Historical List of BBSes in the 317 Area Code --------------------------------------------- Created by TEXTFILES.COM From Many Sources 317-226-9616 | Central IN Fidonet, Central Indiana FidoNet, Combat Arms | BBS, Combat Arms BBS [FAX], Indiana Sysops | HUB, New Net 231 SysOp | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996-1998) SYSOP | Richard Bash, New SysOp SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-236-1670 | The Byte Str. Club-House | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-236-6740 | Love Connection | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-237-9356 | Central Indiana FidoNet, Legend BBS, New Net 231 SysOp, | TransX Site | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1998) SYSOP | Dennis Vandall, New SysOp SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-238-5425 | The Stargazer BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Ken Johnson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-243-0755 | Circle City, CircleCity, The Circle-City BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990-1996) SYSOP | Doug Moore SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-243-1945 | Big Top | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1998) SYSOP | Steve Neukam --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-243-6303 | CompuStuff | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989-1991) SYSOP | Jim Hamilton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-243-6654 | Big Top | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1997-1998) SYSOP | Steve Neukam --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-244-1146 | 28.8 Hub, Cyberdreams, Cyberdreams 28.8 Hub, CyberDreams | BBS, Cyberdreams BBS Node 2, Sherwood | Forest | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1995) SYSOP | Jay & Peg Kelley, Jay&Peg Kelley, Hay & Peg Kelley SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-244-2794 | Jim's All American BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Jim White SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-244-6039 | Cyberdreams 28.8 Hub, Cyberdreams BBS ISysOps HUB, | Cyberdreams BBS Net 231 ISysOps HUB, | Cyberdreams BBS Node 2 | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jay & Peg Kelley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-245-2026 | Killers Korner | ACTON, IN (1993) SYSOP | Chris Reed --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-247-1382 | THE WATCH WORD BBS, The Watch Word | Indianapolis, IN (1989) SYSOP | Jim Edwards SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-247-3168 | INARNG Network | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990) SYSOP | Dave Julius --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-247-4702 | Elfstone BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Bill Campbell SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-247-5436 | Indy Hotline | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-247-7515 | Birdland BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1999) SYSOP | Allen Crow --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-248-2184 | The Sierra Hotel! BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Melvin Hirtzel, MELVIN HIRTZEL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-248-9638 | -The Quantum Gate- | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Billy Harold --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-249-9267 | THE HOLE IN THE GROUND | INDIANA, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-249-9933 | The X-Files BBS | INDIANA, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-251-2067 | I'polisCompSoc, Indianapolis Computer Society, Indy | Computer Society | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990-1996) SYSOP | Dee Saul, Dave Appel SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-251-2385 | Indy Net Two | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1985-1989) SYSOP | James Bright --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-251-3356 | The TECH BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Kevin O'Connor SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-251-6123 | STI, STI BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Bruce Quillin, Bruce Quillen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-251-7421 | The Twin Towers | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989-1990) SYSOP | Betty Strum, Robert Hoquim --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-251-8063 | The Twin Towers, Twin Towers HST | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Robert Hoquim --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-251-9759 | AmigaSource, Doomsday Dungeon | Indianapolis, IN (1990-1994) SYSOP | Andrew Gray, Andrew gray SOFTWARE | Transamiga, Custom COMMENTS | "A BBS I ran from when I was about 13 through 17, when I | had to take it down for various reasons, and shortly | thereafter got on the Internet. Was run on an Amiga and | started out using TAG, then Petra which I custom-coded | door games into, and then ended up with Transamiga. Had | great fun while running this, and learned a lot, and met | quite a few people." - Andrew Gray --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-252-4312 | Indy Connection | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Nick Colby --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-252-5759 | KingFisher BBS LoraOS/2 | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | William Jensen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-253-1573 | Portable Hole BBS, T.A.S.T.E. - The Atari ST Exchange | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1986-1994) SYSOP | David McNett SOFTWARE | FoReM ST COMMENTS | "FoReM-Net Node 20" --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-253-3221 | Smokin BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-255-1953 | Tony's Talk-Net | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-255-4952 | PMS - Indianapolis, PMS Indianapolis, IN | Indianapolis, IN (1985) SOFTWARE | PMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-255-5435 | PET BBS AVC Comline | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1982-1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-257-0930 | ABSOLUT Spitfire | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Matt Blythe --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-257-1208 | The Brazen Dragon Atari BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1983-1986) SYSOP | David McNett SOFTWARE | AMIS, FoReM 26M, Carina --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-257-5882 | INDY PC BBS | Indianapolis, IN (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-257-9295 | ABSOLUT Spitfire | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Matt Blythe --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-259-0772 | The Virgate Viscacha BBS, Virge of Insanity | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Chris Porter --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-259-1635 | Paradise Cafe | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | John Ryan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-259-7289 | PC-Archive PEP | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989) SYSOP | Betty Strum, Robert Hoquim --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-263-5129 | WTHR Engineering | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-264-1865 | MEGASPHERE | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996) SYSOP | Adam Peterson SOFTWARE | WorldBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-264-5624 | The Leading Line | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-271-0651 | Night Flight | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Steven Miles --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-271-5059 | The T.A.R.D.I.S BBS | Indianapolis, IN (1985-1992) SYSOP | The Doctor (Doc or Tom O'Nan), Thomas O'Nan SOFTWARE | Prime for Apple //e COMMENTS | "I ran this BBS for many years, it started out in Terre | Haute, Indiana and then moved to Indianapolis. The main | point of this BBS was the wonderful message system and | it's e-mail. In those days the BBS community was | primarily a place where IBM files were exchanged, not | much interest was made on community and comversation. | This BBS was outside the norm in that there were very few | downloads and literally millions of messages. It ran on | a single phone line with a sysop screen where I could see | what was going on. At the end the system had passed over | 11 million e-mail messages between the users and there | were over 40,000 messages on the active system. The end | came when a few BAD users found a weakness in the error | correcting modem technology and began war dialing the | system to lock up the modem and shut down the system, | this always required the sysop to manually reset the | system, the software was never upgraded to allow for the | error correcting modems to work right. In the end, the | system was too hard to maintain after months of the war | dialing and was shut down. The children who were | responsible for the shut down, in the end, were found out | and did pay the penalty, but a good and fun community BBS | never recovered and soon the Internet came and BBS times | were over. It was fun while it lasted." - Thomas O'Nan |
"I'd like to add something about the TARDIS bbs. I | was one of it's users and think it's a shame what | happened to it, we all loved this bbs for many years as | it was a community. But more than that Doc provided | something different, a ladies only section that was | really for the ladies only, I mean he let us run that | part of his board, even he stayed out of it, he had a | couple of other ladies who were cosysops who ran the | ladies board. During the BBS years when a female got on | a BBS it was usually a nightmare with all sorts of people | hitting on you, Doc didn't allow that, he kept the peace, | he also didn't allow flame wars like you'd see on many | other boards. I know that you also didn't want to get on | his bad side, if you did, you would loose your | privileges, one user got way out of hand at one time and | Doc didn't kick him off, he just restricted him to the | Red Button and Logoff commands. The bbs itself was | pretty neat, it was based on the Doctor Who TV show and | had many references to the show placed in it, but if you | didn't know anything about Doctor Who, you could still | get around, there was a general bbs room, a science room, | a teen room, the ladies room, an adult room and a few | more. There was a little download area for those would | couldn't live without one and there were a few games. He | also had a strange sense of humor, like a command button | called THE RED BUTTON (never push), and warnings all over | the place about not pushing the red button, of course you | HAD to push it, and guess what, you were instantly logged | off and disconnected, no damage though. He also had an | Eliza program that many thought really was The Doctor, a | couple of simple games and if he was there, you could | page him to chat. Because some people would monopolize | the board playing games there were time limits, this | helped because it was only a single line BBS, if you | participated a lot in the conversations, you would be | given more time. It was neat, I'd sometimes take much of | my time reading everything that people had to say, then | I'd have to come back again to say what I wanted to say, | Doc ended up giving me two more hours of time because I | was a good girl :) I don't know where Doc is now, but | I've always wanted to thank him for doing what he did and | putting up with us. Thanks." - Tilly M --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-271-6837 | Virtual Recovery | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Kevin Vail --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-271-7109 | Dark Wasteland | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996) SYSOP | Alcatraz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-273-0528 | Elucidation BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Justin Gould --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-273-0612 | Vector Trace | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Dave Gammon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-273-1890 | Virtual Recovery | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Kevin Vail --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-274-3251 | IREDI Fido | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1986-1988) SYSOP | Roger Stough SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-281-9014 | Last Chance BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Stephen Livingston --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-282-0055 | -=) Back 2 Reality (=- | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Chris Burnworth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-282-1311 | ITTOD-II | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Gregory & Lori Smith --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-282-4620 | Software Dimensions | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Bill Atkinson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-282-6862 | In Through The Out Door | Muncie, IN (1992-1997) SYSOP | Gregory & Lori Smith, Gregory Smith SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-284-0796 | Muncie MicroLink | INDIANAPOLIS IN, IN (1985-1994) SYSOP | Steve Stewart SOFTWARE | PCBoard, PCBoard v15.0 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-284-5294 | Software Dimensions | Muncie, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Bill Atkinson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-284-8027 | The Pastor's Study CFC 19 | INDIANAPOLIS IN, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Jeff Wiegand --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-285-3648 | NoWhere BBS | Muncie, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Chael Hall SOFTWARE | ChaelBoard COMMENTS | "Due to increased competition for the phone line and a | waning interest in running the BBS, I took it down. I | had already begun running mailing lists on the Internet. | I went on to run an anonymous FTP archive, gopher site, | and anonymous remailer. I still run several free mailing | lists and web sites at x-philes.com." - Chael Hall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-285-7346 | NoWhere BBS | Muncie, IN (1990-1991) SYSOP | Chael Hall SOFTWARE | ChaelBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-285-7441 | NoWhere BBS | Muncie, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Chael Hall SOFTWARE | ChaelBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-288-1812 | Software Dimensions | INDIANA, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Bill Atkinson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-288-5569 | The B-Line BBS | INDIANA, IN (1991-1996) SYSOP | Bob Allman SOFTWARE | WildCAT! 3.x --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-289-3699 | HIGHER VISIONS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-289-7405 | Software Connections | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990-1992) SYSOP | John Fisher --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-290-0172 | Electric Dragon | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Michel Poulin, Michael Poulin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-290-0862 | Do.It.2.It World HQs | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Craetis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-290-1762 | MacConnections | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1995) SYSOP | Barry Skidmore --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-290-8590 | GWNorth | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996-1998) SYSOP | Campagnolo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-290-9070 | Falx Cerebri Amiga, Falx Cerebri QBBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989-1995) SYSOP | Casey Schaphorst --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-291-4544 | The Dark Side BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996) SYSOP | Jon Roberts SOFTWARE | Iniquity --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-291-7287 | The Direct Access BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Vince Caldeira SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-291-7827 | Direct Access | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989-1996) SYSOP | Vince Caldeira SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-293-3158 | Nomad's Land | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Damon Smithwick --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-293-6797 | Sanitarium BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993) SYSOP | Ed Rosenthal --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-293-8304 | CompuSTUFF | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Jim Hamilton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-293-8522 | The Midnight Flyer BBS | Indianapolis, IN SYSOP | Scorpio SOFTWARE | C*Base BBS COMMENTS | "Ran off of a Commodore 64. Co-Sysop: Spunky, | Modspak/Trivia Guru: Morgan, Game/Modz tester: Cougar. | Subop of public Forum: Styles, Subop of classifieds: | Apollo, Subop of Game Hints & Tips: Kanga, Supop of Arts | and Entertainment: Vox, Subop of Hardware/software help | and pinch, Subop of U/D forum: Disvader" - Scorpio --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-293-8630 | CompuSTUFF, CompuSTUFF BBS | Indianapolis, IN (1988-1995) SYSOP | Jim Hamilton SOFTWARE | TBBS 2.2 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-294-0216 | Starship Enterprise, StarshipEnterpris | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Dave Smith --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-297-0683 | Allegro Vivace | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-297-2260 | INDY | Indianapolis, IN (1987-1998) SYSOP | Dan Taylor SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS; Color64 COMMENTS | "Started out as a single node system running on a C-64 | using Color64 BBS software runnning in all basic. System | had a 256K Ram Expander and 8 disk drives chained | together...a real nightmare to keep up and running. | Finally switched to VBBS, eventually runnning 2 nodes on | 1 machine using Desqview, then finally 2 machines | networked running Windows 95 with 15 cd-rom drives for | downloads. After 11 years and an unforeseen move, it was | time to throw in the towel as many users decided it was | time for the internet. I learned a lot, loved running the | system, and made several friends over the years." - Dan | Taylor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-298-0879 | The Wheel | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1996) SYSOP | Ken Heda --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-298-3532 | MacConnections BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-298-4873 | Virtual Recovery | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Kevin Vail SOFTWARE | REMOTE --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-298-5274 | Ham Radio BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Barry Skidmore --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-298-8490 | Luna Free State | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1988-1990) SYSOP | Mycroft Holmes SOFTWARE | STadel3.1f --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-298-8610 | Night Bird REL PCjr./Turbo, NightBirdInf | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990-1991) SYSOP | Don Morrison, Will Morrison --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-299-6334 | Night Bird REL 225M | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1987-1991) SYSOP | Don Morrison --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-322-6479 | Computer S.O.S | INDIANAPOLIS, IN --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-326-3833 | NET-WORKS Greenfield | WILLOW BRANCH, IN (1982-1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-326-4152 | NET-WORKS Greenfield | WILLOW BRANCH, IN (1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-326-4189 | Green Genes | WILLOW BRANCH, IN (1996) SYSOP | Christopher Renihan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-326-4747 | Point Blank | WILLOW BRANCH, IN (1993-1996) SYSOP | Bret Waddy SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-328-3882 | Sneaky Snakes BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992) SYSOP | Tom Neville --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-328-3883 | Sneaky Snakes BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Tom Neville --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-328-9244 | Berean BBS, The Berean BBS, The Berean QuickBBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990-1994) SYSOP | Ron Powers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-328-9885 | Doomers Lair | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-329-9355 | Elucidation BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992) SYSOP | Justin Gould --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-331-1258 | Straycat! BBS Engelen | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-342-2094 | Software Zone | ROACHDALE, IN (1992-1996) SYSOP | Kevin Plummer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-351-4992 | Naval Air Warfare Center | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-351-7947 | IBM Connx | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1987-1989) SYSOP | Rex Hankins --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-352-9824 | Burns City BBS, NEC Net 231, Net 231 NEC | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1997) SYSOP | Norman Cox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-353-0410 | Brice's Library TBBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Brice Fleckenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-353-1707 | Cary Enterprises | INDIANAPOLIS, IN --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-353-2973 | Paladen BBS, The Paladen BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989-1997) SYSOP | Rob Haverly --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-353-6964 | Taciturn Seclusion BBS | Indianapolis, IN (1998-2002) SYSOP | Joe Wisner SOFTWARE | Worldgroup, MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-353-6972 | Taciturn Seclusion BBS | Indianapolis, IN (1998-2001) SYSOP | Joe Wisner SOFTWARE | Worldgroup --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-353-9326 | ST Archive | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-353-9981 | Reg 11 SDS Coord, Reg 11 SDSCoord, Reg11 SDSCoord, Some | Place BBS, Someplace , Someplace BBS, | SomePlace QuickBBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989-1996) SYSOP | Mike Shepard SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-356-4759 | Banter Decanter, The Banter Decanter | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Jack Sutherland --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-356-5113 | The Claw | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-356-5519 | The Zoo, The Zoo BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Bill Jones --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-357-0198 | Gamers BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Mike Shepard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-357-1222 | Some Place BBS, Someplace BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Mike Shepard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-359-4318 | Burns City BBS, Net 231 FEC Cost Recovery | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Norman Cox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-359-5196 | ClassiComputerFieds | Indianapolis, IN (1993) SOFTWARE | CUSTOM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-359-5199 | ClassiComputerFieds, T-CON, Traders' Connection, TRADERS' | CONNECTION, Classi Computer Fieds, TCON | Indianapolis, IN (1982-1996) SYSOP | Steven Edsall, Steve Edsall/Trader Newspaper, C. Hanrrahan SOFTWARE | custom COMMENTS | TRADERS' CONNECTION, Featuring the largest classified ad | database in the world! Search over 500,000 ads from | independent classified ad papers across the U.S., quickly | and easily. But that's not all. T-CON also offers | national e-mail, live chat, special interest groups | (SIG's), tons of files, technical help and advice, and | lively discussion groups covering everything from | politics and religion to photography and aviation. T-CON | is everything you would expect from a full-service, | national BBS. National access available for as low as | $2/Hr. Try us out — Free! Dial (317) 359-5199 for a | free demo, to join or to find the local access number for | your area. You will be impressed with all we have to | offer. Call toll free 800-753-4223 voice for more | information. - BBS Magazine November, 1994
Online | System for Classified Advertisements --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-359-9510 | The Kobayashi Maru | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1988) SYSOP | Scott Goehring --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-361-9044 | The Flight Department | ROACHDALE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Brad Crosier --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-362-4241 | Dog House BBS | ROACHDALE, IN (1995) SYSOP | John Smith --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-362-5547 | Montgomery Co Net, Net 2420 Echo Coord, The Holodeck BBS, | The HoloDeck BBS System, White's BBS | ROACHDALE, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Robert White --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-362-6573 | Mars Hotel BBS, The Mars Hotel | ROACHDALE, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Jay Zach SOFTWARE | RBBS COMMENTS | "I ran this bbs when I was around 21-22, from my room, in | my parent's basement. I wanted to start a site themed on | grateful dead fan stuff, since I didn't know of many. I | ended up finding some long distance ones, afterward. It | was great fun, and my first real experience with open | source, which I try to use exclusively now." - Jay Zach --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-362-6972 | TC Net PC BBS | ROACHDALE, IN (1988) SYSOP | Robert White --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-362-8085 | Dave Jenkins, Net 2420 Echo Coord | ROACHDALE, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Dave Jenkins --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-362-8210 | Brad Crosier, The Flight Department | ROACHDALE, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Brad Crosier --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-362-9075 | Montgomery Co Net, Net 2420 Hub Coordinator, Wayward Son | BBS, Y T B N BBS | ROACHDALE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Dave Jenkins --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-362-9521 | G & M Associates | ROACHDALE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Larry Grater --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-364-9600 | Unique & Nifty BBS, Unique and Nifty | Crawfordsville, IN (1988-1997) SYSOP | Tim McCormick, John Everman SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-378-0397 | Digital Oasis | (1994) SYSOP | Robert Bridgewater --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-378-0398 | Digital Oasis | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Robert Bridgewater --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-378-0831 | ASTRALITE Productions LTD! | (1994) SYSOP | Greg Edwards --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-378-4715 | ASTRALITE Productions | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Greg Edwards --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-384-5234 | Marion PC-SIG BBS | ROACHDALE, IN (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-387-7529 | The Wisdom Network | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rob Haverly --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-387-9210 | Do.It.2.It World HQs | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Craetis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-388-0069 | Starnet Communications | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1997) SYSOP | Dewright Kingston --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-388-7683 | CompuSTUFF | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Jim Hamilton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-392-0470 | Shelby Compu-System | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-395-7043 | NorthCentral Indiana, Starship Enterprise, The Metaverse | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Dave Smith, John Powell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-395-8203 | JB's BBS, Logos, LOGOS BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1995) SYSOP | James Hunt, JB Brown SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-396-3788 | Zaphod's Base BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-397-3219 | Star Ship Enterprise, Starship Enterprise | (1994) SYSOP | Dave Wmith, Dave Smith --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-397-8504 | Starship Enterprise (2), StarshipEntprse | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Dave Smith SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-398-2010 | 2010: A Computer Odyssey, Wizard's Workshop BBS | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1994-1997) SYSOP | Brian Pullin, John Rogers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-398-2622 | Digital Dungeon | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1995) SYSOP | Daryl Rennekamp --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-415-0602 | Haven BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-2001) SYSOP | Ian M. Shot SOFTWARE | Citadel/UX 5.72, MajorBBS 5.505b COMMENTS | Still available on the web at www.havencomm.com:2000 or | telnetting to bbs.havencomm.com. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-423-2281 | Lafayette IN Net, Starship Trooper | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1986-1988) SYSOP | Steve Gerber --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-429-5400 | National Echo Distributer, Net 201 NAD, The Liberator BBS | Lafayette, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Terry Jacot --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-435-2517 | The Chrome Dome BBS | Lafayette, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Roger Wilcox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-447-4592 | The Naperville File Exchange | Lafayette, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Art Mack --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-447-6331 | The Naperville File Exchange | Lafayette, IN (1996) SYSOP | Art Mack --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-447-6685 | mdbs BBS #1, The mdbs Connection | Lafayette, IN (1989-1994) SYSOP | Cindy Schnepp, Daniel Lawrence, Sheryl Bower SOFTWARE | OPUS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-447-6717 | Net 201 NEC | Lafayette, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Art Mack --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-447-7137 | Lover's Lane | ROACHDALE, IN (1988) SYSOP | Bob Carrico --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-447-9653 | Naperville File Exch., Naperville File Exch. , Naperville | File XChange, Napierville File Exchange, | NFE BBS | Laffayette, IN (1993-2003) SYSOP | Art Mack SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-448-2842 | Grafitti on the Wall BBS, Lafayette Net, Local Echo Coord, | Net 201 NEC | Lafayette, IN (1991-1996) SYSOP | Jim Gitzen, Ann Mitchell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-448-4036 | The Cove | GREENFIELD, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-448-4235 | mdbs BBS #2, The mdbs Connection II | Lafayette, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Melinda Kong, Carl Klutzke, Ted Carroll SOFTWARE | OPUS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-448-9083 | The TimePortal | GREENFIELD, IN (1989) SYSOP | Tom Hutchinson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-449-1453 | The Naperville File Exchange | Lafayette, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Art Mack --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-449-1530 | Net 201 NAD, Net 201 NEC, The Naperville File Exchange | Lafayette, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Art Mack --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-449-4289 | Application Solutions, The Application Solution | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Jose Berrios --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-449-4819 | GLAUG | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Jose Berrios --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-449-4871 | Net 201 NAD, The Lightning Rod | Lafayette, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Steve Kingsley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-452-0945 | Bill&Teds Excellent BBS, Bill and Ted's Excellent BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Cale Hollingsworth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-452-1257 | Elusive Dream =THG=, The Elusive Dreams =THG=, ELUSIVE | DREAMS #1 | Kokomo, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Toy Man (THG - WHQ), The Toyman SOFTWARE | PC-Board COMMENTS | "The Elusive Dreams - The legends of legends, for over 2 | years, this was the fastest bbs in the world, if your | group wanted to be known and claim to have released | something first, you HAD to upload it to this board to | have any credit. Closed down a while back. Evidently I | never got validated there. ACiD HQ. (PC-Board) (You have | this listed as Indy when it was Komomo) I knew the real | name of the ToyMan (out of respect it I wont let it out.) | - Anonymous --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-452-1535 | Bible, BIBLE BBS, Bible Board, BIBLE BOARD , Bible | Bulletin Board | Galveston, IN (1986-1994) SYSOP | Tony Capoccia --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-453-5512 | Da Kokomo Club bbs | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Joe DeGraw --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-455-0165 | The Matrix | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992) SYSOP | Michael Shorten --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-455-3703 | The Grim Reaper's Den | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | George Borg SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-455-6813 | Some Place | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1982-1997) SYSOP | Mike Shepard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-456-1627 | NorthCentral Indiana, Nosferatu BBS | ROACHDALE, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Gail Wright --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-457-2734 | First Ammendment, The First Amendment | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990-1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-457-5957 | Sudden Impact | Kokomo, IN (1992-1996) SYSOP | Randy Martin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-457-9100 | Indiana Board, Kokomo RBBS Genl Interest, Kokomo,pgmg | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1987-1996) SYSOP | Mike Hebert SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-462-1093 | The Wood Shed | GREENFIELD, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-462-1461 | Realty Connx, The Gold Mine | GREENFIELD, IN (1987-1991) SYSOP | Gary Davis SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-462-1672 | Communicator II, The Communicator | GREENFIELD, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Gary Clift SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-462-1952 | COMM II, Communicator II, The Communicator | GREENFIELD, IN (1992-1996) SYSOP | Gary Clift SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-462-3537 | INDONet, INDOTNet | GREENFIELD, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Steve Harmon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-462-8487 | Brice's Library TBBS | GREENFIELD, IN (1992) SYSOP | Brice Fleckenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-462-8784 | Brice's Library TBBS | GREENFIELD, IN (1992) SYSOP | Brice Fleckenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-462-9392 | Starfleet Battles HQ | GREENFIELD, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Brice Fleckenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-463-1131 | The mdbs Connection | Lafayette, IN (1994) SYSOP | Daniel Lawrence --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-463-3548 | BBS IBM Hostcomm W. Lafayette, Hostcomm West Lafayette | W Lafayette, IN (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-463-4102 | LPCUG | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Timothy Lange --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-463-4514 | The Tool Shed, Tool Shed BBS | Lafayette, IN (1990-1992) SYSOP | Ric May --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-463-4592 | Notefile | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-466-7970 | Pine Island Software | Indianapolis, IN (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-467-4051 | The Good Idea | GREENFIELD, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-471-4067 | Gab Line, GabLine | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1996) SYSOP | Damon Richards SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-472-4741 | NorthCentral Indiana, NorthCentral Indina, Starship | Enterprise | INDIANAPOLIS IN, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Dave Smith --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-472-7885 | The Video Vipe Line | Peru, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Dan Buckler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-473-4681 | The Coven | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Mike Martin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-473-5383 | NorthCentral Indiana, The Light Wave | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Jeff Tinney --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-473-7562 | LOGOS BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | James Hunt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-473-8353 | Light Wave, NorthCentral Indiana, The LIGHT WAVE | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jeff Tinney --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-478-3850 | Gulliver's Travels | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996-2003) SYSOP | Steve & Sarah Read --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-479-1464 | End of Infiniti | Indianapolis, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Aaron Abelard SOFTWARE | PC-Board COMMENTS | "Part time as I only had one phone line for both inbound | and outbound. Started at 2400, hit 9600 and 14400 before | moving to the internet. I had an Indy.net account circa | 1994 and switched to IQuest in 1995 when I started | working there. Dave Julius was also an IQuest employee. | ;)" - Aaron Abelard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-482-0011 | Straight Street | FORTVILLE, IN (1994-1996) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-482-1006 | The Casino BBS, The UnderWorld BBS | FORTVILLE, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Brian Wooden SOFTWARE | WILDCAT! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-482-1079 | The Gatorboard | Lebanon, IN (1986) SYSOP | Derk Gates --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-482-1344 | The Enterprise, The Enterprise BBS | FORTVILLE, IN (1994-1998) SYSOP | Dave Herrmann SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-483-0437 | Burns City BBS | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Norman Cox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-483-0818 | The Guardian, THE GUARDIAN BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Walter Haight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-484-1876 | Elucidation BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Justin Gould --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-484-9218 | IMA BBS, Indy PC BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Mark Dutton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-485-6039 | The Midwest Hideaway | FORTVILLE, IN (1995) SYSOP | Richard Stultz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-486-0000 | Montgomerys Ward | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Anthony Montgomery --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-486-9245 | Guru Meditation, Westside Development | Indianapolis, IN (1991-1995) SYSOP | Matt Barton SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess COMMENTS | "I started Guru Meditation in January 1991 on my first | PC, which was an 8088-based system with CGA graphics. I | was about 14 years old and in the 8th grade. The system | eventually got upgraded a few times, winding up on a 486- | based system by the time it went offline.
"In early | 1995, I had discovered the Internet by using a friend's | shell account at IQuest, making the BBS mostly | unavailable (since I was hogging up the phone line). | Eventually, I took the board down in June 1995, shortly | after graduating high school.
"I learned so much back | then and had a lot of fun doing it, especially from being | a member of Net 231 FidoNet. I still have friends who I | met years ago via my BBS, including the friend who let me | use his shell account at IQuest. And to this day, I still | have my user data files and most of the logs archived | away on my file server." --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-487-1124 | Cymbious Time Zone | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-492-7008 | North Vermillion JR/SR High School | (1982-1998) SYSOP | C.T. Wagoner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-492-7340 | The Dominion Empire BBS | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Corey Wilson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-492-9968 | Fantasy & Sci BBS | (1995) SYSOP | Troy Bush --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-494-0807 | Purdue University Computing Center BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989-1991) SYSOP | Timothy Lange --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-494-6614 | National Pesticide Information Retrieval System | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-494-6643 | Facts, FACTS BBS, FAST AGRIC. COMM. TERMINAL (FACTS) , | FBBS #1 | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1983-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-495-2207 | Midi 'n Music | GREENWOOD, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Bowen Goletz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-495-4257 | The Phoenix BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1989) SYSOP | Todd Warrix --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-495-4270 | Night-Staff | GREENWOOD, IN (1987) SYSOP | Steve Weinrich --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-495-4305 | Access Violation | GREENWOOD, IN (1987-1988) SYSOP | Scott Goehring --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-497-0156 | Sherwood Forest, The Sherwood Forest BBS! | Lafayette, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Chris Gillespie SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-497-2882 | Dragon's Star, The DRAGON'S LAIR | Lafayette, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Joe Drasin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-497-4718 | High Flight, Net 201 NEC | Lafayette, IN (1989) SYSOP | Steve Stombaugh --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-497-7091 | Pete's Place | GREENWOOD, IN (1991) SYSOP | Craig Cleveland SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-497-9984 | High Flight (HST), Lafayette PC Users Group | GREENWOOD, IN (1990-1991) SYSOP | Steve Stombaugh --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-498-2455 | Willie's House | GREENFIELD, IN (1994) SYSOP | William Hunt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-522-1952 | StarBase Alpha BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Brian Suiter --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-525-6920 | The Catacombs BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1988) SYSOP | Mike Phillips --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-525-7164 | Catacombs Computer Exchange, The Catacombs Computer | Exchange | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1996) SYSOP | Mike Phillips SOFTWARE | Opus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-525-7264 | Catacombs Computer Exchange | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-529-4889 | Second Chance BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-535-0180 | The Flying Fakhruddin | WHITELAND, IN (1996) SYSOP | Andrew Poland --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-535-0463 | AmigaSource | WHITELAND, IN (1992) SYSOP | Andrew Gray --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-535-0499 | Outback | WHITELAND, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Andy Poland --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-535-1505 | Digital Aspects | WHITELAND, IN (1994) SYSOP | Chuck Breazeale --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-535-1643 | Crossroads Broadcast, Crossroads Broadcast BBS | WHITELAND, IN (1995-1999) SYSOP | Charlie Sears --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-535-9097 | Cent IN Fidonet, Central IN Fido Net, Central IN Net, | Indiana Best NET, Painful Rectal Itch BBS, | SouthSide BBS, SSBBS, The South Side, The | SouthSide BBS | WHITELAND, IN (1991-1996) SYSOP | Brian Murrey, Ben Dover, Spaceboy Spiff SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-537-2277 | Martinsville School District | Paragon, IN (1993) COMMENTS | FrEdMail System --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-539-6579 | H.O.M.E. BBS, HOME BBS | CLAYTON, IN (1992-1996) SYSOP | Bruce & Cissy Bowman, Bruce Bowman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-541-9202 | Virtual Recovery | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996) SYSOP | Kevin Vail --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-542-4311 | DOTD Simulations | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Brian Fluke SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-543-1202 | Starfleet Battles HQ | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Brice Fleckenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-543-2007 | Data Central | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Doug Scott SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-545-0930 | Microcosm | Indianapolis, IN (1985-1999) SYSOP | David Burton SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-545-7340 | 1st Circuit BBS, New Frontiers BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Mark Wandrey --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-545-7974 | The Midnighter BBs | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Alan Vise --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-546-1537 | Syn'er-gis'tic CBCS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Don Packwood --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-546-4513 | Barbarian Kingdom BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Peter Jensen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-546-4944 | C.P.U. Inc | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-546-8116 | Cherrytree BBS, Syn'er-gis'tic Node2 | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Don Packwood, Kari Tree --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-547-6204 | Media Net Pro Line, Media Net ProLine, Pro-Line | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-547-8868 | Cuckoo's Nest, Cuckoo's Nest, The | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1987-1990) SYSOP | Prince Artagel SOFTWARE | Cit68k 2, Cit68k 2.14 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-548-0014 | Ct's Place | INDIANAPOLIS IN, IN (1994) SYSOP | Lewis Griffiths --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-548-0534 | Utopia's Cookie Jar | INDIANAPOLIS IN, IN (1996-1998) SYSOP | Tom Dickison --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-549-1835 | Cherrytree BBS, Syn'er-gis'tic CBCS Node1 | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1995) SYSOP | Don Packwood, Kari Tree --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-552-3397 | My Kind'a Grouch, My Kinda Grouch BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Terry Rogers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-552-3399 | Cicero IN Hub, The Wastelands | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1998) SYSOP | Tony Hoppenrath --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-552-8074 | M.K.G./2 BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Terry Rogers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-552-9325 | Dragon's Lair | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Brandon Patton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-562-1882 | 1st Amendment | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-563-3713 | R.E. Frost & Associates | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-567-2143 | Duncan Communications, Duncan Notefile Comm | FISHERS, IN (1985-1994) SYSOP | Malcolm Duncan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-567-4228 | Battlefield BBS | FISHERS, IN (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-567-4324 | The USS Enterprise | FISHERS, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Scott Heaslett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-569-1220 | WINDRAKER~~II | CARMEL, IN (1992) SYSOP | Bob Thompson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-569-1422 | Wag's World, Wags World | CARMEL, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | C.T. Wagoner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-569-1736 | Bits + Bytes | CARMEL, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | John Leschorn --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-572-2868 | The Roman Empire | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Patrick Miner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-575-6426 | (T)he Portable Hole, Portable Hole | CARMEL, IN (1990-1994) SYSOP | David McNett SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-575-8833 | Arc Light | CARMEL, IN (1993) SYSOP | Jim St. John --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-575-8975 | Arc Light | CARMEL, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jim St. John, Jim St.John --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-575-9435 | Endless Power | CARMEL, IN (1988-1990) SYSOP | Jeff Neese SOFTWARE | STadel-PC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-575-9606 | Indy AutoCAD Users | CARMEL, IN (1991) SYSOP | Ron Charkowski/Rick Oprisu SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-576-0261 | Software Etc. Exchange | FISHERS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Kent Zimmerman SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-576-0896 | Badinage Mansion, NE Golf Society, Zinfandel BBS Test Site | FISHERS, IN (1990-1993) SYSOP | Jason Massey SOFTWARE | Cit86v3.32 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-577-1930 | Critical Condition | FISHERS, IN (1988-1990) SYSOP | Jason Massey SOFTWARE | StadelPC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-577-8783 | True Vision Technical Support, TrueLink, Truevision Inc, | Truevision, Inc. | Indianapolis, IN (1991-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-577-8873 | The Big BBS | FISHERS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Robert Newkirk SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-578-4202 | Eagle's Corner | FISHERS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Jim Ridge, JIM RIDGE --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-578-8533 | Cape Lost Hope | FISHERS, IN (1990-1996) SYSOP | Chris Congdon SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-580-1038 | The Virtual Underground | CARMEL, IN (1996) SYSOP | Jess Mikeal --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-580-1531 | Pandaemonium | CARMEL, IN (1995) SYSOP | David Wolfe --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-580-9577 | Back to the Future | CARMEL, IN (1994-1998) SYSOP | Chris Shocklee --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-581-0359 | WiTz! bBs | CARMEL, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Paul Whitaker --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-581-4771 | Que Corp. | CARMEL, IN (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-583-0732 | The Hangar | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Philip Polstra --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-583-1146 | VISIONARY REALITY BBS | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-583-4909 | The Great Un-Named BBS | (1989) SYSOP | Phil Davis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-594-8876 | Inspector's Hideout | FISHERS, IN (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-594-9099 | H O B H | FISHERS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rodney Mclemore --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-598-0745 | Central Indiana FidoNet, Net 231 Training Coordinator, NEW | SYSOP APPLICATIONS HERE, Syn'er-gis'tic | CBCS, Syn'er-gis'tic CBCS [FAX], Syn'er- | gis'tic Node2 | FISHERS, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Net 231 Training Coordinator, Don Packwood SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-598-0813 | Central Indiana FidoNet, Net 231 Training Coordinator, Net | 231 Training Coordinator [FAX], New Net | 231 SysOp, NEW SYSOP APPLICATIONS HERE, | Syn'er-gis'tic CBCS, Syn'er-gis'tic CBCS | Node1, TransX Site | FISHERS, IN (1996-1998) SYSOP | Don Packwood, New SysOp, Net 231 Training Coordinator SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-622-1240 | DeepFreeze BBS, The DeepFreeze BBS | Anderson, IN (1993-1996) SYSOP | Rick Schaefer SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess, D'Bridge COMMENTS | "This was my BBS during those years early in my 1st | marriage. I had some very unique, 3-D looking menus in | text format and also used it to distribute some of my | software that I had written at the time. I shut this | down in, I believe, 1996 when the internet was just | starting to show up on the scene. I STILL miss running | my BBS. Finding this site was a blast and seeing all | those people's names that I used to hang out with during | this time period was a nice flashback. Of course, we all | fell out of touch over the years." - Rich Schaefer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-622-9233 | The Flying Fool | (1994-2000) SYSOP | Delbert Leisure Jr --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-622-9452 | ASTRALITE Productions Ltd | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Greg Edwards --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-631-4840 | The Zoo BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Bill Jones --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-631-9942 | Hoosier UG | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-636-3961 | PC Junior, PCjr Little OPUS, PCjr Little Opus BBS, PCjr | OPUS, Syn'er-gis'tic CBCS, Syn'r'gistic | BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990-1994) SYSOP | Don Packwood --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-636-5036 | Star Fleet Battles HQ | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990) SYSOP | Brice Fleckenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-636-7406 | Ordovician Ooze | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990-1997) SYSOP | John Hartman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-637-0315 | Interlink BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1996) SYSOP | Alan Harman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-638-8129 | CompuServe | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-639-6796 | The Alive And Sober BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Robert Schiele --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-640-1100 | The FireStorm BBS, The On Ramp | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Dave Bennett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-640-1248 | MacPack | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-640-1532 | Cypress Productions BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Brad Lierman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-640-8408 | The DeepFreeze BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Rick & Lorrie Schaefer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-640-8620 | -*< CoDe oF SiLeNcE >*-, CoDe oF SiLeNcE, The City | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Rachelle Warren, Kenny Warren --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-640-8872 | EAST CENTRAL IN NET, The SW/SE Connection | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Al Bruner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-640-9295 | A.C.M.E. BBS, ACME BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1996) SYSOP | Bobby Kokinos SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-640-9759 | The Mail Room | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Scott McPheeters --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-640-9760 | PITA BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1995) SYSOP | David Lierman, Dave Lierman, Lige Hensley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-641-0119 | The Coffee Shop | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Dave Pederson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-641-0264 | Heaven Bound BBS | (1996) SYSOP | Terry Cunningham --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-641-2196 | Library LINK BBS | (1995-1998) SYSOP | Frank W. Lucas --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-641-7764 | The TimeWarp BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Mark Pillion --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-641-9891 | Better Than Life!, EC IN NEC | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Bruce Hoins --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-642-0086 | Opening Day Data & Sports | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Mike Powers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-642-4312 | EAST CENTRAL IN NET, }{ead Games | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1995-2002) SYSOP | Mike Detienne --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-642-5815 | Paradise BBS | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Justin Jenkins --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-642-7790 | ASTRALITE Productions LTD! | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1994) SYSOP | Greg Edwards --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-643-4585 | The Monitor BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1990-1992) SYSOP | Roy Winkler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-643-5663 | D.F.T.P. BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1995) SYSOP | Bruce Gerard & Mendel Pryor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-643-6396 | Little Byte | GREENWOOD, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Ruby Swingley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-643-6569 | D.F.T.P. BBS, NET 2255 ECHOMAIL COORDINATOR | GREENWOOD, IN (1982-1997) SYSOP | Bruce Gerard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-643-7431 | ASTRALITE | GREENWOOD, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Greg Edwards --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-643-8984 | EC IN NEC, The Mail Room | GREENWOOD, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Scott McPheeters --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-643-9059 | The DeepFreeze | GREENWOOD, IN (1991-1993) SYSOP | Rick Schaefer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-644-0006 | Beyond Event Horizons, Beyond The Event Horizion, | BeyondEventHorz, Net 2255 Treasurer, The | Finish Line | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1997) SYSOP | Mike Flanigan SOFTWARE | QuickBBS , RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-644-0159 | The Cat House | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jason Bedwell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-644-0553 | SSRS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | David Anderson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-644-2218 | AMCON | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1988-1989) SYSOP | Doc Fischer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-644-3039 | EAST CENTRAL IN NET, NET 2255 ECHOMAIL COORDINATOR, Net | 2255 Treasurer, The I O Board, The I. O. | Board, The I.O. Board, The I.O. Board BBS | Anderson, IN (1987-2001) SYSOP | Bert Happel SOFTWARE | Opus , Fido, Maximus COMMENTS | "The BBS began as a daytime, weekdays only system | running on my single phone line in my apartment. Over | it's lifetime it answered nearly 100,000 calls and had a | user database of nearly 500 callers." - Bert Happel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-644-5029 | EC IN NEC, NET 2255 ECHOMAIL COORDINATOR, The Mail Room, | The Mail Room BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1997) SYSOP | Scott McPheeters, S. McPheeters SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-644-5169 | Scott's Hubba Wubba | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Scott McPheeters --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-646-6841 | INTERBBS, RYBBS BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1998) SYSOP | Ralph Wilcox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-647-2403 | Citadel | Brookville, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-649-2181 | ASTRALITE Productions | (1996) SYSOP | Greg Edwards --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-649-3896 | The FireStorm BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Dave Bennett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-649-4425 | The DeepFreeze BBS | (1991-1995) SYSOP | Rick Schaefer, Rick & Lorrie Schaefer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-649-6062 | The Underground | (1994-1995) SYSOP | David Skirvin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-649-7996 | Opening Day Data & Sports | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Mike Powers, Mike Powers & Tony Boles --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-651-0142 | Jack's Place | INDIANAPOLIS, IN --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-653-7153 | Putnam CCC, Putnam Computer Club | (1987-1994) SYSOP | Shipman,etc. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-654-6555 | Friendly, The Friendly BBS, The Kings Ransom BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Jason Seabolt SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-654-8411 | Certified Crazy BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-656-2096 | Public Brand Software | Indianapolis, IN (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-659-0560 | Frankfort Coffee Shop | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Jim Muirhead --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-659-5884 | Team Effort | (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-662-1150 | The Good News BBS | (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-662-3431 | The Good News BBS | (1995) SYSOP | Tim Russ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-662-6330 | Treasure Chest | (1994) SYSOP | John Powell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-662-7996 | Toms Place | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-662-8122 | Hoosier BBS | (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-662-8232 | Good News BBS, The Good News (CFN) | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Tim Russ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-662-8842 | DOOMania! BBS | Marion, IN (1993-1996) SYSOP | Paul Johnson SOFTWARE | WildCat COMMENTS | "I started this BBS because of my love for the game of | DOOM. I was endorsed by John Romero from id Software and | he actually added my BBS and BBS info into the README.TXT | file that was shipped with every copy of DOOM from v1.4 | to v1.8. I was the only BBS at the time that was endorsed | by id software. My BBS was growing so large that I had to | add 4 additional phone lines to accept all the new | traffic that the README.TXT file was generating. I loved | running this BBS, it was a chance for me to do things | that I would not have gotten to do had I not taken the | steps and had such a passion for a small game called | DOOM. Those were some of the best days in my entire | life. I could say much, much more about my time in the | BBS era but you wanted comments and not biographies HeHe! | Thanks!" - Paul Johnson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-664-3312 | TGN BBS, The Good News BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Tim Russ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-664-4489 | The Other Side BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Larry Athey --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-664-6954 | The Good News BBS | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Tim Russ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-664-8884 | MetaVerse BBS, Metaverse | (1994-1995) SYSOP | John Powell SOFTWARE | DarkStar --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-677-0297 | The Bytchyn' BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Will Helmes --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-683-0423 | DarkWorld | (1995) SYSOP | Zachary SeRine --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-683-0609 | The Macaw's Roost | (1995) SYSOP | Roger Wise --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-684-0442 | Matrix Gateway, Montgomery Co Net, The HoloDeck BBS | System, The Matrix Gateway | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Robert White --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-685-0475 | The High Frontier | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Rob Grant --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-685-0957 | IGS, Mike's Place BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1999) SYSOP | Mike Frankovich, Michael Frankovich SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-685-2557 | Downtown Indy BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Danny Bailey --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-687-0012 | THE MIND OF THE MACHINE, The Scandal, The Scandal [FAX] | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1997) SYSOP | Rex Liggett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-689-0674 | American Free BBS | Grissom-AFB, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Michael Shorten --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-689-8011 | Shadow Warrior, Shadow Warrior's, Shadow Warriors | Kokomo, IN (1991-1995) SYSOP | Jeremy Bieber, Black Lightning - Jeremy Bieber SOFTWARE | Synchronet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-689-8816 | Canyon Tower | (1992-1993) SYSOP | Tony Vining --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-722-1527 | Essayons Communications BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Mike Robinson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-723-1510 | New Ross BBS | OAKLANDON, IN (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-724-2043 | The Hidden Lake BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996) SYSOP | Steve Planck --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-726-1387 | Starfleet Battles HQ | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Brice Fleckenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-736-6439 | The Metaphysical Workshop | Franklin, IN (1993) SOFTWARE | TRANSAMI --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-737-6882 | The Shank | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-741-8249 | High Phase BBS | Muncie, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Travis Lacey --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-741-8344 | Cardinal's Corner | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Ivan Samuelson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-741-8801 | Ken's Place | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Kenny Townsend --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-741-9578 | Horizon BBS, The Horizon BBS | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Mike Dickerson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-742-2214 | N4ZDU Super BBS | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-742-2241 | N4ZDU super BBS | Lafayette, IN (1992-1997) SYSOP | Robert L. Gilmore ((N4ZDU) SOFTWARE | PC Board COMMENTS | "I operated this BBS for about 5 years on two phone | lines,I dont remember the other phone number. Glad to see | it still lives at least in spirit form ! Thanks to all | that were members. I am a general class ham radio | operator and that is my call letters still today! Robert | (N4ZDU)" --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-742-2680 | The Workplace Connection | Lafayette, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Craig Morrison --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-742-4426 | Cyberdelic BBS | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Terry Johnson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-742-5533 | AULTerNET Solution (HST), Direct to Dopey, Lafayette Net, | Local Echo Coord, Programmer's Room, The | Programmer's Room | Lafayette, IN (1987-1995) SYSOP | Steve Michaels, Daniel Lawrence, Curtis Smith, Don Ault, | Mdbs Inc --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-742-8243 | Cyberdelic BBS | (1995) SYSOP | Terry Johnson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-742-8402 | The Gentleman Loser | (1990-1992) SYSOP | Ray Surface --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-742-8931 | The USS Enterprise | (1992-1993) SYSOP | Scott Heaslett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-0569 | Lafayette PC Users Group | Lafayette, IN (1989-1990) SYSOP | Don Ault --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-1117 | The Jungle | (1989) SYSOP | Jeff Boerio --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-1168 | The Cove | SYSOP | Viper --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-1602 | The Wabash BBS | (1988) SYSOP | Mike Blackmon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-3992 | The Phoenix Hawk | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Neale Davidson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-5441 | AULTer-NET Solution, AULTer-NET Solution (HST), AULTerNET | Solution (HST), Lafayette Net | Lafayette, IN (1988-1990) SYSOP | Don Ault --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-5789 | PIRATE'S PILLAGE | --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-6399 | CIOE InfOrder | Lafayette, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Paul Eremenko, Joe Drasin, Steve Ames --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-6762 | The Boiler Room | (1987) SOFTWARE | GBBS Pro --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-8125 | The Chopping Block | (1991-1992) SYSOP | George Chaevez, George Chavez --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-8667 | VON'S ELECTRONICS | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-743-8965 | GLAUG | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Jose Berrios --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-745-6235 | King Arthur's Court | Danville, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Tom Roeder, Jonathan Tripple SOFTWARE | Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-747-1039 | The Cannibal's Buffet BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Brian Clevenger SOFTWARE | RA --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-755-3431 | Springport Systems | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Ed Couch --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-756-7956 | The Stargazer | Indianapolis, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Ken Johnson SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-758-1618 | The U.S.S. Stargazer BBS | SHERIDAN, IN (1994-1998) SYSOP | Bruce Scott SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | "I Started my BBS in 07/01/1994 or thereabouts and took | several test calls from a friend of mine to get the bugs | worked out. I believe my first fulltime online call was | on 08/01/94. I joined FIDO Net in 1995 and my FIDO | Address was 1:231/15.0. I spent 2 months learning all | the software to run the BBS as well as the ANSI software | and other editors to make the things work. I think the | batch files were the biggest thing to overcome. The hours | of editing and trying to get all the batch files to work | together and alone as needed was a real brain buster for | someone that only had a computer for 4 months. My BBS | was; The USS Stargazer BBS, sysop; Bruce Scott, BBS | Software; Wildcat, modem was 28.8 USR Duel HST. I started | the BBS on a 500 meg hard drive on a 33 MHz CPU in a | Packard Bell I bought at Walmart." - Bruce E. Scott --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-759-4762 | dols.com, DOLS.COM (Delaware On Line Services) | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Jerry Harvey SOFTWARE | MegaHost, PowerBBS, Searchlight, VUBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-759-5154 | Aurora OPUS, BSU Aurora OPUS, Indiana Legal Net | (1989-1990) SYSOP | Tim Crammer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-763-7528 | Paranoid BBS, The Paranoid BBS | (1994-1999) SYSOP | Ryan Storm SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-773-4995 | The Funhouse | NOBLESVILLE, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-773-6599 | Bottom Feeder, The Host Personality | NOBLESVILLE, IN (1996-2002) SYSOP | Johnny Mambo SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-773-6639 | The Host Personality | NOBLESVILLE, IN (1995) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-773-7154 | Stalker's BBS | NOBLESVILLE, IN (1995-1997) SYSOP | Mike Friel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-773-7316 | Indy Net One | NOBLESVILLE, IN (1985-1996) SYSOP | Paul McLear SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-773-7757 | Hypercube | NOBLESVILLE, IN (1988-1990) SYSOP | Death by Torture SOFTWARE | Cit86 V3 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-776-9332 | Stalker's BBS | NOBLESVILLE, IN (1998-2001) SYSOP | Mike Friel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-778-3376 | No Hope BBS | CARMEL, IN (1996) SYSOP | Jim Bruce --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-779-4152 | Common Market BBS | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1990) SYSOP | Tim Beck --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-780-1264 | DreamNet | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-780-5285 | The Motherboard | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Al & Linda Thompson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-781-5788 | CCS BBS Node 5 | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Jim Shafer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-781-5795 | CCS BBS, CCS BBS Node 4 | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Dan Boils, Dan Voils, Jim Shafer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-781-7700 | Apostolic Information Service | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-781-7707 | Apostolic Information Service | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Tim Massengale, John Nash --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-781-7708 | Apostolic Information Service | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Tim Massengale --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-781-7712 | Apostolic Information Service | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-782-1996 | Design-Aire BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | David Boulware SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-782-3220 | BYTE LINE, Byteline, CENTRAL INDY FIDO NET | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1987-1989) SYSOP | Chuck Ober, Chuck Obeym SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-783-5122 | The Hairy Buffalo | Indianapolis, IN (1993-1998) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-784-0520 | User Friendly BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Don Shackelford --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-784-2147 | Road House, RoadHouse BBS (ASP), RoadHouse BBS (ASP) | [FAX], RoadHouse,music, The Road House, | The Roadhouse BBS, The RoadHouse BBS | (ASP), Unicorn Software Technical Support | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1997) SYSOP | Richard Holler SOFTWARE | QuickBBS , RemoteAccess COMMENTS | ListKeeper: ASP BBS Member List --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-784-2422 | 1-STOP BBS, Powerboard Speech, 1-Stop BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-2000) SYSOP | John Altmeyer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-784-6975 | The Adult, The Adult BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-784-8401 | User Friendly BBS | Indianapolis, IN (1992-1995) SYSOP | Don Shackelford --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-784-8991 | DreamNET | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1997) SYSOP | Andy Stewart --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-787-0495 | The Human Machine | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | David Watson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-787-4202 | Lost Rangers | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-787-5486 | PMS - Indianapolis | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1982-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-787-9881 | ONLINE Indianapolis | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1982-1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-788-7770 | Central IN Fidonet, Myers Investigations BBS, The CopStop | BBS | Indianapolis, IN (1986-1996) SYSOP | David Myers SOFTWARE | FidoNet COMMENTS | From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: | Indianapolis, Indiana since 12/86. Sysop: David Myers. | Using Renegade v7-17 with 1 line on MS-DOS with 3200 MB | storage. Zoom at 28800 bps. No fee. Indiana's only Law | Enforcement & Public Safety BBS. Open to the general | public as well. Over 3.2 gigs of software. SafetyNet, | PoliceNet, FidoNet. Over 30 online games. World HQ for | the PoliceNet Search & Recovery diving echo. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-788-8559 | Fun House BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Dave Eland --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-791-9617 | CVRC BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Allen Taylor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-791-9836 | Banter Decanter | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1997) SYSOP | Jack Sutherland --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-793-0415 | The Anduin | (1994) SYSOP | Bryan Strawser SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-793-1134 | Amateur Radio & Rocketry BBS, Perrysville Community BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Willy Holycross --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-793-2515 | Steven's Mail System | (1995) SYSOP | Steve Starkey --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-794-8629 | After Hours BBS | (1992-1993) SYSOP | Craig Cook --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-823-0265 | Indy Net One | OAKLANDON, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Paul McLear --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-823-8184 | Homey's Hangout BBS | Indianapolis, IN (1993-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-825-1626 | The Computer Place BBS | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-825-5044 | Some Sunny Day | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Steve & Sarah Read, Steve&Sarah Read --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-825-6054 | Studio Pro, Studio Pro!, Studio*Pro! | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1990-1994) SYSOP | Max Ellison SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-825-6521 | Atec | SHELBYVILLE, IN (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-828-1440 | Southern IN Hub 2, Southern IN UUCP Internet Hub 2, The | Simpsons House | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Bart Simpson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-828-8243 | Dave's World | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Dave Clore --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-831-1827 | Handy Magazine, Handy Magazine BBS, HANDY SERVICES, Handy | Services BBS, Reg 11 SDS Coord | MOORESVILLE, IN (1988-1997) SYSOP | Terry Fields --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-831-3498 | Loading Zone | Mooresville, IN (1990-1994) SYSOP | John Fesler SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-831-9227 | Hearthstone, HearthStone BBS, HearthStone HUB, The | Hearthstone | MOORESVILLE, IN (1994-1997) SYSOP | Joe Eversole&Don Adams, Joe Eversole & Don Adams --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-832-1678 | The Sheath | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Joseph Slover --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-832-2414 | The Simpsons House | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Bart Simpson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-832-5100 | Far Side BBS, Southern IN FIDOnet Hub 1, Southern IN Hub | 1, Southern IN Hub 2, Southern IN Net, The | Simpsons House | (1993-1997) SYSOP | Bart Simpson, Kyle Clark SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-832-7983 | Clinton hub, M.M.C.I., MMCI, Southwest Indiana Net, The | Simpsons House | (1990-1994) SYSOP | B R, Betty Mooney, Bart Simpson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-832-8606 | The Lost World | (1995) SYSOP | J.R. Randall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-832-8701 | Beavis and Butt-Head BBS | (1995-1998) SYSOP | Michael Beighley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-832-8710 | The Simpsons House | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Bart Simpson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-837-2372 | Radio Chaos | PLAINFIELD, IN (1992) SYSOP | David Hickman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-838-0445 | Shuttle BBS | PLAINFIELD, IN (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-838-7055 | Blizneland BBS | PLAINFIELD, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Steven Brizendine --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-839-0728 | Westside BBS, Westside Too! BBS | PLAINFIELD, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Jason Schlachet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-839-1250 | Westside Story BBS | PLAINFIELD, IN (1989-1990) SYSOP | Mark Hand --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-839-1333 | Shuttle BBS, The Shuttle, The Shuttle Bus | Plainfield, IN (1994) SYSOP | Guy Damlovac SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-839-4270 | The HideOut | PLAINFIELD, IN (1989-1995) SYSOP | Derek Crager SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | "I ran a one line BBS until my good friend Guy | Damlovac(Shuttle BBS), moved here. We played with PC | Board on DOS. Used a memory swapping utility to get DOS | to support two lines. Within the summer I switched to | OS/2 and had three lines running with no problem. The | internet came to town in mid 90's and I ran WildCat via | IP over the internet for a short time, but the thrill | died away as other internet tools evolved. Great | thrills. Great times. Great Friends." - Derek Crager --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-839-5793 | Party Towne Pub | PLAINFIELD, IN (1995-1997) SYSOP | Bob Fuller --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-839-9745 | Lost Entity | PLAINFIELD, IN (1996) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-841-3547 | Joe's Bar & Grill | FISHERS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Doug Scott --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-841-8949 | The Bytes Shop BBS | FISHERS, IN (1998-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-841-9107 | Bytes Shop, The Bytes Shop | FISHERS, IN (1994-1996) SOFTWARE | Magpie , TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-842-2208 | Indy PC Users Bd | FISHERS, IN (1985-1986) SYSOP | Tony Moleta --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-842-7564 | Funny Farm | FISHERS, IN (1987) SYSOP | Loony Tunes SOFTWARE | STadel3.1e --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-842-7728 | Master S/W 7pm-7:30am, Master Software | FISHERS, IN (1987-1991) SYSOP | Dave Appel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-843-0316 | Brice's Library TBBS | CARMEL, IN (1991) SYSOP | Brice Fleckenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-843-1371 | The Joker's Wild | Indianapolis, IN (1991-1993) SYSOP | Brad Baker --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-843-2327 | The Forest BBS | Indianapolis/Carmel, IN (1994-1997) SYSOP | Ted E. Bear and Romana SOFTWARE | VBBS COMMENTS | "I loved BBSing and this was one way to give back to the | local BBS Community. I tried several BBS packages and | landed on VBBS. We held several social gatherings so | local users could meet each other off-line, including the | annual canoe trips. I miss the good ol' days. BTW, the | phone number conveniently spelled THE-BEAR (was I full of | myself or what?)" - Ted E. Bear --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-843-2855 | Indianapolis Bus. Board, Indianapolis BusBrd | CARMEL, IN (1987-1991) SYSOP | Shawn Steiner SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-844-0034 | Meadow Party | CARMEL, IN (1987) SYSOP | John Stimson SOFTWARE | Cit86 V?? --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-844-0061 | The Maniac Zone | CARMEL, IN (1996) SYSOP | Jon Sider --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-844-4245 | Indiana Crossroads | CARMEL, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Bill Trexler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-844-7873 | Maniac Zone | CARMEL, IN (1993) SYSOP | Jon Sider --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-844-8775 | The OKIE Connection | CARMEL, IN (1994-1998) SYSOP | Roy Howard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-844-9633 | PCBoard of Indianapolis | CARMEL, IN (1991) SYSOP | Michael Hughes SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-845-6391 | Indy Net One, IndyNet One | FISHERS, IN (1987-1994) SYSOP | Paul McLear --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-846-6182 | The Northside BBS | CARMEL, IN (1991) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-846-8675 | Indy Connection | CARMEL, IN (1985) SYSOP | Paul McLear --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-846-8917 | Testing Station, The Testing Station | CARMEL, IN (1989-1995) SOFTWARE | Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-848-1701 | OPUS Pocus | CARMEL, IN (1990-1994) SYSOP | Joe Hance --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-848-2910 | Pyramid BBS | CARMEL, IN (1991) SYSOP | Joshua Abdulla --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-848-9033 | Witz! BBS, Witz! BBS Node 1 | CARMEL, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Paul Whitaker --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-849-0598 | Joe's Bar & Grill | FISHERS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Doug Scott --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-849-4007 | Indy Serve, IndyServe, IndyServe QBBS, Net 231 EC | Fishers, IN (1990-1995) SYSOP | Paul Followell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-849-9311 | Permanent Vacation | FISHERS, IN (1990) SYSOP | Paul Followell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-849-9681 | Critical Condition | FISHERS, IN (1989) SYSOP | Jason Massey --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-854-1378 | The USERS Choice BBS | (1991) SYSOP | Martin Scolaro SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-856-2087 | PBS-BBS, Public Brand Software 1, Public Brand Software | BBS, Public Brand Software Technical | Support | Indianapolis, IN (1985-1996) SYSOP | Tony Moleta SOFTWARE | PCBoard COMMENTS | List of BBS List Keepers: ASP BBS Member List/Bob | Ostrander --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-856-2098 | Public Brand Software 2 | WEST NEWTON, IN (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-856-7562 | Prism Elite Software | Indianapolis, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-856-7675 | Southwest Indy BBS | WEST NEWTON, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Garry Courtney --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-856-9020 | Central Indiana FidoNet, Net 231 FEC, Net 231 NEC, Net 231 | Treasurer, Net 231 Treasurer [FAX], Net | 231 UUCP, Net 231 UUCP [FAX], New Net 231 | SysOp, The CyberSpace BBS, The CyberSpace | BBS , The CyberSpace BBS [FAX], TransX | Site | Indianapolis, IN (1994-2002) SYSOP | Charlie Smith, New SysOp, Postmaster SOFTWARE | FidoNet, Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-857-2462 | Software Dimensions | WEST NEWTON, IN (1991) SYSOP | Bill Atkinson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-857-2732 | Software Dimensions | WEST NEWTON, IN (1990-1991) SYSOP | Bill Atkinson SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-859-7515 | DreamNET | GREENWOOD, IN (1997) SYSOP | Andy Stewart --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-861-0851 | Sneaky Snake | NEW PALESTINE, IN (1991) SYSOP | Tom Neville --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-861-1006 | IndyServe BBS, IndyServe QBBS | NEW PALESTINE, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Paul Followell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-861-5739 | Indianapolis Computer Society BB | Indianapolis, IN SYSOP | Dennis Teague --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-861-8427 | Graphics Unlimited, Graphics UnLtd | NEW PALESTINE, IN (1992-1995) SYSOP | B. Weatherford --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-862-0059 | Internal Connection, The Dungeon, The Hollow | Indianapolis, IN (1992-1997) SYSOP | Plower SOFTWARE | VBBS COMMENTS | "Started out on a 386 box running DOS and TRITEL/TRIBBS | on a single line. Ended up as a 4 node board running a | heavely modified VBBS install on a 486DX2 66 at 33.6k. | Was one of the largest door game boards in the area with | several registered door games including a very large | Trade Wars, LORD, and Solar Realms section. Also had a | large file section with multiple cd-rom changers | (remember those?) and tons of HD space for the time. Was | a blast, but as with the rest of the BBS world, died when | the internet moved in." - Plower --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-862-1642 | Tasmania BBS | ACTON, IN (1992) SYSOP | Dell Eisenbarth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-862-3908 | Chris's Board | ACTON, IN (1986) SYSOP | Bill Rall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-862-4560 | The Outback | ACTON, IN (1992) SYSOP | Andy Poland --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-862-5421 | The Outback | ACTON, IN (1992-1993) SYSOP | Andy Poland --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-862-5966 | IND IBM-PC UG, Indianapolis PC Users Board, Indy PC Users | Bd , PC Den, PC-Den , PC-User's Group | ACTON, IN (1985-1996) SYSOP | Tony Moleta, Anthony Moleta SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-865-7418 | AmigaSource | GREENWOOD, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Andrew Gray --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-866-0725 | The Unique & Nifty BBS | New Market, IN (1988-1997) SYSOP | Tim McCormick, John Everman SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-868-7059 | Cyber Realm | (1995) SYSOP | Todd Hill --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-868-9464 | ELUSIVE DREAMS #2 | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-873-4818 | MegaStuff | ZIONSVILLE, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | Zachary Rosing --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-873-5173 | MegaStuff | ZIONSVILLE, IN (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-873-8982 | CompuSTUFF | ZIONSVILLE, IN (1996) SYSOP | George Baumer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-875-3803 | Red Moon Rising BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1998) SYSOP | Mike Kennedy --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-875-8487 | HST Express, Indy Connection | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1987-1991) SYSOP | Mike Allen, Mike Allen Jr. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-878-4069 | Crossroads B'cast BBS, Crossroads Broadcast | TRAFALGAR, IN (1991-1995) SYSOP | Charlie Sears --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-879-1606 | Anthony & Mickey's | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996-1998) SYSOP | Anthony Lawson, Anthony D. Lawson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-879-8924 | PC Users Club BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Steven Brizendine --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-881-2743 | The Motherboard | GREENWOOD, IN (1991-1995) SYSOP | Al & Linda Thompson, Al&Linda Thompson, Al Thompson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-881-3849 | Indianapolis EpsonNet, TBBS Stewards | GREENWOOD, IN (1985-1989) SYSOP | Steve Brown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-881-4369 | Grafted Branch BBS, GraftedBranch, The Grafted Branch | GREENWOOD, IN (1989-1996) SYSOP | Dave Julius --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-882-4454 | IBM Net Connection, IBM-Net Connection | GREENWOOD, IN (1991-1994) SYSOP | Rex Hankins, Rex Hawkins SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-882-4471 | IBMNET Connection | GREENWOOD, IN (1994) SYSOP | Rex Hankins --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-882-5575 | I.B.M. Network Connection, IBM NET CONNECTION, IBM-Net | Connection, IBM-Net Connx, IBM-NET PCB6 | REL 1.2gig, IBMNET Connection, Net 231 | NEC, IBM-NET Connection | Indianapolis, IN (1987-1999) SYSOP | Rex Hankins, Rex Hawkins SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-882-7204 | Central IN Fidonet, Myers Investigations BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | David Myers SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-882-9330 | Central IN Fido Net, South Side, SOUTHSIDE BBS, SouthSide | Comp., Southside Computerists, The | SouthSide BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1987-1991) SYSOP | Brian Murray, Brian Murrey, KB9BVN SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-883-4510 | Bill & Ted's, Bill and Teds | GREENWOOD, IN (1993-1994) SYSOP | Cale Hollingsworth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-883-4560 | Bill and Teds | GREENWOOD, IN (1994) SYSOP | Cale Hollingsworth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-883-5710 | The Board Of Oblivion | Russiaville, IN (1985-1995) SYSOP | David D Stanton SOFTWARE | EBBS, Genesis Deluxe COMMENTS | "The SysOp was 9 Years Old (Born 2nd July 1974) making | him one of the youngest SysOps when the BBS was opened." | - David Stanton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-883-7220 | Moon Wind | GREENWOOD, IN (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-883-7510 | The Board Of Oblivion | Russiaville, IN (1985-1995) SYSOP | David Stanton (aka Armisis Aieoln) SOFTWARE | EBBS Genesis Deluxe and Many Others COMMENTS | "The BBS moved from time to time so the number changed, | Bill And Teds was a neighbor BBS. Started on a C64 | evolved and ended on a 486. Peak User count was over 275 | registered and active users." - David Stanton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-885-0820 | Compu Add, CompuAdd | GREENWOOD, IN (1990-1996) SYSOP | David Dorsett SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-885-1268 | Genesis I | GREENWOOD, IN (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-885-6154 | World's End | GREENWOOD, IN (1994) SYSOP | Robin Barnette, Robin Ropke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-885-6305 | Midwest Express of Indy | GREENWOOD, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Bill Bollinger --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-885-6444 | Dark Woods BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Geoffrey Kroll --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-885-7243 | Grafted Branch II | GREENWOOD, IN (1989) SYSOP | Shawn Champ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-885-8477 | AdLib User Group, Graphics Exchange | GREENWOOD, IN (1989-1990) SYSOP | Brad Hehe --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-887-6043 | Portal To Infinity | GREENWOOD, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Anthony Bisesi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-887-9466 | Outdoors BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1993-1995) SYSOP | Jim Shireman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-887-9568 | CVRC BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Allen Taylor SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-888-2276 | RoadHouse BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1997-1999) SYSOP | Richard Holler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-888-3929 | Greenwood Conn, Greenwood Conn. | GREENWOOD, IN (1987-1991) SYSOP | Bob Westwater SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-889-4274 | Eagle BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1993-1997) SYSOP | Ralph Moore SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-889-4276 | Eagle BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Ralph Moore --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-889-5616 | Plus Online | GREENWOOD, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Les Bishop --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-889-6669 | Cent IN Fidonet, Central IN Fidonet, Net-Sysops Hub, | R.C.S. BBS, R.C.S. OS/2 BBS, R.C.S. OS/2 | BBS [FAX], RCS BBS | GREENWOOD, IN (1991-1997) SYSOP | Steven Riddle SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-891-0821 | Sanitarium | Indianapolis, IN (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-894-1378 | The User's Choice, The User's Choice BBS, The Users Choice | BBS, UsersChoice | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990-1996) SYSOP | Martin Scolaro SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-894-1529 | The User's Choice BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-894-5164 | The Berean BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990) SYSOP | Ron Powers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-894-7442 | The Back Alley BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1997-1998) SYSOP | Graham Fitzpatrick --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-895-0852 | Bold Works, Bold Works BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1995) SYSOP | Terry Virt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-895-0853 | Bold Works | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Terry Virt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-895-0976 | The CTS BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-896-3945 | Tasmania BBS | WESTFIELD MAIN, IN (1991-1992) SYSOP | Dell Eisenbarth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-897-0793 | Bummer's Place, The Anchor BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1997) SYSOP | Steve Bumgardner, Kenneth Doms, Steve Bmgardner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-897-1989 | Apple Pickers BBS, Apple Pickers BBS Indianapolis, IN, | ApplePickers MUG | Indianapolis, IN (1993-1998) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-897-2045 | Treasure Mountain BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996) SYSOP | Victor Andrews --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-897-3438 | Treasure Mountain BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1997-1999) SYSOP | Victor Andrews --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-897-6202 | The Back Alley BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1997) SYSOP | Graham Fitzpatrick --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-897-8880 | The Bridge BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Bill Harrold --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-897-8914 | The Systems Branch | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Donald Zajic SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-898-8411 | Advanced Microdata BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989-1990) SYSOP | Royce Bourne --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-899-0929 | Comm. Exchange Ser. | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Mike Upchruch SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-899-0947 | CTS Consulting | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995) SYSOP | Edward Zurich --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-899-5741 | The Ivory Tower BBS, The Outpost/2 BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994-1996) SYSOP | Bill Atkinson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-923-5691 | Data Mgmt Group | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1989) SYSOP | James Caldwell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-924-2219 | Love Connection | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-924-2784 | Circle City Mac | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1990) SYSOP | David Herren --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-925-6664 | Prof'ls Choice | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1987-1989) SYSOP | Bob Predaina --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-925-7273 | Prof'ls Choice, Prof'ls Choice PCB 160m, Professional's | Choice, Professionals Choice, The | Professionals Choice, Profesional's Choice | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1988-1996) SYSOP | Bob Predaina SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-925-9633 | The Professional's Choice | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1991) SYSOP | Bob Predaina SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-926-7581 | 231-Isysops HUB, Plus Online, PCW Inc | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992-1995) SYSOP | Les Bishop SOFTWARE | DarkStar --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-933-2408 | Amiga Source, AmigaSource | NINEVEH, IN (1992-1994) SYSOP | Andrew Gray --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-935-0531 | Allied-Radio World | (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-935-2457 | The Other Side of Midnight | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-939-0083 | Richmond IN Hub, The Resistor | (1996-1997) SYSOP | Charles Mccoy --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-948-4542 | Grim Reaper's Den, North Central Indiana, NorthCentral | Indaian, NorthCentral Indiana | FAIRMOUNT, IN (1995-1998) SYSOP | George Borg, Gerge Borg --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-962-1244 | Fort Knox | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-966-2677 | The Other Side of Midnight | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1992) SYSOP | J.D. MEAD --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-966-5467 | Grease Monkey BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Mark Huber --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-966-7663 | Iron Hawg BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1995-1997) SYSOP | Glenn Stewart --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-966-8337 | Skydive City, SkyDive City BBS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1994) SYSOP | Donald Hinkle --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-966-9736 | Amateur Radio CBCS | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996) SYSOP | Howard Evans --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-966-9872 | HACKERS HIDEOUT | INDIANAPOLIS, IN (1996-1997) SYSOP | SCOTT ANDERSON --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-984-2191 | The LakeSide BBS | CICERO, IN (1995-1996) SYSOP | Gil Carter --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-984-9199 | dragon breath | CICERO, IN (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 317-998-0825 | CJE Opus, CJE() Opus, CJE() Systems | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Jace Carlson --------------+-----------------------------------------------------------