404-226-4388 |
North Georgia BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
404-231-3680 Atlanta, GA |
404-234-8240 |
HAL (1985) |
404-242-6813 |
Kink Link (1988) |
David Tidwell | Tandy/IBM |
404-252-4146 Atlanta, GA |
BBS IBM Hostcomm Atlanta (1983-1984) |
404-252-4345 Atlanta, GA |
Heath/Zenith Atlanta, Heath/Zenith BBS (1988-1990) |
Al Kuntzler | PC Board |
404-252-8810 Atlanta, GA |
Psychology On-Line, Psychology OnLine (1988-1994) |
D.B. Adams, PhD | PC Board |
404-252-9438 Atlanta, GA |
BBS IBM PC Atlanta, BBS IBM PC The Software Link, The Software Link (1983-1985) |
404-255-8646 |
Wimsey (Moonstone), Wimsey Games BBS (1988-1994) |
Bill White | PCBoard, custom |
404-256-1549 Atlanta, GA |
ABBS #X (1982-1983) |
J.C. Chris Wren | Written by J.C. Wren, Basic + Assembly |
"ABBS #X ran on an Apple II with 48K, a 16K language card, two 140K diskettes, and a Hayes Micromodem II. The software was about 3000 lines of uncommented assembly, and 2000 or so of Integer Basic. It was the first BBS in the southeast to use circular message files, eliminating the usual requirement of periodically "packing" the message database and renumber all the messages. It kept a copy of the user information in the 16K language card (with a driver that made it look like a RAM disk), and maintained it as a balanced binary tree, making user name look ups incredibly fast. It supported 1 main message base of 100 messages, and 2 sub message bases of 25 messages each. Messages were 24 x 80, supported upper and lower case. Operator chat was available, along with message editing facilities, message search, etc. Most of it was written while I sat in school failing math classes." - J.C. Wren | |||
404-257-1287 Atlanta, GA |
The Stonewall BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
404-261-1312 Atlanta, GA |
System Support BBS, System Support PCB3, The System Support Bulletin Board System (1988-1994) |
Barry Young | PCBoard, Forum-PC |
404-261-6292 Atlanta, GA |
Southeastern AvNet (1989-1990) |
Mark Hayes | |
404-263-1151 |
C/Turbo Exchange, The C & Turbo Exchange (1988-1990) |
Paul Kurr | RBBS-PC |
404-263-8284 |
PC Empire (1987) |
404-263-8772 |
Software Link BBS, Software Link, Inc., The, The Software Link (1988-1995) |
Rick Ruhl/Brian Thompson, Rod Roark | PCBoard, MLBBS |
404-266-1501 |
Wellington & Assoc. (1988) |
Bill Moore | |
404-271-0512 Sugar Hill, GA |
Blackjack, Blackjack BBS (1982-1997) |
Chuck Quintard | |
404-275-6475 Dalton, GA |
Carpet Capital BBS (1989-1992) |
Ben Combee/PC Systems | PCBoard |
404-279-1717 Stone Mountain, GA |
The CrackerBox (1989) |
David Graham | |
404-279-8936 Stone Mountain, GA |
MegaMedia, NASPA SE OPUS, NASPA Systems SE (1989-1995) |
Robert Weatherford, Rob Weatherford | |
404-284-4859 |
GBBS 1.7h, Leechers Palace, The Leeches Palace (1986-1989) |
Larry Hawkins | Ascii Express, GBBS Pro |
404-288-0547 Decatur, GA |
OASis, Oasis System Operator's Board, The OASis (1988-1994) |
Tim Farley | PCBoard, ROS |
404-288-6858 Decatur, GA |
Decibel, Decibel 700+ MSDOS WILD, Decibel BBS, Decibel RCP/M - MBBS (1985-1996) |
Tom Brady | Wildcat , T-Comm |
404-288-7535 Decatur, GA |
The Information Shoppe (1988) |
Steve & Bill Tuttle | Red Ryder Host |
404-289-2050 |
Data World, Data-World BBS, No Frills BBS (1988-1992) |
WB4LBM, Jim Foust - WB4LBM | PC Board |
404-289-8058 |
Heavenly Pleasures (1988) |
Pleasure | BBS Express |
404-292-8761 Stone Mountain, GA |
F-T-L, Faster Than Light, Faster-Than-Light, Faster-Than-Light BBS (FTL-BBS), FLT-BBS, FTL BBS (1987-1997) |
Robert Vostreys, Rob Vostreys, Robert Vostreys, Will Rogers, Robert S. Vostreys | PCBoard , PC Board |
"Home for Echo and Email tossing software RNET; Space, SF, Sciences theme; One of the first BBS board to try migrating to dialup internet and full usenet; died due to problems with phone company and migration of online community to ISPs. Continues today via" - Robert Vostreys | |||
404-292-9691 Stone Mount,ain |
Mournblade BBS (1988) |
404-294-0237 Tucker, GA |
PC Forum, PC Forum, Atlanta, PC-Forum, PC-Forum PCB2 310m $35 (1984-1996) |
Lee Nelson | PCBoard , PC Board |
404-294-5924 Tucker, GA |
Victims BBS 4 (1988) |
404-294-6879 Tucker, GA |
BBS IBM PC Atlanta, BBS IBM PC The Midnight Express (1983-1984) |
404-294-8738 Tucker, GA |
The Main Line (1988) |
404-296-1822 Stone Mtn, GA |
404-296-5366 Stone Mtn, GA |
404-296-6038 Stone Mtn, GA |
Swamp BBS OPUS IBM AMIGA, The Swamp (1988-1994) |
Kris Fussell | |
404-296-9681 Stone Mtn, GA |
Atlanta East, Atlanta Hub 300, Atlanta North, ATLNET, Centurion
, Centurion BBS, (133/302), Centurion HST/DS, Centurion Opus, Centurion Opus/HST, Centurion Opus/HST:, Centurion S/W OPUS 80m, Open Hub, OPUS Info, South-Central Atlanta, Stone Mountain Hub A, The Centurion (1987-1996) |
Steve Antonoff, Mark Finkle, Jay Lovell, SC Antonoff | Opus |
404-299-0302 |
Video Castle, Computer Works (1986-1988) |
Chuck Tilman | Ascii Express, GBBS Pro |
404-299-3382 |
AE LINE: KOSHER (1984) |
404-299-5511 |
Crystal Palace (1988) |
Jon Carr | GBBS II |
404-320-6202 Atlanta, GA |
AV Sync BBS, AV-Sync, AV-Sync Atlanta, Av-Sync PCB FEE$, AVSync (1987-1992) |
Bill Tullis | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-324-5449 Columbus, GA |
Counsel Com (1989) |
Archie Caldwell | |
404-324-7391 Columbus, GA |
Columbus RBBS/RCPM (1985) |
Joe Earls | |
404-325-0526 Atlanta, GA |
Microstuff Inc. CBBS (1980) |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue) | |||
404-327-2327 Columbus, GA |
MetalLand, Metalland South (1986-1988) |
Ascii Express | |
404-333-0044 Smyrna, GA |
Altanta System Net (1989-1992) |
Larry Cody | Maximus |
404-333-0319 Smyrna, GA |
SRU! (1989-1991) |
Rick Spilman | Wildcat |
404-346-7549 |
Disoriented Express (1987) |
404-349-6378 |
Archiver (1988) |
Wildcat | |
404-351-9757 Atlanta, GA |
Atl Med Forum, Atlanta Med Forum (133/204), Atlanta Medical Forum, Atlanta Medical Forum (133/204), MEDICAL FORUM
(1985-1994) |
Floyd Garrett, Floyd P. Garrett, M.D. | TBBS |
404-353-0233 |
UGA Education (1988) |
David Curtin | |
404-354-0662 Athens, GA |
FOG #27, FOG RBBS-RCP/M #27, FOG -27 (1985-1992) |
Bob Herrin | |
Computer User Group of Athens (FOG AMO #81) Computer User Group of Athens (FOG AMO #81) | |||
404-354-0817 Athens, GA |
Athens IBM PC Users Group, Athens IBM-PC Users Group, Athens PC Users RBBS, Athens PCUG (1987-1994) |
Harold Pritchett, Hal Pritchett | |
404-354-6615 Athens, GA |
PC-Interchange (1989) |
404-355-5625 Atlanta, GA |
ATLHUB100@ Visions, Opus Visions 3-D OPUS, OpusVisions, Visions 3-D, Visions AtlHub100 (1989-1994) |
Kevin Pierce | |
404-361-8431 Forest Park, GA |
Time Lock (1989-1994) |
Frank Barrett | Wildcat |
404-363-0105 Forest Park, GA |
Comm.Corner (1988) |
404-363-1640 Forest Park, GA |
Ham's, Ham's BBS, HAMS BBS, Hams Bulletin Board (1987-1994) |
WA4CBT, Larry M. Lord - WA4CBT | TIBBS |
404-366-1436 Forest Park, GA |
So. Crescent, Southern Crescent, Southern Cresent, Want Ads BBS (1989-1996) |
Chris Bradford | Wildcat |
404-366-1914 Forest Park, GA |
Atlanta T.I.U.G., Atlanta TI 99/4a Users Group BBS #1 (1987-1989) |
Charles Dupree - WD4MDC, Charles Dupree | TIBBS |
404-370-0736 Atlanta, GA |
Shareware So., ShareWare South, Shareware South (1989-1996) |
Steve Rohrer | PCBoard |
404-377-1141 Decatur, GA |
Illumi Net, Illumi-net, ILLUMI-NET
, IllumiNet (1987-1994) |
Ron Bonds, ELVON PREZTON | Wildcat |
404-377-2550 Decatur, GA |
Bill's Obsession BBS (1988) |
William Erickson | RBBS-PC |
404-378-4410 |
Mel-Har-Rhythm, Mel-Har-Rhythm BBS (1988-1990) |
Lee F. Blitch | Kaypro 16 |
404-378-7046 |
Atlanta VM/370 User Board, VM/370 User Board (1988-1992) |
Mark Horton | RBBS-PC |
404-378-7914 |
Shareware So, ShareWare South, ShareWare South BBS, Shareware South (1988-1994) |
Steve Rohrer | RBBS-PC |
404-381-0226 Stone Mountain, GA |
CRACKER BOX, Crackerbox, The CrackerBox (1989-1992) |
David Graham | |
404-381-1947 Stone Mountain, GA |
AESC, AESC BBS, AESC PCB PCBDaily 100m, Atlanta Electronic Service Center BBS (1987-1996) |
Mike Sabot | PCBoard , PC Board |
404-381-6975 Stone Mountain, GA |
PC Atlanta, PC-Atlanta, PC-Atlanta (133/307) (1988-1989) |
Bart Alcorn | Opus |
404-389-3935 |
System One (1988) |
404-393-3083 Sandy Springs, GA |
ARC BBS (1988) |
404-394-1436 Dunwoody, GA |
Aviation OnLine (1989-1990) |
Chet Meyerson | |
404-394-1465 Dunwoody, GA |
AE Line: DUTCH, AE LINE: DUTCH (1984-1985) |
404-394-1756 Dunwoody, GA |
T.J.'s, TJ's Place BBS (1987-1989) |
Jimmy Lehmkuhl | PC Board |
404-394-4220 Atlanta, GA |
Atlanta Computer Society, Atlanta CPU Society, CBBS Atlanta (1980-1989) |
Atlanta Computer Society | CBBS, CP/M CBBS |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue) | |||
404-394-8265 Dunwoody, GA |
Ground Zero (1986-1987) |
Ascii Express | |
404-394-8327 Dunwoody, GA |
Head Board III, The Head-Board III (1988-1989) |
Iverson Bell, M.D. | GBBS II |
404-395-9736 Dunwoody, GA |
AmigaVortex$, The Amiga Vortex (1988) |
404-396-3630 Roswell, GA |
(1989-1994) |
Lou Hlad | PCBoard |
404-396-5460 Roswell, GA |
Boogie Board (1985) |
Rick Wells | |
404-399-0536 |
AE LINE: MASTER (1984) |
404-414-4400 Atlanta, GA |
COM1: ATL PCUG, COM1: Atlanta PCUG BBS (1986-1996) |
PCBoard | |
404-422-0110 Marietta, GA |
Verbosity BBS (1982-1995) |
Phil Oberkrom | RemoteAccess |
404-422-1060 Marietta, GA |
The Corner Drug Store (1988-1991) |
Joe Skehan | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-422-2250 Marietta, GA |
Comm-Adorers BBS (1988) |
Jon Proctor | custom |
404-424-6258 Roswell, GA |
Adam IBM Conn., Adam-IBM Connection (1987-1989) |
Scott Earley | PC Board |
404-427-1045 Marietta, GA |
Z-Soft Corp, Z-Soft ZBBS, ZSoft Bulletin Board System, ZSoft Corp, Zsoft Corp BBS, ZSoft Corp. (1989-1995) |
Kevin Campbell | PCBoard |
404-427-6871 Marietta, GA |
Discovery, Discovery BBS, Discovery PCB Amiga IBM (1988-1994) |
Drew Montgomery | |
404-429-1714 Marietta, GA |
Mainframe Exchange, Net 133 NEC, The Mainframe Exchange (1989-1994) |
Tom Duffy | |
404-433-0062 Atlanta, GA |
Atlanta PC Users Group, Atlanta PCUG
(1986-1994) |
Bob Nye | PCBoard |
404-433-0689 Atlanta, GA |
Conference System BBS, The Conference System BBS (1988-1991) |
Jimmy Dingess | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-433-2427 Atlanta, GA |
Atlanta PC Users Group BBS (1988) |
Bob Nye | PC Board |
404-434-8523 Smyrna, GA |
Connection, Connection BBS, The Connection (1989-1994) |
Keith LaBorde | |
404-435-6690 Marietta, GA |
Comuserve (1988) |
Bryan Smith | custom C-Net 11.0 |
404-435-7644 Marietta, GA |
Artif. Intel. (1987) |
404-435-8122 Marietta, GA |
Westfield Express BBS, Westfield PCB (1987-1994) |
Mark Gill | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-438-9953 Smyrna, GA |
Home of NoChange BB
(1989) |
Jim Kloss | |
404-439-7355 Powder Springs, GA |
All On File (1989) |
Wildcat | |
404-441-1431 Norcross, GA |
NASPA SE 133/301, NASPA Systems SE, NASPA Systems SE (133/301) (1987-1989) |
Robert Weatherford | Fido |
404-443-2421 Marietta, GA |
Dallas RBBS (1988) |
Dave Bailey, J. Campbell | RBBS-PC |
404-445-0723 Dallas, GA |
Garden of Eden (1988) |
Sherman Murdock | Nochange |
404-445-5290 Dallas, GA |
Cobb Creek QBBS (1989-1994) |
Phil Everette | |
404-446-5630 Norcross, GA |
OS9 BBS (1988) |
Jesse Crapo | custom |
404-446-6269 Norcross, GA |
Southern Connection, Southern Connection (133/203) (1988-1994) |
Steve Verska | TBBS |
404-446-6650 Norcross, GA |
Big Peach - AutoMenu, Big Peach BBS, BigPeach, BigPeach PCB3 Automenu Novell, BigPeach,AutoMen, Magee Enterprises Inc, Magee Enterprises, Inc BBS, Magee Enterprises, Inc Technical Support, The Big Peach (1985-1996) |
Marshall Magee, Randal DePriest | PCBoard , PC Board |
404-446-6931 Norcross, GA |
ISIS, ISIS (Intecolor Support Information System) (1988-1991) |
George Price | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-446-8044 Norcross, GA |
I/O Connection, Input/Output Connection, The I-O Connection (1988-1994) |
Ken & Jim Mauragus | Forem |
404-446-9048 Norcross, GA |
Cider City (1988-1989) |
Steve Park | GBBS Pro |
404-447-5619 Norcross, GA |
S.L.I.M.E. (1988-1996) |
PCBoard | |
404-447-6403 |
The Swamp, The Swamp (133/304) (1987-1988) |
Kris Fussell | Opus |
404-447-8459 |
BBL Industries (1988) |
Wildcat | |
404-447-9410 |
Big Peach (1985) |
Marshall Magee | |
404-448-0686 Norcoss, GA |
Fido of the South (Fidonet #3) (Fido 133/2) (1988) |
Lane Fowler | Fido |
404-448-4554 Norcoss, GA |
Amos & Andy's (1988) |
Kingfish | Nochange |
404-449-2029 |
SA-ARC BBS (1988) |
404-449-5986 |
AE Line: Individual Password, Atlanta Crackers, AE LINE: YES/90125, Alanta Crackers (1984-1987) |
Ascii Express | |
404-451-2759 Smyrna, GA |
SYSTEM 86 (1985) |
Pat Patton | |
404-451-4091 Smyrna, GA |
GaBBS (1989) |
Joe White | PCBoard |
404-451-7180 Smyrna, GA |
MultiLink folks (1985) |
Rod Roark | |
404-451-7820 Smyrna, GA |
Alpha Complex (1988) |
The Computer & The Magi | BBS Express |
404-452-0956 Chamblee, GA |
Holocaust BBS, The Wading Pool BBS (1988-1990) |
Chris Wade | IBM PC |
404-454-7394 Chamblee, GA |
Georgia BBS (1988) |
Joe White | PC Board |
404-454-8756 Chamblee, GA |
Pecan Pi (1987-1989) |
Stan Young & Bill Lamp'l | RBBS-PC |
404-454-8795 Chamblee, GA |
Byte Flight (133/306), Byte Flight 133/306, Byte Flight BBS (1987-1995) |
Mark Hulsey | Opus |
404-455-1271 Atlanta, GA |
One Of A Kind, One of a Kind BBS (1988-1989) |
Douglas Voss | PC Board |
404-455-4707 Atlanta, GA |
In-Sight Financial Bulletin Board Service, InSight Financial BBS (1988-1991) |
Gerald Edwards | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-455-6966 Atlanta, GA |
NorthEast Atlanta OPUS (1988) |
Danny Bell | |
404-457-1944 Norcross, GA |
Googaplex (1989-1991) |
William White | |
404-457-4784 Norcross, GA |
Multilink folks (1985) |
Mlink line 2 | |
404-457-4842 Norcross, GA |
GBBS (1985) |
Joe White | |
404-457-6815 Norcross, GA |
GaBBS (1986-1989) |
Joe White | |
404-458-4886 Atlanta, GA |
Atlanta CBBS (1980) |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue) | |||
404-460-0204 |
Dispatcher's Syndicate (1987) |
404-461-5947 |
Cam's House, Cam's Wildcat, Cam's Wildcat House, Cam's WildCat! House (1988-1996) |
Cam DeBuck | Wildcat |
404-461-9686 Fayetteville, GA |
BULLET-80 Fayetteville, GA (1982-1985) |
BULLET-80 | |
404-471-9230 Riverdale, GA |
Ground Control (1989-1990) |
Ed June | |
404-476-2607 Duluth, GA |
Right Place (node 1), Right Place PCB OLG XXX, The Right Place, THE RIGHT PLACE
, The Right Place/74, TheRightPlace (1986-1996) |
Roger Sligar | PCBoard , PC Board |
404-476-7970 Duluth, GA |
Ham Board One (1986-1991) |
John Dashner | |
404-478-7761 |
Jodeco House BBS (1988) |
Beth & Bob Jarvis | Forem PC |
404-483-6652 Conyers, GA |
SEVAD BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
404-487-1376 Peachtree City, GA |
Command Post, QBBS Hub Atl, Star Trek Connection, Star Trek Convention, The Star Trek Convention, USS Republic (1988-1994) |
Eddie Ferguson, Captain | RemoteAccess, C-Net 128 |
404-487-3211 Peachtree City, GA |
Mystery Mansion (1989-1997) |
Steve Cannon | |
404-487-4059 Peachtree City, GA |
Peachtree Syndicate (1986-1987) |
Ascii Express | |
404-491-6365 Tucker, GA |
Flagship Express (1985-1994) |
Harvey Pierce, KC4ME | |
404-493-4708 Chamblee, GA |
Randy's BBS (1988-1991) |
404-495-9479 Duluth, GA |
Data Dimension, The Data Dimension (1987-1996) |
PCBoard | |
404-497-0931 Duluth, GA |
Fitted Software Tools' Support BBS (1988) |
404-498-4214 Stone Mountain, GA |
Micropolis Online 24 hrs. (1988) |
Wildcat | |
404-498-7128 Stone Mountain, GA |
Entertainment Xpress (1985) |
Frank Huggins | |
404-512-0523 Atlanta, GA |
The Diamond Mine (1988-1992) |
Black Diamond | Telegard, Silicosis |
404-518-1356 Dunwoody, GA |
Shelter From The Storm (1984-1995) |
Michael Jones, Diana Jones | |
404-521-5013 Atlanta, GA |
Georgia-Pacific OPUS (1988-1989) |
John Miller, Tom Hill | |
404-532-1978 Gainesville, GA |
Ed's Place, Furnished Hub, Gainesville GA Net, Gainesville Hub (1989-1997) |
Ed Ivey | |
404-534-7301 |
Wildcat | |
404-542-7873 |
Educator's Exchange (1988) |
Wildcat | |
404-543-1245 Ben Bed,ell |
The "DAWG" House (1988) |
Road Runner | GBBS Pro |
404-543-2649 Ben Bed,ell |
S.L.I.M.E., SlimeBoard, System Level Info, The Slime Board (1989-1994) |
Michael Tift | PCBoard |
404-543-5166 Ben Bed,ell |
Educators Exchange (1988) |
Nelson Foell | |
404-543-7065 Ben Bed,ell |
Nova Wildcat, NOVA Wildcat! (1989-1991) |
Randy Simpson | Wildcat |
404-546-0639 Athens, GA |
Jonathan's Roost (1989) |
Don Shimoda | |
404-546-3402 Athens, GA |
US EPA CEAM BBS (1988-1992) |
Tim Wool, Shawn Turk | Wildcat |
404-546-5202 Athens, GA |
NOVA WILDCAT! (1988) |
Wildcat | |
404-546-7857 Athens, GA |
Athens Echo, Athens FORUM, Athens Forum
, Athens Forum BBS, Athens Forum OPUS 370/5, Athens Point System, AthensForum, Georgia Country Net, Georgia Hills, Georgia's Country Net, Georgian Hills, Harold's Headache, Slimeboard (1988-1994) |
Tracy Graves, Donald Shimoda, Michael Tift, Harold Pritchett | |
404-546-8256 Athens, GA |
Graffiti BBS, Grafitti, Channel 33 (1986-1992) |
Jim Maddox, Ric Helton | Telegard |
404-548-0130 West Athens, GA |
Classic City, Classic City #2, Classic City Node#2, Classic City Wildcat, Classic City Node # 2 (1988-1994) |
Charles Harper | |
404-548-0726 Athens, GA |
Classic Athens
, Classic City #1, Classic City Ath, Classic City Node#1, Classic Quick Echo, Online
, Online Opus, Classic City Node # 1 (1986-1996) |
Charles Harper | Wildcat |
404-548-1330 West Athens, GA |
Classic City (1988) |
Wildcat | |
404-548-4128 West Athens, GA |
Athens INDEX (1988) |
George Bond | |
404-548-9434 West Athens, GA |
Writers Online (1989) |
Wildcat | |
404-548-9628 West Athens, GA |
PC Help, PC-Help (1987-1994) |
Jim Alexander | |
404-549-8378 Winterville, GA |
Data Dimension, DataDimen. (1987-1989) |
Ricky Lacy | |
404-552-7964 Roswell, GA |
Roswell BBS (1989-1993) |
Jason Cohen | QuickBBS |
"I was the sysop of Roswell BBS when I was 13 (in 1989) to when I was 16 or 17. I was the youngest sysop that I knew of in Atlanta." - Jason Cohen | |||
404-563-5968 Columbus, GA |
Marc Moyantcheff | |
404-564-3688 Norcross, GA |
Express Lane (1988) |
404-564-9706 Norcross, GA |
Atlanta Computer Society Members BBS (1988) |
Joe Novosel | PC Board |
404-565-2977 Marietta, GA |
ACCUG BBS (1989-1990) |
Phil Zeigler | |
404-565-9341 Marietta, GA |
Mick's Place (1989-1990) |
Mickey Gulley | |
404-569-9651 Columbus, GA |
PC Valley
, PC Valley Remote BBS, PC-Valley (1987-1996) |
Ed Willoughby | PCBoard |
404-577-7784 Atlanta, GA |
Upanishad, Upanishad OPUS (1986-1988) |
Bill Carmichael | OPUS/Fido |
"The discussion topic was spirituality and religion. We had threads on Eastern religions, Carlos Casteneda, John Lilly (Isolation Tank Research & Dolphin Communication), Druids, Early Christianity, Sikhs, and Cargo Cults, among others. Co-sysops Warren Tucker and John Miller." - Bill Carmichael | |||
404-578-1691 Marietta, GA |
Atlanta North, ATLnet, HUB400, The Slowboat, The Slowboat BBS (1989-1994) |
Jay Lovell | |
404-587-2465 Roswell, GA |
HEALTH LINK (1986) |
404-587-5792 Roswell, GA |
Mountain Park Fido (133/16) (1988) |
Warren H. Tucker | Fido |
404-591-1620 Woodstock, GA |
Planet X BBS (1989-1990) |
Christian Schreiber | PCBoard, QBBS, Nochange, Emulex, Emulex/II |
404-593-2828 Smyrna, GA |
Le Chateau (1988) |
Lady Morgana | BBS Express |
404-594-0700 Roswell, GA |
The Labyrinth ST (1988) |
King Minos | Forem ST |
404-594-1315 Roswell, GA |
StarBase Operations, Starfleet Command, XybyX (1989-1992) |
Marshall Presnell | |
404-621-9408 Lilburn, GA |
Avian Enterprises, Pc Atlanta, PC-Atlanta (1989-1990) |
Bart Alcorn | Wildcat |
404-624-7971 |
Wildside BBS (1988) |
Wildcat | |
404-627-7127 Atlanta, GA |
Atlanta RCP/M, RCP/M RBBS Atlanta (1983-1985) |
Jim Altman | |
404-629-2956 |
The Allnighter BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
404-632-2109 |
DATA-COM NETWORK RCPM #3, The DataCOM Super Systems(tm) #3, The DC Networks (1984-1985) |
Tony & Terry Stanley, Tony Stanley | |
404-633-2197 Decatur, GA |
Applied Data Systems, AST's Engineering & AutoCAD BBS (133/6), AutoCAD BBS (1987-1994) |
Steve Fox | Fido |
404-633-2482 Decatur, GA |
Seeker's BBS, The Seeker's (1988-1994) |
Emilia Lanier/Sharon Bouchard | PCBoard |
404-633-2886 Decatur, GA |
The Electronic Auto Trader BBS (1988) |
Barney Cortell | RBBS-PC |
404-636-1341 Decatur, GA |
Apple Atlanta (1988) |
The Stalker | GBBS Pro |
404-641-0945 Atlanta, GA |
IBM PC BBS: Atlanta, GA (1985) |
404-641-1803 Roswell, GA |
Crosstalk Communication's Crosstalk Mk, Crosstalk Communications (Tech Support BBS), Crosstalk Mk.4 BBS, Crosstalk MK.4 Support, Hayes Microcomputer Products BBS (1988-1991) |
Maria Forrest, Maria A. Forrest | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-641-8270 Roswell, GA |
Home of NoChange BB, Nochange #1 (1987-1989) |
Jim Kloss | Nochange |
404-641-8968 Marietta, GA |
Sem Ware QEdit Support, Sem Ware Technical Support, SemWare, SemWare BBS, SemWare Corp, SemWare QEdit Support BBS, SemWare Support (QEdit/TSE), SemWare Support PCB QEdit, SemWare,hm QEdit (1988-1996) |
Sammy Mitchell, Kyle Watkins, Richard Blackburn | PCBoard |
"This BBS was established to support our software products, first QEdit, and then later TSE. It went online in 1988, and we did not pull the plug until 1996. We ran the PCBoard BBS software. We were amazed at the number of people that called the bbs, and how often they called. We used to run our beta-tests via the BBS, and our group of about 100 testers became a very close community. It was one of the most interesting times I can remember. We developed some long lasting friend-ships, that are still going on today, with people for the most part that we've still never met in person. Sysops were Sammy Mitchell, Kyle Watkins, and Richard Blackburn." - Sammy Michell | |||
404-642-4690 Roswell, GA |
Donovan's Reef (1988) |
Jacob Donovan | GBBS Pro |
404-642-5445 Roswell, GA |
The Barbary Coast (1988) |
Red Hot Flyer | |
404-659-3014 |
overmind (1989-1990) |
cmc | STadel3.3d |
404-662-0732 |
Arrow Action Line (1988-1989) |
Rick Ruhl | PC Board |
404-664-1075 Atlanta, GA |
Star Trek Atlanta, Star Trek Atlnata, USS REPUBLIC BBS, USS Republic BBS OPUS (1989-1994) |
Brian Flatley | Opus |
"I was the typical Star Trek Fan. I ran the BBS from my bedroom in my parent's basement. It was part of the Star Trek Fan club that I belonged to at the time. I still have the computer with the BBS software on it in my spare bedroom." - Brian Flatley | |||
404-669-0410 |
The Pilot Exchange, The Pilots Exchange (1987-1988) |
The Pilot | GBBS Pro |
404-676-9264 |
Ga Tech Fido (1986) |
Richard Dervan | FidoNet |
404-682-7033 Lwarenceville, GA |
Sanctuary (1988) |
404-687-7309 Columbus, GA |
Columbus Connection, Columbus Connx, The Columbus Connection (1989-1995) |
Bill Jones | TBBS |
404-722-0614 |
Garden City Fido (1986) |
John Tobin | FidoNet |
404-733-3461 Augusta, GA |
ABBS AGS, AGS, NET-WORKS AGS (1982-1985) |
404-739-0052 Austell, GA |
The Back Seat (1988) |
Steven Keller | SKBBS+ |
404-739-1329 Austell, GA |
STAR*LIGHT (1988) |
Magician Trent | |
404-742-7736 Winterville, GA |
Express Line BBS 2, Express Line BBS Node 2, Express Line Node#2, NE Georgia Network, The Express Line, The Express Line Node (1989-1995) |
Tim Wool | Wildcat |
404-751-0252 |
Bird's Nest BBS, Bird's Nest PCB SW Authors, Birds Nest BBS, The Bird's Nest (1988-1994) |
Robert Forrest, Tom Henn | PCBoard |
404-758-8498 |
3RD WORLD, Third World InfoNet (1985-1988) |
Paul Roberts | Forem ST, BBS Express |
404-761-3635 |
PC-Forum (1985) |
Lee Nelson | |
404-762-0923 |
PC Plus Bulletin Board Service, PC Plus,Airline (1987-1995) |
Jerry Frost | PCBoard , PC Board |
404-762-1471 |
Fantasia's Forest (1988) |
Fantasia | custom JJABBS |
404-766-7639 Jonesboro, GA |
South Atlanta Mini Board (SAMBo) (1988) |
Richard Logan | Tele-msg 100 |
404-768-0990 |
PLEXUS, Plexus PCB OAS, The Plexus (1988-1991) |
Bob Orr, Robert Orr | PC Board |
404-782-6796 Clayton, GA |
The Eminy Board (1988) |
Mitch Belcher | |
404-790-1485 Augusta, GA |
Augusta Net, Lion's Den, The Lion's Den, The Lion's Den (SDS), The Lions Den (1987-1991) |
Charlie Merryman, Charles H Merry | |
404-790-8614 Augusta, GA |
ABBS Baileys Computer Store (1982-1983) |
404-793-7256 Augusta, GA |
Donald's BBS (1987-1988) |
Donald Fletcher | |
404-796-7284 Augusta, GA |
Swamp Buzzard (1988) |
John Kida | |
404-798-4006 Hephzibah, GA |
Jack's, Jack's Board, Jacks Board (1989-1996) |
Jack Hazel | GT |
404-798-6728 Hephzibah, GA |
Turbo Fans Unlimited (1987-1992) |
Donald Fletcher | |
404-822-0620 Lawrenceville, GA |
Aero Drome, AERODROME, The AERODROME (1988-1994) |
404-834-9097 Whitesburg, GA |
CMC BBS, Commodore Message Center, Commodore Msg. Ctr. (1986-1994) |
Randall Hanson, KB4EUX | |
404-843-1973 Atlanta, GA |
Out Of Phaze, Out of Phaze QuickBBS (1989-1991) |
Dean Joelson | |
404-843-2537 Atlanta, GA |
AE Line: Individual Password, AE LINE: BASHER (1984-1985) |
404-843-8360 Atlanta, GA |
Artif. Intel. (1985) |
Louis Kahn | |
404-845-1714 |
InfoMatrix (1989) |
Wildcat | |
404-858-2261 |
Hutch BBS, Hutchisin Med Ctr. (1988-1989) |
Wildcat | |
404-861-2880 Ringold, GA |
InfoMart BBS (1989-1990) |
Gary Everett, Garry Everett | |
404-861-3498 Ringold, GA |
The Showboat (1988-1989) |
Pam Boatwright | |
404-863-3420 Augusta, GA |
Baudville (1987) |
Jeff Craft | |
404-868-1310 Martinez, GA |
Ed's Bar & Grill (1988-1989) |
Ed Propes | |
404-872-8421 |
AutoCAD BBS (1986) |
Steve Fox | |
404-879-0319 Stone Mountain, GA |
Excalibur BBS (1988) |
Lord British | C-Net |
404-879-9223 Stone Mountain, GA |
Paul's Place BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
404-881-0658 Atlanta, GA |
Dim Sum (133/5), Dim Sum BBS, Dim Sun BBS (1987-1988) |
Jim Sells | |
404-885-9941 |
Xystus (1988) |
Tempus | Emulex |
404-891-0136 |
Lunar Photon, Plain Jane OPUS, SOUTHERN Cross (1988-1991) |
Dennis Womack, Dennis R Womack | |
404-894-5784 Tucker, GA |
JoKeR's BBS, JoKeR's BBS (133/303), Jokers (1987-1992) |
Kenneth Riviere, J. Kenneth Riviere | IBM |
404-920-0621 Douglasville, GA |
Atlanta's Weather Report, The Atlanta PC Users Group, Total Recall, Total Recall (133/499), Total Recall BBS, TotalRecall
, TotalRecall,addi (1984-1996) |
Roger Cravens | Wildcat , Wildcat! |
404-921-1116 Norcross, GA |
Norcross RCP/M MBBS, Norcross RCP/M RBBS (1984-1988) |
Jim Gooch | MBBS |
404-921-1186 Norcross, GA |
Data Dimension PCB OLG INT, Data Dimention, The Data Dimension (1989-1994) |
Ricky Lacy | PCBoard |
404-921-4395 Norcross, GA |
Atlanta Xchg, The Atlanta Exchange (1988-1996) |
Ken Cherry | PCBoard , PC Board |
404-921-8108 Norcross, GA |
PC-Link, PC-Link Comm, PC-Link (Christian SIG) (1987-1992) |
James Kerr | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-922-2428 Ta,lon |
Atlanta Chatline, Diversi-Dial (1988) |
Bill Noel | |
404-923-2580 Norcross, GA |
Kaypro TPBBS, The Atlanta Kaypro MBBS (1984-1985) |
Joubert Berger | |
404-924-7963 Woodstock, GA |
EDUCATION CENTER, Educational Center, The Education Center (1988-1994) |
Michael Austin | PC Board |
404-924-8472 Woodstock, GA |
Atlanta Net, Cherokee Hub A, Index System, INDEX System, The, INDEX: Line 1, Live From Woodstock, Net133 NEC, TBBS Atlanta, The INDEX System (tm), The INDEX System TBBS (1983-1997) |
Rodney Aloia, R Aloia, Rod Aloia, Rodney A Aloia | TBBS |
From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: Woodstock, Georgia since 04/83. Sysop: Rodney A Aloia. Using TBBS 2.2 with 32 lines on MS-DOS 80486 with 5000 MB storage. Hayes at 28800 bps. No fee. This is a BBS for the Serious Modem'er! Internet, FidoNet, Games, Chat, Files Messages, on one of Atlanta's oldest and largest BBS's. Great fun. Local to Athens and LaGrange, GA. Operated by INDEX, the place to buy BBS S/W. List of BBS List Keepers: Atlanta Area 404/Rodney Aloia ListKeeper: Atlanta Area 404 | |||
404-924-8593 Woodstock, GA |
Main Street BBS (1988-1994) |
Jolinda Cooper | PC Board |
404-925-0361 |
Digit's (1988) |
Loone | C-Net |
404-925-8829 |
Smuggler's Haven (1988-1994) |
Red Beard | C-Net |
404-926-0905 Roswell, GA |
Woodstock BBS 1, Woodstock WILD (1989-1994) |
Jim Souza | Wildcat |
404-926-4318 Atlanta, GA |
Remote Northstar Atlanta (1981-1983) |
Les Freed | NBBS |
404-926-8411 Roswell, GA |
RBBS IBM PC Atlanta (1984) |
404-928-0033 Woodstock, GA |
Programmer's Info. Exchange, Programmer's Information Exchange (1988-1991) |
Tony Elliott | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-928-1429 Woodstock, GA |
Atlanta North, ATLCMS, CHEROKEE, CHEROKEE (133/102) (1987-1988) |
Ken Shackelford | Opus |
404-928-1876 Woodstock, GA |
ATL/FIDO1, Atlanta North, ATLANTA-NET, ATLGATE, ATLGATE (133/101), EGGNET, FIDO #18/1, FIDO #53 SEC-Board, NETMGR, Reg 18 Echo Coor, SE C-Board, StateWide (1984-1990) |
Ken Shackelford, ken Shackelton, Ken Shackelton, K. Shackelford | FidoNet, IBM PC-AT |
404-928-3005 Woodstock, GA |
BBS IBM PC Atlanta (1983-1985) |
404-928-5659 Woodstock, GA |
The Computer Connector (1988) |
The Professor | Corona PC |
404-928-8201 Woodstock, GA |
Atlanta On-Line (1988) |
Stephen R. Williamson | Let's Talk |
404-929-0800 Conyers, GA |
Atlanta Connection, Atlanta Connection #1 (133/205), The Atlanta Connection (1984-1994) |
Bill Noel | TBBS |
404-929-1291 Conyers, GA |
Atlanta Connection (1988-1996) |
Bill Noel, Boss Bill | |
404-932-0039 Buford, GA |
Commodore Colorama (1988) |
404-932-2233 Buford, GA |
Forbidden Zone (1986-1987) |
Ascii Express | |
404-934-0188 Atlanta, GA |
Atlanta Computer Soc. (1986) |
Unknown | |
404-934-4515 Tucker, GA |
Flagship, Flagship Express BBS, Flagship Express PCB6 $FEE, The Flagship (1986-1996) |
Harvey Pierce, Higgins/Pierce, Frank Huggins | PCBoard |
404-934-4517 Tucker, GA |
Flagship Express PCB6 $FEE, Flagship Express RBBS (1988-1991) |
Huggins/Pierce, F. Huggins & H. Pierce | PC Board |
404-937-2210 Ringgold, GA |
CENTRAL STATION, The District Car (1988-1994) |
Sam Ryon | |
404-938-2213 Tucker, GA |
Hub 7000, Jimmys Hub, Northeast Hub, OLYMPIC CITY 600, PARTY 600, PC-LINK, PC-LINK BBS, Pee Wees Place, THE Hub, The Tucker Bums, The Tucker Guys, Tucker Hub, Tucker Hub A (1986-1996) |
E. Normous Johnson!, Jim Kerr, Teensy Weensy Johnson | T.A.G. |
404-938-4808 Tucker, GA |
FidoSouth (1985) |
Lane Fowler | FidoNet |
404-939-0526 Tucker, GA |
Kasper's TI (1988) |
Stephen Kasper | custom |
404-939-1520 Atlanta, GA |
Northstar CBBS (1980) |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue) | |||
404-939-2764 Tucker, GA |
Homeowner's Helpline, Homeowners Helpline (1989-1990) |
Mark Hopkins | |
404-939-9911 Tucker, GA |
R.S.C.C. (1989) |
Rodney Aloia | |
404-941-0159 Mableton, GA |
Byte Connection (1988) |
Greg Maddux | Forem XL |
404-941-7084 Mableton, GA |
Track Meet (1988) |
404-941-7512 Mableton, GA |
ZERO-Net (1989-1990) |
Andy Ward | |
404-943-9648 |
ComPro, A Commodore Professional System (1988) |
Gordon Leslie | C-Net |
404-944-0826 Winston, GA |
Austell Georgia RBBS-PC, Austell RBBS
(1987-1994) |
Dave Howard | RBBS-PC |
404-945-6021 |
Buford Byte Size BBS (1988) |
404-948-4584 |
Clubhouse, The Clubhouse BBS (1989-1994) |
Ted Cromey/Pat Munk | PCBoard |
404-949-0687 Marietta, GA |
LARC BBS, Lockheed Amateur BBS, Lockheed Amateur Radio Club (LARC) BBS, LOCKHEED ARC BBS (1988-1991) |
George Carrier - KA4ENY | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-951-1540 Marietta, GA |
Atlanta Central, Atlanta South, Index System, Index System (SIG), INDEX System TBBS, IndexSystem TBBS Tandy Apple, TBBS Atlanta, TBBS Hub Atl, The INDEX System, The Index System I (133/201), Index Systems (Christian SIGS) (1987-1994) |
Rodney Aloia, Rodney A. Aloia | TBBS |
404-956-7197 Atlanta, GA |
Mega-Byte BBS, Psychedelic Psystem / Western Horizons, QBBS Hub Atl (1988-1989) |
Cott Lang | |
404-957-3325 Stockbridge, GA |
Atlanta Information Exchange, Backbone Feed II, Mail Backup Node II (1984-1995) |
Dan Dunn | Wildcat |
404-962-0616 Lawrenceville, GA |
Telemessage-80 (1982-1984) |
404-962-1788 Mahwah, NJ |
Sharp Electronics Corp, Sharp Electronics Corp., Sharp Electronics EBS Div, SHARP Tech Support, Sharp Technical Support (1988-1995) |
Gary Meeker | PC Board |
404-962-5116 Lawrenceville, GA |
GA BBS, The Georgia Bulletin Board System (1985-1996) |
Joe White | PCBoard |
404-962-8477 Lawrenceville, GA |
E/T's BBS (1988) |
E/T | Emulex |
404-964-3043 Union City, GA |
mAdHoUsE (1988) |
Lanny Finch | ATABBS Rv mH |
404-964-4483 Union City, GA |
Software Shop #2, Software Shop BBS, SoftwareShop, The Software Shop, The Software Shop #1 (1988-1996) |
Billy Brand | PCBoard , PC Board |
404-964-5277 Union City, GA |
Greyhound, Greyhound Opus, South-Central Atlanta (1989-1994) |
John Miller | |
404-965-7836 Ringgold, GA |
Lunar Photon (1989-1995) |
Dennis Womack | |
404-965-8629 Tunnel Hill, GA |
The Dragon Caves (1989-1992) |
Larry Guffey | |
404-968-1826 Morrow, GA |
Software House PCB, The Software Shop, The Software Shop BBS (1988-1991) |
Robert Pierce | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-969-0618 Union City, GA |
Atlanta Area Pick Users Group BBS (1988) |
Doug Dumitru | PC Board |
404-971-5297 Marietta, GA |
Omni Connection, Omni*connection (1988-1990) |
Vaughn Cato | TRS-80 CoCo |
404-972-3458 Snellville, GA |
Mile's Meadow, Milo's Meadow BBS, Milo'sMeadow, Milos Meadow, Sirmans, Mike (1986-1996) |
Mike Sirmans | QuickBBS , RemoteAccess, RBBS-PC |
404-972-6633 Snellville, GA |
AE LINE: MORDER (1984) |
404-972-7947 Snellville, GA |
Match 80, Match-80 (1988) |
Ruth Greene | DYM |
404-974-1521 Jonesboro, GA |
Gonzoland (1988) |
Jim McAnally | RBBS-PC |
404-974-3904 Acworth, GA |
Troll's Cave (1983-1987) |
Troll King | Homebrew C64 |
404-975-0806 Roswell, GA |
Flash Backs (1988) |
404-975-3875 Roswell, GA |
The Afterglow BBS (1988) |
Dr. DeMento | GBBS Pro |
404-977-6686 Marietta, GA |
PC Exchange, PC Exchange BBS, PC Exchange PCB, PC Exchange Turbo, PC Exchange,Turb, PC-Exchange (1985-1996) |
Jim Simmons, Mike Simmons, Simmons / Bowen | PCBoard , PC Board |
404-977-7432 Marietta, GA |
The Silicon Guild (1989-1993) |
Electric Messiah | Telegard, Renegade, PCBoard |
404-978-3207 Snellville, GA |
Southern Mansion, SouthernMansion (1989-1994) |
Randy Cooper | PCBoard |
404-979-5105 Atlanta, GA |
FIDO #3 Micronet, FidoSouth, MICRONET (1984-1985) |
Lane Fowler | FidoNet |
404-981-6010 |
Data Plus (1989) |
404-982-0960 Atlanta, GA |
Rock & Roll Atlanta, Rock 'n' Roll Party, Rock and Roll Party, Rock&Roll, The Rock 'N' Roll Party (1988-1996) |
Bob Helbush, Tricia Hudson, B. Helbush | PCBoard , PC Board |
404-984-9291 Marietta, GA |
The Anthrax BBS (1989-1992) |
Rick Mehrabian | Spitfire |
404-985-0265 Snellville, GA |
Atlanta Macintosh Users Group BBS (AMUG BBS) (1988) |
Ron Patterson | PC Board |
404-985-4022 Snellville, GA |
PC Connection, PC-Connection, PC-Connection BBS, PC-Connection PCB INT MET (1984-1996) |
Dave Pointer | PCBoard |
404-985-8244 Snellville, GA |
The YellowJacket BBS, TSTPL, Yellow Jacket (1989-1990) |
Keith Oster | Emulex/II |
404-985-9298 Snellville, GA |
Business Thoughts & Ideas, Thoughts & Ideas (1989-1990) |
Bill Kemper | |
404-987-3972 Decatur, GA |
Bare Bones, Bare Bones (133/305), Bare Bones OPUS (1987-1995) |
Mike Hancock | Opus? |
404-987-5235 Decatur, GA |
True Blue BBS (1988) |
Fred McClaren | PC Board |
404-991-3569 Riverdale, GA |
Index II, The INDEX System II, The Index System II (133/202) (1987-1988) |
Rory Didas, Rory J. Didas | TBBS |
404-991-6250 Riverdale, GA |
99er BBS, 99er BBS (Atlanta TI 99/4a Users Group BBS), Atlanta 99'er BBS, Ninety-Niner (1988-1994) |
James A. Fairchild, Jimmy Fairchild | 99 BBS |
404-992-3797 Roswell, GA |
The Vulgar Unicorn (1988) |
The Purple Mage | GBBS Pro |
404-992-8937 Roswell, GA |
JOBBS! (1988-1993) |
William Griffin, Alpha Systems Inc./Bill Griffin | custom FoxBase |
Online Job Listing - 2186 Technical Pos. - 10,000 Corps. | |||
404-993-2207 Winder, GA |
Atlanta L-5 BBS (1988) |
Dan Scheltema | Fido |
404-993-5310 Winder, GA |
Invisible Bd
, The Invisible BBS, The Invisible Board (1987-1994) |
Dick Calliendo, Dick Caliendo | PCBoard, PC Board |
404-994-1279 Riverdale, GA |
Share A Byte BBS, Share A Byte WILD XXX, ShareAByte (1988-1991) |
Jerry Smith | Wildcat |
404-995-0144 Lawrenceville, GA |
Telcom 80, TELCOM-80, TELCOM-80 BBS, TELCOM80, TELCOM8O, Telcombo (1988-1994) |
Everett Stowe, Everett L. Stowe, Jr. | custom Greene |
404-995-0182 Lawrenceville, GA |
Fido South (1986) |
Lane Fowler | FidoNet |
404-995-0847 Lawrenceville, GA |
Lair BBS, The Lair (1988-1990) |
Dark | RBBS-PC |
404-995-5287 Lawrenceville, GA |
Molecular Magic BBS (1988) |
404-996-1781 Riverdale, GA |
Southen Comfort BBS (1985-1996) |
KITT and Sky Eagle | C-NET |
404-998-5676 Roswell, GA |
The Wanderjahr (1988-1994) |
Phoebus / John Mitchell | FoReM ST, RATSoft ST |
404-998-8048 Roswell, GA |
Crosstalk Communications BBS, Home of Crosstalk, Home of CrossTalk
(1985-1994) |
Maria Forrest, MicroStuf, Maria Forrest, L. Higgins | PCBoard, RBBS-PC |
267 Sysops currently listed. 337 BBSes Listed. |