Historical List of BBSes in the 201 Area Code --------------------------------------------- Created by TEXTFILES.COM From Many Sources 201-208-7886 | FBLA On-Line | NEWARK, NJ (1998-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-209-1857 | Fast Data BBS | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Thomas Guadagno SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-209-4649 | Power Surge | (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-209-8144 | The Vernon BBS REL | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Bill Johnson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-214-8896 | Software Society BBS | (1989) SYSOP | Dave Klein SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-216-0292 | Hub 300 EchoMail Coordinator, Hub 900 Echo/File | Distributor, Hudson County Hub, Murphy's | Law BBS | (1993-1998) SYSOP | Paul Murphy SOFTWARE | QuickBBS, WildCat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-216-3740 | Stephan Lair | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Stephan Szabo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-217-4190 | Amiga Support Central | (1992) SYSOP | Aaron Wald --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-223-0485 | Labor BBS, Labor Board | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Mike Lostutter SOFTWARE | Wildcat, ANSI BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-224-2688 | TIM BBS | (1993-2000) SYSOP | Tim Nishimura SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-226-0341 | Cybercom | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-226-0623 | The Hidden Stronghold | (1987-1992) SYSOP | Andy Young SOFTWARE | GBBS Pro COMMENTS | "The Hidden Stronghold was a GBBS Pro system for trading | Apple ][ software. This system made good use of the | ProTERM emulation setting on Apple terminal software. It | was a good system." - Brian Bernstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-226-1727 | Horsehead Nebula | Roseland, NJ SYSOP | Hotblack Desiato --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-226-2675 | The Jungle | (1992-1995) SYSOP | Marc Frega SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-226-3456 | CyberNet II | (1992-1995) SYSOP | Sneaky Pete SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-226-5243 | Yasmina CBCS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Harry Liu SOFTWARE | Opus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-226-6296 | The Heel's Angels BBS | (1992-1995) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-227-0821 | The Doomsday EnEma | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Steven Hong --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-227-5636 | Dads | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-227-8736 | The Taxiway | (1996-1997) SYSOP | Adolfo Lecuona --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-227-9481 | Garden State Software | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-228-0009 | The Club, The Forest(Info Systems), The Forest(tm) | Caldwell, NJ (1991-1996) SYSOP | Greg Sussex SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-228-0821 | The Doomsday EnEma | Caldwell, NJ (1991) SYSOP | Steven Hong --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-228-4589 | Dragon's Mac Echo Slave, Eastern Echomail, NEC, The "Right | Choice" OGATE | Caldwell, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | Ralph Merritt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-228-4708 | Dragon's Cave | Caldwell, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Jeannette Khouri, Jeannette Merritt, Ralph Merritt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-228-5862 | Soft Board | Caldwell, NJ (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-228-7704 | The Forest Fidonet Node | Caldwell, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Greg Sussex SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-228-7837 | The Dungeon, THE DUNGEON | Caldwell, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-228-9632 | Starlight | Caldwell, NJ (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-233-0341 | AE Line: KNICKS, Everyware, AE LINE: KNICKS | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-233-5997 | SHERWOOD FOREST | CLIFFSIDE, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-233-6962 | The Airport | CLIFFSIDE, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-233-8077 | Ambulance, AMBULANCE | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-233-8778 | | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-235-0121 | NJ MacLaw | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-236-2562 | The Choice is Right BBS | (1996) SYSOP | Greg Bohacik --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-236-2931 | The Choice is Right BBS | (1996-1997) SYSOP | Greg Bohacik --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-238-6705 | Lions Lair, LIONS LAIR | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-238-8170 | Beaver Board | (1987-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-238-9041 | Malibu | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jacki Unio SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-238-9118 | AE Line: RUT, The Apple Alliance, THE APPLE ALLIANCE | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-239-0001 | MicroSellar BBS | Verona, NJ (1983-1996) SYSOP | Mark Rapp, Verona, New Jersey since 03/83 SOFTWARE | PCBoard , PCBoard 15.2 COMMENTS | From the January 1996 issue of Boardwatch: PCBoard 15.x | alpha site. NJ's preferred BBS for the Pro 12 yrs | running. 20+ hi-speed 28.8K lines. Charter m ember BBS | Direct provides local access #'s for easy access. Best | quality latest files games info gold mine. Many mail | networks including Internet. Trial access provided. Major | credit cards.

From the September 1994 issue of | Boardwatch: Verona, New Jersey since 03/83. Sysop: Mark | Rapp. Using PCBoard 15.2 with 11 lines on MS-DOS 80486 | with 5100 MB storage. Hayes at 28800 bps. No fee. PCBoard | 15.x alpha site. NJ's preferred BBS for the professional | 11 yrs running. HiSpeed lines for easy access. Gold mine | of the best-quality, latest files, games, info. Many mail | networks including Internet. Trial access provided. Major | credit cards. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-239-1151 | MicroSellar BBS | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Mark Rapp SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-239-1331 | MicroSellar BBS | (1991-1994) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-239-1346 | MicroSellar BBS, The Micro Sellar | (1986-1994) SYSOP | Mark Rapp SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-239-1445 | Whips and Chains | Verona, NJ (1986) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-239-1484 | "Essex/Passaic", "The VIC BBS", Essex/Passaic, The VIC | BBS, Vic | (1991-2000) SYSOP | Paul Yurga SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-239-5452 | CYBERlink | (1994-1996) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-239-6763 | Chapel of Ghouls | (1994) SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-239-7737 | The Coreline | JERSEY CITY, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-242-4166 | D.I.C.E. | (1995) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-244-3528 | Eagles Roost | (1988-1990) SYSOP | Pat Climento SOFTWARE | Cit86 2.17 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-245-3311 | Dead Zone | Roselle, NJ (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-245-6614 | General Help, The Micro Room | Roselle, NJ (1986-1991) SYSOP | Marv Shelton, WA2BFW --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-246-7632 | Franklin's Tower | Somerset, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Eric Hiby --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-247-1952 | Strange Encounters.. | Somewh,ere (1987) SYSOP | Chris Tuttle SOFTWARE | STadel3.0c --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-247-6748 | Central NJ HUB, Eastern C Board, Opus Highlands | Somewh,ere (1987-1989) SYSOP | Todd Lehr --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-247-8252 | E.B.B.B.S. Mobile Monitor, E.Brunswick 380m | Somewh,ere (1987-1991) SYSOP | Fabian Gordon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-247-8260 | NY NJ Metronet | Somewh,ere (1988) SYSOP | Fabian Gordon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-249-0172 | Mercury Connection | Not in Guttenberg, NJ (1988-1990) SYSOP | Kenneth Levine --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-249-0690 | CP/M Net East2 | Not in Guttenberg, NJ (1985) SYSOP | harry Karmmerer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-249-0691 | CP/M - Net East, CP/M-Net (tm) East (The Second!), CP/M- | NET(tm) EAST, RCP/M CP/M-Net | Not in Guttenberg, NJ (1983-1985) SYSOP | Harry, Harry & Al --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-249-1898 | Central NJ HUB, Dance Studio, IBM Help, PVC Gateway, Reg | 13 Echo Coordinator, South NJ HUB, Strange | Brew | Not in Guttenberg, NJ (1986-1990) SYSOP | Gee Wong, Janet Wong, Doris Huie, Nelson Huie, Wanda Van | Bree, Alan Richards --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-249-2124 | Ariel Tech Support BBS | Not in Guttenberg, NJ (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-249-2502 | TibetNet BBS | Not in Guttenberg, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | Indira Singh --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-249-4239 | Dad's Place, Mom's Place | Not in Guttenberg, NJ (1987-1991) SYSOP | Dave Dworkin, Diane Dworkin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-249-9871 | SEAMCOlink Opus | Not in Guttenberg, NJ (1989) SYSOP | Kevin Schlosser --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-252-0380 | Blue Flame, SouthWest Hub, Sub-Reality | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Matt Riedel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-252-0669 | Iron Daisy BBS, The Lonely Mountain | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Gandalf SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-254-6449 | E.B.B.S, F.B.B.B.S | Sayreville, NJ (1985) SOFTWARE | Forem ST --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-254-7305 | The Tropical Island, THE TROPICAL ISLAND | Sayreville, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-254-8117 | The Cop Shop BBS | Sayreville, NJ (1988-1990) SYSOP | Bob Kelly SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-256-0691 | Excalibur's Realm BBS | (1988-1997) SYSOP | John Norman SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-256-4202 | Trade Center | (1986-1988) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-256-4509 | Passaic Valley BBS | (1991-1995) SYSOP | Charlie Stivali SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-256-4604 | RED RUM | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-256-6146 | The BOX 777 BBS, The Firehouse BBS | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Rich Perry SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-256-7249 | Big Brother, CP/M User Group | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-256-7499 | The AJAX (Extra Strength) BBS, The Ajax | West Paterson, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Alan Kobb SOFTWARE | Auntie BBS COMMENTS | "I ran Ajax from 1990 through 1994. For a time, Auntie | was the only BBS in New Jersey with a dedicated Scuba | Diver's section. Also covered computer hardware and | software and adult discussions (more toward politics and | religion than sex.) I eventually shut down the BBS when | it started to take too much time to run it according to | my own standards. (I insisted on checking each uploaded | file and message.) The main reason for running the BBS | was to meet people, make friends and learn. I did all of | those. I used Auntie BBS Software written by Wes Meier | of the Walnut Creek BBS in California. Auntie was unique | in offering excellent Sysop control and logging, the best | fully-threaded message base around, and doorway access." | - Alan Kobb --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-257-6029 | Brunswick Mart | (1989) SYSOP | Karan Bhagat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-257-9402 | Dreams | (1996) SYSOP | SeMPer SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-262-0743 | Rat's Stats & Photos | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-262-6612 | Central Bergen EchoMail, Heaven's Gate BBS | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Clifford Saint, Cliff Saint SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-262-7837 | The Data XChange, The Information XChange | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Yursil Kidwai SOFTWARE | SynchroNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-263-0209 | Enigma Systems, The Cyclone BBS, The Enigma System | Towaco, NJ (1991-1992) SYSOP | Jay Shah --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-263-1497 | GSN East Hub, Net 269 Post Office | Towaco, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Ralph Merritt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-263-1654 | All of the Above | Towaco, NJ (1990-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-263-3784 | East Coast Download, EAST COAST DOWNLOAD | Towaco, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-263-4230 | Carelon BBS, Carelon Node 1 | Towaco, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Michael Depetris SOFTWARE | Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-263-4926 | Carelon Node 2 | Towaco, NJ (1992-1994) SYSOP | M Depetris --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-263-8167 | The Power, The Power-Surge BBS | Towaco, NJ (1988) SOFTWARE | Red Ryder Host --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-263-8616 | Aluminum Mallard, Dilithium | Towaco, NJ (1992-1994) SOFTWARE | Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-263-9147 | Designed Letters | Towaco, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-265-0273 | Surf Board | Emerson, NJ (1987-1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-265-1407 | Pirates Cove BBS | Emerson, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Michael Nersesian --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-265-4557 | The Loading Zone | Emerson, NJ (1996-1997) SYSOP | Keith Sutton SOFTWARE | VirtualBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-265-7304 | CCS Board PCB ECHO CCS Supp | Emerson, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | Peter Williams --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-265-7364 | CCS Board | Emerson, NJ (1989-1996) SYSOP | Peter Williams SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-265-7365 | C.C.S, C.C.S. | Emerson, NJ (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-265-7855 | CCSBoard | Emerson, NJ (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-265-9029 | The Broken Circuit | Emerson, NJ (1992) SYSOP | Jared Hosid --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-267-1207 | The Armory, The Armoury, THE ARMORY | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-267-2194 | Amityville BBS | (1987-1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-267-9664 | The Null Pointer BBS | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Shawn Smith SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-272-1874 | RCP/M RBBS Cranford, RIBBS of Cranford, New Jersey | Cranford, NJ (1981-1985) SYSOP | Bruce Ratoff SOFTWARE | NOTE-1 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-272-3686 | Dial-Your-Match #14, MATCHMAKER #14 | (1982-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-273-0345 | The Summit PCBoard | Summit, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Doug Vohden SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-273-8709 | FunTime BBS | Summit, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | Andrew Tollin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-275-1403 | Phantasy Land | (1996) SYSOP | C. Chris Erway --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-276-2581 | The Club House | Cranforn, NJ (1990) SYSOP | George Porcella --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-276-5494 | The Bird's Nest BBS | Cranforn, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | George Bird SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-276-8150 | The Wizard's BBS | Cranforn, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Rick Siegel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-277-1273 | AE Line: Individual Password | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-277-3227 | Hydroborea | (1985-1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-277-6522 | Gods' RBBS | (1985-1989) SYSOP | William Pappas --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-278-9044 | The Final Frontier | Paterson, NJ (1986-1994) SYSOP | Lisa Compton SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-279-7048 | The Dean's Office | (1987-1996) SYSOP | Frank Relotto SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-283-1709 | Starship Enterprise 2 | (1994-1995) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-283-1806 | SEAdog/SEAmail HELP, Starship Enterprise | (1989-1996) SYSOP | Charles Lekowski SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-283-2724 | Remote CP/M and Bulletin Board System of Iselin | (1980) SYSOP | Bruce Ratoff --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-284-1108 | Cyberspace | (1992) SYSOP | Kevin Mellilo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-284-1952 | The ChatterBox BBS | (1995-2002) SYSOP | Tim Pendleton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-284-3916 | Fido BUG's EAST, North NJ HUB, The Xtra BBS | (1986-1988) SYSOP | Marv Shelton SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-285-5401 | Echo Relay, X NC | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Mike Brandt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-285-5402 | Buccaneer Co-op | (1987-1989) SYSOP | George Vargo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-286-2567 | EchoList Coord, Metatek Fido, Metron's Opus, METATEK FIDO | Toms River, NJ (1986-1988) SYSOP | Thomas Kenny SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-287-1076 | Edison Hardline | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-288-3299 | Foreplay BBS | West Milford, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-288-5001 | Aviation time Mgmt BBS Service | West Milford, NJ (1989-1991) SYSOP | Charles Amet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-288-7792 | A-Comm Electronics Inc | Hasbrouck Heights, NJ (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-288-8795 | L-Tech Corp | Hasbrouck Heights, NJ (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-288-9076 | FIDO #88 Wizards Tower, Orgabang's Lair, The Ogate, The | Wizard's Tower | West Milford, NJ (1984-1994) SYSOP | Karl Ogate Schinke SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-292-1365 | Cloudbase | (1986) SYSOP | Bill Aubin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-292-1561 | Shieldmeet | (1994-1995) SYSOP | The Dark Sorcerer SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-292-3094 | Magrathea | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Mike Feigin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-293-7778 | Shadow Spawn BBS | Montague, NJ (1989-1996) SYSOP | Charlie Teufert, Chas. Teufert SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess, QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-293-8091 | The Magical Toy Shop | Montague, NJ (1993-1995) SYSOP | Jamie Lee Boyer SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-297-1183 | CloneWorld II BBS | Franklin Park, NJ (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-297-3442 | The Power Pack | Franklin Park, NJ (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-297-5669 | T&S BBS | Franklin Park, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Tom Warren --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-297-7399 | Pan World Int'l BBS, Pan World International | North Brunswick, NJ (1986-1989) SYSOP | Alex Fongbin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-298-0161 | JACG BBS | Roselle, NJ (1988-1994) SYSOP | Gary Gorski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-298-9098 | Just Programs BBS | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Mat Korybski SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-299-1306 | Joseph's Bar & Grill | Towaco, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-299-1445 | Dragon's Cave BBS, Net 269 Post Office | Towaco, NJ (1988-1991) SYSOP | Ralph Merritt SOFTWARE | Red Ryder Host --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-299-7914 | Designed Letters BBSNet, Land's End, The Designed Letters | BBS | Towaco, NJ (1987-1994) SYSOP | James Sura SOFTWARE | PCBoard, Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-299-8541 | Land's End, The Palace | Towaco, NJ (1991-1992) SYSOP | Bryan McDermott --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-299-8650 | Designed Letters (Node 2), DesLett | Towaco, NJ (1987-1996) SYSOP | James Sura SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-299-9112 | KenTech | Towaco, NJ (1994) SYSOP | Jeffrey Sondhelm --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-299-9147 | Node 3 Online games | Towaco, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | James Sura --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-304-0709 | Computer Nookery | Hawthorne, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-304-0749 | The Computer Nookery 2 | Hawthorne, NJ (1991-1995) SYSOP | Jim Wheater SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-304-0881 | The Hangout BBS | Hawthorne, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Jake Levirne --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-305-3037 | The Butterfly BBS | (1996) SYSOP | Carole Edwards --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-305-9037 | Echomail Link #5, NorthEast NJ HUB, The Butterfly BBS | (1992-1997) SYSOP | Carole Capuano-Edwards --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-305-9042 | Edgelight On-Line | (1991-1995) SYSOP | Greg Miller SOFTWARE | GAP --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-307-1452 | The Quantum Zone | Woodcliff Lake, NJ (1989-1996) SYSOP | Chris Krieger, Wayne Robinson SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-307-9225 | Echomail Link #2, North Jersey Somewhere, NorthEast Hub, | The Quantum Zone | Woodcliff Lake, NJ (1990-1996) SYSOP | Wayne Robinson, Chris Krieger SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-313-0002 | HUB 800 Echomail Coord, The Tower, TOWER "The new Age | BBS", Tower BBS | Fairview, NJ (1991-1996) SYSOP | Albert Aponte SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-316-0715 | The Grey Area | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Charlie Grey SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-316-0952 | NJ Environmental BBS | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Phil Reynolds SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-316-8840 | Hacker Central Node 2 | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-316-9373 | Watchtower | Parsippany, NJ (1993-1996) SYSOP | Blackhood SOFTWARE | Renegade, Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-316-9530 | The Severed Garden | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-323-0905 | MCI Mail | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-323-9546 | Pennsylvania Avenue | (1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-326-1698 | The Jungle | Parsippany, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Marc Frega SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-326-9295 | Native Spirit BBS Node 2 | Parsippany, NJ (1993) SYSOP | Kent Manno --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-326-9428 | Neurotic Morons BBS | Parsippany, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | Oblivion --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-326-9870 | IFNA Legal, TMMNet, TMMNET | Parsippany, NJ (1986-1994) SYSOP | Tom Marshall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-327-3321 | Vista Ads BBS | Saddle River, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Joe Sipotz SOFTWARE | CU --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-327-4086 | Fireplace | Saddle River, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-327-5725 | Eastern Alliance | Allendale, NJ (1982-1988) SYSOP | The Tracer SOFTWARE | Modified Telecat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-327-5775 | The Arrow Tack BBS | Saddle River, NJ (1990-1996) SYSOP | Joshua Abrams SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-327-7808 | Eastern Alliance | Allendale, NJ (1983-1987) SYSOP | The Tracer SOFTWARE | Customized Tele-Cat ][ + Ascii Express COMMENTS | "Ran 202/212 AppleCat as well as USR 9600HST, Sider 20 | Meg Hard Drive. Distro Point for PPG, Digital Gang and | First Class for Apple Warez. Interactive gaming for | credit and intergrated ASCII Express module to count | download sectors won in gaming area." - James Wynen, "The | Tracer" --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-327-7812 | The Choice is Right BBS | Saddle River, NJ (1995) SYSOP | Greg Bohacik --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-327-8245 | Hotel California | Ramsey, NJ (1982-1988) SYSOP | Curt Stapleton SOFTWARE | RBBS, Colossus, Wildcat! COMMENTS | "Started with an IBM PC, 640K and hayes smartmodem (300 | baud). System upgrades over time: Quadram quadboard, | Hercules graphics card, Peachtree 10MB hard disk, 1200 | baud hayes smartmodem. 24/7 (except when I was playing | games or my dad actually had to use it for work)." - Curt | Stapleton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-328-0741 | The Outer Limits | Sayreville, NJ (1983-1996) SYSOP | William Wright SOFTWARE | ti-net --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-328-3636 | The Black Tower | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rob Miller SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-328-3918 | Gray Seas PCBoard, The Gray Seas BBS | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Nigel Gray SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-328-4566 | Alternity BBS | (1991-1994) SOFTWARE | Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-332-5306 | Syntax BBS | (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-332-6098 | Edgelight On-Line BBS | (1987-1991) SYSOP | Greg Miller, KB2BLE SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-334-2404 | Partroy Party Line | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-334-2555 | Hacker Central Node 1, The Hacker Central BBS | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Michael Cocke SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-334-2709 | Land's End II, Sudden Eclipse | Parsippany, NJ (1990-1992) SYSOP | Chris Geheran SOFTWARE | Tag, Telegard, Celerity --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-334-3244 | Perot's World | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-334-4335 | Rats Parsippany | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-334-6204 | Midian | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Mark Scrope --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-334-6281 | IntelliConnect | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Tom Mathews --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-334-7813 | G-Force | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Kevin Cavell SOFTWARE | Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-334-7846 | Designed Letters BBSNet | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Jim Sura SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-1652 | Cobra's Triangle | (1992-1997) SYSOP | Damon Evans SOFTWARE | C-Net-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-1797 | The Insane Asylum | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Jeff Sondhelm SOFTWARE | Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-2253 | InfoHost Demo BBS | Hasbrough Heights, NJ (1993) SYSOP | A-Comm Electronics Inc. COMMENTS | Demo BBS for InfoHost BBS Software - Multiline - Database --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-3051 | The Disaster Zone | (1992-1993) SYSOP | Michael Shonk --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-3238 | Silicon BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Jody Gyomber SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-4885 | Coyote Junction BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Joe Ascione SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-6132 | BlackStar!, The Black Star | (1990-1997) SYSOP | Ernie Soter SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-6586 | The Kill Zone | (1991) SYSOP | Hans Pabst --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-7202 | Automation Insight | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-8023 | Byzantium | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-335-9586 | Realm | (1990) SOFTWARE | Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-337-1327 | FLEUG, Franklin Lakes ROS, The Data Exchange, The Data | Exchange BBS | Franklin Lakes, NJ (1984-1995) SYSOP | John Dougherty SOFTWARE | RoboBoard , RCPM, ROS (Remote Operating System), MBBS, | Worldgroup COMMENTS | "The BBS originally started out as the FLEUG (Franklin | Lakes Epson Users Group) running the RCPM (Remote C/PM) | BBS. The BBS ran only at night (yes, I used the computer | during the day) for users of the Epson QX-10 computer and | also supported the Epson series of printers. The board | originally started out running on two 360K floppy drives; | the first drive held the BBS programs and message areas, | and the second drive would hold the support programs, | text files & utilities. The main problem I had with the | RCPM software was the fact that people had direct access | to your computer and its drives and user areas. When I | decided to install a hard disk, I switched to the brand | new ROS BBS software, since it handled the bulletin board | operations without allowing users direct access to your | hard drive areas. I changed to an MSDOS system about the | same time as the ROS software author, so ROS was ported | to the MSDOS operating system (about 1985~1986) and I | continued to run that. ROS soon was able to handle two | nodes running under a multitasking software (DoubleDOS, | Desqview) so I installed another phone line, bought a | newer computer and another modem and let the BBS to run | 24 hours a day. I Switched to MBBS around February 1990, | mainly because of the ability to run multi-node operation | on a single computer. I had 10 nodes up and running when | I finally shut the system down on April 1995. I saw the | writing on the wall; there was really no need for local | BBS systems when you have the World Wide Web available." | - John Dougherty --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-337-2028 | AE Line: MASTER, AE LINE: MASTER | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-337-7336 | Metal Connx | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Dave Krouse --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-337-9214 | Twilight Manor BBS | Oakland, NJ (1984-1986) SYSOP | -=>shadow<=- (Pete Murphy) SOFTWARE | FoReM BBS COMMENTS | "I was a pretty young teenager when I got my Atari 1200xl | and 1050 modem - and soon discovered the world of BBS’s | (but was limited to only local numbers to avoid a toll | charge). Some of the common ones I visited in the area | were Devil’s Tower in Wyckoff, Skylands BBS in | Ringwood, Sonnet BBS in Wayne and later Tumbleweed’s | Castle in Wayne. Before long I wanted to run my own BBS, | and realized the 1050 didn’t have autoanswer! So I | swapped some pirated games with some guy in Wayne for a | used MPP modem. It was a blast figuring out how to | modify the code and creating my little ‘Twilight Manor | BBS’ and started messaging and trading with other Atari | nerds in the area, I’ll never forget the first time I | heard a digitized song - it was a 20 second clip of | Madonna’s ‘Dress You Up’ that a user uploaded to my | board - which took ALL DAY to upload. XD Good times." --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-338-1076 | Cyber Technologies | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Billy Mandra SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-338-3569 | The Realm of Imagination | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Matt Bryda SOFTWARE | Telegard, Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-338-5265 | GoldenDane, The Golden Dane BBS, The Golden*Dane BBS, The | Golden*Dane BBS | (1980-1997) SYSOP | Max Bruhn SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-338-6165 | Airport, AIRPORT | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-338-8046 | The Dagger's Edge BBS | (1994) SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-339-2304 | Deaf Communic | (1987-1988) SYSOP | G & B Zimmer --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-339-8721 | CRK Cyberworld BBS | Bayonne, NJ (1995-1998) SYSOP | Craig Koppenhaver, Thomas J. Allen SOFTWARE | WildCat BBS Software --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-342-1105 | The Wall | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Stuart Lee SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-342-3238 | The Den Disabilities | (1993-1998) SYSOP | Tom Bengaff SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-342-3273 | Disabilities Electronic Network/DEN, The Den Disabilities | (1991-1995) SYSOP | Tom Bengaff SOFTWARE | TBBS, Bread Board --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-342-3749 | NJ-Dial-A-Board | HACKENSACK, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-342-5659 | Laboratory (2604/303), The Laboratory | (1991-2004) SYSOP | Robert Curtis SOFTWARE | RBBS-PC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-342-5916 | Malibu | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jacki Unio SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-342-8101 | Micro Logic Corp | South Hackensack, NJ (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-342-9270 | Computopia | (1991-1994) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-343-3496 | The Jungle | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Marc Frega SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-344-6522 | Ironbound's Dungeon BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Sergio Riberio SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-345-1196 | DIGITAL EXTASY #1 | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-345-4315 | DIGITAL EXTASY #1 | (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-345-6480 | Butterfly | (1993) SYSOP | Carole Capuano SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-346-1661 | Bits N' Bytes BBS | Leonia, NJ (1991-1997) SYSOP | Robert Siemborski SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-347-0465 | The Outer Limits | Budd Lake, NJ (1991-1996) SYSOP | Michael Deacon SOFTWARE | Wildcat, PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-347-1108 | Danger Zone BBS, Echomail Distribution Site, SouthWest Hub | Budd Lake, NJ (1995-1997) SYSOP | Richard Koenig --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-347-2097 | Operation Amiga | Budd Lake, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-347-2652 | Danger Zone BBS, SouthWest Hub, The Danger Zone | Budd Lake, NJ (1990-1996) SYSOP | Richard Koenig SOFTWARE | Metal-FV, Cnet-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-347-3780 | The Twilight BBS | Budd Lake, NJ (1988-1994) SYSOP | Dennis DeMarco SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-347-4253 | Kiva BBS | Budd Lake, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Christian Farrow SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-347-5953 | Dial-Your-Match #14, Matchmaker | Budd Lake, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-347-6539 | Illusions | Budd Lake, NJ (1995) SYSOP | Mike Flynn SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-347-7325 | The Firehouse, THE FIREHOUSE | Budd Lake, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-347-9284 | The Other Side BBS , The Woman's Touch BBS | Budd Lake, NJ (1989-1996) SYSOP | Donna & S.Griff SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-349-0347 | The Final Frontier BBS | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Mick Zsoldos SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-352-6118 | MIDI Apple Users Group | Elizabeth, NJ (1986) SYSOP | Maria Rios --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-353-1116 | Fantasy Land | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-354-6979 | Computer Junction, Eastern NJ HUB | Elizabeth, NJ (1988-1994) SYSOP | Jeff Shapiro SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-358-1276 | Billy Bob's Attic | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Billy Bob SOFTWARE | Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-358-6086 | Diamond X-Change | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Brenda Levin SOFTWARE | Telegard , DarkStar --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-362-5116 | The Bazaar AE | Blairstown, NJ (1985-1987) SYSOP | Todd Fennell aka "The Bronze Rider" --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-362-5768 | Hard Rock Cafe ][, Hard Rock Cafe ][ | Blairstown, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Todd Fennell, The Bronze Rider --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-362-6304 | Hard Rock Cafe | Blairstown, NJ (1987-1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-362-8870 | GreySTone BBS | Blairstown, NJ (1991) SYSOP | Alex Rubenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-362-8966 | GreySTone BBS | Blairstown, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Alex Rubenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-362-9304 | The Hard Rock Cafe BBS/AE | Blairstown, NJ (1987-1989) SYSOP | Todd Fennell aka "The Bronze Rider" --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-363-3122 | HBBS | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-365-0738 | Bang Doll | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Koi Lee --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-366-1955 | Skylands BBS | (1980-1997) SYSOP | Perry Jones, Wharton NJ SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-366-2209 | Dial-Your-Match #57, Pirate's I/O | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-366-4431 | Private Sector, PRIVATE SECTOR | (1985-1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-366-5018 | Dan's Domain, Micro C's BBS, MicroC's BBS | (1992-1995) SYSOP | Dan Spears, Dan Speers SOFTWARE | Waffle , Waffle 1.64 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-367-4462 | The Morgue | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-367-8553 | Eagles Roos, Eagles Roost | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Frank Adler SOFTWARE | Cit86 2.17 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-368-0463 | Amiga Lynx, Amiga Lynx Nodes #1-#3,#5,#6 | (1992-1993) SYSOP | Dario Fernando, Lynx-Master SOFTWARE | CNet Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-368-0912 | CompuServe | (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-368-7830 | Amiga Lynx, Amiga Lynx Node #4 | (1992-1995) SYSOP | Dario Tieso, Dario Fernando SOFTWARE | Cnet-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-368-9371 | Royal Ace BBS, Royle Ace BBS N2 | (1994-1999) SYSOP | Louis Fung SOFTWARE | Wildcat , TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-369-3890 | Pegasus | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-369-5450 | Stargazer, STARGAZER | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-369-5972 | Board Of Ed, BOARD OF ED | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-373-0074 | N E Regional Communications | (1992-1993) SYSOP | Abnathy Mason --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-373-1131 | Millenium BBS | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-373-1348 | New Arc Xchg | (1988) SYSOP | Rick De Pinho --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-373-8020 | The Mighty One BBS | (1991) SYSOP | Eric Burt SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-374-2730 | Millenium, Millenium BBS, Mount Hozomeen BBS | (1990-1996) SYSOP | Steve Haas SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-376-0274 | Pussycat's Playhouse | (1994-1995) SYSOP | , Steve Wolf SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-376-0469 | | (1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-376-0816 | Northlink | (1982-2001) SYSOP | Bruce Travers SOFTWARE | C64 COMMENTS | "North*link was (is?) a C64 based system that has been | around since the mid-1980's. Run out of Springfield, NJ, | it was never an extremely popular system. However, it | stands as one of the longest running Commodore 8-bit | based BBS systems in history. Even at the turn of the | millennium, it was still running off of its antiquated | 300/1200 baud modem.

As of this writing (September | 2001), a single attempt to call the system was made. | Unfortunately, only endless rings were heard from the | other end of the phone. It is possible that this system | has finally retired." - Brian Bernstein

"Northlink | actually began in 1982. In 1985, it switched software to | Color64, and ran that for the entire rest of its run, | from 1985 to 2005. It was always a 300/1200 baud BBS, | though I remember some talk of trying to get it to hit | 2400. The hardware, if I remember right, was a regular | old C64 with a RAMLink and a CMD HD-200. After some | temporary downtime in 2003 due to aging hardware and the | health issues of the sysop, it finally went down | permanently in 2005. The sysop, Bruce Travers, passed | away in 2008 from complications related to cancer and | heart disease. He was a good guy. I actually have some | buffered message board postings from the 1993-1994 | period, mostly of Bruce talking about the history of the | board. It's in PETSCII format because it was a Commodore | board, so I'm not sure how to best go about translating | that to something that doesn't look bizarre, but you're | welcome to it if you'd like." - AJH --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-376-1173 | Pussycat's Playhouse BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Steve Wolf SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-376-4462 | MOURGE | HACKENSACK, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-376-6126 | BMBBS The Enterprise, The Enterprise | Millburn, NJ (1984-1985) SOFTWARE | BMBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-376-6337 | Dronefone | (1986-1990) SYSOP | Drone (Brian J. Bernstein) SOFTWARE | Compunet BBS COMMENTS | "Dronefone was an Apple //e based system with | (originally) 2 floppy drives that eventually made it up | to a 20MB Sider hard drive. From its beginning, it always | ran custom software written by the Sysop. It averaged | somewhere about 30-40 calls a day at its best, and was | one of the first 2400 baud systems in the area. It was a | member of "The BBS Triumverate", which included the | systems "Middle Earth" (IBM based in Livingston) and "The | Iron Castle" (C64/128 based in Florham Park). It should | be noted that most of the content from this system has | been archived and will one day be available on the web." | - Brian Bernstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-376-6581 | Sigma BBS | Millburn, NJ (1986) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-376-9025 | Springfield Public Schools | Springfield, NJ (1993) COMMENTS | FrEdMail System --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-377-2526 | Stocks & Such, Stocks and Such BBS | (1987-1994) SYSOP | Glenn Catlin SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-377-2898 | Conspiracy Theory | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Fnord SOFTWARE | 2 AM-BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-377-3170 | Freedom - Net | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-377-4084 | Jersey Atari Computer Group | High Bridge, NJ (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-377-4094 | The Inferno | (1996) SYSOP | Gary Dezuzio --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-377-8193 | Drew Univ II | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-377-8245 | Drew Univ I, The Drew Underground | (1986-1989) SYSOP | Neil Clarke and Chris Gorman SOFTWARE | 2AM BBS COMMENTS | "The Drew Underground was a 2-line BBS system that was | written and run by two computer science students at Drew | University in Madison, NJ. The IBM PC based software was | written in Pascal by the sysops, and was used by several | BBS systems in the area. The two line ability was | introduced when the system acquired a hard drive | multiplexer for the pair of Zenith (?) PCs.

A | noteworthy item about this system was that it featured | special access areas for students and faculty of Drew | University." - Brian Bernstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-378-3218 | Classic Car-Nection | (1991-1996) SYSOP | N. Nicholson SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-378-8047 | The 6th Circle | NEW YORK, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-378-8892 | City of Night | (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-379-1459 | Skull Island BBS | Millburn, NJ (1986) SYSOP | John Patuto --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-379-1909 | Oriental Express | Springfield, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-379-2185 | The Wizard's BBS, The Wizards BBS | Springfield, NJ (1986-1989) SYSOP | Rick Siegel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-379-4694 | The Flash BBS | Springfield, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-379-5882 | The Thieves Guild | Westfield, NJ (1986) SYSOP | Dave Grabowski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-379-8184 | Dmaster's Den | Springfield, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Alan Freidberg SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-382-1885 | The Cia, The Labratory, THE CIA, THE LABRATORY, The CIA | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-383-0085 | Kittatinny BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Bruce Young SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-383-5543 | The BEAST BBS | (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-383-8041 | Rutger's Coop. Extension BBS, Rutger's Farm Ext., Rutgers | Coop. Extension BBS | (1991-1995) SYSOP | Bruce Barbour SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-383-8684 | Second Portal | Newton, NJ (1995-1997) SYSOP | Vinny Abello SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess , Remote Access COMMENTS | "I started Second Portal as a hobby just to see how a BBS | worked from the other side of things. I was totally | hooked and loved maintaining it. Fidonet was a joy to be | part of. Many of the things I learned about automation | and system maintenance from Second Portal I apply today | at my current job. Although it was a small BBS, we had a | very large collection of door games enjoyed by many | people. It's funny, but many people that used the board I | later met inadvertently through some walk of life. I have | even worked with a few of them and still work with one at | my current job! :) The board was eventually shut down | after I returned from a short lived attempt at college | which I turned out not enjoying. I wanted my phone line | for Internet access. Sorry guys! ;) I'm still into the | same things, but now I'm a network engineering at | Tellurian Networks working mainly with servers and | routers and everything else you can possibly think of | that an ISP has to do. I enjoy the latter more. I'm glad | to have been part of some piece of the NJ BBS history! | :)" - Vinny Abello --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-384-1754 | WaySide BBS | Dumont, NJ (1991-1992) SYSOP | James Kim --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-384-2563 | Overkill | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-384-8374 | The Game Shoppe | (1995) SYSOP | Ferdi Gugliciello --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-385-1693 | Radio CMBS | Dumont, NJ (1988-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-385-2821 | The Board! II | Dumont, NJ (1995-1996) SYSOP | Gerry Ferra SOFTWARE | Galacticomm WorldGroup 1.01 COMMENTS | From the January 1996 issue of Boardwatch: Since 10/95 | Sysop: Gerry Ferra. Using Galacticomm WorldGroup 1.01 | with 8 lines on MS-DOS 486 Pentium, with 12000MB storage | Cardinal at 14400. Free trial period. Many different | subscripition plans. NJ newest system with file areas | with 2 CD-ROMs, many games, a cas ino, and lots of | forums. Also we are a local area hub for Major. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-385-2874 | Central Bergen HUB, Menti's Bay BBS, Menti's Bay HST, | MENTI'S BAY HST BBS, PEMCOMP Systems(tm) | Dumont, NJ (1988-1996) SYSOP | Peter Menti SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-385-5586 | Traders Mark On-Line Service, Traders Market | Dumont, NJ (1994-1999) SYSOP | Robert Rotonde SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-386-9150 | La Villa Strangiato, VillaStrang. | Parsippany, NJ (1988-1994) SOFTWARE | Cnet-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-386-9730 | Killer's Place | Parsippany, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Dave LaRocque --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-0625 | MysticCastle | Dumont, NJ (1991) SYSOP | Steve Gates --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-1658 | The Outlaws Hide-out | Dumont, NJ (1993-1994) SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-1810 | The Final Frontier BBS | Dumont, NJ (1986-1994) SYSOP | Jim Malkowski, Jim Malkowski / Russell Steinthal SOFTWARE | Searchlight BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-2517 | The Naval Base | Dumont, NJ (1991-1992) SYSOP | Vinko Grskovic --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-2658 | K.B.B.S | Dumont, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-6011 | Mystic Castle | Dumont, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | Steve Gates --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-7995 | County Jail III, County Jail ][, County Jail ][ BBS, | FidoCon 90, HUB500 EchoMail Coord, HUB500 | GroupMail Coord, NorthEast NJ HUB, Ogate, | The County Jail, The County Jail II, | County Jail ][ BBS | Dumont, NJ (1989-1995) SYSOP | Bill Vanglahn, Michael Vanglahn SOFTWARE | FidoNet, TBBS, Bread Board --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-8134 | County Jail ][ V42b | Dumont, NJ (1992) SYSOP | Bill Vanglahn --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-8370 | County Jail ]I[ BBS, County Jail ][ (Line 2) V32b, HUB500 | EchoMail Coord | Dumont, NJ (1991-1992) SYSOP | Bill Vanglahn --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-8898 | Rose Switch Support | Dumont, NJ (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-9072 | County Jail ][, County Jail ][ (Line 2), HUB500 EchoMail | Coord | Dumont, NJ (1992-1995) SYSOP | Bill Vanglahn SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-9232 | The Rock Pile BBS | Dumont, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Tom Heffernan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-9315 | HUB500 GroupMail Coord | Dumont, NJ (1992) SYSOP | B Vanglahn --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-387-9510 | The Final Frontier BBS | Dumont, NJ (1992-1993) SYSOP | Jim Malkowski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-388-1676 | NJMUG BBS, The White House | Clark, NJ (1988-1994) SYSOP | Mike Bielen SOFTWARE | Red Ryder Host --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-388-4175 | Olympus | Clark, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-389-2731 | The Public Domain AUNT | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Duncan Stewart --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-389-8473 | Generic BBS | (1987) SOFTWARE | Cit286 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-392-6108 | FSE-BBS | (1991) SYSOP | Eric Boehm --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-392-8715 | Simplicity | UNION CITY, NJ (1997-1998) SYSOP | Paul Harney --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-392-9652 | Eagle's Eye | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-392-9654 | Eagle's Eye | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-393-0988 | COSMOS, CRLABS.COM, Merlin's Castle, Merlins Castle, | MetroNet of New Jersey & Long Island, Net | 107 Technical Ops., North NJ HUB, | NorthEast NJ HUB, NY NJ MetroNet, Santa's | WorkShop, Temp Long Island HUB | Hasbrouck Hts, NJ (1987-1994) SYSOP | Burt Juda, Fabian Gordon, Nancy Juda, Jim Hruby, Santa | Claus, Chris Wiener --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-393-6740 | Net 2604 Coordinator, Orgabang's Lair, The Wizard's Tower | Teterboro, NJ (1991-2003) SYSOP | Karl B Schinke, Karl Schinke SOFTWARE | Kitten --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-396-8516 | Software Sprmkt, The Software Supermarket | (1987-1994) SYSOP | Al Reilly --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-396-9571 | Great Graphics BBS | (1990-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-398-1133 | Microcosm BBS, South West ECHOMAIL | Sparta, NJ (1988-1995) SYSOP | Marty Nichols SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess, QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-398-1559 | Eric Budinger's System | Sparta, NJ (1994) SYSOP | Eric Budinger --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-398-1582 | Bermuda Triangle, THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE | Sparta, NJ (1988-1994) SYSOP | Rob McLaughlin SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-398-1922 | The End of the Road | Sparta, NJ (1995-1996) SYSOP | Theo Soumilas --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-398-2373 | Evergreen (Roan Tech), Evergreen BBS, The Evergreen | Sparta, NJ (1989-1996) SYSOP | Bob Lawton SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-398-2953 | Upside Down, Upside Down BBS, Upsidedown BBS P/W = Run, | UPSIDEDOWN BBS P/W = RUN | Sparta, NJ (1985-1988) SYSOP | Dan Eriksen SOFTWARE | Ascii Express, T-net, Cat-Fer COMMENTS | "Customized modem handshake to auto detect bell | 103/202/212 modes for AE, Cat-Fer, or BBS. AppleCat Modem | with 20meg siders, Hack/Phreak/Warez (only for Elite | users) http://www.textfiles.com/100/ad.txt" - Dan Eriksen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-398-5549 | Beyond the Couch, Beyond the Couch (2606/416), Beyond The | Couch BBS | Sparta, NJ (1993-1997) SYSOP | Matthew Nack SOFTWARE | Wildcat , Wildcat! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-398-6360 | Alche-Miga | Sparta, NJ (1990-1997) SYSOP | Al Saveriano SOFTWARE | Stark --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-398-8047 | The "Z" Board | Sparta, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-398-8559 | Area 51@fidonet, Delta Computers, Delta Computers , | Net2606 Echomail Coordinator, SouthWest | Hub, Temporary Hub | Sparta, NJ (1993-1997) SYSOP | Sean Aldrich SOFTWARE | FidoNet, Excelsior, Excelsior --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-399-0717 | Yours Truly BBS (Node 1) | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Walter Woloczyj SOFTWARE | PCBoard, QuickBBS, VirtualBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-399-4772 | Eastern New Jersey Net, EchoLink #13, Essex County Hub, | Essex County NJ HUB, Hub 200 EchoMail | Coordinator, Hub 900 Echo/File | Distributor, Hub 900 Echomail Dude #2, Hub | 900 Help Desk, Innovative Solutions, | Innovative Solutions Online, Net 107 | EchoMail Coord (NEC), Net 107 Tech Ops. | (NTO), Net 107 Tech Ops. (NTO), Net 2630 | Help Desk, Ogate/NEC, The T.E.R.N. BBS | (1993-2000) SYSOP | Scott Drake, Ogate/NEC SOFTWARE | QuickBBS COMMENTS | ListKeeper: New Jersey BBS's --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-402-0434 | Cobra's Triangle | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Damon Evans --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-402-1072 | Starfleet Command | (1992-1997) SYSOP | Ben Liebowitz SOFTWARE | C-Net-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-402-1111 | New BBS | (1992) SYSOP | Scott Sanders --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-402-1552 | The Auto Mart | (1994) SOFTWARE | Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-402-1772 | Eastern Telecom | (1990) SOFTWARE | Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-402-1956 | Ankh-Morpork | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-402-4032 | The Realm | (1992-1994) SOFTWARE | Cnet-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-402-7645 | Freedom Board, Freedom Network | (1992-1995) SYSOP | Mike SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-402-9043 | Nat'l Gay Teens Org. | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-403-0338 | Camelot BBS | Roseland, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | David de Gil --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-403-1755 | Yankee Stadium | Roseland, NJ (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-403-8645 | GSN East Hub, Starbase 30 | Roseland, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | Ira Tessler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-403-8663 | Maximum Flava | Roseland, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-403-9757 | Garden State North, North Jersey, SportsBoard BBS | Roseland, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Glen Johnson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-414-1355 | The Orange BBS | (1992) SYSOP | Mark Gallagher --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-423-0762 | The Direct Connect II, The Direct Connect ][, The Direct | Connect ][ | Hawthorne, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Edward Niedermaier --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-423-1912 | DIRECT MAILER | Hawthorne, NJ (1991-1992) SYSOP | Ed Niedermaier --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-423-2381 | Darksword | Hawthorne, NJ (1996-1997) SYSOP | Robert Sayah --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-423-3539 | The Darksword BBS | Hawthorne, NJ (1993-1995) SYSOP | Kelar Darkblade SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-423-4258 | Comp.Nookery, ComputerNookery, The Computer Nookery | Hawthorne, NJ (1986-1996) SYSOP | James R Wheater, Jim Wheater SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-423-5805 | Atari Wharehouse, ATARI WHAREHOUSE | Hawthorne, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-423-5956 | The Wine Cellar | Hawthorne, NJ (1993-1995) SYSOP | Jim Winters SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-423-9231 | Konnection for Klingons | Hawthorne, NJ (1992) SYSOP | Robert Harwood --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-427-0847 | Tequila Sunrise BBS | (1985-1986) SYSOP | Dave Pruiksma --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-427-8065 | SEABOARD | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-427-9802 | Theta BBS, THE DIANETICS/SCIENTOLOGY BBS | Hawthorne, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Frank Silvestro SOFTWARE | TBBS COMMENTS | THE DIANETICS/SCIENTOLOGY BBS, (201) 427-9802, Hawthorne, | NJ. Sysop: Frank Silvestro. The official Dianetics(R) and | Scientology (R) BBS with 2 Gigs, conferences, etc. The | ONLY BBS that can guarantee TRUE Dianetics/Scientology | material. Are you handling life or is life handling you? | - BBS Magazine November, 1994 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-428-0189 | Camelot BBS | (1991-1992) SYSOP | David de Gil --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-428-0982 | The Flying Dutchman, The Pale Horse BBS | (1992-1995) SYSOP | Larry Drake SOFTWARE | Virtual --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-428-3959 | The Party Zone | Parsippany, NJ (1983-1984) SYSOP | Jeff Koyen COMMENTS | "I was 13 when I got my Atari 800; I started a BBS the | next year, as soon as my parents gave me my own phone | line. Soon enough, my friend and I were swapping warez | and swiping phone codes so we could dial into west coast | BBSes. I almost lost my virginity to an "older" woman | (20s) who met me on another BBS (it's probably on your | list). She took me to the mall and bought me floppy | discs. I was too scared to go through with it. These | days. they'd call her a predator. Ah, god bless the pre- | internet days." - Jeff Koyzen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-428-9495 | Domed City BBS | Parsippany, NJ (1989-1995) SYSOP | Robert Bohning SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-429-1097 | Connection-80 | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-429-1317 | Arc Xchange | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rick DiPinho SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-429-2342 | The Shadow | (1995) SYSOP | Patrick Cody --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-429-3099 | Chico's Hangout, Cross Colors | (1992-1993) SYSOP | Gerry Busardo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-432-0060 | Mordor International | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-432-2535 | Coliseum 3 Nodes, COLISEUM [3NDZ], COLISEUM #1, COLISEUM | [3NDZ] | (1992-1995) SYSOP | American Gladiator COMMENTS | Afl/Inc Member BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-433-7299 | Camelot BBS | (1992-1997) SYSOP | Floyd Reece SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-434-3694 | BaphoNet | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-434-5026 | BaphoNet | (1994-1998) SYSOP | Tony Iannotti SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-434-8135 | Vulcan-Net BBS | Jersey City, NJ (1991-1992) SYSOP | John Alston --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-435-2301 | Crystal Palace BBS, Happy Station BBS, HUB 800 Echomail | Coord, MidEast New Jersey HUB | MidEast, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Timothy Read, Robert Bayron --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-435-3709 | Crystal Chip, CRYSTAL CHIP | MidEast, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-436-6928 | Defender 1, Defender I | (1994) SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-436-8490 | Agora Online, Bits 'n Bytes BBS | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Marius Kirschner SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-436-9732 | The Classic Gaming Network | Bayonne, NJ (Present) SYSOP | Frostydasnowman SOFTWARE | WINS COMMENTS | "This bbs is only open Friday-Sunday starting at 5:00pm | Eastern Time, and closing 10:00pm Sunday night. Includes | everything retro...We are always working at making it | better...It's currently work in progress. Please be | patient with us. Thank you!" - Frostdasnowman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-437-2816 | Bayonne 2000, BayTech 2000 | Bayonne, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | , Joe Chimento SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-437-4355 | Bits 'n Bytes BBS, Bits n Bytes BBS, Bytes 'n Bits BBS, | Bytes and Bits, Bytes n Bits, BytesnBits, | WorldLink Network Services | Meridian, MS (1991-1996) SYSOP | Marius Kirschner, MariusKirschner, Robert Todd SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-437-5304 | Defender 1 | Bayonne, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-437-5706 | Alternate Reality, Dimension X, The Depths of Hell | Bayonne, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Eric Knorowski SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-437-5830 | JUAN'S SOFTWARE EXCHANGE | Bayonne, NJ (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-438-0865 | COSMOS | Carlstadt, NJ (1987-1989) SYSOP | Jim Hruby --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-438-2938 | Air Link, AirLink, Challenger HST, Final Approach HST, | HUB500 EchoMail Coord, Meadowlands | Echomail, Net 2604 Echomail Coordinator, | Network Communications Node 1, NorthEast | NJ HUB, OCI Tech Support | Carlstadt, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Jay Desio SOFTWARE | Remote Access --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-438-3078 | The Fallout Shelter | Carlstadt, NJ (1988) SYSOP | Abracadata --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-438-5233 | Network Communications | Carlstadt, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-438-8804 | AirLink, Network Communications Node 2 | Carlstadt, NJ (1992-1994) SYSOP | Jay Desio --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-439-0344 | Renegade! BBS | (1995-1996) SYSOP | James Lee --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-439-1025 | Mount Olympus | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Robert Raczkowski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-439-1027 | Mount Olympus | (1994) SYSOP | Robert Raczkowski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-439-1555 | Laser BBS, Trilogy On-Line Service | (1994-2001) SYSOP | Tony Fazio, Steven Katz SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-439-1994 | Malibu | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Jacki Unio SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-442-1089 | Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible N2 | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Dennis Bixler, Bill Bixler SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-442-1090 | Mission Impossible N3 | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Bill Bixler SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-442-1155 | Internal Stack Overflow | (1994) SYSOP | Alex Rubenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-442-1177 | Internal Stack Overflow | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-442-8199 | AE Line: CIAE, AE LINE: CIAE, The Cia AE | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-444-0733 | The Neutral Zone | Waldwick, NJ SYSOP | The Arbitrator SOFTWARE | CNET 10.0 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-444-1522 | Glenn Rock Rats | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-444-1822 | FLASH FIRE, Flash Fire RBBS, The Flash Fire BBS | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Danny Vanino SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-444-8052 | The Meeting Place | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Joe Tirserio SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-445-1528 | Night Owl | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-445-3486 | Mirage | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-445-8152 | Salem's Lot | Waldwick, NJ (1985-1994) SYSOP | Vindicator SOFTWARE | WWIV, Synchronet COMMENTS | "Originally started in 1985 with a Commodore 64 and | running on the NATCO BBS System. It then grew up to a | Commodore Amiga for a about a year before I moved it over | to a PC Compatible system. Finally took it down when I | went back to school in 94." - Vindicator --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-446-1424 | Atariland, ATARILAND | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-446-1665 | Flea Market | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Scott Pazur --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-446-6359 | RBBS, PROTOTYPE BBS | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-447-8994 | Time Warp BBS | Paramus , NJ (1989-1992) SYSOP | Ziggy SOFTWARE | PCBoard and Aftershock --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-453-9473 | Genesis BBS | (1996) SYSOP | Jose Munoz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-457-0893 | CBBS, SJ Electronic Mail Center | Bound Brook, NJ (1980-1985) SOFTWARE | 6800 CBBS COMMENTS | Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February | 1980 Issue) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-458-1345 | The Meeting Place | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Joe Tirserio SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-462-0435 | Dial-Your-Match #21 | (1983-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-463-0001 | The Cork Board | Piscataway, NJ (1988-1989) SYSOP | Steve Linhart --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-463-0315 | HUB 300 EchoMail Coord, Parthenon | Piscataway, NJ (1987-1991) SYSOP | Paul Papasavas --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-463-1540 | MicroMan Systems | Piscataway, NJ (1987-1991) SYSOP | Tom Bocchino --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-464-9201 | Mind Dump Magazine | Berkley Heights, NJ (1987-1994) SYSOP | Roger Sakowski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-464-9251 | What BBS? | New Providence, NJ (1986-1989) SYSOP | What Sibley SOFTWARE | Syntech BBS COMMENTS | "What BBS? was a unique system run out of New Providence, | NJ by an omniscient being. The unique humor and writing | abilities of the sysop made this system a quite enjoyable | experience. The fact that it was run on a Commodore 64 | didn't bother most people because the site's content was | just too much fun. No online games or anything, just a | fantastic group of creative energies contributing to the | experience that was What BBS?" - Brian Bernstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-467-1303 | Oriental Express, ORIENTAL EXPRESS | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-467-2739 | FOG-41 | Elizabeth, NJ (1986) SYSOP | George Porcella COMMENTS | Osborne Group (FOG AMO #138) member supported system, | Osborne Group (FOG AMO #138) member supported system, --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-467-3269 | MARKET Investment BBS, The Market, The Market,inv | (1985-1996) SYSOP | Alan Sislen SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-467-3341 | Happy Pirate's Ship | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-469-0049 | Graphic Dump, Pro-Graphics | (1988-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-469-5409 | Airport, BBS #3 | (1985-1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-472-0102 | Cosmos BBS | Clifton, NJ (1991-1997) SYSOP | Jim Hruby SOFTWARE | OPUS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-472-0799 | W.O.P.R. | Clifton, NJ (1987-1989) SYSOP | Several Sysop's --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-472-4077 | Stonehenge | UNION CITY, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-472-5025 | Radio Shack II | Clifton, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-472-7785 | Laser Connection | Clifton, NJ (1993-1996) SYSOP | Michael Herrmann SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-472-8065 | FidoNews, Group Efforts, Mid Atlantic, SEA Marketing, | SEAboard, SEAdog Leader, Seanet Relay | Clifton, NJ (1986-1990) SYSOP | Thom Henderson, Kilgore Trout, Irene Henderson SOFTWARE | FidoNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-472-8312 | SSA, The Ass Backwards BBS, The Ass Backwards BBS, The | Laser Connection | Clifton, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Eight Ball SOFTWARE | MajorBBS, Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-473-0187 | Hooch's Hideaway All Adult | Clifton, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-473-1991 | Advanced Performance Inc, SE Aboard Technical Support, Sea | Net Main, SEAboard, SEAnet main | Pickens, SC (1990-1995) SYSOP | Kilgore Trout, S.E.A. Inc. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-473-2703 | The Jungle | Clifton, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Marc Frega SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-473-2835 | SEAboard HST | Clifton, NJ (1991) SYSOP | Kilgore Trout --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-473-2853 | SEAboard HST | Clifton, NJ (1991-1992) SYSOP | Kilgore Trout --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-473-5133 | SEAboard PEP | Clifton, NJ (1991-1992) SYSOP | Kilgore Trout --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-473-5371 | The Fun House | Clifton, NJ (1988-1990) SYSOP | Irene Henderson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-473-8062 | COSMOS II, SEAboard HST, The Dog House | Clifton, NJ (1989-1992) SYSOP | Jim Hruby, Bill Vanglahn, Kilgore Trout --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-473-8522 | Atlantis StarGate, Mid Atlantic, SEA Marketing, SEAdog | Leader, SEAnet Relay, The Fun House | Clifton, NJ (1987-1991) SYSOP | Duke of Atlantis, {Phoon !Tang, Irene Henderson, Thom | Henderson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-477-7263 | Brick Citadel | (1987) SYSOP | Ted Mozer SOFTWARE | Cit2.51 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-478-0536 | The Meeting Place | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Joe Tirserio SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-478-1016 | Int'lTrade(Ex,Im, International Traders | (1991-1996) SYSOP | C. Florescu SOFTWARE | dBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-478-5180 | Hidden Alcove | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-478-6448 | The Token Ring | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Glen Fredricks SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-478-8476 | Assistant REC - Mid Atlantic, Echomail Link #1, Echomail | Link #5, N2604C, Net 2604 Coordinator, | NorthEast HUB, NorthEast NJ HUB, Regional | Mail Gate, South Bergen NJ HUB, Southwest | Bergen NJ HUB, The Cat's Meow-TFP/3, The | Dx Connection BBS, The Funny Papers Node | 1, The Funny Papers-Internet I-III, The | Funny Papers/2 | (1980-2002) SYSOP | Jim McLaughlin, Cosimo DelRosso, Junior McLaughlin, J | McLaughlin, SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-482-1650 | J.A.W.'s | (1986) SYSOP | Bill Westermann --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-482-7607 | Digital Abyss | (1992) SYSOP | Glen Pannicke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-482-8619 | Vocations Cntrl | (1992) SYSOP | Bro. Bill Leaming SOFTWARE | PC Board --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-483-6496 | Satan's Pit, Satans Pit | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Satan & Joker SOFTWARE | Virtual --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-484-6395 | Kitty Anime Station | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Kevin Tseng SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-484-7265 | THE DIGITAL ABYSS | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-485-0299 | Personal Computing BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Cruz Gracia SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-485-5705 | Vocations Central | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-486-2956 | C.F.O.N.J., CFONJ TBBS, Computer Forum of New Jersey, | Computer Forum of NJ, Forum-80, FORUM-80 | Linden, NJ | Linden, NJ (1982-1994) SYSOP | Ed Feins SOFTWARE | FORUM-80 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-487-0131 | Bonnie & Clyde BBS | Hackensack, NJ (1995-1997) SYSOP | Amanda Renee --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-487-0227 | New Jersey Share File, NJ Share File | Hackensack, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Ken SOFTWARE | RBBS-PC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-487-7556 | So Central Bergen HUB, The Game's Afoot BBS | Hackensack, NJ (1990-1995) SYSOP | Ron Cerreta SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-488-1330 | HandiCapable One | (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-489-3323 | Phone-TTY Inc | Hackensack, NJ (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-492-1352 | Freedom - Net II | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-492-2396 | Megaplex | Blomingdale, NJ (1992-1994) SYSOP | Michael Ludwick SOFTWARE | MajorBBS, Major BBS COMMENTS | "Megaplex actually lives on today. It started off as a 4 | line sci-fi image download (6 CD changer) and small chat. | Then moved to the internet as Chatropolis.com. It is now | a thriving adult chat community with 2000 simultaneous | users at peak and a 24hr average of 1600+ chatters. It's | a shame not many BBS's made the transition to the net. We | were one of the first and had to write our own software | in the early 90's to do it. All the time hearing it can't | be done and nobody will come. Well we rate as high as | 5200 on Alexa and generate 15,000 paid memberships per | year. My early days in the late 80's early 90's with | BBS'ing has been a major source of our success. We now | run on a cluster of quad core *NIX boxes filling a half | rack at Peer1. We now run on a 100Mbit connection and in | 1996 we were one of the first T3's in NJ at a cost of | 72,000.00 per month! But faith and a clear picture that I | didn't want to be a cliquey site that booted anyone that | said something the least bit offensive has continued our | growth to this day." - Michael Ludwick --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-492-9026 | The Beer Garden BBS | (1994) SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-492-9145 | The Disaster Zone | Bloomingdale, NJ (1995-1998) SYSOP | Disaster Blaster SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-492-9527 | Power Windows BBS , Power Windows BBS N2 | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Werner Csanitz SOFTWARE | C-Net-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-492-9748 | Power Windows BBS | (1992-1995) SYSOP | Werner Csanitz SOFTWARE | C-Net-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-494-3417 | Planet Shadowstar TBBS | Metuchen, NJ (1988-1991) SYSOP | Larry Feldman, N2HGY, N2HBN --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-494-3558 | Transmission Relay Station | Edison, NJ (1986) SYSOP | David Risack --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-494-3649 | MFTBBS, Micro Fone, Micro-Fone TBBS, Microfone Multiline | InfoServ. | Metuchen, NJ (1985-1991) SYSOP | John Kelley, K2SHY SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-494-7006 | MusiPerf Alpha | Metuchen, NJ (1987-1990) SYSOP | Paul Medina --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-494-7542 | The White House BBS | Metuchen, NJ (1990-1992) SYSOP | Darren Nye --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-494-8209 | The Spectrum | Metuchen, NJ (1981-1989) SYSOP | Mitchell Aidelbaum SOFTWARE | GBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-494-8666 | Brainy Boro BBS, Brainy Boro BBS (BBBS) | Metuchen, NJ (1986-1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-495-6996 | Isle Net, Isle-Net | (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-502-9115 | Underground II | (1990) SOFTWARE | Emulex/II --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-503-0929 | Videopolis , Videopolis, Outland | (1987-1994) SYSOP | Mike Low SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-506-0472 | Continental Breakfast, EchoList Coord, South NJ HUB, The | Dog's Breakfast | Toms River, NJ (1987-1992) SYSOP | Mike Fuchs --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-507-0575 | The Bird's Shack | (1994-1995) SYSOP | G Bird --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-507-9032 | Chatlink U.S.A, Chatlink USA | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-509-0430 | The Programmer's Cove | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Isaac Mark SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-509-0436 | Badlands BBS | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Michael Bardi SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-509-7324 | The Gamer's Exchange, The Gamers' Exchange BBS, Video Game | Info Svc, Video Game Information Service | (1991-1995) SYSOP | Mark J. Astarita SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-509-7374 | Dave's House BBS | (1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-509-7851 | 2605 Echomail Central, Hub 100 Echomail, Net Echo | Coordinator, NorthEast Echomail, The | Gamers' Exchange, Video Game Info Svc | Glen Ridge, NJ (1991-1996) SYSOP | Mark Astarita, HEC 100 SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-509-8568 | Exploding Appliances | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Faylen SOFTWARE | 2 AM-BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-514-1036 | Gates to Another World BBS | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Ken Dupuis SOFTWARE | Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-514-1949 | Lowe's Plaza, Lowes Plaza | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Greg Lowe, Chatham NJ SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-515-1245 | La Vill Strangiato | Parsippany, NJ (1995) SYSOP | Tony Cha SOFTWARE | C-Net-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-515-8557 | Chessboard, Chessboard II, Chessboard Node 1, Morris | County Echomail | Parsippany, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Ken Thierfelder --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-515-8563 | Ground Zero | Parsippany, NJ (1990-1992) SYSOP | Gene Kowalski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-515-9053 | End of the Universe N2 | Whippany, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Peter Yao SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-523-1162 | Net 2604 AA, Net 2604 Coordinator, NJAP&EMTs, The Boss | Internet, The Butterfly BBS, The Wild | Horse Saloon BBS | (1991-1997) SYSOP | Carole Edwards, Carole Capuano, Al Edwards, Kevin Agard, | Mark Seiden SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-523-2058 | The Last Word BBS | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Rev. Thomas Williams III SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-523-8212 | The Caretakers BBS | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Walter Gould SOFTWARE | FeatherNet, T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-525-2703 | The Jersey Phoenix | Parlin, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Richard Wright --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-525-9440 | <<< The Fortress >>>, Central Jersey MicroConnec, THE | FORTRESS | Parlin, NJ (1988-1990) SYSOP | Fred Seibel SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-526-5988 | Somerville RCP/M | Bridgewater, NJ (1985) SYSOP | Bill Woodall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-526-6395 | Tranquil River BBS | Bridgewater, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Eric Millard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-528-6467 | AE Line: ZANDAR | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-528-6623 | Forum-80 BBS, FORUM-80 Monmouth, Forum-80/Cfonj, Forum-80 | (MCTBBS) | (1982-1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-529-0854 | Star Gate, Stargate, StarGate BBS | Mahwah, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Chris Martis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-529-4381 | AE Line: LAIR | Mahwah, NJ (1984-1985) SYSOP | David Berger (aka Borcus the Terrible) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-529-8196 | Electric Magic | Mahwah, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-533-9377 | Atlantis, ATLANTIS | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-534-2858 | Avenger's Mansion | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-535-0655 | The Crime Syndicate | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Gary Gann --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-535-8424 | Solar Eclipse | (1991) SYSOP | Jonathan Fein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-535-9739 | Necroscope BBS | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Jason Englander SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-536-0853 | Apple Pirate | Marlboro, NJ (1985) SYSOP | The Thief, Mindbender --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-536-1828 | AE Line: STAMPS, AE LINE: STAMPS | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-536-6585 | DOJO | (1985) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-537-4207 | Rat City, Rat City BBS | (1987-1994) SYSOP | Gray Davis SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-537-4958 | ATS/CDS, Hampton NJ Dating Service | (1985) SYSOP | Andrew T. Sigafoos SOFTWARE | PC-Board --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-538-2526 | AT&T Infx | (1987-1989) SYSOP | Peter Kay --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-538-2684 | Static Speakeasy, The Static Speak Easy | (1992-1994) SOFTWARE | Cnet-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-538-4123 | Sound Chaser | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-538-6087 | 12 Ga. Skeet & Trap, 12 Gauge Skeet & Trap, Maple Leaf | BBS, Native Spirit BBS, Orange Blossom | Express, Scholars Corner BBS, Splat! | Paintball BBS, The Maple Leaf | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Kent Manno SOFTWARE | Wildcat, RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-538-8829 | Green Wave BBS | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Kent Manno --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-539-4046 | Headquarters BBS | Morris Plains, NJ (1992) SYSOP | Rob Rosenhouse --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-539-4252 | STOCKCRAFT FINANCIAL | Morris Plains, NJ (1984) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-539-4306 | DLG Headquarters, Headquarters BBS | Morris Plains, NJ (1992-1993) SYSOP | Rob Rosenhouse --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-539-5473 | NorthWest NJ HUB, Somewhere in NJ, The Whiz BANG! | Morris Plains, NJ (1988-1990) SYSOP | John Bednarz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-539-5486 | Warped Perspective | Morris Plains, NJ (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-539-6139 | Pirates I/O ][ | Morris Plains, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-539-6161 | Afterimage Informat | Morris Plains, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | A. Stramaglia SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-539-8054 | Pirates I/O | Morris Plains, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-539-8555 | The Bermuda Triangle | Morris Plains, NJ (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-542-2793 | MANX, Manx Software Systems BBS, Manx Software Systems | Technical Support | (1988-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-542-5059 | CompInnovation | (1986) SYSOP | Howard Dean --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-542-5884 | Computer Tech. Onl. Of NJ | (1989) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-543-4485 | NullPointer,jobs, The Null Pointer BBS | Mendham, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Shawn Smith --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-543-6139 | AE Line: TREKKY, Pirates I/O (3), PIRATE'S I/0, PIRATES | I/0, AE LINE: TREKKY | Mendham, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-543-6950 | Mac Atlantic BBS | Mendham, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Bill Trubeck --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-543-9326 | The Null Pointer BBS | Mendham, NJ (1993-1994) SYSOP | Shawn Smith SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-544-0339 | Starcom System - One | Shrewsbury Twp, NJ (1990) SYSOP | David Bender --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-544-8193 | South NJ HUB, The University | Shrewsbury Twp, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Mike Quinlan --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-544-8421 | Bmet Express | Shrewsbury Twp, NJ (1989) SYSOP | Henry Marshall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-546-0391 | Echomail Link #4, Net 2604 Coordinator, Net 2604 Treasury, | Northeast New Jersey, So Central Bergen | HUB, Southern Echomail Hub, Southern Hub, | The Hackers Guild, The NJ Cowboy, The Wild | Horse Saloon BBS | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Al Edwards SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-546-1468 | The Token Ring, Token Ring BBS | (1987-1996) SYSOP | Glen Fredricks, Glen Fredericks SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-546-3690 | BX: The Board Experimental | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-546-4238 | Echomail Link #4, Operation Anarchy! | (1994) SYSOP | Greg Popovich --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-547-4252 | Newark Fire Department | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-549-4237 | Lumber Board DIY Home Repair, The Lumber Board | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Mark Widerstrom --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-549-7591 | Atari Of Edison, B.B.C.S./Jacg | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-554-8421 | BMET Xpress Genesis | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Henry Marshall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-555-5555 | CV Technologies BBS | (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-563-9057 | JABBS(JAUG) | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-564-7829 | The Market | (1985) SYSOP | Alan Sislen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-566-6411 | SW-SW-SW | Aberdeen, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Steven Balavram --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-566-8754 | Ghostbusters | Aberdeen, NJ (1985) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-567-6994 | APFL BBS , APFL-The BBS, APFL-The BBS , Central Bergen | EchoMail, Echomail Link #3 | Tenafly, NJ (1990-2002) SYSOP | Tom Kane, Thomas Kane (Tongue NJ) SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-567-7328 | The Englewood Connection! | Tenafly, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Brent Vosters SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-568-1826 | The Optimum BBS | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Naz Keleshian SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-568-3330 | Midnight's Domain | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-568-7293 | BOSS, BOSS,clipper, Tenafly, THE BOSS, The Boss BBS, The | Boss II | Tenafly, NJ (1985-1996) SYSOP | Mark Seiden SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-568-7451 | Filebone Coordinator, THE BOSS II | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Mark Seiden --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-568-8916 | THE BOSS | (1994) SYSOP | Mark Seiden --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-569-3543 | De BBS, Dwight HS BBS, Dwight-Englewood BBS | (1990-1994) SYSOP | Principal --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-569-4074 | Nitemaer BBS | (1991) SYSOP | Abram Stern --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-569-4491 | Damage Inc. | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-569-6685 | The Cork Shoot BBS, The Cyber Priest, The Plain Brown | Wrapper BBS | (1993-1997) SYSOP | Rev John Jacobacci SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-569-6800 | Skyline | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-569-7451 | APFL-The BBS, Filebone Coordinator, THE BOSS II, The Boss | Internet | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Mark Seiden, Tom Kane --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-572-0617 | Colorama Of Highland Park, COLORAMA | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-572-2855 | Chris's System, Edison's DREAMLINE | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Chris Wagner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-573-0449 | The Crack In Time, The Crack in Time BBS (THG) | Rivervale, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Mike Carman, Andrew Locke SOFTWARE | Emulex/2 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-573-0556 | The Unconscious BBS | Rivervale, NJ (1993-1994) SYSOP | Chris Ruvolo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-573-0719 | Central Bergen EchoMail, Over the Edge | Montvale, NJ (1990-1996) SYSOP | Peter Zurich SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-573-0771 | Shadow Zone | Rivervale, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-573-9262 | Central Bergen EchoMail, Echomail Link #2, Net 2604 | NEC/OGATE, NJ Tri Net Hub, North Bergen | Hub, North Jersey Somewhere, NorthEast | Echomail, NorthWest Echomail, Splitting | Atom, The Splitting Atom | Rivervale, NJ (1990-1997) SYSOP | Robert Hessler SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-575-2540 | The Taxiway BBS | (1995) SYSOP | Al Lecuona --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-575-4010 | The Temple | WEEHAUKEN, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-575-7174 | SBC Online | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jim Rogers SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-575-7519 | Rivendell | Fairfield, NJ (1991) SYSOP | Rick Hadsall, Rick Hadsall (Force Ten) SOFTWARE | Revelation --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-575-8991 | Central Core BBS | Montville, NJ (1985-1996) SYSOP | Michael Cocke, Mike Cocke SOFTWARE | PCBoard , PCBoard 15.1 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-577-0135 | Star Chamber | (1989-1991) SYSOP | Derek Faktor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-579-2380 | GVC Product Support, GVC Technologies Inc, GVC | Technologies Technical Support, GVC | Technologies, Inc., GVC Technologies BBS | Sparta, NJ (1993-1995) SYSOP | Tech Staff SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-579-3374 | The Magical Toyshop | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Jamie Stillwagon, Jamie Boyer SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-579-3978 | Hotel Paradise ST, Nativity In Black | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Mason Taube --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-579-4834 | GSN West Hub, The Outer Rim | (1992-1996) SYSOP | Mark Bennett SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-579-6927 | Magna Of Illusion | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Kevin Day --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-579-7254 | DreamCatcher | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Keith Stillwagon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-579-9387 | E.o.D. Systems, G.i.t.M | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Gene Senyszyn --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-583-7636 | AE Line: DRAGON, AE Line: LUNAR, AE LINE: DRAGON, AE LINE: | LUNAR | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-583-7894 | Magic Domin | (1991) SYSOP | Lance Merlen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-584-2563 | Jug Clod, Jug Cloud, Overkill BBS | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Steve Cherifi, Cherifi/Pafumi SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-584-4655 | Immortality | (1992) SYSOP | Ian Gross --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-584-4730 | Fyoozhen Plant BBS, Out of the Ordinary BBS | (1994) SYSOP | Scott Argenziano --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-584-5469 | In a Blue Room, In A Blue Room BBS | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Jeff Kosiorek --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-584-6115 | Jezebel's Parlour Node 1 | (1992) SYSOP | Beverly DeLisa --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-584-6308 | ParaPet | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Pat Toner SOFTWARE | PCBoard COMMENTS | "There was a group of us who all ran BBS's who used to | hang together every Saturday night, and it was in getting | to know a few members of this group in the first place | that I got interested in running a BBS and finally did. | Mine was only a small BBS, but I still had 150 users and | never advertised it anywhere! People found a lot by word- | of-mouth. Other local sysops tended to know each other | over the BBS chat, if not in person." - Pat Toner --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-584-7316 | McBug BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Matt Riedel SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-584-9227 | Flanders, N.J., Flanders, NJ RCPM, RCP/M, RCP/M FLanders, | RCP/M MCBBS Ken Stritzel | (1982-1985) SYSOP | Ken Stritzel --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-585-0957 | Golgotha, Phantom | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Mark Bellew, David Hathaway SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-585-2420 | Maxicat! | (1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-586-3623 | T.B.P. Video Slate | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Mark E. Davidson SOFTWARE | Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-586-6915 | The Jungle | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Marc Frega SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-586-6946 | Ghost Hackers II | (1994) SYSOP | Greg Hetman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-586-8905 | The Tammy Board BBS | Rockaway, NJ (1990-1997) SYSOP | Elaine Stewart, Tammy Barth SOFTWARE | PC-Board, Wildcat COMMENTS | "The Tammy Board was a bit unique in that is was started | and run by myself and my teenage daughter at the | time...she was the 'Tammy' part! It was a good way for | mother & daughter to share a common interest in | computers. A gathering of all the local SYSOPS and many | of their users would happen every Friday night at either | my house or the House of the SYSOP of Jezebels Parlor. We | called ourselves the FNG (Friday Night Group!) Sometimes | as many as 30 or more would come, sometimes dragging | their computers along to be looked at and fixed by the | 'FNG' experts! All these years later many of us are still | very good friends and still get together whenever we | can." - Elaine (Stewart) Manganello --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-586-8943 | Greystone BBS | (1993) SYSOP | Alex Rubenstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-586-9661 | Abbadon, Fenway's Park, ToXiC DESTiNY | (1992-1994) SYSOP | David Perkalis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-586-9891 | The Dark End | Rockaway, NJ (1992-1994) SYSOP | Dreadful Warrior (Mike Hetman) SOFTWARE | AmiExpress COMMENTS | "The Dark End was popular during its time for having | distinctly 9 ongoing message boards with topics ranging | from flirting to history to computers to simply arguing. | In its early days, The Dark End was also an experiment in | gothic ANSI art as skulls, swords and imagery of blood | graced the system. In some ways, it was meant to be a | virtual online horror show as even the SysOp claimed to | roost in Lost Souls Cemetery. Although the BBS only ran | on one phone line, there was no shortage of callers or | files to download and the SysOp was often available to | chat with users." - Mike Hetman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-586-9961 | ToXiC DESTiNY | (1992) SYSOP | David Perkalis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-587-0206 | R.C.E. Support | Maywood, NJ (1995) SYSOP | Tech Staff --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-587-0720 | Royal Ace BBS N1 | Maywood, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Louis Fung SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-587-1003 | HUB500 GroupMail Coord, I.C.S.I. Support, NorthEast NJ | HUB, R.C. Enterprises BBS, R.C.E. Support | Maywood, NJ (1992-1995) SYSOP | Robert Locke SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-587-8756 | R.C. Enterprises BBS 3, R.C.E. TBBS ]I[ | Maywood, NJ (1992) SYSOP | Robert Locke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-587-9786 | Conference Coord, HUB500 GroupMail Coord, R.C. Enterprises | BBS, R.C.E. TBBS ][, The Key North HST | Maywood, NJ (1990-1992) SYSOP | Robert Locke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-589-5803 | Instant BBS | (1995-1996) SYSOP | R. Camba --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-592-0898 | 3X-USA Corp | Fort Lee, NJ (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-593-9035 | Crypt BBS, The CryptNet BBS | (1980-1997) SYSOP | Steve Brock SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-595-1573 | Last Days, N.Jersey'sWldct | (1991-1996) SYSOP | John Prause SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-595-5357 | IBM PC Lab, IBM-PC Lab | (1985-1989) SYSOP | Michael Gelman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-595-7981 | SW BBS | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-595-9107 | NORAD | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-596-1330 | The Programmer's BBS | (1994) SYSOP | Ricardo Rodriguez --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-596-3448 | NJIT Alumni BBS | (1996) SYSOP | Daniel Suarez SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-596-5641 | Mugger's Alley BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Pin Lo, Myron Krawczuk, Ed. A. Nunez SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-596-5679 | Biomed Engineering, The Biomedical Engineering, The | Biomedical Engineering BBS | (1992-1994) SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-602-0427 | SEAMCOlink Opus | Iselin, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Kevin Schlosser --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-605-1292 | Chessboard, Chessboard II | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Ken Thierfelder --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-605-8117 | EastCoastCirBd, The East Coast Circuit Board | (1990-1996) SYSOP | Jeff Polo SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-608-9178 | Ultimate Link | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-612-0394 | Informatix 2, Informatix Node 2 | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Jennifer Hulley-Miller SOFTWARE | Searchlight, Maximus, Maximus/2, Opus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-612-0559 | Hourglass DOS|OS/2 Box, Hourglass OS/2 Box, Informatix 1, | Informatix/2 n1, Net 2604 OGate, North | Bergen Hub, North West Hub Coordinator, | The Hourglass BBS, UUCP: | hourgls.fidonet.org | Ridgewood, NJ (1991-1995) SYSOP | Jennifer Hulley-Miller SOFTWARE | FidoNet, Searchlight, Maximus, Maximus/2, Opus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-612-8150 | Frankly Speaking | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-612-8594 | The Nut House BBS | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Gerard Filitti SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-613-0638 | The Sayreville BBS | Sayreville, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Edward Sears --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-614-0733 | Satan's Realm | Nutley, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-614-1832 | The Roy Hobbs BBS | Nutley, NJ (1994) SYSOP | Cono A DelRosso --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-614-8019 | The Abbey BBS | Nutley, NJ (1992-1993) SYSOP | William Stamps --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-614-8174 | Black Sabbath | Nutley, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-614-8732 | Psi-Kick BBS | Nutley, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Arbuda T. Great SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-614-8954 | The Roy Hobbs BBS | Nutley, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Cono A DelRosso --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-614-9605 | The Pepperoni BBS | Nutley, NJ (1989) SYSOP | John Pepper --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-615-0214 | Unknown Kadath | (1987-1990) SYSOP | Dave Van Cleef SOFTWARE | Cit286 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-616-1627 | Rick's | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-616-9760 | The Garden of Eden N2 | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Frank Molino SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-617-8054 | Binary Information Network, BinInfoNet,sci, The Hot Tub | Chat Lounge | (1991-1996) SYSOP | George/Barbara Eppich, George Eppich SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-617-8525 | Binary Information Network, Hot Tub | (1992-1994) SYSOP | George & Barbara Eppich SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-623-5666 | CompuServe | (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-624-1375 | Cheers Online!, Trilogy On-Line | (1994-1995) SYSOP | , Tony Fazio SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-625-0126 | Campaign Headquarters, Spuzz | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Mike Bray SOFTWARE | Fido --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-625-1519 | MT HED BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Ron Greco SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-625-1797 | RCP/M, RCP/M The C-Line | (1983-1985) SYSOP | David Fiedler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-625-2977 | Evil Powers, Fatal Humor BBS, Recycled Fish Cakes | (1992-1995) SYSOP | Brian Homeyer SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-625-3622 | King Arthur's Kourt | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-625-5217 | Electronic Countermeasure | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-625-5728 | Lyra Information Exchange | (1984) SYSOP | Alex Sass --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-625-8929 | AE Line: RUN, The Upside Down AE Line, Upsidedown AE Line, | UPSIDEDOWN AE LINE | Rockaway, NJ (1984-1986) SYSOP | Dan DAmelio SOFTWARE | Ascii Express COMMENTS | "Ascii Express Line for Software Uploads and Download, | later transitioned into The Upside Down BSS ][" - Dan | DAmelio --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-626-3550 | HUB 800 Group Coord, MidEast New Jersey HUB, Newport | Center BBS, Newport Centre, | NewptCtr,Private | Jersey City, NJ (1989-1996) SYSOP | Michael Keyles, Robert Bayron SOFTWARE | Opus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-627-3409 | Micro One BBS | (1991) SYSOP | Hugh & Don McGrath SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-627-5151 | Conference Tree, CONFERENCE-TREE ?, CONFERENCE-TREE | Flagship | Rockaway, NJ (1982-1985) SOFTWARE | CONFERENCE-TREE --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-627-6130 | The ULTIMATE LINK | (1991) SYSOP | Mike Mavuro SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-627-6222 | Area 51@fidonet, The Black Tower | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Rob Miller SOFTWARE | FidoNet, Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-627-6242 | The Black Tower | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Rob Miller SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-627-6880 | Ghost Hackers II, Ghost Hackers ][ | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Greg Hetman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-627-7851 | Tammy Board | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-627-8137 | Bandersnatch BBS | (1992-1995) SYSOP | John Looker SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-627-9213 | NJ Environmental | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-627-9910 | The Jungle(Rockaway Node) | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-628-0837 | CyberNet BBS | KEARNY, NJ (1997) SYSOP | David De Coons --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-628-1580 | Enchanted World | Mountain View, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-628-7287 | R.E.A.C.T., REACT System 1 | Mountain View, NJ (1986-1994) SYSOP | Peter J Keller --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-633-0368 | First Class BBS I | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Tim Chin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-633-0569 | Frankly Speaking | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Frank Cahill SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-633-0606 | The Hard Drive Cafe BBS | (1996-1997) SYSOP | Scott Amabile SOFTWARE | TheBreadBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-633-1630 | The Hard Drive Cafe BBS | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Scott Amabile --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-633-9346 | First Class BBS , First Class BBS II | (1994-1998) SYSOP | Timothy Chin, Tim Chin SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-634-3980 | Jim's Place | Iselin, NJ (1989) SYSOP | Jim Petro Sr. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-634-4251 | Woodbridge Central | Iselin, NJ (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-634-5760 | Sweet Desires | Iselin, NJ (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-635-0705 | New Jersey TELECOM #1 | (1982-1983) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-635-1264 | Mirror Image | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rob Olsen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-635-4519 | The Collectors BBS, The Collectors' BBS | Chatham, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Eric Marks SOFTWARE | TBBS 2.2, 16 Line --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-635-5726 | Fallout Shelter, The Machine BBS | (1989-1996) SYSOP | Rob Knierim SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-635-6530 | CHS Exchange | (1994) SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-635-6913 | Rise n' Shine | (1994) SYSOP | Rob Olsen --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-635-7401 | Doc's Realm, Loss of Control | (1994-1995) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | Drum, TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-636-7499 | The Micro Forum | (1988-1991) SYSOP | KC2WZ, Howard Billson SOFTWARE | TUBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-638-5698 | The Hill Top BBS | High Bridge, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Guy Silliman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-643-7851 | The Short Circuit, Vocations Cent | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Bill Leaming --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-644-9047 | Parallels, Red Dragon Inn, Storm Surge | Morristown, NJ (1990-1995) SYSOP | Tom Murphy SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-644-9470 | Leuven Regionaal! | OAKLAND, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-645-3887 | OPM FedJobs - NJ | (1987-1992) SYSOP | June Summers SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-646-0227 | Echomail Link #4, NorthEast Bergen Hub, Southeast Bergen | Hub, ~In The Wind~ BBS | (1994-2000) SYSOP | Bill McGarrity SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-647-2581 | The Hotel, THE HOTEL | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-647-3054 | Voyager BBS | HACKENSACK, NJ SYSOP | Chris Kmosko SOFTWARE | Voyager BBS (Custom) COMMENTS | "The BBS was basically "a fantasy space game modeled | after a popular Dungeons & Dragons type game called | Traveler" with 10,000 planets in a 1,600,000 sector | galaxy. I do not know the exact timespan, but it was not | long if I recall correctly. The BBS was written in | Pascal. I am also attaching a copy of the manual. Good | thing I was able to retrieve the file off of a failing | backup tape. Sadly, I have been unable to find if | Voyager BBS or the software still exists. It was a fun | game." - Sean Farley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-652-0969 | Equinox, EqUiNoX BBS, UNEX, UNEX-2, Unex | (1988-1996) SYSOP | Mike Najarian SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-652-2169 | The Fish Market | (1991-1994) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-652-4829 | Eastern Entertainment Exchange (E3!) | Glen Rock, NJ (1993-1995) SYSOP | Ed Lawrence SOFTWARE | MBBS COMMENTS | "I started this BBS as a chat and gaming board. We were | one of the first to add the multiplayer DOOM module for | MBBS and it was a big hit! When I first started this | board it had 4 phone lines that we needed to request from | the TelCo. They didn't have anymore available lines so | they took some unused lines that were designated for the | police station. The Telco had to ask permission and the | police were curious why a residence would need 4 phone | lines, thinking it could be a bookie operation. They | called to inquire about it and after about 5 minutes of | trying to explain what a computer BBS was all about, they | gave up and said good luck! As others have stated, 1995 | the writing was sadly on the wall and I decided to pack | it in. Had lots of fun nights gaming!" --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-652-6628 | Phoenix BBS, The Phoenix | (1989-1996) SYSOP | Jason Woodard SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-652-7349 | Third Stone From The Sun, Third Stone from the Sun | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Evan Molnar --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-653-0314 | AmigaVyager | Jersey City, NJ (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-653-1091 | Computer Connections | Jersey City, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Ed Mecka SOFTWARE | TheBreadBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-653-1606 | CS-EIS | Jersey City, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Chuck Dortson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-653-2919 | THE BRIDGE BBS | Jersey City, NJ (1994) SYSOP | Rob Walsh --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-653-3893 | Omegammon BBS | Jersey City, NJ (1985) SYSOP | John Ross --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-653-6228 | SuccessNet | Hoboken, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Al Arango SOFTWARE | TBBS , TBBS 2.2 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-654-0477 | Files Unlimited | Westfield, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Clem Taylor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-654-1680 | Attic-Static | Westfield, NJ (1986) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-656-1375 | NJAP&EMTs | Jersey City, NJ (1992) SYSOP | Kevin Agard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-656-2218 | CS-EIS | Jersey City, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Chuck Dortson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-656-3942 | Jewish Community Cent , Jewish Online Service, LUACH, | JEWISH ONLINE SERVICE | Jersey City, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | , Alex Wieder SOFTWARE | PCBoard COMMENTS | LUACH, JEWISH ONLINE SERVICE, 201 .656.3942, Sysop: Alex | Wieder, Meet exciting people at Shlomo's Electronic Cafe! | Discuss the latest books in Sifriya or the Palestine | issue in the Knesset. Knesset. Join Nashim to discuss | women & Judaism, or learn in the Bais Med rash. | Databases, files, Internet and more!!! - BBS Magazine | November, 1994 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-656-4250 | Hoboken BBS | Jersey City, NJ (1995) SYSOP | Marc Ricciardi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-656-4602 | THE BRIDGE BBS | Jersey City, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-656-5273 | Happy Station BBS, HUB 800 Echomail Coord, MidEast New | Jersey HUB, The Ogate | Jersey City, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Bob Sherman, Bob 'Ogate' Bayron --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-656-6576 | The Wrong Number BBS | Jersey City, NJ (1995-1997) SYSOP | Clark Matthews SOFTWARE | QuickBBS, PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-656-6578 | The Wrong Number BBS | Jersey City, NJ (1994) SYSOP | Clark Matthews --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-656-7478 | Network Communications, System One Communication | Connection | Jersey City, NJ (1993-1996) SYSOP | Shaggie, JS SOFTWARE | WWIV, SearchLight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-658-5345 | AT&T Dev | (1987-1989) SYSOP | Barney/Carfizzi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-659-3263 | Seven Ray Institute, The Seven Ray Institute | Jersey City, NJ (1990-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-659-4186 | EchoLink #12, HUB 800 Group Coord, Mare Tranquilitatis, | MidEast New Jersey HUB | Jersey City, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | John Larson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-659-7424 | The Campus BBS, The Ogate | Jersey City, NJ (1989-1992) SYSOP | Robert Bayron --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-659-7609 | Happy Station BBS, MidEast New Jersey HUB | Jersey City, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Bob Sherman, Robert Bayron --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-659-8032 | Vital Com BBS | Jersey City, NJ (1995-1996) SYSOP | Jose Negron SOFTWARE | Wildcat , Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-659-8867 | Big Ron's Hedonistic Society | Jersey City, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Ronald J. Clark SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-662-1800 | Starship, STARSHIP | Guttenberg, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-662-8274 | TibetNet BBS, WayPoint BBS | Guttenberg, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Indira Singh --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-662-9274 | The Dark House | Guttenburg, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Dan Lopez SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | "The Darkhouse had internet email, Usenet newsgroups. and | tons of files to download, with over 4 cd's online. Some | very popular Doors (Online games) such as Bordello. The | BBS had 4 lines which were usually all busy throughout | the day, and a nightly PPTP connection to download/upload | the new messages and emails going out to the net. " - Dan | Lopez --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-663-0314 | E-Patrol #2, E-Patrol No.2 , E-Patrol ][ | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Chris Smith --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-663-0933 | Christian Response Lake | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Steve Sterling SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-663-1284 | ON THE EDGE BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Scott Martin SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-663-9499 | On the Edge BBS N2 | (1995) SYSOP | Scott Martin SOFTWARE | Linux --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-664-0571 | Digital Spectrum | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Butch, Dan Stein SOFTWARE | Telegard , DarkStar --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-664-1059 | Poor George | (1991-1996) SYSOP | George Kehr SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-664-7214 | The E.I.B. System | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-664-7217 | The E.I.B. System | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Neil Stewart SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-665-0409 | Nuclear Blast | New Providence, NJ (1990) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-665-2075 | Outer Limits | New Providence, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Joe Stango --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-665-5992 | Summit PCBoard | New Providence, NJ (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-666-2013 | MacIntosh BBS | Westwood, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Bob Gallo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-666-2646 | General Store, New Jersey's Gen Store, GENERAL STORE | Westwood, NJ (1985-1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-666-3262 | NJ PC User Group, NJPC | Westwood, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Neil Stewart SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-666-7696 | David's Place, DAVID'S PLACE | Westwood, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-666-7873 | Third Stone From The Sun | Westwood, NJ (1993-1994) SYSOP | Evan Molnar --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-667-1682 | StrateGEM | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-667-2504 | Connection-80 Nutley, Nutley BBS, Nutley BBS , Nutley N.J. | BBS | (1985-2002) SYSOP | Cliff Amlung/Ed O'Rourke SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-667-3326 | The Roach Motel | (1993-1997) SYSOP | Joe Roach SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-667-4608 | Late-Knight BBS | (1987-1988) SYSOP | Trey Rosier --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-667-5800 | +Instantlink Internet Access, ShadowNet | (1980-1998) SYSOP | Jerry Mascari SOFTWARE | Unknown , TBBS, Excalibur --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-667-9614 | The Arctic Circle | Nutley, NJ SYSOP | Snow Dog --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-667-9717 | Don Luby's Iron BBS and Fisherman's Paradise | Nutley, NJ SYSOP | Dead Ed COMMENTS | "The home of Northern New Jersey's most heartless war | board, and functional HQ of it's least continent gang of | thugs, the Sons of Ed Gelb (SOEG)." - D. Waldman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-669-3308 | Dmaster's Den | (1996-2000) SYSOP | Alan Freidberg --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-669-8268 | USES-NJ | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-669-8372 | NJ Intelligence Agency | (1994-1995) SYSOP | John Tracey SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-669-9857 | NJ Intelligence Agency | West Orange, NJ (1993-1996) SYSOP | John Tracey SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-672-8935 | Headquarters Info Srv | (1995) SYSOP | Rob Rosenhouse SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-672-8969 | Amiga Headquarters, Headquarters Info Srv, Headquarters | Information Service | (1993-1997) SYSOP | Rob Rosenhouse SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-673-7055 | Starfleet Command | (1991-1992) SYSOP | William Baker --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-673-7075 | Starfleet Command | (1992-1993) SYSOP | William Baker --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-674-6064 | The Grafik Image BBS, The Grafik Image BBS (Node 1) | (1995-1999) SYSOP | Les Butler SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-675-2154 | Dean's Information Center BBS, Deans Info Center, | DeansInfoCtr | (1989-1996) SYSOP | Gene Deans SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-676-3026 | The Grafik Image BBS (Node 2) | East Orange, NJ (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-676-7066 | Kin Ships | East Orange, NJ (1990-1993) SYSOP | Bob Gleason --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-676-8817 | Medic Central, Unitex Communications | East Orange, NJ (1987-1994) SYSOP | Dave D'Oyen SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-677-3040 | G.A.L. BBS, Get A Life! | (1994-1996) SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-678-1367 | 269 Gate, Bergen-Passaic HUB, Essex/Passaic, NJ Tri Net | Hub, The Unitex, UNitek Research | Institute, UNITEX Communications, | Unitex,the UN | Bloomfield, NJ (1990-1996) SYSOP | James Waldron SOFTWARE | Opus, Remote Access --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-678-1721 | Rivendell BBS | Bloomfield, NJ (1992-1996) SYSOP | Pete Newman SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-678-6670 | BBS IBM PC New York, IBM-PC | Bloomfield, NJ (1983-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-679-0549 | O.B.T. Techie | (1987-1989) SYSOP | Jim Reiss --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-679-5706 | Comp-U-Match | (1986-1989) SYSOP | Mitch Geier --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-679-8477 | Link To Perfection, Quartex | (1990) SOFTWARE | Quartex --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-684-0931 | APPLEPEEL | (1988) SOFTWARE | Red Ryder Host --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-684-3390 | C.R.A.S.H. Systems | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-686-3971 | Power of Darkness, Pure Evil | (1990) SOFTWARE | Amix --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-687-7720 | Cyclotron | (1986-1989) SYSOP | ??, Alex Kowalski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-687-8876 | Spaceport | HACKENSACK, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-688-7117 | Forum-80 | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-689-0492 | ENTERPRISE, Xanth ST BBS | Washington, NJ (1985-1986) SOFTWARE | Forem ST --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-692-0745 | The Bat Cave, THE BAT CAVE | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-692-1110 | GearBox | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Mark Paris SOFTWARE | SynchroNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-692-3705 | The Dx Connection N2 | (1992-1996) SYSOP | Cosimo DelRosso SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-692-7981 | The Gearbox BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Mark Paris SOFTWARE | SynchroNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-692-8171 | The Dx Connection BBS, The Dx Connection N1 | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Cosimo DelRosso SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-692-9882 | GLine BBS | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-694-1306 | Flying Cows Castle, Flying Cows Castle (The FCC) | Wayne, NJ (1993-1995) SYSOP | Bilbo, Jester, Ruff SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-694-3073 | Tumbleweeds BBS | Wayne, NJ (1989-1991) SYSOP | George Fox --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-694-3348 | Sea Board ARC Home, SEAboard | Wayne, NJ (1985-1989) SYSOP | Thom Henderson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-694-5081 | Jungle STS #12, The Jungle, THE JUNGLE STS #12 | Wayne, NJ (1992-1996) SYSOP | Marc Frega SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-694-6835 | Gelb's BBS Dir, Gelb's BBS Dir,! | Wayne, NJ (1992-1996) SYSOP | Ed Gelb --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-694-7133 | RXR-NET BBS | Wayne, NJ (1991) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-694-7425 | Ed Gelb's Database, Ed Gelb's DBase, Pirates I/O (2) | Wayne, NJ (1985-1996) SYSOP | Ed Gelb SOFTWARE | RBBS-PC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-694-8122 | SonNet Center, Sonnet Center TBBS, The Sonnet Center | Wayne, NJ (1988-1997) SYSOP | Jim Sadur, Jim Sonnet SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-696-0639 | Studio 64 | Wayne, NJ (1985) SYSOP | Mike Mooney (AKA Copernicus) SOFTWARE | C-Net --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-696-2794 | Attila's Empire | (1991) SYSOP | Attila Toke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-696-8847 | Rats | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-696-8910 | The Funhouse | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-697-0977 | Beryllium BBS | (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-697-1192 | The Oakridge BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-697-4825 | Byte Bastard BBS, Byte Bastards | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-697-7001 | The Byte Bastards BBS | (1986-1993) SYSOP | The Master --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-697-7663 | The Byte Me BBS | (1995) SYSOP | Mike Sisco SOFTWARE | SynchroNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-697-7682 | Appleload, APPLELOAD | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-697-9633 | Rats New Foundland | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-697-9656 | PC 6300 WHSE | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-702-7360 | Buck & Bambi's BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Shane Longo SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-702-7554 | Buck & Bambi's, The T.M.N.T BBS, The T.M.N.T. BBS | (1991-1995) SYSOP | Shane Longo SOFTWARE | MajorBBS, RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-703-0598 | The Chat Chalet | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Ron Meir SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-703-1219 | Derdain's Dreams, Deredain's Realm | (1993-1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-703-2492 | Malibu | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jacki Unio SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-703-2500 | Mirage BBS, Realm of Mirage BBS | Fair Lawn, NJ (1994-2004) SYSOP | Julia Howe, Julia Hiroko Howe (Iris or Cyr3n) SOFTWARE | MajorBBS, Worldgroup 3x (Major BBS) COMMENTS | "Realm Of Mirage BBS started out as a 8-node chat system | in 1994 and quickly grew into an 80-node system after | offering residential ISP services. The board was known | as Mirage, Cyberwar BBS, Cyber Warrior, or Cyber Warrior | ISP. Other staff involved as SysOps were Marian | Montagnino, Vega, and MudOps Mike O'Brien and Stacey | Pazana." - Julia Hiroko Howe --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-705-3787 | Newark School District | Newark, NJ (1993) COMMENTS | FrEdMail System --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-712-1507 | Radio One!, Radio-One! BBS | (1990-1996) SYSOP | Mike Nappi SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | "3 node system running OS2 and wildcat with one unix (BSD | version) node. IN addition to the usual items on BBS, | Offered UUCP store-forward gateway access to fidonet e- | mail to internet e-mail by around 1993. Was named for BBC | Radio-One, as in the Hendrix song Radio One." - Mike | Nappi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-714-9612 | Pisces BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | George Jenkins SOFTWARE | Virtual --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-722-1495 | Bergen BBS | Bridgewater, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Jacob Greenberg SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-722-2231 | The Sorcery Board | Bridgewater, NJ (1990) SYSOP | B.J. Weschke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-722-8297 | RCP/M | Bridgewater, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-725-5028 | Coco Info Exchange | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-726-0038 | New World N2 | (1994-1995) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-726-0327 | The Oblivion | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Jeff Simpson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-727-1914 | hologram inc, Hologram Inc., The Hologram Inc | South Amboy, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Dean Lodzinski --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-727-7514 | The Phase IV BBS | South Amboy, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Tom Snyder --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-728-0721 | Interactive BBS I | (1994-1996) SYSOP | The Undertaker SOFTWARE | Vision-X --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-728-1895 | Arkham Asylum | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-728-2110 | Westway East | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Bill Board SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-728-3881 | Symphone oF Sickness | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jeff Mason SOFTWARE | Vision-X --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-0097 | GSN West Hub, Zardan BBS | Sparta, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Dan Vannieuwland SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-0320 | ARCHEGOS BBS, Caerleon Online | Sparta, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Bobby Buss SOFTWARE | Virtual --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-1494 | Chuck's Attempt 3, No-Frills BBS | Sparta, NJ (1991-1994) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-1713 | Pocono Net, The Demon Pit | Sparta, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Ed Crissey --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-2186 | Lily of the Alley | Sparta, NJ (1993-1996) SYSOP | Mike Respasch SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-2602 | Chuck's Attempt, Chuck's Attempt 1, Chuck'sAttempt, | Chuck's Attempt BBS | Sparta, NJ (1989-1995) SYSOP | Chuck Ammann SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-2606 | Chuck's Atmpt, Chuck's Attempt (Node 2), Chuck's Attempt 2 | Sparta, NJ (1987-1995) SYSOP | Chuck Ammann SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-2652 | Chuck's Attempt 4 | Sparta, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Chuck Ammann SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-4432 | Hi-Tech Plumber BBS, High Tech Plumber | Sparta, NJ (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-5377 | Assembler80, Sparta PC Board (2) | Sparta, NJ (1986-1989) SYSOP | Terry Driggers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-7030 | Caerleon | Sparta, NJ (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-7046 | Candlelight Online, Candlelight Online!, Remote Host | Sparta, NJ (1990-1996) SYSOP | John Schumacher SOFTWARE | MajorBBS COMMENTS | "Remote Host started in 1990 as a 2 line BBS in Cedar | Knolls, moved to Sparta NJ and expanded to 6 lines. | Remote Host was renamed to Candlelight Online in 1994 | until the system went offline in 1996." - John Schumacher --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-7056 | Sparta PC Board (1) | Sparta, NJ (1985-1989) SYSOP | Rich Driggers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-7410 | Software Soc'ty, SoftwareSoc'ty | Sparta, NJ (1986-1990) SYSOP | Paul Kopit SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-9538 | New World BBS | Sparta, NJ (1990-1996) SYSOP | Joe Dumanov SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-729-9818 | The Woman's Touch | Sparta, NJ (1987-1994) SYSOP | Repasch & Griff, Repasch/Griff SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-735-4571 | AE Line: MILLER, AE LINE: MILLER | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-736-1859 | Family Radio Forum, Family Radio Fourm | (1987-1995) SYSOP | Art Thompson SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-736-2493 | Family-Health-Spirit | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Mike Fieschko SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-736-2788 | The Doghouse | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Dave Ehrlich SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-736-7850 | Utopia N2 | (1995) SYSOP | Ricky SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-736-8389 | Into The Grave | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rich Bobrowicz SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-736-9263 | ConFinS | (1994) SYSOP | Richard A Bobrowicz --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-742-1860 | Bergen-Passaic HUB, HUB 500 EchoMail Coord, NorthEast NJ | HUB, The Trailblazer, Trail Blazer BBS, | Trailblazer, Trailblazer BBS, TrailBlaZer | BBS NODE I | Paterson, NJ (1990-1996) SYSOP | Vito Milito SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-742-6491 | EchoLink #8, Echomail Link #5, Net 2604 Echomail | Coordinator, NorthEast NJ HUB, TrailBlaZer | NODE II | Paterson, NJ (1993-1996) SYSOP | Vito Milito --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-743-0801 | The Shadow BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Patrick Cody SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-743-1079 | Square Peg BBS | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Rocco Bachhuber --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-743-2312 | The Gamers' KExchange BBS | (1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-743-2314 | The Gamer's Exchange | Bloomfield, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Mark J. Astarita SOFTWARE | Wildcat COMMENTS | "Wow, was it really that long ago. The years are right, | actually I am not sure about the telephone number, but | that is the one you have. I am an attorney, and started | the BBS, for video game information in either 1988 or | 1989. What a great time I had, figuring out the software | and everything else that was required to run a multiline | Wildcat board in the late 80s. I was an Echo coordinator | in Fidonet - gee what was my address, I think, nah, I | looked it up - my last address was 2605:156, here is the | listing from 1992 - | ,156,The_Gamers'_Exchange,Glen_Ridge_NJ,Mark_Astarita,1- | 201-509-7851,9600,CM,XX,HST,V32 I was around before that, | this is my listing which started in 1991, I had the 743 | number before that, but can't seem to find the details. | Heck, its over 10 years ago. Anyway, I was in fidonet | when the big split occurred in 107. Man, how important | did we think that stuff was at the time. I helped start | Globalnet in the 90s, and finally shut down the board in | 1994 when I started a web site. Today that web site is | SECLaw.com, one of the most active legal specific sites | in the world. It was all about timing, too bad I didn't | register business.com when I registered vgis.com in 1989! | Good luck with your project!" - Mark Astarita --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-743-2570 | North Jersey, North Jersey PCUG | (1987-1989) SYSOP | Steve Wellman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-743-4850 | Flash-Talk | Bloomfield, NJ (1986) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-743-5985 | Gleaning From Scriptures | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-743-7792 | The Monkey's Paw | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Zack Esler SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-743-8354 | Essex/Passaic, UNitek Research Institute | (1994-1995) SYSOP | James Waldron SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-744-0923 | Lost Atlantis, Lost in Atlantis | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Lenny Thomas SOFTWARE | Virtual --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-746-0614 | ASCRS Research Foundation | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Dave Swerdlow SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-746-1841 | Drum BBS, Drum's Abode | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-746-2228 | Sinful Killer BBS | (1994) SOFTWARE | Vision-X --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-746-3935 | The North American Confederation | (1993) SYSOP | Michael Adams --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-746-5245 | Badlands | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Michael Bardi SOFTWARE | Wildcat, PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-746-5356 | Badlands | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Michael Bardi SOFTWARE | Wildcat, PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-747-6768 | PMS - Shrewsbury, PMS Shrewsbury, PMS SHREWSBURY | (1982-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-747-6788 | PMS | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-747-7301 | Paul Bogdanovich's RBBS,, RCP/M RBBS Paul Bogdanovich | (1982-1985) SYSOP | Paul Bogdanovich SOFTWARE | RBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-748-7993 | Through The Looking Glass, Thru The Looking Glass | Bloomfield, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Cheshire Cat, Meryl Yourish SOFTWARE | 2 AM-BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-748-8643 | The Playroom BBS | (1989-1996) SYSOP | Drew Lorent SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-752-2820 | Soup Kitchen | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-753-1225 | ACG-NJ Apple User Group ABBS | Piscataway, NJ (1980) SOFTWARE | ABBS COMMENTS | Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February | 1980 Issue) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-753-9758 | ACGNJ BBS #2 | (1983-1990) SYSOP | Kevin Tillbrook SOFTWARE | RBBS COMMENTS | "I used to run an RBBS system for the Amateur Computer | Group of NJ (ACGNJ) for a number of years. It was run on | a Zenith PC w/20 meg HD and later using DesqView for | multi-tasking (which was way too slow on that hardware). | I had a BBS running before that, but this is what I am | noted for." - Kevin Tillbrook --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-754-0001 | Khan Trixx, KHAN TRIXX | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-754-0998 | Datacomm | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-757-1491 | Holly Park PBBS, Holly Park RCP/M cb | (1985-1991) SYSOP | Dick Roberts --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-759-0340 | Net 107 Policy Coord, The Simplicity BBS | (1991-1997) SYSOP | Paul Harney SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-759-2998 | The Playpen | HACKENSACK, NJ (1997) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-759-8450 | The Penthouse | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-762-0075 | AE Line: DEVIL, Hell, AE LINE: DEVIL | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-762-0339 | South Mountain Software BBS | (1991) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-762-1373 | Erebus | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Eric Jaffe SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-762-2846 | Stained Glass | (1994-1995) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | Excalibur --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-762-4360 | Atlantic Gateway BBS, MPA-FNSS, MutualFund | (1987-1995) SYSOP | Mike Amato SOFTWARE | LoganBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-763-5648 | The Other Side of Reality | (1994) SYSOP | Nicholas Roesch --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-763-6077 | Newport Centre | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Michael Keyles --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-763-6595 | Signs , The Jungle Annex | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Marc Frega, Barbara Nathan SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-763-7022 | The Role Players BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | David Deephanphongs SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-764-1841 | Drum BBS | Vernon, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-764-2507 | Hidden Valley RCP/M | Vernon, NJ (1985) SYSOP | Tim O'Loughlin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-764-5457 | Outer Limits BBS | Vernon, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Dave Lutton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-764-8669 | D.E.A. Designs BBS, NEW POWER BBS | Vernon, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | David Acosta SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-765-0164 | Pick's Place | Green Village, NJ (1992-2000) SYSOP | Greg Pickering SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-765-0350 | Old Dirt Road | Florham Park, NJ (1984-1991) SYSOP | Black Belt Hamster/ Jim Anderson SOFTWARE | Ivory Joe BBS derivatives COMMENTS | "This started as a message board but quickly evolved into | an xchange. Averaged 0-2 days warez but also had very | active message board- and lots of war boards. Ran on a | c64 with 300-1200 baud, eventually went to 2400 on an SX- | 64 and ended on conversion to Amiga and lingering | interest on continuing with the c64." - Jim Anderson | (Blackbelt Hamster) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-765-0742 | Classified Connection, Telegard BBS of Madison, NJ, The | Classifed Connection | (1990-1995) SYSOP | Tom Connolly SOFTWARE | Wildcat , Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-765-3541 | NoName BBS, [Who Cares] | RUTHERFORD, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-765-9090 | Afterimage Informat, Afterimage Information Matrix, | AudioNet BBS, Dreamline, AfterImage | Information Matrix | Florham Park, NJ (1991-2002) SYSOP | Anthony Stramaglia, A. Stramaglia SOFTWARE | MajorBBS , TriBBS, MajorBBS 6.2 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-766-9643 | Sherlock's Home, AE LINE: SHERLO, SHERLOCK'S HOME | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-767-0398 | Hacker's Guillotine | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-767-3428 | The Gateway BBS | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Mick LoConti --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-767-4055 | The Festering Pit BBS | (1992) SYSOP | Kevin Malantic --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-767-6308 | Pro-Friends | Harrington Park, NJ (1993-1998) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-767-6337 | The Electronic Pen BBS | Harrington Park, NJ (1991-1997) SYSOP | John Aabbott, Maria Langer SOFTWARE | FirstClass --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-767-7609 | The Electronic Pen BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Maria Langer SOFTWARE | FirstClass --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-767-7865 | Operation Anarchy | (1987) SOFTWARE | Forum --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-767-7990 | Comprehensive Video Supply Technical Support | (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-767-8733 | Pentek | (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-768-0188 | NVRHS-Demarest BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Russell Steinthal --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-768-7852 | Steve's Direct Access | (1994) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-768-9609 | EPS | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Guarav Mirchandani, Kishore Mirchandani SOFTWARE | Fido, FirstClass --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-769-6397 | AT&T Computer Systems BBS, AT&T Computers, AT&T | Information Systems, AT&T Support (Tech | Support BBS) | Morristown, NJ (1990-1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-769-6830 | Fleet Street RBBS | (1988-1989) SYSOP | Fleet Senseman --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-772-2819 | Arco Info Board, Arco Real Estate Link, Arco's Real Estate | TBBS, NorthEast NJ HUB, SACC HQ | Clifton, NJ (1986-1990) SYSOP | Alfred Arango --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-772-4835 | Firestorm's Bar & Grill, Zap | Clifton, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | John Betley --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-772-4917 | Franklin's Tower | Clifton, NJ (1996-1997) SYSOP | Brian Waite --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-773-1177 | EssexLink | Lodi, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-773-5426 | SEAdog HELP, Starship Enterprise | Lodi, NJ (1988-1995) SYSOP | Charlie Lekowski, Chas Lekowski SOFTWARE | Unknown , PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-773-7001 | Byte Bastards | Clifton, NJ (1993-1998) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-773-8265 | Meadowland's Coco-Net | Lodi, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-773-9710 | The Glen Rock Mac | Lodi, NJ (1992-1993) SYSOP | Eric Kobayashi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-774-3953 | Jersey Shore I.D.B.S. | Neptune, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Jim McCoy --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-775-8705 | RCP/M, RCP/M RBBS Ocean, SHUGNJ | (1982-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-777-0578 | Mnet-212 | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-777-1776 | SC Computer Solutions BBS | (1994) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-777-2041 | Starbase BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Mike Ludwick SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-778-0461 | The Graveyard | Clifton, NJ SYSOP | Raul the Master --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-778-0851 | The Joint | Lodi, NJ (1992-1994) SYSOP | Guy Catalioto --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-778-1879 | VETLink #5 | Lodi, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Fred Sochacki --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-778-5901 | Megadon | Lodi, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-778-7524 | Direct-Connect-RBBS | Lodi, NJ (1989) SYSOP | Ed Niedermaier --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-779-2095 | Passaic Essex Echomail, PCBusiness CBCS | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Jim Weatherly --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-779-2393 | Quill and Inkpot 11pm-6am, The Quill and Inkpot BBS | (1991) SYSOP | D.S. Mandrake --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-779-5495 | Master Astron, Masters, Masters,Astron | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Luis Saravia SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-779-7224 | Connection-80 Clifton | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-782-0780 | Gym, GYM | Flemington, NJ (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-782-7640 | Spider's Web | Flemington, NJ (1986-1990) SYSOP | Rich Karas --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-783-1311 | AE Line: WIZARD, AE LINE: WIZARD | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-783-3298 | Hacker Central | (1987-1989) SYSOP | Michael Cocke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-783-5202 | LiveWire Chat Network | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Ken Distefano SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-783-6976 | IBM-PC | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-783-7270 | Troll Hole, TROLL HOLE | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-783-7458 | The Shelter | (1986-1990) SYSOP | Edward Cooper --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-783-9232 | The Trol Hole | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-784-8491 | The Vindicator | (1990-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-784-9207 | Surreality | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Lord Cardboard SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-785-1830 | The Meeting House | Totowa, NJ (1991) SYSOP | Bill Kreps SOFTWARE | Phoenix RCS 1.07 COMMENTS | "The Meeting House was born out of my efforts in | developing a fido<->uunet gateway for my employer (Res-Q | - FidoNet Node 1:269/133) Not in your list. See | http://www.mit.edu/afs/athena/reference/net- | directory/maps/uucp.bak/u.usa.nj.3 Res-Q and the company | that owned it are long gone. They were pleased with the | system, but were not willing to let me put as much | "personal" time into it as I wanted. I developed The | Meeting House as a means to improve and refine my skills, | and to accomodate users who had no interest in the | company, but liked my board. The Meeting House ran on a | 286-16 with 2Mb Ram and a 20Mb partition. I still have | the entire BBS (not including downloads) archived on 2, | 1.2Mb floppy disks (5.25" media) and could bring it back | up tomorrow if I really thought it would serve a purpose. | Hmmm.....? Nah......." - Bill Kreps --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-785-1990 | The Final Level, Final Level (GS Only) | West Paterson, NJ (1987-1994) SYSOP | High Voltage SOFTWARE | Digi-Net (GBBS Clone), Pro-Talk COMMENTS | "This was my bbs which supported Apple //gs, then had a | short span of time on the Amiga, and finaly died off in | 94. I had the phone number up until 1996, when I moved. | Nuff Said.." - High Voltage --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-785-3565 | Rats | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-786-5403 | Zardan BBS | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Dan Vannieuwland SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-786-6234 | Sussex Cnty Network Ser., Sussex County Network Services | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jim Casler SOFTWARE | DLG --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-786-6428 | GSN West Hub, Net2606 Echomail Coordinator, SCNS BBS | (1993-1995) SYSOP | Jim Casler --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-789-2799 | Fires of Hell | (1990) SOFTWARE | Amix --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-792-0626 | The Hoboken City Lights PCBoard | (1991) SYSOP | Ernest Dane SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-793-0996 | AtlantiST | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-794-0137 | Haz-Mat III | Fair Lawn, NJ (2007) SYSOP | Joshua Levitsky --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-794-0463 | Whoopi-Cat BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Frank Alberta SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-794-2187 | CyberVault | Elmwood Park, NJ (1995-2003) SYSOP | Dave Le Rose, Dave LeRose SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-794-7125 | Aero BBS REL 120Mb | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Bruce Felstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-794-7686 | Rock In a Hard Place | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-794-8362 | KeyMaster's Hut | (1996) SYSOP | Nick Krutchkoff --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-794-8437 | Franklin's Tower | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Brian Waite SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-794-9529 | Prism BBS | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Bob Gleckler SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-795-0733 | UNITEX | Hoboken, NJ (1988-1990) SYSOP | James Waldron --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-796-0619 | Ken's Cavern | (1991-1995) SYSOP | Ken Jessup SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-796-1792 | The Programmer's Cove | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Isaac Mark SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-796-1827 | The Loading Zone | (1992-1997) SYSOP | Keith Sutton SOFTWARE | Virtual --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-796-2535 | Consent Adults | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-796-2752 | 2604 Net Treasurer, Deredain's Realm BBS, Deredain'sRealm | , North Bergen Hub | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Ron Lottermann, Richard Hwang SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-796-3988 | The Realm of Imagination | (1994) SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-796-6890 | HUB 500 GroupMail Coord, SEAdog/SEAmail HELP, | StarshpEntrprise, The Starship Enterprise | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Charles Lekowski, Chas Lekowski SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-796-8877 | Konnection for Klingons | (1992) SYSOP | Robert Harwood --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-797-1612 | The Dragon's Bone | (1994) SOFTWARE | Spitfire --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-797-3166 | The New Spider's Web | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-797-3319 | Bermuda TRiangle, Red Alert | Elmwood Park, NJ (1995-1997) SYSOP | [dev] SOFTWARE | Pcboard COMMENTS | "ASBEST CREW HEADQUARTERS" - Dev --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-797-5307 | Starship Enterprise II | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Charlie Lekowski SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-797-5562 | The Exchange Board | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Bill Schuman SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-797-7570 | Random Access BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-797-8125 | The Party Machine | (1994) SOFTWARE | Tag --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-797-8957 | Pegasus Project | (1987-1994) SYSOP | Chris Michaels --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-797-9153 | Data Underground | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-798-0065 | Computer Connections | Hoboken, NJ (1988-1997) SYSOP | Ed Mecka SOFTWARE | TBBS, PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-798-1979 | Amiga Annex | Hoboken, NJ (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-798-2329 | Y Knot BBS | Hoboken, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Nick Knack SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-804-0006 | Advocate BBS | RUTHERFORD, NJ (1997) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-804-3916 | Quadrophonia BBS | (1992-1996) SYSOP | Dennis Warner SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-804-3943 | CRaCK HouSe | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-805-9819 | The Jungle BBS | Middlesex, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Dave Ferreira --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-806-8779 | The Missing Link BBS | Flemington, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Jeff Moore --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-806-8856 | OuterLimits BBS | Flemington, NJ (1991-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-807-0064 | Kitty Kat | Ridgefield Park, NJ (1989) SYSOP | Charles Roberts --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-807-0087 | The Key North BBS | Ridgefield Park, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Robert Locke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-807-0708 | Operation Anarchy! | Ridgefield Park, NJ (1995-1997) SYSOP | Greg Popovich SOFTWARE | DLG , Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-807-0761 | The Aviator | Ridgefield Park, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Craig Curtis --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-808-0085 | Bureau Of Electronic Publ Technical Support | (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-808-5574 | Rivendell | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Rick Hadsall --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-808-9000 | Graveyard | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-812-8479 | Quiddity | (1980-1997) SYSOP | Gerry Busardo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-812-9352 | The Silver Bullet, THE SILVER BULLET BBS | (1994-1999) SYSOP | Frank Semeraro SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-814-1008 | T.R.H. BBS | (1994) SYSOP | Anthony DelRosso --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-817-9111 | Instant Access | (1995) SYSOP | Richard Camba SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-818-0109 | Lost Legend | (1990) SOFTWARE | Pcboard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-818-0705 | Seikosha America | Mahwah, NJ (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-818-1523 | Merlin's Realm | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-818-4894 | The UnderGround Oasis - TUGO | Allendale, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Mister Twister SOFTWARE | SPeCTRuM, Extreme, Prodoor, PCBoard COMMENTS | "BBS started off small with 1 node and a few local | lamers. Ended up with 3 nodes, 500 megs incoming per | week, plenty of great ansis from iCE, GRiM, etc. Member | board and even WHQ to countless groups -- over 90% LD | callers with most heavy users coming from Germany! | Eventually the Internet took over my life and I closed it | down. I still have all my ansis and a zip of the BBS | itself. :)" - Mister Twister --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-818-8926 | Elusive Awakening | (1994) SYSOP | Billy Grimaldi --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-819-0762 | Dad's Place, Mom's Place | New Brunswick, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Dave Dworkin, Diane Dworkin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-819-0857 | Mom's Place | New Brunswick, NJ (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-822-0527 | The Iron Castle | (1987-1989) SYSOP | Iron Knight SOFTWARE | C-Net COMMENTS | "A member of "The BBS Triumverate", this Commodore 64 | (later C128) based system featured good discussion and | story boards, and some public domain Commodore 64/128 | file transfers. A typical assortment of doors were | available." - Brian Bernstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-822-3627 | Polka Dot Palace , The Polka Dot Palace BBS | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Lisa Rodriguez --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-822-3658 | Der Strand BBS, Net2605 EchoMail Coordinator, The Strand | (1985-1999) SYSOP | Gerhard Bartsch SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess , QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-822-4094 | The Inferno | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Gary Dezuzio --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-822-8325 | The Wolfpack, Wolfpack | Madison, NJ (1985) SYSOP | Gerhard Bartsch SOFTWARE | FidoNet COMMENTS | "This was the inital incarnation of my BBS and was run on | my new IBM-PC with dual 360k floppy drives, which | replaced the old TRS-80 Mod I. Der Strand superceeded | The Wolfpack, but was based out of Washington DC for a | short while when I was in the USAF. Eventually it ran on | an IBM clone with a i486 processor and a 1 or 2GB drive, | and the wonderous US Robotics 9600HST modem!" - Gerhard | Bartsch --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-822-9070 | The GEEZER-Net | (1995) SYSOP | Kevin Dezuzio SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-822-9619 | The Programmer's Club | (1992-1993) SYSOP | Geoffrey Deasey --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-822-9688 | WA2VCI BBS | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Ken Roser --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-823-8841 | Deaf Contact | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-823-8939 | Square Circle | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-824-2983 | Short Circuit BBS | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Dennis Mursier SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-824-3978 | Newark On-Line BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | James Shaw SOFTWARE | Wildcat, Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-824-7644 | Connection-80 | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-825-1707 | Minolta Distalk | (1992-1996) SYSOP | Douglas Neuman SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-825-7206 | The Operating Room | Mahwah , NJ (1989-1991) SYSOP | The Doctor SOFTWARE | Searchlight COMMENTS | "Ran this BBS for about 2 years until I moved to Illinois | to go to medical school. Had a great little community | feel to it." - The Doctor --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-825-7310 | Acid Dream GS, Acid Dreams BBS | (1991-1995) SYSOP | Jim Mulhearn, Acid Mage SOFTWARE | C-Net-Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-825-7354 | Tiger's Den | (1996-1997) SYSOP | Michael Prah --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-825-8624 | Kratos Users BBS | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-825-8913 | Distant Early Warning | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Andy Garrison SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-827-0352 | Gamers Guild BBS, The Gamer's Guild, The Gamers Guild | Vernon, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Jim Williamson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-827-0365 | The Next Generation BBS, The Second Generation | Vernon, NJ (1995-1999) SYSOP | Andrew McConnell SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-827-0519 | The Anomaly BBS, Wander Lounge | Vernon, NJ (1993-1997) SYSOP | Jim Eurich SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-827-5277 | Room 333 DBBS | Vernon, NJ (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-827-5377 | Butterfly BBS | Vernon, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | Carole Capuano SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-827-6059 | Castle BBS | Vernon, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jason Tilley SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-827-6441 | The Vernon BBS | Vernon, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Bill Johnson SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-827-6474 | The Xerox Machine | New Jersey, NJ (1993-1998) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-827-7348 | ST Information STation | Vernon, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | Mark Rotton --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-827-7815 | Al's Cabin, Al's Cabin HST | Vernon, NJ (1990-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-828-7574 | AE Line: HELLO, AE LINE: HELLO | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-829-8480 | Polka Dot Palace | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Lisa Rodriguez SOFTWARE | 2 AM-BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-834-6068 | AT&T DSP BBS | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-835-2690 | Mutiny Board | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-835-3122 | PCBoard Help, The Passaic/NJPCUG BBS | (1994-1997) SYSOP | James Roy SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-835-7228 | ABBS CCNJ, ABBS Pompten Plains | (1982-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-835-7288 | ABBS Dunnellen | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-835-7499 | CNNJ | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-835-7802 | Gallery AE | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-835-8273 | Rob's Wildcat! | (1991-1994) SYSOP | Robert Eckert --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-835-9316 | Metal Madness BBS | Pompton Plains, NJ (1986-1988) SYSOP | Chris Mekelburg SOFTWARE | Commodore CNET COMMENTS | "This was a BBS I ran while in High School. Based around | Heavy Metal Music. I called myself Slayer. Good Times | were had. Thanks!" - Chris Mekelburg --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-836-0159 | Rock In A Hard Place | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Bob Stephenson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-836-0258 | The Crystal Ship | Teaneck, NJ (1983-1986) SYSOP | Adam Chernichaw, Mike Toth, Jacques Rosenbaum SOFTWARE | Networks COMMENTS | "We modified the software (it was in Basic) and gave it | away for free. We had a loose network of bbs’ (I | believe around 50 in its prime) across the US that we | called “The Federation”. Was a lot of fun. | Highlight of the time was a war we had with the “Roman | Empire”, another group of boards, where we would crash | each other’s boards." --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-836-0438 | ZivaNet | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-836-0602 | Black Business Net | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-836-1844 | Black Business Net, Business Network Source | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Chris Lee SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-836-2015 | Victory Lane | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-836-5010 | Crystal Ship | HACKENSACK, NJ SYSOP | Jim Morrison --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-836-7642 | Rock In A Hard Place | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-837-5914 | The Familiar Spirit BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | FirstClass --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-838-2465 | Eagle's Nest | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-838-2980 | Aware | (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-838-4516 | Writ of Assistance BBS | (1995-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-838-5138 | Heart of Gold | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-839-0046 | Houses Of The Holy | Ringwood, NJ (1988-1989) SYSOP | John Paul Jones and Big Mac SOFTWARE | C-Net --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-839-5401 | The Garden of Eden BBS, The Garden of Eden BBS!, The | Garden of Eden N1 | Ringwood, NJ (1992-1998) SYSOP | Frank Molino, Frank Molina SOFTWARE | Wildcat, Searchlight, WildCat 3.9 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-839-6204 | The Land of SeaReach | (1984-1986) SYSOP | Lord Sir Olmor SOFTWARE | C-Net 11.0 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-839-7802 | Galley I P/W = Bogus, GALLEY I P/W = BOGUS | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-842-0173 | AE Line: AUSSIE | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-842-0824 | CyberNet BBS | (1995-1997) SYSOP | David De Coons SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-843-3116 | Commodore Connection | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-843-3279 | The Kid's Playpen | (1994-1995) SYSOP | The Kid SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-843-4563 | ABBS Saddlebrook | (1982) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-843-5290 | Elect. Chair W/ a Vu | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-843-8674 | Willy's Wild & Wacky World, Willy's World | (1994-1998) SYSOP | Bill Schul SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-845-8250 | Cave of Cerebus BBS, RM Software | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rosemarie Fox SOFTWARE | C-Net-Amiga COMMENTS | Product: C-Net 128 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-845-8313 | Electric Chair With A View | (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-846-3118 | GNU's Board | Somerset, NJ (1988) SYSOP | Gary Griggs --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-846-6645 | GemNet | Somerset, NJ (1987-1989) SYSOP | Bruce Kamm --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-846-7981 | Central New Jersey HUB, Somerset Central BBS | Somerset, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Frank Petillo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-846-9664 | Software Society So. PCB | Somerset, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | Dave Klein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-847-0797 | The Sperm Bank | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Pax Dickinson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-848-0312 | Wyckoff Super System | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-848-1104 | Maverick BBS | (1990-1994) SYSOP | Mike Kenwood --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-848-5471 | The Hobbit Hole | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-848-8217 | FOG-49 | Wyckoff, NJ (1986) SYSOP | Peter Suroff COMMENTS | PRASCA Member PRASCA Member --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-848-9210 | AE Line: YAKUZA, AE LINE: YAKUZA | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-852-0831 | AE Line: FIRE | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-852-7335 | InTeleNet | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-854-1680 | Chat Shack | (1994-1995) SYSOP | SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-854-2728 | THE SPIRIT OF PLAY | (1995) SOFTWARE | The Major BBS COMMENTS | THE SPIRIT OF PLAY, 201 .854.2728. Nothing but play here! | Running The Major BBS ivith 4 lines. Tradewars. Global | Destruction and Nova Trek are just a few of the top-notch | games played here. How about multi-user Doom, Heretic and | Spectre VR! Call now! - BBS Magazine October 1995 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-857-3281 | BrotherHood of The Roses BBS | (1991) SYSOP | Vincent Lavingno --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-857-3320 | Pure Holocaust | (1994) SOFTWARE | ProBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-857-3453 | Realm Of Chaos | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-857-3811 | Forgotten Sunrise, Nocturnal Evil | (1994-1995) SYSOP | John Dolan, Dave Wilson SOFTWARE | Virtual --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-857-8649 | Bedlam | (1995) SYSOP | David Wilson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-857-8880 | Rockboard | (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-858-2742 | Digital Tech | (1985) SYSOP | Dennis Cutburth --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-858-3429 | Mycroft QNX | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-859-0861 | Judea | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-859-4143 | Microtown BBS | Phillipsburg, NJ (1986-1992) SYSOP | Jeff Vacha SOFTWARE | Online 64 CGBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-863-1236 | Beacon Studios BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Conrad Koblack SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-863-5253 | Beacon Street Studios, BEACON STUDIOS 9, BEACON STUDIOS | BBS, Beacon Studios BBS | Union City, NJ (1993-1996) SYSOP | Conrad Koblack, Conrad & Scott, Union City, New Jersey | since 01/93, Conrad Scott SOFTWARE | MajorBBS , MajorBBS 6.21 COMMENTS | From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: Union City, | New Jersey since 01/93. Sysop: Conrad & Scott. Using | Major BBS 6.11 with 15 lines on MS-DOS 80486 with 15090 | MB storage. Supra at 14400 bps. $.50 Hourly fee. NJ's | largest database of downloadable files with 20 CDs on- | line. Free downloads for new users with 60 min. allowed | daily. Two National Chat hookups every night. InterNet, | UseNet, FidoNet, MajorNet, WorldLink and ChatLink.

| BEACON STUDIOS BBS, 201.863.5253, Union City. M with 23 | lines @14.4K. 14 CDRom's of files. 2 International Chat | hook ups nightly. Games, E-Mail the world through the | Internet, Fidonel, Majornet, Worldlink and Chatlink, | Tailored memberships available. Tech support 201.863.5603 | - BBS Magazine October 1995 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-863-5823 | Your Worst Nightmare! | (1993-1996) SYSOP | George Prunes SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-863-7845 | Panasonic Com. Systems, Panasonic Comm. & Systems Co., | Panasonic Communication Sys (Tech Support | BBS), Panasonic Communications & Systems | BBS, Panasonic support, Panasonic | Technical Support | Secaucus, NJ (1990-1996) SYSOP | , Kelly Green SOFTWARE | 2 AM-BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-863-7847 | Panasonic Communications & Systems | (1994-1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-864-1680 | Chat Shack | Union City, NJ (1992-1995) SYSOP | Vic Guzzetta SOFTWARE | Galaticomm Major BBS COMMENTS | "Best guess on the timespan. I'm going with the phone | number you have. This BBS had about 8 lines. Although | it probably had other common BBS features, it was | primarily dedicated to chatting. They did charge for | access, but the price was quite reasonable -- $15 bought | a large number of "credits", for lots of chatting. I was | an occasional chatter, so the $15 lasted several months. | The members were quite friendly, even to occasional folks | like me. From time to time they'd use one of their lines | to crosslink with another BBS. Usually this was one | evening every week or two, so there was a lot of | anticipation and excitement when it did happen. One of | their frequent linkups was with Chat Chalet in Marlboro. | That board had a similarly friendly group. I still | remember this guy "Sarge" -- quite a character, quite | friendly too. Ah, memories... geez that was over 10 | years ago, and at 2400 baud (I'm sure the board supported | faster, but that's all I had)." - Tom Strano --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-864-2884 | The Jungle | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Marc Frega SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-864-4235 | The Message Pad Mac BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Jim Cashnelli SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-864-4270 | Malibu | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jacki Unio SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-864-5345 | ABBS Apple-Mate, ABBS Union City, Apple Trek, APPLE-MATE, | Apple-Mate Networks | (1982-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-864-5404 | Seacaucus Exchange, Secaucas Exchange, Secaucus Xchg | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Juan Valido SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-864-7425 | Applemate | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-864-7430 | Ae-Line Union City | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-865-0429 | Def Con IV, DEF CON IV BBS, DefCon IV BBS | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-865-0506 | Hypocrit's Hideout | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-865-1783 | Digital Consulting Supprt, Digital Consulting Support | Secaucus, NJ (1995) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-865-3853 | SMDM | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-866-0660 | Bat Cave BBS | (1992) SYSOP | Enrique Lopez --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-866-3721 | The Best Buy BBS | Secaucus, NJ (1993-1995) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-866-6952 | Realm of Possibilities, WaveLength BBS! | (1991-1995) SYSOP | Lenny Altamura SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-866-8074 | Electronic Sensatns, Metro Nochange 70M | (1987-1991) SYSOP | Paul J Kurland, Paul J. Kurland --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-867-5031 | Da Cave AE | (1986-1987) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-867-9189 | The Secaucus Exchange | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-868-5235 | The Twilight Motel | (1990-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-869-8385 | Central Control! | North Bergen, NJ (1986-1989) SYSOP | Deeply Shrouded SOFTWARE | Diversi-Dial/D-Dial COMMENTS | "CC was one of the first multi-line systems I ran. The | phone company sent a representative over to my house to | find out why in God's green earth I needed 7 telephone | lines in addition to the 2 the house already had. I was | told I took up the wiring for the entire block. The | lines are still there, but the hardware is long gone. I | can still remember the day my system went up, and how fun | it was to link around the country to other ddials. I | also recall the day my system went offline. 30 seconds | before I pulled the switch, the girl I loved logged in. | The lines were disconnected the next day. I've made one | or two very good friends from my ddial days and many many | people who didn't like me or my system at all. I miss | running the system. Perhaps I may put it back online one | day when I'm much older and greyer." - Deeply Shrouded --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-869-9194 | Chat Chalet BBS | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-869-9659 | Music Forum | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Mike Connor SOFTWARE | Virtual --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-872-1294 | Carelon Mail Center N1 | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Michael Depetris SOFTWARE | Telegard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-872-4722 | Carelon Mail Center N1 | (1994) SYSOP | Michael Depetris --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-874-3359 | U.S. Hackers Assoc. | (1987) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-874-6833 | Princeton Forum 80 | Princeton, NJ (1980) SOFTWARE | Forum-80 COMMENTS | Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February | 1980 Issue) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-875-1813 | iNSaNiTY oNLiNe | CLIFFSIDE, NJ (1998-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-875-2736 | The Diamond Express Lane BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Doug Bradfield SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-875-6619 | Captain Kirk's | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jim Vander SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-875-7063 | East Wind | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-875-8324 | Empty Warehouse BBS | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Bruce Young, Brian Young SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-879-4392 | Apple Oasis, BMBBS Apple Oasis | Chester, NJ (1984-1985) SOFTWARE | BMBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-879-6668 | AE Line: KILL, The Metal AE | (1985-1990) SOFTWARE | Ascii Express, Emulex/II --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-882-0010 | Corporate Graphics | Caldwell, NJ (1992-1994) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-882-0947 | Light Source | Caldwell, NJ (1991) SYSOP | Chris Costanzo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-882-8220 | Corporate Graphics | Caldwell, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-882-8345 | CHAS Microsystems BBS | Caldwell, NJ (1990) SYSOP | David de Gil --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-882-8566 | The Missing Link | Caldwell, NJ (1991-1994) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-882-9328 | Afterimage Informat, Dreamline Info Network, The Light | Source | Caldwell, NJ (1992-1995) SYSOP | A. Stramaglia SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-884-1506 | Varityper Sales Support BBS | (1991) SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-884-2795 | End of the Universe N1, End of the Universe Node 1, The | BBS at the End of the Universe | Whippany, NJ (1991-1997) SYSOP | Peter Yao SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-884-3181 | Tandy Service Support | (1995) SYSOP | Steve Brock SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-884-5920 | CompuCon | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Richard Taft SOFTWARE | RBBS-PC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-884-5944 | Chessboard II, Chessboard Node 2 | (1991-1992) SYSOP | Ken Thierfelder --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-884-7381 | Fat City BBS | Parsippany, NJ (1993-1995) SYSOP | Ed, Dead Ed SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-884-7382 | Fat City BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Ed SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-885-7404 | Crestwood, Dumps R Us, NJ/PA HUB | (1986) SYSOP | Gee Wong, Bob Clair --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-886-0940 | dBBS Node 3 | (1990-1991) SYSOP | Steve Leon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-886-7218 | Video Connection | (1987) SYSOP | David Mandala --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-886-8041 | Cliffside Park BBS, CliffsidePark, dBBS3 ACGNJ PCBlue | Amiga, Steve Leon's, The Cliffside Park | (1987-1995) SYSOP | Steve Leon SOFTWARE | PCBoard , dBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-886-8169 | dBBS, dBBS Node 2 660 megs | (1989-1992) SYSOP | Steve Leon --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-887-0210 | The Narrow Way | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Christopher Modin SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-887-2020 | Afterimage | (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-887-7463 | Compucon | (1992-1996) SYSOP | Richard Taft SOFTWARE | RBBS-PC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-887-8529 | Heaven's Gate | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-887-8874 | Rats Systems, RATS Systems #1, RATS SYSTEMS | (1982-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-892-2647 | Maple Leaf | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-893-8082 | John's House, John'sHouse | (1992-1994) SYSOP | John Bohman SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-893-8084 | The Sportsman's Den | (1993-1997) SYSOP | Dennis Borbon SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-893-9636 | John's House | (1993-1994) SYSOP | John Bohman SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-894-8546 | Mystical Aura, Net 2604 Election Moderator | (1993-2000) SYSOP | Timothy Donahue SOFTWARE | T.A.G. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-895-3754 | Silicon Dreams | (1993-1994) SYSOP | Jack Levy --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-895-4452 | The Lounge | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-895-4887 | Alter Image | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-895-5066 | Alternate Reality | Randolph, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Jeff Nyquist SOFTWARE | C-Net Amiga --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-895-5280 | IronFortress | (1991) SYSOP | Adam Schran --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-895-8817 | Lokheim BBS | (1992-1993) SYSOP | Jack Levy --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-896-1328 | Starship II BBS | Carlstadt, NJ (1989-1991) SYSOP | Philip J Buonom --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-896-1500 | NAEMT BBS, NAEMT Online | Carlstadt, NJ (1995-2004) SYSOP | Kevin Agard SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-896-4152 | NAEMT BBS | Carlstadt, NJ (1996-2000) SYSOP | Kevin Agard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-896-8718 | Meadowlands HUB, NorthEast NJ HUB, The Flight Deck, The | Flight-Deck | Carlstadt, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | Jon Grossberg --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-904-0803 | Strange Brew BBS | New Milford, NJ (1989) SYSOP | Dave Miller --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-904-9777 | Deredain's Realm BBS N1 | New Milford, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Ron Lottermann SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-904-9781 | Deredain's Realm BBS, Deredain's Realm BBS N2, NET | Treasurer | New Milford, NJ (1991-1996) SYSOP | Ron Lottermann SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-905-5046 | Christian, Christian BBS | (1989-1990) SYSOP | B & D Carl --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-906-0159 | Free NCC 1701-A, NCC 1701-A Network | Edison, NJ (1988-1991) SYSOP | Steve Spear --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-906-1677 | Perpetual Motion BBS | Edison, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Mike Melnicki --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-912-0123 | Zooman | (1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-912-0668 | Magma Software Systems | Millburn, NJ (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-912-8915 | STARBASE OMEGA, Wild Willie's | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Will Daniels SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-916-0425 | Telescope Workshop | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-916-1725 | The Lightening Bolt, The Lightning Bolt BBS | (1987-1996) SYSOP | Fred Wehner SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-918-0683 | KA2QHD Packet/UNIX BB | (1988-1991) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-918-5310 | SEADog/FIDO (Hrs 1630-0830) | (1989-1991) SYSOP | Michael Fuchsok --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-923-3967 | Boardroom IABPFF, The BoardRoom BBS | Newark, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Fred Shackleford SOFTWARE | QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-923-9792 | RisQue II, The Dormitory BBS | Newark, NJ (1986-1988) SYSOP | Chuck Dortson --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-925-2728 | The CIA AE | RIDGEWOOD, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-925-5930 | Exxon Atari Club/Bace, ATARI CLUB | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-926-5689 | Lost Atlantis | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-0329 | The Odyssey | Succasunna, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | Tom McDermet SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-0352 | //ountainTop BBS, GSN SouthWest Hub, Mountain Top BBS, | MountainTop BBS, MtnTop | Succasunna, NJ (1990-1995) SYSOP | Eric Boehm SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-1154 | Runaway Train | Succasunna, NJ (1990) SOFTWARE | GBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-2592 | Sub-Reality | Succasunna, NJ (1992-1994) SYSOP | Matt Riedel SOFTWARE | Renegade --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-2932 | Jezebel's Parlour, Jezebel's Parlour Node 2, JEZEBELS | PARLOUR, Jezebel’s Parloud BBS, | Jezebel's Parlor BBS | Flanders, NJ (1992-1995) SYSOP | Beverly Delisa SOFTWARE | TBBS , TBBS 2.2 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-3690 | Alpha Centuari, NightStalker BBS | Succasunna, NJ (1990-1991) SYSOP | Peter Clarke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-5106 | The Odyssey | Succasunna, NJ (1989-1996) SYSOP | Tom McDermet SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-6103 | Jezebel's Parlour | Succasunna, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Beverly Delisa SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-6347 | Land of Sin | Succasunna, NJ (1993) SYSOP | Ian Gross --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-7048 | Jezebel's Parlour | Succasunna, NJ (1993-1995) SYSOP | Beverly Delisa SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-7957 | Jezebel's Parlour | Succasunna, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Beverly Delisa SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-8964 | Around The Corner | Succasunna, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Rich Lampe --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-927-9262 | Bobcat Heaven, Spontaneous Combustion, Sub-Reality, The | Border on Insanity | Succasunna, NJ (1992-1994) SYSOP | Bonkers D. Bobcat, Don Scott --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-928-0202 | The Gearbox | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-928-9488 | Coco Creations BBS | Jackson, NJ (1986) SYSOP | Howard Wolk --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-929-8161 | Dragon's Lair | (1987-1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-932-1416 | The Professor's Cubicle | Piscataway, NJ (1989) SYSOP | Jim Martin --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-932-3879 | RCP/M, RCP/M RBBS Rutgers, Rutgers RBBS, RUTGERS | UNIVERSITY CP/M | Piscataway, NJ (1982-1985) SYSOP | Eliot Lear --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-932-3887 | PMS - Rutgers Univ. Microlab, PMS/Rutgers Univ. Microlab, | Rutgers Univ Microlab, Rutgers University, | RUTGERS UNIVERSITY PMS | Piscataway, NJ (1982-1988) SYSOP | Michael Keyles, David Keyles SOFTWARE | PMS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-932-4066 | Experimental SUPER NODE, Rutgers1 | Piscataway, NJ (1987-1988) SYSOP | Michael Keyles, Auto Pilot --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-933-1031 | Metal Militia | Rutherford, NJ (1990-1994) SYSOP | TIM TDS SOFTWARE | Amiga Sky COMMENTS | "It was a single line system run on an Amiga 2000 HD, | still have it in my basement. I was in high school | running this. It may have started in 1988. It was 2400 | baud. I think I still have the bbs manual somewhere." | Tim TDS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-933-2313 | Malibu | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jacki Unio SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-933-2363 | The Technical Forum BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | George Germain SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-933-6765 | The Technical Forum | (1996-2000) SYSOP | George Germain --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-933-8061 | Planet DX | (1993-1996) SYSOP | Joseph Slawsky SOFTWARE | SynchroNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-933-9048 | Faulty Towers & CDR, Fawlty Towers & CDR, FawltyTwrs,+CDR | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Keith Lawson SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-934-0861 | Dutchie Help, DutchieHelp, GSN NEast Hub, Harry's Place, | NorthEast Echomail, NorthWest Echomail | Mahwah, NJ (1989-2003) SYSOP | Alan Boritz SOFTWARE | Waffle, Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-934-5613 | Apocalypse | Mahwah, NJ (1992-1998) SYSOP | Napalm SOFTWARE | Vision/2, PipeLine --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-934-8008 | The Fun & Games BBS | Mahwah, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Richard Hwang --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-934-9632 | Fantasy Island | Mahwah, NJ (1991-1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-935-1104 | The BillBoard BBS | Lyndhurst, NJ (1991-1996) SYSOP | Bill Larkin SOFTWARE | PCBoard , PC Board --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-935-1485 | HUB 500 EchoMail Coord, Star BBS Network, Starship 2, | Starship II, Starship II , Starship ][ | BBS, The Galileo 7, The Starship ][ BBS, | The Starship ][ BBS | Lyndhurst, NJ (1980-1997) SYSOP | Peter Buonomo, Philip J Buonom, Phil Buonomo, Philip J | Buonomo, Rutherford, New Jersey since | 07/80, Philip J. Buonomo SOFTWARE | TBBS, TBBS 2.2 COMMENTS | From the September 1994 issue of Boardwatch: Rutherford, | New Jersey since 07/80. Sysop: Philip J Buonomo. Using | TBBS 2.3 with 32 lines on MS-DOS 80486 with 10000 MB | storage. All v.32bis Supportd at 19200 bps. $$0-75 No fee | req fee. Operating for 14+ years, Starship is one of the | longest running, most successful bbs systems EVER! FREE | public access, Adult & non-adult topics, chat, files, | games, & data-bases. USR, Hayes, Telebit, v.32bis 19.2 | kbaud modems online, full internet access! --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-935-2088 | Bang Doll | NorthEast, NJ (1993-1994) SYSOP | Koi Lee --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-935-6412 | Stargate Hayes | NorthEast, NJ (1992-1996) SYSOP | PJ Buonomo SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-935-6971 | PC Palace, PC-Palace | NorthEast, NJ (1988-1994) SYSOP | Terry Steckowich --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-935-7004 | Galileo 7, HUB 500 EchoMail Coord, Stargate PEP, | Summerland | Lyndhurst, NJ (1991-1996) SYSOP | Philip Buonomo, Peter Buonomo SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-935-7008 | Stargate Hayes, Stargate PEP, The Galileo 7 | NorthEast, NJ (1991-1994) SYSOP | Peter Buonomo --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-935-7036 | Starship ][ | NorthEast, NJ (1991-1997) SYSOP | Phil Buonomo SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-935-7968 | Groupmail Central, Groupmail Help, Stargate Central, | Starship ][ | NorthEast, NJ (1990-1996) SYSOP | Philip Buonomo SOFTWARE | TBBS, Opus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-935-8634 | TRI-STATE | NorthEast, NJ (1992-1995) COMMENTS | TRI-STATE, Northeast's Largest Growing System, 7 | lines, 1-201-935-8634, Up to 19,200, Mail, BBS Links, | Live Conferences and more.

TRI-STATE, Northeast's | Largest Growing System, 7 lines, 1-201-935-8634, Up to | 19,200, Mail, BBS Links, Live Conferences and more. - BBS | Magazine November, 1994

TRI-STATE, Northeast's | Largest Growing System. 7 iines, 1-201-935-8634, Up to | 19.200. Mail, BBS Links, Live Conferences and more. - BBS | Magazine March, 1995 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-938-3885 | G.S.C.U.G. | (1990) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-939-2695 | Eagles Nest BBS, The Eagle's Nest, The Eagles Nest | Rutherford, NJ (1987-1995) SYSOP | Paul Caputo SOFTWARE | Opus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-939-2911 | The Falcon's Lair | Rutherford, NJ (1988-1995) SYSOP | Tom Willms SOFTWARE | Virtual --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-939-4543 | Fastrax | Rutherford, NJ (1992) SYSOP | Voyager --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-939-4619 | MetroLink Editor, Net 107 MetroLink Editor, The Flower Pot | Rutherford, NJ (1989-1991) SYSOP | James Flowers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-939-5160 | Sector 64 BBS | Wallington , NJ (1982-1985) SYSOP | Redline SOFTWARE | CNet COMMENTS | "Commodore 64 running CNet software. Has 2 never seen | before or since Commodore 1 GIG drives (still have them). | Started at 300 baud, went to 2400." - Redline --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-939-6876 | The Flower Pot | Rutherford, NJ (1989) SYSOP | Jim Flowers --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-939-6986 | CyberNet BBS | Rutherford, NJ (1995) SYSOP | David De Coons --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-942-2576 | The Prancing Pony | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Pete Zuroff SOFTWARE | TPBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-942-4597 | Liaizon | (1989-1994) SYSOP | Tim Sheets --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-943-1209 | RED DEER TABLE | (1993-1996) SYSOP | J E Monroe SOFTWARE | TBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-943-2226 | The Cork Board | (1986-1988) SYSOP | Steven Linhart, Steve Linhart --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-943-5419 | The Data Base, The Data-Base | (1987-1994) SYSOP | Micheal Walter, Michael Walter SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-943-6751 | POGO's Place | (1995-1997) SYSOP | Jon Lambert SOFTWARE | Virtual --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-943-7759 | N2DSY CBBS? | (1988) SYSOP | N2DSY --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-944-0167 | Electronic Exchange | Fort Lee, NJ (1986) SYSOP | Bob Bennett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-944-3102 | Pro-NKA | Leonia, NJ (1993-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-944-4058 | The Attic BBS | Fort Lee, NJ (1986) SYSOP | Peter Bennett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-945-1437 | Sewer World | (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-945-7671 | The Rock Pile BBS | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Tom Heffernan SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-946-7265 | AE Line: CM85 | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-947-0191 | Stereo Board | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-947-8231 | The Right Place (2604/539), The Right Place HST | Fort Lee, NJ (1992-2003) SYSOP | Bill Mitchell SOFTWARE | RyBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-948-0038 | Gregg's Place | Hainesville, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Greg Fetterman SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-948-0052 | X NC | Hainesville, NJ (1995-1997) SYSOP | Mike Brandt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-948-2357 | The Pit | (1998-1999) SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-948-2496 | Pocono Net, The Demon Pit | Hainesville, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Ed Crissey --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-948-3428 | New Jersey Fidonet 2606, New Jersey Fidonet 269, Poison | Pete's | Hainesville, NJ (1990-1997) SYSOP | Mike Brandt SOFTWARE | FidoNet, QuickBBS, QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-948-3559 | HUB 800 EchoMail Coord, Poison Petes | Hainesville, NJ (1989-1990) SYSOP | Mike Brandt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-952-0062 | Void Ware Prohibited | Parsippany, NJ (1991-1996) SYSOP | Iceman, Sea Ray SOFTWARE | Tag, Vision X, Oblivion2 --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-952-9074 | Afterimage Informat | (1994-1995) SYSOP | A. Stramaglia SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-955-2650 | CircuSports | (1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-955-6050 | North Arlington Schools | North Arlington, NJ (1993) COMMENTS | FrEdMail System --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-956-0827 | Tri;ogy On-Line | Paterson, NJ (1995) SYSOP | Tony Fazio SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-956-1055 | LiveWire Chat Network | Paterson, NJ (1994-1995) SYSOP | Rookie SOFTWARE | MajorBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-956-7703 | Greg's Psychedelic Breakfast, Meadowlands Echomail, Net | 2604 NEC/OGATE, Operation Anarchy, | Operation ANARCHY!, Penguin Feathers BBS, | W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G. BBS | Paterson, NJ (1989-1995) SYSOP | Greg Popovich SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-962-4956 | Narwid BBS, Skylands BBS, NARWID BBS | Ringwood, NJ (1985-1986) SYSOP | Ed Nerwid --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-962-6602 | MID NIGHT EX | (1985) SOFTWARE | AMIS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-962-9067 | Bluebeard's Blackboard | Ringwood, NJ (1985-1997) SYSOP | Tom Beard, Bluebeard SOFTWARE | TAG Version 2.6g COMMENTS | "This system was started in NJ as a C-Net system, but | changed to a TAG system before moving to Michigan, then | to New York State where I closed it. Up 12 years in all. | You have my name listed as "Tom Beard", but my name is | "Thom Kirby". Thanks for the entry!" - Thom Kirby | (Bluebeard) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-963-3115 | Police Station | (1985-1988) SYSOP | Ronald Clark --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-963-6019 | Free Lance Academy | (1994-1996) SYSOP | Lance Fletcher SOFTWARE | SynchroNet --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-963-8007 | The Tower of Silence | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Trenton Rahway SOFTWARE | TriBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-964-3884 | The Cobra's Lair, Wildcat Support | Union, NJ (1989-1994) SYSOP | James Stolz SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-966-2848 | Essex/Morris, The Porch | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Bill Northrup SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess , QuickBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-966-6130 | Asgard | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-966-8919 | Essex/Morris, Essex/Passaic temp, Hub Being Eliminated, | Northern & Central NJ, The Porch | (1994-2000) SYSOP | Bill Northrup SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-966-9750 | The CryptNet N2 | (1995-1996) SYSOP | Steve Brock --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-967-1061 | Rainbow Connection | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Steve Rottinger SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-967-1138 | AE Line: WHO, AE LINE: WHO | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-967-1468 | Intl. House of Pirates | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-967-9287 | Pirate's Den | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-968-1074 | ABBS Apple Group N.J., Piscataway, ACG-NJ Apple User Group | ABBS | Piscataway, NJ (1980-1985) SOFTWARE | ABBS COMMENTS | Cited in S-100 Micro Systems Magazine (January/February | 1980 Issue) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-968-4349 | Super Stud, Super Stud II | (1992-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-968-7883 | Super Stud | HACKENSACK, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-968-8235 | moebius | (1990) SYSOP | Andy Meyer SOFTWARE | Cit 2.16s --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-969-3544 | ACG-NJ Newsletter | Carteret, NJ (1987-1990) SYSOP | Fred Gohlke --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-969-3688 | Jimmy's Funhouse | Carteret, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Jim Petro Jr. --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-972-0460 | IFNA Archive, Network XXIII | Morganville, NJ (1988-1990) SYSOP | Craig Margolies --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-972-2343 | Elysium I | Morganville, NJ (1987-1988) SYSOP | Divine Wind --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-972-2387 | The End of the Line BBS | RUTHERFORD, NJ --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-972-8731 | Beyond Reality | Morganville, NJ (1986) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-972-9322 | Panhandler TI-Net | Morganville, NJ (1987-1989) SYSOP | Matt Storm --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-974-1196 | FORUM-80 Monmouth | (1983-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-974-8317 | AT&T Information Systems BBS, Right Choice BBS, The Right | Choice | (1987-1994) SYSOP | Mark Jackwicz SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-974-9819 | Hi-Tek Trader | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-983-0009 | The Forest(Info Systems) | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-983-8640 | L.I.N.K.S. | (1994-1997) SYSOP | Greg Hetman SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-983-9426 | CompuSolve | Rockaway, NJ (1993) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-984-0479 | Fire House BBS, Joe's Place BBS | Northeast, NJ (1994-1996) SYSOP | Joseph Nutt --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-984-5555 | Atrium Way RBBS-PC, Bob's Computer, GSN East Hub, Morris | County and Beyond, Morris County and | South, Morris County and the World, Morris | County EAST, Morris County Hub, Morris | County West, North Pole BBS, SouthWest | Hub, West Morris County Plus | Morris Plains, NJ (1988-2001) SYSOP | Bob Moravsik, Santa Claus, B Moravsik SOFTWARE | RBBS-PC --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-984-6574 | Odyssey | Northeast, NJ (1989) SYSOP | Tom McDermet SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-984-8323 | Camelot BBS | Northeast, NJ (1994-1997) SYSOP | Joey McNelis SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-985-3577 | SEAMCOlink Opus | Edison, NJ (1990) SYSOP | Kevin Schlosser --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-985-9022 | Red Zone | Edison, NJ (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-986-1189 | Malibu | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Jacki Unio SOFTWARE | Unknown --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-988-0706 | Castle Tabby, Mouse's Cottage, Oceanview, South NJ HUB, | THE MOUSE'S ELECTRONIC COTTAGE | Bradley Beach, NJ (1987-1991) SYSOP | Michael Connick --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-988-9489 | The Magic Bag | Bradley Beach, NJ (1987-1989) SOFTWARE | GBBS Pro --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-989-0528 | Starlifter | (1991-1996) SYSOP | Chris Smith SOFTWARE | Auntie --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-989-0545 | Golden Apple BBS, TFF, The Final Frontier | Randolph, NJ (1987-1993) SYSOP | Daniel M. Zimmerman, Jonathan Glass SOFTWARE | GBBS, EBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-989-1991 | Outer Limit | (1992) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-989-3737 | The Witch | (1988) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-989-5521 | The Greystone BBS | (1992-1994) SYSOP | Alex Rubenstein SOFTWARE | Searchlight --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-989-8107 | E Patrol Number One, E-Patrol No.1, Mission Impossible N1, | MIT-Net BBS | Dover,NJ (1991-1996) SYSOP | Dennis Bixler SOFTWARE | PCBoard, Auntie --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-989-8323 | Eureka, Eureka (Second Byte) | Dover, NJ (1991-1996) SYSOP | Sean Aldritch SOFTWARE | Collosus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-0834 | Dragon's Weyr, Dragon's Weyr BBS, Dragon'sWeyr, Dragron's | Weyr, The Dragon's Weyr | Livingston, NJ (1984-1993) SYSOP | Ron Stanions, Sauron, Dragon Master SOFTWARE | DragonSoft, DragonSoft / C-Net COMMENTS | "The Dragon's Weyr was a system that ran out of | Livingston, NJ on IBM PC hardware. DragonSoft was custom | software written by the Sysop, and featured a custom | scripting language called AutoScript. The theme of the | site was based on Dragon mythology and computers." - | Brian J. Bernstein

"Yes, Ron's BBS was originally on | a Zeus-4 and then various Commodore machines (mostly | Amigas). I think he might have had the Unix clone (Xenix | if I remember right) on a PC for a while. It also used C- | Net software for a good portion of the time it was up. | Ron's own code was mostly just on the Zeus and then | (extensive) expansions on C-Net." - Conrad Dunkerson, in | a message to Gerhard Bartsch (Der Strand BBS). Both good | friends of Ron's..."

"I am the original | Sysop of The Dragon's Weyr BBS, as well as the author of | DragonSoft BBS upon which it ran. The software was | originally written for a 4-user CP/M-MP/M machine and | migrated its way up into the world of IBM-PC's (running | multi-user under DesqView) before I released the source | code to Neil Clark of 2AM-BBS fame for him to use however | he saw fit.

The BBS in all its phases always ran at | least two phone lines plus usually had at least two | additional terminals in-house for locals and visitors to | connect all at the same time."

- Sauron --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-2475 | Atlantis | Livinston, NJ, (1983-1986) SYSOP | David Brett SOFTWARE | FoRum modfied by Sysop COMMENTS | "Used Ascii Graphics and pioneered into one of the first | BBS's with real color graphics in 1985" - David Brett --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-2565 | Livingston Networks | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-3174 | Fort Byte | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-3771 | AE Line: CHRIS, AE LINE: CHRIS | (1984-1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-4847 | Connection-80 | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-4870 | Yasmina CBCS | (1994) SYSOP | Harry Liu --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-5660 | Christopher Street (Gay), Communique - 80, CHRISTOPHER | STREET(GAY) | (1985-1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-6367 | Pythonic Discord BBS | (1994) SYSOP | Scott Holmes --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-9891 | DragonsWeyr2 | (1988) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-992-9893 | BMBBS The Hospital, General Hospital, The Hospital, | GENERAL HOSPITAL | Livingston, NJ (1984-1989) SYSOP | Byte Master SOFTWARE | BMBBS COMMENTS | "The Hospital was the home base for BMBBS software. Based | out of Livingston, NJ, this was an IBM PC based system | (originally Apple ][)." - Brian Bernstein --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-994-0988 | BMBBS The Garage | Livingston, NJ (1984-1985) SYSOP | David Bitton SOFTWARE | BMBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-994-3844 | Apple Grove | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-994-3930 | Radiata Press BBS | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Robert M. Denton SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-994-4620 | Apple Grove, Apple Trek Iv, Pirate Trek IV, PIRATE TREK IV | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-994-4694 | Alcatraz, ALCATRAZ | (1985) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-994-5159 | MegaCorp | (1989) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-994-5195 | The Boardroom | (1985-1988) SOFTWARE | DragonSoft --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-994-9620 | ABBS Livingston, BARN, NET-WORKS Livingston, THE BARN | (WEEKENDS) | Livingston, NJ (1982-1985) SOFTWARE | NET-WORKS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-994-9709 | Galactica, Satan's Sanctuary | (1992-1997) SYSOP | Greg Rinsky --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-996-9397 | Sugar Free BBS (2604/304), The Sugar Free BBS | (1992-1996) SYSOP | Carl Zebooker SOFTWARE | RemoteAccess --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-997-2663 | The MouseHole BBS | Kearny, NJ (1989-1996) SYSOP | Steve Lignowski SOFTWARE | VirtualBBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-997-7497 | The Dismal Sphere | Kearny, NJ (1993-1994) SYSOP | Frank Louvado SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-997-9172 | Candlestick BBS | Kearny, NJ (1994) SOFTWARE | Virtual BBS --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-997-9215 | CYBEX Magazine | Kearny, NJ (1995-1996) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-998-0653 | Closed Doors | (1995-1996) SOFTWARE | Wildcat --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-998-0691 | Quantum 2000 Node 2 | (1994) --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-998-2023 | Cyber World | (1994) SYSOP | Robert Knaak --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-998-4863 | The Bitter End | (1995) SYSOP | Hambone SOFTWARE | WWIV --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-998-7337 | Free For All BBS | (1992-1996) SYSOP | John Kleinbauer SOFTWARE | PCBoard --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-998-7509 | Kitty Anime Station | (1994-1995) SYSOP | Kevin Tseng SOFTWARE | Maximus --------------+----------------------------------------------------------- 201-998-8794 | The Golden Board BBS | KEARNY, NJ (1998) --------------+-----------------------------------------------------------