"Bob Kovach founded Recovery BBS in 1986, running at possibly 2400. The Fidonet nodelist had around 5-600 entries at the time. It was one of the 2 or 3 first BBS's in the country dedicated to 12-step recovery, and some of the forums/echos/whatever that began in the early days of Recovery BBS are still active, with some of the same people, on the web. Early on, Bob ran two nodes under DESQview, on an AST 286, with a pair of USR 9600s. Throughout its history it ran USRs except for a brief period when I and alot of other sysops switched to Hayes in order to take advantage of Hayes getting 28.8 out the door first. I (Tim Spofford) took over from Bob in 1987 or '88, when his AIDS forced him to give it up (he died in 1989). After awhile I switched from Binkley/Opus to FrontDoor/QuickBBS, not because of their technical superiority (if any) but to keep it interesting. For the same reason I later switched to RemoteAccess. I ran Recovery BBS at several phone numbers in San Francisco, Marin County, and Richmond, Calif, with a tie line to San Francisco. It was never running on an Oakland as you have it listed, though I may have had an Oakland phone number at one point. Eventually, I burned out, turned Recovery over to Rich Gorin - as far as I know, the 3rd and last sysop - who ran it until the mid-90s. I continued to be in the nodelist as 1:125/99 but didn't run a public board. In 1991 I moved to Portland (503 a/c) and started Recovery Northwest, which you have listed, as 1:105/99, as tell as another BBS (also listed). I moved Recovery Northwest to Seattle (206 a/c)(also listed) in 1995 but became bored and took it down in 1995." - Tim Spofford (http://spof.org tims@spof.org ex-Fidonet 1:105/9, 1:105/99, 1:125/99, 1:362/something (don't remember), plus various points off other systems from time to time.) "
415-255-2981 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
QU-AN-TO, QUANTO, Quanto (1990-1996) |
Ken Hunter | Wildcat
415-255-5972 Mill Valley, CA |
Eye Contact, Eye Contact BBS (1992-1996) |
Bill Montgomery | |
22 line Oracomm - Gay Issues - Popular Chat System
415-255-7040 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Art/Online (1988) |
| Wildcat |
415-255-7449 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Cathouse ]I[ BBS (1992) |
Robert Junod | |
415-255-8340 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Split Infinity, TaterTot News and Mail, Tatertots News & Mail (1993-1996) |
| |
415-256-1389 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
SCRIBE(M) BBS (1989) |
Byron Windhorst | |
415-256-6613 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
The Psycho BBS (1990) |
Saracon | Telegard |
415-257-3070 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Lucas Arts Entertainment Technical Support (1995) |
| |
415-257-6502 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Napa Valley Wildcat (1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-258-9348 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
MacHeaven (1987) |
| |
415-261-4813 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
LaserWriter (1987) |
| |
415-262-0174 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Russ' House
| |
415-267-7640 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
LAN (magazine) (Tech Support BBS), LAN Magazine (1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-272-9334 SAUSALITO, CA |
Conference Information Exchan, Conference Information Exchange (1991-1994) |
| |
415-275-9759 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Dear Theophilus (1991) |
Mark Spaulding | |
415-276-3677 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Nimitz DP, Port Room (1986-1989) |
Lady G! & QuInt | STadel3.3b |
415-276-4121 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Blink Connection (1991-1992) |
| |
415-278-1966 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Cafe Corner, Cafe'Corner (1988-1992) |
Dave Wright | |
415-278-7421 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Lunatic Labs (1990) |
| Monarch |
415-282-2202 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
WRMOT (1993) |
Cheryl Tiller | |
415-282-3823 San Francisco, CA |
INEX (info. Exchange), INFormation EXchange BBS, Phunky Pharm (1993-1995) |
Robert Escamilla | TELEGARD |
415-282-5629 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
INFormation EXchange BBS (1995-1996) |
Robert Escamilla | |
415-282-6138 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
GOLDEN GATE 0x0 201 202 203 204 205, GOLDEN GATE 1996.bbs 201 202 203 204 205, Golden Gate BBS (1984-1985) |
| ACTN |
415-284-1872 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Cowtown Lafayette, Cowtown WWIV Astronomy (1989-1994) |
Charles Paine, Charlie Paine | |
415-284-9151 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Com One
, Com One PCB Ham 100m, ComOne (1987-1991) |
Fowler Brown | PCBoard |
415-285-2687 San Francisco, CA |
KAY*FOG RBBS & RCP/M (FOG System #11), KAY*FOG RBBS-RCP/M SYSTEM (FOG System #11), KAY*FOG (1984-1989) |
Bond Shands | |
Novices and subject (dBASE, WordStar, MEX, etc) conferences Novices and subject (dBASE, WordStar, MEX, etc) conferences
415-289-2270 SAUSALITO, CA |
Autodesk Global Village (1993-1994) |
Carl Bethea | |
415-289-7414 SAUSALITO, CA |
Tool Technology Technical Support (1995) |
| |
415-292-7314 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Dry Bones, Nightingale BBS (1991-1998) |
Jim Rankin | |
415-312-7090 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Pyramid Data, Inc. (1994-1995) |
| |
415-321-0549 Menlo Park, CA |
Gupta Corp, Gupta Technologies, Inc BBS (1991-1995) |
| |
415-321-2020 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Oasis (1994) |
Stuart Cianos | |
415-321-4713 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Charge (1991) |
| GBBS |
415-322-0284 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Eco-Net (1993-1996) |
Geoff Sears X | |
415-322-0286 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
igcFido (1992-1994) |
Brian Coan | FidoNet |
415-322-6451 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Palo Alto Writer, Palo Alto Writer's Max (1986-1994) |
Paul Pease | |
415-322-8026 Palo Alto, CA |
Micro Design System, NET-WORKS Micro Design System (1984-1985) |
415-323-2616 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Last Resort, The Last Resort (1993-1996) |
Kelvin Yen | Wildcat
415-323-4193 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Space, SPACE - primary #, SPACE 1.26B PCB6 HV REL, SPACE BBS, SPACE BBS Node #1 (1987-1996) |
Owen Hawkins | PCBoard
415-323-4197 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SPACE BBS Node #2 (1992-1994) |
| |
415-323-4198 Menlo Park, CA |
SPACE BBS (1994-1995) |
| |
415-323-4579 Menlo Park, CA |
SMOG3 (FOG 40) (1986) |
Philip A. Moore | |
SMOG3 (FOG AMO #68) member supported system. PRACSA SMOG3 (FOG AMO #68) member supported system. PRACSA
415-324-0746 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Suave (1989) |
| Wildcat |
415-324-1259 Menlo Park, CA |
JetFax Inc, Jetfax Technical Support, JetFax, Inc. (1993-1995) |
| |
415-324-2601 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Incipits Remote (1993-1994) |
| |
415-324-3780 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Pacific Vision (1993-1994) |
| |
415-324-4077 Menlo Park, CA |
AddStor Inc, AddStor, Inc. (1993-1995) |
| |
415-325-6781 Palo Alto, CA |
Liberty BBS (1992-1995) |
David Salch | MajorBBS 6.21 |
415-327-2194 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Trex II (1991-1996) |
| |
415-327-4589 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
KORTEK BBS, Kortek Freeway PCB (1988-1991) |
Henri Tebeka | PCBoard |
415-327-4591 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Fun Univ. Network, Fun University Network, KORTEK BBS (1991-1994) |
Henri Tebeka, Michael Fremont | PCBoard |
415-327-5109 Mountain View, CA |
The Coffee Club West (1992-1997) |
Jerry Andrews | TBBS |
"This was the "continuation" of "The Coffee Club", a BBS and FidoNet node I owned in Gaithersburg, MD (FidoNet node 1:109/426; ph. 301-258-7763) from 1985 or 1986 through 1994. The A/C 415 node was 1:143/272, 1:143/501, and ultimately 1:143/500. At that point, it had 3 lines. It also had a satellite feed from usenet." - Jerry Andrews
415-327-6197 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Program/Land (1985-1988) |
James Arnold | |
415-327-8876 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
BBS Living Videotext, Living BBS (1982-1984) |
| |
415-328-2088 NOVATO, CA |
LaserWrite (1987) |
| |
415-328-3436 NOVATO, CA |
328-FIDO, The Answer Line (1987-1988) |
Gary Klein | |
415-328-5916 NOVATO, CA |
Roman Forum (1985) |
| |
415-329-7684 OAKLAND, CA |
MediaGenic (1994) |
| |
415-331-3840 SAUSALITO, CA |
Marin County NET (1992) |
Ron Pellegrino | |
415-331-6241 Sausalito, CA |
Marin County Hub, Marin County NET, Marin County Net (1992-1995) |
Ron Pellegrino | |
415-331-6515 Sausalito, CA |
WebCorp, WEBCORP (1993-1995) |
| |
415-331-7220 SAUSALITO, CA |
Legal Information Systems (1993-1994) |
| |
415-332-1655 SAUSALITO, CA |
(1989) |
Al Kalian | |
415-332-3943 Sausalito, CA |
David's Basement, Marin County Hub (1992-1995) |
David Pifke | TELEGARD |
415-332-4355 SAUSALITO, CA |
The WELL (Whole Earth `Lectronic LInk) (1996) |
| |
415-332-6106 SAUSALITO, CA |
The Well, THE WELL
(1986-1996) |
Julian Gordon | |
415-332-6152 SAUSALITO, CA |
Equilibrium Technical Support (1995) |
| |
415-332-7190 Sausalito, CA |
The Well (1992-1993) |
Whole Earth Lectronic Link | |
Unix Conferencing System - $10 monthly plus $2.50 Hourly
415-332-8115 Sausalito, CA |
CONFERENCE-TREE Sausalito (1983-1985) |
415-332-8139 SAUSALITO, CA |
SBT Technical Support (1993-1994) |
| |
415-332-9165 SAUSALITO, CA |
Midnight Star BBS (1994) |
George Rucker | |
415-332-9308 Sausalito, CA |
SBT Corp (1993) |
| |
415-333-5663 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
LBBS Friends of Lisp (1984) |
| |
415-333-5665 San Francisco, CA |
The Deekoo's Lair (1995-1996) |
Deekoo L. | Wildcat, VBBS, Renegade |
"Eventually became "The Compound Eye", and later vanished entirely. It started out using Wildcat, then the sysop switched bbs programs a few times, before settling on Renegade." - Deekoo L.
415-333-7031 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
ZSC (1994) |
| Wildcat |
415-334-5806 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Waterdeep BBS (1992-1994) |
Jack Niles | |
415-334-7393 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Contractors Exc, Contractors Exchange (1993-1999) |
George Salet | TBBS
, TriBBS |
415-335-6952 OAKLAND, CA |
Rabbits Foot BBS (1993-1995) |
Mike Faul | |
415-337-4657 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Valiant BBS (1991-1992) |
Kevin Leung | |
415-337-5416 San Francisco, CA |
, PC GFX Exch 96, PC GFX Exch 9600, PC GFX Exchange PCB Graphics, PC grafix exchange, The PC GFX Exchange, The PC GFX Exchange WRN, The PC Graphics Exchange (1989-1996) |
William Liu, Lawrence Liu | PCBoard
415-337-5599 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The PC GFX Exchange (1991-1994) |
| PCBoard |
415-337-8693 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1987-1989) |
Andrew Conway | |
415-338-2112 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
NEXA Exchange(SF State U) PCB (1990-1991) |
Michael Gregory | |
415-338-7592 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Asian-American Exclusive (1993-1994) |
| |
415-339-8457 SAUSALITO, CA |
(1985-1990) |
Ann Meyer | |
415-340-0197 STINSON BEACH-B, CA |
Trade Center (1993-1996) |
| Telegard
415-340-7261 STINSON BEACH-B, CA |
Trade Center, Trade Center BBS (1993-1994) |
Gabriel Turk | Telegard
415-340-9370 STINSON BEACH-B, CA |
Calif. Computer Shows, Computer Show Hotline (1993-1994) |
| |
415-341-0330 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Krelailia (1994-1995) |
Chris Palmer | |
415-341-0993 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Richter Scale (1995) |
| TriBBS |
415-341-1362 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Skull (1990) |
| Forum |
415-341-1632 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Skull (1987-1991) |
| PCBoard, Forum |
415-341-2962 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
27M, Computers for Christ, Computers for Christ #2 (1984-1987) |
Martin Fitch | |
415-341-5986 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Valley of the Wind (1990-1994) |
Takayuki Karahashi | |
415-341-8248 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Trip Line (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
415-341-9336 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
CrosNest II (DataTech Node 014), CrosNest II (DataTech Node 014-, RCP/M CrosNest II, RCP/M RBBS DataTech #4 CrosNst (1983-1985) |
Wilbur H. Smith | |
415-342-6201 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
B.U.G. Board (1988) |
| Wildcat |
415-342-7047 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Tangent Computer, Tangent Support Services, Tangent Tech Support (1994-1997) |
Mike Exner | |
415-343-1743 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Hack & Slash (1996) |
| |
415-343-5160 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Run of the Mill, Run of The Mill BBS, Run Of The Mill (1992-1996) |
Don Silva | RBBS |
415-343-5692 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Creekside BBS, Creekside II (1993-1996) |
Joe Stennet | GT |
415-343-5904 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
North Peninsula Hub, North Valley Hub, Sea Hunt, SeaHunt BBS (1989-1994) |
Michael Nelson | PCBoard |
415-343-6575 Burlingame, CA |
The Baud BBS (1994) |
David Henderson | |
From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: Burlingame, California since 03/94. Sysop: David Henderson. Using PCBoard 15.1 with 2 lines on MS-DOS with 560 MB storage. US Robotics at 14400 bps. No fee. Excalibur node: (415)343-5799. Online games (PCBoard). Thousands of files. News from wire services (Excalibur). Online catalog (Excalibur). Auto ads (Excalibur). Very user friendly. Free download of Excalibur terminal program. RlPscript on PCBoard node.
415-343-7517 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
37North-121West (1992-1993) |
Martin Schaaf | |
415-344-1093 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Charisma (1985) |
Tom Swegler | |
415-344-4348 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Seahunt, SeaHunt BBS (1990-1992) |
Michael Nelson | PCBoard |
415-344-8179 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Surf Madness
| |
415-345-1251 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Chatterbox (1995-1996) |
| PCBoard
415-345-2194 San Mateo, CA |
Knight Court
, Knight Court BBS (1992-1994) |
Eric Kempter | Searchlight |
415-345-5509 Foster City, CA |
Invisible Software Inc (1993) |
| |
415-346-0392 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Bay Peninsula Exchange 1, BPX 1, The Vette Exchange (1987-1988) |
Steve Bianchi | |
415-346-9147 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Giraffe Desktop Publishing (1993-1994) |
| |
415-347-2259 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Fun of It BBS (1989) |
| |
415-347-2618 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Ninja Realm (1987) |
| |
415-347-4882 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Stealth (1993-1994) |
| |
415-347-9879 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Skyline BBS (1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-348-2139 San Mateo, CA |
FORUM-80 San Mateo, CA (1983-1985) |
| FORUM-80 |
415-348-8806 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
FreeLoad BBS, Graphic & Gaming BBS, Graphis And Gaming BBS (1994-1995) |
John McGraw | WILDCAT |
415-349-2623 San Mateo, CA |
The Angevin Empire (1987-1988) |
Aaron Priven | Opus |
"Thanks for keeping this alive. Somebody somewhere is going to get a PhD out of it. The Angevin Empire ran from Summer '87 to Summer '88. It was an 8Mhz 8088 clone running Opus. I was 17 years old, decided that instead of buying a car I'd buy a computer with my summer job money. It was in San Mateo, California (now area code 650). I was really into FidoNet echomail -- I could communicate all around the world! How many other people in my high school talked to people from Sweden regularly? Not too many. But I could. Now, of course, it's commonplace. Angevin Empire was mostly an echomail board, didn't have a lot of users, only 1200 bps. It was a good way for me to get my own echomail feed and read news locally." - Aaron Priven
415-349-4141 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Crest BBS [ASV] (1993) |
| |
415-349-5676 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
CHARISMA BBS (1991-1994) |
| |
415-349-6576 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
CHARISMA BBS, Charisma PCB SmartNet, Charisma,dB3, Hints BBS
, The CHARISMA BBS, The Charisma BBS (1986-2003) |
Tom Swegles | PCBoard
415-349-6969 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Echo Coord, Peninsula Hub, Wally BBS, Wally World (1987-1994) |
Wally Schwarz | |
415-349-6984 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Unicon BBS (1993-1994) |
Charlie Kellner | |
415-349-8245 San Mateo, CA |
Action Link, Cat's Tail BBS/S.T.O.P., The Cat's Tail, Cats Tall Headquarters (1986-1989) |
Bill Bennett | GBBS Pro |
415-349-8375 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Echomail Coordinator, EM204, Wally World (1989-1992) |
Vox Populi, Les Kooyman, Wally Schwarz | |
415-349-8408 San Mateo, CA |
Wally World (1991-1995) |
Wally Schwarz | |
415-352-0433 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Twilight Zone (1990-1991) |
Ken Jones | |
415-352-3275 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Dead Zone, The Dead Zone (1984) |
Mad Phreaker | |
415-352-5411 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Boot to the Head (1991) |
Bill Massey | PCBoard |
415-352-5528 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Key System (1991) |
| |
415-352-8442 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Motherboard (1983-1984) |
| |
415-355-2396 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Castle (1993-1994) |
| |
415-355-6047 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Fantasy Factory, The Factory (1986-1989) |
Ev Cheney | |
415-355-7162 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Amiga West, Network 23 (1988-1990) |
Mark Williams | |
415-355-9015 San Francisco, CA |
Main Street BBS (1994-1995) |
Bill Baker | TeleFinder 3.2 |
415-355-9079 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Starbase One (1989) |
| |
415-355-9332 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Ultimate Amiga (1992) |
| |
Chemistry Member BBS
415-357-1130 Berkeley, CA |
CBBS Proxima (1982-1985) |
| CBBS |
415-357-9577 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Clubhouse BBS SL Chp (1990-1991) |
Ed Kinder | |
415-358-8641 Redwood City, CA |
Telepath (1993-1994) |
M&T Publishing | |
DBMS/Dr. Dobbs Journal Magazone Online Service
415-358-8857 San Mateo, CA |
M&T Publishing Inc (1993) |
| |
415-358-9201 Foster City, CA |
Impromptu File Exchange, Stranger Than Paradise, Tessier Ashpool SA (1991-1994) |
Craig Howell | |
415-359-2251 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Ocean View BBS (1993-1994) |
Ron Hagar | |
415-359-2321 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Pacific Skies (1994) |
| |
415-359-6036 Pacifica, CA |
Chemist ComPort, Pacific SunStone, The Chemist's Com Port (1989-1994) |
Larry McGee | |
415-359-6985 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
| Wildcat |
415-359-8237 Pacifica, CA |
The Voice of PHRED!!, THE VOICE PHRED!!! (1994-1995) |
Gary Shelton | |
415-359-8327 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
My Brother's Board, The Golden Gate BRIDGE (1991-1994) |
Jerry Havnar | |
415-359-8774 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Alien (1993-1994) |
| |
415-361-1847 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Emerald Lake/MPG BBS (1989-1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-362-8470 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Asylum (1992) |
| |
415-363-2895 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Fafco BBS (1989) |
| Wildcat |
415-364-2717 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Near Side BBS (1994-1995) |
Adam Tordoff | |
415-364-2991 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
EMPiRE 2991 (1982-1997) |
Kevin La Barre | |
415-364-3001 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Uncle D's Directory, UncleD'sDir (1992-1996) |
Dave Spensley | QuickBBS
415-364-3405 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Pipe Dream (1991-1992) |
Bill Holmes | |
415-364-3739 Atherton, CA |
Anatomically Correct (1986-1994) |
Howard Stateman | |
Adult interests. PRACSA member Adult interests. PRACSA member
415-364-4339 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
, Truly Tastless BBS (1985-1989) |
Howard Lane | |
415-364-4438 Redwood City, CA |
CONFERENCE-TREE Redwood City, CPNFEREMCE-TREE Redwood City (1984-1985) |
415-364-6320 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
CA-sys com, California Systems (1995) |
Scott Hunter | |
415-364-6761 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Cavern BBS (1991) |
| |
415-364-7884 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
RocknChair Cnx, RocknChair Connx, The Rocking Chair Connection (1991-1996) |
Frank Crispell | Spitfire
415-364-9144 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Kinsearch Echo Host (1991-1992) |
Bill Holmes | |
415-364-9847 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Key Software Productions (1993-1994) |
| |
415-365-0263 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Shogun Palace (1987) |
| |
415-365-0878 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Shining Star BBS (1989-1990) |
Zoltan Gode | |
415-365-1246 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The System (1993-1994) |
John Lockhart | |
415-365-2486 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
California Information Exchange (1993-1994) |
| |
415-365-2650 Redwood City, CA |
Emeraid Lake (FOG 48) (1986) |
Dick Worth | |
PRACSA member PRACSA member
415-365-3108 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
California Systems, The System (1994-1995) |
Scott Hunter, John Lockhart | |
415-365-3436 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Answer Line (1988-1990) |
Gary Klein | |
415-365-4194 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Nwonknu Hq, Redwood City Hub (1993-1997) |
Ken Humrich | |
415-365-4819 Redwood City, CA |
The Oracle BBS (1991-1994) |
Bryan McClenahan, Bryan McClanahan | |
415-365-6384 Redwood City, CA |
Paddington Station, Ship to Shore, Villa Straylight (1992-1994) |
Randy Hough | |
415-365-6385 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Net 204 NEC, SF Peninsula Net, Ship to Shore * San Francisco, Ship to Shore * SF Bay West (1993-1994) |
Randy Hough | |
415-365-7002 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
ADVENTURE (1996) |
| |
415-365-9079 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Running Wyld (1988) |
| Wildcat |
415-365-9124 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Doctor's Office (1984) |
| |
415-366-9033 OAKLAND, CA |
Spiritual World, SPIRITUAL WORLD
(1987-1989) |
| |
415-367-7638 FREMONT, CA |
DATABOARD-80 (1982) |
| |
415-367-8659 FREMONT, CA |
Russian Heart (1995) |
Richard Coatney Jr. | |
415-368-0790 FREMONT, CA |
Salt and Light (1993-1996) |
Lorin Wilson | Spitfire
415-368-2778 FREMONT, CA |
The Bridge (1994-1995) |
| MajorBBS |
415-368-5390 FREMONT, CA |
Approach Software Corp. (1994) |
| |
415-369-5063 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Near Side BBS, Party Towne Pub West (1994-1996) |
Adam Tordoff | |
415-369-5144 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The System, The System Multi-Line (1992-1994) |
John Lockhart | |
415-370-1003 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Tiger's Cave (1989) |
| Wildcat |
415-370-9764 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Tiger's Cave (1990) |
Jeff Meacham (Glass Tiger) | Telegard |
415-373-1231 Livermore, CA |
LawrLivrLabSciEd (1993) |
| |
FrEdMail System
415-373-3075 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Wally World (1996) |
| |
415-373-9689 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Windraker (1989) |
Bob Thompson | |
415-375-0554 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Gangstaz Parad (1996) |
| |
415-375-0716 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Board (1986) |
Michael Sellaroli | |
415-376-1929 OAKLAND, CA |
Pandemonium (1984-1987) |
Christopher Stone | Wildcat II |
Basically it was an Apple ][ hacker/phreaker BBS, was mentioned on the Spy Hunter crack screen for apple ][, and became immensely popular. I was getting over 150 calls per day when running off of two floppy drives, and it got worse when I added a 10 meg sider, so it eventually went private. - Chris Stone
415-376-2229 OAKLAND, CA |
Random Access (1992-1994) |
| |
415-376-3632 OAKLAND, CA |
HyperLincWest, Moraga Wildcat! BBS, RBBS, RCP/M RBBS Moraga (1984-1994) |
Jake Essl | |
415-376-8060 Moraga, CA |
Skeleton Crue BBS (1988-1992) |
The Black Avenger | WWIV |
"Engineered a fairly large tfile dump between east coast and west coast WWIV BBSes around 1989. Shut down temporarily in 1990 due to an alleged connection with Illuminati Online in Austin, but came back online some weeks after the SJG raid. Was in 510 after 1991 due to the SF Bay Area area code split." - The Black Avenger
415-382-1885 Novato, CA |
SonoMarin Hub, The Mage's Tower (1992-1993) |
Ken Grainger | |
415-382-6679 IGNACIO, CA |
Symmetrics (1993-1994) |
| |
415-382-7916 IGNACIO, CA |
The Wasteland (1993-1994) |
| |
415-382-8530 IGNACIO, CA |
Wulihan (1993-1995) |
Mark Montgomery | PCBoard
415-382-9195 IGNACIO, CA |
Palladin, utils (1992-1994) |
Al Kalian | Auntie |
415-382-9410 IGNACIO, CA |
McBlob's Super BBS, SonoMarin Hub (1994) |
Robert McGeorge | |
415-383-0473 Mill Valley, CA |
RBBS of Marin County, RCP/M RBBS Marin County, RCP/M RBBS Mill Valley, Marin RBBS (1982-1986) |
Jim Ayers | |
CP/M and Otrona Attache. PRACSA member CP/M and Otrona Attache. PRACSA member
415-383-2983 San Francisco, CA |
Love Bytes BBS (1995) |
| |
415-383-7451 MILL VALLEY, CA |
The Fifth Generation BBS (1990) |
David Deboskey | |
415-386-0124 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Eagle's Landing, SF1 and South (1994-1995) |
Wade Martin | |
415-386-2185 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Club 21 BBS (1995-1996) |
| PCBoard
415-386-7372 San Francisco, Ca |
After Hours Communication (1993) |
415-386-8237 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SF Gaynet (1992) |
| |
415-386-9237 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SF Gaynet (1993) |
| |
415-387-1241 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Bull Board (1984-1985) |
| |
415-387-3251 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Catholic Info Net #1, Catholic Infonet #1
, Catholic InfoNet GTPower (1987-1994) |
Martin Ford, Mollerus & Ford, Mollerus/Ford | |
415-387-5117 San Francisco, CA |
Leviathan BBS, Leviathan RBBS (1990-1994) |
Henry Lee | |
415-388-1708 MILL VALLEY, CA |
Personal TeX BBS (1988-1991) |
William Kaster | |
415-388-4801 MILL VALLEY, CA |
Family Radio Forum (1988-1990) |
Bill Sievert | |
415-389-9245 Mill Valley, CA |
Zen Connection (1991-1994) |
Peter Dyke | |
415-390-8334 FREMONT, CA |
Global Village, Global Village Comm Technical Support (1994-1995) |
| |
415-390-8397 FREMONT, CA |
Global Village Communications, Inc. (1994-1995) |
| |
415-391-0704 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Bad Dudes Hideout (1990) |
Doc Ninja | Telegard |
415-391-2657 San Francisco, CA |
Tim Pozar, San Francisco CA | |
415-394-7222 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Israeli Byte BBS (1993) |
Rachel Greenblatt | |
415-397-1422 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Final Frontier, The Final Frontier BBS (1993-1995) |
Mark Gronquist | |
415-397-9121 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Fantasy II Productions (1994) |
Timothy Gordon | |
415-398-6171 San Francisco, CA |
The Boundary Line (1993-1995) |
| |
415-398-6181 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Sports Connx (1987-1991) |
John Huryk | |
415-398-8787 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Israeli Byte BBS (1994-1997) |
Rachel Greenblatt, Linda Handel | |
415-421-0456 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Shadow Keep (1993-1994) |
| |
415-421-1530 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Wave (Free!! No fee!!)
| |
415-421-4656 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Holo net, Holonet (1992-1994) |
| |
415-422-8742 Oakland, CA |
nazi net (1993) |
| FCU |
415-424-0812 OAKLAND, CA |
SPAUG (1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-424-1482 OAKLAND, CA |
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #5 (1985) |
Frank Morton | |
415-426-0362 IGNACIO, CA |
MacCircles (1989-1990) |
Patricia O'Conner, Patricia O'Connor | |
415-426-0470 IGNACIO, CA |
Pleasanton Hub, Records Department, Records Dept BBS, Records Dept BBS
, RecordsDept, SF EAST BAY, The Records Department (1985-1992) |
Bill McCauley, BB (??) | TBBS |
415-426-4265 IGNACIO, CA |
TIEnet (Teacher Information Exchange Network) (1988) |
| Red Ryder Host |
415-428-1232 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Ghost Town (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
415-429-0188 OAKLAND, CA |
dB (1990) |
Bob Sharp | |
415-430-1805 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Elephant Board (1989) |
| |
415-430-2865 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Sir James (1991) |
| |
415-431-0227 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SeaHunt BBS Public (1992-1994) |
Michael Nelson | |
415-431-0473 San Francisco, CA |
San Francisco Hub, Seahunt, SeaHunt BBS, SeaHunt BBS Subscriber, SeaHunt OS/2 (1991-1995) |
Michael Nelson | |
415-431-3037 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Alcatraz Federal (1991-1992) |
| |
415-431-7541 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Alamut, San Francisco Pagan (1991-1994) |
Max Delysid | |
415-431-8169 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Backdrop Club (1996) |
| |
415-432-6420 CORTE MADERA, CA |
Little Lulu's
| |
415-434-1580 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
CompuServe (1991-1992) |
| |
415-435-3386 Tiburon, CA |
Midnight's Millennium (1993-1994) |
Midnight | Renegade |
415-438-4650 Fremont, CA |
Abaton Technology Corp, Everex Systems (Tech Support BBS) (1991-1993) |
| |
415-438-9826 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Speed Thrills (1991) |
Michael Hetrick | PCBoard |
415-439-2515 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1987) |
| |
415-439-8530 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Tele-Path TBBS (1989) |
| |
415-441-0616 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Transporter, TRANSPORTER (1991-1994) |
Steve Clifford | PCBoard |
415-441-2539 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
RECOVERY, Recovery II (125/31) (1988-1989) |
Tim Spofford | |
415-441-2748 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
| |
415-443-7721 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Tri-Valley Info Net (1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-444-8246 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
OAsis (1991) |
Michael Jacob, Michael Jacobs | |
415-447-2247 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Alpha Omega-80 (1984-1985) |
| |
415-447-2503 Austin, TX |
sOFTWARE lIES (1992-1993) |
Reese and Tolver Johnson | RA |
"OMG, it even took me a while to remember the name of our old BBS. Four telephone lines at its height! Thanks for the memories!" - Tolver Johnson
415-449-0388 OAKLAND, CA |
SBS Energy Resources W
| |
415-449-4790 OAKLAND, CA |
Ocelot (1992-1994) |
Brian Sanders | |
415-452-0220 San Francisco, CA |
PeaceNet, LaborNet, EcoNet, WomensNet, ConflictNet (1995) |
| |
415-452-0350 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
ClawMarks, Sunrise Omega-80 (1982-1991) |
Karl Maurer | |
415-452-3551 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
ShadowFox/Furverts! 3, The Shadow Fox (1990-1994) |
Patrick Swift | |
415-452-9661 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The VidGame (1994) |
| |
415-452-9705 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SILENT WORLD #1 (1995) |
| |
415-453-2854 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Sat database (1995-1996) |
| |
415-453-7889 San Rafael, CA |
Jandel Scientific (1993-1994) |
| |
415-454-0457 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Marin Online (1989-1990) |
Lou Schneider | |
415-454-2893 San Rafael, CA |
IMSI Software Technical Support, International Microcomputer (IMSI) (1993-1995) |
| |
415-454-5045 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Kurt's Korner, Marin County Hub, Net125 Echomail Coordinator, Net125 Treasurer (1994-1996) |
Kurt Schimmel | |
415-454-8206 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Ep Star, EpStar BBS (1991-1995) |
Al Kaplan | |
415-455-0410 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
B.A.C.C., Online Store (1988) |
| |
415-455-5437 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Livermore BBS (1984) |
| |
415-456-7821 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Paramount Line 3 (1994) |
Serjey Stepanenko | |
415-456-9843 Marin County, CA |
The Digital Towers (1985-1991) |
Ken Brierley | |
"We pioneered on-line gaming in ANSI format. System offered over 40 games to users and once a day e-mail." - Ken Brierley
415-457-4467 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
The Adventure Board #4 (1984) |
| |
415-457-5631 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Play Pen, PlayPen (1990-1992) |
Paul Ward | |
415-457-6740 San Rafael, CA |
Pandora's Box (1991-1993) |
Peter Baggiolini | T.A.G |
415-458-4069 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Contra Costa Hub, SF Squared (1989-1990) |
Michael Wallis | |
415-459-4503 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Spirit BBS (1995-1996) |
Don Phelps | |
415-461-6952 LARKSPUR, CA |
Late Night Frontier (1992) |
Erik Jones | |
415-461-7726 LARKSPUR, CA |
Larkspur RBBS/RCPM, RCP/M RBBS Larkspur, Unix - [notavax] (1982-1985) |
| |
415-461-8215 LARKSPUR, CA |
| |
415-462-0386 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Pleasanton Hub (1991) |
Bill McCauley | |
415-462-0525 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Kasslar I (1988) |
| Wildcat |
415-462-3347 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Leading Technology (1990-1991) |
John Clinchard | |
415-462-7419 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
PMS - Pleasanton (1982-1985) |
| |
415-465-7403 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
After Hours OPUS (1990-1991) |
Barry Kapke | |
415-467-2588 San Francisco, CA |
DIAL-YOUR-MATCH #8, DIAL-YOUR-MATCH #8 San Francisco, DYM (1984-1992) |
415-467-6786 Brisbane, CA |
Research Group, The, Software Science Inc (1993) |
| |
415-467-8966 San Francisco, CA |
City Hub, Harv's Hideout (1989-1999) |
Harvey Nehgila, Jeffrey Schanke | |
415-467-9866 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Harv's Hideout (1993-1994) |
| |
415-468-6713 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Informer BBS, The Informer (1993-1996) |
John Custer | Wildcat
415-468-9913 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Informer (1993-1994) |
| |
415-469-5809 San Francisco, CA |
Draken's Keep, San Francisco Hub, SF Bay Net (1991-1999) |
Mike Moore | |
415-469-8111 San Francisco, CA |
ABBS South of Market, South of Market (1982-1985) |
| ABBS |
The Far Side (1987) |
| Forum |
Express Stop, The Express Stop (1986-1992) |
Rob Mages | PCBoard |
Liahona BBS (1989) |
| |
415-472-2143 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
ULtiMaTuM II (1995) |
415-472-3097 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
AE Line: POLO (1985) |
| |
415-472-5001 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
EpStar (1988) |
| Wildcat |
415-472-5527 San Rafael, CA |
Cyber Den, The CyberDen (1992-1994) |
orcist | Waffle |
415-472-5632 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
EBBS Support Board, EBBS Test Site (1989-1991) |
Tony Hsieh | |
415-474-0227 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
NETwork 2000 BBS (1991) |
Helton Lim | PCBoard |
415-474-0231 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1989) |
| |
415-474-4523 San Francisco, CA |
Network 2000 PCB, NETwork System 2000, Network2000
, Network2000,9600, The Network 2000 (1989-1996) |
Helton Lim | PCBoard
415-474-9717 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Land of the Digits, San Francisco Hub, The Land Of Digits (1992-1994) |
Mike Kemp, Michael Kemp | |
415-479-6192 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
AE Line: THIEF (1985) |
| |
415-479-7218 San Rafael, CA |
Marin 80 TBBS, MARIN-80 TBBS (1983-1990) |
Will Gortner | TBBS |
"Started with a TRS-80 and a 5 MB external HD, later two 5 MB external HD's, all running TBBS. Then jumped to an Intel clone PC (egads, I forget the brand, but will surely remember in two weeks or so) with 20MB of storage. Will died sometime around 1990, while undergoing heart bypass surgery. Great guy, good users, and fantastic software (TBBS, that is)." - Abuzavi
415-479-8328 San Rafael, CA |
Stonehenge, Stonehenge BBS (1985-1995) |
John Chipps | |
"SYSOP looked like Ernest Hemingway. Was part of a small network of boards in San Rafael to grow out of Marin-80, and to federate message boards. Machines would, in sequence, push data around during the night. Forget the software -- wasn't FIDO, that much I know. EBBS, I think. Anyway, Stonehenge kicked off when John got pissed that he couldn't get on to Marin-80 when he wanted, so he opened his own. Little to no files (unlike Marin-80), but gobs of message boards." - Abuzavi
415-481-0252 INVERNESS, CA |
IBM PC No-Name, No Name, No Name BBS, No name BBS
, NO-NAME RBBS, RBBS IBM PC San Lorenzo (1983-1994) |
Terry Taylor, N6MON | |
415-481-0961 INVERNESS, CA |
Yellow Submarine (1991) |
Cheryl Mathison | |
415-481-2806 INVERNESS, CA |
Yellow Submarine (1990-1991) |
Dr. Mabuse, Cheryl Mathison | |
415-482-0532 Oakland, CA |
Morris III, G. Allen, Pyramid of Power (1985-1993) |
Greg Byrd | |
415-482-3402 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
The Pixel Pinguin (1991) |
Andrew Wang | PCBoard |
415-482-5813 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
AbysS BbS (1991) |
Gary Stewart | |
415-483-1768 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Echelon BBS (1986-1987) |
Neil Roehm | |
415-483-4823 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Black Circle (1991) |
| |
415-483-7979 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Allied Telesis, Inc. (1995) |
| |
415-483-8411 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Green Griffin Inn, The Green Griffon Inn (1990) |
Sturm Brightblade | Telegard |
415-484-0998 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MacCircles (1990-1991) |
Patricia O'Connor | |
415-484-4412 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MAC Circles MACintosh S/w, MacCircles (1987-1991) |
Patricia OConnor | |
415-485-1736 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
(1990-1994) |
Al Kalian | |
415-485-5895 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Amiga Users of Marin (1993-1994) |
| |
415-487-0310 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1987-1989) |
Russ Fleming | |
415-487-0950 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
GTL Node 1 Over 200 MEGS!
| |
415-487-0951 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
GTL Node 2 Over 200 MEGS!
| |
415-487-8053 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Far Side (1991) |
| |
415-487-9375 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Philosopher's Stone (1991) |
| |
415-487-9625 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
PC Club House, The Clubhouse BBS UC Chp (1990-1991) |
Richard Churchill | Wildcat |
415-488-1461 SAN GERONIMO, CA |
BREATH FRESHAIR, Breath of Fresh Air (1993-1996) |
Rick Johnson | Wildcat
415-488-1464 SAN GERONIMO, CA |
Breath of Fresh Air (1994) |
Rick Johnson | |
415-488-9145 SAN GERONIMO, CA |
Download-80 Mojo's (1983-1984) |
| |
415-489-1726 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Bust Out BBS (1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-489-9005 Fremont, CA |
The ZCPR3 BBS/Z-Node Central (1984-1986) |
David McCord | |
Source of ZCPR3 software & support. PRACSA member Source of ZCPR3 software & support. PRACSA member
415-490-7248 SUNNYVALE, CA |
AE Line: GLEMIN (1985) |
| |
415-490-8083 SUNNYVALE, CA |
TBBS Noah's Ark (1983-1985) |
| |
415-491-0214 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
All Antique Radio BBS (1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-492-8310 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Palladin BBS (1988-1996) |
| Auntie |
415-493-4506 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
FW Backus Technical Support BBS (1985) |
Andrew Hart | |
415-493-4572 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Palo Alto Computers (1993-1994) |
| |
415-494-0944 FREMONT, CA |
Mydrarian Castle III, NoName (1987-1988) |
Miles Nordin | |
415-494-1621 FREMONT, CA |
DSP Solutions Technical Support, DSP Solutions, Inc. (1994-1995) |
| |
415-494-3116 Palo Alto, CA |
AHA HYDROGEN, AHA Hydrogen BBS, American Hydrogen Assoc., Solar Hydrogen (1993-1996) |
Howard H. Smith | Wildcat
415-495-2112 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Com-Sec BBS (1993-1995) |
Hans Braun | |
415-495-2193 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
STUDS BBS (1993-1994) |
Hans Braun | |
415-495-2929 San Francisco, CA |
Studs, STUDSNet (1987-1996) |
Spuds McKenzie | |
From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: San Francisco, California since 07/87. Sysop: Spuds McKenzie. Using WildCat 3.91 with 24 lines on MS-DOS 80486 with 8000 MB storage. Microcom at 28800 bps. $10 Monthly fee. STUDSNet Central - The worlds largest exclusively gay computer network. Add value to your system, connect to 50,000+ men and wimmin world-wide. Daily mail transfers, net-wide matchmaker and 50+ forums to choose from.
415-495-3143 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
STUDS BBS, STUDSNet Hub (1994-1996) |
Hans Braun | |
415-495-5852 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
STUDS BBS (1993-1994) |
Hans Braun | |
415-499-1663 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
CyberSchmooze BBS (1995-1996) |
Al Kaplan | |
415-507-5921 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Autodesk Global Village, Autodesk Inc Technical Support (1994-1998) |
Carl Bethea | |
415-512-0109 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Omicron - San Francisco BBS (1993-1994) |
Aron Vieira | |
415-512-1869 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
WorldGroup BBS (1996) |
Hans Braun | |
415-512-9108 San Francisco, CA |
Environet, Environet 1, Greenpeace Enviroment, Greenpeace EnviroNet, Greenpeace – Environet, Greenpeace Environet (1988-1996) |
Dick Dillman, Dick Dillman/Greenpeace | TBBS |
Ecological and Peace Issues - Disarmament/Toxics/Wildlife
415-512-9120 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Environet, Environet 2 (1994-1996) |
Dick Dillman | |
415-512-9423 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Cybernet (1993-1996) |
Eric Kauschen | |
415-521-5882 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Cybertron, Cybertron BBS (1989-1990) |
Larry Cotnam | Telegard |
415-522-3074 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Speed Demon Elite (1986) |
| |
Hacker Mansion (1987) |
| |
House of Games, The House of Games (1989-1992) |
| |
| |
415-524-3649 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Rat Head Systems, RAT HEAD (1990-1991) |
Zach Copley, RatSnatcher | Telegard |
415-524-4427 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MBBS (1984) |
| |
415-524-9951 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Crystal Ship BBS--IBM.
| |
Skycomm (1985) |
Tom Jennings | |
415-526-6285 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Tic Tack Toe
| |
415-526-7733 Berkeley, CA |
415-527-6218 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Berkeley Bomb Squad
| |
415-527-8276 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
SYNAPSE' (1985) |
| ARMU |
415-527-9444 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
International House of Leeches, The Edge of Tomorrow (1990) |
Yellow Jacket | Telegard |
415-528-3928 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Western Dominican (1993-1994) |
| |
415-530-0181 MILL VALLEY, CA |
Pyramid of Power BBS (1991) |
Greg Byrd | PCBoard |
415-531-9549 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
A LA BBS (1985) |
| AMIS |
415-532-4002 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Naughty and Nice (1992-1994) |
| |
415-537-1339 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Freedom Board BBS (1990) |
John Booth | |
415-537-1777 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Combat Arms BBS (1988-1992) |
Richard Bash | Wildcat |
415-538-2040 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
COMPU-PAL (1989-1991) |
Richard Yim | TBBS |
415-538-3580 Hayward, CA |
415-538-7746 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Alameda Hub, Over The Hill Gang Hub (1989-1991) |
Dave Gentry | |
415-540-0529 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
(1987) |
| |
415-540-0621 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Hercules Computer Technology (Tech Support BBS), Hercules Computer Technology BBS (1990-1991) |
| |
415-541-0605 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Reference On-Line (1992) |
| |
415-543-2803 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
ET3 (1985) |
| Mouse Exchange |
415-543-4030 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Net125 Echomail System (1995) |
Net125 Echo Coordinator | |
415-543-5702 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Skeptic's Board (1995) |
Rick Moen | |
415-543-6499 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
AI-NET (1988-1990) |
Ted Glenwright | |
415-546-0119 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
*SuperResume*, Super Resume, SUPER RESUME
(1986-1990) |
Lee Johnson | |
415-547-3070 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MegaCom BBS, Megacom TBBS (1985-1989) |
Barry Patton | |
415-547-5264 Oakland, CA |
Off Broadway Systems (1993) |
| |
415-548-0163 Berkeley, CA |
East Bay Hub, ThelemaNet, Thelma Net, THELEMA NET (1986-1989) |
Josh Gordon, JOSH GORDON | |
415-548-0515 MILL VALLEY, CA |
GPL (1997) |
| |
TOPS (1987) |
| |
415-550-1318 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Israeli Byte BBS (1992-1994) |
Edahn Golan | |
415-550-2445 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Bear's Den (1986-1990) |
Bernal Bear | |
415-550-2498 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Lost Realms (1993-1994) |
Tony Bettini | |
415-550-7377 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Kinky Computer, Kinky Kumputer III, Kinky KumputerIII (1991-1994) |
| |
415-550-8027 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Lost Realms (1991-1994) |
Tony Bettini | |
415-552-0577 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Gamma Ultra (1993-1994) |
| |
415-552-2044 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
| |
415-552-4050 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
| |
415-552-7671 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Drummer (1982-1984) |
| |
415-552-8268 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
BBS Kinky Komputer, Kinky Kumputer I (1984-1992) |
| |
415-552-8924 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SKULL & XBONE (1985) |
| AMIS |
415-552-9070 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1987) |
| |
415-552-9968 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
RCP/M Rich & Famous, Rich & Famous RCP/M (1983-1985) |
| |
415-553-8630 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Top Copy Graphics (1993-1994) |
| |
415-556-1064 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
NPS WR (1986) |
Jonathan Lewis | |
415-558-8803 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Airtight Garage (1991-1993) |
Gerald Cornelius, Jerry Cornelius | |
415-558-8866 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Board with no Name (1993) |
| |
415-558-9379 San Francisco, CA |
Edges (1991-1992) |
David Powers | |
415-561-1744 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Watchdog (1986-1988) |
Hoover Chan | |
415-562-2158 BELVEDERE (MARI, CA |
The Tijuana Tavern! (1991) |
Scott Ivey, Jose Cuervo | |
415-562-5483 BELVEDERE (MARI, CA |
Family Radio Forum, FAMILY RADIO FORUM
, Family Radio Forum (HQ) (1987-1989) |
Richard Yim | TBBS |
415-562-7097 BELVEDERE (MARI, CA |
AmiConnection, Computer-Corner (1988-1991) |
Scott Schrock | PCBoard |
415-563-1813 San Francisco, CA |
Management Factware (1993) |
| |
415-563-2491 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
FIDO #72 Harry Chesley, Harry Chesley, Harry's BBS (1984-1987) |
Harry Chesley, H. Chesley | FidoNet |
415-563-4953 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
RCP/M RBBS DataTech 006 (1982-1983) |
| |
415-564-0632 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Black Ninja (1993-1994) |
| |
415-564-1468 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Empire of the Rising Sun (1993-1996) |
Kenshin Sakura | |
415-564-4225 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Skeptic's Board (1991) |
| |
415-564-5623 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Crystal Palace BBS, CRYSTAL PALACE BBS (1991-1994) |
George Britt | |
415-564-7730 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Cold Moon with Single Star Board (1987-1989) |
Joseph B Puig III | |
415-564-8157 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Forgotten Paradise, The Chaotic Realm (1993-1995) |
Justin Ong | |
415-564-9391 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Legend (1993) |
Alex Rubin | |
415-564-9440 San Francisco, CA |
IBBS West (1994-1996) |
Margery Chia | |
415-564-9996 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
IBBS West (1993) |
Ralph Jacobson | |
415-564-9998 San Francisco, CA |
IBBS West (1994-1995) |
| |
415-565-3037 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Living BBS, Living BBS, Education SIG (1983-1984) |
| |
415-566-0126 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
New Dork Sublime (1993-1994) |
| |
415-566-0385 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Scuba Net (1993-1994) |
| |
415-567-0217 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Twelfth Night BBS (1990) |
Jono Smith | |
415-567-7043 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Reality Check, realitycheck BBS (1992-1994) |
Kurt Weiske | |
415-567-9389 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Network 2000 PCB (1990-1991) |
Helton Lim | |
415-570-0545 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
LeasaNet HQ (1989-1991) |
Steve Golamco | |
415-570-4639 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
| |
415-571-1486 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Fur Side, The Phoenix Nest (1990-1991) |
Charlie Kellner | |
415-571-6160 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
, Video (1985-1989) |
Wes Dorman | |
415-571-6204 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Cat's Tail BBS (1988) |
Bill Bennett | |
415-571-6911 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1987-1989) |
D.Jones/D.Hewes | |
415-571-6912 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
PDSE San Mateo (1992-1995) |
Dave Jones | TBBS
415-571-7056 San Mateo, CA |
On Broadway, Sosaria (1984-1987) |
David Brown | |
415-571-8445 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Unholy Wasteland
| |
415-571-9259 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Peninsular Bulletin Board (1993-1994) |
| |
415-572-0359 San Mateo, CA |
The Skeptic's Board (1992-1994) |
Rick Moen | |
415-572-2591 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Lambda San Francisco (1991-1996) |
| |
415-572-6596 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Pacific SunStone (1995-1997) |
Larry McGee | |
415-572-8219 San Mateo, CA |
Hints BBS, KAYFUN HINTS BBS, Kay*Fun (1986-2000) |
Ernest Hintz | PCBoard |
CP/M software and messages. System supported by Kayfun CP/M software and messages. System supported by Kayfun
415-572-8239 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
IeBBS (1991-1992) |
Otto Fung | |
415-572-8263 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Paradise (1993-1996) |
| |
415-572-9563 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
PC Bear's Lair, PCBL BBS, SF Peninsula Net (1987-1995) |
Les Kooyman | |
415-572-9594 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
High Tech Guys, HTG/Outreach, HTG/Outreach BBS (1989-1996) |
Allan Hurst | |
415-572-9626 San Mateo, CA |
PC Bear's Lair, PCBL TOO (1991-1995) |
Les Kooyman, PC Bear | |
415-572-9661 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Mail Exchange, Windows NT Online Support (1992-1993) |
Bruce Chester | |
415-572-9677 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
HTG/Outreach (1990-1997) |
Allan Hurst | |
415-573-5473 San Mateo, CA |
Hints, HINTS BBS (1992-1995) |
| |
415-573-8709 San Mateo, CA |
The Anxiety Closet (1991-1995) |
Clayton Fiske | |
415-574-3663 San Carlos, CA |
RCP/M RBBS DataTech #15 San Mateo, TOAD HALL, Toad Hall, TechNet (1984-1994) |
J. Thaddeus, J Thaddeus, Eric R. Daniel | PCBoard |
MS-/PC-DOS software, communications, engineering, AutoCAD & ham radio MS-/PC-DOS software, communications, engineering, AutoCAD & ham radio
415-574-4427 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Leasametric, Inc, RCP/M RBBS DataTech #11 Foster City (1984-1985) |
Howard Stateman | |
415-574-5602 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Anxiety Closet (1989-1990) |
Clayton Fiske | |
415-574-7018 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
ComTec Systems (1991) |
Philip D. Forino | PCBoard |
415-574-7684 San Mateo, CA |
San Mateo User's Group, SAN MATEO USERS GROUP (1986-1991) |
Robert Hunter, Unknown | |
San Mateo TRS-80 User Group BBS (8/N/1) San Mateo TRS-80 User Group BBS (8/N/1)
415-574-7914 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
BAVUG, PRA (1986-1997) |
Franz Hirner | |
415-578-0495 OAKLAND, CA |
Nomadic Software (1993-1994) |
Brian Collins | |
415-578-1639 OAKLAND, CA |
Software Professionals Inc BBS (1994-1995) |
Gary Shelton, Paul McClellan, Gary Sehlton | |
415-578-1919 OAKLAND, CA |
Switch (1993-1994) |
| |
415-579-5544 San Francisco, CA |
The Skull (1984-1995) |
The Dozer | PCBoard 15.2 |
415-579-7251 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Stroke of Midnight (1987) |
| Forum |
415-579-7506 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Steve's Place (1990) |
Steve Grunwald | |
415-581-0449 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The French Connection (1990-1994) |
| |
415-581-3019 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
AMERICAN DREAM, AMERICAN DREAM BBS, Dream Machine, G A D M, GADM, The Soft Programming Technical Support, TheSoft Programming (1987-1995) |
Dave Gentry | TBBS |
415-581-8529 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Clubhouse BBS (1990-1991) |
Bill George | |
415-581-9452 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MissingLink (1988) |
| |
415-582-2973 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Hayward/Cadillac Systems (1988) |
| Wildcat |
415-582-4598 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Quig's T&T BBS WILD (1990-1991) |
Bill Quigley | |
415-582-6743 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
G A D M, GADM (1988-1991) |
Dave Gentry | |
415-583-0846 NICASIO, CA |
Bay Peninsula Exchange 2, BPX 2, The System II Exchange (1987-1988) |
Paolo Piazza | |
415-583-0970 NICASIO, CA |
Cosmic Cube (1995) |
Dennis McGrath | |
415-583-1673 NICASIO, CA |
Strictly Business (1987-1990) |
| Forum |
415-583-2780 NICASIO, CA |
Cosmic Cube (1994) |
Dennis McGrath | |
415-583-4102 South San Francisco, CA |
Lies Unlimited BBS (1992-1994) |
Mike McCue | RA 1.11+ |
415-584-0697 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Genealogy(SF), Roots BBS, ROOTS BBS
, Roots(SF!), Roots, Genealogy, ROOTS-BBS, SF Bay Net (1985-1996) |
Brian Mavrogeorge, B. Mavrogeorge | Opus
415-584-2422 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Catholic Info Net #5, Catholic InfoNet #5 (1992-1994) |
| |
415-585-6334 San Francisco, CA |
NET-WORKS AppleCore, SAN FRAN. APPLE CORPS (1984-1985) |
415-585-7579 San Francisco, CA |
In Living Color, The Flight Deck (1992-1994) |
James Esteves | TELEGARD |
415-585-8538 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Telzy's BBS (1995) |
| |
415-586-6616 San Francisco, CA |
THE EROGENOUS ZONE! (1994-1995) |
| |
415-586-9269 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
DARK CHURCH #1 (1994-1995) |
| |
415-587-4052 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MacDaddy (1994) |
Robert Pomon | |
415-587-4544 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Message Warehouz (1994-1996) |
Barry Fong | |
415-587-8062 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
A.B.A.C.U.S., Abacus BBS, The Abacus (1984-1994) |
| AMIS |
415-587-9052 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MacDaddy, the Mac Daddy BBS (1994) |
Robert Pomon | |
415-587-9664 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Midnight Mechanics Inc. San Francisco (1991) |
Alfred Yee | PCBoard |
415-588-0319 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Anxiety Closet (1990-1991) |
Clayton Fiske | |
415-588-1696 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
BBS San Francisco (1984-1985) |
| |
415-588-7907 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Swizzle Stick (1992) |
Richard Bollar | |
415-589-2844 POINT REYES, CA |
Moraga Concord Walnut Creek, SF1 SF2 (1994) |
Richard Bollar | |
415-589-3738 POINT REYES, CA |
Ragtime, Unknown (1992-1994) |
Dennis Jacobson | |
415-589-4404 POINT REYES, CA |
SF1 SF2, Swizzle Stick (1994) |
Richard Bollar | |
415-589-4469 POINT REYES, CA |
SF1 and South, SF1 SF2, Swizzle Stick (1992-1995) |
Richard Bollar | |
415-589-5062 POINT REYES, CA |
RCP/M RBBS EPSON, RTPM San Francisco (1983-1985) |
| |
415-589-5705 POINT REYES, CA |
COMM*NET (1994) |
Tom Hill | |
415-589-5734 POINT REYES, CA |
COMM*Net (1995) |
Tom Hill, Tim Hill | |
415-589-7512 POINT REYES, CA |
The PCNetWork BBS (1989) |
Chuck Spear | |
415-589-7835 POINT REYES, CA |
Pipe Dream (1987-1989) |
Bill Holmes | |
415-591-1762 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MoDeMeR'S BBS, The Anxiety Closet (1988) |
Clayton Fiske | |
415-591-1990 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Noble House 2 (1987) |
| |
415-591-6259 Belmont, CA |
Fog #4, FOG RBBS-RCP/M #4, FOG - 4 (1985-1988) |
Roy Robinson | Wildcat |
CP/M & MS-DOS support. PRACSA member CP/M & MS-DOS support. PRACSA member
415-592-4060 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Boob Tube Opus, The Belmont Flea Clinic (1988-1989) |
Bruce Oblander | |
415-592-4496 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Gamers BBS (1995) |
Anthony Ferrari | |
415-592-5669 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Ion Induced Insomnia (1993-1994) |
Ken Dorshimer | |
415-592-8426 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Aquacadd Design Consultnt (1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-592-8520 San Carlos, CA |
Kewl BBS, Kewl! BBS (1994-2004) |
Mike Russell, Squelch | Worldgroup, MajorBBS |
415-593-1541 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Paddington Station (1992) |
Randy Hough | |
415-593-5583 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
FIDO #78 Living Sober, Living Sober (1984-1985) |
Rick G. | FidoNet |
415-593-6784 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Phreak Out (1986) |
| |
415-593-6787 San Carlos, CA |
The Pirate's Hollow (1984-1986) |
Ye Cap'n | FoReM, Carina BBS |
415-594-0781 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Dog Lab (1986) |
Bruce Oblander | |
415-594-9806 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
PolloNET, The Dog Lab (1987-1989) |
Bruce Oblander | |
415-595-0541 BRISBANE, CA |
DataTech Network Headquarters System, RCP/M RBBS DataTech #1 San Carlos, RCP/M RBBS DataTech 001 (1982-1985) |
| |
415-595-2387 BRISBANE, CA |
The Elfspire Tome (1993-1994) |
Kenneth Teague | |
415-595-2427 San Carlos, CA |
Toad Hall, Toad Hall BBS (1989-1996) |
Gordon Anderson, J. Thaddeus, J Thaddeus | PCBoard
415-595-2479 San Carlos, CA |
FAUG, FAUG BBS (1986-1988) |
Timothy Avery | |
415-595-4713 BRISBANE, CA |
QUEST (1987-1988) |
Michael Ketcham | |
415-595-5079 San Carlos, CA |
TechNet (1986) |
Eric R. Daniel | |
MS-/PC-DOS software, communications, engineering, AutoCAD & ham radio MS-/PC-DOS software, communications, engineering, AutoCAD & ham radio
415-595-5843 BRISBANE, CA |
GENO'S PLACE, Geno'sPlace, Geno's Place (1990-1995) |
Gene Newcomb | PCBoard
415-595-5844 BRISBANE, CA |
Geno's Place (1993-1994) |
| |
415-595-8680 BRISBANE, CA |
Land of the Lost (1984) |
| |
415-597-5264 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
AutoCAD BBS (1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-598-0398 San Jose, CA |
The Micro Foundry (1992-1995) |
Thomas Nelson/Clockwork Software | |
2.2 GB Downloads - Your Online Software Source - Boardwatch
415-598-0498 OAKLAND, CA |
Micro Foundry BBS, MicroFoundry, The Micro Foundry (1988-1996) |
Tom Nelson | Wildcat
415-598-0898 Redwood City, CA |
Fred Austin | |
From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: Redwood City, California since 02/94. Sysop: Fred Austin. Using WildCat 3.60P with 10 lines on MS-DOS 80386 with 1200 MB storage. US Robotics at 16800 bps. $35 Half Year fee. Specializing in scans of our own original adult photography. Video for Windows Clips from our own original videos. Home of the Women of PBG. Custom adult image production services available for your BBS. No recycled magazine scans! INTIMATE IMAGES ONLINE 415.598.0898. Specializing in our own adult photography. Video for Windows clips from our original videos. Home of the famous Women of PBG. Male pics also available. 1000s of erotic images. Free samples downloadable on your first call. - BBS Magazine March, 1995
415-598-9100 OAKLAND, CA |
PC Mag IRS (1987-1989) |
Chris Barr | |
415-615-4147 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Aardwolf Express (1992-1994) |
| |
415-615-9525 San Francisco, CA |
Swizzle Stick ISDN, SWIZZLE STICK! (1994-1995) |
Richard Bollar | |
415-617-4700 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Gupta Technologies, Inc Technical Support (1995) |
| |
415-621-0567 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Macademe/Emma, San Francisco Hub, SF Bay Net, SF Main (1992-1999) |
William Sommers | |
415-621-0803 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
RECOVERY II, San Francisco Hub, SF Bay Net (1988) |
Bob Kovach | |
415-621-2609 San Francisco, CA |
Reg 10 SDS Coord, Reg 10 SDSCoord, San Francisco PC Users Group, SF PCUG
, SF PCUG BBS, SFPCUG, The PCUG BBS (1989-1996) |
Richard Couture | RBBS |
415-621-5156 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Media Literacy (1993-1994) |
| |
415-621-5206 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
, RECOVERY II, San Francisco Hub, SF Bay Net, Wine Country Hub (1986-1988) |
Bob Kovach, Don Kulha | |
415-621-5492 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
GreenPeace (1984-1989) |
| |
415-621-6520 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
PC Shop-Talk (1987-1989) |
Harry Logan | |
415-621-8015 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
TotalNet Mail Center (1995) |
Robert Hayes | |
415-621-8425 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SCRIBE(M) BBS (1989-1990) |
Byron Windhorst | |
415-623-0448 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Voyager (1989) |
| Wildcat |
415-626-0258 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
AIDS, AIDS BBS (1991-1993) |
| |
415-626-0291 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Turtle Recall (1992) |
David Powers | |
415-626-1246 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1987-1994) |
| |
415-626-5465 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Kinky Kumputer (1982-1983) |
| |
415-626-6972 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Ch@os (1989) |
Duke Crestfield | |
415-626-7812 San Francisco, CA |
Gillian/Craig Asso., Gillian/Craig Associates (1990-1995) |
Tim Pozar | |
415-626-8440 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Edges (1992) |
David Powers | |
415-626-9419 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Club, Gillian-Craig Associates, Keyhole BBS (1991-1994) |
| |
415-634-8735 Discovery Bay, CA |
NCC-1701 (1986-1988) |
| BBCS (Bulletin Board Construction Set) |
I used to run the NCC 1701 BBS in North Cal. (It wasn't very big.) 415-634-TREK.
415-635-4747 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
HARNCO*OAK (1986-1987) |
Franz Hirner | |
415-636-0965 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
North By Northwest
| |
415-636-9263 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Tijuana Tavern! (1991) |
Scott Ivey | |
415-637-0512 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Russian Heart, SF Peninsula Net (1982-1997) |
Richard Coatney | |
415-637-1714 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Krelailia (1995-1997) |
Chris Palmer | |
415-637-9324 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Toad Hall (1991-1994) |
| |
415-641-0348 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Airtight Garage (1993-1997) |
Carlos Benitz, Winston Smith | |
415-641-4363 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
KALW"Information Radio" (1989) |
| Wildcat |
415-641-4373 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Information Radio, Radio Station KALW (1993-1994) |
| |
415-641-9862 San Francisco, CA |
The Ultramagnetic Empire, UltraMag Empire (1991-1996) |
Matthew Fleischman, M.Fleischman | RBBS, WILDCAT! |
415-642-7387 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Disabled Children (1989-1994) |
| |
415-642-9695 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
OxyOpus BBS (1988) |
Richard Knowles | |
415-644-0585 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
M.A.C. (1987) |
| |
415-644-0782 Berkeley, CA |
Paperback Corporation Technical Support, Paperback Software Int'l (1993-1995) |
| |
415-644-1161 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
After Hours (1989) |
Barry Kapke | |
415-647-3199 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Byte It (1991-1992) |
| |
415-647-8528 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
City Hub, Satore Center (1986) |
Mike Kelleher | |
415-647-9243 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
San Francisco Weather (1989) |
| Wildcat |
415-648-2178 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Reality Check (1994) |
Kurt Weiske | |
415-648-3014 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Bernal Bear's Board, Bernal Bears Board, Grizzly Bear 100, RCP/M San Francisco (1984-1992) |
Marc Armstrong, Bernal Bear | |
415-648-4915 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SF Bay Net, Valley of the Gwangi (1994) |
Peter Wadsworth | |
415-648-5219 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Net125 Echomail System (1994) |
Net125 Echo Coordinator, Carlos Benitz | |
415-648-8944 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Bay Area Skeptics, The Skeptic's Board, The Skeptics board, The Skeptics Board (1990-1994) |
Rick Moen | |
415-648-9489 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Reality Check, Realitycheck, realitycheckBBS (1994-1996) |
Kurt Weiske | Opus
Cool Beans! BBS (1995) |
415-649-1493 Berkeley, CA |
Computers Etcetera (1993) |
| |
415-649-8588 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Pleasure Point
| |
415-651-4147 Fremont, CA |
Aardwolf Express, CONNECTION-80 Fremont, National Family Forum, Sonshine Express, Sonshine Express
(1982-1992) |
Anton Johnson | TBBS, CONNECTION-80 |
415-651-5948 OAKLAND, CA |
SCSI Conn. (1987) |
| |
415-651-9196 OAKLAND, CA |
Prometheus (1987) |
| |
415-651-9496 Fremont, CA |
Earth-Rite, Earth-Rite BBS, EARTH-RITE RBBS
, EarthRite, EARTH RITE FORUM (1984-1990) |
Robin McCain | Wildcat, RBBS, PBBS, Wildcat! |
"Some historical content is now up at earthritebbs.org. The first system ran on an Ampro Little Board with CP/M and ZCPR3 with a 1200 baud modem and 2 floppy drives. Initially the software was BYE5 and RBBS, but RBBS took too long to login when the user list got over 30 names, so it was switched to PBBS and a 6 meg hard drive added in 1986. The BBS was hit by a trasher in 1989 who poisoned the user interaction and was briefly resurrected with Wildcat! on a PC-XT." - Robin McCain
415-652-4905 Emeryville, CA |
Insight Development Corp (1993) |
| |
415-655-1206 Oakland, CA |
FOG - 33 (1986) |
Kenji Nakadegawa | |
East Bay FOG (FOG AMO #3) member supported East Bay FOG (FOG AMO #3) member supported
Pixel Penguin (1987) |
| |
415-656-0470 Fremont, CA |
Syquest BBS, SyQuest Technology (1990-1993) |
| |
415-656-0503 Fremont, CA |
Headland Technology (Tech Support BBS), Headland Technology Inc, Headland Technology, Inc BBS (1991-1993) |
| |
415-656-2873 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Zero Visibility (1992) |
| |
Independent Member BBS
415-656-5159 Freemont, CA |
Trantor Systems (Tech Support BBS), Trantor Systems BBS, Trantor Systems Ltd (1991-1993) |
| |
415-657-3430 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Future Warez (1992) |
| |
Independent Member BBS
415-657-4299 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Emerald City BBS (1991) |
Bruce Johnson | PCBoard |
415-657-9096 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Mystic Caverns (1984) |
| |
415-658-2919 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
CBBS Lambda (1982-1985) |
| |
415-658-5397 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
OAsis, Oasis (1989-1994) |
Jim Angel | |
415-659-9169 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
10/425, R S V P, R.S.V.P, RSVP (~from408, RSVP BBS, R.S.V.P. (1985-1994) |
Jim Thomas | |
415-661-0107 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
San Francisco Hub, SF Bay Net, Society of Procrastinators (1989) |
Adam Baum | |
415-661-0847 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
No Nmane (North), NoName North (1993-1994) |
| |
415-661-2837 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Cyber BBS (1994) |
| Wildcat |
415-661-7374 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MacQueue (1986-1988) |
Leo Laporte, Leo LaPorte | |
415-662-2469 NICASIO, CA |
The Clone Zone, The Clone Zone EBBS (1990-1991) |
Steven Keck | |
415-664-0290 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Temple Babel (1994) |
| |
415-665-4287 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Classifieds BBS (1995-1998) |
John Suelen | Wildcat
415-665-6920 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Mother Ship (1995) |
| TBBS |
415-665-7918 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Classifieds BBS (1992-1996) |
John Suelen, John Suelen Jr | Wildcat
415-666-0339 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
realitycheckBBS (1995-1998) |
Kurt Weiske | |
415-666-0471 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Tapkin's Historical BBS, TimeStream Historical (1992-1994) |
William Watters | |
415-668-4246 San Francisco, CA |
San Francisco CBBS (1980) |
| ABBS |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue)
415-668-6101 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Cold Moon With Single Star (1986) |
Joseph Puig | |
415-668-7168 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
STix (1989) |
| |
415-672-2504 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
, Nat'l Echo Coor, Nerd's Nook, NERD'S NOOK #1 Opus, SF EAST BAYVALLEY, TBLUG1 FIDO, THI CVA Headquarters (1986-1989) |
Butch Walker | FidoNet |
415-672-2505 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
TBLUG Fido, TBLUG2 FIDO (1986-1992) |
Butch Walker | FidoNet |
415-672-3104 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Echo Hub, TBLUG3 FIDO (1986) |
Butch Walker | FidoNet |
415-672-9408 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Norcal Echomail Hub (1989) |
Butch Walker | |
415-673-0725 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
San Francisco Hub, The Fishtank (1994) |
Lucas Nealan | |
415-673-4080 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Opportunity Network (1993-1994) |
| |
415-673-5275 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Fishtank (1993) |
Lucas Nealan | |
415-673-8670 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Mordor (1990) |
| |
415-674-0660 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Humor and Wisdom (1984-1985) |
Wayne Webber | |
415-674-9170 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Out Online (1996) |
| |
415-676-4509 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Slaughter House (1990) |
Don Juan | Telegard |
415-681-5135 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Online At Last!, San Francisco Hub, SF Bay Net, Wine Country Hub (1988-1989) |
Aaron Lau, Don Kulha | |
415-681-5862 San Francisco, CA |
NU-BBS (1993-1995) |
| |
415-681-8178 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Net125 Echomail Coordinator, Ocean Beach BBS (1995-1999) |
Greg Frydenlund | |
415-681-9026 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Erotic Realms (1994) |
Pankaj Mankotia | |
415-681-9594 San Francisco, CA |
Macademe/Emma, San Francisco Hub, SF Bay Net (1990-1995) |
William Sommers | |
415-682-1371 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
HDM (1990-1992) |
Bill Plein | |
415-683-0327 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Orchid Display Boards, Orchid Technology (Tech Support BBS), Orchid Technology BBS (1991) |
| |
415-683-0617 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Mouse Systems (Tech Support BBS), Mouse Systems Corp BBS (1990-1991) |
| |
415-683-9560 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Freedom BBS (1988) |
| Wildcat |
415-686-4338 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
The Billboard (1988) |
| Red Ryder Host |
415-686-4536 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
Harmonic Convergence (1992) |
| |
The Silents Member BBS
415-686-9100 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
Mercury ? BRP Online (1990) |
Michael Wallis | |
415-687-0236 SAN FRANCISCO: JUNI, CA |
Online Computer Resources, OnlineComputerResources, The File Server BBS (1990-1991) |
Derek Koopowitz | Wildcat |
415-687-3846 SAN FRANCISCO: JUNI, CA |
Contra Costa Hub, SF Squared, SF-Squared (1990-1991) |
Michael Wallis | |
415-687-7595 SAN FRANCISCO: JUNI, CA |
Magrathea (1987) |
| GBBS Pro |
Home of RBBS-PC West, HQ of RBBS-PC We, HQ of RBBS-PC West
(1985-1992) |
Jon Martin | |
The Glass Thread (1990-1991) |
Bob Lockhart | |
The Sinking Ship (1991) |
Mark Bauman | |
Warehouse (1992) |
| |
Independent Member BBS
YET ANOTHER BBS (1990-1991) |
Jim Stewart | |
415-691-0401 Mountain View, CA |
cc: Mail Technical Support, cc:Mail Inc, cc:Mail, Inc. (1993-1995) |
| |
415-691-0954 Mountain View, CA |
The Travel Connection! (1994) |
George Ourts | |
From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: Mountain View, California since 01/94. Sysop: George Ourts. Using WildCat 3.9 with 1 line on MS-DOS 80486 with 500 MB storage. Multitech at 14400 bps. No fee. Travel news and information; travel partners; several online travel data-bases including Bed & Breakfasts; travel photo library; post, download postcards; share travel experiences; travel advisories, warnings; tourist information; more.
415-691-1016 Sunnyvale, CA |
Trident (Tech Support BBS), Trident Microsystems Inc, Trident Microsystems Technical Support, Trident Microsystems, Inc BBS (1991-1995) |
| |
415-691-9461 Los Altos, CA |
Flat Earth BBS (1991-1994) |
Kelvin Shing | |
415-692-1406 Burlingame, CA |
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #31, MEBBS (FOG 31) (1985-1986) |
Jim Switz | |
FOG support, customer support FOG support, customer support
415-692-1861 Millbrae, CA |
WestWind BBS (1986) |
Yati Sahae | |
Support of WestWind customers. PRACSA member Support of WestWind customers. PRACSA member
415-692-7721 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Skull (1993-1994) |
| |
415-692-9521 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Envisions Solutions Technolog, Envisions Solutions Technology (1992-1994) |
| |
Insignia Solutions Technical Support, Insignia Solutions, Inc. (1995) |
| |
415-695-0759 San Francisco, CA |
Inter-Network Coord, KUMR, Late Night Software, Late Night Software 125/555 (1988-1995) |
Tim Pozar | FIDO |
Home of UFGATE - Software to connect PCs to UUCP/Usenet
415-703-0150 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Five Star (1996) |
| |
415-703-1297 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Compucall (1993-1994) |
| |
415-703-8200 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Eye Contact (1993-1996) |
| |
Access Net (1996) |
| MajorBBS
415-721-0680 Sausalito, CA |
Autodesk Foundation (1993) |
| |
FrEdMail System
415-723-7685 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SMUG BBS, Stanford Macintosh Users Group (SMUG) BBS (1988-1990) |
Greg Whitten | Red Ryder Host |
415-726-2726 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Tsunami (1987) |
| |
415-726-3587 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
The Public BBS (1994) |
| |
415-726-3888 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Whirlwind (1993-1994) |
| |
415-726-7932 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Lefthanders World, Lefty's World (1993-1994) |
| |
415-726-9659 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Surf Board (1986-1988) |
Trippy Wilson | |
415-727-0442 OAKLAND, CA |
Any Body's, AnyBody's, Anybody's BBS (1988-1992) |
Kevin Sibley | Wildcat |
415-728-0527 NOVATO, CA |
Crystal BLUE 1 (1994) |
John Bell | |
415-728-3239 NOVATO, CA |
Crystal BLUE 2 (1994) |
John Bell | |
415-728-3293 NOVATO, CA |
Crystal Blue BBS (1993) |
| |
415-731-1037 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Mac Exchange (1987) |
| |
415-731-2422 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Nightingale (10/475), Nightingale BBS, The Nightingale (1988-1994) |
Jim Rankin | |
415-731-4300 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Ocean Beach BBS (1999) |
Greg Frydenlund | |
415-731-5163 San Francisco, CA |
Deep Space, Deep Space BBS (1992-1994) |
Kenn Fink, Ken Fink | |
415-731-9859 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Sanctum (1993-1994) |
| |
415-734-0444 Pleasanton, Ca, |
Quasatron Systems BBS (1989) |
Kenneth C. Mazie | Wildcat |
"Hi, I just found your list on the web. I ran the Quasatron BBS for about four years. I have all the old files stored and if you like i can look them up and give you any statistics about the system you like. It ran on on 2 386sx 16 MHz systems and had 150 megs of disk space. It had two dial up lines and used Microcom Ax9624c modems that would do 9600 baud if connected to another microcom ax9624c. I ran it as a hobby and never charged for access. that was the reson i wound up shutting it down, lack of funds to keep it up. I was never linked into FIDOnet or any other link service and my message base was never very busy. It was a lot of fun though while it lasted." - Ken Mazie
415-734-4748 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Vidgame BBS (1992) |
| |
Windows Online (tm), WINDOWS ONLINE(tm) IDS (1991-1992) |
| |
415-737-9939 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Vidgame, VidGame BBS (1991-1996) |
George Hassmer | PCBoard
415-738-0797 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Phoenix Nest BBS, The Phoenix Nest, The Phoenix Nest BBS (1991-1993) |
Charlie Kellner | |
VidGame BBS (1991) |
| |
415-742-6441 San Bruno, CA |
Vid Game, VidGame BBS (1992-1995) |
George Hassmer | |
The VidGame BBS (1994-1997) |
George Hassmer | PCBoard
415-743-1713 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Bay Area Rapid Transfers (1991) |
Victor Cornejo | |
415-744-9022 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
APCOPS/9th Circuit Court
(1994) |
| |
Reese Com BBS (1990) |
| Wildcat |
The Network BBS (1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-749-1254 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Hopper's BBS, Hopper's World (1993-1996) |
| Wildcat |
415-750-0253 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
? hideout, Cathouse ]I[ BBS, NCC 386 USS Clone, Omega Hideout (1992-1993) |
Robert Junod, Clayton Tucker | |
415-751-0588 San Fransisco,Ca |
The Cutting Edge (1993) |
| MBBS 6.1 |
415-751-7107 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Lethal Dosage (1992) |
Scott Kinkele | |
415-751-9308 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
City Hub, Thelema Net, ThelemaNet (1989-1994) |
Josh Gordon | |
415-752-0401 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
PCNS (1992-1995) |
Robert Renfro | |
415-752-4490 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Lincoln's Cabin, Lincons Cabin BBS (1992-1996) |
Steve Pomerantz | Wildcat
415-752-5615 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Photocomm (1988-1994) |
| Wildcat |
415-752-6172 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Midnight BBS (1987-1991) |
Melt Cober | |
415-753-0701 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
San Francisco Day School (1992-1993) |
Bebo White | |
415-753-3002 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MacQueue II (1986) |
Leo LaPorte | |
415-753-3115 San Francisco, Ca |
DaRk FoRcE BBS (1993) |
415-753-3238 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Lab (1992-1994) |
| |
415-753-3356 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
City Hub, Satore Center Opus (1987-1992) |
Mike Kelleher | |
415-753-6779 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Paradox/Handshake BBS (1991) |
Norman McIntosh | PCBoard |
415-755-1524 Daly City, CA |
Computer Continuum, Continuum
, Continuum BBS, Continuum OnLine (1984-1996) |
Jon Carmichael | PCBoard
, Wildcat |
415-755-2030 Daly City, CA |
First Osborne Gp #1, FOG #1, FOG RBBS-RCP/M #1, FOG - 1 (1984-1994) |
First Osborne Group, Gale Rhoades | |
Distribution of FOG Disk Library. FOG or PRACSA Distribution of FOG Disk Library. FOG or PRACSA
415-755-2284 Daly City, CA |
PC Hackers Nest BBS (1988-2000) |
Ben Gordon | Wildcat! |
"Started out with one line and freeware DOS BBS Software, added two lines, switched to Wildcat/DOS then Wildcat/OS2, finally the 32bit Windows version on the web as pchackersnest.com closed in 2000 due to an almost total lack of interest from the public." - Ben Gordon
415-755-8315 Daly City, CA |
FOG #6, FOG - 6 (1986-1990) |
Jack Brown | |
Technical information and FOG uploads Technical information and FOG uploads
415-756-0523 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
VOR BBS (1987-1988) |
Vern Buerg | |
415-756-1221 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Back Door (1993-1994) |
Ken Braun | |
415-756-5098 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
BUN'S, BUN'S BBS, Bun's BBS (1992-1996) |
Bundy Chanock | Wildcat
415-756-6152 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Back Door (1994-1996) |
Ken Braun, Sysop | |
415-756-6238 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Back Door, Backdoor, The Back Door (1991-2001) |
Ken Braun, Sysop | |
415-756-9587 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Backdoor (1993-1996) |
| |
415-756-9865 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
PC Hackers Nest BBS (1995) |
Ben Gordon | |
415-758-1650 CORTE MADERA, CA |
Enterprise Fido, Enterprize, West Contra Costa (1986-1992) |
Garry Lapides | |
415-758-8315 CORTE MADERA, CA |
FOG #6 (1989) |
| |
415-759-0521 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
| |
415-759-6969 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
| |
415-759-8122 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Lambda San Francisco
| |
415-763-0552 OAKLAND, CA |
Wizard Clan (1991) |
| |
415-763-5172 OAKLAND, CA |
Mistress's Lair (1991-1992) |
| |
415-763-5173 OAKLAND, CA |
Gendernet Int'l, Gendernet International (1991-1992) |
| |
415-763-6794 OAKLAND, CA |
Low Ovhd (1987-1988) |
Scott Wahrer | |
415-764-1629 San Francisco, CA |
Fido Software, FIDO Support Customer Supp (1987-1993) |
Tom Jennings | FidoNet |
415-765-0571 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
NCFCC-KKSF (1991-1993) |
Tim Pozar | |
415-769-0918 SAUSALITO, CA |
Daddy's (1991-1994) |
| |
415-769-8774 SAUSALITO, CA |
Sitka Corp BBS, Sitka Corporation Technical Support, TOPS Microsystems Corp BBS, TopsTalk TBBS 16nodes (1990-1995) |
David Birkhead | |
415-769-8874 SAUSALITO, CA |
TOPS Support (Tech Support BBS) (1991) |
| |
415-770-0140 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
U.C.I. (1990) |
| |
415-770-0630 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Wall, TheWall (1990-1992) |
Charlie Floyd | |
415-770-9655 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Songtech (1992-1994) |
| |
415-771-1119 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
MicahLink BBS (1989) |
| |
415-771-1788 Russian Hill, SF, CA |
Midi Exchange, MIDI-Exchange BBS, San Francisco MIDI Users (1986-1994) |
Walt Perko | WWIV, Excalibur |
"I was the owner/operator/sysop for "the MIDI-Exchange BBS, P.O. Box 640608, San Francisco, CA, 415-771-1788" I think I started the BBS about 1986 and ran it until about 1994 when HTML certainly had taken over. I don't remember the first software I started with, but was using "WWIV" for a long time and then "Excaliber" near the end. I actually have a .zip file of the BBS with all the messages 'n files still if you want a copy let me know, I'll dig it out of my back-ups. When I ran the BBS I was living on Russian Hill in San Francisco. There is a write up in book on MIDI . I have that book packed away here . I forget the name." - Walt Perko
415-771-2051 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1987-1989) |
| |
415-771-3191 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Jazz On-Line, KJAZ (1993-1994) |
| |
415-771-7334 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Chauvet & Company's CITY (1994) |
| Wildcat |
415-771-9155 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Glinda (1993-1999) |
Michael Aquino | |
415-775-2384 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
PBay Apple, Pirate, PIRATE'S BAY, PIRATES BAY, The Bay, Pirates Bay (1982-1989) |
| |
415-776-3242 San Francisco, CA |
The Apple Empire (1994) |
| |
415-776-6628 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
AI-NET (1987-1988) |
Ted Glenwright | |
415-776-7228 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Skateboard (1986) |
Bruce Ong | |
415-776-9283 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Quake City BBS (1993-1999) |
Jim Beliakoff | |
415-778-5929 Antioch, CA |
Bernath Computer, Infolinc PCBoard Node 1 (1991-1993) |
John Palmer | PCBoard |
415-778-7496 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Infolinc PCBoard Node 2 (1991) |
John Palmer | PCBoard |
NeXTanswers BBS (1995) |
| |
415-782-4023 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
STu's Place (1991) |
| |
415-782-4402 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
System/80 San Leandro (1983-1984) |
| |
415-785-5367 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Telegraph Road (1987) |
| GBBS Pro |
415-785-8085 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
VIDEO VISION BBS (1988-1990) |
| Wildcat |
415-788-3907 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
KLOK FM BBS, KLOK-FM BBS, SF Bay Net (1986-1989) |
Tim Pozar | |
415-788-8663 San Francisco, CA |
DPNet (1991-1994) |
Scott Sang | |
415-790-1375 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Tavern (1989-1992) |
Charles Silva | |
415-790-3041 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Balm in Gilead (1994) |
| |
415-790-3432 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Down Under, Down-Under (1987-1991) |
John Pickens | |
415-790-6311 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
, SanFrancisco (1986-1989) |
| |
415-791-0674 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
East Bay Technical (1986-1989) |
John Rohner | |
415-791-0832 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Diamond Mind (1991) |
Frank Cwick | |
415-791-1104 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The WebWorks (1991) |
| PCBoard |
415-791-2961 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Fremont Area Remote Term. (1989) |
| Wildcat |
415-792-2708 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
SabreNet (1989-1990) |
Carl Sabantini | PCBoard |
415-792-3210 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Midnight Express
, The Midnight Express (1986-1992) |
Rich Holcomb | PCBoard |
415-792-3481 Newark, CA |
FOG - 38 (1986) |
Gerald Wright | |
PRACSA member PRACSA member
415-792-8052 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Dragon's Byte BBS (1988) |
| Wildcat |
415-792-8753 Fremont, CA |
Electric Shock BBS (1987-1990) |
TWeRKiNaLo | Renegade |
"Had almost 300 users at one point. Flame board was most popular. And image download and file trading system." - TWeRKiNaLo
415-793-0284 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Litter Box (1990-1992) |
John Ferra | |
415-793-1393 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Empire of Darkness (1987) |
| Cit68k 2.14 |
415-793-3037 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Centerville RBBS Lang Utils, Centreville (1985-1991) |
Joe Halblieb, Joe Halbleib | |
415-793-3325 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Airplane (1989) |
| |
415-793-9983 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
RIMS (1985) |
Bob Herrick | |
Compu-Ace, CompuAce (1991-1992) |
| |
Darklands (1991) |
| |
Gemini-80 (1984) |
| |
ABBS Computerland (1982-1983) |
| |
(1986-1991) |
Bernie Belew | PCBoard |
Logitech (Tech Support BBS), Logitech Mouse Support, Logitech, Inc BBS (1990-1991) |
| |
The Network (1991) |
John Coleman | |
MacInfo, MacInfo BBS, MACInfo Red Ryder MACintosh (1987-1991) |
Norm Goodger | Red Ryder Host |
415-797-9590 BELVEDERE (MARIN), CA |
Jet Print BBS (1988) |
| Wildcat |
415-797-9831 BELVEDERE (MARIN), CA |
Electricial Information Exchange (1991) |
Dave Moore | PCBoard |
415-799-5719 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
T-1000 (1986) |
Ron Cunningham | |
415-799-9171 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Infinity (1989) |
| Wildcat |
The OtherSide (1994-1996) |
| Searchlight
415-802-9011 San Carlos, CA |
Charisma II, Charisma II BBS (1993-1996) |
Robert Maverik | PCBoard
The OtherSide (1994-1996) |
Rob Glasener | Searchlight
The Iguana's Domain (1992) |
Sam Chi | |
415-820-2177 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Metal CA (1989-1990) |
Tormentor | STadel |
415-820-7696 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Mustang BBS
Mino Taur | |
415-821-3410 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
ModiFido (1986) |
Ezra Shapiro | FidoNet |
415-821-4273 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Station House (1994-1996) |
| |
415-821-4497 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Folsom Street (1991-1992) |
| |
415-822-5630 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Thrasher Magazine BBS, THRASHER Zine's (1986) |
Chauf Fer | |
415-822-7550 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Bay Area Love Connection (1993-1994) |
| |
415-822-7991 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Monster's Funhouse (1994) |
| |
415-824-2488 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SF Cafe NET (1992-1995) |
Wayne Gregori | |
415-824-5069 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Draken's Keep, San Francisco Hub, SF Bay Net (1989-1990) |
Mike Moore | |
415-824-7603 San Francisco, CA |
Compact Disc Exchange, Compact Audio Disk Exchange (1993-1994) |
Wayne Gregori | |
Buy/Sell/Trade Compact Audio Disks Online
415-824-7809 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Harry's, Hypercard BBS (1987-1994) |
| |
415-824-7952 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Big Board, The BIG Board (1992) |
Cliff Wilson | |
415-824-8767 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1987-1989) |
| |
415-825-4613 SAN FRANCISCO: JUNI, CA |
InterCom (1991) |
| PCBoard |
415-826-0397 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Wetware Diversions (1993-1994) |
| |
415-826-1707 San Francisco, CA |
Foley Hi Tech (XDOS), Foley Hi-Tech Systems, PC-Guru, PC-GURU III (1991-1994) |
| |
415-826-2131 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
KBBS FORUM (1985) |
Bond Shands | |
415-826-9626 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
NoName (North) (1994) |
| |
Breaking Walls,Bldg. Brd. (1990) |
| Wildcat |
The Crazy Doctor (1991) |
Provin Dhawan | |
Contra Costa Hub, Mission Control, NNY Genealogy, No Name Yet Genealogy (1990-1991) |
Concord CA, Douglas Smith | |
64 bbs
| |
415-828-3607 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
TriValley CUG, TVCUG BBS (1987-1989) |
Sean Ackley | |
415-828-6313 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Knowledge Board (1991) |
Matt Kuhn | |
415-828-7924 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
TVCUG BBS (1990-1991) |
Sean Ackley | PCBoard |
415-828-8012 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Games Master, GamesMaster (1991-1992) |
Eric, Arron, & Don Odle | PCBoard |
415-828-8941 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
TVCUG BBS (1989-1990) |
Sean Ackley | |
415-829-6027 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Easy Access, Easy Access BBS, EasyAccess PCB AT&T (1989-1992) |
Tony Waddell | PCBoard |
415-829-6062 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
ATT-PAC, ATT-PAC AUNT IBM (1987-1992) |
Randy Young, Young&Gardner, Young/Gardner | |
415-829-7627 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
EasyAccess PCB AT&T (1990-1991) |
Tony Waddell | |
415-829-7857 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Iisme BBS (1990-1991) |
Chris Maters | |
415-830-4616 San Ramon, CA |
Guardian's Gateway, The Guardian's Gateway, The Hideout BBS (1988-1993) |
Brent Johnson, Snipe, Brent Johson aka Snipe | Telegard |
"Telegard Beta Site specializing in that software's support and distribution." - Brent Johson
415-833-1780 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Friend of Bill W. (1989-1994) |
| |
415-834-3319 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SCI-Fido (1984) |
Mike Farren | FidoNet |
415-837-4610 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Transfer Station, TRANSFER STATION
, TransferStation PCB FIDO (1987-1991) |
Kevin Fong | PCBoard |
415-837-5591 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Transfer Station (1991) |
| PCBoard |
415-838-7687 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Diablo BBS (1991-1992) |
Phil Berretta | |
415-841-5621 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The DCCG BBS (1991) |
Guy Thomas | |
415-841-9481 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
East Bay Hub, Sci-Fido II (1989-1991) |
Richard Knowles | FidoNet |
415-843-4234 MILL VALLEY, CA |
Earthmind (1991) |
| |
415-843-6853 MILL VALLEY, CA |
(1987) |
| |
415-843-9634 MILL VALLEY, CA |
Hall of Wisdom (1991) |
| |
415-845-0407 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The BooK
| |
415-845-0514 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Charge
| |
415-845-1789 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Microworld Atari
| |
415-845-2164 Berkeley, CA |
Berkeley Mega-Monster (1986) |
Tony Adams | |
CP/IM and MS-DOS public domain software. PRACSA member CP/IM and MS-DOS public domain software. PRACSA member
415-845-4812 Berkeley, CA |
NET-WORKS Winner's Circle, Winner's Circle, WinnersCir. (1984-1988) |
415-845-5558 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
NorthStar (1987) |
| |
415-845-6157 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Gurgi (1987-1990) |
Kinne Strong | |
415-845-8649 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Med-Link, MedLink (125/2001) (1988-1989) |
Robert Fields | |
415-845-8782 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Med-Link (1989-1991) |
Robert Fields | |
415-845-9462 Berkeley, CA |
BBS IBM PC Berkeley, Blue BOSS IBM PC, IBM PC BBS: Berkeley, CA (1982-1985) |
| |
415-847-1501 Cupertino, CA |
Hewlett-Packard Co BBS (1990-1993) |
| |
415-849-1795 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
BMUG (1990-1991) |
Raines Cohen | |
415-849-2684 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
BMUG (1987-1989) |
Raines Cohen | |
415-849-3539 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
Paradise Lost (1991) |
| |
415-849-3884 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
BMUG (1991) |
Bernard Aboba | |
415-849-4379 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
BMUG (1989-1990) |
Raines Cohen | |
415-849-9118 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
BMUG (1991) |
Bernard Aboba, Raines Cohen | |
415-851-2674 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
Piracy Connection (1986) |
| |
415-851-3453 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
PMS - Portola Valley (1982-1985) |
| |
415-851-3989 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
Noble House 1 (1987) |
| |
415-851-4368 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
Playboy Mansion (1990) |
| |
415-851-7732 Woodside, CA |
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #12, Kings Mountain FOG #12, King's Mountain (1985-1989) |
Troy Soult | |
FOG #12 - mainly MS-DOS software. PRACSA member FOG #12 - mainly MS-DOS software. PRACSA member
North Valley Echo Hub, North Valley Hub, The Coffee Club West (1993-1995) |
Jerry Andrews | |
415-854-4696 Atherton, CA |
Heebner's Hotel (1991-1992) |
Jim Heebner | Hermes |
"This was an "elite" Mac BBS, one of several in a small network at the time (the other prominent ones were The Buzzard's Nest and SPaM, both in Southern California). All of these BBS's including my own would be busy 24/7 because people would call them from all over the country, and because they contained pirated software, sometimes uploaded by the software developers themselves." - Jim Heebner
415-855-9548 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
MailCom Message Center, MailCom Public USENET (1987-1990) |
Bernard Aboba | |
415-856-2771 Palo Alto, CA |
Desktop Publisher, TeleTech (1986-1994) |
Freeman Bradford | |
Hobby. PRACSA member Hobby. PRACSA member
415-856-2820 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Legal Recourse (1995-1996) |
| MajorBBS
415-856-3375 Palo Alto, CA |
The ShadowLands (1993-1996) |
DASiUM, Shorty (Co-Sysop) | Renegade |
415-856-8425 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Anatomically Correct (1993-1994) |
| |
415-856-8746 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Inferno (1993-1994) |
| |
Dehnbase, Dehnbase Rainbow, DehnbaseRainbw, SF Peninsula Net (1993-1997) |
Joe Dehn | Opus
Software Zone (1991) |
Jamie Witmondt | PCBoard |
Packet UNIX BBS (1988-1991) |
| |
RCP/M RBBS DataTech #10 Palo Alto (1984-1985) |
| |
415-859-5463 SAN FRANCISCO: JUNI, CA |
Mop Mop BBS (1992) |
Dan Shimizu | |
415-861-0311 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Coconino County, Valley of the Gwangi (1991-1994) |
Peter Wadsworth | |
415-861-0925 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
S.W.A.P. BBS, SWAP #2 (1989-1990) |
Kenn Radford | |
415-861-2510 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Abalone Alliance, The Energy Board, The Energy Net (1993-1998) |
Roger Herried | |
415-861-4485 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
C-64 ET (1989) |
| |
415-861-5733 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
RBBS IBM PC San Francisco (1984-1986) |
Harry Logan | |
415-861-6250 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SWAP #3 (1990) |
Kenn Radford | |
415-861-6354 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Net125 Echomail System (1993-1994) |
Peter Wadsworth | |
415-861-6489 San Francisco, CA |
CONFERENCE-TREE San Francisco (1983-1985) |
415-861-6671 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SWAP #1 (1990) |
Kenn Radford | |
415-861-7901 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
San Francisco Online (1994-1997) |
William Sommers | |
415-861-8290 San Francisco, CA |
Coconino County, The Coconino County BBS (1990-1995) |
Peter Wadsworth | |
415-863-2739 San Francisco, CA |
Fido Software, FidoNews, Fido Software BBS 1:125/111 (1990-1994) |
Tom Jennings | FidoNet |
The first Fido BBS and home of Fido BBS 12s
415-863-2749 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Klingon Imperial Headquarters (1990) |
Dee Lamzaki | |
415-863-4703 San Francisco, CA |
ABBS PCnet (1981-1983) |
415-863-8921 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Bears Anonymous BBS (1993-1997) |
David Wagner | |
415-863-9697 San Francisco, CA |
FOG City, FOG CITY BBS, Fog City Fido, FOG City BBS 125/10 (1986-1995) |
Bill Essex | FidoNet, TBBS |
Gay Community BBS - AIDS Info - Desktop Publishing - MACs
415-863-9718 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Aids Action, AIDS ACTION BBS, SF BAY InterConnect, SF BAY InterConnect BBS, The DataBurst (1987-1996) |
Bill Essex | |
415-863-9746 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Fog City (1991-1997) |
Bill Essex | |
415-864-0774 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
E Tree III, E-Tree-3 (1984-1993) |
| |
415-864-0890 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Local Talent, SF Oyster (1991-1994) |
| |
415-864-0908 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Int'l Soc Indv'l Liberty (1995) |
| |
415-864-1418 San Francisc, CA |
FIDO #1 Fido's Board, FIDO #1: Fido's Board, Fido's Board, Fido's-Board (1984-1986) |
Tom Jennings | FidoNet |
415-864-1522 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
All My Modems (1991-1992) |
| |
415-864-2037 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
ET3 Network (1987) |
| |
415-864-3365 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Mac Connextion (1987) |
| |
415-864-3675 San Francisco, CA |
The New Dork Sublime (1988-1995) |
Demented Pimiento | Searchlight |
"A NIRVANAnet(tm) node, text file based, linked with other Bay Area NIRVANAnet BBSes." - Joe
415-864-3858 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1986-1994) |
Richard Schwartz | |
415-864-4248 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Earl Weaver Baseball (1993-1994) |
| |
415-864-4273 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Stationhouse (1992-1993) |
| |
415-864-6430 San Francisco, CA |
Bay Talk BBS, Baytalk, Baytalk (125/52) (1991-1995) |
Tom Karnes | TAG |
415-864-6535 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Rough 'n Ready (1991-1992) |
| |
415-864-7955 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
All My Modems, Local Talent, LocalTalent ORACOMM Dating (1990-1994) |
Terry Wyatt | |
415-865-2831 Alameda, CA |
NET-WORKS Computer Line (1984-1985) |
415-865-7115 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
IDC BBS, IDC BBS PCB1 ECHO (1990-1992) |
Mike King | PCBoard |
415-865-7585 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Banzi Institute
| |
415-868-2344 STINSON BEACH, CA |
The Shadow Zone IV (1995) |
Katherine Smith | |
415-871-5415 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Inner Sanctum BBS (1995-1996) |
Chuck Mayer | |
415-871-8563 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Inner Sanctum (1995-1996) |
| GT |
415-872-0242 San Bruno, CA |
Greater SF Bay Net, Net125 UUCP Gate, SF1 and South, Sherman's Shelter BBS (1993-2000) |
Dan Sherman | |
415-872-2142 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
Net125 UUCP Gate, Sherman's Shelter BBS (1994) |
Dan Sherman | |
415-872-8465 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
The Forgotten Realm (1992) |
| |
415-873-1839 OAKLAND, CA |
Dark Tower (1993-1994) |
| |
415-873-3840 OAKLAND, CA |
Rattpak AE (Password: RATT) (1986) |
| Ascii Express (Tac) |
415-873-5336 OAKLAND, CA |
| |
415-873-6537 OAKLAND, CA |
Mania Time USA (1994) |
Mike Exner | |
415-873-8659 OAKLAND, CA |
Mania Time USA (1992-1993) |
Mike Exner | |
415-875-4196 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Fox Hole BBS (1992-1996) |
Chuck Spear | Wildcat
415-876-0299 S. San Francisco, CA |
The Dragon's Lair BBS (1990-1995) |
Dean Brunette | |
Police Dept, South San Francicco Police Dept BBS (1989-1994) |
Daryl Jones | PCBoard |
415-878-4662 NOVATO, CA |
Starpoint (1987) |
| Forum |
415-878-9157 NOVATO, CA |
New Earth (1993-1994) |
| |
415-881-4626 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Entropy (1990) |
Roger Bastien (Caramon Majere) | Telegard |
415-881-5427 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Bust Out BBS, BustOut (1991-1992) |
Alex Riggs | |
415-881-5662 Hayward, CA |
ABBS Byte Shop, ABBS Hayward, Byte Shop (1982-1985) |
| ABBS |
415-882-9835 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
ch@os (1987-1988) |
Tom Jennings | |
415-883-1132 IGNACIO, CA |
| |
415-883-1644 IGNACIO, CA |
Mover Mouse BBS, SF EAST BAYVALLEY (1987-1988) |
Diane Smith | |
415-883-3964 IGNACIO, CA |
Nine Hells (1991) |
| |
415-883-5889 IGNACIO, CA |
Broderbund BBS, Broderbund Technical Support (1992-1995) |
| |
415-883-6419 IGNACIO, CA |
BIOS II BBS (1988-1989) |
Rob LaGesse | |
415-883-7145 IGNACIO, CA |
Software Toolworks, The (1994-1995) |
| |
415-884-2635 IGNACIO, CA |
The Babble Underground (1993-1994) |
Marcos Della | |
415-885-1392 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Gateway Software BBS (1994) |
| |
415-885-1973 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
(1987-1991) |
Donald Denaro | |
415-885-6374 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Hispanic On-Line (1993-1994) |
| |
415-886-2431 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Kicks and Tricks (1991-1992) |
| |
415-886-6180 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
HalfLife (1991) |
Jonny Vee | |
415-887-0983 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
C.A.M.E.L.O.T. BBS, Camelot (1990-1991) |
Michael Quan | PCBoard |
415-887-2158 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Info-Net (1987) |
| GBBS Pro |
415-889-8506 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Anola BBS (1984-1985) |
| |
415-892-0408 NOVATO, CA |
Timeline (Symantec), Timeline Software BBS, Timeline Software Technical Support (1990-1995) |
| |
415-895-0135 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Open Campus (1987) |
| GBBS Pro |
415-895-0699 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
System/80 San Leandro (1982-1984) |
| |
415-895-1788 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Enterprise (1988) |
| |
415-895-5706 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Wolves Den, WOLF DEN (1984-1985) |
| AMIS |
415-895-5985 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
M.O.E. Dataline, Micro Oasis Dataline PCB2, MOE (1987-1992) |
Mike Hildum | PCBoard |
415-895-6159 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Pro-Net BBS, Pro-Net PCB, ProNet (1989-1991) |
Larry Hargrove | PCBoard |
| Click Here to Browse Artifacts for 415-895-6159 | |
| |
415-895-6167 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Pro-Net PCB (1990-1991) |
Larry Hargrove | |
415-895-6168 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Pro-Net PCB (1990-1991) |
Larry Hargrove | |
415-895-8980 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Atatcom/80 San Leandro, Datacom/80 (1983-1984) |
| |
415-895-9423 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Oil Systems BBS (1985-1986) |
Craig Kim | |
415-896-0893 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Peacenet (1984) |
| |
415-897-2110 NOVATO, CA |
The Other End BBS (1989-1990) |
Seth Friedman | |
415-897-2783 Novato, CA |
Golden State BBS, GREENE MACHINE Golden State BBS (1983-1985) |
415-897-3073 NOVATO, CA |
, The Play Pen (1992-1994) |
Paul Ward | GT |
415-898-2565 NOVATO, CA |
California On-Line (1993-1994) |
| |
415-898-2644 Novato, CA |
Marin Hub, Mover Mouse BBS, SF EAST BAYVALLEY, SonoMarin Hub (1989-1995) |
Diane Smith | |
415-898-8427 NOVATO, CA |
The Infoway BBS (1994) |
| Wildcat |
415-898-9892 NOVATO, CA |
Island Science (1987-1990) |
Kevin Muench | |
415-905-2569 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
LAN Magazine (1991) |
| |
415-921-2359 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
BPX 4, CAMP(ing) (1988-1989) |
Robert Green | |
415-922-2008 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Just Say Yes (1990-1994) |
| |
415-922-5489 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Alternatives (1991-1994) |
| |
415-923-0581 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Infernal Machine (1992) |
| |
415-923-0757 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
igc Fido (1991) |
Sue Van Hattum | FidoNet |
415-923-1235 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Mac Tribune, Macintosh Tribune (1987-1992) |
Vernon Keenan, William Sommers | |
415-923-9060 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Graveyard Shift (1993-1994) |
| |
415-924-5443 LARKSPUR, CA |
Jandel Scientific (1994-1995) |
415-924-6282 LARKSPUR, CA |
Pirate's Warehouse (1984) |
| |
415-924-8338 LARKSPUR, CA |
| |
415-925-9412 LARKSPUR, CA |
Old Station (1991) |
Ray Manley | |
415-927-1216 LARKSPUR, CA |
Golden Gate Computer Society, GoldenGate, Marin Sonoma PCUG
, Marin Sonora PCUG, Marin/Sonoma PCUG, Sonoma PC Users Group (1985-1994) |
Leistner & Ward, Don Watkins | PCBoard
415-927-2435 Mill Valley, CS |
CIA, CIA BBS, Citizen's Information Access (1992-1996) |
Steve Wingate | Wildcat
415-927-2739 Corte Madera, CA |
California Connection PartyLine, California Connexion, California ConneXion Partyline (1985-1994) |
Alan Chu | DLX, DLS |
415-928-0412 San Francisco, CA |
CONFERENCE-TREE Apex-Net, CONFERENCE-TREE San Francisco (1984-1985) |
415-928-8246 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
HMSL Forum (1990-1993) |
Robert Marsanyi | |
WindowsOnln (1991) |
Frank Mahaney | |
415-931-0649 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The C O V E BBS, Window World (1991-1994) |
Bill Kanios | PCBoard |
415-931-5641 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
The Cove, The Cove BBS (1989-1990) |
Bill Kanios | PCBoard |
415-932-6829 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Diablo Valley PC (1984) |
| |
415-933-4937 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Ghostbusters Central (1991) |
Chris Mayer | |
415-933-7391 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
NorthStar Rcpm Node #1 (1985) |
| |
Custom Software Ser., Custom SW (1990-1991) |
Steve Merenkov | PCBoard |
415-935-4878 Walnut Creek, CA |
Knowledge Matters, KnowledgeMatters (1991-1993) |
Earl Ruby | |
| |
415-937-0156 SAN JOSE, CA |
RBBS IBM PC Walnut Creek, Wallnut Creek AUNT Tandy, Walnut Crk, WalnutCrk (1984-1992) |
Wes Meier | |
415-937-6570 SAN JOSE, CA |
Clan Donnachaidh (1991) |
| |
415-937-7318 SAN JOSE, CA |
9600 Express AUNT OLG, 9600 Xprs, Springer (1990-1992) |
Bob Fickling | |
415-938-9470 Walnut Creek, CA |
Walnut Creek RCPM/SBBS, Co-Ed Associates (1985-1986) |
Werner Gumpert, Werner L. Gumpert | |
Software exchange. PRACSA member Software exchange. PRACSA member
Alternate Reality, AlternateReality, AlternateReality
, Alternative Poss. SciFi AUNT (1989-1992) |
Wilma Meier | |
415-939-1246 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Abacus (1987) |
| |
Realm of the Rouges, Rogue's Realm, Rogues Realm (1984-1989) |
| |
Dask Cache (1991) |
Michael Teicher | PCBoard |
Mental Hospital (1992-1993) |
Greg Whiting | Spitfire
Digital Tension (1990) |
| |
Pacific Microelectronics Technical Support (1995) |
| |
415-943-6238 SAN FRANCISCO: JUNI, CA |
Diablo Valley PC Users Group, Diablo Valley PCUG, DVPC-BBS, DVPCUG
(1987-1994) |
Henry Shaw, H. Shaw | TBBS |
415-945-7799 LARKSPUR, CA |
Dream Park (1989-1991) |
Chris Weiss, Number Six | Citadel |
415-945-8007 LARKSPUR, CA |
The Spawl (1992) |
Count 0
| |
415-947-6609 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Tass (1991) |
| PCBoard |
415-948-1349 BRISBANE, CA |
One Net (1994) |
| |
415-948-1474 Palo Alto, CA |
CONFERENCE-TREE Palo Alto, Stanford Conference Tree, Homebrew Computer Club, Conf.Tree (Anti-Nuke) (1980-1994) |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue). (Was a Part-Time BBS initially running 7:15am-11pm)
415-948-2513 Los Altos Hills, CA |
PRACSA RCPM, PRACSA RCPM HBBS 85mb (1986-1992) |
Irv Hoff | |
PRACSA-member only system. PRACSA member PRACSA-member only system. PRACSA member
415-948-4925 BRISBANE, CA |
House of Solitude (1990) |
| Forum |
415-948-8928 BRISBANE, CA |
Compool (1992-1995) |
Jim Heiliger | Wildcat
Clipper Tool Support (1994-1995) |
Max Bressel | |
Metal (1984) |
| |
NebuolicCheese (1994-1996) |
| |
RCP/M Palo Alto (1984-1985) |
| |
StarNet Connections (1993-1994) |
| |
415-952-3231 ALMADEN, CA |
The Floor Show (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
415-952-3317 ALMADEN, CA |
Truths Unlimited (1994) |
Gary Fuller | |
415-952-5845 ALMADEN, CA |
Pipe Dream2 (1988) |
Bill Holmes | |
415-954-7786 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
NCFCC (1989) |
Ed Johnson | |
415-956-2738 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
RIMS (1987-1989) |
Bob Herrick | |
415-956-5224 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Sir Charles BBS (1991) |
Charles Suhr | |
415-957-9370 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
CLM source codes, Computer Language BBS (1985-1986) |
Comp Lang Mag, Hugh Byrne | |
415-960-0236 Vancouver, WA |
Wacom Technical Support, Wacom Technology Corp (1993-1995) |
| |
North Valley Echo Hub, North Valley Hub, The Coffee Club West (1995-1997) |
Jerry Andrews, EHub M.V SYSOP, M. V. Jerry Andrews | |
415-960-9039 Fairfield, IA |
Peters, Stan (1993) |
| |
Wollongong (1991) |
| |
Image BBS (1992-1993) |
Eric Ho | |
The Wall BBS, West Valley Hub (1996-1997) |
Bill Greganti | |
L-5 California
| |
415-961-6911 Palo Alto, CA |
INTERACT (1994-1996) |
Eric Knight | TBBS 2.2 |
Trex (1992-1994) |
| |
BBS-JC, BBSJC(~From408 (1988-1991) |
K6LLK | |
cc:Mail BBS (1992) |
| |
415-961-9315 Mountain View, CA |
T0M, Tomorrow's Order of Magnitude (1992-1994) |
| RA |
Rogue's Gallery (1986) |
| Ascii Express |
Halibut (1991-1996) |
Mark Smith | Spitfire
415-962-1618 SAN FRANCISCO: CENT, CA |
SuperMac Technology support BBS (1988) |
| Red Ryder Host |
415-964-1576 SAUSALITO, CA |
Thunderdome (1992) |
Master Blaster
| |
Alpha Flight Member BBS
415-964-2994 Mountain View, CA |
Allied Telesis Inc, Allied Telesis Technical Support, Allied Telesis, Inc. (1993-1995) |
| |
415-964-3858 San Francisco, CA |
| TBBS |
415-964-5700 SAUSALITO, CA |
SMS Technology, Inc BBS (1990) |
| |
415-964-8821 SAUSALITO, CA |
RELLIM (1994-1996) |
| PCBoard
415-964-9039 Stanford, CA |
(1986-1991) |
Jay Fox | PCBoard |
415-965-1525 Mountain View, CA |
The Sound Mind BBS (1990-1995) |
John MacWilliamson | Hermes |
"Macintosh Files, Message Boards, FidoNet connection."
415-965-3556 CORTE MADERA, CA |
The Zone BBS, The Zone BBS - WWIV/Mac (1990-1994) |
Ron Schultz | Spitfire
415-965-4097 Mountain View, CA |
Game Masters, GameMasters BBS, Mad Mac's Used, MAD MAC's used BBS, NiteLite Remote BBS, North Valley Hub, RCP/M RBBS Piconet Oxgate, Mt. View RCP/M (1982-1995) |
Byron McKay | |
CP/M 80, 86 and 68k Emphasis. PRASCA Member CP/M 80, 86 and 68k Emphasis. PRASCA Member
415-965-4474 CORTE MADERA, CA |
Gun Nut Gazette, OUTPOST 415, The NiteLite BBS (1995-1996) |
Byron McKay | |
PSBBS (1995-1999) |
| TriBBS |
415-966-8533 Mountain View, CA |
Tiara BBS, Tiara Computer Systems Inc, Tiara Computer Systems Technical Support, Tiara Computer Systems, Inc BBS (1989-1995) |
| Wildcat |
415-967-2356 Mountain View, CA |
Info Gate, InfoGate BBS (1991-1994) |
Ken Thomaston | |
Angeles (CIN #2), The Angeles (CIN), The Angelus, Catholic Info Net (1992-1994) |
| |
Programmers' Inn, ProgrammersInn, Refuge(~/408), Sailors Refuge (1988-1994) |
Ronnie Pierce, Ron Pierce | PCBoard |
Anatomically Correct BBS (1990-1991) |
| |
Samsfolly (1990) |
Andrew Gray | STadel-PC |
Electric Monk, Electric Monk, The (1990) |
Droud | Asgard-86v1. |
Comm Soft, CommSoft, COMMSOFT
, Commsoft BBS (1986-1994) |
Howard Nurse, Ken Whitaker | Fido |
Trex II, Trexx II (1987-2003) |
Brette | Custom |
415-967-8081 Mountain View, CA |
Silicon Valley Computers (Tech Support BBS), Silicon Valley Computers Technical Support (1993-1995) |
| |
Hacc BBS (1993) |
Joe G. Schreiner | |
QUANTA BBS (1994) |
| Wildcat |
The PlayGround (1995) |
| TriBBS |
MRC BBS, MRCBBS (1982-1984) |
| |
Western Digital Imaging BBS (1990) |
| |
Wild West (1990) |
| Monarch |
Unofficial HSA-UWC BBS (1993-1994) |
| |
MRC BBS (1984) |
| |
415-968-7369 Mountain View, CA |
Sig Sig, SigSig, SIGSIG BBS (1989-1994) |
Jim Switz | Auntie |
"Hi. I found your entry for my old BBS whilst Googling myself. I don't know where you found my old info, but I was impressed! I don't think I could have told you my old BBSs lifespan myself if asked - it's been a while. Anyway, thought I'd drop you a note about the origin of my BBSs name. Back in the late 80's there were a number of offshoot SIGs (Special Interest Groups) spawned by any other number of computer clubs, BBSs, GEnie forums etc. But around that time, some company or organization (I wish I could remember who it was - maybe your sleuths can dig it out) was claiming exclusive trademark rights to the term "SIG" and was threatening to sue anybody else using it. Being a rather-younger curmudgeon, I got all outraged and thought "f 'em - let's call their bluff", so when naming my new BBS I figured I'd use the term *twice* to see if they'd take the bait and tussle. Never heard a peep. Dammit. It would have been a fun fight. For the record, "SIGSIG" stood for "Switz's Information Gathering Special Interest Group". But in my mind, it simply stood for "f*** you". And that's the poop on that." - Jim Switz
415-968-7481 Mountain View, CA |
HSA-UWC, Unofficial HSA-UWC BBS (1992-1996) |
Gary Fleisher | PCBoard
Dead Dog Party (1994) |
| |
Club Zen (1992-1994) |
Michael Wallis | |
415-968-9341 Mountain View, CA |
Crossroads Bar & Grill, Radio Free California (1983-1989) |
Mike Macgirvin | Custom |
415-968-9548 San Jose, CA |
The Cave (1986-1995) |
Roger Lee | Spitfire and very early versions of Linux |
"Mainly catered to my local group of friends, providing a place to trade software, programming environments, and BS. I also was a node for the RIME Network." - Roger Lee
Playmates (1992-1994) |
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415-969-1634 Mountain View, CA |
Ottoman Empire (1985-1987) |
Otto Maddox | |
The Missing Persons League (1993) |
| |
Pipe Dream (1989-1994) |
Bill Holmes | |
Ground Zero -The Original- (1991) |
Jerry L. Hubbard | |
BayNet BBS (1991) |
| PCBoard |
Tele-Soft BBS, The Telesoft RBBS PC (1990-1994) |
Mike Durkin | |
Lord's Domain (1986-1987) |
| Ascii Express |
415-969-6321 Mountain View, CA |
Haltek Electronics, Haltek Electronics BBS (1991-1996) |
Mike Goodnight | PCBoard
MicroBBS (1988-1989) |
Douglas Coatney | |
TeleSoft (1993-1994) |
| |
The French Connection (1993-1997) |
Barry Dryden | |
415-972-8225 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SF DECUS Fido (1986) |
DECUS PC SIG | FidoNet |
415-974-7303 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
WorldnetDirect (1994-1996) |
| PCBoard
415-981-3325 San Francisco, CA |
PC LUG (1986) |
Kelly D. Cooly | |
415-989-3654 Treasure Island, CA |
The Boycott BBS (1993-1994) |
| |
415-989-5054 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
A.M.U.L.E.T., NEW Amulet (1987-1989) |
| |
415-989-5534 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
OLD Amulet (1987) |
| |
415-989-9804 San Francisco, CA |
Generic CG's BBS (1992-1995) |
| |
Bun's BBS (1993-1994) |
| |
415-991-4832 San Francisco, CA |
The Motherboard (1993-1994) |
| |
DIAL-YOUR-MATCH #17, DIAL-YOUR-MATCH #17 San Francisco (1982-1985) |
415-992-2140 San Jose, CA |
The Writer's Block BBS. Colma, Writers Block (1991-1995) |
Fred Haney | PCBoard |
415-992-2860 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
The Stronghold (1993-1994) |
| |
415-992-3068 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
iSX, The Outpost (1994-1995) |
Sherman Lui | Wildcat |
415-992-3780 San Francisco, CA |
First On-Line, The Micro Foundry (1992-1995) |
| |
415-992-4320 Daly City, CA |
Dead Point, The Shareware Exchange! (1994-1995) |
Christopher Jong | |
415-992-4908 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
West World (1987) |
| GBBS Pro |
415-992-8273 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
Realm of immortality (1990) |
| |
415-992-8542 SAN FRANCISCO:, CA |
FOG #3, FOG RBBS-RCP/M #3, FOG#3 OPUS FOG User Group (1984-1991) |
Jack Brown, Gale Rhoades | |
415-993-5410 SAN RAFAEL, CA |
| |
Buerg Utilities, Buerg Utils
, VOR BBS, VOR RBBS (1986-1996) |
Vern Buerg | PCBoard
415-997-0116 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
Wee Cottage (1991-1994) |
Sarah Goodman | |
415-997-4874 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
SF PCjr Users group (1990) |
| |
625 Sysops currently listed.
1133 BBSes Listed.
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