603-225-7161 CONCORD, NH |
On Line New Hampshire (1988-1991) |
Doug Hall | |
603-228-0705 Bow, NH |
Easy Does It, Easy Does It (132/131), Easy Does It: Recovery BBS (1989-1996) |
Mark Sawyer | Opus , MAXIMUS |
603-267-5921 Belmont, NH |
The Babble Board (1989-1995) |
Dale Schafer | |
603-332-9969 ROCHESTER, NH |
Leased Squares BBS, [] Leased Squares [] Opus (1988-1991) |
Paul Durgin | |
603-335-5640 ROCHESTER, NH |
Barrington BBS (1989-1996) |
Al Wheeler | PCBoard |
603-352-0123 Keene, NH |
Hermes BBS (1987-1988) |
Bob Brown | Hermes |
603-352-1494 KEENE, NH |
The Riot House (1988-1992) |
Paul Venezia | |
603-352-7919 Keene, NH |
Boatswain's, Gilmore Software Development (1989-1993) |
603-357-2090 KEENE, NH |
Revap Data (1985-1986) |
Chris Von Schilling, C. VonSchilling | |
603-357-2756 Keene, NH |
Monadnock Micro BBS (1988) |
Gary Leighton | Red Ryder Host |
603-366-4336 LACONIA, NH |
Beachside BBS (1989) |
Bruce Smith | |
603-382-1699 PLAISTOW, NH |
Market Place (1988) |
603-382-9084 Newton, NH |
Computer Castle
(1987-1997) |
John McNally | RA |
603-424-0923 MERRIMACK, NH |
VAXCat (1987-1998) |
Mark Buda | |
603-424-4915 MERRIMACK, NH |
Outer Limits...[VETLink #9], Outer Limits...[VETLink#9] (1989-1998) |
Harlow Campbell | |
603-424-5497 MERRIMACK, NH |
Bob Westcott, Hub-132-1, On-Line adventure, Stateline BBS, StatelineRBBS (1985-1994) |
Bob Westcott, Bob Wescott | |
603-429-0263 MERRIMACK, NH |
Mac Snac (1988) |
Red Ryder Host | |
603-429-1309 MERRIMACK, NH |
Apple Power/SNAC, Power Mac (1988-1994) |
Red Ryder Host | |
603-432-0879 DERRY, NH |
The Strawberry Patch (1989) |
603-432-2517 DERRY, NH |
Leo Tech,Ada,C, Leo Tech,Ada,C
, Leo Technology BBS, Leo Technology/NETIS (1988-1996) |
Eric Poole | Wildcat |
603-432-6711 DERRY, NH |
Nor'easter, Nor'Easter BBS, Nor'Easter Premium BBS REL, Northeasterner, The Nor'Easter BBS, The Nor'Easter Premimum BBS, The Nor'Easter Premium BBS (1988-1996) |
Gardiner Jones | PCBoard |
603-433-1859 Portsmouth, NH |
, Quagmire BBS (1983-1995) |
Paul Shoop | |
"Started out with an atari 800 and a 300 baud modem that I had to build the ring detector for and a heavily modified atari basic program to run the BBS... moved up to a 1200 then a 2400, added a (if not the first on the east coast then one of the very first) 10meg harddrive to the atari before getting serious and upgrading to a 80286 10mhz 80meg 9600HST system running whatever was the bbs OS de'jure was until 1995 and the web started taking over... knew it was time to go." - Paul Shoop | |||
603-434-4053 DERRY, NH |
Production Process (1988-1993) |
Jeff Otterson, Dale Schafer | |
603-436-3461 Portsmouth, NH |
NET-WORKS Portsmouth, PORTSMITH (1982-1985) |
603-436-7475 PORTSMOUTH, NH |
Spectre BBS (1988-1994) |
Jay Zebb | |
603-437-3712 DERRY, NH |
The Game Room, The Game Room BBS (1989-1990) |
Ray Moritz | |
603-456-2499 WARNER, NH |
Big Firm Practice (1989) |
Dan Coolidge | |
603-474-8915 SEABROOK, NH |
The Nuke Zone (1989-1994) |
Larry Kraus | |
603-524-1000 LACONIA, NH |
Alter-Net (1987-1990) |
Mike Aronson | |
603-525-4636 HANCOCK, NH |
The Fire House BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
603-527-0862 LACONIA, NH |
Alter-Net IV (1989-1994) |
Bill Hawkins | |
603-528-2149 Belmont, NH |
Alter Net 2, Alter-Net II (1987-1995) |
Mike Aronson | |
603-528-2888 LACONIA, NH |
Alter-Net, Alter-Net III (1988-1991) |
Mike Aronson | |
603-529-3395 WEARE, NH |
Granite State Connection, Manchester Echo Mail City, Manchester EchoMail City (1989-1994) |
Jim Webb, Kathy Webb | |
603-547-6485 GREENFIELD, NH |
(The Paranormal Connection), Inter Vision, InterVision, Intervision (1988-1994) |
Mark Hochman | |
603-588-6678 ANTRIM, NH |
Computer Tech On-Line, Computer tech Online, Computer tech Online inc (1989-1994) |
Karen Deliguori | |
603-623-1711 MANCHESTER, NH |
XLISP BBS (1987) |
603-625-1919 MANCHESTER, NH |
Software Referral Service (1982-1983) |
603-625-2809 MANCHESTER, NH |
Echo Beach (1988-1990) |
Richard Moore | |
603-625-8832 MANCHESTER, NH |
Merrimack Val (1987-1988) |
Michael Deignan | |
603-627-9912 MANCHESTER, NH |
Electronic Orphanage (1988-1990) |
Bruce Gowan | |
603-635-7771 Pelham, NH |
Spaghetti heaven (1986) |
Victor Coppola | |
603-641-2017 MANCHESTER, NH |
Comp Solns, Computer Solutions, New England-North, New Hampshire Net (1989-1996) |
Paul Roemer | Wildcat |
603-641-2171 MANCHESTER, NH |
Queen City Software Xchng (1988) |
Wildcat | |
603-644-5556 Manchester, NH |
DoubleDos, Soft Logic Tech Support, SoftLogic Solutions Inc, Softlogic Solutions Technical Support, SoftLogic Solutions, Inc BBS, SoftLogic Tech Support (1985-1995) |
SoftLogic Folks | |
603-647-3177 MANCHESTER, NH |
BoardTalk, Boardtalk BBS (1989-1994) |
Bob Ritter | Wildcat |
603-647-4340 Manchester, NH |
The DeadZone BBS (1986-1990) |
Rob Hoitt (Wolverine, Starscream) | RCIBBS, Color 64 |
"The first and second incarnations of The DeadZone were launched when I was in high school. Originally, purchased my BBS software from Randy Prothero who ran the RCI BBS in Merrimack, NH. (I once asked Randy what RCI stood for, he said "Really Cool Initials" although later he told me "Randy's Computer Incorporated." Never did know which was right.) The DeadZone BBS ran from a Commodore 64 with a 1541 hard drive. As the board grew, the 1541 was inadequate for the upload/download system so I bought a 1581 floppy drive which offered a cool meg of storage. (Which was darn big back then.) I also was given Ken Beinvenue's (aka Uncle Hogram's) old Color 64 software (Which he ran the Center Of Eternity BBS from) as he had recently upgraded to an IBM PC and didn't need the license anymore. In the spring of 1990 I took the BBS offline for a six month hiatus knowing I would be off to college in a couple months, where it got a new phone number." - Rob Hoitt | |||
603-669-0975 MANCHESTER, NH |
(1989-1990) |
Don Pomeroy | |
603-672-4847 Mount Vernon, NH |
The Board Of The GHODS (1989-1993) |
The Man in Black (TMIB) | Renegade |
603-673-4567 Milford, NH |
The Arcade BBS (1988-1993) |
Renegade | |
603-742-4625 DOVER, NH |
Gateway (1989-1994) |
Chuck Stevenson | |
603-742-9812 Dover/Somersworth, NH |
The Round Table (1986-1990) |
Steve Noel | WWIV |
"This BBS started as a 11pm to 7am board on another number, then got a dedicated line and at some point was renamed to Garrison BBS." - Steve Noel | |||
603-749-1017 DOVER, NH |
The Tardis (1988-1990) |
603-749-6968 DOVER, NH |
S.P.A.C.E. (1985) |
AMIS | |
603-772-4239 EXETER, NH |
Shop QBBS, The Shop Multi-Node (1989-1994) |
Edward Greene | PCBoard |
603-772-7803 EXETER, NH |
The Shop (1989-1996) |
Edward Greene | PCBoard |
603-783-4239 CANTERBURY, NH |
Info Biz, InfoBIZ (1987-1991) |
Randy Edwards | |
603-786-2349 Rumney, NH |
MaxBoard (1989-2003) |
Laurianne Olcott | |
603-798-4028 Chichester, NH |
On Line New Hampshire, On-Line NH (1986-1995) |
Douglas Hall, Doug Hall | |
603-880-0320 NASHUA, NH |
Granite State BBS (1988-1989) |
Tim Courcy | |
603-880-1658 Hudson, NH |
Cuckoo's Nest BBS, Net 132 EchoHaulers, Net 132 EchoMail Coordinator, New Hampshire Net, Reg 16 SDS Coord (1988-2001) |
Gordon Green | |
603-881-4074 NASHUA, NH |
Gate City BBS, Granite State BBS II (1987-1988) |
Mike Lajoie | |
603-881-8947 NASHUA, NH |
Gallifrey BBS (1988) |
Frank Santiago | |
603-881-9741 NASHUA, NH |
Dish It Out, Kat(h)'s Meow, New England-North, New Hampshire Net, The Pleasure Dome (1988-1996) |
Kath Kirby, Kath Sharpe, Chuck&Kath, Chuck Kirby, beastie, chuck | |
603-882-2099 NASHUA, NH |
, Ballpark, sports, Net 132 EchoHaulers, Net 132 EchoMail Coordinator, The Ballpark RBBS (1987-1996) |
Pat Vallier | QuickBBS |
603-882-5041 NASHUA, NH |
FORUM-80 Nashua (1982-1983) |
603-882-9312 NASHUA, NH |
Electronic Orphanage (1986) |
Bruce Gowan | |
603-882-9583 NASHUA, NH |
Silver Bullet BBS (1989-1990) |
Vincent Kaye | |
603-883-1596 Windham, NH |
Wizard's Castle, Wizards Castle (1986-1989) |
Paul Gilberti | |
603-883-4466 NASHUA, NH |
Legal Beagle, The Legal Beagal, THE LEGAL BEAGLE (1987-1998) |
Kenneth Churbuck, K1TCD | |
603-886-1371 NASHUA, NH |
TBBS, The Outpost (1987-1991) |
Ralph Schwarz | |
603-886-2926 NASHUA, NH |
AE Line: IZOD, AE LINE: IZOD (1984-1985) |
603-886-8712 NASHUA, NH |
The Hot Air BalloonER BBS (1988) |
Red Ryder Host | |
603-888-3840 Nashua, NH |
The Outpost (1988-1996) |
Ralph Schwarz | |
603-888-4261 NASHUA, NH |
Mega-City-One (1988) |
Bryan Cote | |
603-888-4488 NASHUA, NH |
Nashua, NH RCP/M & C-80 BBS, RCP/M Nashua (1983-1985) |
603-888-6999 NASHUA, NH |
Access-80 (1988-1994) |
603-888-8179 Nashua, NH |
BBS Source Archive, Byte Information Exchange, FidoNews, New England-North, NH-Net, Reg 16 Echo Coor, Reg 16 EchoCoord, Spark Softwaare, UN*X GateWay, Unix Gateway (1985-1993) |
Bob Hartman, FidoNews Editor, Carol Hartman, George Bond, SysMgr | FidoNet |
603-889-3366 Amherst, NH |
M'Cycle Bytes (1986-1991) |
Robert Nilsen, Robert Nilson | |
603-891-1721 NASHUA, NH |
Pal's Board (1986) |
Phil Lamoreaux | |
603-893-2078 SALEM, NH |
The Token Warrior, Token Warrior BBS, TokenWarrior (1989-1994) |
thomas theriaul, Tom Theriault | |
603-898-2349 SALEM, NH |
My House BBS, My HouseBBS (1988-1997) |
Dave Molinari, JOHN mULINARI | |
603-898-6433 SALEM, NH |
Crash Cart BBS, The Crash Cart BBS (1988) |
Steve Dudley | Wildcat |
603-924-3175 PETERBOROUGH, NH |
IDG Tech Net (1989) |
Jeffrey Frentzen | |
603-924-6985 PETERBOROUGH, NH |
80-MICRO MAG (1989) |
603-924-7724 PETERBOROUGH, NH |
Peterborough Connection (1986-1991) |
Tom Westheimer | |
603-924-7920 Peterborough, NH |
CONNECTION-80 Peterborough (1982-1985) |
603-924-9337 Peterborough, NH |
Clone Phone, PC Resource Clone
(1987-1994) |
J. Wolfskill, J.Wolfskill | TBBS |
603-924-9809 PETERBOROUGH, NH |
73 Magazine (1988-1991) |
KW1O | |
603-924-9820 Peterborough, NH |
Baby BYTE/Net, FIDO #104 Baby-Byte/Net, FIDO #104: Baby-Byte/net (1984-1985) |
George Bond | FidoNet |
603-954-9801 CENTER SANDWICH, NH |
InCider BBS (1987) |
GBBS Pro | |
603-964-7912 RYE BEACH, NH |
, Downeast Roots Fido (1986-1989) |
David James | FidoNet |
71 Sysops currently listed. 92 BBSes Listed. |