Historical List of BBSes in the 312 Area Code --------------------------------------------- Created by TEXTFILES.COM From Many Sources 312-201-0711 | CompuServe | (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-202-0932 | Excellent BBS (NOT!) | (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-202-1383 | Sports Arena!!!! | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-202-8066 | Razor's Edge, The Data Stream BBS, Razor’s Edge | Chicago, IL (1991-1995) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-202-8072 | Pol BBS, POL-BBS | CHCZ 1, IL (1996-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-205-0915 | Malkavia BBS | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Dave Kelso --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-210-1087 | The Town Crier BBS | Harvey, IL (1985) COMMENTS | "First BBS I ever called after acquiring a 300 baud | modem for my Radio Shack TRS-80. Remember it like it was | yesterday...." - jjo31420a --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-213-1666 | Electropolis Multi-Line | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-215-4937 | Dragon's Lair | (1990) SOFTWARE | Monarch --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-221-0171 | The Supreme Court | (1986) SOFTWARE | Forem ST --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-221-2879 | The Missing Link BBS | Chicago, IL (1989-1995) SYSOP | Thomas Conley SOFTWARE | PCBoard, PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-223-4802 | NixPix Person-To-Person | Grayslake, IL (1992-1995) SYSOP | Larry Green SOFTWARE | Oracomm COMMENTS | "17-line chat board. Renamed MindScapes in 1993. Part of | the loose-knit NixPix network (Denver, Chicago, | Grayslake, Tennessee) until the renaming. Featured in | "The Joys of Cybersex," by Phil Robinson and Nancy | Tamosaitis (Brady, 1993)." --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-223-9673 | Lakes Region | (1986) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-225-3962 | The Land of Fa V | Chicago, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-225-9138 | The Feminist B.B.S., The Feminist BBS | Chicago, IL (1988) SYSOP | Linda Grossman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-225-9711 | Bog {225}, The Bog | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) SYSOP | Greg DeCicco SOFTWARE | CELE --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-225-9836 | The Static Barrier | Chicago, IL (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-226-0672 | A Clockwork Orange OS/2 | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Matt Hucke SOFTWARE | WWIV COMMENTS | "This BBS was a continuation of "Valhalla" (217-352-3682) | after I relocated from Champaign to Chicago in the summer | of 1993. For the first nine months, it was part-time, | because I lived in a University dorm and had only one | phone line. Due to the limited hours, it did not have | much of a local user base - it primarily existed so I | could stay in contact with my friends in the WWIV sysop | community. When I moved into an apartment where I could | install an additional phone line, I requested a number | where the last three digits spelled out "OS2". With this | move, it did gain some more local users, but its primary | purpose was the distribution of my software and | maintaining contact with other WWIV sysops. My handle | was "Starship Trooper", and WWIVNet address was "1@3250". |

I continued to work on several WWIV-related utilities | that I had begun developing in Champaign. One of these | was a network spool file editor for OS/2 Presentation | Manager GUI.

In January of 1995 I took a job as | sysadmin at a local ISP. After that, I had little time | to maintain the BBS at home or to work on its software. | I turned over the source code and distribution rights for | my WWIV utilities to a sysop in St. Louis. The BBS went | down permanently in late April, 1995." - Matt Hucke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-227-7455 | Bio Med, BioMed, Midwest Biomedical Society, Midwest | Biomedical [Private], RBBS Biomed | Chicago, IL (1986-1995) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-231-7418 | Mindseye, The Mindseye BBS | (1990) SYSOP | Matt Sheahan (Cerebromancer) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-231-8223 | Chicago Metro-Net | (1986-1988) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-232-1250 | Windmill | (1987-1989) SYSOP | Ed Curlin SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-232-6339 | P.S. Meeting Room | (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-232-7933 | Micro Mail B B S, Micro Mail B.B.S. | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-232-8804 | The Dark Forrest | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL SYSOP | Clovis Greeneslade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-233-8327 | Double Take II | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | Net-Works --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-233-9607 | Chicago Machine | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SOFTWARE | FRST --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-234-4843 | Jolly Roger Shop | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-234-6237 | Hotel California | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-234-6795 | Flaming Toilet | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-234-7366 | The Inner Sanctum | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-234-8187 | Steed's Bar and Grill, The Steed's Bar | (1987-1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-234-9257 | Calamity Cliffs Computer Center | Lake Forest, IL (1980-1981) SYSOP | Tom C. SOFTWARE | CP/M, RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-235-3200 | PMS - Chicago Public Library, PMS Chicago Public Library | Chicago, IL (1983-1985) SOFTWARE | PMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-235-4327 | Piper's Term | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-235-4673 | Piper's Term | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-235-6794 | MAC Universe | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-235-7902 | C.F.O.G. Two, CFOG - 2 | Chicago, IL (1986-1988) SYSOP | Bill Kuykendall COMMENTS | FOG (FOG AMO #80) member supported system. PRACSA FOG | (FOG AMO #80) member supported system. PRACSA --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-235-7948 | Bighead, Dark Tower | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-237-2773 | Coliseum (Home of dotSYS) | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Matthew Swajkowski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-237-3416 | BIT WIZ Opus | (1994-2000) SYSOP | Michael Katz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-237-6120 | Borge, Game Room, Pita 3 | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Rafal Rusilowicz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-237-8365 | Not So Perfect BBS | Chicago, IL (1990-1994) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-237-8366 | Not So Perfect | (1990-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-239-1889 | Chicago Trading Post, The Chicago Board of Trade | Chicago, IL (1990-1994) SYSOP | Bill Ross SOFTWARE | PCBoard, PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-239-2978 | Dew Drop Inn | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-243-1046 | DIAL-YOUR-MATCH #39 Chicago | (1983-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-244-0260 | EXCELSIOR! Support HQ | (1995) SYSOP | Thomas W. Dietz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-244-2484 | Windy City | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-245-9110 | PLINK | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-246-7705 | Custom Software | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Steven Merenkov, Steve Merenkov SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-246-9493 | Traders Connection | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-247-7359 | Southside, SouthSide BBS | Chicago, IL (1990-1992) SYSOP | Stan Rygula --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-0091 | Thunderbolt (Inc.) | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-0092 | Thunderbolt (Inc.) | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-0109 | Thunderbolt (Inc.) (signup line), Thunderbolt (signup | line), Thunderbolt, Inc. | Chicago, IL (1991-1996) SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-0234 | Continuum Foundation | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-0900 | CCS BBS, Chicago Computer Society, Ddsw1, MCSNet (40 | lines), MCSNet (Chicago) | Chicago, IL (1991-1996) SOFTWARE | AKCS COMMENTS | SLIP/PPP Provider --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-3809 | Chicago Conservative | Chicago, IL (1993-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-4822 | Thunderbolt (A), Thunderbolt (Inc.), THUNDERBOLT! | Chicago, IL (1990-1995) SYSOP | Zeus SOFTWARE | MajorBBS 6.21f COMMENTS | From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: Chicago, | Illinois since 02/91. Sysop: Zeus. Using MajorBBS 6.21d | with 10 lines on MS-DOS 80386 with 16000 MB storage. US | Robotics at 14400 bps. $10 variable fee. "Where the GODS | come to play.." mythology-themed BBS! MajorNet, NetAccess | netmail, ChatLink, InterLink, Interactive Games, Oracles, | Online News/Magazines, RIP Graphics, INTERNET access & | MORE! FREE demo access. Rates low as $0.01/hr. Family | rates, too! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-6295 | Ddsw1, MCSNet (PEP only), MCSNet [PEP only] | Chicago, IL (1993-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-7207 | Thunderbolt (Inc.) | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-7219 | Thunderbolt (Inc.) | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-7243 | Thunderbolt (Inc.) | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-7247 | Thunderbolt (Inc.) | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-7703 | Thunderbolt (Inc.) | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-7820 | Thunderbolt (Inc.) | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-248-8758 | 1 Step BBS, 1Step BBS, First Step BBS | Chicago, IL (1989-1992) SYSOP | Jay Rothschild --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-249-1650 | HighVoltage C-Net Commodore | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Michael Scribner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-249-4385 | The Blue Knight BBS | (1988) SYSOP | The Blue Knight SOFTWARE | GBBS Pro --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-252-0642 | Dickie's Place, Dickie’s Place | Chicago, IL (1993-1995) SOFTWARE | XZOT --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-252-1125 | Phoenix, PHOENIX | (1992-1995) SYSOP | Gandalf COMMENTS | Tarkus Team Member BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-252-2136 | Logan Square RCP/M, Logan Square RCPM, RCP/M Logan Square | Logan Square, IL (1981-1986) SYSOP | Earl Bockenfeld SOFTWARE | RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-252-3663 | CULINARY , Culinary Connection | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Andy Biegel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-252-6180 | First National Software, War Net Software Bank III, War- | Net Software Bank III | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-252-6489 | Chicago CP/M | Chicago, IL (1981) SOFTWARE | CP/M --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-252-9509 | GUI Users International | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-253-3633 | AE Line: GHOST, AE LINE: RANA#1, AE LINE: GHOST | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-253-6134 | PC-Tech | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-253-6224 | M.P.P.L. BBS | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-254-3413 | The Equinox BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Bill Masuka --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-254-8334 | CyberGraFX BBS | (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-255-0722 | NET 115 Echo Coordinator, NET 115 Internet Gateway, | Special Services FS Hub, Windstar Network | (1995) SYSOP | Steve Schmidt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-255-1416 | The Bird's Nest | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-255-6489 | Computerland (New Format), NET-WORKS CLAH | Arlington Heights, IL (1981-1982) SOFTWARE | CLAH-NET COMMENTS | "Apparently a part-time BBS run at a Computerland, later | transferred elsewhere." - Jason Scott --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-255-8838 | PC Center | (1985-1986) SYSOP | Jeremy Smith SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-256-8119 | SECO | (1986) SYSOP | Jim Heider --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-257-7747 | Aliens | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-258-8423 | Vivacious Vibrations | CHCZ 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-259-7785 | AE Line: THRILL, AE LINE: THRILL | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-259-8086 | BBS IBM PC Chicago, BBS IBM PCmodem Chicago, IBM-PC BBS, | RCP/M IBM PC | (1982-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-259-8930 | Com-ads | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-260-0640 | MCMS Metro West Database | Wheaton, IL (1982-1983) SYSOP | Terry Haas COMMENTS | "It was originally running from my shop in Wheaton and | then moved to the city where I had a computer mail order | business and store. It ran on a TRS 80 Model 3, initially | on the built-in floppy drives, and used a 300 baud modem. | Upgraded it to a buggy beta version of a US Robotics 1200 | baud, and also purchased a Corvus 5 MB external drive. I | think at the time it might've been the only BBS using a | hard drive (probably because nobody else was dumb enough | to spend $2,000+)." - Terry Haas --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-260-1859 | HexNet | (1987-1990) SYSOP | Brian Mackison --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-260-9660 | Working With Works | (1988) SOFTWARE | Red Ryder Host --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-262-2209 | The Leech BBS, The Phantom Illusion BBS | (1990-1991) SYSOP | King Leech SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-262-3626 | After the Bars, After The Bars | Chicago, IL (1991-1995) SOFTWARE | DLX, DLXB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-262-5600 | Adventureline | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-262-6173 | DeafComm | (1990-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-262-7125 | Wooge City | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | HRMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-262-7619 | Krishna Yoga Foundation | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Vaishnava Dasa --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-262-8959 | Byls Fido | (1986) SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-263-0924 | Assembly Not Needed, Art of Luck | Chicago, IL (1990-1996) SYSOP | Richard Kelps SOFTWARE | RBBS, RACC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-267-3430 | Stichomythia | (1995) SYSOP | Manuel A. Hernandez --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-267-4427 | Com-Link Data Systems | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | IHCS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-267-4749 | Exec Region, ExecRegion, Executive Region BBS | Chicago, IL (1989-1996) SYSOP | Randy Gautier SOFTWARE | PCBoard , PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-267-4750 | Executive Region BBS | (1989-1995) SYSOP | Randy Gautier SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-267-7665 | The Voice of Peace | (1986) SOFTWARE | OTBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-271-4733 | Knight's Quest, Knights Quest, People Who Need People | , Sit'N'Bull [$], Knight’s | Quest | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SOFTWARE | VBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-271-5214 | The Knights Quest | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-271-7348 | Cooter's Garage, Cooter’s Garage | Chicago, IL (1991-1993) SOFTWARE | SLBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-272-0943 | Captain Video | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-272-1423 | The Castle | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-272-5912 | The Igloo | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-272-7111 | 4 Sights Network | (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-274-1677 | Nexus | (1986) SOFTWARE | MCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-274-2343 | Dew Drop Inn | (1994) SYSOP | Brad Hanson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-274-3544 | Chicago Rogers Park Area FS HUB, Chicago Rogers Park Area | Hub, Online Central | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Bill Bottom Jr. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-274-4088 | The Palace | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-274-5366 | C I S, Programmer's Cafe, Zone Corporation | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Bill Bottom Jr, Bill Bottom Jr. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-274-6128 | FarPoint, The Farpoint BBS (4 Lines) | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Frank McNeill SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-274-8136 | National Islamic | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Mohammad Khan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-274-9515 | Insane Domain | Chicago, IL (1991-1996) SYSOP | Aaron Yelton SOFTWARE | Hermes, Firstclass, Hotline, FRST COMMENTS | "This was one of the first BBSes I can remember running | on a Mac. I think Aaron originally ran Hermes on it, but | I forgot if he went to Hotline then First Class, or the | other way around. Anyway - it was a friendly bunch, and | the regulars would meet in real life fairly often. I | haven't heard from any of them in over a decade. Too bad | - I miss that bunch!" - Jay Duff --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-274-9963 | Skyway BBS | Chicago, IL (1995-1997) SYSOP | Robert Newton, Chuck Goes SOFTWARE | tbbs COMMENTS | "This was a short lived BBS. We tried it when our old | software was end of lifed at the Zoo BBS. The secondary | number you listed, 312-274-9982 is non-existant. We did | have a voice line at 312-274-9981. Again, these numbers | changed with the area code split and became 773. This | bbs actually was the precursor of our current firm, | Digital Interplay which is an internet service provider." | - Chuck Goes --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-274-9982 | Skyway BBS, Skyway BBS [$] {270} | CHCZ 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-275-0848 | Free! Board | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SYSOP | Norman Nithman SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-275-1785 | 20/20 TBBS, 20/20 {769} | Chicago, IL (1991-2000) SYSOP | John Shew SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-275-7492 | Windy City (2 lines) | Chicago, IL (1993-1994) SOFTWARE | TRIB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-276-2866 | Palace | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-276-3603 | American Archive | Chicago, IL (1991-1993) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-276-4159 | American Archive, Ye Olde Archives | Chicago, IL (1985-1996) SYSOP | JohnRosengarten, John Rosengarten SOFTWARE | PCBoard , PCBB, RBBS first week, PC Board after that COMMENTS | "This was a hobby of mine, I started with a 1200-baud | Hayes modem and one dedicated line, the name was ye Olde | Archive the first year or so, but later people complained | that the name was too far down the alphabetized list and | we changed it to American Archive in 1987 I recall.

| We also were the first (or maybe the second, hard to tell | as there was no central registry) IBM-based BBS, running | on an IBM-XT with a ten megabyte HDD the first year. | Soon a second, 20-MB Seagate half-high drive was | purchased from Elek-Tek in Lincolnwood and we has a total | of thirty Mb of disk space.

About 25 Mb of space was | available for downloadable files, mostly programming | languages, file utilities, device drivers and how-to | files. We always worked with ShareWare authors to keep | the latest versions of programming utilites available. |

Features included programming forum, sale-trade forum | and the ever-loved Adult forum. Users had to send me a | xerox of their driver license by US Mail to access adult | section. Adult pictures were very tame, mostly bikinis | and tasteful nudes.

When explicit photos were | uploaded we would delete them, as Attorney General Ed | Meese (remember the draconian policies and intrusions of | free speech that characterized the Ronald Regan era?) was | proposing harsh penalties for anything indecent.

In | 1988 we went to two lines and a third was added in 1990. | We had a 3-Com server and five dedicated computers at its | heighth. At the end (1992-1996) we had five US Robotics | Courier HST (56 kbps link speed) all externals so I could | impress visitors to my basement with the rows of blinky | lights.

With the universal adoption of the Internet, | few visitors came after 1995 and in 1996 we finally | pulled the plugs. We want to thank the many people who | donated time, hardware and cash to support American | Archive. John Rosengarten (Ye Olde Sysop) now works as | Internet Administrator at a small nameless government | agency." - John Rosengarten --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-276-5680 | American Archive | (1990-1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-278-1195 | Aircrash Bureau {327}, Chicago Wicker Park Area, Chicago | Wicker Park Area FS HUB, The Aircrash | Bureau | (1995-2000) SYSOP | Eric Schreiber --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-278-2343 | Academy (Programming) | (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-278-5911 | Vato Land | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-278-9513 | The Color-80 B B S, The Color-80 B.B.S. | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | COCO --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-279-1053 | Automated Systems, High Resolution B.B.S. | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-279-4399 | PIRATE'S GUILD | CHICAGO, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-279-8525 | CAT BBS | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-280-8180 | LAW MUGS BBS, LAWMUG | (1985-1986) SYSOP | Paul Bernstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-280-8565 | Assoc. of Individual Investors, Computerized Investing BBS | (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-280-8764 | American Association of Individual Investors, Assoc. of | Individual Investors, Computerized | Investing, Individual Investor's BBS, | Arte’ Graphics DTP | Chicago, IL (1986-1995) SOFTWARE | Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-281-6046 | Pisces Financial, Pisces Stocks & Options, Pisces Stocks | and Options, Pisces Finanial | Chicago, IL (1990-2000) SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-281-6749 | Game Parlor | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-281-6887 | Coconut Club III, The Coconut Club | Chicago, IL (1988-1993) SOFTWARE | TAGG --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-281-7018 | Lakeview Links | (1994-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-282-4851 | Tech Support Resource, TSR BBS | (1994-1996) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-282-6929 | Ultimate | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-282-8605 | WorldWide Access (6 lines) | (1993-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-282-8606 | Gagme [Fee] | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | UNIX --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-282-8608 | Gagme [Fee] | (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-282-8609 | Gagme [Fee] | (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-282-8610 | WorldWide Access (2 lines - PEP) | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-282-9272 | Ski's Lodge, Ski's Lodge BBS | Chicago, IL (1986-1990) SYSOP | Ken Morrison SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-283-0559 | Chinet, Unix - Chi-Net [wlcrjs], chinet | Chicago, IL (1985-1996) SYSOP | Randy Suess COMMENTS | UNIX System offering Internet Mail --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-283-0560 | Chinet | (1989-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-283-3919 | New Users | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Craig Pease --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-283-4035 | Chicago Megaphile, CHIMEGAPHILE | Chicago, IL (1990-1996) SYSOP | Pat Stenberg SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-283-8564 | Malachi Brothers | Chicago, IL (1991-1993) SOFTWARE | RNGD --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-283-8672 | Chinet | (1989-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-284-5508 | BillBoard | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Bill Masuka --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-284-6124 | The ASCII Connection | (1986) SOFTWARE | Diversi-Dial --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-284-6601 | Forbidden Zone | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-284-7133 | Fourth Dimension (4D Software), The 4th Dimension BBS | Chicago, IL (1986-1995) SYSOP | Jeff Sorrentino, Jeff Jones SOFTWARE | PCBoard, PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-284-7957 | Gateway Chicago | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-284-7983 | Gateway Chicago | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-286-0608 | COPH 2 (115/778), COPH-2 (BGMS) | Chicago, IL (1986-1991) SYSOP | Eric Bohlman SOFTWARE | PMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-286-1795 | The County Morgue | Chicago, IL (1990-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-286-2491 | Psycho System | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-286-3789 | KOZ Exchange | Chicago, IL (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-286-7870 | Flying High | Chicago, IL (1994-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-288-3410 | Information Age | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-289-0014 | The Monitor Post | Bartlett, IL (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-289-1089 | Blue Thunder, War Games | Bartlett, IL (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-289-1198 | NIBS | Streamwood, IL (1981) SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-289-4973 | Dial-Your-Match, The Mad Marty | Bartlett, IL (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | DYMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-289-9808 | The Billboard BBS | Bartlett, IL (1989) SYSOP | Gary Watson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-291-1619 | Mothers (Video Info), Ski Machine | Northbrook, IL (1981) SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-293-0199 | Growers Xchange, The Growers Exchange | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | MCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-293-0696 | Growers Exchange BBS | (1988) SOFTWARE | Red Ryder Host --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-293-1021 | West Chicago Express [Fee] | (1988-1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-293-1468 | The Other Side | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-293-5675 | Imperial Palace | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-295-5852 | Wits of the World | Lake Forest, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-295-6926 | International Apple Core, MACropedia BBS, MACropoedia, | MACropoedia BBS, NIAUG, PMS - I.A.C. | Lake Forest, IL (1981-1989) SYSOP | Dave Alpert SOFTWARE | MCBB, Red Ryder Host, ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-295-7284 | NET-WORKS Adventure's Inn | Lake Forest, IL (1983-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-295-8706 | AE Line: OAKLEY | Lake Forest, IL (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-296-0114 | theWeb! | Chicago, IL (1991-1993) SYSOP | Chris Browne, Chicago IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-296-1085 | Reciprocity | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) SYSOP | Chuck Price --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-296-3883 | Interface BBS Atari) | Chicago, IL (1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-296-7782 | Logopolis | Chicago, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-297-1591 | The Chicago BBS | Chicago, IL (1989-1990) SYSOP | Sidney Bratkovich --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-297-3242 | Marvin | Chicago, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-297-3275 | Realm of Amber | Chicago, IL (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-298-4121 | O'hare Oasis | (1990) SYSOP | Ronald Fine SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-307-1519 | Glenside Coco-Rama | Schaumburg, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-307-8897 | Station SOL | Schaumburg, IL (1989) SYSOP | Rick Waterson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-310-9014 | Outpost BBS | (1990-1991) SYSOP | John Clark --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-321-1275 | Modem Controls Inc | Chicago, IL (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-321-1432 | G.E. Games | (1981) SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-323-3741 | CHIPMUNK, NET-WORKS Chipmunk, The Chipmunk | Hinsdale, IL (1982-1986) SOFTWARE | Net-Works --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-323-4711 | SouthDog | (1989) SYSOP | Timothy Shea SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-323-9707 | AE LINE: DEAL | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-325-0558 | Games Galore | (1990) SYSOP | Empty V SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-326-0023 | A Touch of Class On-Line, Touch of Class Online, | TouchOfClass | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Jay Parekh --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-326-4392 | RCP/M Bridgeport, RCP/M PLUS, CPM3 RCP/M | Chicago, IL (1983-1986) SYSOP | Dick Lieber --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-327-0226 | Aircrash Bureau, Chicago Lakeview Area FS HUB, Chicago's | Brand New FS HUB | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Eric Schreiber --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-327-1605 | Captain Dave's Weasel Farm | (1993) SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-329-7381 | Packet BBS N3AIA.IL.USA.NA | Schaumburg, IL (1990) SYSOP | Doug Reed --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-334-1596 | Sexy [Adult] | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-334-7468 | RuneQuest | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-334-8638 | Final Frontier, Mackey's Hidey Hole | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SOFTWARE | ORAP --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-334-9092 | The Talamasca | (1993-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-335-0305 | The Science Fiction Centre, The Sci Fi Centre | Hazel Rest, IL (1987-1988) SYSOP | Derek Ferguson SOFTWARE | Pyroto Mountain COMMENTS | "I used to read the TV Guide cover to cover every week, | posting exact times for all the old Sci Fi movies that | were shown in the middle of the night. One day, my dad | got a call from the FBI asking why a Polish spy was | calling our house. He must've been a Sci Fi fan in his | spare time. My dad made me shut the board down, to be | safe." --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-336-6700 | Great Lakes, Great Lakes B.B.S. [Private] | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-337-2410 | Cock Pit | (1991-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-337-6631 | Computer Room, Personal Computers of Chicago | Chicago, IL (1980-1981) SOFTWARE | ABBS COMMENTS | Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February | 1980 Issue) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-338-0338 | WestRidge CommuniCenter | Chicago, IL (1988) SYSOP | Phil Jern --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-338-0632 | Point, Point, The, Polint | Chicago, IL (1990-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-338-1600 | Enterprise Zone | Chicago, IL (1993-1994) SYSOP | Kevin Bryson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-338-2504 | CyberNet | Chicago, IL (1995) SYSOP | Andre Queen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-338-3488 | Murkworks | Chicago, IL (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-338-5298 | SuperBytes Express BBS | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) SYSOP | Larry Dinkoff --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-338-6100 | Diversi-Dial | CHCZ 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-338-8827 | A I S, AIS-Chicago 396, AIS/Chicago, Apple Info, Fido 396, | Net 115, The Chicago B.B.S., The Chicago | BBS | Chicago, IL (1981-1990) SYSOP | Sidney Bratkovich SOFTWARE | FidoNet, AIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-338-8856 | Enterprise Zone | Chicago, IL (1994) SYSOP | Kevin Bryson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-341-6217 | DePaul College of Law, DePaul College of Law B.B.S. | (1988-1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-342-0015 | BBS-Chicago Amiga, BBS-Chicago II7, BBS-Chicago ][, BBS- | Chicago ][ {842}, BBS-Chicago {842}, | Bulletin Board System Chicago, ChicagoLand | Hub 5, ChicagoLand North, BBS-Chicago ][, | B&B Electronics | Chicago, IL (1990-1995) SYSOP | Joel Nelson, joel nelson SOFTWARE | QBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-342-1866 | Publisher Info Service, Publisher Information Service | Chicago, IL (1990-1991) SYSOP | George Weinert, George M. Weinert V SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-342-6919 | Publish!, Publisher Info Service | Chicago, IL (1986-1990) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-342-7652 | Publisher Information Service, Windows World Network | Chicago, IL (1991-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-343-0100 | Lincolnet | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | PMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-344-2505 | C F O G Osborne, C.F.O.G. Osborne | (1986) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-344-8638 | FInal Frontier | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-345-3919 | The Cider Press | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-345-4127 | TI-West | (1989) SYSOP | Nick Iacovelli --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-345-7202 | The Intercept | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-346-4218 | Wood Computer Associates | (1986) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-348-0097 | MODEM MEDIUM Chicago | Chicago, IL (1984-1985) SOFTWARE | MODEM MEDIUM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-348-3508 | Starz (2 lines) | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-348-7269 | Lively Arts {348}, The Lively Arts | Chicago, IL (1989-1994) SYSOP | Prestigiacomo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-348-8258 | The Lively Arts | Chicago, IL (1990-1992) SYSOP | Steve Weikert --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-348-9101 | Lincoln Park Zoo | Chicago, IL (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-349-0098 | Atari Worship | (1986) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-350-1109 | Trade Mark | Wood Dale, IL (1986-1988) SYSOP | Teleprompter SOFTWARE | Marsh COMMENTS | "I ran this BBS on an Atari 800 and Atari 800XL systems. | Storage was on four Atari 1050 drives, all having the | eprom chips to double its capacity. There was at one | time Trade Mark II and Trade Mark III when it was cool to | franchise the name :-) Remember passwords = pirate and | phreak numbers?" - Teleprompter --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-350-9346 | The Zoo BBS | (1990) SYSOP | Jim Howard (Head Zookeeper) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-351-0288 | Snarf's Music Std. | (1990) SOFTWARE | Monarch --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-351-2658 | The Alter Ego | (1986) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-351-4374 | MCMS WACO Hot Line, N. Ill. Computer Society BBS, W A C O, | W.A.C.O., W.A.C.O. BBS, WACO Hot Line | Schaumburg, IL (1982-1998) SYSOP | A Kahn, K Argo SOFTWARE | MCMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-351-6702 | Grand Stand RBBS, The Grand Stand | (1986-1989) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-351-8815 | Amiga Doc, N.I.C.S. Amiga Users Group | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-352-1035 | RBBS of Chicago, RBBS Of Chicago 160m, RBBS ofChicago, | RBBSofChi | (1987-1991) SYSOP | Loren D. Jones --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-352-5681 | Chicago C-NODE | (1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-352-8842 | The IDOG Exchange | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-352-9231 | Cess Pool | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-353-2382 | VARO Chicago Property Management, VARO Chicago Property | Mgtt | Chicago, IL (1989-1996) SOFTWARE | PEBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-354-6606 | The Byte Board | Countryside, IL (1980-1982) SYSOP | jaxtrx SOFTWARE | Self Written COMMENTS | "Fun story - Originally I used computer to download | games, after a rather large phone bill, I was informed to | find a way to have people call me or the modem would be | taken away. So dug through the Commodore C-64 manuals | and taught myself enough machine code and BASIC to write | a BBS. Feature and refinement wise, it "bit"(lower | quality) compared to the CBBS of the day, hence "bytes" | board but I did sell a couple of copies and had an active | message and file base for a part time BBS." - Jaxtrx --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-355-4293 | Freeside | (1989) SYSOP | Jeff Porter --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-356-3776 | DESKTOPPERS, Desktoppers BBS, DeskToppers Multi-Line, | Desktoppers Multi-Line MAC Brd | Lindenhurst, IL (1987-1991) SYSOP | Randy Bennett SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-356-6420 | Desktoppers Multi-Line MAC Brd | Lindenhurst, IL (1989) SYSOP | Randy Bennett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-357-8075 | AE Line: PRODOS, CAMELOT, AE LINE: PRODOS | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-358-0634 | The Wild West | (1986) SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-359-2553 | RCP/M Palatine | Palatine, IL (1981-1982) SOFTWARE | CP/M --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-359-7953 | Tom Clough | (1989-1991) SYSOP | Monica Arena --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-359-8080 | Palatine RCP/M, Palatine RCPM, RCP/M Palantine, RCP/M | Palatine, The AT&T Unix System | Palatine, IL (1981-1988) SYSOP | Tim Cannon SOFTWARE | RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-359-9346 | The Central Command | (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-359-9450 | P B B S Palatine, P.B.B.S. Palatine, PBBS Co-operative | Comp Svc | Palatine, IL (1981-1986) SYSOP | John Petrikas SOFTWARE | NorthStar, NBBS, PBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-362-0538 | BPGB, BPGB QuickBBS | Libertyville, IL (1988-1989) SYSOP | B Phillip Gerber, B Philip Gerber --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-362-5368 | Illinet Online/Carl Uncover, Illilnet Online/Carl Uncover | Chicago, IL (1989-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-362-7875 | Computers for Christ, Computers For Christ #11 | Libertyville, IL (1984-1991) SYSOP | Doug Moore SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-364-0048 | STARLET ConNECtion BBS, The Starlet ConNECtion | New York, NY (1985) SYSOP | Steve Sarna SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-364-7320 | The ZED B B S, The ZED B.B.S. | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-369-4332 | Cabaret Voltaire | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-371-1396 | AppleSider ][, AppleSider ][ | (1987) SOFTWARE | GBBS Pro --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-373-8057 | PMS - Chicago, S.L.O.B.B. | (1981-1984) SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-374-0039 | Chicago Trading Post | (1990-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-376-0081 | Greg's Place | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL (1996-1998) SYSOP | Greg Socha --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-376-7598 | BBS IBM PCmodem Chicago, RBBS IBM PC Chicago | (1983-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-376-9872 | PUB Desktop Publishing, The PUB | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-377-0359 | The Time Centre | (1988) SYSOP | Belgarion of Riva SOFTWARE | Pro-Talk --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-377-5988 | Fox Valley ROS-34, Pics 1.5a CP/M Kaypro MSDOS | (1988-1991) SYSOP | Dave Cummens --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-377-7674 | Front 242 | CHICAGO, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-380-7603 | ExIS Inc. DataEase Support | (1991-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-381-4134 | N.I.C.S. PC Users Group, Oracle BBS | (1988-1991) SYSOP | John Martin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-382-1369 | Elven Realm | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-382-3270 | Protecto Multi-Line B.B.S., Computer Direct | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-382-3453 | Network 21 | (1989) SYSOP | Klee Dienes --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-383-3144 | The PMC Store | (1986) SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-383-5939 | The Greenhouse | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Joe Pluta --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-383-6335 | Discovery Place, DiscoveryPlace, The Discovery Place | (1988-1994) SYSOP | Mike Cook --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-383-7794 | The Fisherman | (1986) SOFTWARE | UBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-384-0013 | RCP/M RBBS Xerox Midwest, Xerox Midwest RCPM/RBBS | Chicago, IL (1983-1986) SYSOP | David Lowy SOFTWARE | RCPM COMMENTS | "This was one of the 1st BBSs up on the Xerox 820 SAM | (Simply Amazing Machine) an early commercial CP/M system | with an initial whopping 482K space on two 8' floppies!" | - David Lowy --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-384-0518 | Microlog | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-384-0616 | Stygian Abyss | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-384-0716 | Stygian Abyss | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-384-2320 | CACHE Lobo-80 | Chicago, IL (1986) SYSOP | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-384-3925 | Gateway Chicago | CHCZ 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-384-4762 | Remote Apple CP/M | Chicago, IL (1981) SYSOP | David Mortiz SOFTWARE | RAPM, Apple CP/M --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-384-6250 | Stygian Abyss, The Stygian Abyss | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Donald Krerowicz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-384-6614 | State of Decay | CHCZ 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-384-7957 | Chicago Sexaholics, Gateway Chicago , Gateway | Chicago BBS, Pleasure Palace | (1994-2000) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-385-2764 | Shade-Tree | (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-386-4290 | Prometheus Multi-Line, Prometheus TBBS | Oak Park, IL (1988-1989) SYSOP | Edward Vincent --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-388-0170 | Chicago's Amature Erotica [$] | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-390-2764 | Defender | (1990) SOFTWARE | Pcboard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-392-0188 | Arlington Hts Library Dial Access, Arlington Library Dial | Access | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | DATA --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-392-2403 | ACS Arlington Heights, DATA THIEVES | (1983-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-393-4755 | NET-WORKS RJNET, RJNET | Warnville, IL (1983-1985) SOFTWARE | NET-WORKS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-394-0071 | Samson, SAMSON BBS, Samson Fido | Arlington Heights, IL (1987-1991) SYSOP | Larry Miglore --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-394-4398 | Nite Owl | Arlington Heights, IL (1986) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-394-5772 | Epson America RBBS/RTPM, Epson RBBS/RTPM, HI-RES Windy | City Database, Windy City | Arlington Heights, IL (1985-1990) SYSOP | Roger Heath SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-395-1816 | The Slauter House | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-395-1992 | The Outer limits | Antioch, Il., (1988-1992) SYSOP | Ralph Kenyon SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-395-5865 | The Outer Limits | ANTIOCH, IL (1988-1992) SYSOP | Ralph Kenyon SOFTWARE | Wildcat and PC Board COMMENTS | "I remember this bbs. He had a node 1 of 312-395-5865. | His node 2 was 312-395-1992. He shutdown OL after talking | to John at Lakes bbs. I was a supporting user on both. I | remember both Ralph and John taking time to call me and | say they are shuting down." - Pete --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-395-7233 | On-Line Computer Store | (1986) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-395-9456 | The Infocomatium, Genesis Project | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-396-1022 | RBBS IBM PC Chicago | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-397-0871 | Commodore, PET BBS Commodore | Chicago, IL (1982-1985) SOFTWARE | PET BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-397-5849 | The Pyramid | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-397-6888 | Chicago Attache' User's Group RCP/M | (1984-1985) SYSOP | Donald Larson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-397-8308 | OS-9 6809 BBS | (1983-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-398-1935 | Tandy-4 B.B.S. | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-398-2872 | Excellence | (1986) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-399-8977 | Work 20 | Chicago, IL (1990) SYSOP | John Summers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-404-0549 | Workstations Unlimited {404} | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) SOFTWARE | SLBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-404-2824 | WorkStations Unlimited | Chicago, IL (1990-1994) SYSOP | James Simonson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-404-5529 | Chew the Fat | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-413-3901 | Cybernet | (1990-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-413-3914 | Something Completely Different, Valhalla | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-416-1180 | F O R A, F.O.R.A. | (1986) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-419-3453 | The Little BBS | (1994-1996) SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-420-1722 | DigiTec Znode (tm) | Lisle, IL (1986) SYSOP | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-420-1959 | The Wall | Naperville, IL (1983-1986) SYSOP | The Rook, Bishop SOFTWARE | ABBS COMMENTS | Rock music theme BBS run on an Apple II+ computer, later | with a DSDD Rana Elite 3 drive to keep up with usage. | Users left "graffiti" on the "wall". --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-420-7995 | ABBS Illini Microcomputer, IL. Microcomputers, Inc. | Naperville, IL (1981-1983) SYSOP | Dav Holle SOFTWARE | ABBS, ABBS+ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-420-8868 | AE Line: PRODOS, AE LINE: PRODOS | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-422-3326 | Bible Online | CHCZ 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-422-4476 | ClAUG South | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-423-7558 | The Computer Lab | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-424-2882 | America BBS | Burbank, IL (1984-1986) SYSOP | Bob Vrastil SOFTWARE | C64 based --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-425-6061 | Compu Erotica, Compu-Erotica, CompuErotica | (1988-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-426-3279 | Fox Rival, Fox River Valley B.B.S., Fox River Valley PCB | 145m, FoxRivVal | (1988-1994) SYSOP | George Krueger, Geo.Krueger SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-426-8228 | Shop | (1990) SOFTWARE | PCboard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-427-1395 | FamilyNet EchoGate, NETWORK ECHOGATE, Network Echogate | {50} | Chicago, IL (1991-1992) SYSOP | Bob Hoffman, R Hoffman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-427-4164 | The Star View Connection | Chicago, IL (1995) SYSOP | Robert Carlson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-427-5454 | NABET (AFL-CIO), NABET Intl. (Union members only), NABET | International | Chicago, IL (1990-1995) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-427-6291 | Law View | Chicago, IL (1991-1995) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-429-6088 | CruiseLink BBS | CHICAGO - FRONT, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-430-4477 | The Switchboard | Hickory Hills, IL (1986-1988) SYSOP | Ken Morrison SOFTWARE | GBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-432-2396 | The Looney Bin | (1986) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-432-3062 | The Key to Time | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-432-4178 | Connie | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-432-4285 | Fox Trot RBBS | (1989) SYSOP | Jay Schulman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-432-6964 | Wizard's Guild | (1986) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-433-4563 | Universal | (1986) SOFTWARE | UBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-433-5459 | The Dragon's Spire | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-433-7340 | Diversi-Dial 36 | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | Diversi-Dial --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-434-0142 | Blade Shop | (1993-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-434-5969 | CENTRUM | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-435-5584 | 7th Circuit | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-436-0559 | COPH 2, COPH 2 (115/778), COPH-2 (BGMS), COPH-2 (BGMS) | {778} | Chicago, IL (1991-1996) SYSOP | Eric Bohlman SOFTWARE | Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-436-2261 | North Pole | Chicago, IL (1989-1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-436-3062 | AMNET | Chicago, IL (1985-1988) SYSOP | Chip Berlet & Alan Fenske SOFTWARE | RBBS modified to NEWSBASE --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-436-3580 | LITH-X | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rimvydas Blistrabas --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-436-4505 | Insomnia Central | CHCZ 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-437-3225 | Guild Mail, Suburbia, The Guildhall | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Dick Sonka --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-438-9356 | Dark Side of the Moon, The Dark Side of the Moon | (1986-1989) SYSOP | Chad Hendrickson (Dioskilos) SOFTWARE | AMIS, Carina COMMENTS | "An Atari 8-bit BBS that started with a highly modified | version of AMIS and ended with Carina II. The final few | months saw a switch over to a custom built Atari ST BBS | program called "Matrix" written in GFA Basic by Mike | Szewczyk. If anyone has a copy of Atari ST Matrix BBS | software, please contact hendricksonc@hcgi.com." - Chad | Hendricks --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-439-3563 | CSS BBS | Mt Prospect, IL (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-439-8369 | Morrison Hotel | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-439-9679 | The Midrange System | Mt Prospect, IL (1989) SYSOP | David Gibbs --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-441-6957 | AE Line: OUTPOST, AE LINE: OUTPOST, The Outpost | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-442-9697 | Lankhmar Mountain | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-443-3744 | C A S A T CBBS, C.A.S.A.T. CBBS, RCP/M CBBS CASAT | (1984-1985) SYSOP | John Manning --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-445-1130 | ACS Chicago | (1983-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-445-3883 | PIRATE'S SHIP | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-446-3898 | The Junction | (1986) SOFTWARE | UBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-447-3857 | The Midwest Exchange, Mansion AE | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Disk Muncher --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-447-8175 | The Riverside Premium | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-448-6472 | PHAMIS | (1985) SYSOP | Don Mack SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-448-8290 | Lode Data Systems | (1986) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-452-0333 | Computers Plus | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-453-7831 | Chicago Conn. | (1989) SYSOP | Hank Ellerman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-455-0086 | The Cellblock | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-455-3256 | Westdale | (1987-1989) SYSOP | Alan Izzo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-455-9488 | Candyshoppe | (1990) SYSOP | The Warden SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-456-1107 | Bethel Fellowship | CHCZ 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-457-2219 | C L A U G II, C.L.A.U.G. II | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-459-5721 | The Nite Owl | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-459-8375 | North Suburban Library Dial Access | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | DATA --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-459-9331 | Incomm's Turbo Board | Wheeling, IL (1986) SYSOP | Brad Grinstead --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-462-7560 | ANALEPTIC P.C.M.S., MCMS P.C.M.S. Wheaton, MCMS PCMS, P C | M S, P.C.M.S. | Wheaton, IL (1983-1990) SYSOP | C Hornaday SOFTWARE | MCMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-462-9844 | S.C.A.T, Suburban Chicago Atarians | (1985-1988) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-463-0252 | Red October, The Red October | Chicago, IL (1993) SYSOP | The Joker SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-463-8535 | Metal Alternative, Metal Alternative Music BBS | (1993-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-463-8932 | Mind Master's Domain, Mindmaster's Domain | (1988) SYSOP | David Lucas SOFTWARE | TUBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-465-2478 | Maverick House | (1991) SYSOP | Maverick James SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-465-HACK | The Glue Ball | (1983-1986) SYSOP | Vid Kidz, Barney Badass, Mr. //c SOFTWARE | CBBS COMMENTS | "The Glue Ball was a message base/pirate board running | modified Commodore 64 CBBS code, 3 1541 drives and the | 300/450 Commodore modem. The multiple 1541 drives were | obtained by fraud at a local Zayre store when we | discovered that buying a drive then returning the box | with a brick in it and claiming that the drive didn't | work. This is not cool, but it is history. The Glue Ball | was possibly best known for the writing contained upon | it, as the welcome screens were constantly changing and | tended to be fairly imaginative. The name Glue Ball is a | reference to an aspect of particle physics that I'm too | stupid to explain. Vid Kidz was taken from the name of | the design team of the coin-op video game Robotron. The | name Barney Badass was selected as it was the name Vid | called Barney the day they met in the cafeteria of Mather | High School in 1983. That meeting would also develop into | an early Chicago punk rock / surf band called The | Defoliants, whose career lasted 5 years. An early song | by that band was an instrumental called "Cold Start | 64738", which should entertain any C64 head. | Modifications to the code were done often under a | programmer's tool for the 64 called Sysres, a kind of | wrapper environment for C64 Basic code. It was admired | because of its ability to display all variables in the | code using the "dump" command, which also caused much | snickering." - Barney Badass --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-469-2597 | Glen Ellyn RCP/M, Glen Ellyn West Suburban RCP/M, RCP/M | Glen Ellyn | (1983-1985) SYSOP | Jim Mills --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-469-2872 | Torgazmic, Torgazmic Systems | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Jim Torgerson SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-469-7737 | AE Line: INDOOR | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-469-8412 | Infinity | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-470-0017 | Morton Grove RCP/M RBBS | (1984) SYSOP | Mark Stein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-470-1691 | Cache/Nicol Chicago BBS | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-472-6796 | ConsultNet | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Don Damon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-473-9350 | Gator's Lair, The Gator BBS | North Chicago, IL (1989-1990) SYSOP | Stan Pifer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-473-9415 | North Shore Sinclair | North Chicago, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-474-0410 | Lost | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SOFTWARE | XZOT --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-474-0710 | Lost BBS, The Lost BBS | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) SYSOP | Michael Stowe --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-474-4280 | Channel 708 | Chicago, IL (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-474-5795 | Electronic Oddysey | Chicago, IL (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-475-4884 | ABBS Gamemaster, GAMEMASTER, The Game Master B B S, The | Game Master B.B.S., The Game Master BBS | Evanston, IL (1981-1986) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-475-5282 | ABBS Video Adv. Movie Marquee | (1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-475-5522 | Board Electric | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | ERAC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-476-1508 | Battle of Evermore | CHICAGO, IL (1996-2000) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-477-0716 | A Space Oddity, Space Oddity, Space Oddity {477} | Chicago, IL (1993-1995) SYSOP | Barry Barr --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-477-7834 | Columbia Graphics | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-477-8243 | Lane Tech BBS | (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-477-9738 | Space Oddity | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Barry Barr --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-478-0419 | 10% Connection | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-478-1439 | Fremen Mountain | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-478-3045 | Truckstop | (1990) SOFTWARE | Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-478-3902 | Arcadia | (1986) SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-478-3903 | North Parks TBBS | (1987) SYSOP | Dave Jeschke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-480-8730 | FIDO #57 MCCPowers, MCCPowers | (1984-1985) SYSOP | Russ French SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-481-4170 | Locker Room | --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-481-4177 | ISS, INC. BBS - CHICAGO | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-481-9625 | Brontosaurus | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-482-9940 | Chicagoland Coordinator, NET 115 Echo Coordinator, NW | Chicago Hub, Paul Revere Network {223}, | Paul Revere Network/HQ, Paul Revere | Network/HQ Node 1, PRN HQ, The Paul Revere | Network/HQ | (1995-2000) SYSOP | Leroy Pyle --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-482-9960 | Paul Revere Network/HQ Node 2 | CHCZ 1, IL (1999-2000) SYSOP | Leroy Pyle --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-484-1747 | G.A.B.B.S. | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-484-1984 | BBS-1984 | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-484-7782 | Logopolis, Logopolis CBBS | (1986-1989) SOFTWARE | CBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-488-8969 | Nefertiti BDPA | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-489-2524 | Clip-Joint | (1990-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-490-9206 | Chicago DECUS, DEC PCLug | Chicago, IL (1986) SYSOP | Chuck Garrett SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-491-2611 | Chicago Business, ChicagoNorthShore, North Shore | Evanston, IL (1987-1991) SYSOP | Chris Michael --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-491-3070 | Northwestern LUIS System, Northwestern University LUIS | System. | Evanston, IL (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | DATA --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-491-3215 | N.U.T.U.G. B.B.S. | Evanston, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-491-3892 | Northwestern ACNS, Northwestern Micro, Northwestern | University ACNS, Wildcat | Evanston, IL (1986-1989) SYSOP | Roger Safian, Bill Bliss SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-491-6995 | The Word Processing B.B.S., Word Processing | Evanston, IL (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-496-1243 | The Command Module | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-497-9756 | THE WIDOW MAKER BBS | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-498-1809 | The NSC Connection | (1986) SOFTWARE | GBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-506-9691 | GUI Programmers | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-506-9823 | Motocicleta | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-508-0313 | FreeBase | (1995) SYSOP | Johnathon Nordquist --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-508-9113 | Mid-Eastern Illinois Net, The Engine Shop | (1997-1999) SYSOP | Robin Russell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-508-9980 | Engine Shop BBS, The Engine Shop | (1996-2000) SYSOP | Don & Robin Russell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-509-1816 | Dark Side, Ultimate Frontier | (1990) SYSOP | Mister Monochrome SOFTWARE | Telegard, Monarch --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-513-1034 | Midwest | (1989) SYSOP | Steve Mills SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-519-1353 | Space Station I | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-520-1780 | Software Plus B B S, Software Plus B.B.S. | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | STBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-523-4904 | Oracomm #103 | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) SOFTWARE | ORAP --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-523-6351 | Hopefully Heaven | (1989-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-525-0639 | Genesis Network #2 | Chicago, IL (1994) SYSOP | Bob Conway --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-525-4897 | After The Bars | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-525-5296 | Argent Griffon Inn, The Gold Dragon CBIS | Chicago, IL (1989-1990) SYSOP | Michael Lichon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-526-0642 | N.I.C.S. Apple Users Group | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-526-3725 | Northern Illinois R.B.B.S. | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-526-6922 | The Funeral Parlor | CHCZ 1, IL SYSOP | The Walrus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-527-6994 | Compu-erotica | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-528-1611 | GHOST SHIP - TARDIS | CHCZ 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-528-4724 | Gothic Folly | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) SOFTWARE | SLBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-528-5020 | Ripco, Ripco II, RipCo ][, RIPCO, RipCo ][ | Chicago, IL (1986-2000) SYSOP | Dr. Ripco SOFTWARE | GBBS, Ascii Express, SLBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-528-6351 | Hopefully Heaven | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | CNET --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-528-7141 | Chicago CBBS, Chicago Area Computer Hobbyists' Exchange | (CACHE), Ward and Randy's Chicago CBBS | Chicago, IL (1980) SYSOP | Ward Christensen, Randy Suess SOFTWARE | CBBS, CP/M CBBS COMMENTS | Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February | 1980). --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-528-9180 | Dew Drop Inn | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Brad Hanson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-529-0081 | Tech Exch , The Tech Exchange | Elk Grove, IL (1988-1989) SYSOP | Mark Madej --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-529-1586 | Elk Grove Repeater, Elk Grove Village, Information | Exchange, The Elk Grove Repeater | Elk Grove, IL (1986-1991) SYSOP | Glen Randles SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-530-2209 | GGS BBS | (1988-1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-532-8209 | Great Lakes Civil Air Patrol, GREAT LAKES REGION CAP | (1987-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-534-5588 | Lane Tech, Lane Tech BBS | (1996-2000) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-535-2761 | Great Escape, Rebel's Retreat | (1990-1991) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-535-8282 | CPSnet (Chicago Public Schools) | (1989-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-535-8512 | CPSnet (Chicago Public Schools) | Chicago, IL (1989-1996) SOFTWARE | MGPE --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-535-8513 | CPSnet (Chicago Public Schools) | (1989-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-536-0829 | Black Female | (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-537-2611 | D&D Software 1 | (1986) SOFTWARE | ERAC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-537-3456 | AE LINE: QUZI | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-537-3463 | E T 's Home | (1990) SYSOP | Night Owl SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-537-3532 | DPRP | (1987-1988) SYSOP | James Zachary --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-537-7063 | ABBS CODE, C.O.D.E. Consultants | Chicago, IL (1981-1983) SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-537-7888 | RCP/M Prairie View | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-539-1625 | Sweet Home Chicago BBS | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-539-2679 | LAAke Effect | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Tom Kelly --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-539-3120 | Theta Universe | (1996) SYSOP | Robert Fried --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-539-6419 | Electric Paradise | (1986) SOFTWARE | Online --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-541-4617 | D&D Software 2 | (1986) SOFTWARE | ERAC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-541-6470 | Electronic Exchange | (1981) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-543-0180 | Trans-Com B B S, Trans-Com B.B.S. | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-543-8112 | AmigaTech | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-545-1945 | The Night Line | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-545-2204 | Inner Sanctum ]I[ | (1990) SOFTWARE | Brand-X --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-545-2225 | EXODUS, Mask | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Gil Gonzalez --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-545-6871 | Realms of Horror | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-545-7812 | Final Frontier | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-545-8086 | CBBS, CBBS Chicago, Ward and Randy's, Ward and Randy’s, | CBBS-1 | Chicago, IL (1979-1995) SYSOP | Ward Christensen, Unknown SOFTWARE | CBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-545-9764 | J&K BBS | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL (1996-1999) SYSOP | John Simpson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-545-9793 | WormWood | (1995) SYSOP | Shannon Wood --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-549-0822 | End Complete | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Glen Cirje, Glenn Cirje, Tomi Koivusaari --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-551-9461 | Grey Haven # 2 | (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-551-9574 | Grey Haven # 1 | (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-560-0559 | Data Express | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-560-0730 | Ye Olde Shack | (1986) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-561-2382 | Bear's Den, Bears Den, Bears' Den (A), The Bear's Den, | Baha’i National Center | Chicago, IL (1988-1995) SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-561-6140 | Anonymous Wonder BBS, The Anonymous Wonder, The Anonymous | Wonder BBS | Chicago, IL (1990-1994) SYSOP | Bill Brown, William Brown SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-561-9382 | Satellite AE | Chicago, IL (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-564-0931 | AE LINE: SRF | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-564-1122 | AE Line: SRF, AE LINE: SRF | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-564-1339 | The Library | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-566-2435 | Remote Control | (1988) SYSOP | Brian Smith SOFTWARE | TUBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-566-8911 | AKCS Traveler's Aid - One | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-566-8912 | AKCS Traveler's Aid - Two | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-567-5036 | JURISnet | (1989-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-567-9821 | Mother's Bar and Grill | (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-568-1965 | Graveyard | (1994-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-573-0538 | Omega, Omega (Amiga) | Chicago, IL (1992-2000) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-573-0539 | Omega | Chicago, IL (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-573-1121 | The Lost BBS | Chicago, IL (1992) SYSOP | Mark Jones, Michael Stowe --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-573-1657 | Omega | Chicago, IL (1992-1994) SOFTWARE | CNET --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-573-1989 | Omega | Chicago, IL (1992-2002) SYSOP | Rinaldo SOFTWARE | C-Net --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-577-5143 | AE Line: PRODOS, AE LINE: PRODOS | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-578-1701 | The Gator BBS | (1989) SYSOP | Stan Pifer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-579-0814 | The Forgotten Realms | (1994-2000) SYSOP | Torrance Jones SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-581-0338 | The Cellar BBS | (1995) SYSOP | Arthur R Lubben --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-581-1111 | The Village Adult BBS, Village (A) [Fee], Village (A) | [Fee] , Village Adult BBS, Village | Information Systems | Chicago, IL (1989-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-581-1180 | Cellar | (1993-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-581-4956 | Village (A) [Fee], Village (A) [Fee] | (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-581-4957 | Village (A) [Fee] | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-581-4958 | Village (A) [Fee] | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-582-1115 | Nitro Burnin' Funny Cars | Chicago, IL (1993) SYSOP | Xanax --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-582-2458 | Big Den's Pen, Big Den’s Pen | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-582-4657 | Corona | (1993-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-582-9249 | Forbidden Dimension, Front Line, The Forbidden Dimension | (1990-1994) SYSOP | Astro Ranger SOFTWARE | Telegard, Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-583-0053 | Cosmic's Universe, Cosmic’s Universe | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SOFTWARE | SLBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-583-0489 | Chicago Irving Park Area Hub, Sysop Central, Sysop Central | II, Sysop Source II | CHCZ 1, IL (1996) SYSOP | Dan Jones, George Roberts --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-583-1674 | JBS-BBS | Chicago, IL (1991-1995) SYSOP | John Schulte SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-583-1745 | JTsoft Support, N Central City FS Hub, PCsource, Sysop | Central, Sysop Central II, Sysop Source | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Dan Jones --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-583-2271 | PCsource BBS583 | CHCZ 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-583-2648 | JT Files | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-583-2791 | Crunchy Frog | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-583-6364 | C-64 Users Group B B S, C-64 Users Group B.B.S. | (1986-1991) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-583-8481 | Paradise Towers | Chicago, IL (1991-1996) SYSOP | David Lucas SOFTWARE | PCBoard , PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-584-9130 | CustomAmiga | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-586-0162 | Skull.s Pit | --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-587-8756 | Crossroads, Crossroads (B) {743}, Crossroads {743}, The | Crossroads BBS | Chicago, IL (1991-1996) SYSOP | John Kristoff, Niteline SOFTWARE | Telegard, RemoteAccess COMMENTS | 14400 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-588-0587 | Can We Talk | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-588-1003 | Rick's BB, Rick's Permiun BBS PCB, Ricks BBS | (1986-1991) SYSOP | Lars Pedersen, Lars Pederson SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-588-3303 | Chicago Online | (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-588-3430 | Cosmos Bros BBS, Cosmos Pirates | (1990) SYSOP | Robert Fried SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-588-4231 | Intelligent Shades of Blue | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-588-5399 | Chicago Tech Excahnge | (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-588-5434 | CyberNet | (1995) SYSOP | Andre Queen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-589-0508 | SQLBBS, SQLBBS , SQLBBS [SQL], SQLBBS(r) | Chicago, IL (1990-1994) SYSOP | John F. Prior SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-589-1816 | The Ult. Frontier | (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-589-2377 | SCSI Peripherals, SCSI Periphs | (1993-1996) SYSOP | P. Janiszewski SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-589-2827 | Beaker's Beacon, Beaker's Beacon 212 | (1986-1988) SYSOP | John Bekas SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-589-2927 | Beaker's Beacon | (1990) SYSOP | Beaker SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-591-1111 | Village | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-593-6478 | Turner Tech | (1987-1989) SYSOP | Memory Turner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-594-0643 | Power Palace, The Power Palace | Chicago, IL (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-594-0813 | Midnight Connection, The Midnight Connection | Chicago, IL (1990-1996) SYSOP | Gary Wolf SOFTWARE | PCBoard, PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-594-8989 | STL Software | (1986) SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-597-8485 | Creme-de-Coco B B S, Creme-de-Coco B.B.S. | (1986) SOFTWARE | COCO --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-598-0525 | SPORTFIDO , Sports Fido 512 | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-598-4861 | Cass-80 Hickory Hills | (1983-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-599-8089 | Oak Lawn | (1988-1989) SYSOP | Vince Damore SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-604-5356 | Doulos | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-604-8715 | School Board [Teachers only], School Board [Teachers only] | Chicago, IL (1990-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-604-8888 | Krex | (1989) SYSOP | Steve Krex SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-616-1071 | BYTE DEMOLINK, B.S. | Chicago, IL (1991-2000) SOFTWARE | CL64 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-620-8244 | SupportNet Chicago | Chicago, IL (1990) SYSOP | Jerry Ablan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-622-0363 | Always Under Construction | Chicago, IL (1994) SYSOP | Susan Janz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-622-3313 | Raganrok, Ragnarok | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-622-4442 | Chicago Syslink, Chicago Syslink [Fee], CHICAGO SYSLNK, | GREENE MACHINE Chicago, IL, MCMS Message- | 82 | Chicago, IL (1981-1999) SYSOP | GEORGE MATYASZEK, George Matyaszek, G Matyaszek SOFTWARE | OTBB, GREENE MACHINE, HOST, M81 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-622-4445 | Chicago Syslink [Fee] | Chicago, IL (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-622-7080 | Chicago Syslink [Fee] | Chicago, IL (1989-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-623-2226 | Waukegan Public Library | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | UBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-624-8771 | Feminist, Feminist BBS | Chicago, IL (1991-1998) SOFTWARE | GBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-627-5138 | GHOST SHIP 111 - PENTAGON, DEATH STAR | CHCZ 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-629-2253 | C A K E, C.A.K.E. | (1986) SOFTWARE | RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-629-4478 | The Computer King [Fee] | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-630-1892 | EchoMail to Go, Future Zonegate, IFNA Plebiscite, North | America | Glen Ellyn, IL (1989-1990) SYSOP | Stephen Bonine, Steve Bonine, IFNA Elections Comm, Z1C --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-630-6282 | ChicagoDowntown, COPH Mail, TNT BBS | Glen Ellyn, IL (1987-1991) SYSOP | Steve Bonine --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-631-1233 | Frankenstein's Lab, Frankenstein’s Lab | Chicago, IL (1989-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-631-1732 | Citywide File Storage | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-631-2172 | Equinox, The Equinox BBS System | Chicago, IL (1991-1996) SYSOP | Bob Malus SOFTWARE | Spitfire , PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-631-2178 | Equinox | (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-631-3467 | Emergency, Emergency , Emergency BBS, | Emergency Public | Chicago, IL (1991-2004) SYSOP | Clark Staten SOFTWARE | MajorBBS COMMENTS | "Emergency.com was originally a "BBS." It was | established in the mid/late 80's on a 286 desktop that | cost about U.S$3,000. It orginally had one and then two | dial-in phone lines, with an eventual increase to 16 | available accesses. We were among the original WorldGroup | BBS's and operated it until 1995, when we formally went | to different software on the World-Wide Web. This was | our initial entry into the on-line world and it included | e-mail and messaging on FidoNet. All communications were | done via modem, though in it's late stages, we also had | highspeed (56K) that were internet access. Our first | modems were Hayes, at 1,200 baud, then 2,400 and | eventually 5,600. We then had a dedicated 56 frame-relay | internet connection. Finally, we got a real highspeed | (1.54mb) line into our office. The rest is history and | available in various formats and iterations at | emergency.com We were on-line, at least intermittently, | before 1991....not sure exactly when we went on-line all | of the time....think it was when we got our second | computer. Please also see: On Becoming a Techno- | Nerd...By Clark Staten, EMT-P I/C at: | http://www.emergency.com/technerd.htm for additional | history on what became Emergency.com." - C. L. Staten --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-631-4563 | PRETTY HATE MACHINE | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-631-7191 | MicroLink (6 lines), MicroLink BBS, Online Resource | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SYSOP | Casey Drozed SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-631-7393 | Online Resource | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Casey Drozed, Casey Drozd --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-631-8470 | The Underground Garage | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-632-0000 | WorldWide Access | CHCZ 1, IL (1996-2000) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-635-7863 | Gallifrey II | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-636-4485 | Fertech Systems | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-636-9612 | Photos and Fun BBS System | (1988) SOFTWARE | Red Ryder Host --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-637-0585 | Imperial City | (1995-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-637-3205 | XXX-Perts BBS | CHICAGO, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-637-5659 | Left Side of Normal | (1994) SYSOP | Tom Torbeck --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-639-8654 | Star "9" PCB, Star 9 | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Rex Robinson SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-640-7980 | Computer Guild, The Computer Guild | (1986-1988) SYSOP | Dick Sonka SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-642-6483 | College of Complex | (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-644-5165 | GHOST SHIP ][ - ARAGORNS | CHCZ 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-646-6097 | The Misfits | (1986) SOFTWARE | DYMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-646-6523 | Ever-Random Llamo, Just Another Amiga BBS | (1991-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-646-6615 | Up All Night | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-646-6616 | Up All Night | (1991-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-647-7636 | IBM-PC BBS, RCP/M A.B. Dick Co. | (1982-1983) SYSOP | Gene Plantz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-648-1981 | Micro-Labs Inc, Micrographics | Dallas, TX (1992-1995) SOFTWARE | RACC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-648-4867 | ONLINE Omega | (1983-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-649-0490 | E N A, E.N.A, Emergency Nurses Association, ENA BBS, | E.N.A. | Chicago, IL (1989-1995) SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-649-1225 | The HaHa ][ | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-649-1730 | Lillipute, Lillipute Z-Node, Z-System Znode (tm) | Chicago, IL (1985-1990) SYSOP | Richard Jacobson, Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-651-7252 | TI-South | (1989) SYSOP | James Brooks --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-653-1765 | Rasputin's Dungeon | (1990) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-653-5999 | Family Radio Forum WJCH, Family Forum | (1988) SYSOP | John Rorvick --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-653-6089 | The Hotel | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-654-1133 | Multi-Line Message Center | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-654-2918 | The Quarterdeck | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-655-1044 | AE LINE: SEASME | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-657-1113 | Spectrum MACInfo | Glenview, IL (1989) SYSOP | Steve Levinthal --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-661-1740 | Law MUG {661}, LawMUG , LawMug RBBS, LAWMUG RBBS DePaul | Law School | Chicago, IL (1985-2002) SYSOP | Barry Lowe, Alfred Roth, Paul Bernstein SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-661-1741 | LawMug RBBS | Chicago, IL (1989) SYSOP | Alfred Roth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-665-0065 | Ripco , Ripco Communications | (1994-2000) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-665-1301 | Archimedes' Screw | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-665-4178 | Archimedes' Screw, Archimedes' Screw {761} | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Renan Ponce --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-665-7319 | Home Again, HOME AGAIN!, Home Again BBS | Chicago, IL (1993-1996) SYSOP | William Johnson SOFTWARE | PCBoard , PCBoard v15.2 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-665-9732 | The Other Board | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-668-5731 | Chaos | (1990) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-670-4239 | System Compatibility Corp, Systems Compatibility Corp., | Systems Compatibility Technical Support | Chicago, IL (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-670-6736 | Position Report, The Position Report | (1988-1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-671-4992 | HUG-CBBS | (1981-1982) SYSOP | Paul Mayer, Dave Leonard SOFTWARE | RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-672-7611 | Capps Remote Atletic RBBSPC | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Lee Thoresen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-674-1042 | Marvin | Evanston, IL (1986) SOFTWARE | UBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-674-1638 | Bill's Color Comp PCB HAM, Bill's PCBoard | Evanston, IL (1986-1991) SYSOP | William Knopp SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-674-1989 | TechLine RBBS | Evanston, IL (1989) SYSOP | Mark Annis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-674-2159 | PC Tech Center | Evanston, IL (1986) SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-674-2282 | The Closet | Evanston, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-674-6502 | C C B S, C.C.B.S., Commodore Video King | Evanston, IL (1983-1988) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-674-7564 | Gamer's Hall | Evanston, IL (1987) SOFTWARE | Emulex --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-674-9246 | Marvin, MODEM MEDIUM Marvin | Chicago, IL (1984-1985) SOFTWARE | MODEM MEDIUM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-675-1819 | TRON | CHCZ 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-675-8881 | ACOA | (1986) SYSOP | Roger Strauss --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-677-8514 | Fantasy, FBBS Skokie | Skokie, IL (1981-1982) SOFTWARE | FBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-679-8983 | The Ham & Hobby B B S, The Ham & Hobby B.B.S., The Ham and | Hobby B.B.S. | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-680-5105 | Python | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-680-7603 | ExIS inc. DataEase Support | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-680-8566 | Dragons Den AE | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-680-9613 | Scream Machine | (1982-1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-683-2379 | The Cavern, The Caverns | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-683-3666 | Great Cavern | (1990) SOFTWARE | PCboard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-684-0530 | Inferno | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-684-9267 | Snow's Dorm | (1991-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-685-1136 | Silent Circle, Silent Circle BBS | Chicago, IL (1993-1996) SYSOP | Tom Markiewicz SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-685-2393 | Chicagoland Coordinator, Cougar's Compound, Cougar's | Compound Node 1, Cougar's Compound Node 2, | Cougars Compound Node 1, IN TRANSIT NET | 115 Echo Coordinator, NW Chicago FS Hub, | NW Chicago Hub | Chicago, IL (1994-2000) SYSOP | Mike Moline, Michael Moline --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-685-4008 | Silky's Chambers | Chicago, IL (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-685-4529 | Silky's Chambers | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) SYSOP | T.J. Bugsalewicz, T.J. Hankosky --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-685-4873 | Cybertech, CYBERTECH | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) SYSOP | Flashback COMMENTS | Independent Member BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-685-5818 | Eagle System BBS, Eagle Systems, Eagle Systems BBS | Chicago, IL (1990-1999) SYSOP | Rich Coffey, Eagle Master SOFTWARE | Telegard, Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-685-6360 | Silicon Implants Online | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) SOFTWARE | PCBOARD --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-685-8108 | Silky's Chambers | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-685-9573 | Apple Net, APPLE-NET, MODEM MEDIUM Apple-Net, NET-WORKS | Apple Juice | Chicago, IL (1983-1988) SOFTWARE | UBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-689-8869 | Great Lakes, Great Lakes Fido 969 | (1986-1990) SYSOP | Lew Prather SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-690-1132 | DIAL-YOUR-MATCH #70 | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-690-2211 | The Crooked Dragon Inn | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-690-3808 | Jim Mills RCP/M, Jim Mills RCPM, Ampro 4 RCP/M | Chicago, IL (1986-1988) SYSOP | Jim Mills SOFTWARE | RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-690-6775 | The Electric Cafe | (1986-1988) SYSOP | Seth Tisue (Dr. Strangelove) SOFTWARE | GBBS Pro COMMENTS | The Electric Cafe was located in Wheaton, Illinois (a | suburb of Chicago). It operated on an Apple II+ with a | 1200 baud internal modem. It was primarily a discussion | board, especially about music and politics. I'd be | delighted to hear from any of the board's old users; | visit me at http://tisue.net." - Seth Tisue --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-693-1223 | IBEW Local 1220, Local 1220 BBS | (1989-1996) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-693-2904 | O'hare Oasis | (1990) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-693-4100 | CompuServe | (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-693-7871 | Lambda Zone (14 lines, 312 dialin) | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-695-2606 | Church of the Brethren B.B.S., Church of the Brethern | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-695-7194 | The Inner Workings | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-696-0324 | N.A.A. B.B.S., Nat'l Assoc of Accountants, Natl Assoc. Of | Accountants | (1988-1991) SYSOP | Jim Whaley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-697-1606 | RichWare | (1989) SYSOP | Rich Dougherty SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-697-4475 | The Animal House | (1990) SYSOP | Thunder Stick SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-699-6353 | Graveyard | (1990) SOFTWARE | Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-699-7482 | The Challenger | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-702-2119 | CCS, Chicago South | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Eric Hoffmann --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-702-2146 | CCS, U of C Computer Store, CCS, U of C Computer Store | Chicago, IL (1993-1994) SYSOP | Eric Hoffman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-702-3395 | CCS, CCS, U of C Computer Store | Chicago, IL (1993-1994) SYSOP | Eric Hoffman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-714-8568 | Gagme | (1989-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-723-7815 | Late Night | (1990-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-723-8434 | Gangster Arms, Highlander's, King James | (1994-1996) SYSOP | James Walker SOFTWARE | GT --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-724-0742 | Foundation | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-724-0807 | Bullwinkle's Bar | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-724-8874 | The Lite Fido 615 | (1986) SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-725-0652 | Captain Video B.B.S. | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-725-2189 | Mona Lisa | (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-725-2758 | Alternate Dimension, Chemical Warfare | Chicago, IL (1991-1995) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-725-5890 | Chi Net, Chi-Net, ChiNet | (1986-1994) SOFTWARE | UNIX --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-725-6628 | Mr. Blotto | (1994-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-725-6999 | Mr. Blotto | (1994) SYSOP | Brian Waddick --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-725-7586 | Software Exchange, Wizard's Palace | (1987) SYSOP | Roger Mialkowski SOFTWARE | PC-Board --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-727-2174 | Dark Side | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-727-4868 | Hispanic Bell Mgmt Association, Hispanic Bell Mgmt.Assoc. | Chicago, IL (1989-1993) SOFTWARE | Wildcat, Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-727-5043 | Bell Microcomputer Club BBS, Bell Microcomputer Club [$], | Bell Microcomputer Club [Fee], Ball | Microcomputer Club | Chicago, IL (1989-1996) SYSOP | Lyle Giese SOFTWARE | PCBoard, PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-727-8809 | Bell Microcomputer Club [$], Bell Microcomputer Club [Fee] | (1991-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-727-9111 | Midnight BBS | (1990) SOFTWARE | PCboard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-728-4069 | The Lazy Dragon | (1986) SOFTWARE | UBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-728-7784 | RuneQuest | Chicago, IL (1989-1995) SOFTWARE | BPRO --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-728-9722 | 786 BBS Of Chicago 110m, The 786 Board | (1987-1991) SYSOP | Shabbir Damani --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-729-0012 | N A B B S O, N.A.B.B.S.O. | (1986) SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-729-0556 | Ham Radio BBS | Chicago, IL (1986) SYSOP | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-729-2101 | Biz B B S, Biz B.B.S., The Business B.B.S., IBMPC/Business | BBS | Chicago, IL (1986-1988) SYSOP | Les Multack SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-729-3203 | The First Node | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-729-3471 | Microsolve 151 | (1986) SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-729-8768 | Mac Net, Spectrum MACInfo, Spectrum MACNet, The Rest of Us | (1986-1991) SYSOP | Steve Levinthal, Mike Borsetti SOFTWARE | UBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-731-0320 | International Computer Service | (1990-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-732-5790 | Fibber's Closet | CHCZ 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-733-6661 | Club <21+ only> (16 lines) | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-735-1879 | Engine One, Mid-Eastern Illinois Net | (1994-1999) SYSOP | Karen Lang, KAREN LANG --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-735-4060 | The Struggle Within | Chicago, IL (1991-1993) SYSOP | Insanity SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-735-6831 | PowerForce BBS | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-735-9553 | Windy City | (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-735-9979 | Axis | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-736-0228 | The Phone Company | Chicago, IL (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-736-5415 | Bu$ine$$man's $pecial, Bu$inessman's Special (2 lines), | Bu$inessman'sSpc, Bu$inessmanSpec, | Bu$ine$$man’s $pecial | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SYSOP | Larry Teren SOFTWARE | Wildcat , Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-736-7388 | I CAN (115/738), I CAN! BBS, I Can! {738}, NW Chicago | Proper | Chicago, IL (1990-1995) SYSOP | Bogie Bugsalewicz SOFTWARE | MAXIMUS, SLBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-736-7434 | Chicagoland Coordinator, I CAN!, I CAN! BBS, North Shore | Hub 3 Temp, Northwest Chicago Proper | Chicago, IL (1991-1995) SYSOP | Bogie Bugsalewicz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-736-7526 | Innovations, Innovations BBS, Innovations (Peter Hru), | Innovations BBS | Chicago, IL (1988-1995) SYSOP | Peter Hru --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-738-0350 | Angel's Paradise | (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-738-2785 | Life Savior | CHCZ 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-739-6121 | AE Line: MAXX | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-740-2072 | The Black Knight BBS | Chicago, IL (1988-1989) SYSOP | Jerry Callahan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-740-9128 | L A M S, L.A.M.S., MCMS L.A.M.S. Round Lake | Chicago, IL (1982-1986) SOFTWARE | MCMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-741-9782 | Strangers in the Night, The Call Box | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | Diversi-Dial --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-742-6590 | BMBBS Adult Fantasy System | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-1769 | Real Estate Forum | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-1871 | Midwest InterLink, NorthSider/Ynet International | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) SYSOP | Dan Mueller --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-2287 | Cat's Scratch-N-Post [Fee] | Chicago, IL (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-3153 | Lakeshore Modem Magazine | Chicago, IL (1981-1985) SYSOP | Patrick Townson SOFTWARE | Apple ][+ with a variant of Apple ABBS COMMENTS | "We did social issues discussions, I think there were | about 20-25 regular users. About this same time, I was | an assistant sysop for Chicago Public Library BBS phone | 312-235-7200. I also worked a little with Jerry Ablan | with his THINK! BBS. I 'got into' Usenet as a newsgroup | Moderator on comp.dcom.telecom (a position I still hold | today, 2006) and I also maintained in those days a forum | on Compuserve. I grew tired of the old 'single server' | style machines and decided to close Lakeshore Modem | Magazine at the end of 1986 and go full time with Usenet; | by that point I had about 35,000 participants in TELECOM | Digest (comp.dcom.telecom). Old users from Lakeshore | Modem Magazine are invited to stay in touch at | ptownson@telecom-digest.org" - Patric Townson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-4532 | ChicagoLand, Cook County BBS, Cook County Board | Chicago, IL (1988-1991) SYSOP | Tom Etheridge --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-5439 | The Crossroads BBS | Chicago, IL (1992-1994) SYSOP | John Kristoff --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-6116 | Krishna Yoga Foundation, Krishna Yoga Foundation BBS, | Krishna Yoga Foundation {800} | Chicago, IL (1989-1994) SYSOP | Vaishnava Dasa, Vaishnava dasa --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-7292 | NorthSider BBS | Chicago, IL (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-7729 | Hare Krishna RBBS, Krishna Yoga Foundation, Krishna Yoga | Foundation {800} | Chicago, IL (1989-1994) SYSOP | Vaishnava Dasa --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-7741 | Krishna Yoga Foundation, Krishna Yoga Foundation {800} | Chicago, IL (1995-2000) SYSOP | Vaishnava Dasa --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-8176 | Games, MARS/RP Rogers Park | Chicago, IL (1981-1982) SOFTWARE | FGS/RP --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-9452 | ZOO [$] | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-743-9791 | The Zoo, ZOO [$], ZOO [$] | Chicago, IL (1994-2001) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-745-0924 | NET-WORKS North Parks | (1982-1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-745-2465 | Stud'ts of Ayn R, Students of Ayn Rand, The Students Of | Ayn Rand/SOAR | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Dave Green --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-745-2808 | The Forge | (1991) SYSOP | Ronnieman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-745-7800 | Adult RipScrip Demo (6 lines), File Cabinet | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Kenny Jason SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-745-8962 | Rainbow Computer News, Rainbow Computers | (1986-1990) SOFTWARE | NEWS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-746-0548 | Flat Cat Alley | (1989) SYSOP | Lew Prather --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-747-4247 | The Valley Girl | (1986) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-747-7568 | Compu-Shop, CompuShop, RBBS Chicago | Chicago, IL (1985-1986) SYSOP | Tom Speaker SOFTWARE | IBBS, RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-749-8137 | Eminence Front/New World | (1990) SYSOP | Larry Beske SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-749-8139 | War Zone | (1990) SOFTWARE | Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-751-1503 | High Res, High Resolutions, InfoComm Co, InfoComm High | Resolution MAC, The High Res B.B.S. | Chicago, IL (1988-2000) SYSOP | Willie Wagner SOFTWARE | RRDH --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-751-2447 | Compact Disc Connection | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-751-9194 | I&E System Of Chicago | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-752-6104 | Art of Science | (1989-1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-752-7412 | CHICAGO NEWS , Non-Profit Info Center, Non-Profit | Information Center | (1986-1990) SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-752-9171 | Onip | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-754-7412 | Byte Back | (1986) SOFTWARE | UBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-755-6264 | Apple Tree | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | UBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-756-2023 | Jousting Fields | (1990) SOFTWARE | Spectrum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-756-3023 | Jousting Fields | (1990) SOFTWARE | Spectrum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-757-3135 | T I South, T.I. South, T.I.B.B.S. South | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | TIBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-758-1136 | The "Foolish Pleasure" BBS, The "Foolish Pleasure"BBS | (1988-1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-759-1916 | Silver Tongue | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-759-5402 | Chicagoland, DEC RB HELP, Illini Data RB | Bolingbrook, IL (1986) SYSOP | Rob Elliott SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-759-6297 | SATELITE | (1985) SOFTWARE | Carina BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-759-7005 | Jim's B B S, Jim's B.B.S. | (1986) SOFTWARE | RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-759-9101 | The Sundog | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-759-9191 | The Bunker | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | Online --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-0274 | Overdrive | Chicago, IL (1991-1993) SOFTWARE | TRIT --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-1116 | Ceasars Gyrp Palace, Edwardo's Magic Burrito Bucket | Chicago, IL (1994-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-1270 | Glitch in The System | Chicago, IL (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-2077 | Lakefront Leisure, Lakefront Leisure {404} | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) SYSOP | James Simonson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-2097 | Lakefront Leisure, WorkStations Unlimited | Chicago, IL (1993-1994) SYSOP | James Simonson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-2155 | FreeBase, FreeBase! | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) SYSOP | Johnathon Nordquist --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-3573 | NorthSide Connection | Chicago, IL (1995-1996) SYSOP | Royal Moss --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-4480 | Archimedes' Screw BBS, Archimedes' Screw {761}, | ArchimedesScrew, Aquila BBS | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SYSOP | Mitzi Ponce SOFTWARE | Spitfire , PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-4524 | Archimedes' Screw {761} | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-7779 | Yet Another B B S, Yet Another B.B.S. | Chicago, IL (1985-1987) SYSOP | Kenneth P. Stox SOFTWARE | Colossus, Unix BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-761-7887 | ICS/TRIX I Opus | Chicago, IL (1988-1991) SYSOP | Kevin Bryson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-762-8414 | The Olive Garden BBS | (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-762-8678 | The Synergy Info Line | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-763-5206 | Twisted Dimensions | --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-763-9001 | Touch Tone BBS | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Bill Popjoy --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-764-0591 | Midas Touch | Chicago, IL (1991-1996) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-764-0719 | Fremen Mountain | Chicago, IL (1989-1993) SOFTWARE | FRMN --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-764-1699 | Dial-Your-Match 206, West Rogers Park A B B S, West Rogers | Park A.B.B.S. | Chicago, IL (1986-1995) SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-764-4581 | Lakefront, LakeSide, Terrapin Station | Chicago, IL (1987-1990) SYSOP | Maynard Riley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-764-4777 | Warp Speed | Chicago, IL (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-764-5162 | Antelope Freeway [CP/M, MS-DOS], CFOG Two | Chicago, IL (1989-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-764-6772 | Gatez of Paradise | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-764-7211 | North Chicago Online BBS/ISP | COCOA, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-764-8122 | Black Cat's Home | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) SYSOP | Yevgeniy Kruglov --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-764-9408 | NorthSide Connection, NorthSide Connection BBS | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) SYSOP | Royal Moss --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-766-2797 | T I West, T.I. West | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | TIBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-767-1572 | CHICAGO Station, Electric Fence | (1994-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-767-5787 | PUB Desktop Publishing, The PUB DTP BBS, The PUB DTP BBS! | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-767-6678 | SouthSide BBS | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-767-6964 | The PUB DTP BBS!, PUB Desktop Publishing | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-768-5853 | Top Gun, Top Gun {768} | Chicago, IL (1989-1995) SYSOP | Sean Mikel SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-769-1323 | Logon! Chicago [$] [ISP], NiteBeats | Chicago, IL (1994-2000) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-769-2020 | 20/20 T.B.B.S., 20/20 TBBS, 20/20 Video B B S, 20/20 Video | B.B.S., 20/20 {769}, 20/20 BBS | Chicago, IL (1986-1995) SYSOP | John Shew, Unknown SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-769-2713 | Fremen Mountain | Chicago, IL (1989-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-769-4608 | Stillwaters | Chicago, IL (1989) SYSOP | Jordan/Dilworth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-769-6711 | Violent World | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) SYSOP | Celestial HateBreeder SOFTWARE | Telegard & Celerity --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-771-8882 | Hacker's Heavens | (1990) SYSOP | Elvis Lives SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-772-0168 | Orgasm | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-772-0347 | The Superbird | (1987-1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-772-2452 | Orgasm, Orgasm! [$], Orgasm! [Fee] | Chicago, IL (1986-1996) SOFTWARE | DYMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-772-5958 | MAHIE | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-773-3308 | ABBS Nessy Game System, NESSY Chicago, Nessy Game System | Itasca, IL (1982-1986) SYSOP | Ken Morrison SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-774-1447 | Patriot Games, The Forbidden Realms | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) SOFTWARE | Renegade, VBLS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-774-2035 | The Greek Inn | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | Net-Works --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-774-4861 | Calling all Sports | (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-774-6698 | SQLBBS, SQLBBS | (1990-1996) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-774-9631 | Phone Booth | (1993-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-775-2970 | The Windy City Atarian | (1986) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-775-5856 | The Apocalypse BBS | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-776-0417 | Centrum | (1992) SYSOP | Reeet-Mon COMMENTS | Nemesis-Dist. Member BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-776-2383 | Chicagoland Coordinator, No Ratio, No Ratio BBS, SW | Chicago Hub | (1994-2003) SYSOP | Richard Biehl --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-776-5561 | N9CSA Ham & Hobby, N9CSA Ham Radio, N9CSA Ham/Hobby Zenith | BBS, N9CSA Heath/Zenith Ham & Hobby, N9CSA | N.A.B.S.A., N9CSA PCBoard BBS System | Chicago, IL (1990-1994) SYSOP | Jay Serafin SOFTWARE | PCBoard, Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-776-8173 | ATARI WORLD | (1985) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-776-9768 | N9CSA N.A.B.S.A. of Chicago | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-777-0240 | Distant Fingers | Chicago, IL (1990-1994) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-777-2574 | East Village (2 lines), East Village BBS, The East Village | (Node 1) | Chicago, IL (1991-1999) SYSOP | Pete Koski SOFTWARE | TriBBS, TRIT --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-777-2804 | East Village BBS, The East Village (Node 2) | (1979-1999) SYSOP | Pete Koski SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-777-4184 | The Wild Side, Wild Side 7 Node, Wild Side C-NET COMMO, | WILD SIDE [6NDZ], WILD SIDE [6NDZ] | Chicago, IL (1989-1994) SYSOP | Rick Anzaldua, Baby Bear, Analog Kid SOFTWARE | CNET COMMENTS | Rebels Member BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-777-8817 | RoundTable | (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-777-9480 | Round Table (A), RoundTable, The Round Table | Chicago, IL (1990-1996) SYSOP | Kevin Keyser SOFTWARE | Searchlight , SLBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-778-3287 | Terminating Experience, Terminating Experience BBS | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Rodney Ulanowicz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-778-5826 | Wlag "The G-Spot" | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-779-3916 | Roy's , Roy's (N | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Roy Herman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-779-6120 | Cellar | (1989-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-781-9942 | Skyway | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-782-1900 | Adventure-Line, The Adventure Line | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | UNIX --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-782-8180 | EBG and Associates | Chicago, IL (1981) SOFTWARE | FORUM-80 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-783-0328 | Quinn's Run | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-784-1752 | Cross Image, Cross Image Bbs, Impact V: The Immortal | Realms, TECH - Technological Advantage, | TECH - Tech. Advantage | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) SYSOP | Matthew Inawat SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-784-2852 | Network 21 | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | RACC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-784-3019 | Chess Board, Chess Board =2= | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SYSOP | James Reames SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-784-8763 | TRoU Mac Base System | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Steve Levinthal, Chuck Ross --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-786-1247 | DePaul Library LCS System, DePaul University LCS System . | (1986-1994) SOFTWARE | DATA --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-786-5525 | Shared Technologies, STI | (1990-1996) SYSOP | Dwight Ringdahl SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-787-2174 | The Dark Side 312 | Chicago, IL (1984-1989) SYSOP | Exilic Xyth SOFTWARE | Networks, GBBS, AE Pro, GBBS Pro COMMENTS | "Memories. I got my first copy of "Net-Works" from the | owners of Ghost Ship I (312) 528-1611 and Ghost Ship II | (312) 644-5165 (so named for their pirate proclivities) | along with one of the early SSI games, "The Warp Factor." | I think these two programs actually filled 2 discs. It | was a heavily modified version of Net-Works with no | documentation and I had no idea whatsoever how to program | such things so I had to learn by poking through the code | and experimenting. This must have been around 1984 or | something as I had just gotten an Apple //e and those | hadn't been out very long (1983) when I finally got mine. | I even had that ugly dual disc drive thing that sat on | top of the //e too. I don't know who thought up the | casing color for these things but I am convinced it came | out of a Miami design convention.

"It took me several | months to modify the thing well enough to try and open my | own BBS, which looked for several months suspiciously | like the two Ghost Ships that birthed it. It wasn't | until GBBS Pro came out (along with its "ACOS" language) | that "The Dark Side" finally got its own look.

"The | Dark Side was primarily a text file (called G-Files then, | I still know not why other than that's what they were | called on RIPCO, "General Files" perhaps?) and eventually | a rather prolific Apple II pirate software BBS. I don't | think I paid for a single piece of software after I | bought the //e. This is significant because I remember | one weekend when my friend and I went in together to buy | a bulk of 1,000 floppies. We filled them in three weeks | and had to buy another case. We were all very much | impressed with the boards in California back then, as | they all seemed to have the newest games sooner than | everyone else and all the boards in Chicago were always | trying to get a connection to Cali boards whenever | something came out. I'm sure my parents freaked out over | all the 213 phone calls at some point but having Aquatron | (Cracked by The Freeze!) before everyone else in 312 was | worth even a serious shouting match.

"Somewhere in | there, right around the time we went to 9600 baud from | 2400 I think, I managed to put my hands on an external 20 | meg hard drive for the Apple //e I had. It was made by | some firm called "CMS" (all traces of which have since | vanished), was the size of a large 4 waffle toaster and | sounded like a King Air spooling up the engines on the | tarmac when you turned on. COOL! The thing must have | weighed 15 pounds and it was totally featureless except | for two LED lights on the front. Green (power) and red | (activity). Ugly as it was it ran reliably for as many | years as the BBS was still up.

"At some point a good | friend of mine opened "The Courts of Chaos," the sister | system to "The Dark Side" and also a GBBS board and also | shamelessly pirate oriented. I think we made some | attempt to hide things by making the files section | "private" (with a sucker public section filled with, and | I'm not kidding, desert recipes, though I doubt most of | the users even noticed them since going straight to the | files section was SOP) but I doubt anyone was fooled for | very long.

"By 1988 I figured the way to really get | the word out about a BBS was to write a popular text file | and stick the number of the board on the bottom (and top | and middle) of it. I penned "The Modern Speeders Guide | to Radar and State Troopers" early that year. (You can | still find it all over the place via a Google search so I | guess it worked!). I actually did more research on this | little project than I ever did for anything in grad | school many years later. The phone was busy all the time | after that and though I used to love to hear it ring | reminding me that someone was logging on, I was happy to | install a switch to shut the damn ringer up at this | point. Even the separate Radio-Shack "flashing ringer" | got annoying and found its way into my junk drawer along | with the old, 300 baud internal Hayes MicroModem //e.

| "Things had pretty much peaked back in 1987 though with | the release of "Airheart," by Dan Gorlin. After that | passed through The Dark Side everything else seemed to | pale in comparison. (Well, Karateka was pretty cool). | People started to spell "Pirate Wares" with a "z" at the | end and drop the word "Pirate" all together. Folks | started getting arrested for text files. I graduated | High School. I discovered EFNet. And that was pretty | much the end of The Dark Side. Looking back at how | serious the government was taking such things I'm | surprised I didn't end up another teenage hacker felon. | Instead, I got a law degree." - Exylic Xyth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-787-3008 | The Rest of Us MUG, TRoU - The Rest of Us MUG | Chicago, IL (1988-1990) SYSOP | Jemiah Duff SOFTWARE | FIDO COMMENTS | "I took over this BBS from Brian Wink and Steve | Levinthal, who ran it for The Rest of Us MUG (Macintosh | Users Group). It ran on an XT-class IBM with a 40MB HD | and a 2400baud modem. Thanks to Steve and his friends at | US Robotics, we were given a brand new Courier | HST/V.32bis Dual Standard modem and could connect a | whopping 19,200bps! Of course, the backchannel was only | 450bps, but for BBSing, it was great. I also got the | MUG to upgrade the hard drive to 80MB - I thought I'd | NEVER be able to fill that up! I was 16 years old, a | Junior in High School, when Brian asked me to save his | marriage by taking over the BBS for him. LOL. It seems | Brian was spending too much time online, and not enough | time IRL. Of course, being 16, I had no RL, so I was | happy to take it over. I was elected by the MUG to | continue running the BBS until I left for College in the | summer of 1990. I learned a ton, and it's amazing now | that I think about it, how much of that information still | comes in handy even today, in 2003. I found this by | Googling for my first name - thanks for the trip down | memory lane!" - Jemiah Duff --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-787-7865 | Golem BBS, The Golem | Chicago, IL (1986-1990) SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-788-1264 | The No Change B.B.S. | (1986-1988) SYSOP | Mike Jacobs --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-789-0499 | Aims Dynabyte, AIMS, Hinsdale, Ill., CHICAGO, Janus | Software Group, RCP/M AIMS Hinsdale, RCP/M | RBBS AIMS, Hinsdale RCP/M | Hinsdale, IL (1981-1986) SYSOP | Mark Pulver SOFTWARE | RCPM, RBBS, AIMS COMMENTS | $$$$ Subscription service only $$$$ Subscription | service only --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-789-1263 | AE LINE: SWORD | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-789-3610 | AMIS Chicago, AMIS Clarendon Hills | (1982-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-789-3966 | Ora-Comm, Oracomm #318 | Clarendon Hills, IL (1982-1992) SYSOP | Mark Drozd SOFTWARE | Oracomm --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-790-0187 | C.O.P.E. {777}, Central, Chicagoland, Cope (115/777), Cope | BBS, COPE OF CHICAGO, Software Dist | Glen Ellyn, IL (1987-1991) SYSOP | Steve Bonine, KB9X --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-790-4688 | Central, ChicagoLand, The Generic B.B.S., The Generic BBS, | The Generic BBS HST | Glen Ellyn, IL (1987-1991) SYSOP | Patrick Mulcahy, Pat Mulcahy --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-790-5037 | S/38 to PC Connectivity IBBS | Glen Ellyn, IL (1989-1991) SYSOP | Robert Cozzi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-790-8088 | The Celestial Toyroom | Glen Ellyn, IL (1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-792-1093 | Jungle | CHICAGO, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-792-1374 | Cell Block 9 | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Mike Wojcik --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-792-8292 | Corporate Connection (3 lines), Pinnacle, Corporate | Connection BBS | Chicago, IL (1993-1995) SYSOP | Steve Lange SOFTWARE | MajorBBS 6.21 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-794-9075 | Chicago Programming Society | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-795-0871 | Sierra B B S, Sierra B.B.S. | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-798-7634 | Shangri-La BBS | (1988-1989) SYSOP | Chuck Ross SOFTWARE | Red Ryder Host --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-798-9150 | The Phoenix | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | GBBS, GBBS Pro --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-799-4790 | Central, Chicagoland, Fido Tech Stand, Solar Wind, The Day | of the Yuga, The Solar Windjammer | Homewood, IL (1987-1989) SYSOP | Rick Moore SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-803-3590 | Chi. Comp. Soc, Chi. Comp. Soc. | (1985-1996) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-808-9576 | Extraneous Redundancies | Chicago, IL (1992-1994) SOFTWARE | SLBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-819-6628 | Midwest Telephony | (1989-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-827-0229 | IBEW Locak 1220 | (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-827-3097 | The Challenger GBBS PRO | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Robert Reese --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-830-0058 | The Bartlett Exchange | (1986) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-830-7572 | Micro Systems Colossus | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-831-0456 | Fer's Central | (1990) SOFTWARE | SBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-831-1142 | Video Etc. B.B.S. | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-831-2691 | The Desktopper | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-832-6714 | The Conspiracy Ae | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-833-8126 | Vpnet | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-836-1900 | SPSS, Inc. | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-836-4791 | Robert Morris College BBS | (1991) SYSOP | Steve Budde SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-837-7100 | Software Plus West | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-837-7196 | C.O.D.E. | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-837-8996 | MacPyramid | (1988) SYSOP | Brian Wink --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-838-8088 | PC-MOS User's Society | (1991) SYSOP | Stuart Gold SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-838-8227 | WB9AET | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-839-5002 | CYCLOPS! Multi-Line TBBS | Willow Springs, IL (1989) SYSOP | George Slone --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-841-2401 | 1984 | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | CCBS, PCBoard COMMENTS | "This BBS was listed as using CCBS, however I used it for | years and they always ran PCBoard. He used the default | bland theme that the BBS software came prepackaged with, | the menus were all yellow, it wasn't much to look at. I | remember he had 5 phone lines and the BBS was so popular | they were always filled up. Mostly people were playing | door games. Though, some messaging and file sharing went | on as well. I'm not sure if the number is correct, I just | copied it from the list. I do believe this is the same | board though. Hope this helps." - Blakesteel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-841-3612 | The Orphanage, The Orphanage RCPM & BBS System | (1985-1986) SYSOP | Dennis Duffner SOFTWARE | RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-841-6519 | Dial-Your-Match, Dial-Your-Match 102 | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | DYMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-841-8064 | Midwest C-64 Users Group | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-842-1745 | BBS Chicago, BBS-Chicago, BBS-Chicago ][ | Chicago, IL (1986-1991) SYSOP | Joel Nelson, joel nelson SOFTWARE | Amiga BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-842-2139 | Franconian Kingdom [Fee] | Chicago, IL (1989-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-847-2115 | Cove BBS | (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-847-2633 | Wizard's Corner | (1996) SYSOP | Sherman Day --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-847-2846 | Wizard's Corner, Wizards Corner | (1996) SYSOP | Sherman Day --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-848-3394 | The Cemetary, The Cemetery | (1986) SOFTWARE | GBBS, Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-848-3669 | Apple SIG 'Cider Press | Chicago, IL (1986) SYSOP | Larry McMahon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-849-1132 | CBBS Chicago, The Ward Board, Dolton CBBS | Chicago, IL (1986-1989) SYSOP | Ward Christensen SOFTWARE | CBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-849-3566 | CIFNet | CHCZ 1, IL (1998-2001) SYSOP | Yevgeniy Kruglov --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-850-0112 | Smoking Mirror (11 lines) | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-851-9823 | Dean's Den | (1986) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-852-0061 | The Grand Illusion | Darien, IL (1986) SOFTWARE | MUSR --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-852-0829 | ConsultNet | Darien, IL (1988-1989) SYSOP | Don Damon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-852-1305 | Heath Users Group | Darien, IL (1986) SOFTWARE | RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-858-4469 | AmeriType | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-858-7580 | Amiga last resource bbs | (1989-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-858-8087 | Lattice Inc. BBS | (1989-1991) SYSOP | John Masters --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-859-2622 | Starcom 06, Wescom BBS | Aurora, IL (1981) SOFTWARE | ABBS, STAR --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-862-0182 | Chgo User Group | (1989) SYSOP | Mike Maksimik --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-863-4612 | National Public Computer | (1986) SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-864-3690 | The Third Floor | (1986) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-864-6720 | Evanston Library Online Catalog | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | DATA --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-865-0623 | West Suburban Message System | (1986-1988) SYSOP | John De Long SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-866-0162 | Smoke Filled Room | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-867-5309 | River Styx II | CHCZ 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-869-2940 | The CRDC Architect's Network | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-870-7875 | Metal Shop | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-871-2177 | TROU | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-871-4485 | Rest Of Us - CAMUG, Rest Of Us -CAMUG | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-871-5032 | JENA | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-871-8426 | ALTERNET BBS | Chicago, IL (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-871-9942 | Skyway | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-872-8086 | Lakes Region B.B.S., Lakes Region BBS 95m | (1987-1991) SYSOP | John Hodal SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-873-6752 | Night Link Chicago BBS, Wild Bill's B.B.S. | Chicago, IL (1988-1994) SOFTWARE | TRIT --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-873-8360 | Wild Bill's B B S, Wild Bill's B.B.S. | (1986) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-876-0974 | CBBS MAUDE Milwaukee, Maude - Milwaukee, Maude-Milwaukee, | RBBS Milwaukee-Chicago Line | (1981-1991) SOFTWARE | CBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-876-3652 | SupportNet Chicago | (1989) SYSOP | Jerry Ablan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-878-3150 | Antelope Freeway | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) SYSOP | Burk Murray, Burk Murry --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-878-6030 | Jesus People USA (CfC 43), Jesus People USA - CFC #43, | JPUSA (CFC #43), Jesus People USA – CFC | #43 | Chicago, IL (1991-1995) SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-879-0921 | Chi Compu Soc | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Kevin Reidinger SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-879-2751 | The Steward's Ship | (1986) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-879-9021 | Chicago Computer Society | Chicago, IL (1993-1995) SOFTWARE | Wildcat, RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-879-9022 | Chicago Computer Society | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-879-9023 | Chicago Computer Society | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-879-9024 | Assembly Not Needed, Chicago Computer Society | (1990-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-879-9025 | Chicago Computer Society | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-879-9026 | Chicago Computer Society | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-879-9200 | Compu-Erotica | CHCZ 1, IL (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-880-5246 | Nucleus BBS | Chicago, IL (1989-1990) SYSOP | Keith Powell --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-881-1142 | Jim's Fly Inn, JIM'S FlyInn, JIM'S FlyInn BBS, Jim’s | FlyInn | Chicago, IL (1992-2003) SYSOP | James Williams SOFTWARE | MAXI --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-881-4356 | Marist | Chicago, IL (1993-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-881-5355 | Marist BBS | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | RNGD --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-881-8920 | Marist, The Marist BBS | Chicago, IL (1993-1996) SYSOP | Nathan Pifko, Mike Leonard, Mike Wisniewski, Mike | Racanelli SOFTWARE | PCBoard 14.x - 15.x --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-881-9403 | Marist | Chicago, IL (1995-1996) SYSOP | Nathan Pifko --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-882-2926 | ABBS CODE | Glen Ellyn, IL (1983-1985) SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-882-4145 | PC Information Center | (1986) SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-882-4227 | IBBS #1 11 lines 4000 files, Information Exchange, RBBS | IBM PCmodem Chicago, Superboard | (1983-1991) SYSOP | Gene Plantz SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-882-4228 | Line #2 | (1985) SYSOP | Gene Plantz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-882-9237 | CHICAGO, E.I.E., Electronic Industries, STARCOM 07 E.I.E. | Roselle, IL (1981-1984) SOFTWARE | ABBS, NET --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-884-7899 | Anonymous Wonder, Destiny Knights | (1990) SYSOP | Jeff Grimshaw (Great One) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-885-1237 | Defiant Scepter / The Club, Defiant Sceptor | (1990) SYSOP | The Dealer SOFTWARE | Telegard, PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-885-2303 | PC Information Center | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-885-9557 | IBBS 1-PCMODEM | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-887-1617 | The Antarctic Exchange BBS | (1990) SYSOP | Sub Zero SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-887-7870 | Elek-Tek B.B.S., Elek-Tek BBS | (1988-1991) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-888-0680 | Minihost Shoppe | South Elgin, IL (1990) SYSOP | Larry Steele SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-888-1112 | Fox Valley Pet Users Group | South Elgin, IL (1989) SYSOP | David Bulkley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-888-4329 | The Dispatcher's Office | South Elgin, IL (1986) SOFTWARE | Forem ST --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-888-4821 | Ye Olde Board | South Elgin, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-888-7381 | Academic PCB4 Academic, E.A.P.P.U.G. B.B.S. | South Elgin, IL (1988-1991) SYSOP | Community Colleg --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-889-0089 | Adult [Fee], Hot Mix 5 Adult [Fee], THE ADULT BBS | Chicago, IL (1991-1993) SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-889-1189 | Adult [Fee], Hot Mix 5 Adult [Fee] | (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-889-1240 | C.L.A.U.G., Chicagoland Atari User Group, Chicagoland | Atari Users Group | (1985-1988) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-889-1340 | ClAUG North | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-889-4489 | Adult [fee] | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-889-4603 | Not So Perfect | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-889-5396 | InfoChi System ISA | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-889-6813 | Chi Byte House, Chicago Byte House, Chicago Byte House (2 | lines), Chicago ByteHous | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SYSOP | Ed Rakowiecki SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-889-6832 | Chicago Byte House =2= | (1992-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-889-8481 | InfoChi System IAS | (1993-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-892-0417 | LOCHLEVEN | (1985) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-893-6618 | The Well of Souls, Well of Souls AE | (1987-1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-893-7346 | Outpost | CHICAGO, IL SYSOP | Black Cat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-894-9989 | CPU BBS | (1989) SYSOP | George Mays --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-896-9628 | B.A.S.I.C. BBS, The B A S I C /B B, The B.A.S.I.C./B.B.S., | The B.A.S.I.C. BBS | Aurora, IL (1985-1988) SYSOP | Steven Lorenz SOFTWARE | OTBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-897-4221 | Kevin's Watch Cat-Fur | CHICAGO ZONE 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-897-6532 | C S B B, C.S.B.B., Computer Solutions | Aurora, IL (1986) SYSOP | Bill Slaker SOFTWARE | MCMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-897-9037 | Aurora Computers, CBBS Aurora Computer Peripherals, J-B-S | Enterprises, TBBS Aurora Computer | Peripherals | Chicago, IL (1983-1988) SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-898-4505 | the Lost Horizon BBS | (1988) SOFTWARE | Red Ryder Host --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-902-3599 | Compu Erotica , Compu-Erotica, CompuErotica | [Fee], CompuErotica | , CompuErotica | [$], COMPU-EROTICA BBS! | Chicago, IL (1984-1996) SYSOP | Tiger SOFTWARE | Custom 5.5 COMMENTS | From the January 1996 issue of Boardwatch: Chicago's | LARGEST adult BBS with nearly 1 million served! If you | like your chat hot, you'll love CEBBS. Alternate | lifestyle chat-conferences, erotic shopping, active party | calendar, unique features, internet mail and more! Women | free after v/v. V/MC/D.

From the September 1994 issue | of Boardwatch: Chicago, Illinois since 07/84. Sysop: | Tiger. Using Custom 5.5 with 32 lines on DEC VAX 3500 | with 1500 MB storage. US Robotics at 38400 bps. $.15 | Hourly fee. If you like your chat HOT, you'll LOVE CEBBS! | Alternate lifestyle chat-conferences, erotic shopping, | active party calendar, unique chat features, internet | mail and MORE! Chicago's premier adult BBS with over | 500,000 served! Women FREE after v/v. V/MC/D.

COMPU- | EROTICA BBS!, 312.902.3599. Chicago's largest adults-only | system, serving open-minded adults for years! 32 lines | running on VAX mainframe/USR Courier v.32bis, using | unique custom software system with features found nowhere | else! Rates as low as 1 50/hour; local dialups | nationwide. - BBS Magazine November, 1994 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-906-0698 | A/V, D/831 MIS BBS | Chicago, IL (1988-1993) SOFTWARE | Wildcat, Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-907-0047 | Jokertown, Jokertown (7 lines) | Chicago, IL (1992-1998) SOFTWARE | DIAL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-907-1831 | Lincoln Park Zoo, The Zoo, Zoo BBS, Zoo [Fee], Zoo [Fee] | (10 lines) | Chicago, IL (1988-1995) SYSOP | Micky Bernal SOFTWARE | DLX, DLXB COMMENTS | "The bbs still continues via the web @ . This also changed phone numbers to 773-743-9791 | with a change of ownership to Chuck Goes in March, 1990. | Kept operating as a dial up until 1999." - Micky Bernal --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-908-2583 | Spine Fido 444 | Chicago, IL (1986) SYSOP | Vernon Keenan SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-908-3599 | CompuErotica | Chicago, IL (1993) SOFTWARE | NITE --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-916-1200 | Lattice | Lombard, IL (1989) SYSOP | C. DeConcilis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-916-8889 | West Suburban Message System | Lombard, IL (1988-1989) SYSOP | John De Long --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-922-3626 | EXCHANGE-NEWS-EX , Financial Options Exchange, Financial | Options Xchange, XNX | Chicago, IL (1986-1990) SYSOP | Unknown SOFTWARE | IBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-922-9231 | The Electronic Pub | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-925-0259 | Forum 80 of Chicago | Chicago, IL (1980) SOFTWARE | Forum-80 COMMENTS | Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February | 1980 Issue) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-925-0790 | The Jungle ][ BBS | Chicago, IL (1991-1992) SYSOP | Enrique Arceo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-925-2929 | WIZ BANG | Chicago, IL (1985) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-925-8854 | Flowers, Spaces | Chicago, IL (1988-1991) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-927-0055 | Quarter Mile Stretch | (1990-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-927-1020 | MCMS C.A.M.S. Chicago, MCMS CAMS | Chicago, IL (1982-1985) SOFTWARE | MCMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-927-9411 | Hacki Shack | (1989-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-927-9534 | Monsoon Hotel | Chicago, IL (1992-1996) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-929-0422 | AREA 88 CBIS, Archimedes’ Screw | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) SYSOP | Michael Lichon SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-929-0824 | Windy City GIF Cache | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) SOFTWARE | 1BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-929-6634 | Home Again! | Chicago, IL (1979-1997) SYSOP | William Johnson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-929-8068 | Power House | Chicago, IL (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-932-0896 | Statewide Micro | (1986) SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-934-1649 | Gospel Outreach System | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-934-4637 | Shady Vale Inn | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-934-6060 | GOD's BBS PCB, Gospel Outreach B B S, Gospel Outreach | B.B.S. | (1986-1991) SYSOP | Don Schlesak SOFTWARE | CBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-934-9373 | Atari BBS Express Tech Info | (1989-1991) SYSOP | Greg Cory --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-935-2933 | MICRO MEGA, NET-WORKS Pirate's Ship, PIRATES SHIP, | PIRATE'S SHIP | Chicago, IL (1982-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-935-3091 | NET-WORKS Apple-Technical | Chicago, IL (1983-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-935-6060 | Gospel Outreach | CHCZ 1, IL --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-935-6809 | Bit Wiz, BIT WIZ Opus, Bit Wiz {689}, The Bit Wiz | Chicago, IL (1988-1996) SYSOP | Michael Katz, Michael H. Katz SOFTWARE | Opus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-937-5639 | RCP/M North Chicago | (1983-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-939-3300 | The Advocate M B B S, The Advocate M.B.B.S. | (1986) SOFTWARE | RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-939-4411 | Advocate MBBS, Advocate/Nowar, Advocate/Nowar/Amnet, The | Advocate, The Advocate M.B.B.S. | Chicago, IL (1988-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-940-1686 | Kesher | Deerfield, Il (1987) SYSOP | Dick Fiedler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-940-1696 | Kesher, Kesher Chicago | Deerfield, Il (1988-1990) SYSOP | Dick Fiedler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-940-6496 | Artif. Intelligence, Business-Pro, Business-Professional | B.B.S., Ron Fox RBBS | Deerfield, Il (1985-1990) SYSOP | Ron Fox SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-941-0049 | Smokin' Silicon RCP/M | (1984-1985) SYSOP | John Sojak --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-941-9009 | ABBS Oak Brook Computer, Computer Centre | Oak Brook, IL (1981-1982) SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-942-0089 | The Conference Tree, UNICIN: University Conference | Information Network | Chicago, IL (1984-1987) SYSOP | Jim Limber SOFTWARE | Conference Tree, Conference Tree (tm) COMMENTS | "This system was a continuation of my interest in social | communication via electronic media. Working at a | University and having founded the University of Chicago | Computer Club in 1975, I had some continuing interest in | my lifelong hobby of technical communications. Ham Radio | started it off in 1959, and the M.I.T.S. Altair Computer | 8800 8-bit kit (serial # 243?) at an affordable price | 1974 shifted me from the radio frequency realm to | landline. At that time Bill Gates was my Altair | Interpreter Basic Language consultant- he was the co- | author, if I recall. When the U of C Computer Club | disbanded in 1977 spring semester to form the U.S. | Robotics Corportation (named by Stan Metcalf), I was left | without enough to do to keep me busy and interested in | the evolving virtual world. Conference Tree software was | innovative and efficient, operating at 300 baud which was | deemed the optimal speed for personal communication via | keyboard, and for not sending boilerplate spam messages | at high-speed (1200 baud). Various groups made it their | home for several years, because the threaded tree-branch | nature of the messages was quite convenient to select and | extend a given topic of discussion.

"When Apple gave | zillions of computers to high-schools in substitution for | paying taxes, the hackers and spammers made it too | difficult to continue operation of a respectful, non- | bigoted Conference system without constant checking for | truly disturbing postings of everything you might imagine | that is offensive, threatening and indicative of a | culture gone bad. I eventually just pulled the plug in | frustration and it sits to this day- an Apple One (maybe | Two) bootleg motherboard kit, I think, in a dish-rack in | my kitchen pantry, buried in dust and clutter. The dates | of operation are approximate- I don't fully recall that | far back from today (May08)" - Jim Limber --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-942-0706 | C C S, C.C.S., Chi Comp Soc, Chicago Computer Society | (1986-1994) SYSOP | Colby Jordan, Cathy Konas, Ron Fox SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-942-1434 | Chicago Computer Society | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-942-1435 | Chicago Computer Society | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-942-1437 | Chicago Computer Society | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-942-1681 | Chicago Computer Society | (1990-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-942-1972 | Chicago Computer Society | (1990-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-943-0262 | Peloton, Le | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-944-6044 | Challenger | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-945-1910 | Nomad | Deerfield, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-945-3665 | The Flying B.B.S. | Deerfield, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-945-5575 | T I E, T.I.E., The Information Exchange | Deerfield, IL (1986-1989) SYSOP | Alfred Roth SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-945-5693 | Teletypes | Deerfield, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-945-8519 | Temporal Instability | Deerfield, IL (1989) SYSOP | Bill Taney --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-947-0567 | The Command Module | (1986) SOFTWARE | GBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-948-5463 | Dataland International | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Dr. Data SOFTWARE | Pro-Tac --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-948-5728 | MODEM MEDIUM No. Shore Line, No Shore Line | Chicago, IL (1984-1985) SOFTWARE | MODEM MEDIUM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-948-5754 | The Bozo Board | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-949-6189 | NEI RCPM System, RCP/M NEI, RCP/M TRS-80 Chicago, TC-80, | TC-80 TRS/RCPM System | Mundelein, IL (1981-1985) SYSOP | Chuck Witbeck SOFTWARE | CP/M, RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-951-5260 | PC Network | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-953-4922 | Scintillation, SCS | (1987-1989) SYSOP | John Hines SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-955-4493 | Hyde Park RCPM/RBBS, RCP/M RBBS Hyde Park | Chicago, IL (1981-1982) SYSOP | Ben Bronson SOFTWARE | CP/M, RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-957-3924 | C.M.M.S. Chicago, CENTRAL INDUSTRIES, RATS Homewood | (1982-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-960-2241 | Orchard Hill | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-960-2308 | PMS - Downers Grove/SRT | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-960-3425 | Orchard Hill BBS | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-960-5928 | Sit UBU Sit, Sit-Ubu-Sit 500, UBU FIDONet/USR | (1986-1989) SYSOP | Rob Elliott SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-963-3929 | Dr. Hack's Clinic | (1987) SOFTWARE | Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-963-4328 | C C M S, C.C.M.S. | (1986) SOFTWARE | MCMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-963-5384 | Apple Juice, NET-WORKS Apple Net | Chicago, IL (1983-1986) SOFTWARE | HBBS, NET-WORKS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-964-0526 | Logicians, The Logician | (1987-1989) SYSOP | Mike Wido SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-964-1084 | Servicemaster | (1987-1991) SYSOP | Tom Wisnioski, T. Wisnionski, Dennis Courtney SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-964-6513 | PMS - Downers Grove/SRT | (1982-1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-964-8102 | AE Line: DABO, AE LINE: DABO | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-965-3677 | The Lunatic Phringe | (1986-1990) SOFTWARE | FidoNet, Opus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-966-0227 | PCjr Users Group | (1986) SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-966-2342 | T I Users Group, T.I. Users Group | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | TIBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-967-0052 | Ham Radio RCPM, RCP/M Ham Radio | (1983-1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-967-0453 | Compushop | Morton Grove, IL (1981) SOFTWARE | ABBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-967-1611 | B & E Data Services | (1990) SYSOP | Lord SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-967-9425 | AE LINE: WIRES | (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-968-4820 | Kaleidoscope | (1986) SOFTWARE | Diversi-Dial --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-968-9050 | West Suburban Wildcat | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-968-9419 | The Lost Cause | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-969-0137 | Packard BBS | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-969-1145 | Atlantis, Crosstalk | Downers Grove, IL (1986-1988) SYSOP | Zeno SOFTWARE | Online COMMENTS | "In 1986 this was called Crosstalk, sysop "Scanners Inc." | (Chuck Wolf). He graduated from high school and sold the | hardware to me, I took it over with the same phone | number. From 1987-1988 it was called "Atlantis", I was | the sysop, handle "Zeno"." --Eric Weeks --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-969-7810 | HyperCap+ | (1988) SOFTWARE | Red Ryder Host --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-970-9839 | Left Side of Normal | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-970-9843 | Always Under Construction | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-971-1736 | Khasablanca, MODEM MEDIUM Khasablanca | Chicago, IL (1984-1985) SOFTWARE | MODEM MEDIUM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-972-0628 | Bolinbrook, Bolingbrook B.B.S., Bolingbrook RBBS | (1985-1989) SYSOP | Dick Lain SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-972-1974 | MODEM MEDIUM The Unknown BBS, The Unknown B.B.S., The | Unknown BBS, Unknown B B S, Unknown B.B.S | Chicago, IL (1984-1988) SOFTWARE | UBBS, MODEM MEDIUM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-972-3275 | Hazardous Management | (1989-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-972-6979 | RCP/M EI Division | (1983-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-973-0428 | Chicago Mensa {973}, The Chicago Mensa BBS | Chicago, IL (1991-1994) SYSOP | Steven Hartgrove --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-973-2227 | ABBS Rogers Park, Rogers Park A B B S, Rogers Park | A.B.B.S., Rogers Park B.B.S., The Roger | Park ABBS | Chicago, IL (1980-1991) SYSOP | Hy Alexander SOFTWARE | GBBS, ABBS, ABBS+, GBBS Pro --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-973-3551 | Nefertiti, The African | Chicago, IL (1989-1991) SYSOP | Bob Ohues SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-973-6502 | 786 BBS of Chicago | Chicago, IL (1991) SYSOP | Shabbir Damani SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-973-6516 | 786 BBS | Chicago, IL (1991) SYSOP | ?? --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-975-0585 | The Gothic Folly | Chicago, IL (1992-1993) SYSOP | Ben Escoto --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-975-6546 | Manhole, The Manhole | Chicago, IL (1988-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-975-7422 | Chi-Town BBs | Chicago, IL (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-980-6924 | Prison AE | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-980-9762 | Crooked Dragon Inn | (1986) SOFTWARE | STBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-982-0005 | Sahakian's BBS, Sahakian's Info Service | Skokie, IL (1988-1989) SYSOP | Curtis Sahakian --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-982-0386 | Sahakian's B.B.S. | Skokie, IL (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-982-5092 | Sit UBU Sit HST, Sit-Ubu-Sit HST | Skokie, IL (1987-1989) SYSOP | Henry Senk --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-982-5274 | USR Factory Info Svc, USR Tech Support PCB REL | Skokie, IL (1989-1991) SYSOP | Henry Senk --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-983-5147 | Sun Valley RCPM, Sun Valley RCP/M | Lisle, IL (1985-1988) SYSOP | Ken Stritzel, K Stritzel SOFTWARE | RCPM --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-983-5764 | The Jungle | (1992) SYSOP | Science --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-983-6435 | Brainstorm | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | CCBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-985-9699 | Isengard | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-986-0393 | Chicago Area Computer Center, Harvester Chicago | Chicago, IL (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-986-0395 | Chicago Area Computer Center | Chicago, IL (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-986-0398 | The Harvester | Chicago, IL (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-986-0974 | Chicago Confuzion, Chicago Confuzion/EMS {119}, | Confuzion/EMS, NET 115 Echo Coordinator, | NET 115 Internet Gateway, Special Services | FS Hub, Windstar Network | Chicago, IL (1992-1995) SYSOP | Steve Schmidt, NIC Steve Schmidt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-986-9667 | Confuzion/EMS, Windstar Network | Chicago, IL (1994-1995) SYSOP | Steve Schmidt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-989-0089 | NezulD's DomaiN | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Edward Dluzen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-989-0190 | Nezuld's Domain | (1991-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-989-4600 | The Electric Paradise | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-989-9316 | Cafe Spagmumps | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-991-4639 | Wild West | (1990) SOFTWARE | Monarch --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-991-8304 | FIDO #108 Samson, Samson, Samson 108, Sansom | (1984-1986) SYSOP | Larry Miglore SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-991-8887 | BBS IBM PC Niles | (1983-1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-993-3475 | Illinois CPA Society | Chicago, IL (1991-1996) SOFTWARE | PCBB --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-995-0856 | Riptide | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-996-5308 | U.I.C.C. - SRL | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-996-8844 | Illinet Online/Carl Uncover | (1989-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-996-8859 | Illinet Online/Carl Uncover | (1989-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-998-5066 | NET-WORKS Micro Ideas | Glenview, IL (1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-998-5706 | AE Line: DC#1, AE LINE: DC#1 | Glenview, IL (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-998-9021 | ICS/TRIX II Opus HST, Trix II | Glenview, IL (1988-1989) SYSOP | Mike Dickholtz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 312-998-9606 | Free Enterprise | Glenview, IL (1986) SOFTWARE | ERAC --------------+-----------------------------------------------------------