"I'm so pleased to have stumbled across this site. You already have me listed, but I thought I'd add a little more information for you. I'm also pleased to see you interviewed Rob Swindell -- Synchronet is great software. I ran both lines multitasked first under desqview with very fragile success, then went to OS/2 Warp with the native 32bit executables, and when Win95 came out it, extremely surprisingly to me, multitasked two lines very well. Line two: 501-224-8234 Fidonet 1:3821/6" - Mike Nestrud
501-224-1976 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Lanus BBS (1995) |
Sherri January | |
501-224-5233 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Wheels Of Fire (1989) |
| Wildcat |
501-224-6214 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Computer Information Assoc (1992-1993) |
Tim Grooms | |
501-224-9454 Little Rock, AR |
ROSBBS LR (1986) |
Elmer Wingfield | |
501-225-7141 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Remote Control BBS, Sight & Sound BBS (1993-1994) |
Timothy Stoddard | |
501-225-9271 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Cat's Meow (1993-1995) |
Bill Downs | |
501-227-2012 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Doctor Ed's, Dr.Ed's (1990-1994) |
Ed Loebl | |
501-227-5588 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Eagle's Aerie BBS (1994-1998) |
Ed Jones | Wildcat |
501-227-6804 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Little Rock Metro, The Stone Balloon, The Stone Balloon BBS! (1994) |
David Hammock | |
501-227-8623 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
A Toad's Haven, ATH: Shades of Black (1994) |
Brandon Lilly | |
501-227-8681 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Little Rock Metro, The Stone Balloon, TSB: The Kingdom of Stone (1994) |
David Hammock | |
501-227-9600 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Little Rock Metro Area, The Whole-Wheat Twinkie (1992-1994) |
Brian McCormick | |
501-227-9841 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Double S Ranch (1994) |
Steven Shortt | |
501-228-9194 Fayetteville, AR |
The Fortran Fortress (1989-1996) |
David D'agrossa | Wildcat |
501-228-9840 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Lanus BBS (1995) |
Sherri January | |
501-234-3361 MENA, AR |
Alumax Online (1992-1996) |
Mike Gee | RBBS |
501-234-4461 MENA, AR |
Custom BBS (1995-1996) |
Gary Boydston | |
501-234-5064 MENA, AR |
The Data Shop BBS (1995-1996) |
Ken Squyres | |
501-234-5403 MENA, AR |
NOT (the BBS) (1994) |
| Wildcat |
501-234-5596 Magnolia, AR |
NOT (the BBS) (1995-1996) |
Trever Brackett | Wildcat
501-234-5604 MENA, AR |
DataShop (1992-1996) |
Ken Squyers | Wildcat
501-234-8145 MENA, AR |
COM-PORT ONE BBS (1992-1993) |
Tom Cooper | |
501-236-9813 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Phantasia 2000 (1995-1996) |
Vincent Tortorello | |
501-239-2969 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Crossing! (1994-1995) |
Dale Wikowsky | |
501-246-2598 ROGERS, AR |
Sight & Sound BBS (1992-1993) |
Timothy Stoddard | |
501-246-3087 ROGERS, AR |
Land of Confusion BBS, The Party On! BBS (1993-1996) |
Jon Jones | |
501-246-6460 ROGERS, AR |
HydroSpace BBS, The Wizard's Domain ][ (1992-1993) |
John Burrows | |
501-246-8280 ROGERS, AR |
HydroSpace BBS, Warlords Dominion (1993-1994) |
John Burrows | |
501-247-1141 NORTH LITTLE RO, AR |
File Cabinet, The File Cabinet, The File Cabinet BBS (1992-1996) |
Bob Harmon | TriBBS |
501-247-2681 NORTH LITTLE RO, AR |
Gateway (1991-1996) |
Dee Perdue | Auntie |
501-247-4311 NORTH LITTLE RO, AR |
Goliatah NOCHANGE (1990-1991) |
Russell Shoap | |
501-247-9656 NORTH LITTLE RO, AR |
The UN-Employment Line (1995) |
Gene Boykin, Pine Bluff AR | |
501-248-1807 ELM SPRINGS, AR |
NoWe ARk Net, Think Mail (1993-1994) |
Allen Robinson | |
501-248-1931 ELM SPRINGS, AR |
TCB RBBS, Telelink Info Service (1988) |
Michael P. Otto, Michael Otto | |
501-249-3252 BENTON, AR |
Communications Central HST (1994) |
Perry Parsons | |
501-249-3814 BENTON, AR |
Communications Central Bbs HST!, Peach Orchard Hub (1989-1990) |
Perry Parsons | |
501-253-5846 EUREKA SPRINGS, AR |
The Phar Stars (1992) |
John Leslie | |
501-253-7439 EUREKA SPRINGS, AR |
The Phar Stars (1992) |
John Leslie | |
501-267-1111 Strickler, AR |
Genesis Project, Genesis Project Node 2, The Genesis Project (1992-1995) |
John Morano | Remote Access |
"This BBS (along with all of the things John Morano did) were in Prarie Grove Arkansas not Farmington. John worked for the Prarie Grove Telephone Company and used that to help with connectivity. John was the Net 391 Coordinator for many many years until he went web based." - Christopher C. Pitts "I have to admit it was nice to see my father's name listed on your list...I know we put in many, many, many hours. The Genesis Project was by far the largest BBS in NW Arkansas. At one point there were 10 nodes, plus the usenet/fidonet mail system." - Adam Morano
501-267-1298 FARMINGTON, AR |
Plain Vanilla (1995) |
Jack Perry | |
501-267-2662 FARMINGTON, AR |
The Fast Micro Connection (1995-1998) |
Michael Debes | |
501-267-7390 FARMINGTON, AR |
Net 391 Hub, P.G.T.C. (1994) |
John Morano | |
501-267-9600 FARMINGTON, AR |
Genesis Project, The Genesis Project (1992-1994) |
John Morano | |
501-268-0305 SEARCY, AR |
DarkStar CommCentral (1996-1999) |
J Thomas Hunter | |
501-268-2291 Searcy, AR |
Morganton BBS, The Morganton BBS (1994-1996) |
| |
501-268-7698 SEARCY, AR |
The Silicon Synapse BBS! (1989) |
| Wildcat |
501-273-0152 BENTONVILLE, AR |
Bentonville/Rogers Hub, The Chicken Coop, THE COOP #4 (1991-1995) |
Don Chick | |
501-273-0572 BENTONVILLE, AR |
Project X BBS (1990-1994) |
| |
501-273-1755 BENTONVILLE, AR |
DarkStar Night Hawk BBS, Night Hawk BBS (1992-1996) |
Bruce Gabbard | dBBS
501-273-1879 BENTONVILLE, AR |
NWA C**P ONLINE (1991-1992) |
Wm Black | |
501-273-2283 BENTONVILLE, AR |
THE COOP #3 (1991-1992) |
Don Chick | |
501-273-2442 BENTONVILLE, AR |
The Chicken Coop, THE COOP #2 (1991-1997) |
Don Chick | |
501-273-9257 BENTONVILLE, AR |
NoWe ARk Net, The Chicken Coop, The chicken coop BBS (1989-1995) |
Don Chick | |
501-273-9580 BENTONVILLE, AR |
FireHouse BBS, Legions Of Doom, Micro Link BBS, MicroLink BBS (1992-1994) |
Marc Costaldi | |
501-278-5032 Searcy, AR |
The Playroom BBS (1995-1996) |
Mike Liddekee | PCBoard
501-284-2086 HECTOR, AR |
Hector Programmer's Forum (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
501-284-5503 HECTOR, AR |
Mystic (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
501-293-4273 LONDON, AR |
The Realm (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
501-293-4943 LONDON, AR |
The Rainbow's End (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
501-315-2564 BENTON, AR |
The Armory, The Armory BBS (1996-1998) |
Jason Brown | |
501-327-0405 CONWAY, AR |
Central Arkansas Net, Toadsuck Country BBS (1990-1994) |
Gerald Hogue | |
501-327-2998 CONWAY, AR |
Arkansas 321 (1990) |
Randy Wood | |
501-327-3553 CONWAY, AR |
UWSA Arkansas (1994) |
Dick Baxter | |
501-327-3845 CONWAY, AR |
The Sanitarium (1995) |
Evan Shelton | |
501-327-4259 CONWAY, AR |
Darkhorse BBS (1991) |
Jess Hightower | |
501-327-4922 CONWAY, AR |
Tower of Power (1991-1992) |
Jim Herring | |
501-327-6932 CONWAY, AR |
The Dry Gulch BBS (1997) |
Henry Nowakowski | |
501-327-7130 CONWAY, AR |
United We Stand America-Arkansas, UWSA Arkansas (1994-1995) |
Dick Baxter | |
501-327-8100 CONWAY, AR |
Ozark Mountain BBS, The U.S.A. BBS II (1994-1996) |
Jason Chandler, Jeff Johnson, Tony Winfrey | |
501-327-8814 CONWAY, AR |
House of Elrond, Techno-Distortion ELITE! BBS (1991-1994) |
Evan Shelton | |
501-329-0007 CONWAY, AR |
0007 Bird, The Flying Bird (1990-1993) |
Jim Smith | |
501-329-0016 CONWAY, AR |
Fatal Attraction (1994) |
Tom Williams | |
501-329-0111 CONWAY, AR |
The Fantasy Sports Network! (1994) |
The Coach | |
501-329-0321 CONWAY, AR |
Computer Hut BBS (1993-1994) |
Angie Harris | |
501-329-0368 Conway, AR |
ADAP Online BBS, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention, Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention (1994-1996) |
Tim Stone, T Stone | Remote Access Professional |
"Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention Online BBS was sponsored by the Arkansas Dept. of Health, Bureau of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention. They contracted with our computer club to set up and run the BBS so their offices throughout the state could keep in contact with each other. It had files and message boards related to alcohol & drug abuse prevention. For a time it even had a nationwide toll free phone number. After the first few bills came it, it was limited to just in-state toll free. We ran 2 486dx2/33 PCs running OS/2 and RA Pro with 2 lines. The BBS never really caught on within the bureau. The various offices didn't really understand the concept. Since it was sponsored by the state I was required to register EVERYTHING. So I actually owned registered copies of PKZIP, Qmodem Pro, FrontDoor Pro and LIST.com among other items." - Tim Stone
501-329-0448 CONWAY, AR |
ADAP Online BBS (1995) |
| |
501-329-2939 CONWAY, AR |
Global Gateways... Express! (1995-1996) |
Randy Byrd | |
501-329-4576 Conway, AR |
Arkansas Online, Private (1991) |
Tim Stone | Remote Access |
"My first attempt at running a BBS. I ran it on my buggy Commodore Colt XP 10 mzh. with a 40 megabyte HD with a 2400 baud modem out of my 2 room apartment in college. I was a member of FidoNet and had message boards and a small files area and of course, Trade Wars. With a name like "Arkansas Online" I had great ambitions, just not much knowledge or cash! After hardware failure I closed the BBS and took over the CPCUG BBS." - Tim Stone
501-329-4707 CONWAY, AR |
Gaming Society, The Gaming Society, The Society (1991-1994) |
Brent Page, Jim Page | |
501-329-4923 CONWAY, AR |
Toadsuck Country BBS (1994) |
Gerald Hogue | |
501-329-4966 CONWAY, AR |
Toadsuck Country BBS (1993-1994) |
Gerald Hogue | |
501-329-6240 CONWAY, AR |
Quantum Leap (1990-1992) |
Brent Herring | |
501-329-7227 Conway, AR |
C.P.C.U.G. BBS, Central Arkansas Net, Conway PC Users Group, Conway PC Users Group BBS, Conway PCUG (1989-1998) |
Tim Stone, Jim Smith, Zachary Sidebottom, Gerald Hogue | QuickBBS
, RBBS, Phoenix, Remote Access |
"This BBS was operated by the local PC Users Group in Conway. We were "The Best Users Group Between Pickles Gap & Toadsuck". It was originally set up by Jim Smith running RBBS, but after a short time he switched to Phoenix. They added FrontDoor and joined the FidoNet (1:399/4). Gerald Hogue took over operation of the BBS and after a hardware crash he brought the board back up running Remote Access. Later Tim Stone took over the BBS and the club expanded its offerings upgrading it to over 100 megabytes of storage and a Zoom 14.4 modem. Eventually we switched ot OS/2 and ran 2 computers peer-to-peer and added an additional line. We added a Planet Connect satellite receiver and provided Fidonet for most of the other BBSs in town. It was a fun time! After a few years I got too busy to devote time to the board so I passed it on to Zach Sidebottom who continued to run the board until the UG dissolved around 1995." - Tim Stone
501-329-7508 CONWAY, AR |
Global Gateways, Tower of High Sorcery (1993-1995) |
Chris Bates | |
501-329-7541 CONWAY, AR |
Central Arkansas Mail Hub, The Tower Mail Server (1994-1995) |
Chris Bates | |
501-329-9034 CONWAY, AR |
Data Base Place (1991-1993) |
David Graham | |
501-329-9419 Conway, AR |
Thunder BBS (1989-1995) |
Jerry Fulmer | Phoenix |
"The single line BBS was run on a 286 with an 80 mb hard drive. Jerry added a 9600 baud modem that he got though the U.S. Robotics Sysop Program. The board had an active message base including Echomail along with a good size file area (for the time). He was a founding member of FidoNet 399 and active in the local computer users group. He was always ready to help other sysops with their boards or mail systems. Jerry passed away in 2010." - Tim Stone
501-333-2817 MAUMELLE, AR |
Central AR Earth Station, The Rock BBS (1993-1994) |
Jason Chandler, Jeff Johnson | |
501-333-2818 MAUMELLE, AR |
The Rock BBS (1994) |
Jeff Johnson | |
501-335-7058 DAMASCUS, AR |
Ozark Mountain BBS (1996-1997) |
Tony Winfrey | |
501-335-7871 DAMASCUS, AR |
Ozark Mountain BBS (1994-1995) |
Tony Winfrey | |
501-336-0729 CONWAY, AR |
Central Arkansas Net, Toadsuck Country BBS (1992) |
Gerald Hogue | |
501-336-0829 CONWAY, AR |
Toadsuck Country BBS Node 2 (1992) |
Gerald Hogue | |
501-336-8575 CONWAY, AR |
The Byte Factory (1992) |
Edwin Ng | |
501-336-9661 CONWAY, AR |
Courts Of Chaos, Prayer Gate (1992) |
| |
Lsd Member BBS Lsd Member BBS
501-336-9810 CONWAY, AR |
The 7th Inning Stretch! (1992) |
Kelly Griffin | |
501-338-3530 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Blackboard (1993) |
| |
501-354-6248 MORRILTON, AR |
Conway Ctg PC Users Grp (1998) |
David Qualls | |
501-354-6428 MORRILTON, AR |
Conway County PC Users' Group (1994) |
David Qualls | |
501-364-3282 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Five n' Dime, Five'n'Dime, The Five 'n' Dime, The Five `n' Dime (1990-1994) |
Marty McCasland | PCBoard |
501-364-6163 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Crossett BBS, Crossett BBS
, The Crossett BBS (1989-1994) |
William Scarlett, Wm Scarlett | PCBoard |
501-364-8176 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Arkla-Net BBS (1996) |
Steven Dunham | |
501-364-8731 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
FireHouse,EMS, The Firehouse BBS (1991-1996) |
Ray Haney | PCBoard
A Work of Art (1995) |
Art Fegan | |
Microcomputer Technologies (1994-1995) |
Bill Main | |
MCS Online, MCS OnLine Services (1994-1995) |
Lee Christensen, Lee Christenson | DarkStar |
501-367-0199 LITTLE ROCK PIN, AR |
MACUG BBS (1996) |
| |
501-372-0576 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
CONNECTION-80 Little Rock, PBBS Arc-Net (1982-1984) |
| |
501-374-3510 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Amiga Online, Mike's Place, Mike's Place BBS (1994-1995) |
Mike Stewart, Michael Stewart | |
501-374-3533 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
L.Rock Info Xc, Little Rock INFO Exchange, SEAdog Fido (1986-1989) |
Charles Caldwell, Charles Calwell, CharlieCaldwell | FidoNet |
501-374-8468 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Ferret Face (1992) |
| |
501-376-0072 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Info Exchange (1994-1995) |
Charlie Caldwell | |
501-376-3972 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Ferret Face (1992) |
| |
501-376-6909 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Cat House (1992-1994) |
| |
501-376-8744 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Blue Nine (1993) |
Scott Jennings | |
501-394-1454 MENA, AR |
| |
501-423-2130 Berryville, AR |
August Winds BBS (1993-1995) |
Shawn Bandy | |
501-423-2201 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
CCSA3824, Darkstar CyberTRAIN, NASA/CCSA, The Def Train BBS (1994-1997) |
Nathan Neal, Bobby N Neal | |
501-423-3646 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Killer 2000, Killer 2000 BBS (1995-1996) |
Dwane Malotte, Duane Malotte | |
501-423-6072 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Maniac Nirvana (1995) |
Nathan Rizzo | |
501-423-7079 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Purdom's Mail Outpost (1996-1997) |
Jared Purdom | |
501-424-2510 Mountain Home, AR |
Gateway, Sirius (1989-1996) |
Mark McNew | Wildcat |
501-432-3773 NIMROD, AR |
The Outer Limits of Space (1994) |
Joey Fowler | |
From Beyond BBS (1997) |
Cheesy | |
Snowfire BBS (1995) |
Cheesy | |
Black Fire (1994) |
Joey Fowler | |
Black Fire (1994) |
Joey Fowler | |
501-442-0436 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Wizard's Tower (1993-1996) |
Terry Brown | QuickBBS
, Searchlight
501-442-0778 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
NoWe ARk Net, TIMS Help (1990-1991) |
Bob Underdown, G W Funk | |
501-442-2023 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Ghostly Caverns, Ghostly Caverns BBS (1995) |
John Hardy | |
501-442-3923 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Druids Keep (1991-1993) |
Ryan Vaughn | |
501-442-5035 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Arden Forrest (1991-1992) |
John Brezinski | |
501-442-5464 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
DigiKing, Net 391 Internet Gateway, The MindWorks BBS (1991-1994) |
Bernard Johnson, postmaster@mworks.fidonet.org | |
501-442-5574 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Wife's Envy (1994) |
Marcus McQueen | |
501-442-7923 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Information Overkill (1994) |
David Hickman | |
501-442-8777 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Data Point!, Fayetteville/Springdale Hub, Gary Funk TBBS, Houser Electronics, T P R S!, T R S 7, Telecom 7, The Personal Resource System!, TRS-7, TRS7 BBS (1987-1992) |
Gary Funk, G Funk | |
501-442-9101 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Druids Keep (1991) |
Ryan Vanghn | |
501-442-9288 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
NoWe ARk Net, TIMS Help (1991) |
G W Funk, J Parson | |
501-443-0236 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Forgotten Realms (1995-1996) |
Shawn Landrus | |
501-443-2201 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Differential State (1995) |
Deon Painter | |
501-443-2842 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Sports Arena BBS (1993) |
Ira Bowman | |
501-443-3009 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Wall (1992-1994) |
Abram Miller | |
501-443-6661 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Arkansas 321 (1991) |
Randy Wood | |
501-443-9492 Fayetteville, AR |
Memory Prime
Wire | Remote Access |
501-443-9947 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
NorthWest Arkansas Net, StarFleet Academy (1995-1996) |
John Hardy | |
501-444-0928 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The BackDoor BBS (1990) |
Rick Presley | |
501-444-3284 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Looking Glass (1991) |
John Parson | |
501-444-6176 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Isolation Chamber (1990) |
Alvis Harding | |
501-444-6413 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Wizard's Mountain, Wizard's Mountion (1991-1992) |
Tim Kezele | |
501-444-7208 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Net 391 Internet Gateway, The Musician's Friend (1994) |
Calvin Anderson, postmaster@nwark.fidonet.org | |
501-444-7253 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Sale BBS (1992) |
Ken McDowell | |
501-444-8080 Fayetteville, AR |
EchoMailCoord, NoWe ARk Net, NoWeARkNet, Shawn's System, The Looking Glass, U of AR UUCP NetWork Gate, UUCP NetWork Gate (1989-1995) |
Bob Underdown, Gary Funk, Holding An Election, G W Funk, John Parson, Shawn L. Reed, G Funk, J Parson | |
501-444-8420 Fayetteville, AR |
Blue And Gray, Blue And Gray BBS, GasLight BBS, Gaslight Mail, The Blue & Gray BBS, The Gaslight BBS, The Blue & The Grey (1989-1996) |
Bob Underdown, B Underdown | QuickBBS (87-92) SuperBBS (92-95) |
"Nice Project! I ran the BBS on a 10 Mhz Epson XT Clone. I had a 1 Meg RAM drive with all the menus, graphics etc. It made the thing run a lot faster. People used to tell me I had the fastest system in town. I had to laugh since it never ran on anything faster than an XT and at the time every other system in town was at least a 386. The Gaslight BBS was up from 1987 to 1992. The name came from the Movie Gaslight and also from the term "to Gaslight" someone. I got a love of practical jokes from my step grandfather who used to play them on me when I was a kid. It was the first QuickBBS system in NW Arkansas. It went to The Blue and Gray BBS when I became a Civil War Reenactor in 1992. I pulled the plug in 1995 when I got married and couldn't afford the extra time and money for the board anymore." - Bob Underdown List of BBS List Keepers: Arkansas Area 501/Bob Underdown ListKeeper: Arkansas Area 501
501-444-9289 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Witch's Cauldron (1994) |
Tim Kezele | |
501-444-9426 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The FarSide BBS (1996) |
Kelly Myers | |
501-444-9667 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Point of Entry (1992-1994) |
Jason Suttle | |
501-449-4714 YELLVILLE, AR |
House of Bill Compute (1994) |
Bill Schroeder | |
501-449-5133 YELLVILLE, AR |
House of Bill Compute (1994) |
Bill Schroeder | |
501-452-0828 FORT SMITH, AR |
David's Backroom (1994) |
David Falkner | |
501-452-0951 FORT SMITH, AR |
Optical Illusions BBS, QuickSilver BBS, The Morgue (1994-1999) |
Corey Freeman | TriBBS |
501-452-0990 FORT SMITH, AR |
Illusion BBS (1992-1993) |
Dan Runke | |
501-452-3666 FORT SMITH, AR |
Players Paradise (1996-1997) |
David Wennberg | |
501-452-4121 FORT SMITH, AR |
Left Field BBS (1991) |
Mike Field | PCBoard |
501-452-5417 FORT SMITH, AR |
AOPCUG BBS (1995) |
Fred Ayers | |
501-452-5487 FORT SMITH, AR |
NET3822 FDC, Paradox of Arkansas (1995-1996) |
Fred Ayers | |
501-452-5497 FORT SMITH, AR |
AOPCUG BBS, FtSMNet, NET3822 FDC (1995-1996) |
Fred Ayers | |
501-452-7322 FORT SMITH, AR |
The Aliens Nest, The Dragons Lair BBS (1993-1994) |
Ryan Nichols | |
501-452-8957 FORT SMITH, AR |
The Abyss (1994) |
Brian Medley | |
501-452-9356 FORT SMITH, AR |
David's Backroom (1994) |
David Falkner | |
501-452-9831 FORT SMITH, AR |
Data Plus BBS (1996) |
Larry Bratcher | |
501-455-0628 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Ether Net (1992-2000) |
Bill Shryock | |
501-455-2978 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Little Rock Metro Mail Hub! (1995-1998) |
Bill Shryock, Steve Byers | |
501-455-3024 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Catholic Info Net (1992) |
| |
501-455-3949 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Stonehenge BBS
(2001-2002) |
T. Higginbotham | |
501-474-2576 VAN BUREN, AR |
Alternate Solution BBS (1992-1993) |
Phillip Bell | |
501-474-8363 VAN BUREN, AR |
Electric Bits BBS (1991-1995) |
Jerry Lindner | PCBoard |
501-474-9485 VAN BUREN, AR |
Alternate Solution (1994) |
Phillip Bell | |
501-478-6162 FORT SMITH, AR |
A+ (1998-1999) |
| TriBBS |
501-484-0828 FORT SMITH, AR |
David's Backroom (1994) |
David Falkner | |
501-484-0884 FORT SMITH, AR |
The Realms of Thunder BBS (1994) |
Joseph Neihouse | Wildcat |
501-484-0944 FORT SMITH, AR |
Paradox of AR, Paradox of Arkansas (1992-1996) |
Fred Ayers | Wildcat
501-484-1017 FORT SMITH, AR |
Sci Fi Fantasy Factory BBS (1994) |
Kevin Brandenburg | |
501-484-1051 FORT SMITH, AR |
The Middle Earth BBS (1993-1994) |
Philip Watson | Telegard |
501-484-7701 FORT SMITH, AR |
Southwestern Sprawl (1991) |
Greg Keller | |
501-492-4422 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Kamas Hideaway BBS (1994) |
Eric Cash | |
501-493-2451 BELLEVILLE, AR |
Petit Jean BBS, PetitJean,med
, The Petit Jean (1990-1996) |
Wagner/Shewmake | Wildcat
501-494-7167 FORT SMITH, AR |
Datalink BBS, Datalink/2-OS/2 Support BBS, Datalink/OS/2 Support BBS (1995-1996) |
Ron Costa | |
501-513-4034 CONWAY, AR |
Lone Wolf's Den (1996) |
David McMurdie | |
501-524-3286 SILOAM SPRINGS, AR |
EE BBS (1990-1993) |
Mike Engelke | |
501-524-8897 SILOAM SPRINGS, AR |
The Pit! (1995) |
Charles Heathman | |
501-525-1681 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
PC Virus Research Foundation BBS (1994) |
| |
501-525-2190 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
Phoenix BBS (1995-1996) |
| PCBoard
501-525-6094 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
Disk Count Data, Disk-Count BBS (1990-1994) |
| Wildcat |
501-525-8561 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
Phoenix (1995) |
| |
501-532-5641 Blytheville, AR |
MCS1ott's BBS, McScott's BBS (1991-1995) |
Scott McKnight | |
501-532-5821 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Computer Terminal (1990-1994) |
Del Weaver | |
501-532-6212 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
McScott's BBS, Mississippi Co. Hub (1988-1991) |
Scott McKnight | Wildcat |
501-532-8302 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The AfterHours OLS (1994-1995) |
Bobby Myers | |
501-535-8364 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Cowboy Way (1996) |
| |
501-536-3406 SILOAM SPRINGS, AR |
The Fogbank (1995-1996) |
Budge Rahe | |
501-536-5915 SILOAM SPRINGS, AR |
Pine Bluff (1991-1994) |
Tom Wildoner | |
Black Fire, The 2nd Street BBS, Black Fire BBS (1994-1996) |
Robert J Fowler, Joey Fowler | DarkStar |
The Portal (1996-1997) |
Nathan Parker | |
501-546-2725 GREENWOOD, AR |
Fico R&D BBS (1991) |
John Benefield | |
501-557-5473 Mabelvale, AR |
Sardis BBS
Ronnie Brewer | |
501-562-7969 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Environment Arkansas! BBS, Little Rock Metro (1994-1996) |
Tom Ezell | Wildcat |
The Dominion BBS (1995) |
Dan Hale | |
River Bend, Riverbend, RiverBend BBS (1989-1995) |
Jim Tanner | |
501-565-6868 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The "Moonman" BBS (1994-1998) |
James Mooney | Wildcat |
501-565-8220 Little Rock, AR |
Omega Systems (1988-1994) |
Curt Lankford, Brian Mitchell | Wildcat |
501-568-2089 Little Rock, AR |
The Scoreboard BBS, The Scoreboard BBS
(1997-2002) |
Brad Williams | Telegard |
501-568-4915 Little Rock, AR |
Arkansas Net, The Thunderbolt BBS, The Thunderbolt BBS
(1996-2003) |
Daryl Stout | GT-2000 |
501-568-8106 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Inne of the Golden Blade (1994-1996) |
Jeff Guthridge | |
501-568-9464 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
U.A.L.R. BBS, UBBS(U.of AR) (1988-1992) |
| |
501-569-3268 Little Rock, AR |
Univ of Arkansas (1993) |
| |
FrEdMail System
J.E.W.E.L. (1993) |
| |
501-575-0405 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Wall (1991-1992) |
Abram Miller | |
501-575-0567 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The Dragon's Cave (6pm-6am) (1995-1998) |
Ganashyam | |
501-575-0618 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Crystal Palace, The Crystal Palace (1990-1993) |
Kenneth Whelan | |
501-575-0722 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
CSEG BBS (1991) |
| PCBoard |
501-575-2224 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Godzilla's Tree (1992-1993) |
Lynn Gray | Hermes II |
"One of the ONLY Macintosh BBS's in Northwest Arkansas, it ran on a Mac Classic." - Christopher C. Pitts
501-575-3333 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Dr. StrangeBrew's Tavern (1992-1994) |
Christopher C. Pitts | Remote Access |
"One of the last "old style" text file bbs's in Northwest Arkansas I still have some of the ANSI graphics I used for the board." - Christopher C. Pitts
501-575-3794 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
NWAStar BBS (1991) |
Brian McCormick | |
501-575-5093 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Fish Aquarium (1989) |
Kenneth Whelan | |
501-575-5482 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
CenterBoard (1990) |
Chad Eby | |
501-575-5589 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Sky Net BBS (1992-1993) |
Bryan Jones | |
501-575-5656 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
NWA UUCP <> Fidonet Gateway, NWA UUCP Connection (1990-1991) |
Kenneth Whelan | FidoNet |
501-575-7979 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Fayetteville/Springdale Hub, NWA UUCP <> Fidonet Gateway (1991-1994) |
Kenneth Whelan | FidoNet |
501-575-9997 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Net 391 Hub (1993-1994) |
John Morano | |
501-582-1186 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Ghostly Caverns BBS (1993-1994) |
John Hardy | |
501-582-1851 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
TFF (3am-5am ONLY) (1996-1998) |
David D'Agrosa | |
501-582-2333 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
NorthWest Arkansas Net, StarFleet Academy (1996) |
John Hardy | |
501-582-2776 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
The CyberFreedom Project (1995-2000) |
Christopher C. Pitts | AdeptBBS OS/2 |
501-582-2908 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Net 391 Hub, NoWe ARk NEC (1994) |
John Hardy | |
501-582-3579 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
NorthWest Arkansas Net, NoWe ARk Net, The Fortran Fortress, The Fortran Fortress (ZMH ONLY), The Fortran Fortress BBS (1994-1996) |
David D'Agrosa | Wildcat |
501-582-3606 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Overthrow BBS (1992-1993) |
Enoch Moeller | |
501-582-4211 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Ender's Games (1992-1993) |
Michael Lowery | |
501-582-5292 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
AmiCon/C-Link! International, NorthWest Arkansas Net (1996-1998) |
John Hoyt | |
501-596-2696 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
the GAMEROOM (1995-1996) |
| Wildcat
501-616-5008 ROGERS, AR |
Absolute Zero (1996-1998) |
Erik Berry | |
501-622-5230 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
The Snowfire BBS (1995-1996) |
Cheesy | |
501-622-5313 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
Laughing Pncrs (1995-1996) |
| Wildcat
501-622-5350 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
The Devils Lounge (1995-1997) |
Gus King | |
501-623-2286 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
ImageWorld Online (1994) |
| |
501-632-5363 ALMA, AR |
The Derelict BBS (1994-1997) |
Kent Sutton | |
501-634-2140 WINSLOW, AR |
Boston Mountain Information eXchange (1995-1996) |
Bob Sprague | |
501-636-0135 ROGERS, AR |
Cyberstar (1995) |
Matt Jarecki | |
501-636-1786 ROGERS, AR |
The Dragons Inn (1995) |
Robert Raymond | |
501-636-1932 ROGERS, AR |
The Garden NODE 1 (1995-1996) |
John Hammons | |
501-636-2281 Rogers, AR |
DMC Online, A.I.M. Online BBS (1986-1989) |
Jerry Hunter | |
Software Exchange, real-time catalog of HW and SW Software Exchange, real-time catalog of HW and SW
501-636-4605 ROGERS, AR |
The Far Lands BBS (1995) |
Doug Ferish, Doug Perish | |
501-636-5147 ROGERS, AR |
FIREHOUSE BBS, The Pinnacle BBS (1991-1993) |
John Rhea | |
501-636-5457 ROGERS, AR |
The Second Opinion (1995) |
Mathew Morgan | |
501-636-7962 ROGERS, AR |
SabreLink (1994) |
Jon Enderle | |
501-636-7966 ROGERS, AR |
The Power Station (1995) |
Thomas Morrow | |
501-636-7974 ROGERS, AR |
Power Stealth BBS (1994) |
Thomas Morrow | |
501-636-8092 ROGERS, AR |
Grand Central Station (1992-1993) |
Derek Hessman | |
501-636-8993 ROGERS, AR |
The Garden SAT System (1996) |
John Hammons | |
501-636-9270 Rogers, AR |
The DarkSide of the Moon (1993-1995) |
David Leflett | RemoteAccess 2.50+ |
"This was a single line BBS that had about 80 users. They would call one right after another. I was just a teenager in High School at the time and just getting into the whole bbs scene. At the end of 1994, I lost my job and couldn't pay the phone bill so the rest is history. I really miss those times! Long live the BBS!" - David Leflett
501-646-0197 Ft Smith, AR |
Ft. Smith Computer Club, PMS - Ft. Smith Comp. Club, PMS - Ft. Smith Computer Club (1982-1985) |
| PMS |
501-646-0543 FORT SMITH, AR |
Ark/Ok Pc Users (1988) |
Fred Ayers | Wildcat |
501-646-3399 FORT SMITH, AR |
Amiga Connection, The Psychotic BBS (1993-1997) |
Dale Lawson | |
501-646-4071 FORT SMITH, AR |
Thunderdome PCBoard (1988) |
Scott Organ | |
501-646-4886 FORT SMITH, AR |
The Nonsequitur (1996) |
Sean Rowe | |
501-646-5812 FORT SMITH, AR |
Rainbow Connection, The Rainbow BBS, The Rainbow QuickBBS (1989-1995) |
Scott Organ, Bryon Smith | |
501-646-6136 FORT SMITH, AR |
Young Guns (1992-1993) |
Ty Morton | |
501-646-7158 FORT SMITH, AR |
Paradox of Arkansas, Pardox of Arkansas (1991-1994) |
Fred Ayers | |
501-648-0944 Fort Smith, AR |
The Roman Empire BBS (1993-1997) |
William Turner, William Turner (The Emporer) | Telegard/Renegade |
"This was the premier online hangout for the under 30 crowd in Fort Smith... before the information superhighway. This was more the information dirt road. This place had by far the best online gaming in the city." - Kaiser
501-648-9397 FORT SMITH, AR |
Total Register, Total Register BBS (1992-1993) |
Lindsay Mann | |
501-653-4549 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Dark Legions BBS (1995) |
Kenneth Douglas | |
501-663-1547 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Wet Dream (1991-1996) |
Bob Lincoln | RemoteAccess |
501-663-1736 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Arkansas Sysops Association, The Stone Balloon BBS! (1993-1994) |
David Hammock | |
501-663-3343 Little Rock, AR |
The Cutting Edge! (1992-1996) |
Gene Billingsley, Alan Tetkoskie | MajorBBS |
"This BBS was truly awesome -- it was one of the first multiline BBSes in Arkansas. It started out as a 2-node BBS, upgraded to 7 nodes, then 50. When "the Internet killed the BBS star" the owners partnered with Snider Telecommunications to turn it into a PPP/SLIP service, where the BBS itself was only accessed through telnet. There's so much history, in fact, that there's a webpage dedicated to some of it -- http://www.rickwyatt.com/tce which was compiled and is still hosted by a dedicated member of the BBS community. If any BBS in Arkansas deserves an entry on your list, it's this one." - Freshman
501-664-2237 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Little Rock Metro, LR Metro, MinnTelligence On-Line, MOLeMail Hub, Plastic Hub (1993-1994) |
Scott Walter, S Walter | |
501-664-3764 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
A Toad's Haven (1993-1994) |
Brandon Lilly | |
501-665-2580 KINGSTON, AR |
The IVY-Link BBS (1995) |
Alex Ivie | |
501-666-0471 Little Rock, AR |
Freshman Dorm BBS, Mind's Eye BBS, The Mind's Eye (1992-1995) |
Crissy Grice, Crystal Grice, Freshman, Wildfire | WWIV, Renegade |
"I was probably the youngest SysOp in Little Rock -- I started Freshman Dorm at age 12. Most people assumed due to the name of the BBS and my handle that I had to be a Freshman in college, but I chose the handle to indicate that I was new to the BBSing world. Started out running WWIV, and was lucky enough to get assigned a Fidonet node. About a year and a half later, I became disappointed in WWIV's lack of expandability if you weren't a SuperCoder... so I switched to Renegade, renamed the BBS, and chose a different handle, Wildfire. I kept quite a large selection of Renegade patches, add-ins, and door games -- they were relatively hard to find in Arkansas. Thanks for compiling this list!" - Freshman
501-666-1321 Little Rock, AR |
Arkansas Net, Arkansas Net Mail-Gate (2001-2002) |
Steve Byers | |
501-666-1514 Little Rock, AR |
Arkansas Net ION Mail Hub, Arkansas Net NEC (2001-2002) |
Steve Byers | |
501-667-3830 OZARK, AR |
Dragon Moon BBS (1995) |
Rick Parker | |
501-676-2824 LONOKE, AR |
OPUS Educator (1989-1990) |
David Teter | |
501-679-2712 GREENBRIER, AR |
Swampland BBS, Tower of High Sorcery II (1994) |
Steven Priddy | |
501-679-5172 GREENBRIER, AR |
PegaSys (1988) |
William Mallett | |
501-682-0563 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Environment Arkansas!, Little Rock Metro (1995) |
Tom Ezell | |
501-693-5371 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
Backwater BBS, Visual BBS (1995) |
Gary Boydston | |
501-696-3327 BENTONVILLE, AR |
Duntroon Castle, Muleriders Net (1996) |
Jim McCollum | |
501-698-0556 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Electric Dreams (1994) |
| |
501-698-0783 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Late Night (1994) |
| |
501-698-1430 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
Global Access (1994-1996) |
| Searchlight
501-698-1798 FAYETTEVILLE, AR |
S.G.A. BBS, Searchlight Global Access BBS (1994-2004) |
Wayne Ray | Searchlight
501-732-3652 MALVERN, AR |
Livin' In A Van Down By The River, The Razor's Edge (1992-1994) |
Justin Woods, Justin-Woods | |
501-735-2535 VAN BUREN, AR |
HawkHaven BBS, Night Hawk Excalibur, Nighthawk Excalibur Bbs (1995-1997) |
Lynne & Carroll Addington, Carroll & Gwen Addington, Caroll and Lynne Addington, Lynne Stephens | |
501-735-5060 VAN BUREN, AR |
Southern Terrace (1982-2003) |
Tina Shoffner, Frank & Tina Goe | |
501-735-9980 VAN BUREN, AR |
MidnightHour QUICKBBS MAC, The Midnight Hour BBS (1990-1994) |
Michael Dorman | |
501-736-5025 GENTRY, AR |
Wall of NOiSE (1996) |
Brian Ward | |
501-739-5629 HUNTSVILLE, AR |
Inner Sanctum (1992-1993) |
Bubba Hemphill | |
501-739-5708 HUNTSVILLE, AR |
The X Rated Byte (1995-1997) |
David Beaman | |
501-753-4428 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Ferret Face (1993-1994) |
| |
501-753-6859 North Little Rock, AR |
Ferret Face (1993-1995) |
| |
501-753-8121 North Little Rock, AR |
Ferret Face, Grapevine, The Grapevine, The GrapeVine BBS, The GrapeVine Node #1 (1990-1995) |
Jim Wenzel | PCBoard
501-753-8353 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Cent. Arkansas Earth Station, USAMail Hub (1994) |
Jeff Johnson | |
501-753-8575 Little Rock, AK |
The Rock BBS, The U.S.A. BBS (1993-1996) |
Tony Winfrey, Jason Chandler, Jeff Johnson, Robert Durham | TBBS
From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: Little Rock, Arkansas since 02/93. Sysop: Jeff Johnson. Using TBBS 2.2 with 16 lines on MS-DOS 80486 with 10200 MB storage. AT&T at 19200 bps. No fee. Most popular computers supported. DOS, Windows, & OS/2 files. Many games. One of the largest collections of Adult GIFS as well as scenic GIFS. Large adult area. Also many other sections including Religion, Kids, Business. Contests with v32bis modems
501-756-0335 SPRINGDALE, AR |
Razorback BBS, The Razorback (1991-1996) |
Bill Stewart, William Stewart | PCBoard
501-756-1471 SPRINGDALE, AR |
Razorback BBS (1991-1992) |
Bill Stewart | |
501-756-2411 SPRINGDALE, AR |
Ozark Cross-Roads BBS, OzarkXroads1 (1988-1991) |
Mike Jackson | PCBoard |
501-756-5426 SPRINGDALE, AR |
Cathy's BBS (1990-1991) |
Michael Dalsing | |
501-756-6254 SPRINGDALE, AR |
Graphical Arts, GRay Net, Gray Net ][, Net 391 Hub, Net 391 Internet Gateway, NoWe ARk NEC, NWArk Echomail Services, The Happy Club, The Night Gallery (1992-1996) |
Matt Norwood, postmaster@nwark.fidonet.org | |
501-756-9008 SPRINGDALE, AR |
Insanity Checkpoint BBS (1993-1994) |
Chad Wisniewski | |
501-758-0331 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Green Door (1992-1994) |
| |
501-758-1230 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Logical Decisions (1992) |
James Padgett | |
501-758-1996 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Crossfire (1990-1994) |
James Hastings | |
501-758-4229 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Cybertek (1994) |
| Wildcat |
501-763-3030 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
The Microcosm BBS (1995-1996) |
Blytheville AR, Rick Pate | |
501-763-4175 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
Puggie's BBS (1995) |
Charles Nelson | |
501-763-8568 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
PIONEER BBS (1989) |
Wade Prater | Wildcat |
501-763-9103 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
The AfterHours OLS (1994) |
Bobby Myers | |
501-763-9585 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
The Conexxtion BBS, The Connextion (1990-1991) |
Tim Meade, Timothy Meade | PCBoard |
501-767-1015 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
ACOMMX, Arkansas Comms Exch REL, Arkansas Communications Exchange (1989-1991) |
Robert Reynolds | PCBoard |
501-767-3688 Little Rock, AR |
The Moonman BBS (1987-2004) |
James Mooney, Dennis Clayton | Wildcat |
501-767-6648 HOT SPRINGS, AR |
Spaceship of New Knowledge (1998-1999) |
| TriBBS |
The HoloDeck System (1994-1995) |
Rodney Carlton | |
Split Infinity BBS, The BYTE Garden, The ILLUSION ][ BBS, The ILLUSIONS BBS, The StarNet BBS (1982-1995) |
Trey Jones | |
Mad Dog's (1995) |
Jared Foster | |
501-772-BBSM Texarkana, AR |
Max Megabyte (1987-1993) |
Clifton M Billingsley | MajorBBS 1.0 |
"650MB of files on a Magneto-optical WORM Drive Max Megabyte 4 - Us Robotics Courier V32 9600 baud modems. Free membership Supporting the 4 states area Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. Home of TUG "Texarkana Computer User's Group". Support thru contributions including Microsoft, WordPerfect. Corporation, Union 76, and BTI. Max Megabyte thru a partnership started 1994 - 1997 Cloverleaf Technologies, Inc. a regional tier 2 Internet Service Provider. Cloverleaf provided Internet access to the Northeast Texas, and southern Arkansas areas. Cloverleaf Technologies, Inc. was sold to USA Connect, Inc. in June 1997. Max Billingsley later developed for GTE's Technology Solution Center in Dallas, TX and died in 2008. Max Megabyte was the gateway to knowledge to a lot of budding computer geeks in the early 1990's." - Clifton M Billingsley
X-Capade BBS (1993) |
Chris O'Rorke | |
501-776-1546 BENTON, AR |
Christian 1 BBS (1996-1997) |
Wyatt Dooley | |
501-778-0200 BENTON, AR |
Central Ar Earth Station, The U.S.A. BBS III (1994) |
Jason Chandler, Robert Durham, Jeff Johnson | |
501-778-2564 BENTON, AR |
The Armory BBS (1996) |
Jason Brown | |
501-779-0108 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Silicon Reality (1994-1995) |
Gerry Pierce | DARKSTAR |
501-782-1367 Fort Smith, AR |
Anartica BBS, Beyond Insanity BBS (1992-1995) |
Kevin Brandenburg, Robert and Dawn Harvey | Telegard, TriBBS |
"HI to all our old friends." - Robert and Dawn Harvey
501-782-4302 FORT SMITH, AR |
Anartica BBS (1994) |
Dawn Harvey | |
501-782-4760 FORT SMITH, AR |
Beyond Insanity BBS (1995) |
Kevin Brandenburg | |
501-782-9029 FORT SMITH, AR |
The Dark Alley BBS (1994) |
Chris Alley | |
501-783-3337 FORT SMITH, AR |
The Alternative Lifestyle BBS (1994) |
Pat Michaels | |
501-783-4072 FORT SMITH, AR |
Datalink BBS (1995) |
Ron Costa | |
501-783-7189 FORT SMITH, AR |
The Super Kermit BBS (1996) |
Kevin Davidson | |
501-784-9078 FORT SMITH, AR |
Antarctica BBS (1993-1994) |
Dawn Harvey | |
501-785-0682 FORT SMITH, AR |
The Serial Connection (1995) |
Russ Koopman | |
501-785-1517 FORT SMITH, AR |
Jackalope Junction (1994) |
Steve Prado | |
501-785-2408 FORT SMITH, AR |
The Serial Connection (1993-1995) |
Russ Koopman | |
501-785-2517 Fort Smith, AR |
Jackalope Junction, PseudoCode (1988-1998) |
Steve Prado | GBBS (Apple II), PCBoard (PC) |
"I was the Sysop of these BBS's. Was just cruising and found this list. I started BBS'ing around 1987 when I got my Apple IIe. Called a couple of boards in town for awhile and got the fever. Started PseudoCode with a 1 mhz IIe and 4 floppy drives. (two 5 1/4, two 3 1/2). I started getting calls and bought a $800 60 meg hard drive for the system. I ran that board till about 93 or 94. When I shut it down I had two IIgs's and 180 megs of space. I then got the fever for a PCBoard which a friend was using. Loved those online games. I started Jackalope Junction and ran it till 1998. At the end I was running 2 nodes, had several gigs of space and was the Fidonet NC/NEC for the area. Also ran a Planet Connect dish for the Fidonet echos. Not bad for a small town like this." - Steve Prado
501-785-5381 Fort Smith, AR |
Jackalope Junction, Jackalope Junction BBS, PseudoCode (1993-1998) |
Steve Prado | |
501-787-5301 GRAVETTE, AR |
Cornerstone Information Net (1994-1995) |
Stuart Allen | |
501-794-0400 BENTON, AR |
Traders Haven (1993) |
Michael West | |
501-794-2871 BENTON, AR |
The Fishin' Hole (1995) |
John Woolem | |
501-794-4072 BENTON, AR |
The Fishin' Hole (1993-1996) |
John Woolem, Jeff Freeman | |
501-833-0210 Sherwood, AR |
Late Night BBS, Random Madhouse Danceateria, Rogues Gallery, The Midnight Snack BBS (1986-1998) |
Keeper of Fate, Philip Francis, Tempest, Shot-Gun Sugar, Shanna (Moore) Francis | WWIV |
501-833-2642 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Inter-Gate 501, Little Rock Metro, Little Rock Metro Mail Hub! (2000) |
Steve Byers | |
501-834-7470 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Alternative BBS (1995) |
Erich Peterson | |
501-834-7928 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Key BBS (1995-1998) |
Marcus Smith | |
501-835-0674 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Ashlar BBS (1995-1996) |
Ernest Megginson | |
501-835-3634 Jacksonville, AR |
R.E.M. BBS (1986-1989) |
Brian Wolters | Ivory Joe |
"Ran on a Commodore 64 with 3 1541 Disk Drives and at one time ran on CNET but mostly Ivory Joe. The first BBS in the LR area to have a section dedicated to Woodson Lateral." - Brian Wolters
501-835-5830 Little Rock, AK |
After Five BBS, INFO MAT MAGAZINE (1990-1997) |
Bill Clinton | Wildcat |
501-836-0154 ROGERS, AR |
The Nite Owl BBS (1994) |
| Wildcat |
501-838-1258 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Computer Terminal (1995) |
Del Weaver | |
501-838-6713 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Alumax OnLine (1996) |
Mike Gee | |
501-839-2215 WEST FORK, AR |
Shotgun BBS (1993-1994) |
Larry Handley | |
501-843-2614 CABOT, AR |
For God & Country BBS (1994) |
| |
501-843-2951 CABOT, AR |
PC Innovations (1994) |
Steve Absher | |
501-846-3884 PRAIRIE GROVE, AR |
Amber's Fido (1986) |
Hilda Stubbings | FidoNet |
501-847-1934 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Laser (1994) |
Rich Hoyt | |
Hamburger BBS (1989-1991) |
Stan Rankin | PCBoard |
501-855-1795 BELLA VISTA, AR |
DarkStar Programmer Support BBS (1994-1996) |
Jerry Yount | Darkstar |
501-855-3224 BELLA VISTA, AR |
DarkStar Programmer Support BBS (1994) |
Jerry Yount | |
501-855-3244 BELLA VISTA, AR |
DarkStar Programmer Support BBS (1994) |
Jerry Yount | |
501-857-3138 Coming, AR |
COBBS -41 (1986) |
Perry Parsons | |
501-862-0564 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
ARK NET, Da Connection, The Connection (1987-1993) |
John Raley, Chuck Simons | |
501-862-3976 ElDorado, AR |
ARK NET, Da Connection (1991-1995) |
Chuck Simons | |
501-863-0255 SPRINGDALE, AR |
The USA BBS (1992-1993) |
Jeff Johnson | |
501-863-0311 El Dorado, AR |
The USA BBS, U.S.A., The U.S.A. BBS (1981-1996) |
Jeff Johnson, J. S. Chandler | TBBS
501-864-0640 ElDorado, AR |
The Rock, The U.S.A BBS, The U.S.A. BBS, USA (1990-1995) |
Jeff Johnson | |
, El Dorado Hub, The Rock, The Rock (CfC#7), The Rock BBS, The-Rock-CFC#7, The Rock - Computers for Christ (1987-1992) |
Jeff Johnson | |
Phil's (1993-1994) |
| |
501-868-7200 LITTLE ROCK PIN, AR |
Cent. Arkansas Earth Station (1993) |
J Johnson | |
501-872-2773 SPRINGDALE, AR |
The AbySS (1997-1998) |
Jason Skarsten | |
The Phoenix Bulletin Board (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
PBUG BBS (1990) |
| Wildcat |
501-884-6277 FAIRFIELD BAY, AR |
VETLink #50/VETS BBS (1994-1998) |
Jeff Beer | |
Wimp's BBS Line 1, Wimpy's Bbs, Wimpy's BBS Line 1 (1993-1997) |
Kenny Worsham | |
Communications Central BBS (1988) |
Perry Parsons | |
501-886-1701 Walnut Ridge, AR |
Phil's BBS Line 1 (1990-1997) |
Phil Henry | |
The Country Connection BBS (1994) |
Jermey Marshall | |
Ryan's BBS Line 1 (1996) |
Ryan Crisler | |
Phil's BBS Line 2 (1989-1997) |
Phil Henry | |
Will's BBS Line 1 (1995-1996) |
Will Floyd | |
Phil's BBS Two (1992-1993) |
Phil Henry | |
501-888-7608 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Grant's Place, Grant's Place BBS (1995-1998) |
Grant Bierman | |
501-888-8255 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Rare Moment (1991-1994) |
Glenn Bonds | |
501-888-8437 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Sequoyah (1989) |
| Wildcat |
501-889-2414 PERRYVILLE, AR |
Arkansas BBS (Node 1) (1998-1999) |
| TriBBS |
501-889-2663 PERRYVILLE, AR |
Arkansas BBS (Node 2) (1998-1999) |
| TriBBS |
501-892-3972 Pocahontas, AR |
Yolanda's Wonderland (1991-1992) |
Chris DeClerk | |
501-897-4895 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Animal House, The Shepherd's Chapel (1996-1997) |
Larry Davidson | |
Dark Moon BBS, The Alchemist's Shoppe (1995) |
Randall Webster | |
Galactic Milieu BBS (1995) |
Carol Harper | |
Pirate's Cove BBS (1995) |
Jeff Bergagnini | |
501-922-3276 JESSIEVILLE, AR |
The Ark BBS (1992-1993) |
Jim Bauguss | |
501-925-2997 ROGERS, AR |
Aces Place (1995) |
Chris Davis | |
501-925-3143 ROGERS, AR |
Fast Micro Connection (1994) |
Michael Debes | |
501-925-3983 ROGERS, AR |
Hog Hollow BBS (1995) |
Shane Wilson | |
501-925-4343 ROGERS, AR |
BCSA Net, Ectomorph (1994-1996) |
J Matthew Hirst, J Mathew Hirst | |
501-925-6225 ROGERS, AR |
Hog Hollow BBS (1995) |
Shane Wilson | |
501-925-6257 ROGERS, AR |
Darkstar Voyages, Data Connections, Futbol Central USA (1994-1995) |
Eric Pharr | |
501-927-0388 SPRINGDALE, AR |
The Exodus (1996-1998) |
Matt Hudson, David Hudson | |
501-927-0978 SPRINGDALE, AR |
Cold Fusion, The Scavenger (1995-1996) |
Neale Brown | |
501-927-2125 SPRINGDALE, AR |
Death's Gate (1996) |
Eric Mcsweeney | |
501-932-0912 CONWAY, AR |
R&R BBS (1996) |
Fred Kious | |
501-932-3836 CONWAY, AR |
The 8-Bit Wonderland (1995-1996) |
Mike Smith | |
501-932-4070 CONWAY, AR |
WASTELAND (1995) |
William E Gossett | |
501-932-4712 CONWAY, AR |
Shadowrun (1992-1993) |
Gerry Pierce | |
501-932-6208 CONWAY, AR |
The Sound Connection (1995-1997) |
Corwin Battle | |
501-932-6949 CONWAY, AR |
JUG BBSLS, JUG BBSLS HST (1988-1994) |
Larry Heyl, Vivian Heyl, Gary Fisher, Sarah Heyl | |
501-932-6961 Bono, AR |
East Arkansas Net, The Wizard's Domain (1988-1997) |
Jon Wagner | |
501-932-7355 CONWAY, AR |
The Gameing BBS! (1989-1994) |
Gary Edwards | |
501-932-7932 Jonesboro, AR |
Abortion/Adoption Moderator, East Arkansas Net, Freedom I, Freedom One, Freedom One HST, Freedom OneHST (1989-1996) |
Kevin Watkins | QuickBBS
, RA |
501-932-8494 CONWAY, AR |
The Abyss (1996) |
Josh Bowman | |
GARFIELD's BBS (1994-1995) |
John Gagliano | |
DANA Corp. BBS Jonesboro (1991-1992) |
Dave Dunlap | |
Probate BBS (1990) |
Jim Tanner | |
Gates of Delirium BBS (1996) |
Kelli Main | |
Warriors for Christ (1992-1995) |
Brad Crawley | Front Door Pro, RA Pro |
501-933-7450 Jonesboro, AR |
The Lost Domain (1991-1992) |
Lawrence K. Nelson | |
Dave Shaw | |
East Arkansas Net, Gates of Delirium BBS, TOTAL CHAOS! (1996) |
Dave Mingus, Kelli Main | |
Warriors for Christ (1992) |
Brad Crawley | |
The Gameing BBS Line 1, The Gameing BBS! (1994-1997) |
Gary Edwards | |
Den of the White Wolf (1993-1995) |
Kevon B Anderson | |
C & D Turbo, East Arkansas Net, The Turbo BBS (1988) |
Keith Barnhill | |
The Prince's Castle (1991) |
Shawn Casey | |
The Northern Lights BBS (1990) |
John Youril | |
The Federation (1992) |
Matthew Lewis | |
Hard Times BBS (1994-1995) |
Gary Fisher | |
Aviation Info System, Aviation Information System (1989-1990) |
Ken Newcom | |
The R.F. ZONE BBS (1994-1995) |
Matt Nelson | |
RiverBend (1991) |
Jim Tanner | |
Alternative Hierarchies BBS (1994) |
Greg Oldham | |
The Dragon's Lair BBS (1991-1994) |
Mike Grommet | |
Modem Connection BBS, Tandy PC BBS (1994-1995) |
Lenzy Clay | |
Modem Connection BBS (1994) |
Lenzy Clay | |
501-936-7065 ROGERS, AR |
Chefs Corner (1995) |
Shawn Pantoga | |
501-936-7233 ROGERS, AR |
From The Snap BBS (1994) |
Rick Ward | |
501-936-7903 ROGERS, AR |
MorningStar (1995) |
David Farriester | |
501-936-8212 ROGERS, AR |
The Chat Line (1996) |
Peggy Boak | |
501-936-8410 ROGERS, AR |
VIE BBS (1996) |
Frank WAllace, Frank Wallace | |
501-936-8680 ROGERS, AR |
The Second Opinion (1995) |
Mathew Morgan | |
501-936-8700 ROGERS, AR |
Cookie's Place, The Garden, The Garden NODE 2 (1994-1998) |
Sherry Manion, John Hammons | |
Cindy & Eddie's BBS, Cindy and Eddie's BBS, Grant County BBS (1991-1994) |
Eddie Gilmore | |
The Good Samaritan BBS (1996-2003) |
Steve Beck | |
Inne of the Golden Blade (1994) |
Jeff Guthridge | |
501-945-5942 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
| Wildcat |
501-967-4421 RUSSELLVILLE, AR |
Radio Free Arkansas (1990) |
Todd Patterson | |
501-967-6762 RUSSELLVILLE, AR |
The Witching Hour BBS (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
501-967-8364 RUSSELLVILLE, AR |
Alternative Hierarchies (1995-1996) |
Greg Oldham | |
501-967-8709 RUSSELLVILLE, AR |
MINX (1993-1996) |
Mark Williams | PCBoard
501-968-1931 RUSSELLVILLE, AR |
Arkansas River Valley, ArkRivVal (1991-1996) |
Michael Gray | Wildcat
501-968-3910 Russellville, AR |
Karate & Comics &..., Karate and Comics (1991-1996) |
Robert Wood | |
501-968-4127 RUSSELLVILLE, AR |
The Round Table (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
501-968-5446 RUSSELLVILLE, AR |
The Gate (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
501-968-6849 RUSSELLVILLE, AR |
So.Online Svcs (1992) |
| |
501-968-8431 RUSSELLVILLE, AR |
The Window's plus BBS (1991) |
Russell Jackson | PCBoard |
501-972-0357 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
East Arkansas Net, TOTAL CHAOS! (1996) |
Dave Mingus | |
501-972-0622 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
R&R BBS (1994-1995) |
Fred Kious | |
501-972-1156 Jonesboro, AR |
The Cat's Meow BBS (1990-1994) |
Bill Downs | |
501-972-2470 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Dragon's Lair BBS (1991) |
Mike Grommet | |
501-972-2563 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Yolanda's Wonderland BBS (1992) |
Chris DeClerk | |
501-972-2763 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Yolanda's Wonderland, Yolanda's Wonderland BBS (1992) |
Chris DeClerk, Cris DeClerk | |
501-972-2968 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Yolanda's Wonderland (1991) |
Chris C. DeClerk, Chris DeClerk | |
501-972-4677 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Darker Regions BBS (1994) |
Jimmy McIlvoy | |
501-972-5843 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
For What it's Worth, Warriors for Christ, Warriors for Christ BBS! (1991-1992) |
Brad Crawley | |
501-972-5931 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
The Pilgrim's BBS (1991) |
Keith Braswell | |
501-972-6549 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Yolanda's Wonderland Node 1 (1992-1994) |
Chris DeClerk | |
501-972-6898 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
Yolanda's Wonderland Node 3 (1993-1994) |
Chris DeClerk | |
501-972-6943 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
CYBERCOM (1994) |
Dave Shaw | |
501-972-8381 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
East Arkansas Net, Total Chaos, TOTAL CHAOS!, Total Chaos! (1988-1997) |
Dave Mingus | |
501-972-9075 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
La Villa Strangiato (1991-1992) |
Brandon Jackson | |
501-972-9290 LITTLE ROCK, AR |
CWI Afterhours BBS (1994) |
Brad Nelson | |
501-972-9546 Jonesboro, AR |
Pit Stop, The Pilgrim's BBS (1991-1992) |
Keith Braswell | |
501-982-0517 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
Southern Comfort (1995) |
Sherri January, Sherry January | |
501-982-5742 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
Inter-Gate 501 (1999-2000) |
Steve Byers | |
501-985-0059 Jacksonville, AR |
FLEX BBS, Logical Systems, The Courts of Chaos (1992-1994) |
Dave Williams | PCBoard |
501-985-1658 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
Inter-Gate 501, Inter-Gate 501 Mail (1997) |
Steve Byers | |
501-985-5093 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
Inter-Gate 501, Little Rock Metro, Little Rock Metro Mail Hub!, RCC Online USA, RCC USA Online, Zone 1 Link Coordinator (ZLC) (1997-2000) |
Steve Byers, Col. Benezar Adao | |
501-985-8096 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
RCC Overseas Projects (1997) |
Capt. Darren Tellus | |
501-985-8215 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
Inter-Gate 501 (1997) |
Steve Byers | |
501-985-8905 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
Inter-Gate Financial Network (1997) |
Korek Jakaar | |
501-988-1077 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
A Toad's Haven, A Toad's Haven BBS (1992-1994) |
Brandon Lilly | |
501-988-1875 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
GATES OF ASGARD #1 (1994-1995) |
| |
501-988-1946 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
J'Ville Mail Hub, Jacksonville Mail Hub, Red's Place BBS (1996-1997) |
Roger Huddleston | |
501-988-1960 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
Gotterdammerung (1994) |
Eric Boltz | |
501-988-9577 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
The State Penn (1992-1993) |
Tom Holz | |
501-988-9666 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
Panther BBS! (1992-1993) |
Ray Lilliquist | |
501-988-9902 JACKSONVILLE, AR |
Lost Realms of Reality (1995) |
Mike O'Neil | |
439 Sysops currently listed.
494 BBSes Listed.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |