 computer with a | 120 Meg hard drive. 4 phone lines." - Edward Stanton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-925-7890 | Paradise Connection, PARADISE CONNECTION | CHANDLER, IN (1990-1995) SYSOP | Stan Brown COMMENTS | Multiple CDROM Drives, Updated collection of MSDOS & --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-936-4563 | Springs Valley Online | FRENCH LICK, IN (1994) SYSOP | Bill Crowder --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-936-7321 | Springs Valley Online | FRENCH LICK, IN (1994-1997) SYSOP | Bill Crowder --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-941-8335 | Derby City Net, Derby City Net NEC, Sunny Side BBS | NEW ALBANY, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Dewayne Cox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-941-9427 | Digital Underground, The Digital Underground | New Albany, IN (1991-1995) SYSOP | Chris Nalley SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-944-3907 | MicroDot, The MicroDot BBS | NEW ALBANY, IN (1985-2000) SYSOP | Mr. Natural SOFTWARE | WWIV COMMENTS | "MicroDot BBS was a general interest BBS in the | Louisville, Kentucky area [operated out of New Albany, | Indiana.] Its message boards centered around political | and social issues rather than hardware talk. Its most | interesting features were the areas set up for original | poetry and art by the callers. Text files relating to | Esperanto and other invented, classical, or obscure | languages were also there. Online games included | Tradewars, BBS Chess, and Dungeons and Dragons BBS, the | latter a particular interest of the sysops. The board | also contained a file area relating to Unlimited | Adventures, the SSI role playing game creation software." | - Mr. Natural --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-944-4787 | The Other Side | NEW ALBANY, IN (1990-1991) SYSOP | Jody Ogden, Merlin The Great SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-944-6866 | Evil Asylum, Stockpile Ind., MEGA LO MANIA | NEW ALBANY, IN (1992-1995) SYSOP | Anarchy-X , Xiola Blue COMMENTS | Squadron Member BBS Independent Member BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-944-9688 | Magic Castle, MagicCastle | NEW ALBANY, IN (1989-1994) SYSOP | Benny Foster --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-948-9670 | Kentuckianna Magazine | NEW ALBANY, IN (1990) SYSOP | Brad Barton (Brad Barton) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-949-4904 | DataCom USA, DataCom USA Online Service | NEW ALBANY, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Frank Fendley Jr. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-949-7743 | DataCom USA, ELECTRONIC WIZARD BBS | NEW ALBANY, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Frank Fendley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-951-2866 | Wayne's World, Wayne's World BBS | GEORGETOWN, IN (1998-2004) SYSOP | Wayne Timbs SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-963-3221 | The Fun Zone, THE FUN ZONE | SAINT JOSEPH, IN (1992-1995) SYSOP | Douglas Gempel COMMENTS | Operating with Citadel BBS Software under a Unix --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-963-9139 | Pinnacle Club -=28.8=-, River City Echo Hub -=28.8=-, | River City Net, The Pinnacle Club BBS, | PINNACLE BBS | SAINT JOSEPH, IN (1986-1995) SYSOP | Paul Billingsley COMMENTS | Free access to CDROM, Messages bases, Online Games, --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-985-0010 | EVSC BBS | SAINT PHILIP, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Keith Bobbitt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-985-2083 | West Terrace BBS | SAINT PHILIP, IN (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-985-3326 | CyberSpace! Network | SAINT PHILIP, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Jeff Byrd SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-985-7823 | EVSC (Node 1), EVSC BBS, The West Terrace BBS | SAINT PHILIP, IN (1985-1995) SYSOP | Keith Bobbitt SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess COMMENTS | Education & Entertainment Software, FidoNet & K-12 Net, --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-985-7824 | EVSC (Node 3) | SAINT PHILIP, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-985-9913 | THE PIT BBS | SAINT PHILIP, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Brian Bobbitt COMMENTS | General BBS, CD-ROM, Messaging, File, 2-CDROM's and much --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-988-0300 | ManoFarm | NASHVILLE, IN (1987-1988) SYSOP | John Grimmer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-988-1523 | Baltimore Hotel Society | NASHVILLE, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-988-1700 | Other Board | NASHVILLE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Andy Miller --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 812-988-5426 | Brown County School Corp. | NASHVILLE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Steve Cole --------------+-----------------------------------------------------------