Historical List of BBSes in the 780 Area Code --------------------------------------------- Created by TEXTFILES.COM From Many Sources 780-424-3258 | Arctic Front, Arctic Front HST, Central Alberta, Giedi | Prime, NC Retirement Home and Emporium, | North Central Alberta, Northern Alberta, | Ourobouros, Ready Room, Ten Forward, Ten | Forward Renovations, Ten Forward | Storeroom, The Office | Edmonton, CANADA (1988-2001) SYSOP | Tom Hall SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-433-3560 | Xanadu Node 2, xanadu@v-wave.com | Edmonton, CANADA (1995-2000) SYSOP | Charles Cruden --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-439-8364 | Alberta Net, Central Alberta, Xanadu, xanadubbs.ca | Edmonton, AB (1994-2020) SYSOP | Charles Cruden SOFTWARE | Roboboard F/X COMMENTS | Xanadu is a general public board for those interested in | all varieties of BBS related activites. We have a large | base of available files, FIDO news, various mail networks | and a large variety of doors. In particular we provide a | number of InterBBS BRE and FE leagues with boards from | across the world. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-456-5699 | Stronghold Enterprises/2, Stronghold Enterprises/X | Edmonton, CANADA (1982-1999) SYSOP | Vincent Danen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-458-7871 | Assessment Systems, Fido Hub 700, First Solutions | St Albert, CANADA (1993-1999) SYSOP | Harry Wagensveld SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-459-8219 | Midnight Oil, The Real George | St Albert, CANADA (1994-2000) SYSOP | Gary George, Robin George --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-464-3802 | Friar Tuck's BBS | Edmonton, AB (1981-1992) SYSOP | Syd and Tony Ruffo SOFTWARE | RBBS-PC, FidoBBS COMMENTS | "When I first donwloaded RBBS-PC from the states, I did | it ASCII. I didn't know what xmodem was. So I took my | noise corrupted download, and began writing code to fill | in the bits that were missing. I ran this version for a | few years, and some of my mods made it back to the core | code base. Eventually, we upgraded to the excellent | FidoBBS (and a Hayes modem at 2400 baud). I remember the | modem upgrade was like owning a bicycle and getting a | rocket ship for Christmas."
"It was run on an IBM | PC/1 with a hacked motherboard to allow 640K instead of | 512K. I had 2 x 360K drives, 1 for the BBS software, and | one for the Daily Downloads. I communicated through a | pre-Hayes modem; The Cermetek Mutant Modem (as we called | it)."
"Later, we recovered a Davong External Hard | Drive from the Telus trash bins, and built a hard drive | interface. Then we had 10 Mb of downloads (wooh). I | believe we provided Edmonton's first dial up access for | sending and recieving Internet email. I was using | FidoBBS and Ham radio to move the mail. It was | sneakernet everyday to the guy at the end of the block | with the Ham radio antenna. He "beamed" our mail down to | the states for us."
"Those were the days! It was a | privilege serving my fellow geeks!" - Tony Ruffo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-472-6069 | Gandalf's Domain | Edmonton, CANADA (1996-2000) SYSOP | Brad Lourie --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-472-8028 | Raytele Ebbs | Edmonton, CANADA (1995-2001) SYSOP | Ray Feist --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-473-7790 | RoadRunner X | Edmonton, AB (1991-2007) SYSOP | Randy E. Sommerfeld SOFTWARE | TriBBS, PCBoard, Synchronet COMMENTS | "BBS still operational at http://rrx.ca and | telnet://rrx.ca, formerly operating out of Pincher Creek, | Alberta (TriBBS - 1991), Grande Cache, Alberta (PCBoard - | 1995), and Vancouver, British Columbia (Synchronet - | 2006)" - Randy E. Sommerfeld --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-474-1121 | Echo Beach BBS, Manitoba Net, NLA-1 | Edmonton, AB (2001-2003) SYSOP | James A Hall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-475-8355 | New Horizon | Edmonton , Alberta (1995-1998) SYSOP | Leslea Brodie SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-475-8846 | Ice Zone BBS | Edmonton, CANADA (1985-1999) SYSOP | Guy Islip --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-478-6771 | The Keyboard Express | Edmonton, CANADA (1999-2000) SYSOP | Murray MacGillivray --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-488-8189 | Armageddon BBS | Edmonton, CANADA (1998-1999) SYSOP | Jason Martin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-489-4250 | Backbone 1, mach2.mach2.ab.ca, mach2.v-wave.com, | Mach2/Vulcan OS/2 Systems, Net 342 | Echomail Coordinator, SatFeed 1 | Edmonton, CANADA (1992-2001) SYSOP | Richard Dodsworth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-675-4419 | The Nirvana BBS | Athabasca, Ab. (1994-1997) SYSOP | Andrew Gajetzki SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-696-3765 | Megasoft Breton Exchange | Breton, CANADA (1985-1999) SYSOP | Paul Kugyelka --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-743-8301 | Country Pine Maximus, Just the FAX Max, Oil Sands Country, | Tar Island | Fort Mcmurray, CANADA (1991-2000) SYSOP | Bill Towsley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-826-1908 | Lucifer's Lair | Bonnyville, AB (1992-1996) SYSOP | Jason Maruniak SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-853-6107 | MidWest Border NC, Vermilion Lighthouse | Vermilion, CANADA (1994-2000) SYSOP | Tony Toews --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-875-8589 | Biblio Tech | Lloydminster, CANADA (1993-2000) SYSOP | Ron Gillies --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-962-1536 | Helping Hand | Spruce Grove, CANADA (1994-1999) SYSOP | Bruce Windsor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-962-5486 | USS Galactica | Spruce Grove, AB (1996-1998) SYSOP | Kaptain Kirk SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-963-1859 | Backbone hub 5016, Central Alberta, Fido Hub 500, Fido Hub | 800, Power Station, | powerstation.dtdns.net, | powerstationbbs.ca, RC17 Assistant | Stony Plain, AB (1993-2009) SYSOP | Bob Swift SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-967-2361 | The Generica BBS | Onoway, CANADA (1982-1999) SYSOP | Joey Ripley, Joey Ripley and Steve Steffler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-967-3664 | Backbone Hub 5014, Circular Ruins 2 1, Circular Ruins/2.1, | circular ruinsX v2, Fido Hub 100 | Onoway, CANADA (1997-2000) SYSOP | Jim Hansen SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-967-4552 | Twigs BBS | Onoway, AB (1995-1999) SYSOP | Erich Umstatter SOFTWARE | Telegard COMMENTS | "I ran TwigsNet, and was the north america supplier for | BBSWorldMagazine (BWM) 1997-1999.. 1997 was when a bunch | of us got IRex (Internet Rex) and started to share mail | packets thru e-mail on the internet and keep our phone | lines available more..." - Erich Umstatter --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 780-998-5209 | The Finitely Infinite BBS | Fort Saskatchew, CANADA (1996-1999) SYSOP | Dana Harding --------------+-----------------------------------------------------------