305-220-0369 MIAMI, FL |
Honey Dripper (1992-1997) |
Rolando Pedraza | |
305-220-2390 MIAMI, FL |
The Noble BBS (1991) |
Manny Wise | |
305-220-6301 MIAMI, FL |
Ye Olde Collectable Shoppe (1991-1995) |
Al Cartas | |
305-220-7686 Miami, FL |
The Round Table (1989-1992) |
Eric Katon | Wildcat |
305-220-8752 MIAMI, FL |
SFLorida Net, Southern Cross BBS, The Southern Cross BBS (1989-1994) |
Tim Eagan | |
305-221-1477 MIAMI, FL |
Collection BBS (1990) |
Al Cartas | |
305-221-1571 MIAMI, FL |
Ramblin' Roots, South Florida Net (1989-1999) |
Barbara O'Keefe | |
305-221-3919 MIAMI, FL |
InterCom Miami, Mineshaft (1995-1996) |
Jerry Sehl | |
305-221-5533 MIAMI, FL |
Komputer Kollege, KomputerKollege (1990-1994) |
M. Hubschman, B&M Hubschman | |
305-223-3517 MIAMI, FL |
Crime Bytes 3, QRU BBS (1992-1994) |
Danny Garcia | |
305-223-6334 MIAMI, FL |
Golden Eagle WILD, The Golden Eagle (1988-1991) |
Luis Napoles | Wildcat |
305-223-6916 MIAMI, FL |
Picture This (1990) |
Frank Sanchez | Telegard |
305-225-0253 MIAMI, FL |
OuterSpace BBS (1991-1992) |
Yat Wing Chang | |
305-225-4567 MIAMI, FL |
South Florida Net, Southern Cross (1992-1993) |
Tim Eagan | |
305-225-8059 MIAMI, FL |
305-226-3310 Miami, FL |
RAM-SOFT Archive Library, RAM-SOFT Fido, SoftWare Dist, The C Workshop BBS (1986-1992) |
David Gilbert | FidoNet |
305-226-5319 MIAMI, FL |
KomputerKollege (1993-1996) |
Wildcat | |
305-226-5722 MIAMI, FL |
Al's Complete (1990) |
Al de la Torre | |
305-226-8393 MIAMI, FL |
The Nervous System BBS (1991-1993) |
Bob Scheel | |
305-226-9692 MIAMI, FL |
OUTBACK (1994-1995) |
305-227-4110 MIAMI, FL |
Fucked Up =THG= |
305-227-5657 MIAMI, FL |
Houses of the Holy (1993-1996) |
Rolando Pedraza | |
305-227-9643 MIAMI, FL |
Waterdeep BBS (1990) |
Chris Hass | |
305-228-9320 MIAMI, FL |
Mineshaft (1995) |
Jerry Sehl | |
305-229-0589 Miami, FL |
Alien Space (1996-2002) |
Mel Viel | Renegade |
305-229-9508 MIAMI, FL |
AE Line: PHONE, Humidity Plus (1985-1987) |
Ascii Express | |
305-231-0965 MIAMI, FL |
oft Haus, Softhaus (1987-1991) |
Chris Fisher, Chris Heuser | |
305-231-6435 MIAMI, FL |
Softhaus/BBS Directory (1985) |
Christopher Fisher | |
305-232-0389 Miami, FL |
Millenium Force (1992-1998) |
Scorpius | VisionX, Renegade |
305-232-0393 PERRINE, FL |
Check-In BBS, Check-In BBS (Line 1) (1988) |
Red Ryder Host | |
305-232-1244 Miami, FL |
State Of Euphoria |
Uzi Suicide, LoBo | Renegade |
305-232-2134 PERRINE, FL |
Merlin's Mailroom (1990-1996) |
Alan Criado | |
305-232-2880 PERRINE, FL |
Sunshine's Mail Only Node (1992) |
Louis Oaken | |
305-232-2885 PERRINE, FL |
Sunshine's Mail Only Node (1992) |
Louis Oaken | |
305-232-3268 PERRINE, FL |
Vesuvius At Home (1991-1992) |
Georgina Martinez | |
305-232-4467 Miami, FL |
Stretchmark (1996) |
"I'm really fuzzy on this one, but somehow the phone number came to me so I wanted to submit it since it wasn't on the list. The details I am sure of: the phone number, the city/state, and that it was active in 1996. Not even 100% on the name, but I'm sure it had "stretch" in it. Guess this isn't that helpful, but maybe some other idiot can help us preserve this arcane information." - C. Miller | |||
305-232-6421 PERRINE, FL |
Electronic Link (1992-1994) |
Alan Criado | |
305-232-7993 PERRINE, FL |
UNeedA Medical Supply (1990) |
Clint Dimick | |
305-232-8000 Miami, FL |
Shareware Online, SharewareOnline (1991-1996) |
Craig Merwitzer | Wildcat |
305-232-9365 PERRINE, FL |
D'Bridge Support, Miami Shareware (1987-1991) |
Chris Irwin | |
305-233-0130 PERRINE, FL |
The Batcave, The BatCave BBS (1991-1994) |
Marc Battreall | |
305-233-2924 PERRINE, FL |
305-233-4196 Miami, FL |
The Library BBS (1991-1995) |
Terry Woodward | |
305-233-7731 PERRINE, FL |
Agape (1991) |
Ron Brooks | |
305-233-9833 PERRINE, FL |
Prelude (1993-1996) |
Don Wilson | |
305-234-6659 PERRINE, FL |
MACC (1995-2000) |
Bill White | |
305-235-1005 PERRINE, FL |
Starlight BBS (1991) |
Stephen Baker | |
305-235-1645 PERRINE, FL |
The John Galt Line (1985-1988) |
Peter Glaskowsky | |
305-235-2227 PERRINE, FL |
Floridays Deluxe (1990) |
Craig Merwitzer | |
305-235-3229 PERRINE, FL |
Lightly Salted Brains BBS, LSB Technologies Inc. BBS (1997) |
Shawn Butts | |
305-235-4335 PERRINE, FL |
Software Conspiracy =THG= |
Sparrowhawk | |
305-235-4604 PERRINE, FL |
Weatherman #2 (1994-1995) |
Ernie Jillson | RemoteAccess |
305-235-6247 PERRINE, FL |
Ganas Labor of Love BBS, The New Ganas (1990-1991) |
Lynda Kendrick | |
305-235-6620 PERRINE, FL |
The Missing Link BBS (1995) |
Andrew Parchment | |
305-235-6752 PERRINE, FL |
ORAS (1988) |
305-235-9366 PERRINE, FL |
Weatherman #1 (1994-1995) |
Ernie Jillson | RemoteAccess |
305-236-6767 NORTH DADE, FL |
Extar BBS (1995-1998) |
Brian Corley | |
305-237-2046 MIAMI, FL |
MDCC/2 (1995) |
Steve Zingman | |
305-237-3495 MIAMI, FL |
Stonewall (1996) |
305-238-0640 Miami, FL |
Data Access Corp, Data Access Corp., Data Access Technical Support (1993-1995) |
305-238-1231 PERRINE, FL |
AMIS APOGEE Miami (1982-1983) |
John Caron | |
305-238-2003 PERRINE, FL |
The Upper Reaches (1991-1992) |
Beth Baldwin | |
305-238-2106 Miami, FL |
Destroyer | |
305-238-2880 PERRINE, FL |
Sunshine's Mail Only Node (1992-1996) |
Louis Oaken | |
305-238-5796 PERRINE, FL |
The Dark Side of the Moon BBS (1990-1991) |
Scot Sowell | |
305-238-5999 PERRINE, FL |
Apple Tree IIgs, Apple Tree ][gs, Apple Tree GS (1987-1989) |
The Messiah | |
305-238-6390 Miami, FL |
The Weatherman BBS (1991-1995) |
Ernie Jillson | RemoteAccess |
305-238-8851 PERRINE, FL |
S.T.A.R. BBS (1991-1994) |
Bob Forman | |
305-245-0113 Homestead, FL |
MANx CAT BBS (1994-1997) |
Chris M. Day | Virtual BBS |
305-245-1772 HOMESTEAD, FL |
KINGS RANSOM #1 (1995) |
305-245-5895 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Geordi Laforge's Stateroom (1995) |
Godfrey Alexander | |
305-245-6804 HOMESTEAD, FL |
ByteMe BBS, Lyceum BBS (1996-1997) |
Bryan Spaulding | |
305-245-7601 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Backpacker's Wilderness, the Backpacker's BBS (1989-1998) |
Kim Erdman | Wildcat |
305-246-1111 HOMESTEAD, FL |
BBS Homestead (1982-1985) |
Mo Graffe | |
305-246-1326 HOMESTEAD, FL |
NightWind (1993-1994) |
Rob LeRoy | |
305-246-1976 HOMESTEAD, FL |
MORTONS BARN (1991-1992) |
Tom Morrow | |
305-246-3339 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Tom Morrow | |
305-246-3483 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Surface Interval BBS (1989-1992) |
Capt. Blaine Taylor | |
305-246-3632 Homestead, FL |
Road Runner BBS (1981) |
Eddie Scott | Conversion MI |
"Road Runner BBS ran for years back in the Sherwood Forest Days." | |||
305-246-3732 HOMESTEAD, FL |
The Archers BBS (1990-1991) |
Bill Sanderson | |
305-246-4409 HOMESTEAD, FL |
The Glass House (Node 2) (1998-1999) |
TriBBS | |
305-246-4714 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Sanctuary (1985) |
Chris DeBracy | |
305-246-5271 HOMESTEAD, FL |
The Glass House, The Glass House (Node 1) (1995-1999) |
Scott Booth | TriBBS |
305-246-5771 HOMESTEAD, FL |
DangFool BBS, Greenglades BBS (1989-1991) |
Derrick Chapman | |
305-246-8229 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Deputy Dawg (1994) |
Michael Deegan | |
305-246-8337 HOMESTEAD, FL |
The Bad Boys Club BBS (1991-1992) |
Greg Joy | |
305-246-8482 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Geordi Laforge's Stateroom (1995) |
Godfrey Alexander | |
305-247-1305 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Turbo Soft, TURBO-Soft (1987-1996) |
David Kerley | |
305-247-5927 HOMESTEAD, FL |
DangFool, DangFool BBS-Eccentric Support (1992) |
Derrick Chapman | |
305-247-6388 Homestead, FL |
Stress BBS (1989-1991) |
Nidk Zamparello | Wildcat 4 |
305-247-7605 HOMESTEAD, FL |
305-248-1302 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Little Bytes (1990) |
Jean Prophet | |
305-248-3298 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Keoki's Kastle (1994) |
305-248-6624 HOMESTEAD, FL |, Xpress Online! II (1998-2001) |
Hector Santos | FidoNet |
305-248-7098 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Byte Size Bits, Byte Size Bits
, Byte Size Bits BBS (1988-1994) |
Jean Prophet | |
305-248-7815 Homestead, FL |
**TEMPORARY NC NET TO BE DISSOLVED**, -TEMP NC- Gator Net,, Santronics Software, Santronics Software Technical Support, South Florida Net, Xpress Online (2)!, Xpress Online!, Xpress Support Center (1993-2002) |
Hector Santos, Andrea Santos, Hector and Andrea Santos | FidoNet, Wildcat |
305-248-8536 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Xpress Online! II (1998) |
Hector Santos | |
305-248-9926 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Keokis Kastle (1994) |
305-251-1638 PERRINE, FL |
Chalk Board (1992) |
Patrick O'Brien | |
305-251-2698 PERRINE, FL |
CAP-BBS, CRIME BYTES (1989-1994) |
Duane Ellis, Jerry Rudoff | |
305-251-2822 PERRINE, FL |
Compu-Mall, CompuMail Merchandise (1989-1994) |
305-251-2932 PERRINE, FL |
Primitive Future, PRIMITIVE FUTURE (1992-1995) |
Swayzar | |
Crystal Member BBS | |||
305-251-3639 PERRINE, FL |
Byte Shop BBS (1983) |
Mike Street | |
305-251-7407 PERRINE, FL |
QuickSilver ][ (1994-1997) |
Michael Moore | |
305-252-1449 Perrine, FL |
Check-In BBS, Check-In BBS (Line 2) (1987-1992) |
Dave Game | Red Ryder Host |
"One of the first Macintosh BBS Systems in Miami, it grew to two lines and took calls from all over the world. It was killed by Hurricane Andrew." - Dave Game | |||
305-252-2221 PERRINE, FL |
Deafie BBS (1994) |
Steve Brother | |
305-252-6413 PERRINE, FL |
Teen's Talk ][ (1990) |
Van Stokes | |
305-252-8434 Miami, FL |
Netware City, Network City (1994-2001) |
Neil Marcus | |
305-252-9290 PERRINE, FL |
Deafie BBS (1994-1995) |
Steve Brother | |
305-252-9415 PERRINE, FL |
Vesuvius At Home (1992-1994) |
Georgina Martinez | |
305-253-0151 PERRINE, FL |
AE Line: THING, Caesar's Palace (1985) |
305-253-2291 PERRINE, FL |
Rock and Roll (1992-1994) |
305-253-9869 PERRINE, FL |
Caesar's Palace |
Caesar D | |
305-254-0163 PERRINE, FL |
Lightly Salted Brains BBS, LS Brains, LSB Technologies Inc. BBS (1996-1998) |
Shawn Butts | |
305-254-2716 PERRINE, FL |
Agape (1991) |
Ron Brooks | |
305-254-3196 PERRINE, FL |
Hades (1987) |
305-254-6525 PERRINE, FL |
Black Hole (1996) |
Michael Mattaway | |
305-254-8344 PERRINE, FL |
The Weatherman BBS (1992) |
Ernie Jillson | RemoteAccess |
305-254-8441 PERRINE, FL |
Electronic Link (1994-1995) |
Alan Criado | |
305-255-5359 PERRINE, FL |
PoorBoy's BBS (1995) |
TriBBS | |
305-255-5448 PERRINE, FL |
New Dawn (1989-1990) |
Bill Kraski | |
305-255-7958 PERRINE, FL |
Sunshine's Mail Only Node *3* (1995) |
Louis Oaken | |
305-255-8059 PERRINE, FL |
Pirate-80 (1983) |
Brad Barrett | |
305-256-2672 PERRINE, FL |
EUROPEAN IMAGES BBS: Hundreds of original, adult, imported images! Very active, friendly message areas... Why pay for images scanned from convenience store magazines? (305) 256-2672, (305) 256-2675. Multi-line HST/V.32/14.4K/ 9600/2400/1200 WILDCAT 3.0 1M FREE Demo Account! | |||
305-256-2675 PERRINE, FL |
EUROPEAN IMAGES BBS: Hundreds of original, adult, imported images! Very active, friendly message areas... Why pay for images scanned from convenience store magazines? (305) 256-2672, (305) 256-2675. Multi-line HST/V.32/14.4K/ 9600/2400/1200 WILDCAT 3.0 1M FREE Demo Account! | |||
305-256-3909 PERRINE, FL |
Wildcat | |
305-256-7406 Miami, FL |
Psychic MindRape (1993-1994) |
Yoshi and Joik | Renegade |
305-257-1842 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Blue Water BBS Systems (1992-1996) |
Dan Bernasconi | |
305-257-1922 HOMESTEAD, FL |
B.A.J.A. (1985) |
AMIS | |
305-257-5401 Homestead, FL |
Mole Hole BBS Systems, Mole Hole BBS Systems
(2000-2003) |
Tom Bernasconi | Wildcat |
305-258-0167 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Blue Water BBS Systems (1997-1998) |
Dan Bernasconi | |
305-258-0862 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Vikenholm (1988) |
305-258-1844 HOMESTEAD, FL |
RAM BBS (1994-1996) |
305-258-3483 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Blue Water BBS Systems (1992-1996) |
Dan Bernasconi | Wildcat |
305-258-6610 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Paradigm InfoNet (PIN) (1994) |
305-258-9809 HOMESTEAD, FL |
Guru Bashers BBS, Miami Links (1991-1992) |
Carlos Avellanet | |
305-259-7520 PERRINE, FL |
Sunshine Online Service (1996-1999) |
Louis Oaken | |
305-259-7531 PERRINE, FL |
Sunshine's Mail Only Node (1997-2000) |
Louis Oaken | |
305-259-7533 PERRINE, FL |
Sunshine's Mail Only Node *3* (1996-1998) |
Louis Oaken | |
305-259-7955 PERRINE, FL |
Melbourne RCP/M OXGATE (1984) |
Rick Myers & Alex Soya | |
305-260-6397 MIAMI, FL |
Black Hole, BLACK HOLE
(1987-1988) |
Clint Labarthe | |
305-261-3639 Miami, FL |
ABBS Byte Shop, Byte Shop (1982-1985) |
ABBS | |
305-262-1787 MIAMI, FL |
The Miami Connection (1989) |
Wildcat | |
305-262-5848 Miami, FL |
Face Florida Atari Computer Enthusiasts (1983-1986) |
zz top (carlos) | forum ii |
"Ran at the time with SAR- southern atari remote ran my Steve and Treasure Island ran by Egar the saltine. It was a bbs and user group.." - ZZ Top | |||
305-262-5858 Miami, FL |
Face Florida Atari Computer Enthusiasts (1983-1986) |
ZZ Top (Carlos) | Forum II |
"Ran at the time with SAR and Treasure Island. It was a bbs and user group.." - ZZ Top | |||
305-262-9325 MIAMI, FL |
CompuServe (1991-1992) |
305-264-8155 MIAMI, FL |
Tech-80 (1991-2000) |
Bert Sainz | |
305-265-9073 Miami, FL |
Pro-Entropy (1993-1997) |
305-266-1032 MIAMI, FL |
Tech-80 (1983-1990) |
Bert Sainz | |
305-266-1099 MIAMI, FL |
A Little R & R (1990-1996) |
Robert Jones | |
305-266-8468 MIAMI, FL |
Switzerland Studios BBS (1994) |
Wildcat | |
305-267-5514 MIAMI, FL |
Open House BBS (1991) |
Michael Harwood | |
305-267-7879 MIAMI, FL |
The DJ's Dream BBS (1994-1997) |
Brian Benson | |
305-268-0216 MIAMI, FL |
CompuTrac Fido, Space Coast (1986-1988) |
Steve LaPha | FidoNet |
305-268-8576 MIAMI, FL |
Astronomer's BBS, Astronomer's RBBS & RCPM, Astronomer's RBBS, STAR-NET, GENERAL LIBRARY, RCP/M Astronomy (1983-1989) |
Chuck Cole | |
Large amount of astronomy info posted. Only serious users are considered for charged, higher access. | |||
305-269-2169 MIAMI, FL |
Space Coast FIDO (1987-1988) |
Mike Koller | FidoNet |
305-269-5188 MIAMI, FL |
Tech Talk, Tech-Talk (1987-1988) |
Jerry Russell | |
305-270-2489 MIAMI, FL |
Face to the Wind, Face to the Wind (135/360) (1993-1995) |
Karin Isberg | MAXIMUS |
305-270-8636 Miami, FL |
Virtual Symplex (1993) |
305-270-9901 MIAMI, FL |
GrapeVine Systems, The Sober Way Out (1994) |
Robert Egan | |
305-270-9961 MIAMI, FL |
Mordor BBS (1991) |
Steve Nguyen | |
305-271-2000 MIAMI, FL |
Bad Boys Club, The Bad Boys Club BBS (1992-1995) |
Greg Joy | |
305-271-2146 Miami, FL |
Race Technical Support, The Kendall BBS, The Kendall Switchboard (1984-1995) |
Mike Janke, mike janke | RemoteAccess, Homegrown BASIC, Fido, Opus, TBBS |
305-271-4159 MIAMI, FL |
Floridays Deluxe, FloriDays Deluxe (1992-1994) |
Craig Merwitzer | |
305-271-4467 MIAMI, FL |
Shareware Online (1992) |
305-271-9380 Miami, FL |
The Snake Pit (1993-1998) |
Green Iguana | Celerity / Vision X / VABBS |
"I started my BBS because in 1993 with a 14.4k modem and a 386 running at 40 mhz. I think my original hard drive was all of 170 megs. I started with a free copy of Celerity, but the software was unstable because of the crack. Too bad, I really liked Celerity. I used Vision X for a while, but it had the same problem so I bought Virtual Advanced BBS. For door games I had L.O.R.D., Usurper, LORD 2, Planets TEOS, TRADEWARS (the all time best door game), and more. It was a lot of fun, it all ended when the BBS computer hard drive gave out. I let the BBS die because my 1998 everyone was going to the internet. It was a sad day." - James Carlin AKA Green Iguana, Sysop The Snake Pit BBS | |||
305-273-0020 MIAMI, FL |
Home of RBBS-X3 (1985) |
Asa Fulton | |
305-274-2374 MIAMI, FL |
Forbidden Realms (1990) |
Sergio Domenech (Black Lion) | Telegard |
305-274-3218 MIAMI, FL |
Noble Node 1 (1992-1993) |
Manny Wise | |
305-274-3418 MIAMI, FL |
Noble Node 2 (1992-1993) |
Manny Wise | |
305-274-3924 Miami, FL |
RadTrans, Radical Transfer, RadTranS (1989-2002) |
Mark Graham, Radical User | Renegade |
"Started on a Commodore 64 in 1984, cant remember the software, then in 1989 moved to a 386 PC. Door games; L.O.R.D., Usurper, LORD 2, Planets TEOS, Tradewars, and ECHOMAIL." - Radical User | |||
305-274-5386 MIAMI, FL |
The Electronic Link!, The PBM CONNECTION! (1988-1990) |
Alan Criado | Wildcat |
305-274-7513 MIAMI, FL |
Bedrock BBS (1990) |
Al Sherman | |
305-274-9675 MIAMI, FL |
The Cable Connection (1988) |
Jerry Iovine | |
305-274-9929 MIAMI, FL |
Midnight Special, The Midnight Special (1991-1995) |
Dan McDonald | |
305-276-6263 MIAMI, FL |
(1987) |
305-277-0473 MIAMI, FL |
MOUSE-NET Orlando (1982-1983) |
305-277-3449 MIAMI, FL |
FABulous (1987-1988) |
Hewie Poplock | |
305-279-6714 MIAMI, FL |
Uncle Charlie's BBS (1990-1992) |
Dan Carrera | |
305-279-7989 MIAMI, FL |
Entropy's Edge (1993-1994) |
Robert Caraballo | |
305-279-8971 MIAMI, FL |
Informx (1994-1995) |
Steve Zingman | |
305-282-5370 PERRINE, FL |
The Hobby Shack (1987-1988) |
Chip Luck | |
305-284-0479 MIAMI, FL |
Telcom Central (1987-1988) |
Ray Vaughan | |
305-285-1293 MIAMI, FL |
The Software Pit (1988) |
Wildcat | |
305-285-9552 MIAMI, FL |
The Cemetery |
305-286-6519 MIAMI, FL |
Transfer Zone, The Transfer Zone (1987-1988) |
Transference Major | GBBS Pro |
305-288-4869 MIAMI, FL |
The Retreat (1986) |
MT | |
305-289-4226 MARATHON, FL |
Key source!Grassy Key, KeySource! Grassy Key (1994) |
Jim Harre | |
305-292-1128 KEY WEST, FL |
The SQUID'S RETREAT (1990-1991) |
James Whatley, James Whatley Jr. | |
305-292-1479 KEY WEST, FL |
Montrose Transfer (1995-1996) |
Gaylen Goins | |
305-292-4762 KEY WEST, FL |
Maniac Mansion, Whiskey River! (1994) |
Robert Small | |
305-293-3050 KEY WEST, FL |
Sparks!BBS (1994) |
Anthony McCullough | |
305-293-9280 KEY WEST, FL |
The GATE (1995) |
Michael Gleason | |
305-293-9844 KEY WEST, FL |
Jim Anslow | |
305-294-0404 KEY WEST, FL |
On-Line Support BBS (1991-1992) |
Beaman Kolb, Beaman S. Kolb | |
305-294-6251 KEY WEST, FL |
Last Resort, The Last Resort (1992-1999) |
Keith Nichols | TriBBS |
305-295-0844 KEY WEST, FL |
Computer Consultant Co Z-NODE #29 RCP/M, Computer Consultant Co. Z-NODE #29 RCP/M, TBBS Computer Consultant Co. (1985) |
Ed Unrein | |
305-295-2749 KEY WEST, FL |
Comp Connx Orlando (1989) |
305-296-4010 KEY WEST, FL |
The Rebel's Corner (1995-1999) |
TriBBS | |
305-296-4364 KEY WEST, FL |
Tortuga Bay BBS (1996) |
Luis Rodriguez | |
305-296-4370 KEY WEST, FL |
Key's Paradise, Keys Paradise, Southernmost Hub, Southernmost Hub Net135 (1988-1991) |
Steve Froeschke | |
305-296-4786 KEY WEST, FL |
Crow's Nest, The CROW's NEST (1993-1994) |
305-296-8848 KEY WEST, FL |
On-Line Support, On-Line Support BBS (1992) |
Beaman Kolb | |
305-296-9183 KEY WEST, FL |
The Basic Store, Tom and Ann's BBS (1990) |
Thomas Gaume | |
305-296-9916 KEY WEST, FL |
Connections (1994-1995) |
Andy Wood | |
305-299-3661 MIAMI, FL |
Philosopher's Stone (1987-1988) |
Vick DeGiorgio | |
305-312-2410 MIAMI, FL |
The Isles of Shae (1991) |
305-321-1450 MIAMI, FL |
Sysops On-Line Services (SOS) (1994) |
Tom Cropper | |
305-321-2240 MIAMI, FL |
The Isles of Shae (1991) |
Edward Bush | |
305-321-2369 MIAMI, FL |
FIDO #46 Joes Rainbow, Joe's Rainbow, Joes Rainbow (1984-1985) |
Joe Clayton | FidoNet |
305-321-2410 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Isles of Shae (1986-1994) |
Edward Bush | MajorBBS |
305-321-2420 MIAMI, FL |
The Isles of Shae (1991) |
305-321-2428 MIAMI, FL |
The Isles of Shae (1991) |
305-321-2430 MIAMI, FL |
Major BBS Support (1991) |
Aaron Von Gauss | |
305-321-2440 MIAMI, FL |
The Isles of Shae (1991) |
Edward Bush | |
305-321-2446 MIAMI, FL |
Galacticomm Inc - Home of The Major BBS!, The GRID BBS: Fido Home of Galacticomm & The Major BBS, The Isles of Shae (1992-1994) |
Eric Thav, Kenny Nash, Edward Bush | FidoNet |
305-321-6315 MIAMI, FL |
PipeLine BBS (1991) |
305-321-8168 MIAMI, FL |
Pipeline, PipeLine BBS, The Pipeline, The PipeLine BBS (1991-1996) |
Richard VandenBosch, Tommy Ralph, RichVandenBosch | PCBoard |
305-321-8235 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
THE BARE BUCCANEER, The Information Exchange (1991-1994) |
Jim Herrick | Virtual BBS |
305-321-8452 MIAMI, FL |
PipeLine BBS, Tha Plantation BBS (1991) |
Richard VandenBosch | PCBoard |
305-322-8330 MIAMI, FL |
The Phone Booth (1991) |
Neal Nachman | PCBoard |
305-324-3434 MIAMI - FLORIDA, |
LOS PINOS II BBS - (1990-1998) |
Martin Bueno | The Major BBS |
"Los Pinos has been one of the first BBS in Latin America, with first operation in Argentina in 1984 running on Commdore 64. On the 90', the BBS reach other points in America, including USA, based in Miami,Florida, near the office of galacticom." - Martin Bueno | |||
305-324-4478 MIAMI, FL |
ARC BBS (1988) |
Roland Vasco | |
305-325-8709 MIAMI, FL |
Med S/W Xchg, Medical Software Ex (135/3), Medical Software Exchange (1989-1994) |
Richard Kaplan | |
305-326-0150 MIAMI, FL |
Games R Us ]I[, Games Unlimited ][ (1991) |
John Carlson | |
305-326-0629 MIAMI, FL |
Downtown (1992-1994) |
Randy Baker | |
305-326-8770 MIAMI, FL |
On-Line Adventure, Online Adventure (1991-1994) |
June Bell | |
305-335-1254 NORTH DADE, FL |
Wildcat | |
305-335-2227 NORTH DADE, FL |
Sanctuary (1984) |
Chris DeBracy | |
305-340-9662 NORTH DADE, FL |
S. Florida Business Club (1994) |
305-341-0145 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Underwriter BBS (1991) |
305-341-0337 NORTH DADE, FL |
Doorway BBS, Doorway Communications Center (1991) |
Tim Mills | |
305-341-2324 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Dark Realm (1991) |
Nick Casagrande | |
305-341-6690 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Transfer System (1991) |
305-341-6919 NORTH DADE, FL |
Door Way BBS, Doorway BBS, The Doorway (1989-1994) |
Tim Mills | Wildcat |
305-341-7419 Coral Springs, FL |
Euro Operative (1994) |
305-344-0317 NORTH DADE, FL |
Estrella Congelada |
305-344-1988 NORTH DADE, FL |
Animal House |
305-344-3644 NORTH DADE, FL |
B.U.B.B.A. (1991) |
305-344-5699 NORTH DADE, FL |
Kings Cross BBS (1994) |
Vincent Parker | |
305-344-6055 NORTH DADE, FL |
New Frontier's Node 2 (1989) |
J.D. Dulgher | |
305-344-6056 NORTH DADE, FL |
New Frontier's Node 1 (1989) |
J.D. Dulgher | |
305-344-9584 NORTH DADE, FL |
Digital Abyss (1995-1996) |
305-345-0263 MIAMI, FL |
Skylab System's BBS (1994) |
Sam Fagg | |
305-345-6141 MIAMI, FL |
the looney /bin (1994) |
Dave Moses | |
305-345-9511 MIAMI, FL |
The TechLands BBS (1991-1992) |
Coral Springs FL, Bryan Branam | |
305-346-6212 MIAMI, FL |
Widen Your World BBS (1995) |
Reed Bickley | |
305-346-8301 MIAMI, FL |
The Turnpike BBS (1994) |
Jeff Debrosse | |
305-346-8524 Coral Springs, FL |
The Looking Glass BBS, Treasure Coast Net North (1992-1994) |
Kenneth Wiren | Wildcat , WILDCAT! |
305-346-9004 Coral Springs, FL |
Citrix BBS, Citrix Systems Inc, Citrix Systems Technical Support, Citrix Systems, Inc. (1993-1995) |
The Major BBS | |
305-347-2790 MIAMI, FL |
Miami Dade Fido (1986-1987) |
Richard White | FidoNet |
305-347-2889 MIAMI, FL |
MDCC-Honors BBS (1987) |
George Emerson | |
305-348-3819 MIAMI, FL |
FIU Educators (1992-1993) |
Rolando Pedraza, Shawn Beightol | |
305-350-3547 MIAMI, FL |
D.C.P.S |
305-351-5559 Oakland Park , FL |
The Onyx BBS (1993-1997) |
Tyler Burns | WILDCAT! |
305-352-2984 MIAMI, FL |
ODIE, ODIN-Orlando Data & Information Network (1987-1988) |
William Beebe | |
305-354-2223 NORTH DADE, FL |
Knight Side BBS (1996-1998) |
Wayne Roznak | |
305-354-7656 NORTH DADE, FL |
Bullitt - 80 Opus (1991-1992) |
Guy Bullitt | |
305-354-8870 NORTH DADE, FL |
Shelby's Playpen Opus BBS (1992) |
Cindy Bullitt | |
305-358-1319 Miani, FL |
Cheeze Daddy's House of Funk (1993-1995) |
Technoid Mutant | Carina II (2.6) on Atari 800xl with Multiplexer |
305-360-2991 Deerfield Beach, FL |
House of Ichthys, House Of Ichthys BBS, The House of ICHTHYS, The House of Ichthys (1991-1994) |
Leonzo Miller | The Major BBS |
305-360-9376 NORTH DADE, FL |
Silicon Zone (1991) |
305-361-4524 MIAMI, FL |
Coastal RBBS (1991-1996) |
Jim Hendee | RBBS |
305-361-7298 MIAMI, FL |
FileServer I (1992) |
Renee Greene | |
305-362-3611 Miami Lakes, FL |
EMF BBS, Programmer's Workshop, The Programmer's Corner, The Programmer's Workshop (1990-1995) |
Elio Fuentes, Juan Rodriguez | |
305-362-4387 Miami Beach, FL |
The 24 Karat Network (1991-1992) |
Carlos Fumero | |
305-362-5556 MIAMI, FL |
COMEX BBS, Datalink, Integrated (1994-1996) |
Michael Torres | |
305-362-6761 MIAMI, FL |
Enterprise! (1991) |
Arturo Batista | |
305-362-7315 MIAMI, FL |
Jagged Edge (1994) |
Javier A. Gonzalez | |
305-362-8424 MIAMI, FL |
The ChalkBoard (1988) |
Patrick O'Brien | |
305-364-0420 MIAMI, FL |
The Lighthouse II (1995-1996) |
Louis Nemec | |
305-370-0374 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Trek Land (1993-1997) |
Steven and Jennifer Rosbury, Steve Rosbury, Steven Rosbury and Jennifer DeJesus | WILDCAT! |
305-370-3528 Davie, FL |
The Catwalk BBS, Treasure Coast Net Central, Treasure Coast Net-South (1989-1998) |
Rick Alfaro | RemoteAccess |
305-370-7007 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Fetish Network (1994-1996) |
The Major BBS | |
305-370-8708 OJUS, FL |
CyberShock (1991) |
Seth Goldberg | |
305-370-8898 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
DefVac (1994) |
Searchlight | |
305-370-9376 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Superdemocracy Foundation BBS (1993-1994) |
Tim Stryker | The Major BBS |
Online Democracy/Political Culture for the Future | |||
305-372-2912 MIAMI, FL |
Fishtank (1994) |
Marisa | |
305-372-6564 MIAMI, FL |
DERM BBS (1994) |
Michael Robert | |
305-375-2282 MIAMI, FL |
Top Secret (1994) |
305-378-1307 PERRINE, FL |
The Devil's Place BBS (1991-1994) |
Randee Lipscomb | |
305-378-1696 Plantation, FL |
Equinox Systems Inc, Equinox Systems, Inc BBS (1992-1994) |
305-378-2571 Miami, FL |
Metro Data Group, Metro Data Group BBS (1990-1996) |
Sebastian Acosta | |
305-378-6578 PERRINE, FL |
Camelot BBS (1989) |
Steve Petersen | |
305-378-6828 PERRINE, FL |
Gold Coast Mac, Sunshine Online Service (1990-1995) |
Louis Oaken | |
305-378-6990 PERRINE, FL |
The Programmer's BBS (1994) |
Ricardo Rodriguez | |
305-378-8793 Miami, FL |
Intracorp - The Pinnacle, IntraCorp Inc, Intracorp Technical Support, IntraCorp, Inc. (1992-1995) |
305-378-8809 PERRINE, FL |
Metro Data Systems (1994-1995) |
Sebastian Acosta | |
305-378-9809 PERRINE, FL |
Coder's Connection, The Programmer's BBS (1994-1995) |
Ricardo Rodriguez | |
305-378-9877 PERRINE, FL |
Gold Coast Macintosh System (1993-1994) |
Louis Oaken | |
305-380-0493 MIAMI, FL |
Burt's Mailer (1994-2000) |
Burt Gibbs | |
305-380-6119 MIAMI, FL |
Roadkill (1994) |
John Mercado | |
305-380-8432 MIAMI, FL |
PowerBBS (1994) |
Ray Skorstad | |
305-382-2595 MIAMI, FL |
Bedrock BBS (1991) |
Al Sherman | |
305-382-3395 MIAMI, FL |
Source-80 (1983) |
Jack Bowman | |
305-382-3412 Miami, Fl |
The Intruder BBS (TiB) (1993-1996) |
Randy Lion Sanchez | Renegade BBS |
"I ran this BBS during my late teenage years. Not many BBS's listed here used Renegade BBS software. Renegade was one of my favorites because of it's flexibility. It's a shame what the internet did to the BBS community, but I will never forget those file transfers, and cool SysOp chats! Well, it was fun while it lasted. I took it down because it was time for me to get out of the house and start my life! 1 line and 28.8bps, ANSI based, and a few door games as well. Legend of the Red Dragon anyone?? :) " - Randy "Lion" Sanchez | |||
305-382-4016 MIAMI, FL |
CHATTERBOX BBS, Extension Services, MetroFire, SFLorida Net (1990) |
Christopher Baker, Marc Moyantcheff | |
305-382-4614 MIAMI, FL |
The Awesome 1! (1991-1992) |
Jose Segura | |
305-382-4678 MIAMI, FL |
The Grid (1994) |
Chris Nickerson | |
305-382-5471 MIAMI, FL |
Whatever (1993-1998) |
Fred Ronson | |
305-382-5713 Miami, FL |
True Colors, True Colors BBS (1988-1994) |
Michael Robert | Opus, Maximus |
"What memories your page just brought back!! I ran True Colors BBS for six years, under two numbers since I moved during that time. New number became 305-595-0313. Running a BBS was the coolest experience of my life. It meant staying up late making changes to the system, trying to find new ways of attracting callers and of course meeting the most amazing people. Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night,looking at your computer screen and seeing someone typing an email. Was like you were never alone. People that use the internet now have little idea of the BBS world that existed. The knowledge and experience I gained through running a BBS has stayed with me and furthered my career in information technology." - Michael Robert | |||
305-382-5872 MIAMI, FL |
MedSoft Exchange (1990) |
Richard Kaplan | |
305-382-6687 MIAMI, FL |
Right Connections, Right Connections BBS, The Right Connections Ham Radio BBS (1990-1996) |
Louis Cruz, N4LDG | |
305-382-8262 MIAMI, FL |
DEATH! ][, DR. DEATH! ][ (1994-1995) |
Ariel Vera | |
305-382-8311 MIAMI, FL |
Weatherman #1 (1992-1994) |
Ernie Jillson | RemoteAccess |
305-382-9921 MIAMI, FL |
Weatherman #2 (1993-1994) |
Ernie Jillson | RemoteAccess |
305-383-0126 Miami, Fl |
Odyssey & Passion BBS, Odyssey BBS (1987-1991) |
Artie Ayala | RYBBS, Telegard |
"I was amazed today to read thru the textfiles and see my Odyssey BBS and Passion BBS listed. Like many others have said, It sure brought back many fond memories. Some of us throughout the country were involved at the time in sending messages to the troops during "Operation Desert Storm" using a software provided to us which I can't recall at the moment. Thanks to the BBS's of the time the soldiers were able to get mail much faster than with the traditional snail mail. I congratulate you on a great job with the movie and putting such a great piece of history together. My best to you and all those who took part in the pioneering of the net ... Artie Ayala - SySop Odyssey & Passion BBS 1987-1991" - Artie Ayala | |||
305-383-0768 Miami, Fl |
Passion BBS (1987-1991) |
Artie Ayala | Telegard |
305-383-2341 MIAMI, FL |
BPC Power BBS, BPC PowerStation BBS, PC Powerstation (1995-1996) |
Harvey Peters | PCBoard |
305-383-2707 MIAMI, FL |
Pyro's Palace (1991) |
Shane Thomas | |
305-383-5471 MIAMI, FL |
"What Ever" BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
305-383-6385 MIAMI, FL |
Who Knows (1994) |
John Ameneiro | |
305-383-7717 MIAMI, FL |
Who Knows, Who Knows BBS (1992-1994) |
John Ameneiro | |
305-383-8899 MIAMI, FL |
Black Hole (1995) |
Michael Mattaway | |
305-384-0970 POMPANO BEACH, FL |
Freddy's Funland (1990-1994) |
John Friedrich | |
305-384-9566 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
2032 (1990-1994) |
Alex Spoerer | |
305-385-1743 MIAMI, FL |
Opportunity Knocking BBS (1992-1994) |
Al Silverberg | |
305-385-2909 MIAMI, FL |
Cheezy Genitalia, Impending Neurosis (1993-1994) |
Charles Dunn | |
305-385-3665 MIAMI, FL |
The Graphic Connection (1996) |
305-385-6771 MIAMI, FL |
Kendall, The Digital Cafe (1994) |
mike janke, Mike Janke | |
305-386-2153 MIAMI, FL |
C-Board (1988-1991) |
Jack Bowman | |
305-386-6219 MIAMI, FL |
Ferarri BBs, Ferrari Bbs (1990) |
Mr FerrarI | Telegard, Fer1 |
305-386-7655 MIAMI, FL |
DR. DEATH! (1991-1995) |
Ariel Vera | |
305-386-8295 MIAMI, FL |
Miami Users Group (1989) |
Wolfgang R | |
305-386-9130 MIAMI, FL |
The Black Hole BBS (1991-1994) |
Michael Mattaway | |
305-386-9453 MIAMI, FL |
The Black Hole BBS (1990-1991) |
Michael Mattaway | Wildcat |
305-387-1135 MIAMI, FL |
FrontDoor Head Quarters, FrontDoor Headquarters (1988) |
Joaquim Homrighausen | |
305-387-2251 MIAMI, FL |
The Round Table (1995) |
Ken Schmidt | |
305-387-2718 MIAMI, FL |
Whatnow BBS (1995-1996) |
Alex Rubio | |
305-387-6777 MIAMI, FL |
The Cable Connection (1989-1990) |
Jerry Iovine | |
305-387-9324 MIAMI, FL |
Cybernetics (1987) |
Eric Perry | |
305-388-2816 MIAMI, FL |
Rainbow Connection (1996) |
305-388-3456 MIAMI, FL |
Fencer's BBS (1995-1996) |
305-388-3858 MIAMI, FL |
What Now?, Whatnow BBS (1991-1994) |
Alex Rubio | |
305-388-8273 MIAMI, FL |
Above Top Secret (1994) |
Charles Manetta | |
305-389-0346 MIAMI, FL |
Freddy's Funland (1992) |
John Friedrich | |
305-389-1940 MIAMI, FL |
The Befuddled Mage (1994) |
Rudolf Alexander Spoerer | |
305-389-4808 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Star Link BBS (1993-1996) |
Mike Kirkpatrick | WILDCAT! |
305-389-5569 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Living Forest (1994) |
305-389-8507 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Rock & Roll, Rock & Roll BBS (1991-1996) |
Bob Pianka | Opus , Maximus |
305-391-8504 MIAMI, FL |
DOS Center Fido (1986) |
Michael Krasnove | FidoNet |
305-392-5924 MIAMI, FL |
305-394-5308 KEY LARGO, FL |
S.A.R.C.A.S.M. (1987-1989) |
Todd Ferich | |
305-395-1267 BIG PINE, FL |
(1986-1988) |
Ben Scotkin | |
305-395-1584 BIG PINE, FL |
THE ULTIMATE BBS (1987-1988) |
Rick Pellow | |
305-395-6906 BIG PINE, FL |
Digital Logic, Digital Logic Data Service (1986-1987) |
Ascii Express | |
305-421-0574 NORTH DADE, FL |
S.A.R.C.A.S.M. (1991) |
305-421-3198 Deerfield Beach, FL |
Boca Bytes, Boca Bytes (Member's Only) (1991-1994) |
Debbie Lynch, Mel Macy, John Waller | Searchlight |
305-421-8593 NORTH DADE, FL | (1989) |
Keith Dickinson | FidoNet |
305-424-0266 Hollywood, FL |
The Floating Pancreas, THe FLoaTing PanCreAs bbS (1994-1995) |
The Major BBS | |
305-424-0465 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Aguda/2 BBS, Marquee Systems, Marquee Systems/2 BBS, Marquee/2 egobashe@cybernet.cse.fa, The Aguda/2 BBS (1992-1994) |
Albert Afonso | RemoteAccess |
305-424-0666 Davie, FL |
Southern Cross, Southern Cross BBS (1993-1994) |
Tim Eagan | RemoteAccess |
305-424-8502 MIAMI, FL |
The Firehouse BBS (1994) |
Grant Porter | |
305-425-4304 ISLAMORADA, FL |
Rock'n Roll Harbour (1993-1994) |
305-426-0111 NORTH DADE, FL |
Starware BBS (1994) |
Bruce Yark | |
305-426-6043 NORTH DADE, FL |
Starware BBS (1993-1994) |
Bruce Yark | |
305-427-1848 MIAMI, FL |
Conversation Pit (1995-1996) |
Rob Landley | |
305-427-6300 MIAMI, FL |
Personal Msg. System-80 (1982-1983) |
305-428-0012 Deerfield Beach, FL |
Starware BBS (1994-1995) |
PCBoard | |
305-428-5094 Deerfield Beach, FL |
StarGazer, Stargazer BBS (1993-1997) |
Cory Coddington | Wildcat, Wildcat! |
"BBS had 2 nodes and over 50 calls per day =) Was ran by a 12 year old at the time =) I'm 24 now. (2004)" - Cory Coddington | |||
305-428-8014 Deerfield Beach, FL |
ALLPRO Support, Logical Devices, Inc. (1994) |
305-430-3979 NORTH DADE, FL |
Pub (1994-1996) |
Eric Santelices | |
305-430-7300 NORTH DADE, FL |
L.E.C.N., LECN, The Cop Stop, The Cop Stop BBS, Treasure Coast Net (1994-2000) |
Kevin Morrell | Wildcat |
305-431-3203 PERRINE, FL |
The Exchange, pro-exchange (1988-1991) |
rich | ProLine |
305-431-3977 PERRINE, FL |
Fourth Dimension (1992) |
Digital Sonix | FDINet PRo |
305-431-5189 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
ACES Ft. Lauderdale Chapter BBS, ACES Ft. Lauderdale Chapter BBS Fort Lauderdale, FL (1991-1994) |
Custom | |
305-431-8321 PERRINE, FL |
High Density (1990) |
Gill Hoffman | |
305-432-2223 Pembroke Pines , FL |
Moderator Help & Info, SunShine, Sunshine BBS, SunShine PCB, Sunshine PCBoard (1989-1996) |
Michele Stewart, Michele Hamilton, Michele Hamilton-Stewart, MicheleHamilton | PCBoard |
"It's 2013 and amazing to see a list of people I once knew and how the world has changed since I first discovered computers. Back in 1989 I started with a self built computer that had a whopping 40 meg hard drive and an enormous 2 megs of RAM plus an 8" floppy drive. I made so many friends and thanks to Fidonet, the years running Sunshine PCBoard are among my fondest memories. The local, national and international friends made, the pot luck holiday dinners, the good times, the bad, the conventions, my marriage to Peter Stewart and the kindness of people thousands of miles away that I never met, but knew better than the neighbors next door. Until it's close in 1997, my BBS was my lifeline to the world and I am privileged to have been a part of computer history and it's future. We proved it's a small world, the Internet just took over to make it easier to do what we'd been doing all along. If anyone is still around, feel free to email me at Yeah, I'm a Mac baby now. LOL"- Michele Hamilton | |||
305-432-2399 NORTH DADE, FL |
ARIX (1995-1998) |
Delano Anderson | |
305-432-3308 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Point After (1989) |
Erik Mclaughlin | Wildcat |
305-432-3332 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Pirates Cove BBS (1991) |
Dan Geukes | |
305-432-4227 NORTH DADE, FL |
East Coast (1993-1994) |
305-432-5019 Hollywood, FL |
Artists' BBS (1994) |
305-432-8088 Hollywood, FL |
Rock Creek BBS, The RockCreek BBS II. (1994-1996) |
Chip Hanna | RBBS-PC |
305-432-8210 NORTH DADE, FL |
Bitsy's Place VetLink #17 (1990-1996) |
Henry Van Leer | |
305-432-8698 Hollywood, FL |
Rock Creek BBS, The RockCreek BBS (1993-1996) |
Chip Hanna | RBBS-PC |
305-433-1588 Pembroke Pines , FL |
Karz BBS (1994) |
305-433-3495 Pembroke Pines , FL |
SunShine BBS, SunShine PCBoard, Sunshine PCBoard (2) (1991-1997) |
Michele Hamilton-Stewart, Michele Stewart | PCBoard, PCBoard |
305-434-2518 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Outer Limits 305, Outer Limits Florida (1988) |
Pure Evil | GBBS Pro |
305-434-3880 NORTH DADE, FL |
Up's and Down's (1994-1996) |
Steve Alves | |
305-434-4927 NORTH DADE, FL |
Rain Forest, RainForest, RainForest GBBS Pro APPLE, The RainForest BBS (1987-1994) |
Steve Schneider | GBBS Pro |
305-434-4972 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Rain Forest |
305-434-5619 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
BSI-BBS (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-434-6500 NORTH DADE, FL |
Technical Difficulties (1988) |
305-434-6580 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Far Side |
305-434-8403 NORTH DADE, FL |
Up's and Down's, UP's and DOWN's BBS (1994-1996) |
Steve Alves | Wildcat |
305-434-9759 NORTH DADE, FL |
Southern Cross (1994) |
Tim Eagan | |
305-435-0990 NORTH DADE, FL |
Apollo Files, The Apollo Files (1991-1996) |
Joe Brunson | MajorBBS |
305-435-1090 NORTH DADE, FL |
Radioactive BBS (1994) |
Wildcat | |
305-435-1972 Pembroke Pines , FL |
RedMan, Redman BBS, Redman's BBS, The SawHorse (1991-1999) |
John Sawyer | Ezycom |
305-435-9837 NORTH DADE, FL |
ARIA (1988) |
305-436-0601 Pembroke Pines , FL |
The Data Center BBS (1994) |
305-436-1085 Pembroke Pines , FL |
InterMail Help, InterZone Software, The Inter Zone Cafe, The InterZone Cafe (1990-1996) |
Peter Stewart | RemoteAccess |
305-436-1884 Hollywood, FL |
InterMail Help, InterMail Sales Inc, InterMail Software BBS, InterMail Tech Support I (1992-1996) |
Patrik Bertilsson | WILDCAT! |
305-436-2864 MIAMI, FL |
Lost In Space BBS (1995) |
Ron Blitz | |
305-436-3029 Pembroke Pines , FL |
Karz BBS (1992-1995) |
Buddy Pondick | WILDCAT! |
305-436-3847 MIAMI, FL |
ARIX (1994) |
Delano Anderson | |
305-436-3937 Hollywood, FL |
[] Diver Down BBS [] (1993-1997) |
Steve Elliot | SuperBBS |
305-436-4916 MIAMI, FL |
The Miami Cockpit II (1991-1993) |
Rick Rundell | |
305-436-5070 Pembroke Pines , FL |
The Data Center BBS (1993-1996) |
Dan Gulkis | WILDCAT! |
305-436-5587 Hollywood, FL |
InterMail Software BBS, InterMail Tech Support II (1994-1996) |
Patrik Bertilsson | WILDCAT! |
305-437-0268 MIAMI, FL |
Above The Law =INC= (1990) |
305-437-1284 Pembroke Pines , FL |
CYGNUS (1990-1994) |
Bonnie Lind | RemoteAccess |
305-437-2574 MIAMI, FL |
X Train Station (1992) |
Brian Bisson | |
305-437-2818 MIAMI, FL |
The Gold Coast Space Port BBS (1995) |
Bob Morgan | |
305-437-4499 MIAMI, FL |
Internal Affairs (1992) |
Spy Hunter | |
Trsi Member BBS | |||
305-437-5860 MIAMI, FL |
Gold Coast BBS, Gold Coast Space Society (1992-1996) |
Bob Morgan | |
305-437-6016 MIAMI, FL |
Marquee Systems (1992) |
Albert Afonso | |
305-437-8260 Pembroke Pines , FL |
The Miami Cockpit I (1989-1996) |
Rick Rundell | Wildcat, WILDCAT! |
305-437-8477 MIAMI, FL |
Morton's Barn (1992-1993) |
Tom Morrow | |
305-437-9848 Hollywood, FL |
For Kids Only!, Seed Of Abraham (1993-2000) |
Linda Abraham | OmegaComm , Spitfire |
305-438-3220 MIAMI, FL |
Freddy's Funland (1995) |
John Friedrich | |
305-438-3320 Hollywood, FL |
Freddy's Funland, Freddy's Funland BBS (1994-1996) |
John Friedrich | RoboBOARD/FX |
305-438-6370 MIAMI, FL |
Phoenix BBS (1993) |
Ricardo Martinez | |
305-438-8999 MIAMI, FL |
Fantastic Planet BBS, FantasticPlnet (1995-2002) |
Michael Sweat | MajorBBS |
305-438-9995 Miramar, FL |
Bargain Store, Target Paging (1992-1994) |
Bill Asbell | SuperBBS |
305-439-2136 Lake Worth, FL |
The Fortune Cookie BBS (1986) |
Blake Levy | |
305-439-5754 MIAMI, FL |
RCP/M Oracle 002 (1984-1985) |
305-441-0937 MIAMI, FL |
DVS BBS (1992) |
305-441-2983 MIAMI, FL |
Net-Works Software Centrum (1983) |
Chris Perez | |
305-442-6000 MIAMI, FL |
Blue Water BBS Systems, Blue Water Systems (1992-1995) |
Dan Bernasconi | Wildcat |
305-443-2983 MIAMI, FL |
Trade-80 Lazarus Associates (1983) |
George Rodriguez | |
305-444-5615 Coral Gables, FL |
C.G. Medterm, CG Medterm (135/8), CORAL GABLES MEDTERM, Coral Gables Medterm BBS, Coral Gables MEDTERM (1988-1995) |
Mario Diaz | |
305-444-7788 MIAMI, FL |
CNEPA BBS (1994) |
Wildcat | |
305-445-6917 MIAMI, FL |
12 Steps, The Sober Way Out, The Way Out (135/35) (1989-1994) |
Robert Egan, Robert F. Egan | |
305-447-6668 MIAMI, FL |
Mole Hole BBS Systems (1992-1994) |
Tom Bernasconi | Wildcat |
305-447-9354 MIAMI, FL |
Headbanger Graphics (1990) |
Robert Egan | |
305-452-1104 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Central OS/2 HQ (1994) |
PCBoard | |
305-452-1128 MIAMI, FL |
Central HQ 2 (1995-1996) |
Bill Seward | |
305-452-2883 MIAMI, FL |
Marquee Systems (1992) |
Albert Afonso | |
305-452-5005 MIAMI, FL |
Erotica Entertainment Network (1994-1995) |
Jason F. Whitney | |
305-452-5226 MIAMI, FL |
The Looking Glass BBS (1992-1996) |
Kenneth Wiren | Wildcat |
305-452-5227 MIAMI, FL |
Daybreak Mail System, Treasure Coast Net (1994-1995) |
Sonya Whitaker, Sonya Wiren | |
305-452-6980 MIAMI, FL |
New Horizons (1988-1989) |
Halkovic/Cronen | |
305-452-8184 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Zodiac Demension, Zodiac Dimension BBS (1992-1994) |
William Gordon | Renegade |
305-452-9459 MIAMI, FL |
Cybershock (1992) |
Seth Goldberg | |
305-452-9941 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Med Talk, Med Talk (369/61), Med-Talk BBS! (1992-1995) |
Steve Bernstein | WILDCAT! |
305-453-6998 KEY LARGO, FL |
Space Coast Apple Usr Gp |
305-454-3940 Hallandale , FL |
Blaze BBS (1993-1996) |
Venri Daiguillon | Searchlight |
305-456-0126 Hollywood, FL |
The Last Amiga BBS (1994) |
AmiExpress | |
305-456-0905 POMPANO BEACH, FL |
LateNight BBS (1992) |
Maurice Mizrahi | |
305-456-2511 POMPANO BEACH, FL |
Fortress 2000 (1994) |
305-456-4781 Hallandale, FL |
LateNight BBS (1992) |
Maurice Mizrahi | |
305-456-5258 POMPANO BEACH, FL |
Digital Wave BBS (1994-1996) |
Scott Mugan | |
305-456-7089 POMPANO BEACH, FL |
THE JAIL (1985) |
Forem ST | |
305-457-3565 MIAMI, FL |
Ben Was Board (1992) |
305-458-2998 Hollywood, FL |
Ben WAS Board (1993-1994) |
Ben Blavat | Virtual BBS |
305-458-5627 Hollywood, FL |
Omega II, Omega II BBS (1994-1996) |
Lee Joel | WILDCAT! |
305-461-5288 MIAMI, FL |
Eclectic BBS (1994) |
Tark Henderson | |
305-462-1372 MIAMI, FL |
The Quarterdeck (1991-1992) |
Kelly Hulse | |
305-465-2813 MIAMI, FL |
DOOOOM (1985) |
AMIS | |
305-465-4781 MIAMI, FL |
LateNight BBS (1991) |
Maurice Mizrahi | |
305-467-1840 MIAMI, FL |
Messenger (1991) |
Howard Marshall | |
305-467-6712 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
"Nightmare" BBS, Nightmare BBS (1988-1995) |
John McCorkle | Wildcat |
305-470-9789 MIAMI, FL |
CRIME BYTES (1996-2000) |
Jerry Rudoff | |
305-471-8499 MIAMI, FL |
The Mansion (adult) (1994) |
305-471-8962 MIAMI, FL |
Capstone Technical Support (1995) |
305-472-1902 MIAMI, FL |
The Apple-Tree |
305-472-2314 MIAMI, FL |
Misty Moonlight (1992-1996) |
Sherry Levine | QuickBBS |
305-472-4431 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Wild Palms BBS (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-472-7715 Plantation , FL |
Bashful Pervert BBS, Brass Pounder BBS, Brass Pounder BBS
(1992-2002) |
Bob Patten | Wildcat , WILDCAT! |
305-472-8416 MIAMI, FL |
Late Night BBS (1991) |
305-472-8504 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Shop (1993-1995) |
Rick Thompson | Maximus |
305-473-1682 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Graveyard (1994) |
Virtual BBS | |
305-473-2000 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
High Society, Tessier Technologies, Inc. (1994-1995) |
The Major BBS | |
305-473-2314 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Misty Moonlight BBS, Treasure Coast Net (1992-1996) |
Sherry Levine | QuickBBS |
305-473-2361 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
High Society (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-473-5134 Plantation, FL |
High Society BBS, Tessier Technologies (1994-1995) |
Reseller of multipe BBS projects | |||
305-473-6348 Ft. Lauderdale, FL |
The Rising Sun (1981-1994) |
The Delegation: e.g. Alan Lobel, Rick Lambert, Christian Riley | Apple ][+ with custom software |
305-473-8759 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
3rd Dimension, The Third Dimension Online! (1995-1996) |
MajorBBS , WorldGroup | |
From the January 1996 issue of Boardwatch: 16 lines, Running Worldgroup! Features too many to list! Internet Access, Slip, CSlip, PPP, Telnet, FTP, IRC, WWW, Gopher, Usenet and MORE! Online Weather, Shopping, Travel, Sports, Vast File Libraries, Lively Chat, Multi-player Games and MUCH MORE! Free two week guest access. Secure Adult Entertainment Offered. Get ONLINE Today! | |||
305-474-2660 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
BPCA Online! BBS (1991-1994) |
Richard M Weiner | WILDCAT! |
305-474-5383 Deerfield, FL |
Rock'n Roll Harbour (1994-1995) |
305-474-6429 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Silicon Beach BBS (1992-1996) |
Mark Lautenschlager | WILDCAT! |
305-474-6512 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Silicon Beach, Silicon Beach BBS, SiliconBch (1989-1996) |
Lautenschlager, Eric Thav | RBBS, Wildcat , WILDCAT! |
List of BBS List Keepers: South Florida Area 305/407/Eric Thav ListKeeper: South Florida Area 305/407 | |||
305-474-6560 Plantation, FL |
Data Center BBS (1993-1995) |
305-474-9009 NORTH DADE, FL |
461 Ocean Blvd (1990) |
Brent Alberts | |
305-475-0454 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Central Headquarters, Central HQ, Central HQ NY, Central Hq. New York, Central OS/2 HQ (1989-1996) |
Bill Seward | PCBoard, PCBoard |
305-475-9062 MIAMI, FL |
AMI8 | |
305-475-9090 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The WeekEnder, The Weekender BBS (1994-1995) |
Bob Manapeli | RBBS-PC |
305-476-0908 MIAMI, FL |
Freddy's Funland (1992-1993) |
John Friedrich | |
305-476-6515 MIAMI, FL |
The Graveyard (1994) |
Pablo Averbuj | |
305-477-0550 MIAMI, FL |
Mineshaft (1994-1995) |
Jerry Sehl | |
305-477-2492 MIAMI, FL |
BERKSHIRE BOARD SDS-18, Reg18 SDSCoord (1989) |
Bill Kraski | |
305-477-9257 MIAMI, FL |
Neo Beat (1991) |
Robert Carothers | |
305-478-3008 MIAMI, FL |
CommodoreClb($ (1988) |
305-479-1696 MIAMI, FL |
The Other Side REL PCB (1989-1991) |
Steven Baxter | |
305-480-6014 MIAMI, FL |
The InnerSight Connection (1991) |
Debbie Hazelton | |
305-480-6019 Deerfield Beach, FL |
Neitherworld BBS, The NeitherWorld BBS (1994-1996) |
Jonathan LaMar, Jonathan La Mar | WILDCAT! |
305-480-6047 MIAMI, FL |
Hi Notes, Serendipity (1992-1994) |
Debbie Hazelton | |
305-480-6758 MIAMI, FL |
Inner Sight Connection, Innersight Connection, The InnerSight Connection (1990-1994) |
Debbie Hazelton | |
305-480-9125 Deerfield Beach, FL |
Spectrum 2000 (1994-1995) |
Sean Cousins | WILDCAT! |
305-484-6321 PERRINE, FL |
DJSA BBS (1991) |
305-485-0515 MIAMI, FL |
GameMaster (1995-1996) |
James Torgerson | |
305-485-3132 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
HugoNet! (1994) |
305-485-7442 MIAMI, FL |
"Whi Be Tu", "Why Be Tu" (1994-1995) |
Murdock Thompson, Murdock J. Thompson | |
305-486-1288 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Steel Cage BBS (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-486-2983 Ft Lauderdale, FL |
ABBS Byte Shop, Byte Shop (1982-1985) |
ABBS | |
305-486-3475 NORTH DADE, FL |
IBM WAREHOUSE BBS, IBM Warehouse RBBS, The I.B.M. Warehouse, The IBM Warehouse (1990-1992) |
Mark Calzaretta | |
305-486-5969 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Citicom (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-486-9604 NORTH DADE, FL |
Oscar Tio (1994) |
Oscar Tio | |
305-487-4754 MIAMI, FL |
PC-Rain Node5 (1988-1989) |
Bill Dwinell | |
305-488-4778 MIAMI, FL |
OPUS ZEBRA (1987-1988) |
Bill Irwin | |
305-491-1544 MIAMI, FL |
BBT BBS (1994-1995) |
Darius Liktorius | |
305-492-9176 MIAMI, FL |
Autoland BBS (1995) |
Deisy Miguel | |
305-522-1342 NORTH KEY LARGO, FL |
Looking Glass |
305-522-1453 NORTH KEY LARGO, FL |
Genesis Network (1992) |
Jim Black | |
305-522-4443 NORTH KEY LARGO, FL |
Closet BBS (1994) |
305-522-6646 NORTH KEY LARGO, FL |
Compu Nut, Compunut BBS PCB Sysop's Supp (1987-1994) |
Gary Bouchard | |
305-523-0529 MIAMI, FL |
Telelink BBS (1990) |
Wildcat | |
305-523-1717 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
DrawBridge BBS, DrawBridge,ansi, The DrawBridge, The Drawbridge (1989-1995) |
Rich Waugh | Wildcat |
305-524-1035 NORTH DADE, FL |
Shortwave Paradise (1993-1994) |
305-524-4411 NORTH DADE, FL |
Vanguard Chronicle Network (1994-1995) |
Angela Pope | |
305-524-4709 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Christian Connection BBS (1994) |
305-525-1192 NORTH DADE, FL |
TRADE-80 Ft. Lauderdale (1982-1985) |
305-527-2669 MIAMI, FL |
BISNET (1991) |
305-534-5770 MIAMI, FL |
The Info Exchange, The Info Exchange Beach (1994-1996) |
Jay Postrel | TBBS |
305-536-8678 MIAMI, FL |
Tamri-Net (1991) |
PCBoard | |
305-538-6228 MIAMI, FL |
Wild West (1992-1993) |
John Gonzales | |
305-538-7808 MIAMI, FL |
GalactiComm MU BBS (1990) |
305-545-0373 MIAMI, FL |
Trade Merchant (1994) |
305-545-6282 MIAMI, FL |
Quasar BBS (1995-1999) |
TriBBS | |
305-547-6754 Miami, FL |
Nervous System (1982-1985) |
David Landowne | Communitree |
"This was the 5th BBS to open in Miami and eventually became the last one which did not require a password. It ran the Communitree software on an Apple ][ with 280K of floppy storage. The program was all in RAM so the floppies were entirely available for (compressed) messages and the index. There was nothing to break in to, all the messages were available, so there was no real security need for passwords. Another feature was the fairwitnesses, people with passwords, who could hide messages they thought were inappropriate. The messages were still available to the persistent hackers until I deleted them. After a few years Bob Scheel took over as sysop and eventually ported the concept to different hardware." - David Landowne | |||
305-548-4461 MIAMI, FL |
MicroScope (1987-1988) |
Wynn Howard | |
305-549-6192 MIAMI, FL |
Spinal Cord Injury BBS (1992) |
305-551-0311 MIAMI, FL |
FLoATinG pAncREas, The Floating Pancreas (1992) |
Magestic Cockster | |
305-551-2901 MIAMI, FL |
Ware and Tear (1991-1992) |
Ray Rodriguez | |
305-551-5868 MIAMI, FL |
REDMAN BBS, The Redman, The REDMAN BBS (1990-1994) |
John Sawyer | |
305-551-9141 MIAMI, FL |
T..B..C.. Bbs (1993) |
Renegade | |
305-552-1192 MIAMI, FL |
305-553-0368 MIAMI, FL |
WHAT NOW BBS, Whatnow BBS (1989-1990) |
Alex Rubio | Wildcat |
305-553-0634 MIAMI, FL |
Danger Zone, Death Valley BBS (1988-1990) |
Pedro Flores, Killer | Telegard |
305-553-0978 MIAMI, FL |
Software Megaland (1993-1994) |
305-553-3207 Miami, FL |
Weird BBS (1992-1994) |
German Ma (Sinistar) | CNet Amiga |
305-553-4435 MIAMI, FL |
Check Mate, Check Mate BBS (1992) |
Curtis Wells | |
305-553-5821 MIAMI, FL |
Hangar -18- (1992-1993) |
Joseph DeJesus | |
305-554-0591 MIAMI, FL |
Rosie's Mail Node (1995) |
Barbara O'Keefe | |
305-554-1114 MIAMI, FL |
THE BOARDWALK, The Boardwalk (1989-1994) |
Ben Wright | |
305-554-2145 MIAMI, FL |
McTrans |
305-554-4602 Miami, FL |
FIDO #316 Miami's-First-Fido, FIDO #316: Miami's-First-Fido, Miami's First Fido, Miami'sFirstFido (1985-1991) |
Al DelaTorre, Al de la Torre, Al De La Torre, Alberto de la t, Al dela Torre | FidoNet |
305-554-7508 MIAMI, FL |
S.T.A.R. (1993-1996) |
Bob Forman | |
305-554-9332 MIAMI, FL |
Nervous System Two, NERVOUS SYSTEM (1992-1994) |
Bob Scheel | |
305-556-3042 MIAMI, FL |
DevPalMiami (1994-1995) |
Steve Lin | |
305-556-6677 MIAMI, FL |
Prince, PRINCE BBS! (1993-1994) |
Sy Feierstadt | |
305-556-6858 MIAMI, FL |
Apple Tree //, Apple Tree ][ (1986-1987) |
Ascii Express | |
305-557-1802 MIAMI, FL |
ENTERPRISE! (1990-1991) |
Arturo Batista | |
305-557-3834 MIAMI, FL |
Abuse (1989) |
305-557-5357 MIAMI, FL |
Road Runner, The Road Runner, The Road-Runner (1988-1995) |
Luis Hernandez | Wildcat |
305-557-6984 MIAMI, FL |
LODE RUNNER (1985) |
AMIS | |
305-557-7793 MIAMI, FL |
Flowers BBS (1993-1994) |
Laura Hernandez | |
305-557-8778 MIAMI, FL |
AE Line: Individual Password, Rock&Roll Harbour (1985) |
305-558-2170 MIAMI, FL |
Aware Earth, Aware Earth BBS (1991-1994) |
Lloyd Burt | |
305-558-3945 MIAMI, FL |
Soft Unlimited, Soft Unltd, SoftUnltd, Software Unlimited (1988-1994) |
John Chavez | Wildcat |
305-558-4665 MIAMI, FL |
Exchange, Topico Bay (1992-1994) |
Chris Hunter, Keith Goolsby | |
305-558-5502 MIAMI, FL |
Golden Falcon (1990) |
Wildcat | |
305-558-9137 MIAMI, FL |
Rock & Roll Harbour ][ (1988) |
Dr. Venkeman | Pro-Net |
305-559-0369 MIAMI, FL |
Billboard, Hacker Connection, The Hacker's Connection (1993-1994) |
Fermin Iglesias | Renegade |
305-559-4018 MIAMI, FL |
The Sanctum BBS (1990-1994) |
Josef Graeber | |
305-559-9151 MIAMI, FL |
What now?, WHATNOW, Whatnow BBS (1991-1996) |
Alex Rubio | Wildcat |
305-561-1879 |
The Pelican's Roost (1991) |
Edward Bear | |
305-563-1115 MIAMI, FL |
Auto-Net Int. (1995-1996) |
305-563-5941 MIAMI, FL |
EMail Connection BBS, The Pink Room, Treasure Coast Net (1995-1997) |
Gordon Cunningham | Spitfire |
305-563-8930 MIAMI, FL |
SE Computer Distributors |
305-564-5006 MIAMI, FL |
The PipeLine BBS (1992-1993) |
Tommy Ralph | |
305-564-6323 MIAMI, FL |
The Accountant BBS (1991-1994) |
305-564-6370 MIAMI, FL |
The Wilton Manors Snake Man (1994) |
Wray Parr | |
305-565-0333 MIAMI, FL |
The Drape (1990) |
Wade Shrack | |
305-565-2908 MIAMI, FL |
The Psonic Psunspot BBS (1995-1996) |
Ryan Nash-Arjoon | |
305-565-8300 MIAMI, FL |
The Onyx BBS (1991-1993) |
Tyler Burns | |
305-565-8302 MIAMI, FL |
The Midnight Express (1991-1992) |
Susan Carr | |
305-566-1832 MIAMI, FL |
Metro Connection (1990) |
Morgan Von Essen | |
305-566-4258 MIAMI, FL |
Broward Software Club (1990) |
Wildcat | |
305-567-1445 MIAMI, FL |
The Software Pit (1990) |
Wildcat | |
305-567-1758 MIAMI, FL |
Netware City (1993-1994) |
Neil Marcus | |
305-567-9245 MIAMI, FL |
Night Visions BBS (1990-1993) |
Marcelo Cortes | |
305-569-7298 MIAMI, FL |
Phantasia (1988) |
305-570-7775 Deerfield Beach, FL |
Chess by BBS (1994) |
305-572-1449 MIAMI, FL |
Piper Community School (1994) |
F. Salerno | |
305-572-1819 MIAMI, FL |
Logic Probe (1993-1996) |
Jim Robbins | |
305-572-3357 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Big Bobber's BBS, Big Bobbers BBS (1994-1996) |
Bob Deutch | Wildcat! |
305-572-3456 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Data Express BBS (1994-1996) |
Tim Helton | WILDCAT! |
305-572-3475 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Emerald Palace, Emerald Palace BBS, The (1993-1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-572-4007 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
4x4 Haven BBS (1993-1994) |
David Greer | WILDCAT! |
305-572-4287 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
soft-exchange, South Beach BBS (1993-1995) |
Craig Moser | TeleFinder |
305-572-4910 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
E.D.S BBS, Employment Data Services, System Fix BBS, System Fix PcBoard (1994-1999) |
Wayne Lampiasi | Magpie , PCBoard , TriBBS |
305-572-5833 MIAMI, FL |
PCBBS (1990) |
Steve Fraioli | |
305-572-6086 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Academic Resources BBS, Phoenix Data Systems, The Phoenix BBS, The Phoenix BBS! (1992-1996) |
Jan Ferguson | WILDCAT! |
305-572-7060 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Gammatown, Gammatown BBS (1990-1995) |
Jack Zeller | Maximus |
305-572-8043 MIAMI, FL |
The Hobby Board (1989) |
Wildcat | |
305-572-8295 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Phoenix BBS II (1994) |
Jan Ferguson | WILDCAT! |
305-572-8447 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Oasis BBS (1994) |
Spitfire | |
305-572-8533 MIAMI, FL |
P.C.B.B.S., PCBBS OnLine Systems (1991-1993) |
Steve Fraioli | PCBoard |
305-572-9293 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
4x4 Haven BBS II (1994) |
David Greer | WILDCAT! |
305-572-9566 MIAMI, FL |
P.C.B.B.S. (1991) |
Steve Fraioli | PCBoard |
305-579-0747 MIAMI, FL |
GTH Online! (1993) |
John McDuffee | |
305-581-0832 Davie, FL |
The Samurai Palace (1994) |
WWIV | |
305-581-1248 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Unknown (1991-1995) |
David Bergerson | |
305-581-4440 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Great Escape (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-581-4983 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Library, THE LIBRARY BBS (1991-1996) |
Terry Woodward | Wildcat , WILDCAT! |
THE LIBRARY BBS, Multilines, 2.2 GigaBytes, Huge Adult Section, 16,000+ GIFs, 75 Conferences, Online Games, Download on first call. 305-581-4983 | |||
305-581-5047 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
CourtRoom BBS (1994) |
PCBoard | |
305-581-5162 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Library BBS (1991-1995) |
Terry Woodward | WILDCAT! |
305-581-6834 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Silent Morning BBS (1991-1992) |
David Reina | WWIV |
"Silent Morning first was online in 1987 as a Commie (Commodore 64) board using Color 64 software. It was briefly known as The Power Station. It had some down time and then went back online in 1990 as an IBM system. It then moved to another location and took on the number listed in 1991 and stabalized until I publicly announced my waning interest in the BBS and an official termination date of the BBS. Some of the regulars posted their dissapointments. It was sad but I preferred to take it down rather than allow it to turn into a grave yard. If my old users want to find me, I'm at" - David Reina | |||
305-581-7549 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Abuser BBS (1993-2000) |
Mark Turkal | RemoteAccess |
305-581-7773 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Great Escape (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-581-7934 ISLAMORADA, FL |
ALTERED REALITY (1994-1995) |
305-581-8839 Davie, FL |
The Samurai Palace (1994) |
WWIV | |
305-581-9177 ISLAMORADA, FL |
Electronic Locksmith (1991) |
Robert Bouchard | PCBoard |
305-583,8407 MIAMI, FL |
THE FETISH NETWORK BBS, Inject your modem with the finest in leather alternatives. Join Goddess Dianna Vesta & other famous Mistresses & FehshisL 16 lines. Lots of files, shopping, high speed modems, Worldlink, Kinklink, National Local access 305.583,8407, - BBS Magazine October 1995 | |||
305-583-5990 MIAMI, FL |
Galacticomm BBS (1994) |
305-583-7311 MIAMI, FL |
Sudden Impact (1993) |
Carlos Gahete | |
305-583-7808 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Galacticomm BBS, Galacticomm Demo System, Galacticomm Inc, Galacticomm Major BBS, Galacticomm Technical Support, Galacticomm, Inc BBS (1990-1995) |
Richard Skurnick, Tim Stryker | The Major BBS |
Product: The Major BBS | |||
305-583-7981 MIAMI, FL |
, PLANTATION PC-BOARD, Plantation PCBoard, Plantation PCBoard
, The Plantation (1986-1996) |
E.Wolf & L.Boxx, Larry Boxx/ED W, E.Wolf/L.Boxx | PCBoard |
305-583-8407 MIAMI, FL |
THE FETISH NETWORK BBS, Inject your modem with the finest in feather alternatives. Join Goddess Dianna Vesta & other famous Mistresses & Fetishist. 16 lines. Lots of files, shopping, high speed modems. Worldlink, Kinklink, National Local access 305.583.8407. - BBS Magazine November, 1994 THE FETISH NETWORK BBS, Inject your modem with the finest in leather alternatives. Join Goddess Dianna Vesta & other famous Mistresses & Fetishist. 16 lines. Lots of files, shopping, high speed modems. Worldlink, Kinklink. National Local access 305.583.8407. - BBS Magazine March, 1995 | |||
305-584-0496 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Always All Adult BBS (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-584-4080 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Always All Adult BBS (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-584-4499 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Always All Adult BBS (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-584-5449 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Always All Adult BBS (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-584-6258 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Eagle Eye (1992-1997) |
Rami Rasanen | WILDCAT! |
305-584-6270 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Picture Window (1994) |
Excalibur , Wildcat | |
305-584-9814 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Always All Adult BBS (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-584-9902 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Always All Adult BBS (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-587-0185 Davie, FL |
Samaurai Palace, The Samurai Palace, The Samurai Palace [ASV] (1991-1996) |
Don Zarzecki | WWIV |
305-587-3496 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Wild Thing (1992-1998) |
Sheldon Gerber | PCBoard |
305-587-4258 SUGARLOAF KEY, FL |
The Game Palace BBS (1994) |
Steve Huskisson | |
305-587-7792 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Gateway BBS (1991-1994) |
Carina BBS | |
305-587-8895 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
BIZLINE (1994) |
305-587-9756 SUGARLOAF KEY, FL |
Celestial Realms BBS (1992-1994) |
Jesus Hernandez | |
305-588-0487 MIAMI, FL |
CecilsNitOwl($ (1988) |
305-592-9831 MIAMI, FL |
CRIME BYTES (1992-1996) |
Jerry Rudoff | |
305-594-0997 MIAMI, FL |
The Awesome 1! (1992) |
Jose Segura | |
305-594-2796 MIAMI, FL |
New Frontier BBS (1990) |
Bob Carothers (Delas Forbes) | Telegard |
305-594-4256 MIAMI, FL |
MANSION (1992) |
305-594-4526 MIAMI, FL |
Adults Only Mansion, The Adults Only Mansion (1990-1994) |
305-594-9722 MIAMI, FL |
Sysops On-Line Services (SOS) (1994) |
Tom Cropper | |
305-595-0313 MIAMI, FL |
True Colors (1994-1995) |
Michael Robert | |
305-595-0800 MIAMI, FL |
MEDTERM, Medterm BBS (1992-1995) |
Mario Diaz | |
305-595-6119 MIAMI, FL |
Check Mate BBS (1991-1992) |
Curtis Wells | |
305-595-7187 MIAMI, FL |
Micro-Link (1993-1995) |
Dave Friswell | |
305-595-7491 MIAMI, FL |
Rookie, The Rookie BBS (1992-1994) |
Marwan Tabet, Marwan Tabat | |
305-595-8833 MIAMI, FL |
Dorothy's Ruby Slipper Cafe, Friends of Dorothy, SFLorida Net, South Florida Net (1989-1997) |
Scott Samet | |
305-595-9383 MIAMI, FL |
The Awesome 1! (1990-1991) |
Jose Segura | |
305-596-1401 MIAMI, FL |
ElectroLink (1989) |
Alan Criado | TBBS |
305-596-1854 MIAMI, FL |
MACC, MACC BBS, South Florida Net (1991-1995) |
David Bobo | |
305-596-1886 MIAMI, FL |
CyberBeach (1995) |
Keith Tenen | |
305-596-2904 MIAMI, FL |
FrontDoor Headquarters, InterZone Software (1989-1990) |
Joaquim Homrighausen, joaquim homrighausen, Peter Stewart | |
305-596-2982 MIAMI, FL |
Who Knows (1994) |
John Ameneiro | |
305-596-3450 MIAMI, FL |
Star Trek BBS (1990) |
Irving Gomez (Cooler) | Telegard |
305-596-6107 Miami, FL |
Electronic Link (Original), Westwood BBS (1982-1989) |
Vincent Medina | CNET |
"Was the original Electronic Link, later the name was willed to Alan Criado who revived the site from Commodore 64 based to a multi line PC based running Esoft TBBS (Awesome one of the first multi person chat rooms and had an internet, fidonet portal). Later it became one of Miami's 1st Internet providers: Electronic Link .or. - In the late 90's The entire Biz was sold to another ISP in Homestead somewhere and the name rights went to a telecom company I think?" "What memories, I remember my dad telling me to turn that sh!t off and get to bed!!! hahahahaha.... I love it. 2 Lines on a C64 later a C128 (New name Electronic Link) with link 6 floppy drives and westridge, hayes modems later USR, Smarteam." - Vincent Medina | |||
305-596-8611 MIAMI, FL |
CHATTERBOX BBS, Metro Fire (135/14), Metro-Fire Fido, MetroFire, S-FLorida Net, S.E./Caribbean, S.E./Caribbean/S A, S.E./Caribbean/SA, SFLorida Net (1986-1990) |
Christopher Baker, Marc Moyantcheff | FidoNet |
305-597-0491 MIAMI, FL |
Micro-Link (1992-1993) |
Dave Friswell | |
305-598-2768 MIAMI, FL |
The Software Emporium (1991) |
Fabio Costa | |
305-598-3785 MIAMI, FL |
Micro-Link (1991-1994) |
Dave Friswell | |
305-598-5887 Miami, FL |
The Forth World (1990-1995) |
Marvin the Martian, Fatal Error | Renegade |
"WHQ for AWS (artists with style), bbs went through many phases.. it started as your basic bbs.. and then shifted around from warez, hpvac, bbs mods, then art.. at the end it was just hpvac/art/bbs mods... nothing more.. it used to be considered one of the "elite" in the area.." - Dan Rodriguez | |||
305-598-9009 MIAMI, FL |
The Amiga Zone (1990-1991) |
Carlos Gonzalez | |
305-599-0749 MIAMI, FL |
National Computer Distributors, NCD Distribution Technical Support, NCD Distributin (1994-1995) |
305-599-3004 MIAMI, FL |
The USA (1990-1994) |
Eric Shore | |
305-620-5871 NORTH DADE, FL |
BBS Quest (1988) |
Wildcat | |
305-620-7162 NORTH DADE, FL |
Pace (1994) |
Elias Bassil | |
305-621-0103 Miami, FL |
AMS Fido, AMS Support, AMS Support-Net 135 NEC (1986-1995) |
Peter Adenauer | FidoNet |
305-621-0596 NORTH DADE, FL |
Jamaican Village (1991) |
Ramon Hurlock | |
305-621-1530 Miami, FL |
Deep Purple (1994-1996) |
synchronet | |
305-621-3099 NORTH DADE, FL |
Infinite Darkness (1998) |
Mitchel Waas | |
305-621-4350 NORTH DADE, FL |
ACES MAUG Chapter BBS, ACES MAUG Chapter BBS Florida (1993-1994) |
305-621-7232 Miami, FL |
BBS1 C64 (1982-1986) |
John Theed | CNET |
305-621-7534 NORTH DADE, FL |
Miami User Group (1987-1989) |
Ash & Burch | |
305-622-7049 NORTH DADE, FL |
AmigaLink (1988) |
305-623-5474 NORTH DADE, FL |
Off-Duty Inc. BBS (1989) |
Kathryn Fanning | |
305-623-6775 NORTH DADE, FL |
Never Never Land BBS (1995) |
Osmin Camero | |
305-623-8451 NORTH DADE, FL |
BBS1-PC! (1988-1989) |
John Theed | |
305-623-9066 NORTH DADE, FL |
FrontDoor BBS (1987) |
Joaquim Homrighausen | |
305-624-2190 NORTH DADE, FL |
Pet Place, The Pet Place, The Source, The Source Dia Spriggs (1990-1998) |
Dia Spriggs | |
305-624-2540 NORTH DADE, FL |
Flying Adventures BBS (1994-1996) |
Carlos Roldos | |
305-624-6123 NORTH DADE, FL |
Dark Castle (1988) |
305-624-6323 NORTH DADE, FL |
Brooklyn Boys (1991) |
Kay Cee | |
305-624-6631 Miami, FL |
BBS1-PC!, Home of the 135 NEC, Total Recall (1990-1995) |
John Theed | |
305-625-1196 NORTH DADE, FL |
Opa Locka Tower (1990-1994) |
Orland Carter | |
305-625-3181 NORTH DADE, FL |
Southern Micro RCPM (1984-1985) |
Jim Wright | |
305-628-1048 NORTH DADE, FL |
Total Recall (1994-1995) |
John Theed | |
305-628-3455 NORTH DADE, FL |
BBS1-PC! (1991-1994) |
John Theed | |
305-628-3628 NORTH DADE, FL |
La Cosa Nostra Adult BBS (1993-1998) |
Lenny Puglisi | |
305-628-6536 NORTH DADE, FL |
Miami User Group (1990) |
305-636-2664 MIAMI, FL |
CocoBchOnline (1988) |
305-638-1516 MIAMI, FL |
Blue Fire (1991) |
Ed Figueroa | |
305-638-7987 MIAMI, FL |
Berkshire Board, Berkshire Brd (1988-1990) |
Bill Kraski | |
305-639-0715 MIAMI, FL |
Astronomer's RBBS, STAR-NET, GENERAL LIBRARY (1985) |
Chuck Cole | |
305-639-2810 MIAMI, FL |
General Awards Inc (1997-1998) |
Mitchel Waas | |
305-641-1162 MIAMI, FL |
Bug Shop (1988) |
305-641-4945 MIAMI, FL |
The Twilight Board ][, TwilightBd2 (1988-1991) |
Dave Katz | PCBoard |
305-642-0754 Miami, FL |
Software Cuisine, The Software Cuisine (1990-1995) |
Peter Hebert | |
305-643-4430 MIAMI, FL |
The Mute Point (1991) |
Tony Mori | RemoteAccess |
305-644-8327 Orlando, FL |
CONNECTION-80 Orlando (1981-1985) |
Bill Vermillion | CONNECTION-80 |
"I put up the first 24x7 BBS in Orlando on July 1, 1981. The software was called Connection-80. I was listed the hardbound book that listed all the BBS in the US that came out sometime after I brought my BBS up. "I'm a pack-rat so somewhere I still have the original TBBS manuals, and even have my first computer, the old original Radio Shack Model I that I got in 1977 - two days after Christmas after a 3 month wait. It was the 4th Radio Shack computer sold in Orlando. "That became the orignal BBS machine. The Connection 80 software would hold only about 80 or so messages. The TBBS used a database type approach to store message and capacity went way up. I then moved to 80-track double density drives with the TBBS software and that was 360K per drive and I could keep a great many more message on line. "When I moved it to the Max80 with the 8" DSDD floppy drives with 1.2MB per disk things got better and faster. Limits like that seem quaint in today's world. "I moved to TBBS - and serial number as recall ws 23, with the first 10 being reservered and were for local testing in the Denver area. I ordered TBBS to be shipped when it was released. I got it and had one file missing and they set it up for transfer. I was up and running before the hour was out. Dave Ebert at the company said I was the first TBBS East of the Mississippi and may have been the first up and running outside their test machines in the Denver area. I later gave up TBBS and moved to a BBS on a Radio Shack 16 written in BASIC that I bought, and then in a couple of months moved to be a usenet leaf, and shortly thereafter a node. At it's peak I was in the top-500 sites monthly - and that was in the days when the full usenet feed was not too large. When the daily feed when to 100MB/day I dropped the alt.binaries, and finally all the alt groups." - Bill Vermillion | |||
305-645-5543 |
TBBS Pizza-Net (1983-1985) |
305-647-1147 MIAMI, FL |
Orlando Technical RCP/M (1985) |
Jim Smith | |
305-647-6960 MIAMI, FL |
Orlando Exchange (1987-1988) |
John Windmeuller | |
305-652-9422 NORTH DADE, FL |
305-653-0500 NORTH DADE, FL |
SpacePort Miami (1992-1993) |
Ray Brown | |
305-653-2589 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Hearing Aid BBS (1991-1992) |
305-653-4630 NORTH DADE, FL |
Games Unlimited (1992-1994) |
Mike Keen | |
305-653-5060 NORTH DADE, FL |
The PATROL Zone (1988) |
Grady Carrick | |
305-654-7272 NORTH DADE, FL |
Games Unlimited (1994-1995) |
Mike Keen | |
305-654-9365 NORTH DADE, FL |
INFO-BBS (1994-1998) |
Bobby Brown | |
305-654-9784 NORTH DADE, FL |
Games 'R' Us (1990) |
Scotty West | Telegard |
305-655-3041 NORTH DADE, FL |
Deviant's Place, DevPalMiami (1993-1994) |
Steve Lin | |
305-661-1908 MIAMI, FL |
Leech (1994) |
305-661-2898 MIAMI, FL |
Tropical BBS (1995) |
Rob Joseph | |
305-662-1404 MIAMI, FL |
Shaykh's Oasis (1993-1994) |
Hanna al-Mustarab | |
305-662-1748 MIAMI, FL |
Eclectic BBS (1988-1992) |
Tark Henderson | |
305-662-5639 MIAMI, FL |
Markings...on a blank sky (1988) |
Robert Egan | |
305-663-0354 MIAMI, FL |
The Castle Ryne (1994) |
William Daniel | |
305-663-6539 MIAMI, FL |
Uncle Charlie's BBS (1991) |
Dan Carrera | |
305-663-9842 MIAMI, FL |
Eclectic Transfer (1991) |
Mitchell Masters | |
305-664-0591 ISLAMORADA, FL |
NightWind (1995-1996) |
Rob LeRoy | |
305-665-0204 Miami, FL |
The Tardis BBS (1984-1989) |
MPP-FoReM, Asylum, BBS:Ufp | |
305-665-3283 MIAMI, FL |
The Way Out (1988) |
X Doper | |
305-665-5757 MIAMI, FL |
System One (1992) |
den sprague | |
305-666-3748 MIAMI, FL |
Seventh Star |
305-666-9099 MIAMI, FL |
D'Bridge Skydiving School (1991) |
Chris Irwin | |
305-667-4883 MIAMI, FL |
Devils Lair (1995-1999) |
TriBBS | |
305-669-1295 MIAMI, FL |
Tropical BBS (1994-1996) |
Rob Joseph | Wildcat |
305-669-1347 MIAMI, FL |
Bavmorda's Castle (1991) |
Luis Guerrero | |
305-670-4806 MIAMI, FL |
Statia Line BBS (1990-1994) |
305-671-2330 MIAMI, FL |
RCP/M RBBS Orlando, Winter Park, Florida RCPM/RBBS (1983-1984) |
305-671-5913 Winter Park, FL |
Pigsty BBS, The Pigsty TBBS (1985-1989) |
Richard Marlowe | |
305-676-3573 KEY WEST, FL |
RCP/M Hackers BBS (1983-1985) |
305-676-3873 KEY WEST, FL |
The Chicken Ranch (1987) |
GBBS Pro | |
305-676-5312 KEY WEST, FL |
305-677-8086 POMPANO BEACH, FL |
Concurrent Research BBS, Orlando, Florida RCP/M System, Orlando, Florida Remote Concurrent Multiuser System, RCP/M RBBS Orlando (1984-1990) |
Larry Snyder | |
305-679-6238 MIAMI, FL |
Big Blue, ODIN-Orlando Data & Information Network (1987-1988) |
John Ervin | |
305-680-7683 NORTH DADE, FL |
Southern Cross (1994-1995) |
Tim Eagan | |
305-680-9387 NORTH DADE, FL |
SOFTWARE & MORE (1988) |
Wildcat | |
305-680-9481 Hollywood, FL |
Miami PC User's Group, Miami PC Users Group, The Miami PC Users Group (1992-1994) |
PCBoard | |
305-681-8490 MIAMI, FL |
BBS Coco (1984-1985) |
305-682-1482 North Miami Beach, FL |
The Haven (1993-1995) |
Adam Mizrahi, Richard Hawkings | Renegade |
305-682-8725 NORTH DADE, FL |
Tiki Bar, Tiki Bar BBS (1993-1995) |
Jerry Lang | |
305-683-6044 BIG PINE, FL |
INFOEX-80 West Palm Beach (1982-1984) |
305-685-9542 MIAMI, FL |
Trade*Merchants (1994) |
Jose Perez | |
305-686-3695 |
Micro-80 West Palm Beach (1982-1984) |
305-688-1833 MIAMI, FL |
MATRIX (1995) |
Claude Charles | |
305-688-7917 MIAMI, FL |
Micro Access BBS (1991) |
Richard Summers | |
305-696-7115 MIAMI, FL |
Integrated (1994) |
Michael Torres | |
305-698-6808 MIAMI, FL |
QuickSilver (1994-2001) |
Mike Moore | |
305-698-9228 Deerfield Beach, FL |
Genesis Network II BBS, NET 369 N Echomail HUB, San Francisco Info, SF.INFO BBS, SF.INFO/BBS (1993-1995) |
Greg Morin | Virtual BBS |
305-698-9836 Deerfield Beach, FL |
The Major BBS | |
305-699-5315 MIAMI, FL |
QRC (1987-1989) |
Doug Jarrett | |
305-720-0240 MIAMI, FL |
Color Connection (1991) |
305-720-0655 MIAMI, FL |
Unkown BBS (1988) |
Wildcat | |
305-720-1382 North Lauderdale, FL |
The Nine Muses BBS (1994) |
Jim Jones | |
From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: North Lauderdale, Florida since 04/94. Sysop: Jim Jones. Using MajorBBS 6.12 with 8 lines on MS-DOS 80486 with 4500 MB storage. ZyXel at 16800 bps. $.50 Hourly fee. FREE trial period. National Chat linkups 5 nights a week. Chat with 100's of others. Over 4 gig of files on-line with no up/dnload ratio. Daily news and monthly publications. Over 200 MajorNet forums. Online multi-player games. Much more soon! Call now! | |||
305-720-3307 Tamarac, FL |
Unique Connections (1991-1995) |
Gary Dezern | |
305-720-3637 Coral Springs, FL |
The Dog House, Treasure Coast Net (1980-2000) |
Peter Gunderson | RemoteAccess |
305-720-3669 MIAMI, FL |
Acquired Knowledge BBS (1994) |
305-720-5770 MIAMI, FL |
The Dog House 2 (1995-2000) |
Peter Gunderson | |
305-720-6692 MIAMI, FL |
The Realm of Storms (1993-1994) |
Mike Arrowood | |
305-720-7675 North Lauderdale , FL |
Gator's BBS (1990-1994) |
Wildcat, WILDCAT! | |
305-720-8929 MIAMI, FL |
Datagate (1995-1996) |
Jeremy Weiss | |
305-720-8963 MIAMI, FL |
The Pelican's Roost (1991) |
Edward Bear, Edward Duda | |
305-721-0093 MIAMI, FL |
The Turnpike BBS (1993-1994) |
Jeff Debrosse | |
305-721-1885 MIAMI, FL |
CyberRealm (1994) |
Chris Juried | |
305-721-5051 MIAMI, FL |
Beachway, The Beachway BBs (1994-1996) |
geoffrey booher | |
305-721-9690 MIAMI, FL |
New Pompeii BBS (1990) |
Evan Dictor | Telegard |
305-721-9793 Pompano Beach, FL |
The Airliner, The Airliner BBS (1993-1994) |
WWIV | |
305-722-0277 MIAMI, FL |
A State of Devolution BBS, The South Florida Mail Server (1992) |
Scott Taylor | |
305-722-1311 MIAMI, FL |
Gateway (1987-1988) |
Dave Cohen | |
305-722-2728 MIAMI, FL |
Techlands BBS, The TechLands BBS (1992-1993) |
Bryan Branam | |
305-722-4321 Tamarac, FL |
ComNet-64 BBS II (1986) |
Dan Volin | |
305-722-8037 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Pelican's Roost (1991-1995) |
Edward Bear | |
305-722-8050 North Lauderdale |
The Dark Side of the Moon (1991-1992) |
Scott Taylor | |
305-724-4297 MIAMI, FL |
PCBBS Onl Sys (1993-1996) |
Steve Fraioli | PCBoard |
305-726-0350 MIAMI, FL |
Messenger (1991) |
Howard Marshall | |
305-726-1200 Coral Springs, FL |
Info-Power Network (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-726-3849 Pompano Beach, FL |
Logic Circuit, Logic Circuit - Logicom, Logicom, Logicom Inc (1993-1995) |
Edward Bush | The Major BBS |
Galacticomm reseller | |||
305-726-4390 Tamarac, FL |
ComNet-64 BBS (1986) |
Anne Herold | |
305-726-5434 North Lauderdale , FL |
CCUG & Christian CUG BBS, CCUG BBS, CCUG/Christian Computer Users Gp BBS, Christian Computer Users Group, CP/M Computer Users Group (1991-2000) |
Doug Lynn | OmegaComm |
305-726-6003 MIAMI, FL |
Wonder Years BBS (1991) |
305-726-8892 Pompano Beach, FL |
The Pelican's Roost (1993-1994) |
Edward Duda | Maximus |
305-727-0331 NORTH DADE, FL |
Melbourne Beach CRCP/M GOLIATH (1985) |
Alex Soya | |
305-729-0935 MIAMI, FL |
Compusult ROS (1989-1991) |
Jeff Ruddell | |
305-730-0101 MIAMI, FL |
Super Downloads BBS (1992) |
Nimrod Yeini | |
305-731-7644 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Mel's Remote Access (1994-1998) |
Joseph Scalzo | RemoteAccess |
305-731-9084 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Pelican's Roost (1992) |
Edward Duda | |
305-731-9713 MIAMI, FL |
Logic Circuit (1994) |
Edward C. Bush | |
305-733-0780 NORTH DADE, FL |
Nightline BBS! (1991-1994) |
Tom Allen | |
305-733-7234 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Pelican's Roost (1992-1993) |
Edward Duda | |
305-733-8930 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Scipes BBS! (1992-1994) |
305-734-6026 Palm Beach, FL |
Atari CC of Palm Beach (1986) |
ATASCII only -- Atari Computer Club of the ATASCII only -- Atari Computer Club of the | |||
305-735-2380 MIAMI, FL |
Trek Land (1991) |
Steven Rosbury | |
305-735-2938 MIAMI, FL |
Oscar Tio (1994) |
Oscar Tio | |
305-735-5350 MIAMI, FL |
DJSA BBS (1991) |
305-735-7112 MIAMI, FL |
Dancin Mouse, Dancin' Mouse BBS (1990) |
Gerald Rappaport | |
305-735-7370 MIAMI, FL |
The Onyx BBS (1991) |
Tyler Burns | |
305-735-9515 MIAMI, FL |
Ten Forward Lounge (1991-1992) |
Edward Bush | |
305-736-4950 MIAMI, FL |
Sanctuary (1985) |
Chris DeBracy | |
305-737-1590 MIAMI, FL |
BBS-PC 1 (1989) |
305-737-1644 MIAMI, FL |
DOSBBS (1988) |
305-738-7539 MIAMI, FL |
TwilightBoard (1988) |
305-739-4552 MIAMI, FL |
Computer & Marine Store, Marine and Computer Store, Marine&Computer Store BBS (1990-1994) |
Wildcat | |
305-741-0835 MIAMI, FL |
Dr. Data BBS (1989) |
305-741-2225 Sunrise, FL |
NatMAC BBS (1994) |
TeleFinder | |
305-741-5860 Fort Lauderdale, Fl |
Dial Your Match #81 (1983-1989) |
Mark Marovitch | Dial Your Match |
305-741-7392 MIAMI, FL |
The Bank Board (1988-1989) |
Russ Craver | |
305-742-7331 MIAMI, FL |
Tech Source BBS! (1994) |
Wildcat | |
305-743-5611 MARATHON, FL |
KeySource! Grassy Key (1995-1997) |
Jim Harre | |
305-744-7862 SUGAR LOAF KEY, FL |
Doctor Fido, Dr. Fido (1986-1988) |
Ron Innerfield | FidoNet |
305-746-0096 Lauderhill, FL |
The Jungle BBS (1993-1996) |
Chris Geroy | WildCat |
"Just wanted to add to all my friends I made in Ft. Lauderdale the following: Divorced in 1995, moved to South Dakota and married my soulmate (4 years + now) and believe it or not, we met by accident on the internet (go figure). I was proud to be involved in the bbs community back in the hayday, I miss my friends, but am happy where I'm at. I ran Wildcat and I remember when I finally got it all configured and up (I was in Pompano Beach at the time), I got up the next a.m. and checked my log, and it was a guy in the bldg next to mine whom I'd never met, but we became friends. I went to his door and knocked, and told him I had a problem with his log-on and introduced myself. We'd been neighbors for 3 years and never had met until then. It was fun being a node for fido-net, and when I first got Inter-mail successfully configured, I actually felt like I'd accomplished something. Retired from land surveying and started new career in Outside Plant Design for the telcomm industry, designing Fiber In The Loop and Sonet rings. Have my own recording studio and still play with some bands when I have a chance. If anybody remembers me, just wanted to say Hi and hope all is as good with you as my life is for me now. Cya L8r (still remember how to do that!)" - Chris Geroy | |||
305-746-0795 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Dr Downloads BBS, Dr. Down Load, Dr. Downloads BBS (1990-1995) |
Jeff Taylor | Wildcat, WILDCAT! |
305-746-0967 MIAMI, FL |
NetSource (1995-1996) |
John Huzor | |
305-746-2913 MIAMI, FL |
NightLine BBS (1990) |
Wildcat | |
305-746-9547 MIAMI, FL |
4x4 Haven BBS (1995) |
David Greer | |
305-748-0004 MIAMI, FL |
COMPUBASE, Compubase BBS (1995) |
COMPUBASE 305.748.7791. 0409. 0004. The new kid on the block. 3 high speed 14.4 nodes. We welcome users of all ages, Adult section for 18 + callers. 1 GIG of capacity and growing/expanding. - BBS Magazine March, 1995 | |||
305-748-0409 MIAMI, FL |
COMPUBASE (1995) |
COMPUBASE 305.748.7791. 0409. 0004. The new kid on the block. 3 high speed 14.4 nodes. We welcome users of all ages, Adult section for 18 + callers. 1 GIG of capacity and growing/expanding. - BBS Magazine March, 1995 | |||
305-748-1380 MIAMI, FL |
The International Trader (1992-1993) |
Joe Beeler | |
305-748-2780 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Byte Me BBS (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-748-3159 MIAMI, FL |
Tool Shed (1993-1994) |
305-748-3904 MIAMI, FL |
The Novacomm Network (1990) |
Stan Novak | |
305-748-5071 MIAMI, FL |
Amiga Depot BBS (1994) |
John Preston | |
305-748-7672 MIAMI, FL |
Instant Replay BBS (1991-1992) |
Bill Ebina | |
305-748-7791 MIAMI, FL |
COMPUBASE (1995) |
COMPUBASE 305.748.7791. 0409. 0004. The new kid on the block. 3 high speed 14.4 nodes. We welcome users of all ages, Adult section for 18 + callers. 1 GIG of capacity and growing/expanding. - BBS Magazine March, 1995 | |||
305-748-7993 Sunrise, FL |
NatMAC BBS (1994) |
TeleFinder | |
305-748-9700 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Realm of Legends (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-749-0355 MIAMI, FL |
Caesar's Palace |
305-749-2395 MIAMI, FL |
Med-Talk BBS! (1991-1992) |
Steve Bernstein, Lauderhill FL | |
305-749-3637 Sunrise, FL |
Psycho Ward (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-749-4600 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Realm of Legends (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-749-6060 Sunrise, FL |
Spectrum BBS (1991-1994) |
Searchlight | |
305-749-6458 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
DJSA BBS (1994) |
Spitfire | |
305-749-6667 MIAMI, FL |
Bob & Vicky's BBS (1994-1996) |
Bob Harriman | |
305-749-6680 Sunrise, FL |
Psycho Ward, The Psycho Ward (1987-1994) |
Psycho Murdoctor | The Major BBS |
"The Psycho Ward was started by me in 1987 using GBBS II on a Franklin Ace 1000 (Apple clone).... and upgraded to a PC in 1989 using The Major BBS from Galacticomm (I wrote several online games for them), after which a second line was added (305-749-3637). It remained a two-line BBS for several years, until I finally took it down to "move on with my life". The major focus of The Psycho Ward was an RPG based on the Transformers cartoon, but there were other discussion areas and RPGs (such as AD&D and Wrestling), and it was a proving ground for many of the games I wrote." - Psycho Murdoctor | |||
305-749-7900 MIAMI, FL |
Realm of Legends (1991) |
305-749-8271 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Bob & Vicky's BBS (1994) |
305-749-9606 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Dr Downloads BBS II, Dr. Downloads BBS (1994-1995) |
Jeff Taylor | WILDCAT! |
305-751-0993 MIAMI, FL |
The Guild, The World of Windows (1991-1992) |
Sean Holtz | |
305-751-3117 MIAMI, FL |
World of Windows (1992-1993) |
Sean Holtz | |
305-751-7903 MIAMI, FL |
Bullitt - 80, Bullitt - 80 Opus, Bullitt-80 (1994-1996) |
Guy Bullitt | |
305-752-0136 MIAMI, FL |
Backstreet BBS (1991) |
305-752-0435 MIAMI, FL |
Parkland PC BBS, Parkland PC BBS
(1991-1996) |
Huy Tran | RBBS |
305-752-2041 MIAMI, FL |
Home Boy!, Home Boy! BBS (1990-1991) |
Wildcat | |
305-752-2757 MIAMI, FL |
Micro Bytes BBS (1994-1996) |
Larry Fox | |
305-752-2991 MIAMI, FL |
The Farmer's Market BBS (1991) |
Phyllis Farmer | |
305-752-4373 MIAMI, FL |
Pair O' Dice BBS, Pair O'Dice BBS, Treasure Coast Net-North (1991-1994) |
Jerry Thomas | |
305-752-9439 Coral Springs, FL |
Alpha 2000, Micro Bytes BBS (1992-1994) |
Larry Fox | WILDCAT! |
305-753-1867 MIAMI, FL |
Pair O' Dice ][ Node 2 (1995) |
Jim Kalmer | |
305-753-3013 MIAMI, FL |
Wasteland BBS (1991) |
305-753-3626 MIAMI, FL |
the looney /bin (1994) |
Dave Moses | |
305-753-4605 Coral Springs, FL |
MACATTACK! (1989-1991) |
Amy Brown | Hermes |
305-753-5033 MIAMI, FL |
The Genesis BBS (1994-1995) |
David Sosnin | |
305-753-5407 Coral Springs, FL |
Adult Expectations (1994) |
PCBoard | |
305-753-5479 Coral Springs, FL |
Data Exchange 2000, Data Exchange Association, Fade To Black, The Source (1990-1994) |
Joseph Cristina, Joe Cristina | PCBoard |
305-753-6665 MIAMI, FL |
Just Scanners! (1992-1993) |
James Russo | |
305-753-8727 Coral Springs, FL |
The Source (1994) |
PCBoard | |
305-753-9171 Coral Springs, FL |
The Source (1994) |
PCBoard | |
305-753-9259 Coral Springs, FL |
Pair O' Dice II, Pair O' Dice ][, Pair O' Dice ][ Node 1, Pair O'Dice II, Treasure Coast Net North (1991-1995) |
Jim Kalmer | RemoteAccess |
305-753-9369 MIAMI, FL |
The Genesis UUCP (1994-1995) |
David Sosnin | |
305-754-1034 MIAMI, FL |
Town Crier BBS (1996) |
Orville Bullitt | |
305-754-5477 MIAMI, FL |
The Town Crier, Town Crier (1989-1994) |
Orville Bullitt | |
305-754-5581 Miami Shores, FL |
Bullitt - 80 Maximus BBS! (1997-2003) |
Guy Bullitt | |
305-754-6283 MIAMI, FL |
Bullitt - 80 Opus (1990) |
Guy Bullitt | |
305-755-0127 Coral Springs, FL |
Waves in the Cesspool (1993-1995) |
305-755-2038 MIAMI, FL |
Coral BBS (1994-1995) |
Mitchell Feig | |
305-755-5872 Coral Springs, FL |
The Jungle BBS (1993-1994) |
Chris Geroy | WILDCAT! |
305-755-7095 MIAMI, FL |
The Land of Dementia (1991) |
305-755-8484 MIAMI, FL |
Sawgrass BBS (1991-1993) |
Arthur Knosala | |
305-755-8869 Coral Springs, FL |
Realm of Legends (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-755-8920 MIAMI, FL |
The Land of Dementia (1990-1991) |
Chris DiGiacomo | |
305-757-2309 MIAMI, FL |
Blue Flame (1994) |
Amin Kanji | |
305-757-4108 MIAMI, FL |
DevPalMiami (1991-1994) |
Steve Lin | |
305-757-8438 MIAMI, FL |
Town Crier Opus (1988) |
Orville Bullitt | |
305-758-0912 MIAMI, FL |
Town Crier (1992-1993) |
Orville Bullitt | |
305-758-4821 MIAMI, FL |
Coming Of Age Designs, CompuSci Fido, CompuSci OPUS (1986-1987) |
Marc Ache', Kevin Khelawan | FidoNet |
305-763-1563 MIAMI, FL |
Midnight Mainframe! (1995-1997) |
Buzz Lange | |
305-763-1654 MIAMI, FL |
Project Blue Book |
305-763-6639 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The White House BBS (1990-1994) |
Wildcat, WILDCAT! | |
305-763-7743 MIAMI, FL |
Fluid Power BBS (1990-1994) |
John Gory | |
305-763-8337 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Telelink BBS, TELELINK BBS !!! (1993-1999) |
Marc Livesey | WILDCAT! |
"What a flash back! This was the ultimate learning experience. Started on a 286 and a full meg of memory - didn't have room inside the computer for the 2nd hard drive, so it just hung outside the box. Thanks to Onyx - tyler for helping me get started. Up and running for 6 years. I miss the users and the fun. Internet killed the BBS community - but such is life with growth." - Marc Livesey | |||
305-764-3108 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Gamewatch HQ BBS (1994) |
305-764-6237 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Trade 80 BBS (1994) |
GT-Power | |
305-767-9463 POMPANO BEACH, FL |
KonKave BBS (1992-1993) |
David Price | |
305-769-9364 North Miami, FL |
FIDO/SEADog Radio Broadcast, NET 135 ECHOMAIL HUB, Power Mail Link, Power Station, Region 18 PCP EchoHUB (1986-1991) |
Miguel "Mike" Lombana | Fido, Seadog, DBridge, Opus |
"Wow, hard to believe it's been 20 years! I started the Power Station as a place for my listeners when I was a jock on Power 96 to dial up and keep in touch with what was going on at the station. Suddenly it grew from being a pet project to a full time / part time job! I even ran all the echomail for the entire region for a period of time until the long distance bills got beyond my meager DJ salary. "I was always trying to be one step ahead, I was one of the first, if not the first, sysops in Miami to run with a USR 9600 HST baud modem purchased under the sysop program, had a full meg of ram and the box was an XT clone with a whopping 10 meg hard drive! The original box was a clone with an 8086 processor later upgaded to an 8 mhz 8088 thanks to a sysop in California that worked for MicronPC and finally a 286 setup by Peter Adenaur from AMS. I somehow managed to be a beta for a host of systems including the Opus BBS system which ran until the end powered by a DBridge front end. "Many thanks to Chris Baker from Miami-Fire who came over on a rainy day to help me get all the script files fixed, Marc Ache' for helping with all the betaware he scripted, Chris Irwin for allowing me to beta DBridge and Peter Adenauer for helping me to build a new mega box to run the show!" - Miguel Lombana | |||
305-770-1132 NORTH DADE, FL |
Miami's P.C. 150m, Miami's PC Consultant (1987-1991) |
Dave Steinman | |
305-771-0041 Lauderdale, By The Sea, FL |
Daybreak Mail System, Treasure Coast Net (1991-1994) |
Sonya Whitaker-Quandt | WILDCAT! |
305-771-0117 MIAMI, FL |
INVESTECH (1986) |
John Griffing | |
305-771-7599 MIAMI, FL |
Datim (1987-1991) |
Dave Sowers | PCBoard |
305-772-1076 MIAMI, FL |
LYNX, The Lynx |
305-772-4444 Ft Lauderdale, FL |
FORUM-80 Ft Lauderdale, FL, FORUM-80 Ft. Lauderdale (1982-1985) |
FORUM-80 | |
305-772-9116 MIAMI, FL |
Adult Temptations (1994) |
305-773-1251 MIAMI, FL |
Space Frontiers (1987) |
GBBS Pro | |
305-773-2831 MIAMI, FL |
The Society BBS (1988) |
Cindy Edens | |
305-773-5033 Eaugale, FL |
Computer Hustler, Computer Hustler BBS (1986-1991) |
Paul Heim | |
305-774-3355 MIAMI, FL |
Abacus Info Center (1987-1988) |
Mike Harris | |
305-776-0016 MIAMI, FL |
The Eclipse Central BBS (1992) |
Darius Liktorius | |
305-776-2009 MIAMI, FL |
Morton's Barn (1994-1995) |
Tom Morrow | |
305-776-4296 MIAMI, FL |
Investor's BBS (1985) |
Ben Scotkin | |
305-776-6407 MIAMI, FL |
IBM Computer Center (1991) |
305-777-5989 MIAMI, FL |
Beach Realty ROS (1987-1989) |
Louis Cohen | |
305-777-8365 MIAMI, FL |
The Connection (1986-1987) |
Ascii Express | |
305-779-1153 MIAMI, FL |
Unique Connections Too (1991) |
Katrina McNeal | |
305-779-2452 MIAMI, FL |
Unique Connections (1991) |
Gary Dezern | |
305-779-3201 MIAMI, FL |
Trek Land (1991-1992) |
Steven Rosbury | |
305-781-1683 MIAMI, FL |
305-783-1989 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Adult Information Exchange (1994) |
DLX | |
305-783-2111 Pompano Beach, FL |
Priority One BBS (1994-1996) |
Steve Musser | WILDCAT! |
305-784-0906 MIAMI, FL |
The Jungle BBS (1992-1993) |
Chris Geroy | |
305-784-5289 MIAMI, FL |
Hell Board BBS (1995) |
Glenn Sherman | |
305-785-0097 Pompano Beach, FL |
The Genesis BBS (1994) |
David Sosnin | RemoteAccess |
305-785-1407 Coral Springs, FL |
Adult Expectations (1994) |
PCBoard | |
305-785-2594 Pompano Beach, FL |
Clarion Software Technical Support, CLARIONET (1994-1995) |
The Major BBS | |
305-785-9172 Pompano Beach, FL |
Clarion Software BBS TBBS, Clarion Software Corp, CLARIONET (1990-1995) |
James Brosko | The Major BBS |
305-785-9596 MIAMI, FL |
Crossfire, CrossFire BBS (1991-1994) |
305-786-0127 |
Cross Fire IBM/Amiga BBS (1991) |
305-786-0189 |
Pvt Collctn (1989) |
VandenBosch | PCBoard |
305-786-9596 |
Cross Fire IBM/Amiga BBS (1991) |
305-788-0079 MIAMI, FL |
Bakers Board (1987) |
Thomas Baker | |
305-790-0773 MIAMI, FL |
MicroSystSft (1988) |
305-790-0774 MIAMI, FL |
MicroSystSft (1988) |
305-791-1633 NORTH DADE, FL |
Equinox Systems, Inc Technical Support (1995) |
305-791-3272 NORTH DADE, FL |
Underground (1996) |
305-791-3320 NORTH DADE, FL |
United Coders (1995) |
Carlos Gahere, Carlos Gahete | |
305-791-7302 NORTH DADE, FL |
HeathZenith (1988-1989) |
David Fisher, Warren Reeves | |
305-791-9325 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The Cross Roads BBS (1989-1996) |
Michael Illes | PCBoard, PCBoard |
305-791-9574 Hollywood, FL |
Phoenix BBS, The Phoenix Software Library (1990-1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-792-2024 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Fourth Dimension (1988) |
Disk Doctor | GBBS Pro |
305-792-2924 NORTH DADE, FL |
4th Dimension |
305-792-2930 NORTH DADE, FL |
Zodiac Dimension BBS (1994-1995) |
William Gordon | |
305-792-2975 NORTH DADE, FL |
Tropic Jam (1991) |
305-792-3887 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Photo Image BB, Photo Image News BBS (1994-1996) |
Searchlight | |
305-792-6325 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Photo Image News BBS (1994) |
Searchlight | |
305-792-6834 NORTH DADE, FL |
Amiga Depot BBS (1994-1995) |
John Preston | |
305-792-8491 NORTH DADE, FL |
Infinite Darkness (1994) |
Mitchel Waas | |
305-792-8716 NORTH DADE, FL |
Infinite Darkness (1994) |
Mitchel Waas | |
305-792-9622 NORTH DADE, FL |
Infinite Darkness, Info Interchng, The Information Interchange BBS (1995-1996) |
Mitchel Waas | QuickBBS |
305-793-2975 Palm Beach, FL |
Alternate Universe (1986) |
ATASCII only -- Atari Computer Club of the ATASCII only -- Atari Computer Club of the | |||
305-796-9595 Coral Spring, FL |
The Archive (1995) |
Matthew Singer | |
305-797-9841 Ft. Lauderdale, FL |
Data Highway (1994-1995) |
Falconess | MajorBBS 6.21 |
305-798-1051 MIAMI, FL |
305-798-1615 MIAMI, FL |
305-820-1533 MIAMI, FL |
Pony-X-Press (1991) |
Scott Sussman | |
305-821-0455 MIAMI, FL |
Media Zone (1993-1997) |
Jim Mixon | |
305-821-2232 MIAMI, FL |
Rock & Roll Harbour, Rock 'n' Roll Harbour, Rock'N'Roll Harbour (1987-1988) |
Rock & Roll Doctor | |
305-821-3317 Hialeah, FL |
Sox! * Node 1 *, SOX! The SysOp eXchange (1990-2000) |
Ronnie Toth, Ronni Toth | Remote Access |
305-821-4311 MIAMI, FL |
Sox! * Node 2 *, Sox! 000 201 202 203 204 205 206 (1994-2000) |
Ronnie Toth, Ronni Toth | Remote Access |
305-821-7401 Miami, FL |
South Florida Computer Group CBBS (1980) |
CBBS | |
Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February 1980 Issue). Ran part-time from 6:30-8:30pm. | |||
305-821-8703 MIAMI, FL |
LIGHT CHANNEL (1995-1996) |
Wildcat | |
305-822-0404 MIAMI, FL |
Miami Infomatics (1990-1991) |
Alexander Suarez | |
305-822-2737 MIAMI, FL |
Playing Fields (1995-1996) |
MajorBBS | |
305-822-4673 MIAMI, FL |
Miami Infomatics (1991-1994) |
Alexander Suarez | |
305-823-8669 MIAMI, FL |
AE LINE: INSANE (1984) |
305-823-8757 MIAMI, FL |
Box of Rain (1994) |
Rick Mallia | |
305-823-8831 MIAMI, FL |
Bullitt - 80 (1996-1997) |
Guy Bullitt | |
305-823-9408 MIAMI, FL |
*Climax* (1993-1994) |
J. Davies | |
305-824-0531 MIAMI, FL |
Mercy's Place BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
305-824-9832 MIAMI, FL |
the Hughes Network (1989-1990) |
Ed Hughes | |
305-825-2838 MIAMI, FL |
AE LINE: RATZ (1984) |
305-825-5263 MIAMI, FL |
Kinky Kumputers XBBS! (1990-1995) |
George Gerez | |
305-825-7964 MIAMI, FL |
Out of Bounds (1992-1993) |
Paul Schencke | |
305-826-0778 MIAMI, FL |
The Latin Connection BBS (1991-1993) |
Adriana Fernandez | |
305-827-3533 MIAMI, FL |
The Ghost Writer (1995) |
Steve Mashburn | |
305-827-3702 MIAMI, FL |
CORE, The Core, The CORE BBS (1990-1996) |
Jim Cassaro | |
305-827-4630 MIAMI, FL |
Fifo-Lifo (1991-1992) |
Alex Morales | |
305-827-9623 MIAMI, FL |
GrapeVine Systems (1992) |
Robert Egan | |
305-828-0711 MIAMI, FL |
Libra House BBS (1994-1995) |
B. Jaime Rodriguez | |
305-828-1745 MIAMI, FL |
Network 2000 (1990) |
Erik Courtney | |
305-828-3332 MIAMI, FL |
ENTERPRISE! (1990) |
Arturo Batista | |
305-828-4507 MIAMI, FL |
File Room (1995) |
John Wanamaker | |
305-828-4508 MIAMI, FL |
File Room, The File Room (1995-1996) |
John Wanamaker | PCBoard |
305-828-5697 MIAMI, FL |
Careers, Careers BBS, T.H.E. NET! (1992-1995) |
Jesus Dacal, Jesus Decal | |
305-828-7410 MIAMI, FL |
Sysops On-Line Services (SOS) (1992-1994) |
Tom Cropper, William Thompson | |
305-828-7809 MIAMI, FL |
Telcom Central (1993) |
305-828-7909 MIAMI, FL |
Telcom Central (1990-2000) |
Ray Vaughan | |
305-829-8505 MIAMI, FL |
Vesuvius At Home (1994) |
Georgina Martinez | Telegard |
305-829-9503 MIAMI, FL |
Vesuvius At Home (1994-1996) |
Georgina Martinez | |
305-830-4340 NORTH DADE, FL |
RBBS IBM PC Orlando, RCP/M RBBS IBM-PC (1983-1985) |
305-830-8494 NORTH DADE, FL |
FIDO #311 The Lair, The Lair (1984-1986) |
Robert Hupf | FidoNet |
305-831-1679 MIAMI, FL |
Sanyo Club (1986) |
Joe Lewis | |
305-831-5904 MIAMI, FL |
Midnight Express (1987) |
Neal Nachman | Forum, PC-Board |
305-832-7369 SUGARLOAF KEY, FL |
Commodr Forum (1988) |
305-834-6690 MIAMI, FL |
The Trading Post (1987-1988) |
Dionis Smith | |
305-835-6283 MIAMI, FL |
Bullitt - 80 Opus (1991) |
Guy Bullitt | |
305-836-0463 MIAMI, FL |
Data By Design, Head Start BBs, HeadStart BBS (1990-1993) |
Michael Torres | |
305-842-1861 MIAMI, FL |
(1985-1988) |
Molly Campbell | |
305-848-3802 West Palm Beach, FL |
ABBS West Palm Beach (1982-1985) |
ABBS | |
305-852-0047 KEY LARGO, FL |
305-852-1715 KEY LARGO, FL |
BatCave (1992-1993) |
Marc Battreall | |
305-852-4470 KEY LARGO, FL |
Tarpon Bay (1994) |
305-852-6030 KEY LARGO, FL |
Above & Below (1993-1994) |
Marc Battreall | |
305-853-5937 KEY LARGO, FL |
The Answering Machine (1992) |
305-854-2135 MIAMI, FL |
Gold BBS (1989) |
Wildcat | |
305-854-7274 MIAMI, FL |
RCP/M MBEB (1984-1985) |
305-854-8456 MIAMI, FL |
Brooklyn Boys (1991) |
Kay Cee | |
305-854-8776 MIAMI, FL |
Infinite Sys (1993-1996) |
Ronald Imhoff | T.A.G. |
305-856-4897 MIAMI, FL |
Ruby's Joint (1994) |
David Freeman, Davd Freeman | |
305-859-9287 MIAMI, FL |
Sequitur, Sequitur Macintosh BBS (1994-1995) |
305-859-9443 MIAMI, FL |
Orlando Communicator (1988-1991) |
WA4GIF | |
305-860-0307 MIAMI, FL |
Ivory Tower BBS (1994) |
Wildcat | |
305-861-9297 MIAMI, FL |
Spectator's BBS (1990-1991) |
Howard Sucher | |
305-863-0830 MIAMI, FL |
FreeThinker (1994) |
305-864-2580 MIAMI, FL |
The Cellar |
The Beast | |
305-865-0495 MIAMI, FL |
Bitsy's Place (1987-1989) |
Henry VanLeer | |
305-865-2990 MIAMI, FL |
Comp Connection (1995-1996) |
Adam Josephs | |
305-865-5342 MIAMI, FL |
Net-Works Pirate's Beach, PIRATE'S BEACH (1983) |
Alex Rotbart | |
305-865-5432 MIAMI, FL |
305-865-5804 MIAMI, FL |
Fiesta-Americana IDS, Moved to 2:346/7 (1995-1996) |
Pablo Kleinman | |
305-866-7339 MIAMI, FL |
Miami Suntan Hotline |
305-867-0661 MIAMI, FL |
Miami Triangle (1993-1995) |
Shelly Shelton | |
305-867-5309 MIAMI, FL |
Jenny's Place (1992-1994) |
305-868-0211 MIAMI, FL |
Star Net O.M.E.G.A Atari (1988-1995) |
Guy Ferrante (Star) | BBS Express PRO |
"Outstanding Atari Multi-line BBS Full ATASCII/ANSI/RIP Xlation 500 megs online storage hrs 24/days 7 Bauds: 300-19.2 - 2 nodes" - Guy Ferrante | |||
305-868-5126 MIAMI, FL |
The 24 Karat Network (1990-1991) |
Carlos Fumero | |
305-869-0226 MIAMI, FL |
Network 23, PEGASUS (1985-1988) |
AMIS | |
305-872-0342 Big Pine, FL |
Kanda's Lair (1993-1994) |
Jeff Thompson, AKA Kanda' Jalen Eirsie | OPUS, GBBS |
"The third incarnation of Kanda's Lair, Became a Fidonet node, Served mail to the Crow's Nest in Key West. Big Pine being situated between the nearest Fidonet node in Miami, and Key West. Key West being (at the time) a long distance call to Miami, I was ideally placed to be a "Hop" as Big Pine was NOT long distance to Miami or Key West. KLAIR was on 2 Networks at this time, GBBSNet (national) and FidoNet (international) Didn't get too many callers but did a LOT of mail transfer... I remember that a number of us "wildcat sysops" formed a sort of coalition against one of the local PCBoard Sysops in Key West, as most of us thought at the time, that he was a real jerk - The Kanda's Lair Tagline of "No Limits" really ticked him off psycologicly." - Jeff Thompson | |||
305-875-0457 NORTH DADE, FL |
EBS Nochange (1987-1988) |
Robert Hupf | |
305-876-5670 MIAMI, FL |
Spock's Brain (1987) |
305-879-3020 NORTH DADE, FL |
The News Room (1987-1988) |
Larry Fox | |
305-883-6892 MIAMI, FL |
Coulter Cytometry, Epics Division (135/9), EPICS OPUS (1987-1990) |
Sandy Schurtz, Keith Markbreiter | |
305-883-9152 MIAMI, FL |
APCNet (1994-1996) |
Vincent Medina | |
305-884-2271 MIAMI, FL |
T.H.E. NET! (1996) |
305-884-3589 MIAMI, FL |
T.H.E. NET! (1996) |
Jesus Dacal | |
305-884-3939 MIAMI, FL |
CYBER MALL 5000, The 24Karat Network (1994-1995) |
Carlos Fumero | |
305-884-4330 MIAMI, FL |
Bad Boys Club (1996) |
Greg Joy | |
305-884-5355 MIAMI, FL |
MegaSoft BBS, The Christian Connection, The Expressions BBS, The Night Life BBS (1988-1990) |
Daniel Johnston | |
305-885-0409 Miami Springs, FL |
Fantasia |
Sarah Connor | Celerity, ViSiON/X, Aftershock |
"The board went through quite a few names. Fantasia was the last name it held, before i took it down around the time of sundevil. affiliated with INC, iCE, Fairlight and a few others i can't even remember at the moment." - Sarah Connor | |||
305-887-1746 Miami Springs, FL |
Kathouse, The KatHouse (1992-1994) |
Kristin Roberts | Telegard |
305-887-2757 MIAMI, FL |
ICS Fido (1987) |
Mike Gonzalez | FidoNet |
305-887-9006 Miami, FL |
Ground Zero BBS (1989-1992) |
Eric Limegrover, Eric Limegrover (Phantom) | Remote Access/Telegard/Custom T.A.G |
"I ran this board under a variety of different bits of information. Man, the memories and friends that developed while doing this. The internet killed the sense of community that was so precious to me back in the day." - Eric Limegrover | |||
305-888-8767 MIAMI, FL |
Downtown (1994-1996) |
Randy Baker | |
305-889-1776 MIAMI, FL |
Bad Boys Club (1996) |
Greg Joy | |
305-891-0733 MIAMI, FL |
The Bermuda Triangle, The Firing Line BBS (1990-1991) |
Robert Taylor | |
305-891-4100 MIAMI, FL |
Garden Party BBS (1993-1994) |
John R Cichy | |
305-892-6755 MIAMI, FL |
ARGENTA (1995-1996) |
David Gonzalez | |
305-892-9049 MIAMI, FL |
Comm Net, Comm-Net (1991-1992) |
Guy Bullitt, Arthur DeMario | |
305-893-0348 MIAMI, FL |
The NightMare Cafe Bbs (1993) |
Renegade | |
305-893-4886 MIAMI, FL |
Demented Space (1992) |
305-893-9698 MIAMI, FL |
PC Connection (1993-1994) |
Nicholas Criss | |
305-894-0807 MIAMI, FL |
Wits End (1988) |
Mark Woodruff | |
305-894-1886 MIAMI, FL |
CONNECTION-80 Winter Garden (1982-1983) |
305-894-2270 MIAMI, FL |
RAINBOW PL (1985) |
AMIS | |
305-894-8119 MIAMI, FL |
CompUtilRemMsg (1987-1989) |
Mark Fletcher | |
305-895-1666 MIAMI, FL |
M.O.B.S., MOBS Opus Humor South (1989-1991) |
Andrew Adler | |
305-895-2998 MIAMI, FL |
Genesis BBS (1986) |
Blake Eiseman | |
305-898-5649 MIAMI, FL |
S.E. Connection (1986-1987) |
Ascii Express | |
305-899-0957 MIAMI, FL |
DevPalMiami (1991) |
Steve Lin | |
305-899-1841 MIAMI, FL |
Deviant's Palace X, DevPalMiami, The Deviant's Palace (1991-1994) |
Steve Lin | |
305-920-0821 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Pelican's Roost, The Pelican's Roost II (1995) |
Edward Duda | |
305-920-0849 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Pelican's Roost (1995-1996) |
Edward Duda | |
305-921-1127 OJUS, FL |
305-921-4631 OJUS, FL |
Extar BBS (1995) |
Brian Corley | |
305-921-5377 Hollywood, FL |
The Hollywood Exchange BBS (1994) |
305-922-3901 MIAMI, FL |
GalactiComm MU BBS (1989) |
305-922-4597 MIAMI, FL |
IBM WAREHOUSE, IBM Whouse, The I B M Warehouse, The I.B.M. Warehouse, The I.B.M. Warehouse. (1991-1996) |
Mark Calzaretta | RBBS |
305-922-8591 MIAMI, FL |
Midnight Mainframe! (1994-1999) |
Buzz Lange | TriBBS |
305-923-1810 MIAMI, FL |
Nigh Density BBS (1989) |
Gill Hoffman | |
305-925-1377 Hollywood, FL |
Phoenix Resource Technologies (1993) |
305-925-1620 MIAMI, FL |
Pagan's Way (1994-1996) |
Ronald Thorp | Wildcat |
305-925-4200 MIAMI, FL |
Omega (1990) |
Wildcat | |
305-925-4586 Hollywood, FL |
The Graves Museum BBS (1994) |
305-925-8403 MIAMI, FL |
Pagan's Way (1994) |
305-925-9878 MIAMI, FL |
EnCrypt BBS (1993) |
Marc DeCaria | |
305-926-5672 MIAMI, FL |
High Density (1990) |
Gill Hoffman | |
305-928-1640 MIAMI, FL |
Galactic Innovations, Inc BBS (1990) |
305-931-9355 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Awesome 1! (1990) |
Jose Segura | |
305-931-9356 NORTH DADE, FL |
MPC-D'BQBBS (1990) |
Jose Segura | |
305-932-6903 NORTH DADE, FL |
SMURFIT Latin America Opus (1988-1989) |
Jeff Wolach | |
305-933-4988 NORTH DADE, FL |
CompuShack, House of Pain (1992-1993) |
Jerry Lang | |
305-933-8364 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Magic Shoppe (1991) |
Alesh Houdek | |
305-935-3976 NORTH DADE, FL |
Astral Plane |
305-935-4024 NORTH DADE, FL |
billionaire boys club (1990-1991) |
James Wallas | |
305-935-4136 NORTH DADE, FL |
Insight, Insight BBS (1992-1993) |
Stephen Segal | |
305-935-4964 NORTH DADE, FL |
Miami PC Network (1986-1988) |
Michael Shalom | |
305-935-8834 NORTH DADE, FL |
Star Frontiers (1990) |
Magnum 2.0 | |
305-937-3049 NORTH DADE, FL |
Posse (1992) |
Scotty Boy | |
305-938-4054 MIAMI, FL |
The Eclipse Central BBS (1992-1994) |
Darius Liktorius | |
305-938-7088 Fort Lauderdale, FL |
CIIS/Command Interpreter, Command Interpreter BBS (1993-1996) |
Alan Spicer | Wildcat , WILDCAT! |
305-940-0885 NORTH DADE, FL |
Crazy-80 (1983) |
David Browder | |
305-940-3045 NORTH DADE, FL |
Florida NetWare BBS (1991) |
Victor Rojas | PCBoard |
305-940-3979 NORTH DADE, FL |
Pub (1994) |
Eric Santelices | |
305-940-5740 NORTH DADE, FL |
FIU Sci, FIU Sci BBS, FIU Sci BBS (135/73) (1990-1994) |
Raymond Galleno | POWER |
305-940-6829 NORTH DADE, FL |
Garden Party BBS (1994) |
John R Cichy, Robin Cichy | |
305-940-8911 NORTH DADE, FL |
Bullitt - 80 Opus, Bullitt80 (1988-1991) |
Guy Bullitt | |
305-941-0126 MIAMI, FL |
Backstreet (1992-1994) |
305-941-7574 MIAMI, FL |
Alliance, Treasure Coast Net (1994-1999) |
Vedat Gurtan | Wildcat |
305-941-8418 MIAMI, FL |
Cross Fire IBM/Amiga BBS (1991) |
305-941-9949 Pompano Beach, FL |
Woody's BBS (1993-1996) |
Jerry Woods | WILDCAT! |
305-944-1544 NORTH DADE, FL |
Beyond the Silver Rainbow (1990) |
Eric Santelices | |
305-944-4037 NORTH DADE, FL |
Software Galore! (1989) |
Wildcat | |
305-944-6271 NORTH DADE, FL |
Jailhouse, The Jailhouse (1988-1996) |
Kenny Star | |
305-944-6388 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Miami Grafx Connection (1987-1988) |
Cristrin Moore | |
305-945-4154 NORTH DADE, FL |
Eckankar BBS Miami (1993-1994) |
Chris Sakata | |
305-945-4887 NORTH DADE, FL |
Miami Exchange, The Miami Exchange (1991-1996) |
Dan Heath | Wildcat |
305-945-4945 NORTH DADE, FL |
Miami Area Reaction Chamber, SpacePort Miami, USS Triumph BBS (1990-1992) |
Ray Brown | |
305-945-7925 NORTH DADE, FL |
G2, G2 BBS, Games Unlimited (Pvt) (1991-1992) |
Mike Keen | |
305-945-8274 NORTH DADE, FL |
Cyber-Space Link (1995-1999) |
TriBBS | |
305-947-7930 Miami, FL |
Trade-80 North Miami (1983) |
Roy Renderer | |
305-948-0133 NORTH DADE, FL |
Shelby's Playpen Opus (1992-1993) |
Guy Bullitt | |
305-948-0349 NORTH DADE, FL |
Storm (1993-1996) |
Joe Fouts | |
305-948-4382 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Firehouse BBS (1989-1994) |
Grant Porter | |
305-948-5687 NORTH DADE, FL |
Shelby's Playpen Opus (1992) |
Guy Bullitt | |
305-948-5698 NORTH DADE, FL |
Bullitt - 80 Opus (1992-1993) |
Guy Bullitt | |
305-948-8000 Miami, FL |
Miami's Big Apple (1980-1997) |
Bob Sherman, Roby Sherman | NET-WORKS, Networks II, Later ProLine |
305-948-800O NORTH DADE, FL |
NET-WORKS Big Apple (1983) |
305-948-9951 NORTH DADE, FL |
Games "R" II, Games R Us ][ BBS, Games Unlimited (1990-1992) |
Mike Keen, Mike Keen (The Rat) | Telegard |
305-949-4502 NORTH DADE, FL |
The Shadow (1987-1988) |
Marcos Gonzalez | |
305-949-6098 NORTH DADE, FL |
CIub, Pub, Pub North, The Pub (1990-1996) |
Eric Santelices | SuperBBS |
305-949-6489 NORTH DADE, FL |
Miami PC User's Group (1991) |
Don Mackai | PCBoard |
305-956-3661 NORTH DADE, FL |
Rical BBS (1991) |
Richard Weber | |
305-956-3756 NORTH DADE, FL |
Garden Party Files (1994) |
John R Cichy | |
305-960-1011 MIAMI, FL |
Quicksilver (1991-1996) |
Mike Moore | RBBS |
305-961-6394 Hollywood, FL |
The Dollhouse BBS (1994) |
305-961-6916 MIAMI, FL |
Bits and Pieces (1991-1997) |
Bobby Trotman | |
305-962-0601 MIAMI, FL |
System CS IV BBS (1992) |
Frank Corsi | |
305-962-2236 MIAMI, FL |
AE Line: SIDER (1985) |
305-962-5436 MIAMI, FL |
Unique Connections Too (1992) |
Gary Dezern | |
305-962-7912 MIAMI, FL |
Star Fleet BBS (1994) |
Keith Culm | |
305-962-9037 MIAMI, FL |
3609's Broward Link (1995-1996) |
Charlie Hein | |
305-963-0151 MIAMI, FL |
Unique Connections (1992-1995) |
Kat and Gary Dezern, Katrina McNeal-Dezern | |
305-963-0442 Hollywood, FL |
The SunCoast BBS (1994) |
Brian Bertsch and Bill Daly | WILDCAT! |
305-963-5618 MIAMI, FL |
Master Control BBS (1993-1994) |
Bob Bowers Sr. | |
305-963-5700 MIAMI, FL |
Master Control BBS II (1995) |
Bob Bowers Sr. | |
305-963-7292 MIAMI, FL |
Dynamic Connect (1989-1990) |
305-963-8564 MIAMI, FL |
Unique Connections Too (1991-1992) |
Katrina McNeal | |
305-964-1140 Hollywood, FL |
Digital Wave BBS (1993-1994) |
Scott Mugan | WILDCAT! |
305-964-1247 NORTH DADE, FL |
Master Control BBS, Master Control BBS II (1994-1997) |
Bob Bowers Sr. | |
305-964-1307 NORTH DADE, FL |
Star Fleet BBS (1995) |
Keith Culm | |
305-964-1896 NORTH DADE, FL |
Pro Meon, PROMEON (1990-1994) |
Bart Loeb | |
305-964-2393 NORTH DADE, FL |
Bob's BBS (1990) |
Wildcat | |
305-964-2696 Hollywood, FL |
DracCastle, Dracula's Castle, Dracula's Castle BBS (1984-1996) |
Robert Fonner | Wildcat, WILDCAT! |
305-964-3463 NORTH DADE, FL |
John's Playpen (1995-1996) |
John Slater | Wildcat |
305-964-4590 NORTH DADE, FL |
Juvenocracy (1993) |
Renegade | |
305-964-5328 NORTH DADE, FL |
Star Fleet BBS (1994) |
Keith Culm | |
305-964-5709 NORTH DADE, FL |
Blaze BBS (1992-1993) |
Venri Daiguillon | |
305-964-6100 Plantation, FL |
High Society BBS, Tessier Technologies Inc (1992-1994) |
305-964-6104 Hollywood, FL |
Cop Stop BBS, The Cop Stop (1990-1994) |
Kevin Morrell | Wildcat, WILDCAT! |
305-964-7111 Hollywood, FL |
The Dollhouse BBS (1994) |
305-964-7267 NORTH DADE, FL |
the Hughes Network, The Hughes Network (1990-1994) |
Ed Hughes | |
305-964-8623 NORTH DADE, FL |
>>Bow And Arrow BBS<<, The Drive By Cafe (1993-1994) |
Michael Greenberg | |
305-964-9892 NORTH DADE, FL |
PROMEON (1994) |
Bart Loeb | |
305-965-4388 NORTH DADE, FL |
Greene Machine (1982-1983) |
305-966-0154 MIAMI, FL |
4AM CLUB (1994-1995) |
305-966-0344 MIAMI, FL |
The Hobby Line! (1995-1996) |
Mike Dippel | |
305-966-1727 Hollywood, FL |
LaidBack BBS (1994) |
PCBoard | |
305-966-2677 Hollywood, FL |
Hobby Line!, The Hobby Line BBS, The Hobby Line!, The Hobby Line! BBS (1994-1998) |
Mike Dippel, john doherty | Wildcat , WILDCAT! |
305-966-6815 Hollywood, FL |
Garbo's Villa (1991-1994) |
Jim Anderson | WILDCAT! |
305-966-9870 MIAMI, FL |
The Black Planet (1994-1996) |
Geoffrey Leiter | |
305-966-9983 MIAMI, FL |
Garbo's Villa (1994) |
Jim Anderson | |
305-967-0344 POMPANO BEACH, FL |
CCPB-RCP/M Computer Club of the Palm Beaches, RCP/M CCPB, RCP/M CCPB West Palm Beach (1983-1985) |
305-967-9453 POMPANO BEACH, FL |
Masterclip Graphics Technical Support (1995) |
305-968-7062 MIAMI, FL |
Adv. Elect. S/W Exchng. (1991) |
R. Bouchard | PCBoard |
305-968-7361 MIAMI, FL |
EconoSofts BBS, Econo^Softs BBS (1989-1990) |
Marc Lacroix | |
305-968-8139 Pompano Beach, FL |
Playhouse BBS!, Tracy's Playhouse, Treasure Coast Net (1992-1996) |
Jim Walsh | WILDCAT! |
305-968-8553 MIAMI, FL |
New Frontier's (1990) |
J.D. Dulgher | |
305-968-8653 MIAMI, FL |
Corsair, Greene Machine Corsair (1982-1983) |
305-970-3826 MIAMI, FL |
The Phantasy Pharm (1991-1995) |
Mike Genovese | |
305-970-7352 Pompano Beach, FL |
MetroLink Inc (1993) |
305-971-0130 PERRINE, FL |
Techlands BBS, The Techlands BBS, The Techlands UUCP (1994-1995) |
Bryan Branam | |
305-971-1677 Pompano Beach, FL |
COMPORT I (1994) |
Virtual BBS | |
305-971-2669 Margate, FL |
The TiTanic BBS, The TiTantic BBS (1992-1997) |
Dan Schorr, David Schorr | WILDCAT! |
305-971-6118 Margate, FL |
The Titanic, The TiTanic BBS, The TiTantic BBS, Titanic BBS (1990-1997) |
Dan Schorr, David Schorr | WILDCAT! |
305-972-1901 Pompano Beach, FL |
FL Byte Exch, Florida Byte Exchange (1993-1996) |
Eric Leitner | PCBoard |
305-973-1611 Pompano Beach, FL |
Kings Cross BBS (1994) |
Vincent Parker | WILDCAT! |
305-973-1947 NORTH DADE, FL |
ankh.ftl.fl.US, Eye of Osiris, The Eye of Osiris (1987-1991) |
Garry&Ashley Paxinos | |
305-973-6415 NORTH DADE, FL |
Eye of Osiris (1991) |
305-973-7006 Margate, FL |
The Taken Road (1991-1994) |
PCBoard, PCBoard | |
305-974-3392 NORTH DADE, FL |
Altered Paradise (1990) |
305-974-3552 Pompano Beach, FL |
Agape BBS (1994-1996) |
Lewis Lytal | OmegaComm |
305-974-7492 NORTH DADE, FL |
Night Court, Nightcourt (1994) |
Crystal | |
305-974-7797 NORTH DADE, FL |
Eye of Osiris (1991) |
305-975-2658 MIAMI, FL |
Night Court (1994-1996) |
Crystal | |
305-975-5540 Pompano Beach, FL |
Q'evils, Star*Bank, StarBank (1992-1996) |
Bruce Kniffen | Wildcat , WILDCAT! |
305-977-0918 NORTH DADE, FL |
Super Downloads BBS (1992-1993) |
Nimrod Yeini | |
305-977-0933 Pompano Beach, FL |
Bart's Computer Room BBS (1994) |
PCBoard | |
305-977-1567 Pompano Beach, FL |
MODCOMP BBS (1994) |
305-977-3099 Pompano Beach, FL |
Ray's Place BBS (1993-1996) |
Ray Campbell | Spitfire |
305-977-3761 Pompano Beach, FL |
Realm-FX, The Zero Hour (1993-1996) |
Ed Caggiani | RoboBOARD/FX |
305-977-4265 NORTH DADE, FL |
Deafie BBS (1994) |
Steve Brother | |
305-978-0556 MIAMI, FL |
Station Tender BBS (1990-1994) |
Wayne Yoder | |
305-978-3307 Coconut Creek, FL |
Florida Data Library (1994) |
305-978-3390 Coconut Creek, FL |
Florida Data Library BBS, FLORIDA DATA LIBRARY!bbs (1991-1994) |
Bill Cleary | WILDCAT! |
305-979-2073 Pompano Beach, FL |
The Branch Office, Treasure Coast Net, Treasure Coast Net North (1989-1995) |
W.C. Rothanburg | WILDCAT! |
305-979-4618 MIAMI, FL |
Pleasure Cove BBS (1995-1996) |
Edward C Bush | |
305-979-7744 MIAMI, FL | (1994) |
W.C. Rothanburg | FidoNet |
305-981-1409 MIAMI, FL |
The 1000 BBS (1991) |
PCBoard | |
305-981-8173 Hollywood, FL |
Eagles's Nest BBS (1986) |
Dan Schoenbaum | |
305-981-9927 Hollywood, FL |
Mash 4077, MASH 4077th (1991-1996) |
Jesse Baxley | WILDCAT! |
305-983-2473 Hollywood, FL |
PaintBall USA! (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-983-2877 Hollywood, FL |
PaintBall USA! (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-983-9637 MIAMI, FL |
Anything Goes! BBS (1995) |
Blair Schwanewede | |
305-985-0883 Hollywood, FL |
Codesmiths Inc, Loreli (1991-1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-985-2423 Hollywood, FL |
Loreli (1994) |
The Major BBS | |
305-985-9605 POMPANO BEACH, FL |
LORON BBS, Lost in Space, Lost In Space BBS, Lost in Space BBS (1990-1994) |
Ron Blitz | |
305-986-6445 MIAMI, FL |
Alt.Methods.BBS (1994-1997) |
S.L. Walker | |
305-986-9242 Hollywood, FL |
ESAD BBS (1994) |
305-987-2837 Hollywood, FL |
The FLoaTinG PaNcREas BBs (1993) |
MAJOR6 | |
305-987-4360 MIAMI, FL |
Pembroke Corners (1991) |
Mike Bradley | |
305-987-5493 MIAMI, FL |
computer infinity (1990-1991) |
John Hahn | |
305-987-5680 MIAMI, FL |
CAROUSEL (1990-1996) |
PCBoard | |
305-987-5688 Hollywood, FL |
CAROUSEL, Carousel
, The Carousel BBS (1990-2000) |
David Bennett | PCBoard |
305-987-7873 MIAMI, FL |
Midnight, Midnight BBS, Treasure Coast Net (1991-1994) |
John Carrara | |
305-987-8322 Hollywood, FL |
The Carousel BBS (1994-1996) |
David Bennett | PCBoard |
305-989-0718 MIAMI, FL |
Dark Domain, Fark Domain, DARK DOMAIN #1 (1992-1995) |
305-989-3706 MIAMI, FL |
TUT, BBS (1995-1996) |
MajorBBS | |
305-989-4100 MIAMI, FL |
DARK DOMAIN #2 (1994-1995) |
305-989-4460 MIAMI, FL |
PROMEON (1994-1995) |
Bart Loeb | |
305-989-4634 MIAMI, FL |
The Ultimate Temptation (1995-1996) |
Ron Bright and Darian Porter | |
305-989-9791 MIAMI, FL |
Star Fleet BBS (1994) |
Keith Culm | |
305-994-3578 MIAMI, FL |
Pro-Entropy (1993-2001) |
Eric A. Seiden | Pro-Line |
"Still up and running and accepting callers. (Formerly Pro-Miami but I have no information on the start date. It ended 8-23-92 when Hurricane Andrew hit it. The sysop was Nelson)" - Eric Seiden | |||
305-994-3644 MIAMI, FL |
PC-Rain Node4 (1988-1989) |
Dave Gendle | |
305-994-6753 MIAMI, FL |
Megasystems Online, Treasure Coast Net (1988) |
Garry Paxinos | |
305-995-1928 Miami, FL |
DCPS BBS (1990-1995) |
Bruce Raskin | MajorBBS |
8-line MajorBBS run by Dade County Public School system. Obviously intended for ""educational"" purposes, but ended up mostly used by local nerdy teens to chat in Teleconference. Was notable for being one of the few outright free to use multi-line MajorBBS boards around. | |||
305-997-5849 MIAMI, FL |
Megasystems Online (1987-1991) |
Garry Paxinos | |
305-9S4-3463 Miramar, FL |
John's Playpen (1995) |
John Slater | |
860 Sysops currently listed. 1204 BBSes Listed. |